Do they have video games in prison??? Might be comfy

Do they have video games in prison??? Might be comfy

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explain to me what you think prison is

start shoplifting, then

>emulate one of nintendo's old ass games
>get sent to jail

Anders got a ps3 in prison

Yep, but you gotta be in the right country to take advantage of it.

in germany you can have every console you want but it isn't allowed to have the ability to go online

Minimum security, light offenders, actual rehabilitation programs... these might allow you a tv or video game console, yes. It would not be yours, though, and probably it would be stolen from your cell by someone harder.

sort of like a furcon except with orange jumpsuits and everybody is just yiffing and neeting it up for decades

... with no games!

>In letters to foreign media outlets he told about his demands (in 2013) to prison authorities "including easier communication with the outside world and a PlayStation 3 to replace the current PlayStation 2, because it offers more suitable games"; media reported in 2014 about demands that he would starve himself to death if refused "access to a sofa and a bigger gym"; furthermore he said that "Other inmates have access to adult games while I only have the right to play less interesting kids' games. One example is "Rayman Revolution", a game aimed at three year-olds," Breivik complained to prison officials."

Holy shit I thought you were kidding.

They do. A last gen console with 3 sports games, something racing and a call of duty game.

they've had television in prison for years. imo it's actually cruel and unusual to not give people vidya
>inb4 bs
if it's cruel to not give them tv why can't they have vidya

Because vidya makes you violent, duh

Can I also have a gaming pc?

and nothing with a rating above 16y

you get your own cell and your own tv tho

Prison is supposed to be a punishment. If you start including a bunch of stuff like video games it could actually be pleasant.

Depends on the country. In America prison is basically a really uncomfortable asylum with no treatment happening and very little safety. In Europe prison is like a paid vacation at a five star hotel in America.

Those luxury private prisons for high profile rich politicians probably have them.

depends on the prison. in norway mass shooters get videos games and internet access.

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What games would he play if he could choose whatever?

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World of Warcraft obviously as he said himself

Prison is rehabilitation. If you don't incentivize inmates to be better, they will just be released from prison and do more awful things. If you give them a reasonable job and ways to earn luxury in prison, then that's a much better way of integrating them back into society as they now have learned crucial behaviours.


I got the keys to this motherfuckin thread punk show me your paperwork

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Prison is for rehabilitation, not punishment.

>If you don't incentivize inmates to be better, they will just be released from prison and do more awful things.

Not only that, but if they are in there long enough, and get a chance to get released, they'll be so out-of-touch with modern society that going back in is something they want.

Based as fuck

This rule only applies for civilized people. Animals can't be "rehabilitated" because they were never habile in the first place.

>prison is supposed to be a punishment
No you sheltered suburbanite. Literally every civilized country has ditched or is in the process of ditching this system since it has been proven that it doesn't work

I always imagined it like high school, everyone sits with their own group, sometimes there's fights at lunch time, you come back to your cell at the end of the day and watch tv or play vidya

Shut the fuck up you bleeding heart libtard.

post height and jaw

>when you show up to the yard with bad paperwork

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In maximum security prisons, you only get access to tv outside of your cell. Once you're inside your cell you get nothing except maybe a book and your thoughts. Most of your day your with your group, exercising/weightlifting, and doing stuff like laundry or helping in the prison's library.

It has nothing to do with being liberal. What do you think dropping a normal guy into a prison does to them? It turns them into a hardened criminal, at least in the United States. Your severe lack of pragmatism is disturbing.

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>In Europe prison is like a paid vacation at a five star hotel in America.
So what stops poor/homeless people from committing crimes just to be put in prison? In America you already get homeless people purposefully going to jail just because they want free meals.



Why is he not starving and beat every single day? Kindness to prisoners should only extend so far. This is the extreme opposite of what American prisons are like. If this fucker shot up a bunch of kids in the US, he'd be locked down in the ADX till they fried him.

