I want playable Monsters/Beast Units for story DLC

I want playable Monsters/Beast Units for story DLC.

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I want to fill Annette's tummy tummy tum with my cummy cummy cum! for children DLC

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but you already play as Dedue

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I don't understand all the negative hub bub around pricing.

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Marianne should have been able to transform into a beast.
Flayn should have been able to transform into a dragon
Prove me wrong.


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>Kill an enemy with Ingrid
>"The only good Duskie is a dead Duskie. "
Wtf Ingrid we're not even fighting Duscar, those are Almyrans.

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But you can already recruit monsters with Edizon.


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how tall is flayn?

>tfw Dimitri gains 8cm on me during the timeskip

>Edelgard is a full 30 cm shorter than Dimitri

Dragons when?!

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tall enough to give a standing blowjob to dedue

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Not only that, but you can use save editors now if you know how to extract saves.

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Are there any lords as absurdly physically strong as Dimitri?

Ike because he’s based off the Mercenary/Hero classes. Athers animations are also based off old crit animations of that class.

Why do so many characters gain no height at all?
I refuse to believe this

>Lysithea gains 12cm and is taller than Hilda
>no Cyril

With a quick glance I thought Dedue was a whisky bottle and Flayn was the cork

But does he have any strength feats?

Losing Glenn really fucked her up.

So what are you guys hoping Lunatic will add?

Deadlier weapons on the maps.

An actual challege.

I want Annette to dance for me and restore my energy!

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Ancient Dragonskin, Lethality, and Counterattack on every enemy unit.

No shit but I'm talking about specifics here like altering enemy movement or letting them switch weapons and such.

Less divine pulse. Wyverns get fucked so there's more variety.

I wonder how manaketes will work from now on. They can still be unique classes, but will they be beasts you take into battle with all the weaknesses a beast has, or remain as in-state transformations
While her donut hair is cute, Anette has one of the best, if not the best, timeskip design.

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Flayn scares me...I don't know why. Basically made her a dancer and never touched her again

gotta flex on those womanlets

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So can we agree that canonically, Dimitri would kick Edelgard's ass and Edelgard would kick Claude's ass 1v1?

has a game with human units that also had playable monsters ever have the monsters be any good
i can't think of any

dimitri would literally snap edelgard in half with his boar strength

>annette will never sing about cutting you open

Should I give Felix to Cunette, Cunsithea, or Cunnidetta?

>hoverhanding hitler (female)

How strong is Edelgard canonically? I mean by the numbers her strength growth is only slightly less than the boar. But yeah Claude would get his ass handed to him by the other lords in a 1 v 1.

Claude has the best lord class plus Failnaught, so I doubt that's accurate.

how do you even choose who is paired with who isn't it random? assuming they're all A rank with each other

I'm sure she could take his long thick spear

Him and Bernie have a wholesome ending, him and Annette are cute, and I didn't recruit Jenny but i've heard it's sweet.

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Wait, can Edelgard use the sword of the creator?

He killed a god.

Its funny, I can access all difficulties.

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Is Weight -3 any good or is a waste of an ability?


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I just want more map and ability variety

I don't think it's even worth it, I tried to hook up Dimitri with a woman and he ended up getting DUSCURED.

Is Burnie considered cute and funny?

She have crest of flame so yes she can.

it's determined by who has the highest support stat, the points keep going up even after you hit A, to track them you check the close allies tab on their roster menu.

Isn't Infernal just dummy data right now?

she is considered cute cute CUTE!!! her supports with hubert are pretty great if you haven't seen them

I'm not sure as I haven't tried Infernal yet. I can do it just for you you know. If you want.

Highest support values. I managed to save Lysithea by having her and Lindhardt stand in the fire on the final map in Beagles and having them alternate using heals. I

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I love how Hubert basically goes 'oh shit I'm actually scaring her okay I'll tone it down'

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>Caspar is one of the few male units to get a growth spurt
>still the shortest male
Look at this fucking dude

They're between 15 and 23 years old in the first image. By that age, some have already grown to their adult height. Lysithea is the youngest so she grew the most.

Ignatz sadly exists

i thought that was a girl at first

You should just raise speed instead cause the Avo you get from less weight only works on weapon attacks, doesn't do shit for spells

she clearly didn't in the BL route

>still taller than Caspar
oh thank god

>Get to the first mission in Red Canyon
>Move Dmitri forward
>He gets killed instantly because each bandit can attack twice
I've made a mistake, haven't I?

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Am between Linhardt and Ferdie post skip myself

"Napping" with Annette!

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She can't use its true potential because the sword's crest stone is inside of Byleth's body

Wait a minute, are you using a save editor or something?

Who are the "no homo" support of GD? BE has Hubert and Ferdinand, BL has Felix and Sylvain.

Realistically speaking, what would it take to make Edelgard and Dimitri talk it out and settle their differences peacefully?

I'm playing Red Canyon Dominance on Hard/Classic.
Are there save editors out for this game already?

Tea time

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I mean Dimitri tries to talk it out with El in BL while El doesnt even try in BE.

if she didn't act like a lunatic before the timeskip, maybe they could've had a nice talk and maybe a quick fuck

That's why I said Dimitri AND Edelgard, user.

During the school phase it wouldn't be too hard, just make sure El doesn't bring up the fact that she's the FE and they'll get along fine, hell if she talk about what happened to her Dimitri would enter into BOAR mode to protect El.
During the war phase it'd be pretty hard but perhaps if Edelgard was subdued and didn't have a weapon on her it could happen.

Dmitri tries this in the BL route. El's autism too strong

wait are the models already online? I know there's already a Bernie SFM out there, but where are the rest of them?

