>mfw Neo-nazis refuse to buy Battlefield 1 and Wolfenstein
Mfw Neo-nazis refuse to buy Battlefield 1 and Wolfenstein
fuck you
take that spider man hand off the wall faggot
he's mine
>mfw neo-marxists refuse to buy goldeneye: cod4 edition
that's right jay
why are they so based
>I don't like Star Wars
>What? You're alt-right?
>I love Star Wars
why do you care what neo nazis dont buy?
>that's awesome! Another monthly fee!
Was in tears
why does a grown man have so many plastic toys?
Like all YouTubers, to appeal to the grown men that pay through the nose for "like-minded" people.
esuom eht liah
esuom eht liah
Ypu dont need to be a natzee to pass on bad games
>he doesn't get that it's a parody
what episode did they say that?
what if i got it for free but i didnt pirate it?
Then i just played the campaign and never touched the multiplayer
the newest one
How much did they pay for all that shit though
It's all pirated, don't worry.
The one that just came out.
>Be Jew
>Don't like over-glorification of nazis
>Don't like default usage of nazis as an excuse for waves of antagonistic enemies to shoot down like zombies
>Don't support any game that tries to bank on the current "punch a Nazi" fad
Red letter makes a lot of money
Also all the stuff they use to dress the set for the nerd crew videos could probably be found at good will
I don't remember anyone boycotting Battlefield 1
I thought it was funny up and till this.
Defending disney is retarded, but underhand business shit shouldn't be sugar coated.
Flea Markets.
Disney wanted half the gross for the MCU involved spiderman movies. Spiderverse showed that's not necessary.
I did.
Because my people aren't even in the game and we fucking assassinated the Kaiser.
Nice try, nazi
>be Joo
>but I not be like other Joo!
anyone else derive all of their opinions and taste from a bunch of old fat men who live in the midwest? I also say based a lot too idk if that means anything.
Archduke wasn't the Kaiser, dumb serb.
>Disney wanted half the gross for the MCU involved spiderman movies.
oh wow lol
I’m just glad I can play the latest game with my CN+ subscription!!!
At this point they're just saying what everyone is already thinking
What the fuck is under handed about an of it
Go cry in you Spiderman bodypillow
>anyone else derive all of their opinions and taste from a bunch of old fat men who live in the midwest?
yes because that's litterally me.
He was in line though because the faggot son of the Kaiser killed himself.
Everything I've heard says Disney tried to get double the agreed profit sharing amount from Sony. If there was a deal that stipulated any of the accusations: we wouldn't be talking about this, and Disney would be suing for breach of contract.
I saw somewhere that the deal supposedly was something like Disney will get 50% of the revenue but it'd also pay 50% of the production costs.
For reference, the last Spiderman movie made over a billion dollars in revenue and cost around 100 million to make.
Fucking Disney.
yeah I dont hate rlm just getting tired of people thinking they're enlightened for thinking this is some groundbreaking idea
>triggering both commie and nazi faggots
Nice work, Moshe.
>that feel when they pretend toby is an old man when he's younger than all of them
>but underhand business shit
>business shit
What ethnicity uses the phrase "business shit"?
Yes because I'm a middle age fat man who lives in the Midwest. I hope to grow up to be just like them.
>that feel when they pretend toby is an old man when he's younger than all of them
what the fuck.
What does Mike "Third Reich" Stoklasa think about Wolfenstein?
I like RLM but these videos are just trash. But I'm not surprised Yea Forums is lapping it up.
That was a weak nerd crew episode.
>are just trash.
I also thought that, but then watched the ones they're parodying.
Now I find them funny.
Probably southern white.
i thought so too until they started listing off all those streaming services
then it became the most terrifying one
but then they kept going with disney healthcare and the joke didn't land
RLM only good content was the prequel reviews. And the baby's day out review.
