What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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well the guy killed himself over false rape accusations which is stupid, if you ask me. he should have sued the ever living fuck out of chelsea
It has gays in it
Dude kills himself because of accusations instead of trying to fight back. Even if it turns out those accusations were false, he still deserves it for being so weak-willed.
this, killing yourself is only a good idea if you're a Yea Forums poster
killing yourself over some dumb attentionwhoring whore is only a tacid admition of guilt
Selling out to "woke", feminist audiences.
No it isn’t. Please go back to your cp on resetera tranny
Not enough porn of the bear fucking the dog
"I believe that certain people in the indie game community want me dead"
"I believe they are trying to covertly hurt me and my career to the point where I am driven to suicide"
>ugh I'm trash lmao
Being a feminist doormat doesn't make you immune to be #MeToo.
Move along.
was there anything that prompted zq to outing this guy as an abuser? I feel like I'm missing part of the story. Like for no reason at all something snapped and they all just turned on this guy for bad relationship stuff that happened over half a decade ago.
He started to become successful
This. They're the only good characters, too.
Zoe Quinn unironically deserves to die
Leftist and progressive politics, also allowing mob "justice" decide guilt. The irony being the guy was as leftist and progressive as it gets, showing that no matter how hard you try to appease these SJW monsters, they will turn on you and eat you alive without question.
Video games.
3rd wave feminism and social media that believes in "guilty until proven innocent, maybe" when you are a white male
To be fair, she had literally nothing to do with this this time.
Yes there is , MeToo. Other people in the indie scene started MeTooing (false or real) in the last two days and I think Zoe felt left out so she had to be the center of attention
subhuman deranged whore
Zoe did it to put herself back in the limelight and raise her patreon shekels. The night in the woods devs did it for monetary reasons. Alec had no decision making power in the company whatsoever even though he made the majority of the game. He was also likely paid less than them. At some point he must have realized he was getting screwed and demanded a higher stake in the company. They saw an opportunity to get rid of him and they took it.
Pretty telling that he knew that Quinn was out for blood even two years ago and yet never told anyone what was really going on, leaving his asspatters to assume it was some Gamergate/Trump issue. And there was little he could've done about it, if he named the person responsible she would have gone full nuclear and the "listen and believe" team would have instantly abandoned him.
He was part of their in group though, and a big supporter of the movement. That's what I don't get, something had to have prompted this. I get there was some old bad blood between him and zq, but its hard to believe there wasn't something else that triggered this.
Her boyfiend of five years got meToo'd and she was like
>Yep my boyfriend of five years and business partner in all my scams is a scumbag but I didn't notice at the time
>in murica
>against a woman
>agains a woman with hundred of liberal allies
>agains a woman who claim she is oppressed because of her sexuality/religion/status etc
>being you a man without enough progressive points (gay, trans, muslim etc)
>Gregg settling for some fattie instead of plowing Mae and/or Bea's asses
There's being gay and then there's being retarded, Angus has good taste though
>was there anything that prompted zq to outing this guy as an abuser
Humm its almost like....
her patreon had a surge of income after that faggot, its always about money with those hoes.
That makes a lot of sense.
I haven't followed anything of that cunt but I wouldn't be surprised if she's starting to run low on white knight money and just wanted to stir shit up, all for the sake trying to make another controversy on the same level of Gamergate, so she could have that bright victim spotlight shining on her once again.
Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong, I have no idea how she's been doing financially in the past few years relative to what she probably was making at GG height.
Honestly sickening if true
Where are his weird tweets?
>zoe quinn
>zoe q
>33 and majorly depressed
>dropped out of software engineering career under similar, but less ridiculous circumstances
>read this
dude just needed better people in his life
if there was any justice in the world, his entire social circle should be forcibly excised from society
also fuck I am mad there'll never be a NitW sequel
Didn't they straight up cancel the next game after the allegations though, since the guy who made most of it was thrown out? There's no money in that.
>if true
see for yourself bro
Insufferable cast, dialogue that reads like it was written by a 50 year old. Music's nice, though.