The Golden Deer are actually not homos

She's an inhuman monster who's part of the organization that secretly controls Fodlan while masquerading as priests

This same monstrous cabal keeps Fodlan disunited through crests so that they can perform human experimentation on babies in order to allow an even older and more powerful inhuman beast to possess an unborn child

You're right to be scared. Flayn, and all inhuman monstrosities cannot be trusted. The only correct course of action is to destroy all the inhuman beasts and return the control of Fodlan's future to humanity

How do you activate his crest. I never did that much.

Yes, look up and you will see a few pics of a save editor, although cropped for some reason.

All edelgard has to do was spend one year at the officer’s academy as a student and not a terrorist constantly plotting to murder everyone

Nobody, GD is straight house.

You have to move Dedue to the front line so he can NO DAMAGE everything.

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Maddening doesn't have much in it either, that's why everybody stopped talking about it

>No gays in Golden Deer
>The only gay in Blue Lions is from the Empire
What the fuck do they put in the water in the Empire?

crests were already dying out, so it's not like you needed to genocide them, especially since Rhea fucks off in 2/3 of the routes leaving (You) in charge.

You seem trustworthy but what’s with your musical taste?

She's only got about 5 years to live so that is actually a big ask.


Well the Slitherers are in control of half the Empire so it's probably some gay crest shit

Why didnt Edelgard marry Claude so he can find the cure for her like he does if he marries Lysithea?


Strikes me as a keen Skrillex enthusiast.

I wonder who is behind this post

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Because Edelgard loves Sensei who can cure her with his dick

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Because El doesn't want to marry some smelly Almyran

This isn’t true at all and never comes up outside of one singular paired ending which doesn’t even directly acknowledge edelgard’s lifespan. Seiros blood actually makes you live longer

you can bet he was imagining it

Every conversation between Edelgard and Dimitri is honestly terrible. On BL, Dimitri asks Edelgard why she started the war, she doesn't tell him at all then they say some dumb platitudes, Dimitri gives her the dagger and that's it. On BE, you have the "hurr must you conquer" "hurr must you reconquer" then Dimitri blames Edelgard for everything wrong with his life and she just goes "lol obsessed". Just what.

who are the gays in BE? Dorothea?

You already have a boar. Isn't that enough?

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>the war could have been avoided if Dimitri just IMAGINE'd Edelgard instead of just thinking about

Edelgard, Dorothea, and Linhardt. Also Petra's ending with Dorothea is incredibly gay

Of all the yurishipping in the game, this is the least likely to be true. Shamir and Catherine, you can see why. Hilda and Marianne? Very good platonic gal pals

Based and dubsteppilled


is there a single person here who actually likes this fucker, he's so unlikable

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never used him, he's just that boring

If they danced together El might remember the time they spent in the Kingdom and confide in him

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It triggers when you use combat arts like tempest lance.
So if you just attack normally, so you can double, it will never trigger.

>my Raphael has over 70 HP already
What the fuck does this guy even eat

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Then why doesnt marry Lorenz so he can feed her flintstone vitamins???

The slitherers are more sympathetic and justified than edelgard, prove me wrong.

literal janitor

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He does it for free

>crests were already dying out
That's what Sylvain says, but there is no proof of that.

A lot

Any more Felix reaction images?

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what doesn't he eat

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The problem is El is only sympathetic or even slightly sane when she's with BEST.

>my dimitri has 26 strength at level 35 before using strength items

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She sucks at coming up with names uh?


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I don't see the problem with him. He's obnoxious and poorly written but he's not a bad person or anything. I respect his determination.

Man you got gimped hard

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Wait! This isnt sword training

>Lindhardt calls out Caspar for eating an obnoxious amount of food
>Caspar's support with Raphael is literally "holy shit Raphael you're eating so fucking much"

>Hilda is second shortest girl after the timeskip
Huh, I never would've guessed judging from the size of her tits.

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let's just say it helps his endurance ;)

She just remembers some girl that was her friend.

from a certain point of view it is

Ok, realistically speaking, what could be done to help make Edelgard less of a sperg and open up to others?

>Flame Emperor
>Black Eagle Strike Team
I'd like to believe it's less egregious in Japanese but that's probably wishful thinking.

A thorough fuck

In seriousness Edelgard trying to reconnect with Dimitri at the academy would probably work to bring them together, especially if she recounts her backstory.

Splitting her in two.

dedue was a beast pre-timeskip but he's really bad post, what class are you supposed to make him? he's not fast enough to x2 anything and doesn't have high enough strength to one shot either. dedue is really disappointing compared to raphael the war master GOD

Welcome! Welcome!

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ensuring she can completely trust you honestly

Professor penis. She says this herself

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Talking to literally anyone that isn’t the beta cuck orbiter Hubert and uncle slithernigger

>but there is no proof of that.
i want to think it was heavily implied based on how many disowned children/crestless children there are
if anyone would be interested in researching the generational crest:child ratio, it would be sylvain of all people

Flame Emperor is good though, it gives you a clue to their identity.


Manekete seals and recruitment when?

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Not hanging out with Hubert, who is the most blatantly evil person in existence.

Someone risking their life for her like Byleth does in the prologue fight. That's apparently all it takes.

>have to throw your life away to appease that cunt
wow what a cunt

It's still fucking dumb sounding.

there's very little name changes in TH in general, so no edelgard's just super chunni

How many Annas are out there at this point?