Basically this

Yeah, you mean Europe Europe, the non-shithole part

Holy shit I had no idea, his character names were Andersnordic and Conservatism, mained a mage during BC and raided.
Probably because Norway sees prison as a means to remove him from society rather than punishment. There's no punishment that can match the act of killing multiple people. I don't know whether I fully agree with their treatment of prisoners, but prevention is always better than repression.

Homelessness isn't an issue in Europe.

Only rich people with connections

Yes it is, but I assume that Norway deals with the issue by providing high-quality shelters and social housing so that prison isn't the most attractive option

Prison is absolutely not for rehabilitation. That is a nice side goal since you have them stuck there for years anyway but the point of prison is to prevent vigilantism. It's to give the family of victims satisfaction that justice has been done so they don't go off killing people. Prison and execution exist for the stability of society.

oh boy you have no idea man

Norway has tons of oil, few people and a small military so they can afford great social programs. America isnt so fortunate. We are currently gaining about 2 trillion in debt a year.


>Homelessness isn't an issue in Europe.

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I've literally never heard of there being homeless people in Europe.

the problem with homeless people here in germany isnt the thing that you wouldnt get your ass carried with money and housing but a mental issue

all those people who decide to live on the street are severely ill in the mind and physical almost all the time alcoholics and drug addicts

+ there is a rampant housing problem a lot of people have problems getting a affordable place to live in with over 100 people registering for only one small ass appartment

>We are currently gaining about 2 trillion in debt a year.

Then why on earth do you keep letting illegals remain in your country, pay them to go to your schools and hospitals, and fight any attempt your president makes to deport some of them?

France, Germany and the UK all have a larger % of homeless people than the US.

didn't he also ask for a ps4 and got his request denied?

you've never been to europe

None of you would survive prison. Nothing "comfy" about it. Please do not think such silly things.

ofc they do

why would anyone several waste hours of their life staring at a screen if they weren't confined to begin with

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Because you can't drink booze in prison.

Of course, it's only an option available to financially stable countries. I'm only talking about Norway's specific situation.
There's value to be had in investing in a migrant population. Obviously this isn't the forum to balance the US' finances, but I have the feeling their superfluous expenses aren't in the education and health departments.

Very very few places in America. I’ve only ever heard of one actually, Passaic county jail in New Jersey. And only in the honor dorm, for prisoners that do menial labor. They’d give you a ps3. That’s jail though and not prison. Most “jails” don’t even let you have your own TV. Prisons on the othe4 hand usually do, because you’re doing 5 years minimum usually. No internet access though, music is cassette tape/radio only. Prison is fucked up. I did a few years in Attica in the late 00’s for a drug thing. Saying it fucking sucked isn’t doing it justice.

Because potential liberal voters in red states.

>tfw the head of the aryan brotherhood challenges you to a 1v1 in timesplitters

because Norway leans a lot more towards rehabilitation and isolating them from society than a place like the US
at the same time their 21 year max sentence is sort of a trick. Anders for example will be evaluated to see if he's "fit for society" when his time is up, and it's pretty obvious he'll get it extended until he dies
playing ps3 games for the rest of your life is truly cruel and unusual punishment. should've asked for a PC with grand strat games or minecraft desu

>and if you lose you have to suck his dick

I live in Bristol, UK and there’s homeless heroin addicts everywhere. It’s pretty sad.

All the democrats and liberals are literally just using them so they'll vote for them.

And here's the retarded mutt coming lad. I wonder how many years it'll take for half of america to ends up in prison seeing how powerful the prison lobby is growing

Seems like a win condition for Yea Forums.

serious question could i sit in my cell and just jerk off? if we ignore that it'd probably earn me a late-night visit from Bubba, would that be against the rules?

Instead of letting emotion and moral apathy cloud your judgement you should hope for a system that attempts rehabilitation instead of perpetuating crime which privatized institutions are built to do.

if you can get carbohydrates and water in a prison you can easily make alcohol

In America sex and masturbation isnt allowed and if you get caught you will likely get a write up or something equivalent which basically adds more time to your sentence.

What does toilet wine taste like?

Well, they're prison system is more built around rehab than punishment, honestly. The problem is that there's probably no reclaiming a delusional mass murderer who's mother probably raped him a bunch as a toddler. Just a straight up waste of a human.