Listening to them talk about movies out of character is the worst shit I have ever experienced
Disney's offer was basically "Hey, how about you shoulder 100% of the costs and we take 50% of the profits? Good deal, right?"
Stop watching ironic content
who watches this shit?
People only think of the German Kaiser though, not the guy stuck with the sick old man of Europe.
I know what they're parodying. Doesn't make it better.
Didn't land? Did you not see that Apple released a fucking credit card yesterday? They're acting "ironic" but its becoming reality.
Oh god, i didnt know they have a new hipster bit, i clicked on the nerdcrew link. I can't believe they would stoop this low.
why would i?
I liked it
you guys are not boomer enough
Watch it for more then a minute, Nerd Crew is a parody.
Because its going to affect you and everyone else? How are you not able to see the dystopian hellhole of a world we're going into.
how is apple releasing a credit card going to affect me
don't americans have like 10 credit cards each
So he can melt them with acetone, ya dingus.
I like the Nerd Crew videos, but this one seemed a bit drawn out. They did have a bunch of stuff to make fun of, though.
OH ITS A PARODY??? I couldnt tell!!!!1
he doesn't play video games.
But this isn’t just ironic, it’s New Sincerity because it’s using irony to convey a sincere message, just like what DFW wanted
I put it on as I was genuinely interested in hearing RLM talk shit about movie news.
This. It's a sure sign of somebody being a hollow shell with no character, passions or interests in life. In other words, a loser.
I may partake in ironic shitposting from time to time, but i don't spend every waking hour consuming ironic content and being an ironic faggot in everything i say and do.
Unironically the most redpilled dude I knew in college was a finance professor. Older Jewish dude from Brooklyn... But he fuckin' hated Zionists and thought the American government should have just glassed the whole Middle East. I was dating his grandson at the time (So I was over at their place a lot). We were having dinner and drinking and he got drunk and told us all he was "pretty sure" that the Holocaust was "exaggerated".
The city we lived in was home to a very prominent Holocaust survivor and the museum she ran. None of the local Jews liked her and the professor said she made up details and could never tell the same story twice.
it was the only one I laughed at.
I hate their "we're pretending to be retarded" shtick.
irony, loser faggot detected
based and redpilled
I didn't buy Wolfenstein and bought Kingdom Come Deliverance (and all it's DLC). I am sure that makes some people very angry :^)
contempt for their audience
Its the fact that a multi media conglomerate is starting to offer basic services that REGULATED businesses already offer. Considering 100000s of people will get an Apple Credit Card just because its fucking Apple. Its the beginning of the end. Don't be surprised when the Disney Healthcare joke RLM did becomes a reality before 2040.
Homosexuals not welcome
>I was dating his grandson
Who would neonazis headstomp first, the jew or the fag?
He looked like a girl, so it was fine.
>redpilled dude I knew in college was a finance professor
its always the economics guy that's redpilled as fuck.
>i don't spend every waking hour consuming ironic content and being an ironic faggot
And you think other people do? What are you, retarded?
The investment was ironic
We run this site now, shill. Have fun when the day of the rope comes.
Nobody gets upset about irony except the people too stupid or autistic to detect it.
>Its the fact that a multi media conglomerate is starting to offer basic services that REGULATED businesses already offer. Considering 100000s of people will get an Apple Credit Card just because its fucking Apple
I can follolw you this far
>Its the beginning of the end
You can get creditcards from amazon, walmart and I'm sure even the next homeless guy you meet on the street. Why didn't the world end when amazon started doing credit cards?
Youve never run in your life, fatass
>up and till this.
Its ironic because if they openly stated and discussed some of the "jokes" in the lastest RLM video, sudden legal trouble would fall on them. Using irony lets you discuss things, without discussing them. If you use some brain cells, you'd understand.
thaaaaaat's right, jay
fuck off with e-peep bullshit
Why do third worlders even bother trying to spew their ESL shit if you’re just going to embarrass yourselves and not bother having an actual discussion anyway? Please let the adults worry about the world, thanks.