"have sex"

>tells his king to have sex every time they meet
>does it in team huddles too


> who is the most blatantly evil person in existence.
as someone who's only partially played some BL and played GD i can safely say you've got a heavily skewed opinion
very edelgardian opinion

>Ran between two kingdoms at the age of 11 avoiding imperial guards for Edelgard
>When he scares cute girls he tones it down
>Personally hunts down and kills every slitherer
How is it possible for one man to be this based?

it's good that without accounting for recruitment, Annette and Felix is basically seen as the canon choice, they're cute

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More that there are Outrealms.

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In Japanese voices no one ever says "Flame Emperor" or "Black Eagle Strike Team", though, I was waiting for the Engrish.

Is this the non-shitpost FE thread


Is such a thing even possible?

Can anyone explain how Sylvain reverse Chrom-blocked me? I played a female Byleth on my second playthrough(BE) and picked Edelgard to meet me at the tower after the prom thing. Yet when I arrived it was fucking Sylvain and I had no save file to re-explore and check it again.
Can you only have a male-female date there? That's what the legend says.

nigga what the fuck
why is there so much disgusting fujo art for this game

Fire emblem is a fujo series

Talking with other people about her problems

Too bad her personality sucks

Do we even know how Seteth and Flayn look like as dragons? Also do you think they will add them in the DLCs/updates

You’re cleaning and oiling up your armor when you stop to look over your shoulder to reach for a new rag when pic relate is look over your shoulder like this. What do?

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because it's super fujo bait, blue lions especially is the otome house so all the cute boys live there.

Either Dimitri reminding her of the time they spent together before she got raped, or Dimitri somehow finding out about the Slitherers and confronting her about it.

Then why is there only one male gay option which no one cares about

I assume its the person you have the highest support with, edelgards b support is locked to the time skip so its super unlikely you canget her for the tower of the goddess scene unless you're gimping your supports with everyone else

This the first time you've ever seen or heard of Fire Emblem?

that's basically their ending

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Hubert's kinda nice in supports

They can settle for stuff like sylvain/Felix

But none of them are actually gay
BE is the only house with a fag in it

That's so sweet.

No, _______on both counts_________.

I did that Sothis paralogue where you go to the red canyon.
Is that one even possible on Classic? I wasnt playing Classic, so I sacrificed a few units to just distract them, but my fuck I cant imagine it in Classic.


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That's what happens when you dont say NO HOMO
Warn her about the guntlets

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>her personality sucks
Only if you're Edelgard.

bromance =/= gayshit

Fujos literally dont give a shit about that. If they see 2 attractive men interacting, theyre gonna be on that shit

I just wait until I'm somewhat overleveled with that one. It's a lot easier when you've got a flying unit or two. And having two archers for the birds doesn't hurt either.

Yeah its possible, but I got a lucky crit at the end otherwise would've potentially lost Lorenz or Raphael

Claude kicks both of their asses because he has a three range relic and he's a fucking flying unit.

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She's mean to Marianne I fucking hate her

Kill the inhuman beast before it can subvert me with its lies

>annette is the shortest post timeskip
The permanent little sister

I can’t be the only one who noticed that?

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>he thinks fujos care about canon

have you ever played a fire emblem b4? because the game is only ever hard on the final map. even on hard its ez lunatic when

(You) are Edelgard's instructor. As her teacher (you) are concerned with her isolation from her peers and the negative effect this has on her paranoia and mental state in general. To fix this because of the dangerous ramifications it has for the future of the continent, (you) have decided to stage an intervention. This involves the following:
>identify confidants for whom Edelgard can open up to about her problems
>arrange a place, time, and excuse to get Edelgard into a meeting with these people alone
>convince and/or trick into Edelgard doing this
(You) have three days. How do (you) accomplish this?

use Rescuec

>does it again

so does that make seteth a cougar(male)?

Who the fuck goes homo with Linhardt anyway? His straight supports are better since he can save Lysithea and breeds the fuck out of Flayn

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>breeds the fuck out of Flayn

Never seen this amount of gay art for any fire emblem before
Yakuza is a whole different story

I did, his CG was cute

No she isn't, the mean person in GD is Lysithea but that's because shes stressed all the time from her cancer and needs to be told to chill out

wow you really suck at this game

Their A support is literally her yelling at Marianne for not being more positive

>Friend who takes games really slow just finished his first route on Church route
>He wanted to side with Edelgard
>Tells me he never got the option to S-rank anyone
>Nobody except Ferdinand and Dorothea got a paired ending

I'm not even sure how that happens, hell I didn't even know you could miss Jeralt's ring.

personally i found that map to be easy as fuck
things dont actually get challenging until part 2 paralogues
mariannes one and petra/bernies one are fucked

Ferdinand x Hubert is hella gay, I didn't think anyone could make Hubert blush

If the guys are attractive to girls, 7 times out of 10 they want to see his ass get pounded by another hot guy instead of self-inserting as the girl.

>Seteth is a cat

Goddamit I love him so much

Alright fag I'd like to see you and your level 15s do it.

wtf i want seteth's cougar dilf pussy

Ferdiechad makes everyone blush, he makes Bernadetta wetter than a waterfall

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She wasn't raped.

>hey turns out we were supposed to get married. What a funny twist ah ah ah?

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>wanted to side with Edelgard
Oh no, its retarded

>takes games really slow
then how did he miss the ring

>literally yelling
>doesnt actually yell

user, what do you think was going on in her uncle's rape dungeon? How do you think they "implanted" the crests? Why do you think those who have implanted crests die in a few years? They get STDs, user. She was raped for months on end, user.

He was my Wyvern Lord, I like him

>play BE
>Catherine appears
>doesn't even leave the forest before she gets nuked down

I hear it's Hubert on the other routes and that he gets Meteor so I can see how it's kind of hard on those but it ended up being fairly easy for me. Marianne's wasn't too bad when I was actually using her as a unit, I just gave up when she was significantly underleveled.