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That's an iffy statement though, US census is really fucking shit. We don't even know how many homeless we have.

we make it in plastic bags

This fucker looks happy in that picture but don't worry. I've been on neetbucks for only 5 months and it was enough to drive me insane and depressed, and keep in mind that I had access to the internet, was able to go outside, to buy whatever I wanted, to talk with people on discord etc etc... but in the end of the day the lack of proper social link and life's goal was enough to hurt me.

this faggot has none of that, he'll suffer greeeeeeaaatly. The worst part of it is being able to quickly glance at the new things from the outside and knowing that you'll never be able to experience them since he's probably getting a couple of internet hours every years and he's given the newspaper :)

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But isn't America the land of the free? Why would they restrict prisoners personal freedom in a country founded on personal freedom?

Prisoners have gay sex regardless if its consensual or not all the time and they never get in trouble for it.

This is how I can tell you’re larping. Or from some backwater shithole like Tennessee. If you tried making that shit in a real prison, they’d sniff it out right away. Hooch fucking stinks to high heaven, and if you don’t burp it right, it blows the fucking lid right off, anyone I’ve ever seen try to make it has gone to the box.

>I've been on neetbucks for only 5 months and it was enough to drive me insane and depressed, and keep in mind that I had access to the internet, was able to go outside, to buy whatever I wanted, to talk with people on discord etc etc...
Fucking pussy.

they do in the winter
t. german social worker

>Or from some backwater shithole like Tennessee.
hey, fuck you

What would Yea Forums prison be like and who'd be the warden?

yeah it is very risky but if you wanna have booze and plus you are addicted to it you don't give a fuck
what do you think? they care?

This is a meme. I was in one of the worst prisons in America and maybe .01 percent of the population there was fucking. And if they weren’t respectful about it, like making sure no one accidentally barged in on them in the back of the bath house, they got fucked up.

I think every lawmaker should spend a day in county jail, and every juror at least have to tour one.

I went to one of the worst ones in America granted, but the whole time I felt like an observer and just couldn't believe just how dehumanizing it is and that the state is doing this. Really, unless you've been there it's even worse than you can imagine.

No disrespect user, it was the first state that popped in my head, I was just watching a Memphis rap documentary. Swap it out for Arkansas

Prison is retarded
Exile was the best way of dealing with trashbags

some giant gacha scam ran by sonindendy

not a bad idea
but just watch H.M.P. (1976)
i hear it's a good example of modern prison circumstances even though it's so old

Rehabilitation is necessary, but it should be mixed with actual punishment for fairness's sake. Desire of justice is part of human nature, and society would hate it if a criminal got away with having access to plenty of commodities to have a comfortable life in jail after all the pain he caused. Always put yourself in the shoes of the victims and try to empathize if something similar were to happen to you. Never undermine the individual.

user, people care because there is a whole prison system inside the prison system. If you get caught making hooch you get fucked up then sent to the SHU. Where you literally sit in 5 by 10 box, you get 1 hour of rec in a tinier snake pit cage once every 3 days and you only get 1 shower a week. Also, no phone calls, personal property like books, and your visiting hours are sliced in half. It is the absolute most uncomfortable setup you can imagine. That’s why no one makes hooch.

i'm just saying that it is possible and that there is booze in prison
i never said that there wouldnt be consequenses that deters people from doing it

but there are enough people who certainly try it and get wasted

It is possible yes. Especially if you work in the kitchen and have access to juice. Real fruit juice, it just very seldom gets made. I’ve seen more people eat literal poison. Devils Trumpet (Datura) seeds than make hooch. Brewing that shit is a very old timer meme.

