New Zelda "BOTW 2" Info

Sheikah Slate is returning for the sequel with new abilities under development. All previous abilities are intact with 2 new ones under development. One of them is still being brainstormed while the other one is fully integrated into gameplay. Xeroxis and Imitasis.

Xeroxis - Duplication of objects. No, you can not duplicate weapons, enemies, materials etc. You can only duplicate certain objects (similar to how Magnesis can only be used on Metal objects) Scan objects with the Sheikah Slate and then copy object. Can only scan 1 object at a time and can only duplicate 3 times. Scanning another object will cancel/erase last duplicated items. Ability will be used to solve puzzles in shrines (yes shrines are returning for the sequel) for example duplicating barrels to hold down multiple switches at once to open a door, or duplicating boxes to make platforms to reach inaccessible areas (can't climb shrine walls) Will also be useful in combat in the overworld also, for example, duplicating boulders to damage multiple enemies. This ability is fully integrated into gameplay and will be in the main game.

Imitasis - Imitation of enemies/take control over enemies. This ability is still heavily under development and might not be in the main game. The idea is still being explored as to how we can integrate this ability into gameplay and make it fun and enjoyable for everyone to use.

That's all the info I'm giving. Also just going to throw this out there, don't expect to see this sequel in 2020. We're still in early stages of development. And no, this sequel does not have a title yet either.

Attached: Nintendo.0.0.jpg (1200x800, 48K)

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why would they give these abilities english names already if the game is so early in development?
it doesn't add up

op btfo

Sheikah Slate won't return because of Link's magic arm and Zonai aesthetic. If it does, it'll be locked to Zelda as a playable character since she takes it back at the end of BotW.


Fuck the fuck off. Are you so desperate for attention that you'll larp this bullshit?

Shut the fuck up Lyin faggot. Screen cap this. Lyin bitch.

You have to be retarded if you think anybody that doesn't speak only Japanese knows anything about this game

what did you say OP?

Attached: 1522318730994.jpg (1000x1373, 506K)

>Shrines are returning for the sequel

Attached: WHY.jpg (473x360, 34K)

>still in the early stages of development
idiot it's been in development for nearly 2 years by this point, they started working on concepts for it as an expansion after BOTW released and turned over to full on game after the last DLC was released. they've been working on it for nearly 2 years by this point, for it to not be 2020 would be fucking ridiculous especially since they don't need to spend nearly as much time on the overworld as BOTW 1.

Just post Link bussy already

Only Americans call the act of copying something "xeroxing", and not even NoA would be retarded enough to misuse a registered trademark in games they localize.

>make copies
>using Xerox to make copies
really nigga...

If a term becomes synonymous with an action to the point of it being a default, generic term the trademark owner can lose the word to the public domain.

>write more paragraphs of leak fanfiction than you wrote for your last middle school essay
>hm what image should i attach that will make Yea Forums believe me
>oh i know i'll use the same generic image of the nintendo logo that has been used in about 10,000 fake leak threads since last week
I hope you and everyone in your discord server dies

Attached: 1544791029910.png (500x276, 200K)


Can we just commence zelda lewd dumping?

Which is why Xerox would have to sue. NoA ain't that dumb.

when will g**gle lose theirs then if this shit really works

Xerox would be after Nintendo's ass in court for that. They do NOT like people using xerox as a term for copying things.

They probably would have by now if not for the fact that Google is Disney levels of immune to copyright law.

how is it early stages when they have been developing it for over 2 years no, fake as fuck

No, these should not come back.

Attached: 2a3f3083dfe614a8755faeec9e313fa4.gif (500x242, 979K)

Wow, Link has a portable copy machine now.

exactly my point it will never work when it needs to in current year