Literally all of his A supports with girls are him making them wet as fuck then teasing them and walking off like a badass

>petra/bernies one are fucked
does that one change on the other routes or something? I

literally does tho
even put an exclamation mark

Wrong choice of words. He's slow to finish due to a lack of free time, but from what I understood he was getting bored of the explore segments and just did auto-instruct at times

>Dimitri somehow finding out about the Slitherers
He already knew something was up with Arundel. If Dimitri didn't go full-BOAR and anybody in this game was capable of remembering that the Slitherers bodysnatch people, then it wouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility that he could figure it out.

you do it on non-be and you have to fight hubert with his two memeteors way before you actually are prepared to deal with that spell

This sounds like that one episode of Fate/Zero

Flayn doesn't even waits for the A support, and gets like a fucking waterfall at the B support already.
They all are lining up for his Noble Standard

I was thinking more along the lines of Edelgard tells you earlier and you tell him, but him figuring it out himself would also be pretty cool.

W-what happens in that one episode, user?

Too be fair, they are called crest worms.


Well he has one of the most useful crests


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it's literally the same concept, Magic Crests in Nasuverse are essentially the same thing in Three Houses conceptually
the biggest difference is that in Nasu, the nobles empowered by Crests are 100% in the right because something something tyranny of the majority something something

>W-what happens in that one episode, user?
A girl has a magic crest forcibly implanted in her body by raping her with enchanted worms.

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>Mercedes/Casper paralogue
>Never actually used Capser before the paralogue

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Why does Dimitri get to be the designated otomebait Lord instead of Claude?

Same but for Leonie/Linhardt

Wow, who knew the FE writers watched Fate/Zero.

he looks better in an eyepatch then claude

Because healing a broken boy is the best otomebait

All that twitch thots play Claude's route so dont worry, they all love brown immigrants

>Aryan lad with a dark past
>Can fix him with the power of milkies

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Fuck you Seteth. Let me partake of the Professor's fish.

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Why did Sothis teach people how to make nukes and then get surprised that people were using the nukes?

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I was unaware both Dmitri and Dedue were from the Empire

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Church unironically did nothing wrong

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She thought they were going to use them against hurricanes

That's just an iron forged broship


Not necessarily, I like to see them be with both guys and girls.

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thats bromance user

This but unironically

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>fuck you dad I'm old enough to drink


I forgive you mommy now lets milkies

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I think their ending implies that with "There, after confirming the results of Linhardt's experiments, Edelgard was able to enjoy a rare break from her busy life"

Something something loose morals are a sign of a deteriorating empire.

>Edelgard filtering everybody who autoinstructs and doesn’t explore from her route

what a wholesome image

God imagine pumping your pure Aryan sperm into here genetically superior womb.

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>reconciliation with Duscur

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>There, after confirming the results of Linhardt's experiments, Edelgard was able to enjoy a rare break from her busy life"
I'm not talking about their ending, though, I'm talking about how in my game, Lindhardt saved Lysithea, but in my Edelgard ending she still dies. Why didn't he save both?

Find a husband

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Probably sleeping

Die like a true knight.

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>free cake for life
>the honor of saving edelshit
hard choices

>Go on Byleth, my trusty experim... I mean professor. Sever the head of your beloved student whom you’ve bonded with and who taught you how to feel emotions
>No, can’t we just like imprison and trial her or something like that ? Decapitation seems extreme
>REEEEEE, you fucking traitor, I’ll fucking rip out your heart
Rhea was crazy

You know who was a true knight? Lonato, now there was a great man and a great knight, I wish I could be like him.


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based lindhardt letting the mass murderer meet her horrendous end

>my feet hurt
>Manuela wont let go
>Alois is too loud
>I just want to go back to my room and study crests

So why don't any of the other dragons have a stick up their ass over 'muh Sothis' like Rhea?

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Anons, is Felix a good recruit for the Black Eagles?

Ashe is a pure boy and didn't deserve anything that happened to him.

>betray her
>she wants to kill you now

>Cyril is managing the bar
That seems like a bad idea

>Beloved Student

No, it doesnt make sense lore wise at all.
He is a good unit though, probably the best non-lord unit.

Is Felix ever not a good recruit?

>you can't kill the monster who is responsible for the majority of murders in the scenario
>you should put them on trial and imprison her instead
Fuck off, Batman.

Seteth is tired of this shit and Flayn just wants to make friends and eat fish

I am pretty sure that Seteth and Flayn didn't because they still had each other at least

And the other two?

No. Petra can fill a similar role on your team and it's incredibly OOC of him to ditch Dimitri.

Refusing to letting your student die seems reasonable. You’re their sensei.

If you have Catherine and dont want another swordmaster with lone wolf ability.

Felix is a machine.

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I assume serios was the survivor closest to her mother

he's a monster in combat and has two endings with some of the BE girls so about as worth it as joining GD

The turtle guy just wants to mind his own business, dont remember the other guy

Doesn't he hate Faerghus or some shit? Instead of bond with his friends over it and becoming half-edgy, he goes full edge.

desu his recruitment cost is stupidly high and there are other, easier to get swordsmen who are just as good.

He's fine, though if you really want to cover your bases I'd suggest getting Mercedes and Annette instead. Most of the BE mages are men which kind of sucks.

>student kills your other students
>no you can't kill her you're her teacher!

Are you implying you dont have to kill other lords in every route?

She lead the group of students who started humanizing Byleth. I’d assume he was pretty fond of her.