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i was there about a month ago

Now picture that except for no internet, TV, comfy bedding, clothes except for green twill pants and a t shirt, food that makes you sick, fake juice that makes you impotent, a person next to you who probably is a different race that wants to extort you or generally means you harm, possibly with mental issues, certainly with no education. Your free time is spent reading the same 10 books, jerking off and literally staring at the ceiling or doing push ups. American prisons are factories to make monsters and mentally ill people.

pathos goes both ways

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I'd say the two biggest issues with prisons are that, one, they're often run for-profit.
This is ridiculous. I wouldn't mind prisons putting the inmates to work to pay themselves off, as well as create a little supply for after they get out, but actually being profitable just makes them into plantations.
Another issue is the fact that too many prisons work, essentially, on the assumption that other prisoners are half the reason that people should be scared of prison. And it's true. Beatings, rape, other abuse, etc. This sort of stuff needs to be eliminated. The government is the only entity which should be punishing lawbreakers.

>Oh no I committed a crime and now I have to be in a cell with a BLACK?! HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?
lmao, fucking /pol/yps

You have this completely and absolutely backwards. Maximum security prisons have more amenities. It’s to placate people that have life or very long sentences and give them a way to pass their time non violently. County jails have Day rooms with communal TV’s. Prisons have TV in your cell, hot pots for basic food prep, cigarettes, monthly conjugal visits, things of that nature.

For drugheads and thieves, not murderers.

I have no idea what Breivik was thinking when he got a PS3. The PS2 has a much better selection of games.

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That’s not what I’m trying to say. I don’t care about what color anyone is on the street. But people in prison care very very much. Take that woke attitude to Elmira max, and you’ll be someone’s food wh*toid.

you don't get the books either, because your cell mate started ripping up the paper and wadding it up with toilet water in order to make a paper-mache dagger

you ever heard of the calais jungle

It depends man, you can get a status hold on you that says you can’t get books if that’s on your jacket. Doing some shit like that I mean. But you can get books, they just make it very very hard. Your people can’t just drop them off or mail them. They have to go through an amazon type mail order service, they are held for 2 weeks and searched thoroughly. Also a fuck ton of books are banned for the stupidest of reasons. Most self help books are flagged as gang material now, certain high fantasy series are flagged for weird reasons. Basically any reason to make sure you can’t have something. Only religious materials are easy to access.

I always imagined that in some alternate universe where the FGC was literally bigger than real sports, prisons around the globe became literal breeding grounds for fighting game gods. Prisons would have access to the latest fighting games and an inmate's ranking would potential give him the opportunity to compete in championships around the world. Say there was a million dollar prize pool and the inmate won, which gave him the chance to exchange his earnings for a lifted sentence.

I had just only realized that this take on prison fighting is eerily similar to Deadman Wonderland but with video games. Someone please steal my idea and make an anime out of it

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>the absolute state of self hating Americans

>Do they have video games in prison??? Might be comfy
I did
Actually if one day I lose my NEETbux I will just rob a bank, if successful I will have money (problem solved), if unsuccessful I will just go back to jail and play videogames all day.

Prisons should be run like millitary bootcamps, instilling discipline and teaching them things

Or you could get shot.

That won't happen if he immediately surrenders.
And besides, nothing matters when you're dead.

They could run any prison in America with a skeleton crew if they wanted to. Fire 90% of the staff, refit the place with actual surveillance equipment, make the cells double sized and just keep people confined except for rec, where you’d keep an actual staff. They could eliminate prison violence and contraband. They don’t want that though because it would cost jobs. The CO union is a pretty powerful voting block and most of these towns in the middle of nowhere only exist because there is a prison near them. Especially in New York. Clinton, Attica, Elmira, these towns only exist because of the prison industrial complex. The entire town would be jobless if they cut staff.

Getting shot while robbing a bank is one hell of a way to go.

I went neet for a year and a half, but it's not so much the lack of socialising that got to me, it was just that I had ample free time and was wasting it. ended up learning all the things needed to start learning jap, Hirigana, Katakana, all the Radicals, just kinfa stopped after getting a job. Fug.

There are boot camp prisons in certain states. New York has the SHOCK program, which is to the T like an actual boot camp. They have Drill Instructors in full regalia instead of guards. You can trade a 5 year sentence or less for a 6 month boot camp program. Guess what? It’s an utter failure, most people not only violate the terms of their parole (which is more strict for shock prisoners, and also indefinite) but the rate at which SHOCK graduates commit brand new crimes is much higher.