Dunno. We only ever really experienced any sort of attempted gaybashing once .
My concealed carry permit and a .45 saved our lives that day.
He knows numbers. And knows when they really don't add up. Or, rather, when they use very suspicious math.
>mfw draugr refuse to buy my game
The Jew, neonazis fuck each other. No (non fat) women will.
Real master race
Are you alt-right?
>sudden legal trouble
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you talking about youtube demonetization? You think they'd get sued for defamation?
Fucking mouse. The last two Spidey movies were basically commercials for Avengers. What else do you fucking want? Glad Sony told them to fuck off.
so when are you tackling global warming
They had all that shit gifted by fans, same as their VHS collection
You also type like a faggot. Your faggot made up story professor does not know shit. All you brainwashed faggots think you know more than tens of thousands of historians cause of your stupid fucking /pol/ memes. You need to die.
>My concealed carry permit and a .45 saved our lives that day.
lol hope you didn't just flash them and actually shot them.
All 6 or so chads I personally know have degrees in economics
are you gay?
>capeshit drama
>capeshit *movie* drama
it's all so tiring
people don't buy my game??
they ALL must be neonazis
Are you neo-marxist?
I just don't want to. I have no desire to play (and pay for it) a MP focused modern military shooter (and fuck off, just because everyone has a moist nugget or kar98kar98k, it's a still a cowadooty).
And I don't want to play the same game for the 4th time, now with mandatory coop and crafting. Even for free, I literally stopped the torrent around 7%. Plus I heard a lot of negative about, even without mentioning politics.
Now, I want to ask: how overblown their bit about a million streaming services was? I don't use that shit (just pirate everything) but I hear about is Netflix, HBO, Amazon and now Didney+.
There are plenty of people who do. Most of them are teenagers but some don't develop beyond that mentality well into their 20's - 30's.
>mfw Neo-nazis buy Battlefield 1 and Wolfenstein
Dude delete that don't try to fuck red letter media over no one can know about mikes skinhead days
You have legitimately met people who are never serious or sincere about anything at all? That’s hard to believe.
Literally almost every far-left male I've seen that has a GF has a fat one. And not just a degree of chubbiness, I am talking full on obese. They're so ugly I wonder if they're homos in deep in the closet.
of course this is all just speculation user. It's a feeling I've been getting for the last decade. Doesn't it seem odd that a select few companies are starting to control aspects of 100000s of peoples lives?
Most ironic faggots are literal autists who are unable to make any meaningful connections with anybody because they're too afraid to shed their ironic shell. Then they wonder why they're depressed and lonely.
Irony is just a coping mechanism.
I thought Jay was fag, wtf is going on, lads?
>implying Mike "ampf" Stoklasa would ever try to hide his origins and heritage.
Yikes. E celeb worshipers should be killed.
>Most ironic faggots are
Cool ad-hominem, bro. You're just too millennial for their gen-x shenanigans, and people being ironic irritates you.
I pulled it, but didn't fire. They kinda scattered almost immediately.
You just thought he was a fag because you're attracted to him
Disney has hired reviews and heaps of youtubers in the past to demonize and spread misinformation about others that spoke against them. I mean, DISNEY is a fucking MONOPOLY and they dont want to lose control. Them half heatedly reviewing the marvel movies for the last decade has kept them in their good graces
>kills himself like a loser
>Be Jew
It's just that they're the first ones to summarize the idea in one reaction-pic friendly sentence
lmao economics is basically astrology you fuckin nerds
Are you ok, user? I think your tinfoil hat is a bit too tight.
You said LEGAL trouble.
Spotted the autistic le ebin ironic zoomer.
Grow up loser.
>battlefield 1
>They kinda scattered almost immediately
was this recent?
was this in your area?
you have to be really careful cause they might try and find you again, or will break into your house if they know where you live.