She's better with Sylvain

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but he could do both
also apparently they lived in poverty

>Sylvain is childhood friend of Dimitri
>support only goes to B

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>Doesn't he hate Faerghus or some shit?
He's literally the most patriotic of all of them aside from maybe Sylvain and Dimitri

He loves the shit out of his friends, he's just jaded and angsty about what he perceives to be a stupid ideal in chivalry.

>if you kill your enemies they win
This is where Edelfags are at right now

But if you kill many killers the number goes down.

This post was made by the Dimitri gang

Sometimes it be like that

She also can't go a mission without going on some borderline evil tangent
>I wanna kill god lol

From what I know, the characters that make the most sense joining BE unless it's the church route are Lysithea, Ashe, Lorenz. Someone might have made a list of which characters make the most sense by now.

I'm fucking PISSED that we couldn't see that support go further, it was gold

How do I get dark lines around my eyes like this fellow without using makeup? It looks cool.

It's easier to rationalize Edelgard if you accept that she got brain damage while being experimented on.

>Sylvain could have helped Dimitri asking Edel out and none of the madnes would have happened

He doesnt sound to happy about it and says he's "forced" to fight for the Empire, you can also recruit him after defeating him

By never sleeping because you're tormented by the ghosts of the past

stop sleeping

>implying he's wrong
Chivalry is a joke. A battlefield is Hell itself. There's no hope to be had on one. There is nothing but unspeakable despair. Just a soulless crime we call victory, paid for by the pain of the defeated. But humanity has never recognized this truth. And the reason is that, in every era, a dazzling hero has blinded the people with their legends, and kept them from seeing the evil of bloodshed they bring.

Niggers should have joined my house if they want my protection. Manuela/Hanneman are responsible for them, not me lol.

Don't sleep

Trust me it doesn't look as cool in real life

Sometimes it B like that


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It only looks good on girls

Stop being underage

Catherine pls

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How can gorillas even compete?

But Manuela and Hanneman join your house while the lords twiddle their thumbs all by themselves without anyone to even teach them

>Two parents with crests
>many children
>no crests
The seed is weak!

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Why is Dimitri not an pyscho in BE route?
This route has become much less fun.

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i think thats what sylvain wanted, so none of his kids would get favouritism

Ingrid is for Almyran cock ONLY

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>Gilbert fishing in the corner

Claude is the friendly, safer looking guy
Dimitri post timeskip is the one they schlick to

>Sylvain killed any of his kids that had crests

Bros how do I steel myself for an Edelgard route playthrough
I have done every route but hers and I fucking despise the shit out of her but I want to 100% this game

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But Dimitri is also a gorilla

You'll learn to love your Emperor.

I'm not saying he's wrong.
But I'm not saying he's right either.

Would rather contract hepatitis

It's the shortest route, power through for the interesting side characters

It's the shortest route if that helps

Edelgard doesn't invade the kingdom so Dimitri is never sentenced to death and doesn't spend years in solitude believing his best friend sacrificed himself for his sake

>does the chasing
>is the knight
>didnt swing a single sword in the entire conflict
yeah okay

I can only imagine Claude on his wyvern being chased around by Ingrid

So only produce kids with crests.

Made for being SS'd

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>Dimitri has a similar pelt cloak to the Starks
Just noticed this now

Thats brainlet shit
Chivalry is a beautiful noble ideal that we've forgotten in the modern era, would do a LOT of good if people could learn to be selfless and serve a higher cause again.
Ingrid owns Felix in their B and A supports anyway.


Wrong, because she's married to me!

Made for each other.

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A lot of people do serve a higher cause selflessly, its called Disney.

Got this ending too.
>0 battles
God what is this faggotry I am viewing.

Need some art of Dimitri hate fucking her.

>0 battles
>0 victories
>0 white children


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people who only use units as adjutants

Shota Dimitri is only for either Loli Edelgard or Adult Edelgard.
Cornelia is a pretty good fit, though.


Go full evil and make friends kill friends.

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Everyone above the average American male height of 180 cm is a certified Chad, it's not your fault

The man just wants to do his research

Bernie and Lindhart are honestly more like D. Not because they strongly oppose her in particular but could give two fucks about politics in general.

just pretend she's Hilda or something

>the man who devoted his life to studying crests

He hates how a person's worth is decided by their crests and one of the goals of his research is to give everyone crests.

Recruiting was a mistake

>made everyone at least attack their friends
>couldn't bring myself to have Mercedes attack Annette or Gilbert

>fucking sylvain
Lmao what? Sylvains family is one of the two (the other being Felix's) that is still opposed to the Empire in the timeskip why the FUCK would he even consider joining her?
Ferdinand gets royally fucked over by Edelgard and Bernie straight up hates the Empire and her family

His whole Crest research obsession is because his sister was killed because she never bore a child with a Crest. He wants to make Crests available to everyone because he hates the system that did it.

>give him aptitude
>but let's make his actual growths shit lmao


She's better with ashe because autism adventures with your husband are cute and also he's the palest, therefore is the whitest

Ferdinand is B in the context of Beagles.

>slut and manslut

Sylvain hates crests and sorta implements what Edelgarde wanted in his BL ending

That makes less sense for BE than any other route
He also hates the Empire

Hanneman and Manuela are confirmed Imperial supporters if you don't recruit them. They fight you in Dimitri's paralogue.

>some of you may die
But user, she's also fighting on the front lines as well.
If you're not shitpost, you'll probably come to like her as you find out about her.

Edelgard wants to fix the problem by removing all crests, Hanneman wants to give everybody crests. Their goal is pretty much the same.

>Ferdinand gets royally fucked over by Edelgard
Not in Black Eagles, though.