>giving actual literal criminals shooting games for when they get out and immediately start buying guns again
as a brit, LOL, just LOL

"Desire of Justice is human nature"

Good, so when are we going to take care of the gigantic corporations ruining the world, dilapidating our resources and keeping 99% of the wealth for them instead of using so much ressources for punishing the poor?

grind vocab and grammar
radicals work most of the time but will fuck you up when they don't

>Or you could get shot
In my shithole? Cops can't even have 9mm guns.

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If you’re going to rob a bank, maybe go a few towns over, dummy,

Lemmeguess, you're an amerimutt?

in the US prisoners "can't consent" so all sex is de facto rape and they do not allow it at all

How the fuck do conjugal visits work, then?

I’d watch it

That's an exception

This might be true for germany, but there are countries that offer different possibilties to homeless people.

they certainly don't happen between inmates in the back of the prison

>in prison means no consent
nah, it's just prohibited among inmates, it's nothing to do with consent being suspended you retard

If you are married, and are in a spot that allows it, for instance New York has 40 Prisons but less than 10 of those allow it, you file your paperwork and every 3 weeks or so, instead of a regular visit, you go to a trailer on the grounds of the prison and hang out with your wife for 8 hours, fuck her and let her cook you dinner.

remember when this happened and the whole "playstation has no games haha what a catch 22" meme came and went for a few months when it happened? good times.

He’s actually not retarded, that’s how it’s written in the rule book. Prisoners cannot consent to sex. Therefore all sex is rape. If for instance a civilian worker or guard has sex with a prisoner it is non consensual.

>PlayStation 3 to replace the current PlayStation 2, because it offers more suitable games"
go fuck yourself

That's just because of the power discrepancy, prisoners can't consent to shagging workers because it could be a means of getting preferential treatment.

how the fuck do you think consent even works? if I kidnap you and lock you in a cage and you agree to have sex with me, then how the fuck is that proper consent?

Absolutely. I was just saying, the user that said that isn’t being a retard, it’s literally worded that way in the handbook that you have to follow. Fun Fact: masturbation is also prohibited, although this is very rarely enforced.

why did you reply to my post, i just said i visited alcatraz

i don't know, I think I accidentally clicked on you in my rage
sorry user have a nice day

do i have to have a nice day?

I mean that what death sentences are for jack ass
But a guy stealing a car without man slaughter should only mean he works off the payment while in prison, but then again insurance companies like to be jews and find a way to screw both parties instead of dealing fair justice

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Your freedom is revoked once you get sent to prison

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There's enough learning content to make you get your GED and sometimes community college mostly law shit
Only you get to choose to be a psycho shut-in or a lazy fuck

If you're Jewish maybe you can get into Otisville.

Yeah, but he was a national hero.

I can’t wait until our corporate overlords stop fucking around and start throwing People in max prison for IP theft and Piracy. 75 percent of V will learn what Prison is truly all about. My advice? Keep a razor blade wrapped in black electrical tape in your asshole, the day is coming when you’ll need it.

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Bruh, You have to be incredibly lucky or illuminatti to get sent to Otisville, the Fed prison or the State Prison (there’s two different ones there) literally every inmate in New York wants to go there.

My cousin who's a warden told me they gave PSPs to inmates at the jail he served.
But I'm guessing they'd use it more as a media player than to game.

you're technically not allowed to have sex

And I'm technically not allowed to call you a faggot, faggot.

Friendo, only non-whites need GED’s, and very very few spots offer any sort of college, and it’s always prioritized for prisoners who have more time on their sentence. If I have a 2 1/2 year drug sentence for instance they aren’t accepting me for any sort of educational program (on the off chance they offer it). That advice may work fine for county jail, you know, be a little social, get out of your cell, keep busy, hang out with the other retards from your area, but Prison is not the county Jail. Not in the slightest.

Based retard.
They literally give you condoms in your way to a trailer visit. It’s called a fucking conjugal visit you mong.

yeah but they tell you not to have sex

Rayman is great, faggot.

