2019...I am forgotten

2019...I am forgotten

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maybe if they didnt constantly release garbage people would still care

maybe they should do more playstation bundles.
it is usually the only bundles worth a damn.

the new horror bundle is surprisingly pretty good

I still go for the occaisional monthly bundle but otherwise yeah.

Crusader Kings was the first normal bundle I bought this year and that's it.

The bundle itself is just alright, it's getting darkwood for cheap plus some other games what makes it great.

Last time they had any good bundles was in 2016. After IGN took over the quality just took a massive dip unless you want to pay them $12 every month for maybe 1 good game and a pile of garbage.

I only pirate game so whatever

Probably because there hasn't been a good bundle in years. IGN undeniably killed it. They ditched game bundles to push the monthly bundle, so the rest is always trash like anime bundles, ebook bundles, and """game developer""" software bundles.

I don't think I've grabbed a bundle in three years.
The reason why is the same reason idiots complain about Steam sales being unimpressive: you already have a library of hundreds/thousands of titles.

Darkwood is the star but Agony, Butcher, and Beholder 2 all look pretty interesting too

I use their store on sales and get some programming/maker book bundles every now and then.
They really went downhill.

Nah, I still check it every week in hope of something actually good turns up.

the bundles are absolute shit tier but the regular store is decent enough with they have their own season sales.

It's literally only THQ Nordic, and even then, it's their lesser games.

Last good bindle was when you could get tw:wh for 12 shekels.

they did a capcom bundle that was pretty fucking good too mate.

>become shit
>become forgotten
Who would've thought?

Current bundle is worth it for Darkwood alone. That said, I can't remember the last time I'd picked up a bundle from them prior to that.

Even the Fanatical ones tend to be better.

yea i haven't gotten a bundle in like 5 years

>buy and play anything I want on release
>monthly is always games I don't want to play or already played
is humble just for poorfags?

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humble is for the current brain damaged zombies who will literally subscribe to anything from food kits to razorblades.

>the bundle is just all right, but the bundle is great

humble is the only subscription I have actually

Because IGN bought it and it turned to shit
The actual bundles have been trash for a long time, but the Monthlies were still good for quite a while. I've started skipping months recently though because they've been doing a lot of really shit games
>Call of Duty
IGN probably thinks this is an improvement, but I'll probably just stop going to Humble Bundle entirely if they don't get their shit together and go back to actual decent games instead of overhyped normie shit AAA trash

I mean, I just got DiRT Rally for free the other day. I only care about HB when they give shit away and then immediately forget about it.

Dirt rally is shit though

Nobody gives a fuck about your opinion. Oh shit!

half off MHW right now
and recently got vegas for 25 bux

I just remember they exist now and again for the occasional free game that I never play.