Yeah, the same Empire that Edelgard upended and is intent on reforming.

Why Manuela?

Almost every character in the game hates crests
Sylvain knows they are required to keep his region safe though
There is absolutley 100% no way he would join Edelgard even though shes a cute girl, he's loyal to Dimitri

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His support with Bernadetta is cute! cute! cute!

Pretty sure his lands get seized no matter what. It depends on weather or not he decides to be her puppet

She used to work at the opera company in the empire or something

>he's loyal to Dimitri
>until Fem!Byleth comes around


too bad he cant resist the professor's boobs


By making all of her friends the new nobility, yea nice

Smol girls arent lolis

Aptitude was only good when you could give it to a child unit in Awakening. It's shit design otherwise.

I'm pretty sure this isn't the case at least in the ending I got

This but unironically

>*ahem* FUCK Rhea and FUCK the Church and FUCK the Blue Lions and FUCK Dimitri Alexandre Blaidud
How do you respond

Byleth in E, because Edelgard shares the guilt for his father's death, and won't even admit it.

That pretty much just means that they would just go along with her by default unless they had a reason not to. For the non-BE routes, Linhardt explicitly says that he was just chilling in 5 years during the timeskip cause he didn't care, and only chose to betray them because you were back.

Three Houses
Four Cakes

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Felix sounds like he's been brainwashed in BE-E

The way Dimitri tore him apart in it with almost zero retort fron Felix reminded me of ZTD whenever you choose the obviously bad option to fill out the flowchart

He married Petra in my playthrough so he's like the prince of that island.

Go back to r*ddit

Don't be like that Claude, Dimitri is like your third cousin

Lysithea says she has 5 years to live post timeskip in her Support.

It's talking about Fodlan as a whole. She talks a lot about making sacrifices, but the only ones being sacrificed are the innocent people she kills in the name of her deranged goals.

I can do that last one

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with an orgy

FUCK Thales
FUCK The Empire
FUCK Cornelia
FUCK the Black Eagles
and most importantly FUCK Edelgarde von Hresvelg



Caspar doesn't at all care about Edelgard's reforms. He even accuses her of hiding behind them as an excuse to make it about her. In the Church route he's such a moralfag he's one of the most vocal of hating Edel. Linhardt and Bernie are the same deal. They don't care about their Noble families, let alone the Empire. Listen what they have to say about Edelgard outside her own route. They don't care about Edelgard at all. And many of them like Ferdie disagree with her ideals and think she's an insane cunt. And Petra secretly even tells that she always wanted to bring down the Empire because she was held hostage by them. It's pretty easy.

>paired up Ashe and Ingrid because I thought they were great together
>got them to A rank with each other and no one else
>they didn't get married
What went wrong

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Asserting dominance

Felix in BE-E is really just weird. Like a completely different character.

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How do you pronounce this?

In BE, her war is the shortest, and I think she can have the lowest kills.
She also wants to end the war as soon as possible for all the people that died. And for Dimitri.

heres velg

>hhhhng uhn See kiddo ugh this is HOW kids are ooooh made. Yeah yeah I uh know I told you about the stork that deliveres babies but OH GOD that was the best thing I culd come out with. It's essentially OH GOD I'M COMING the same except my dick is the stork

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Move Leonie down. Her joining the Beagles makes no sense given her Jeralt obsession.
Raphael too, he has a sister to protect.

Why did they make him so hot

Do you think she tries to sing while she has sex with Felix?

He should be able to one round just about anything as a war master with knucks equipped. You can also show him crude drawings of horses/wyverns for 90% of the game and make him a great knight/wyvern lord but it'll be a struggle to get his weapon ranks to A+ that way

Str, Def, and Hp are literally all he has going for him so if one those doesn't turn out he does get fucked quite a bit.

Hresvelgr without the r

>She's even older than Manuela.

He's an autist who only cares about the sword

>In BE, her war is the shortest, and I think she can have the lowest kills
You know all those people that died in that five year span you were asleep, guess who caused them to die?


Thats completely untrue though, do his supports
Thats just his coping mechanism

Why were trips sacrified on a post like this

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One of the most out of character recruitments in the game. Genuinely shouldn't have been an option. He's moralfag supreme in that game and would never go to that faction.

>That convo between Felix and Sylvain if Felix killed his father
kino Sylvain absolutely destroyed him

They get married on other routes if you pair them. On blue lions, legends believe they got married but nobody knows for sure

Well, she's also not human so age doesn't work the same for her

He looks so small without his giant cape.

They don't think she's insane, and in their supports with her the.writers make it very clear how they fit into Edelgard's utopian vision.
Don't just watch the C supports on YouTube and then come here spouting misinformation.

Doesn't she start war far later in the five year time skip or something in her route? I'm pretty sure there wasn't a stalemate for a while in her route either, so those deaths aren't there like they are in BL.


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In my BE play through with Felix he was blamed for killing his father despite not even getting close to him on the battle field

Yeah he only cares about the sword thats why he:
Gladly gives up his sword arm to save Ingrid
Promises to die on the same day as Sylvain so they won't be apart
Mourns Dimitri's death more than his wife

he's still like 6'3

End a war she started, for all the people she killed. There's no justifying it.

Claude would destroy them with his battlation, but without it he's just what if an archer had good growths and base

based retard

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>Dimitri is defeated, cant fight any longer
>kills him
>it's the curch fault


People who hate Felix are literally jealous of how cool he is, prove me wrong.

Ferdie legit hates Edelgard even before the time-skip. He calls her out constantly when you recruit him outside BE route. When you force them to work together in the field, Edelgard make it clear that she doesn't like him at all.