Where the fuck are you pulling this out of user? THEY GIVE YOU CONDOMS. It isn’t a wink wink nudge nudge thing.

some prison documentary. every prison is different though.

Instead of letting emotion cloud your judgement you should hope for a system that removes criminals permanently instead of trying to change a leopard’s spots.

>as a brit
Tell me again how you cut your steak. Living in Briton may as well be prison. It has all the perks and drawbacks.

That's what the Japanese do.

They do but it's always a gen behind

European prisons look like cheap apartments. Seems pretty humane. I think what more of your countries need is patriots like Brevik with nothing to lose; they'll have a straight shot at comfy living for a while.

i warned you bro

>enough learning content
Spoken like a true shitlord collaborator. When they bust your CP stash I hope you take advantage of all the learning content.

Prisoners should be allowed to buy a game console at extreme mark up like they get to buy everything else.

They shouldn't be given shit for free except essentials.

This has nothing to do with anything and I always find it funny that you people ask for that.

Why don't YOU post YOUR height and jaw with a timestamp?

I’m not sure how that would work because you can’t under any circumstances in the US have access to the internet in a facility. Maybe there’s some experimental thing in some place with strict supervised access, as a trial run. But uniformly any device that can connect to the outside world not only gets you time in the box, it gets you a brand new charge of promoting prison contraband. Prisons are run as a information opaque living space, with the prison monitoring every piece of information you receive. Your phone calls, your visits, your mail, the channels on the TV, everything. If they don’t exercise it all the time, it doesn’t matter, they have the right to if they ever decide. The only exemption is a legal visit with your lawyer. They have been aware since the beginning that information is the most valuable commodity going.

>teaching them things
anyone that is low iq enough to do stupid crimes landing them in prison has no hope. They will either get out and get back in prison or become super religious.
I really think the only way any of this shit will ever change is if the government payed people to have vasectomy so none of these low iq people will have accidental kids who will repeat this pattern of retardation till the end of time. Imagine holding up a gas station in broad daylight knowing there are cameras everywhere. Imagine not having the rational to realize how fucking stupid that is.
Im not a polfag or anything but its pretty obvious that most of the worlds problems stem from iq levels of individuals and if we dont do something to raise iq or prevent low iq people from reproducing its just going to get worse.
Look at bill gates. He thinks he is going to save Africa when really he is just going to make the world 10X worse. If bill gates succeeds in stopping all these people in Africa from starving they are just going to grow older and reproduce until the resources run out and then instead of 700 million Africans starving and being poor we will have 2 billion Africans starving and being poor
Everything is fucked and unless we find some magic drug that makes pregnant women's children have 150 iq there is no hope for humanity

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If I was in prison I would try to run a primitive version of Dungeons and Dragons. Who better to roleplay as thieves and murderers than actual ones?

That’s how it would work, they charge 100 dollars for the tiniest TV you can imagine, and double for the one that isn’t black and white. A little am/fm radio that retails for a dollar sells for 25 bucks. They have cases of them in storage, and technically it’s against the rules to leave yours to someone when you go. Prisons are a license to print money.

>give free healthcare you heartless Americans!
>why are you letting illegals remain in your country, giving them education and healthcare?

What we should do is remove all funding to superfluous things like NATO and aid to Israel.

>b-but the way you treat illegal immigrants is inhumane!

Which is it, eurofag?

I’m not saying there isn’t truth to what you said, but there are plenty of intelligent people in Prison. I was locked up with several people tied to the Bernie Madoff case, and every fucking guard was on their dick for stock market advice, but yes, must people locked up are sub human (including myself at the time).

white people b like : "umUmUm ... PriSoN mIgHt b CoMfY xD"

For the sake of discussion, what do you think should be done with a person that stabs 8 people to death, committed 4 home invasions, and raped a 16 year old? These people do exist.

