typical sony being jews.
expect the same next gen with a $500+ console.
We must take risks to reap the rewards.
Even with that price they made a loss on each unit until about 5 years after it launched
wan mirrion troobs
no they made a profit as soon as the slim launched which was 3 years later. the 360 also lost around $200 per console + another $500 for every 360 they had to replace.
THIS is the power of the cel processor
You're showing you're underage. The PS3 had a retarded CPU that was incredibly hard to develop for, even multiplats. It's why games looked better and ran better on the 360 until like the last year of the PS3.
Will history repeat itself?
>paying $100 for an extra 40 GB hard drive space
bear in mind you can't change the hard drive to a bigger one later
The PS2 was just as bad.
If the Dreamcast didnt get hacked then Japan would still be a major Player.
To be honest, the only thing that can save the gaming industry right now is for nintendo to release a Netflix/online gaming library backed 100-200 dollar console.
Something that can play everything up to the WiiU.
It was right in front of us all along!
Shit I hope there's a Pro variant at launch, tired of my console experience being driven into the mud by poor people.
Here's your controller
>40GB more hard disk space
>100 more dollaryoos
That’s already happening you rock dweller
Why would I pay 600 dollars for what is essentially nothing? The ps3 HAS NO GAMES!
>buy ps3
>decide fuck it, throw controller away, and leave to go buy a 360 instead
>ps3 controller turns 360 degrees and moonwalks back to you
I think the 360 upscaled to 1080p natively, but most games had a native resolution of 720p or lower. For example Halo 3 ran at 640p natively.
Of course the same limitations existed for the PS3, in addition to the fucked up architecture which made it a nightmare to optimize for.
I miss 2006 so fucking much
WTF kinda lesbian sex toy is that?!?
>Hey guys, remember how Sony released their console for an astronomical price which nearly bankrupted them and put them at a severe disadvantage for the entire generation?
>Let's do exactly that with our new console, what could possibly go wrong?
Simply amazing how they never learn from the others mistakes
Don was a visionary, you mong.
I think MS were operating on information that Sony was going to release the PS4 at a similar price point only to have Sony undercut them by $100.
>499 USD to 549 CAD
i want to go back bros
>hack my ps3
>have nothing to put on it other than Armored Core 4A and jap Nier
Nogaems meme really gets driven home when you're on like page 56 of ps3 isos and have downloaded almost nothing.
>throw this piece of shit out of my house
>comes right back to me
So, this is the power of PlayStation.
>If the Dreamcast didnt get hacked then Japan would still be a major Player.
Wrong, your underage is showing.
>at least 56 pages of games
>can't find anything that suits your specific tastes
>somehow the console is the problem
>56 pages of shovelware and games that I can play with better performance on my PC
>my problem
Best console generation.
Honestly, as stupid as the design was, I at least applauded Sony for trying something different.
The PS3 was the most memed on console in history
It was great.
The more expensive unit also had WiFi and media card slots. The HDD could be swapped out for any other laptop-sized hard drive.
the trauma of the ps3 bullying is probably why they're reviewbombing exclusives to this day
>poorfags still buttblasted
this console was ahead of its time. like it or not, everything is online now and you are 99% likely to have your console connected to the internet when playing now. digital sales keep creeping into physical sales. drm is still kicking. everything about it but the forced kinect reflects the industry today and for next gen
It's why sonyfags are in eternal cope. The consolewars ended when gaming started dying and it was pointless to be loyal to anyone as every company became corrupt, but sonyfags are literally the only ones who take it seriously now.
PS5 is going to be worse. I'm expecting $999 at the minimum. And I'll just laugh until I die.