Gachas are just another form of gambling and their defenders have an addiction to them

Gachas are just another form of gambling and their defenders have an addiction to them

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Most people don't spend any money, just because you're not capable of doing so doesn't make it my problem

>look mommy I posted it again

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This. As long as eventually I can earn everything, even it takes years, without spending money I'm fine with it. I'll let the whales ruin their lives wasting money on this shit to keep them afloat.

>twitter screencap thread
simply epic

>"stop having fun and voluntarily spending your money however you want."


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Quality Yea Forums post

Why do you place no value on your time?

>trannies will spend more than $30 to get their dick chopped off
I'm not even a Gachafag and I will never get this logic

>Adore character collectathons, always have since I got football sticker books as a kid
>Stuck with gacha games where I'm expected to pay thousands to attain my collection in a reasonable amount of time, otherwise countless characters are locked off to one-time yearly events with specific conditions and other horse shit

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Because gacha is designed to be f2p friendly, seriously who belive this if you are not going to spend its retarded to play a game that his core mechanic is rolling

>Because gacha is designed to be f2p friendly
>Complete these events to earn a (1%) chance of getting a super ultra rare orb which will contain one of several super rare characters (1% chance of getting the one you want)

someone post "the gatchabrain.jpg"

What else can I do at work?

Thats not core mechanic dumbass thats the shitty designed endgame the game has

gachas are gambling. this is not debtable.
>not just playing gachas to only logging in during free currency events

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>Thats not core mechanic dumbass
The core mechanic of a fucking gacha is to COLLECT CHARACTERS

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Yeah, it's impossible to get anything worth a damn if you're f2p. Lol

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What is this Gacha and when did it become so popular? I keep hearing about it but I've never looked into it

>Doesn't account for time played versus his current collection
>Something a whale attained and surpassed within weeks
>And he'll always be behind in new events/new character releases

so gachas are like ccg, but digital AND there's no game to be played with your collection?
are y'all straight retarded paying money for jpegs?

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More games should have micro-transaction free gachas. People like the chance element with gachas, its the payment part that’s problematic.

How accurate is this list? I already know all gachas are shit tier, so spare me

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A lot of gachas have their own "game." Usually it's a turn-based "strategy" where every character has their own set of abilities.

The problem is strategy doesn't mean shit until you're at the final end-game where stats are maxed out and you can't just beat stick down opponents or get destroyed by someone with a team that's higher level than yours. Something that takes MONTHS to achieve as a F2Per.

thanks user

Gatcha refers to any game where you are expected yo spend real money on random chances to get exclusive rewards like characters or weapons or skins. Almost every mobile and f2p game uses gatcha.

Gatcha is an abbreviation of gatchapon, which is the japanese name for those capsule toy machines you used to see everywhere.

What kind of shitty gacha are you playing if you can pay for your characters, that sounds even more scamming than you regular phonegame

I feel like "Gatcha" exclusively refers to character collectathons in the west.

>What kind of shitty gacha are you playing if you can pay for your characters
That's literally all of them, except you pay for THE CHANCE of getting them because you purchase the orbs/tokens/gems/what ever the fuck that MIGHT contain them.

Don't like 5% of players make up the entire revenue of gacha games or something? Sounds like it's not as big of an issue as people are trying to make out of it.

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Most people are putting in billions into this shit.

And social media whores are attention addicts, who are they to say jack shit? brb need my rum.

This train of thought is retarded desu. No matter what you’re doing, there is always a more productive way to spend that time.

Like 90% of Dokkans content can be beaten with sub par teams. You don't have to have every new unit to beat events. I only go after characters I like and skip banners that feature characters I don't care for.

>Friend at work proceeds to dump 20$ onto new pokemon game for the x10 rollthe second it unlocks in shop to him before he's played game for an hour
>Tries to justify it as the same as the game being free and it's the same as buying a new console game

This joke is so far from relevant. Neck yourself, guido

GFL and Azure Lane are top tier, I have only spent 30 usd in total for paid collab skins.