What does this have to do with anything? Do you think that your bullshit is important enough that it warrants someone to research it? Nobody talks about "European homeless people" as a subject with any degree of regularity in day-to-day affairs. You fucking faggots are so arrogant that you think your homeless problem is worthy of our attention? Fucking LOL

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Remove them from society by incarcerating them for life obviously. The thing is, harsh prison conditions aren’t doing anything besides costing people that have nothing to do with that story gobs of money. When that same person stabs someone in prison and they have to charter a helicopter to medivac the fucker he stabbed to the nearest city which is 3 hours away, who do you think is paying for it? Maybe it gives the victims family some sort of feeling of justice that the maniac is in living hell, but at a steep fucking cost to society. It’s still hell even if the same maniac has access to basic human amenities. hell is living outside the grace of god in most religions. No matter what creature comforts someone has, life shut away in a box is a hellish punishment.

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"ccording to the Vera Institute of Justice, incarceration costs an average of more than $31,000 per inmate, per year, nationwide. In some states, it's as much as $60,000. Taxpayers foot the bill for feeding, housing and securing people in state and federal penitentiaries."

So, why not the death penalty?

it has nothing to do with whether it works and everything to do with torturing criminals for vengeance. Most of the psychopaths that arrest and keep people in prisons are nearly as deranged as the people in them and part of challenge of living is avoiding being on the receiving end of abuse by both criminals and the gang of thugs with legal authority to use force and incarcerate people.

I get that. I'm not anti-law or anti-punishment but all I can tell you is that I was on the side of those people even though I didn't deserve to be there in the first place(and case was completely thrown out) and this was county, not prison(though the inmates there will tell you that county is much worse). All I can say is that the system that is set up felt very wrong and that I personally could never condemn someone to jail if I was a juror. That's not my place.

At the same time horror stories like what you said does piss me off and I too feel like they deserve the worst but really I think it shouldn't be illegal for a loved one to retaliate. I just think people should really know what it's like for perspective. And also the perspective of the people who are in there because to most of them it was just a natural part of their life and most of them are redeemable, not some villain trope.

As for this I used to be for it, but the problem is that you'll always kill innocent people by accident which is well documented.

This nigga tells you to suck his cock while you're in prison in return for his protection and playing any vidya console and he'll smuggle in any game plus an internet connection.
Would you do it Yea Forums?

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How often do I have to suck?

Probably 1-3 times a week.

of course, i love penis. in fact, prison for me would be a paradise. a veritable buffet of penis!

Those numbers are bogus, because they also factor in the salaries of the employees and civilian workers, superintendents and wardens. Then factor that in to the cost. It costs something like 30 cents a day to feed a prisoner and they literally wear the same clothes. The solution would be to fire the entire lot of them and have a few people controlling the prison panoptichron style. If they wanted to run the place for 90 percent less they could. They won’t because it provides jobs and creates a voting block.

If you tried to exercise your love of penis, you would be hurt in ways you cannot imagine. Maybe if you love extreme impact BDSM it would be a paradise,

You cant buy a gun if your a felon you brit fucking cuck

Dude, convicted felons buy more guns than regular civilian gun owners. They just don’t do it legally.

I'd rather not have a system that binary when our judiciary system assumes you're guilty until proven otherwise. See

Time for daily prison breaks

God fucking forbid we provide shelter and amenities for the homeless.

>Prison is rehabilitation
Doesn't work with niggers and mudshits in the mix.

5 years for some marijuana... And you can be stuck for 5 years with 7 other people in a singe cell...

I don't know what's worse between burgerica and insectoidland

Dude, guards aren’t what’s keeping people in prison. It’s the gigantic fucking walls, razor wire locking mechanisms and everything else. If every guard took the month off at your nearest state prison, there wouldn’t be a single escape. I’m also saying to change the way it’s run. Instead of relying on some fat lazy retard to sit and babysit, fire them all and install cameras (pretty strange that these places have almost no security cameras and the ones they do have are ancient) and have people watching from central control. Which they already do, and which is more than enough. It’s hard explaining this to people that don’t know how these places are run. Prisons are costly because they are over staffed with people who literally do nothing all day long. It’s a job that’s easy to get, requires almost no education and can be done by retards.