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There is no way any sane person could like her
Only if your brain is glazed in cum could you like her

>proceeds to one shot Dimitri

Play a route that isn't the non-canon route.

This isn't right
I don't have to kill Dimitri when I inevitably play BE right?

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Which couples have the worst/most dysfunctional ends?

I feel like it's more dissapointment than hate. He thought she was better than this

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Jesus. This game is emotional torment.

>Has a hit chance of 21% and kills on counter
Legitimately the hardest boss in the game

user, if she didn't start the war the Slitherers would have just killed her and have taken complete control of the empire. They most likely would have just waited until either the Alliance fell, or just started the war themselves. If that happened, the world would have been turbo-fucked.

I literally never said it was the church's fault she died. Neither does Edelgard. IIRC, she blames it on her uncle's strategy. She heavily regrets what's happened and wish he could have lived as well.

>After some uncertainty about the details, it was decided that Caspar would marry into Bernadetta's family, seeing as she had claim to House Varley. The two had a chaotic reign and a marriage to match. Each time Caspar caused some incident, Bernadetta would demand promises as recompense. Over time, there oaths accumulated to such a great number that it became necessary to compile them, and the resulting document came to be known as the "47 Articles of Bernie." Among these Articles was the provision that, when counting their large quantity of children, Caspar was not to accidentally count his wife among them.

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Hey anons, what was your favourite unconventional character/class combo?

the point was that she didnt need to kill him, he couldnt fight anymore

She could have taken Dimitri prisoner till the war's end

...and now go watch their A support, where he says
>I truly believe people are a product of their environment.
in affirmation that his beliefs about nobles can in fact be incorporated into Edelgard's vision.
He is her second most trusted advisor in her route, while in others they barely interact and he has 5 or 6 unvoiced monastery lines about her.

>Edelgard make it clear that she doesn't like him at all
Well their no support lunch conversation involves Ferdinand making it a speed eating contest. I can't blame her for thinking that way of him when he does that.

Fuck that
I'm gonna spam + and skip it

>that moment when you realise you're the villain

Do you really think that would have turned out well? She wanted Dimitri to survive as well, but she knew that he was to far gone to his lust for hatred and revenge against her. Even disregarding that, the Kingdom's soldiers would have done everything in their power to get him back, which would have just led to more needless death.

And he is still Less Str then a fucking Dancer.

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Sword Savant Manuela

I made Seteth be like how he is depicted by mankind. As a Lance wielding Bishop.

Its almost like everyone does mental gymnastics in her route or something

I want to know why the perspective on the backgrounds during cutscenes is all fucked up as if the character models are standing inside a cube with jpgs of the backgrounds pasted onto 4 walls when the environments actually exist as real 3D places in the actual monastery.

>casper was not to accidentally count his wife amoung them
holy fuck

The whole fight against the BL on BE route really portrays them as the good guys

She still had a choice. It's nobler to die than to kill tens of thousands of innocents. That's what Dimitri, or Ferdinand, or any of the nobles with an ounce of integrity would have chosen, and she didn't, because she's a vain, conceited coward.

>dimitri wanted to spare her
>she doesnt even fucking care about dimitri
What a fucking cunt
God I hate her so much

>hey guys I literally have your king as an hostage. If you keep fighting we will execute him. So you better surrender the army and start negotiating for peace

>he cums

Imagine having a lower strength cap than Annette.

She grew where she needed too.

It's almost like you project bullshit onto characters that aren't even in the fucking A-plot scenes and think character differences across alternate realities are somehow "out of character" instead of literally being bizarro versions of themselves from other routes.

I fucking hate it so much. There's definitely bigger problems with the game but the ugly ass backgrounds bother me the most. I don't understand it

Probably because the switch is shit and can't render the environment and the higher detail characters in cutscenes

Wow you angry bro?

I disagree with Ferd on this one. I don't like El, but one thing I do respect about her is her ideals. It's too bad her methods of implementing them bring more harm than good.

Mortal Savant Marianne
It's not too unconventional, but it's very much why are you making the main healer fight?

Why the fuck is she so unga guys?

>when you're the villain in 3/4 routes and everybody hates you
>but not in your own route where everyone suddenly loves you so its ok

>if you don't kill Dedue in the fight with the three houses in GD he comes and helps to avenge his highness
where can you even find someone as loyal as Dedue in this world bros?

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You’re going to fall in love with her

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She didn't really have time for negotiations at that point. She had to get to Rhea as fast as possible to minimize her strength. Let's say she does eventually give him back through negotiations, what do you think Dimitri would do? He would immediately go back to trying to kill her, even if costed him his life. The sad truth is, in Black Eagles, his lust for revenge has made him too crazy to ever take prisoner and try to save.

Die and let the Slitherers control all of Fodlan? Do you really think that's a good idea?

>Ferdinand constantly harasses her because he wants to be better
>he seems like a giant dick for this unless if you do his support with Hubert

>if you don't kill Dedue in the fight with the three houses in GD he comes and helps to avenge his highness
Fuck that was so cool.

>Edelgard is so awful that they had to throw together a fourth route so you could abandon ship without having to restart the game

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>Edeltard didn't grow at all

They love her because they fought under her for 5 years, how fucking stupid are you?

We're talking about her route though, not the other ones.

Dimitri is significantly crazier in BL route and even then somehow manages to keep the moral highground

I feel you user, I'm struggling through her route too.
Gonna try to use speed runs strats, going all flyers, brought on Lys as a warpslut, have 3 stride battalions.

