Are you good at voice acting, user?

Are you good at voice acting, user?

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I'm alright at it

Yeah I'm pretty good. I got a nice mic too.

I'm not good but my clients arent asking for perfection, they just wanna hear their names next to some.. Stuff.

Well, are you?

lol whore

wh-...what kinda stuff, user?

I'm pretty good at it but only in my native language. I seriously lack experience with speaking English: I'd need to take a trip for a year or so
My dad's currently trying to leave our country to Canada so I think I might join him.

You're too innocent and pure for this type of stuff.

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I'd rather die than go to Canada

I was gonna start practicing it, but my Grandma moved in with us and shes home 24/7. I don't have the courage to practice when other people are home.

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I'd like to try it.

Canada is nice if you have money. Just don't go to Brampton.

then go ahead and do it, if you're not doing right at first, you're likely to improve with more practice


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I cringed

her game is utter shit

Where to try such a thing though?

on your phone if you don't have a mic, just record yourself saying stuff and then listen to them, if you have no idea what to do then just try to mimic quotes from vidya characters

He is some faggot doing sexual voices for other poeple, but I'm guessing you already know this and are just trying to get him to explain it to you because it gets you off.

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Least I make money

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Not really, but I do know a guy with a golden voice that could probably work on a project.
That guy has gotten laid just because of how smooth his voice is, it's amazing.

I'm good at farming.

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what do you farm man

Can you post some examples? OwO


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Im barely competent at regular talking

how are you able to post on here then"?

There's these giant bugs in this minecraft mod I got that make those cricket noises and it gives me ptsd now.

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I'm not really good at it but I enjoy it. I do shitty Phoenix Wright dubs entirely for my own amusement, but the Judge is the only voice I've got that I think is solid.



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fuck you boner

smoke less


you're either 13 or a 60 yo chain smoker

Like Mike Pollock said "a gig is a gig"

Assuming this isn't just a samefag meme, he's using the Jordan Peterson thing that got taken down.

So this is the tranny thread.

How much does that cost usually?