I think gatcha will get roadrolled hard. Used to be there was no restriction on gambling either but give it few years and you'll start seeing regulations like an id scan before you can even make an account or heavy taxation of mtx.

basicaly the original "lootbox"

haha guys, this whole gacha thing sounds just like tinder

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Pretty troll, top games are Chinese knock offs and fucking Dx2 has the worst rates of any gatcha game on the market on the market iv'e played all of them and going off how easy it is to free to play

AL, GF, FGO, DB are pretty easy to free play FGO you can just use support Merlin for pretty much anything and beat 99% of things with 1-3 stars
KR, Sdorica, DS are pretty ok with handing out free stuff
GBF is good for handing out free shit, but good luck getting what you want and then any amazing weapon grids are hid behind needing like fucking 8 premium gatcha weapons, FEH is power creep the fucking game DL was shit becuase of prints clogging up everything might have gotten better since I stopped play.
AE Epic 7 and Dx2 are just shit tier

What's that gacha with the hot dragons?

But there are more entertaining ways to spend your time. Why spend it playing bottom of the barrel trash?

>so gachas are like ccg
No, you can at least trade your shit in CCGs.

ive never played a gacha but i have jerked off to atleast 2. fuck gacha players. you are either insects or insect worshipping americans.

>Most people don't spend any money
A lie

>A good half of the highest tier rarity characters are viable through the entire game
>Every one of these games basically throws like 10 of them at you for absolutely free
Basically the only people who suffer from gacha mechanics are dumb waifufags

whats with you people posting lucklet twitter posts? imagine being so poor you have try to push an anti-gacha agenda on twitter because you can't afford to roll for the characters you want.

What's gacha, actually?
I keep seeing that word, but I have no fucking idea what kind of game that is.

play azur lane


lol just because you can afford it doesnt mean you should. i can post any jpeg of any character from any gacha for you that you like stupid american

games where you can spend money to get additional rolls for characters and equipment. The higher rarity a drop has, the lower a rate for that item is.

You play a shitty game, that was only cobbled together, as to entice you into purchasing characters for the game. The characters just happen to be sexy anime girls most of the time. The gameplay varies from game to game.

care to explain?

Neck yourself retard scum. Do it before theres any chance that a piddle of your semen could potentially reproduce with a female. You are a retard who actually pays money for scantily clad gifs of a japanese kid flashing her ass at you.

You rely on RNG, usually 1 out of 100 chance to get a character.

Rates vary across different gachas, forgot to mention that.

Loot-boxes are just another word for gacha.

But what about the gameplay?

Are the ones above FGO really so much better? We've already had a 100 free quartz, three 10x free quartz and a x30 this year

Honest question

funny how you can post the same pic again

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The concept comes from those toy machines you see in some stores. You don't have real control over what you get. You earn enough point to "roll", then you hope for the best. Or you buy rolls, if you don't want to grind out the points.

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Oh piss off. Its my money.

don't worry buddy if you save up those login rewards for a few months you might get your favorite character

Life is a gacha

Entirely dependent on the game. I'm playing Marvel Strike Force and it has a turn-based combat system with skills and cool downs. Most are like this, but not all.

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>haha look at me paying money for anime pngs on my phone
Are you seriously trying this you nigger?

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I absolutely don't get it.
You just get random things and that's the whole game? How retarded is that?

For example, this one comes from Girls Frontline. A guy found a setup that would kill an unkillable mob took an hour though

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I play 2 mobage games, and I do spend money on one, I don't spend absurd amounts though just 20 bucks every now and then, the way I see it it's the equivalent of modern-arcades.

I tried to post without looking into the thread and you already beat me to it, so here's a photo of a gacha fag in the wild. Without any money to spend on their personal self care, or regular grooming, this is what happens.

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That's what happens when you drop thousands into Gachas.

Dammit, I just don't get the point of those games. I guess I'm getting old... :(

>37% don't spend money
Fucking retard

How do I uninstall it?

how much money do you think this faggot spent to get a team like that? You're missing the entire point. It's not really about the gameplay, as it's always very low-tier effort.

I said before, that gameplay varies. It's like, imagine a shitty phone game. And you can unlock achievements by grinding battles. You don't really feel fulfilled, it's just a waste of time, the battles are shallow flashy garbage. But you keep unlocking achievements, so you keep playing. It's like that, except they tempt you with purchasable unlockables. The randomosity of the unlockables taps into the gambler's compulsion.

I don't know what that means, kid.

Did you get your graphic from this retard?

it's anime brain, we can't understand it

To get the team? None. That particular gacha makes its money off getting skins.

Play Crash Fever, the music is fucking fantastic