Wait, McIntosh actually got MeTooed? That's hilarious.
zoe quinn unironically did nothing wrong.
He's a Canadian citizen.
It's actually illegal (considered a hate crime) to misgender trannies in Canada. As in him calling ZQ a woman would have been a criminal offense. In any case, She's a US citizen, so the case would have been international and I doubt he had the cash to get into a lengthy uphill legal battle in a country like Canada where the law is biased against him, all the while dealing with the stress of being the Lucifer of Twitter circa 2019.
If anyone from Yea Forums ever makes it and gets false claims slung their way, though, you have a far greater shot at engaging a legal battle, especially with people like Vic Mignogna setting precedent.
He should of fought back, got himself a lawyer.
Guy was a dumbass.
No it was Alex Lifthitz
>not doing the good old Murder–suicide approach
he could have slain the beast
> i believe her
They wanted to send out a liberal message of tolerance and instead are securing Trump's reelection.
young men, from an early age, are taught not to fight, especially against women
you know that you just said some stupid shit
My bad. I forgot McIntosh was Sarkeesian's boyfriend, not Zoe's.
>Since we doing it: i dated a game producer who loved performing feminism in public. in private he took photos of me w/o consent during sex and called another dev a cunt whose partner would leave her if she weren’t suicidal. when I ended it he accused me of “retriggering his PTSD”
>“The icing on this cake is that i confided all of this to another game dev. we’d been Internet & Conference friends for a while, and she was hot on the “Women In Games” circuit at the time. she consoled me about how terrible he was, then started dating him a couple weeks later and the cherry on top of the icing on top of the cake is that homeboy further went on to help found a survivor support network, which you’ve probably heard of!”
Poor motherfucker
>making friends with leftists
had it coming desu
They made a movie. It attracted jews.
Don't make movies, kids.
>she consoled me about how terrible he was, then started dating him a couple weeks later
That's Zoe alright.
>i think some people want me to commit suicide and are very good at pressing buttons to do so
Hey wow, that's the "illness" that I'm suffering from. I didn't, like, do it or even attempt it of course. But maybe like this poor fucker, one day.
>admitting the truth is muh resetera tranny
retard, it's the same as refusing to testify or other shit where the masses will go
>well if he didn't do it why did he kill himself?
>Diversity Lounge
>They shove the suicide awareness area into it
Fucking Penny Arcade, can't even organize an event they created properly.
ok, I'm gonna need an explanation
Getting a lawyer in a situation like that isn't stupid. Did you not read my post?
> About Alex Lifschitz, my partner through the worst of GG and former Crash Override cofounder. I believe them. I confronted Alex. He admits to all of it. He manipulated and lied to me for years and I’m only finding any of this out now.
>“I’ve been in touch with everyone involved privately and I’m absolutely fucked up and my faith in humanity and ability to trust people is severely shaken. I’m disgusted that someone I trusted with my life was capable of this, and someone I looked up to knew and vouched for him.
Poor Zoe
She ran out of money. She's done this multiple times in the past when she starts to lose the limelight.
Court subpoena's generally mean you and you alone are responsible for showing up. In the case of a civil suit from a suicide, you better believe it's not available to the public.
I haven't paid any attention to them or their events since they cucked on the dickwolves thing. Have I missed anything good?
>pitch a game with a "mysterious goings on in a quiet small town" hook
>spend most of the game not having any mystery and just fill it with annoying millennials talking about how life is hard
Oh yeah and Zoe should kept things private instead of cynically trying to get more patreon sympathy.
Shame his family are a bunch of shitters, they would stand a good chance at court.
Almost no one wrote about LIfthitz but polygon / kotaku wrote about Alec.
I think Zoe brought up these allegations to draw attention away from the fact that she dated a scumbag for five years. I mean by her own admition she started an anti bullying charity with a bully and a manipulator
this desu
but being a dumbass isn't deserving of death. It's doubtful his head was clear for the past few years, or he would have cut off the fuckers before it ever got this far.