Her ideals are pathetic. The church, even if it has an ulterior motive, is a genuinely benevolent organisation on the whole, and her criticism of the crest system is even weaker. Certainly it makes the lives of nobles harder, but so what? The crest is their privilege and their burden, the tool they wield to defend the people under their rule. If they have to make some personal sacrifices then so be it. If she were to attack the institution of nobility altogether then it would be different, but she doesn't. If anything her reforms will only make nobles more diffident and prone to corruption, as removing their duties did in reality.

do you think the people who genocided the duscurs because they believed the duscurs slaughtered their king would take that lying down?

>but one thing I do respect about her is her ideals
What the fuck even are her ideals? Dimitri absolutley obliterates her "ideals" and makes her admit she doesnt have any, she's just projecting onto everyone else and serving her own ego
She declares war on an institutiom that has maintained peace through its authority, because she wants to maintain peace through her authority, its so incredibly dumb its hard to fathom
>allegedly hates nobility and wants "true meritocracy"
>doesnt fuck byleth cos he's a commoner and makes all her childhood friends the new nobility
>ferdinand points out that the old nobility already was meritocracy, that was the whole point

Only in FE.

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Did you even see that part of the game where Edelgard's about to kill him? He's literally yelling about how much he wants Edelgard to suffer and die. He literally says he wants her to bow her head below all the people she attacked and then die. He literally says she should be in the fires of eternity. In GD, he literally gets himself killed trying to kill her, user. Do you really think he's crazier in BL? In BL he's just punished snake.

For a moment I thought you meant as a character, which is absolutely true.

I somehow doubt Edelgard is weighing it up from the point of view of grand strategy. Even if she is, if she can kill the slitherers, then so can anyone else. Warning the rest of the continent about their existence would be a far more productive measure against them.

I'd rather kill myself than become one of you delusional jizzbrains


You mean this?
Nice exaggeration retard

You havent played BL have you

Does anyone have any tips for not killing GD units on the three way battle at Gronder Field (BL route)

Why are they attacking me? Why does Claude fucking attack me and then go 'haha woah there professor don't you think we shouldn't be fighting?' as he fucking crits me for 218497 damage the fucking faggot

I would just rush Edelgard but I don't think I have will have time given the paladins and flying units that rush in on the GD side.

Edelgard is literally (hyperbolically) a completely monster who should literally (literally) suck my dick.

With the exception of Dimitri (never the twain shall meet with those two), she enters the story with the most baggage and so her mind is made up.
As someone who's played a ton of FE in the last couple years, it's amazing to have a proactive character that doesn't just stumble into everything.

you forgot the best part

>plans ahead in case edelgard gets btfo, intercepts the slitherers CP folder and traces them back to their headquarters for blyat to pursue and kill them, something even the fucking dragons couldn't do for hundreds of years

I just killed them all. I didn't feel bad about it, since they were going to ruthlessly kill my boys and girls otherwise. Glad I recruited the chad Lorenz and Marianne first, though.

Just kill every last one of them you pussy. Nothing even changes if you let them live.

Falco Knight Petra

Literally what I did after Jeralt died, I immediately lost all faith in her as a character when I figured out who she was and the fact that she had been lying and using me the whole time
How braindead would you have to be to actually side with her in your first playthrough

apparently they were going to put fog on that map to justify fighting the GD but they didnt so it just makes Claude look like a retard

As someone who had a bit of trouble.
>Avoid the hill at all costs, just go around the left side as fast as possible and rush Edelgard's team.
>By the time you get to her, GD should start mobilizing. They'll target the hill and the monster near it first.
>If you're lucky, Claude will be hurt enough that you can snipe him with a Meteor. If not, stride/warp units to him and try to kill him in one round.

As braindead as Leonie apparently is on the Edeltard route. It's virtually impossible to justify Edelgard's actions anyway, but it becomes genuinely impossible when you consider that she has a solid share of the blame for Jeralt's murder.

Why didn't thor rising drew Annette and leonie and shamir??!?!

I have to wait for the updated sets

user, did you even pay attention to any of the stuff about the slitherers? Literally the only reason she can kill them after BE was because she had the entire continent under her control. Even the fucking church which was led by dragons who are older than the slitherers had trouble keeping tabs on them. They have fucking nukes, user. And she can't tell the other lords about their existence because she has trust issues.

Yes he literally does say those things, user.

Are you perhaps a bit mentally retarded?

You mean the right side?

When she didnt even say sorry for it afterwards I immediately got a bad taste in my mouth
Dimitri and Claude console you about it but Edelgard, who IS ACTUALLY RESPONSIBLE, doesnt even try to console you, she's just like "dude grow up"

And she'd have the equivalent of the entire country under her control if she cooperated with the other lords. If Hubert is able to track down their base and share that information, then it's not conditional on an imperial victory.

>Lady Edelgard! The slitherers just nuked that fort we just conquered!
>Holy shit!
>Hey guys church bad look what they did to the fort

The right side is Claude, user.
We want to avoid killing the GD, remember?

>even Edelgard's surprised that you side with her
Got a laugh out of me on my last playthrough

... it is possible I was looking at the map upside down

Did you forget how she doesn't think she can trust them? We know she can trust them, but she doesn't know that.

this is one of the only moves she does that isn't pants on head stupid, though

shh user the Agarthans are simultaneously terrifyingly powerful villains who will kill us with nukes if we reveal them but also complete jobbers that we can openly insult without penalty

She watched her entire family die and views it as a sacrifice for a greater good (that she only indirectly caused by association and didn't know about ahead of time).
It's a really dark part of an already dark game, but it's not complete nonsense.

I wish they would do a proper alliance GD/BL route as the final one and it would be much better as a conclusion than a shitty 'golden' route that tries to redeem irredeemable characters but it will never happen