>anything but its pretty obvious that most of the worlds problems stem from iq levels of individuals and if we dont do something to raise iq or prevent low iq people from reproducing its just going to get worse.

Or maybe it's because of retarded incel like you acting like good little bootlicker of the system and quickly jumping on iq and race to explain a problem that is deeply tied to rampant poverty and wealth inequalities? And of course like the hideous tard that you are the first luminous idea that comes to your toddler mind is vasectomy.

explain average iq and hdi levels correlating perfectly by country then. Why is north korea 100X more developed than any country in sub Saharan Africa?

Fuck the system, but ummmm. Race and IQ have something to do with it.


>Prefers no game machine over a console with pretty much the best library
>Doesn't like Rayman
You know, I can forgive mass shootings but having such a bad fucking taste is unforgivable.

alright i got time..

it aint that bad bruh. depends on where you at and if you get money on the books. if you got family that has a little money it helps a lot when you down. I had money stashed after I got hit up and i trusted my girls mom to call it in, she took some "for the baby" but she did me good for 8 years. you get out on OR? pay a bond? how come you aint in co right now?
bruh if you out now you should just start flipping some real fast, you going to prison anyway fuck it, come up on some money and give it to somebody you trust like senpai to put it on the books every other month it aint like you can do it yourself and that 150 go fast bruh. everything cost inside.
the food is easy, either you got money or you dont. prison food is weak, sometimes you get something special like when they get donated shit for holidays or a some factories freezer go out but they always fuck it up and make it taste like some retirement home charly brown kinda food, bland as fuck. the food you can make in the cell is tolerable at best but you can make it spicy at least. I pieced money up every month with my celly cuz we was the same set and we was cool. no homo. some fools get robbed so be careful. you can get wrapped up quick inside even when you didnt do nothing so dont go telling fools you got money. if you poor then fuck it you dont have a choice anyway just make the best of it, you can always trade up food just make sure you know what they are saying when you trade up.

(pic) tapatio packs bruh, my life saver locked up. put that shit on everything.

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But why would you treat people better for being in prison than law abiding citizens?

>it's another americans are fucking retarded thread

but norway treats its law abiding citizens even better so i don't know what you mean, not every country is a shithole like 90% of america

You'd be the one paying for their holiday prison.

okay, i'd rather have convicts that were treated like humans as my neighbors than ones that were treated like animals

Missing the point. They're essentially being rewarded for breaking the law.

i work in a prison in the uk and yes they do as long as it is old enough not to have wifi

>muh private prisons
one of the most disingenuous arguments ever, those prisons hold a tiny amount of prisoners

that's a weird way to put norway's rehabilitation prisons, but i guess retards like you wouldn't understand being separated from friends, family, and having freedom of movement restricted, etcetera
they are not rules-free you mouthbreather

>Why is he not starving and beat every single day?
Why would you even have a prison at that point? Just give them the bullet. Anders is the outlier as prison is mainly about rehabilitation.

In prison: Free food, free housing, no work
Not in prison: Have to work all day every day to pay rent, buy your own food, and pay enormous taxes to fund prison daycare

usa's recidivism rate is 70%
norway's recidivism rate is 30%
also you don't get "no work" in norway prisons, you dipshit
fuck off with your 0 IQ takes

>prison is mainly about rehabilitation.
obviously not true
prison is about removing elements of the population from society

I wonder what other factors come into play regarding differences between America and Norway's population?

... and most of those people get put back in society at some point, so wouldn't you think rehabilitation is the smarter idea

Seems like a good idea actually. Better let them play than having them fight each other.

a lot of things involving cultural differences that having a sane prison system also helps; american culture is "being fucking retarded" in 95% of the united states
it also helps that norway is able to budget it since a grand majority of their population is already self-reliant

you think they don't try? besides most people stop committing violent crimes after their 20s anyways unless they're crazy

Anybody else think it would be kind of hot to be a prison bitch? haha

>cultural differences

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they don't really try in most prisons here in the USA, some of them do, but things like the parole system are literally built to fuck convicts over