How exactly would he do that? He was working with/for them.
>you aren't alone
Except for alec. Even while rotting in a grave his famliy throws him under the bus
>unrelated person
>tangentially related but inoffensive statement
>reaction image from facebook or something
Why was this posted on Yea Forums - The Video Games? Hmmmm
I never understand why so few bullied/false accusation/whatever don't go this root.
Your life is already fucked, why the fuck do you not make those responsible pay ?
i agree, taking legal action would have been a good move. But offering conjecture about what he should have done and condemning him for not doing it is probably the least-thoughtful type of commentary you could offer. Like watching someone play a video game and trying to backseat game, telling them how to play etc.
>How exactly would he do that? He was working with/for them.
You can still work with someone and cut them out of your social life. Just find other friends.
I'm sure lots of us work with motherfuckers whom we only talk to on the bare minimum basis.
So do you think in their discord channels the Resetera trannies drop the pretense and just laugh about the man they got to kill himself?
It's kind of like what the worst of us do with Lolcows. Except lolcows are usually too crazy to an hero.
Wait who killed themselves in this game? I thought it was about a cult trying to keep their towns traditions alive
The dev did
The dialogue
He also never owned NITW despite doing more than half the work on the game.
Because despite what ERAtards will argue, he was a good person. Good people are conditioned not to want to hurt people even when they're in utter despair. He didn't think it right to go scorched earth. Only really spiteful or otherwise unhinged people tend to murder-suicide, as most people can't bring themselves to do it.
Did anyone ever call this guy out on stealing Rena's backstory for his cat MC?
Down to the baseball bat?
In real life user. We're talking about something that's happened to one of the devs.
Huh. Well the game was kinda shit anyway
One guy did almost all of the everything.
That pic is pretty much the ultimate blackpill. I mean, I took that shit YEARS ago, LONG before Zoe/Anita/GG/whatever the fuck became a thing, but it's been REALLY setting in the past few years...
for anons wonder why don't you just sue well in liberal states it's near impossible to win these kinds of suits due to political bias, they will throw it out even if it's slander.
This guy had to have been an enormous pussy. I usually dont agree that suicide is a coward way out but jesus christ, he probably wasnt even looking at any jail and was still a literal who. b-but my cancerous indie scene.
You seem to be ignoring the fact he was mentally ill.
He lost his career, could no longer make money on a game he coded, designed, and composed, and his sister betrayed him for the #metoo crowd instead. He would have been starting from scratch.
Well then good riddance. Kind of fucked up how his friends threw him under the bus.
so this is prior to zoe coming out and making her statement?
He was probably already suicidal when this happened. It was too soon afterwards for it to be the sole thing, it would have been the thing that pushed him over the edge.
Starting from scratch is fun. Welcome to life
how is online harrasing even a thing just close your eyes bro ahahahah
So did he rape Zoey or not?
only two people really know for sure, and one of them is dead
Depends what is your definition of rape?
You're tellin' me. That's what I'm doing now.
But when you're mentally ill and have been getting told you're crazy for years when you say you think people in the indie scene want you dead, and you get betrayed by EVERYONE and lose everything, I imagine you don't have the
>33 year old GO GETTER
>sister proclaims he's been getting better the past few years and had "less darkness in him"
>zq comes along and scribbles up a twatter death note for attention based on things that she had a decade to come forward with
>catalysts everything that leads to him offing himself
>sister still defends zq
can't make this shit up, bunch of sociopaths in cahoots
Probably not. Chances are they just had an argument after mediocre sex a few years ago.
I heard it was a month long shagathon
What were the accusations even? That he was a bad boyfriend?
She accused him of fingering her and walking her around the house.
That he jammed his fingers in her asshole and walked her around the house
That he "kept her prisoner" in his house by not buying her a plane ticket home.
Did it work this time?
VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1882: The one who buggers a fire burns his penis
What does it matter. Just imagine the cognitive dissonance you have to suppress, sister literally wrote that he became a different, better person over the last years yet sees no problem defending the person who undid all that progress at the snap of a finger.
