why did microsoft kill them?
Why did microsoft kill them?
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Who cares? Rare hasn't been relevant since the 90's.
... BECAUSE of Microsoft.
Seriously though, Microsoft killed everything they touched
Because you touch yourself
What if Microsoft touched themselves...
only on the butt hole
Microsoft didn't kill them. Rare was starting on a downward spiral before they had even bought them.
Because 3D Rare is irredeemable shit
dkc trilogy were their only truly great games, everything else is merely decent to straight trash and aged like milk
No. It's because of Rare. They've been steadily declining since Conker's Bad Fur Day. Microsoft just bought the husk of an already decaying studio, then reanimated the corpse. Early 2000's Rare was just as responsible for their own mediocrity as well as Microsoft. They had no original or creative ideas outside a Sim. They bastardized Banjo-Kazooie, and fucked the pooch with Kinect.
Then they're epic come back was Sea of Thieves. A completely original idea.
Everyone that was good at making games left when Microsoft bought them.
>A completely original idea
but it wasn't original or complete
Naughty Dog is still relevant, even though Sony scooped them up. How come Rare generate the same hype as Naughty Dog?
Does it really matter? Rare was already starting to lose it with some of their Xbox exclusive titles, and even before that, trying to deconstruct their platformers since they were in a creative rut. While we're at it, their FPS and platformers were rather archaic and simply served to help pave the way for more intricate ones.
I had my fun with some of their games, namely DKC2, but it was ultimately for the best they folded, as to not be exposed as short-sighted creators.
I guess the real crime is never being able to experience Dinosaur Planet in all its authentic glory.
Naughty Dog has been producing nothing but trash since the ps3 and you know it.
Agreed. I went back to the Uncharted games after years. They are exceedingly hollow and unfulfilling to play.
Yet compared to Rare...
Rare still made Viva Pinata, user.
>this will never see the light of day
It still hurts
Microsoft is on record as buying Rare because they thought it would give them the rights to use Donkey Kong, and by extension Mario.
I really don't understand how they thought that, were they really that daft to how Video Game IP's work?
Rare was a corpse already even before being acquired by MS
They didn't make a decent game since the SNES.
>Microsoft is on record as buying Rare because they thought it would give them the rights to use Donkey Kong, and by extension Mario.
No they aren't.
>Both Banjo games
>Donkey Kong 64
They were the reason collectathons were good back in the day,
uhm.. sea of thieves is based, sweaty..
not him but some execs thought rare owned dk nintendolife.com
Cry harder, nintendie, they were dead years before microsoft bought them.
They couldn't make a 3d platformer to save their lives.
DK64 was my first vidya, so I have nostalgic feelings for it, and I'd never recommend it to anyone. Rare benefited by being in the right place at the right time.
>tfw Rare studios is 30 min from me
>applied for student work placement to work for them for a year
>didn't get it
coulda been working on Sea of Thieves or some shit. Ah well.
The same could be said of the dkc trilogy
That's extremely misleading, all the article says is that a few of Microsoft's big wigs asked if they owned the rights to Donkey Kong after touring Rare's office and seeing posters for DKC and DK64 on the walls.
Both Banjos are great, but DK64 just isn't as good.
>Microsoft rep goes to visit Rareware
>Sees DKC image in the wall
>"Wow Donkey Kong... we own him right?"
There you go.
Kek. It's funny how these people at the top are so clueless. In the Sony leaked emails, Amy Pascal's grammar is on par with a grade schoolers.