I assumed s/he was standing upright, and Alec was crab walking below her.
Thank you for showing this to me, now it all makes sense.
he sounds like he was a bit of a shithead. It's stuff that happened a long time ago though, before gg even happened.
The thing I don't get is the people defending her. She has a bad track record and numerous people have noted how much of a slimy person she is, but hey, gotta white knight or else you're next.
The further we go, the more it looks like they all kind of got brainwashed into this cult or some shit.
That post is about Alex Lifthitz, Zoe's boyfriend of five years and co-founder of CON, he got MeToo'd too.
Alec was accused of rough sex and keeping Zoe hostage (by not buying her a plane ticket home)
Nope, she lied about that. You can check her twitter and see she wasn't in Winnipeg for a month like she's claiming she was.
The only way this will stop is if more women keep doing this shit. People have to wake up at some point.
The guy posted in 2016 about how he thought a bunch of people in the indie scene were trying to make him kill himself.
When you're "trapped" like that, it takes a very strong will not to kill yourself. And of course the fuckers operate in plausible denial-ability
But then again, he chose to sleep with Zoe Quinn after feeling persecuted by nebulous individuals in the Indie scene. Maybe he should have connected the dots.
Or maybe there's no helping it. If people understand your heart, they can crush it.
Yeah. When you have Zoe Quinn at the top of this "progressive nerd industry" then it's rotten to the core. None of it can be salvaged . Even if everything you believe is wrong try to be decent human beings, but soi mobs on self righteous power trips are the fucking worst
Holowka trusted a social-clique with his development, income and friendship.
Zoe and Alec dated in 2012ish, 4 years before he made the post
>there was no darkness in him
>he became a better stronger person
>still an hero'd
Maybe the darkness was what was keeping him alive.
Reminder that by definition, half the population is under average IQ.
And average IQ is still pretty dumb as fuck so ...
Or maybe it was the support system of friends, work and family that got nuked over night
In a nutshell:
>Troubled kid is lonely, isolated
>Has a go at pursuing his passion
>Independent type
>"Indie" scene forming at the time
>so just tries to go ahead and do it instead of integrating with a company and getting a job
>The scene has pretty stringent social mores, including holding certain political views
>But they preach acceptance and tolerance and cooperation
>This is what he craves most
>So, no brainer, join up
>They become exclusive pool for work colleagues, business partners, friends, and romantic prospects
>Not to mention one's entire belief system
>All of which is suddenly lost in a flash
>Because in the end, the ideology is everything and everything else, including people, has no value
>All is lost, and worse, it was all an delusion from the beginning
>Nothing was had in the first place
>Things are looking even bleaker than when we started
People should listen to his podcasts before they disappear to get a sense of what he was like. One of the most striking/ haunting things about it was that he was obsessed with loneliness. Which is certainly pertinent to game-making (the feeling of loneliness is a big part of what makes Super Metroid distinctive, for instance), but that idee fixe went beyond that.
Don't blame him for being a nu-male SJW, he didn't know any better, or maybe he lacked the fortitude to resist. He strikes me as a fundamentally well-intentioned guy just trying to get by. Really damn tragic.
Even if he proved her wrong and got out of a court clean, so what?
It's not like he woudl've get the job back, all the friends said "sorry" and gf went back with him.
Just the accusation is enough to ruin your life for good, media don't report on "Whoopsie" and false accusations don't get prosecuted because it would discourage actual victims.
Not much of a support system then, eh?
Why would they want him to kill himself? His game is very left social justisy, it's pretty much a longer depression quest but its disassociation quest. Think they'd try to get the dude behind Hatred to kill themselves or something
You're actually retarded and don't understand how averages or bell curves work. The AVERAGE, isn't 100. That's the mean you fucking inbred. The average is between 90 and 110 or 85 and 115 depending on whether you use deviations of 15 or 10.
That's what you get when the only plan A you have is running with a clique of drama mongering sociopaths