Oh, user. Why can't you realize that the post you're replying to is also a parody?
You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.
>lmao economics is basically astrology you fuckin nerds
t. commietard
>playing games with old shitty unreliable weapons
nah i'm good
More buzzwords. It's funny how you actually, unironically type all that crap that doesn't mean anything.
>destroying gifts from fans
oh jeez
>get exited for next products
Sociology/gender studies is basically theology
Those guns were state of the art and was just phased out to feed the military industrial complex, and to use cheaper materials. Cunt.
>implying Disney wouldn't find some reason to sue them after theyve hemorrhaged subs and lost support of their fanbase
It’s stupid Marvel’s fault in the first place for selling the movie rights for Spider-Man to Sony for all eternity apparently, and it’s Marvel, Disney and Sony’s fault collectively for holding up the corrupt copyright laws that are the root of all of this horseshit that they are all in favor of.
I mean, they still bought all that garbage. They still gave their money to Disney, and Disney doesn't care if you bought it "ironically" or not. They're actively supporting exactly what they're criticizing.
This was in 2012. And it wasn't really in a part of town I lived in, thankfully. And I've long-since moved to a different state.
Theology is more respectable
More like destroying shit people sent them because they needed to clean their garage. Like all the crap people send to giant bomb.
I wonder if they've ever sent them a steaming turd in a box.
They destroy the VHS tapes they get, too. Watch an episode of Best of the Worst some time.
Funhaus does something similar, they get demo discs in the mail and destroy them after playing them.
People like watching their shit get destroyed I guess.
>More like destroying shit people sent them because they needed to clean their garage.
for some reason I read vintage as mint.
Most of that shit is cheap as hell. I'm a /toy/fag and I can tell you it's possible most of that room was decorated for less than $100.
>dude if we just ignore what Marx said, everything he correctly identified as being a major internal problem inherent to how Capitalism operates will disappear
>wtf why is a recession happening???
"economics" degrees are memes
The prequel reviews are just funny, but as actual critiques they're god awful. They're "did you even pay attention to the movie"-tier bad, and I dislike them for poisoning the well to actual critique and discussion of the prequels.
Garage sales nigger. None of that crap is expensive.
give me one example where anything in the prequel reviews was wrong
movies and tv is a very s(0)y hobby anyways
>>wtf why is a recession happening???
>"economics" degrees are memes
>litterally every economist is screaming at trump for creating a zombie market a year ago
>Whoa what the fuck, why are we in a recession, economics why didn't you warn us!?
double commietard.
This, theology actually has its origins in classical metaphysics, which has its groundings in logic as a field.
They're not making fun of disney itself, they're making fun of these "le epic geek culture xDD" channels on youtube that run by obvious souless shills
This has been happening since ancient Babilonia you fucking retarded mongoloid.
That "feeling" you get is your brain unable to apply logic and making conclusions solely on emotions.
The world is better and is going a better way than it's been in the whole history of the universe, objectively.
The fuck is a zombie market
No one thinks they're enlightened for saying it, they're just giving them props for actually fucking saying it.
>Every economist tells Trump not to create steel tariffs for Canada
>He does it
>Shit goes south
>Has to undo it.
>classical metaphysics
Sounds super retarded.
what we're going to be in a few years.
why did you requote what I said?
No Im almost 40 and the world sucks now it was better when I was 12 waaaaaaaahhhh
I guess this small time looking cool in the internet will make up for your pathetic life, at least for a few minutes until you realize you're lying to anonymous people
A recession was inevitable regardless of whether Trump accelerated the conditions for it or not.
Fuck your prequels and fuck you.
Regardless, they still make countless videos about these movies and pay to see them every time they come out, and after watching RLM shit on it, their fans probably go and see the movie "ironically" with their friends. They're literally free advertising for Disney.
>why did you requote what I said?
I was agreeing with you citing a specific example.
>is kept afloat by lenient creditors
So every single one of Trump's businesses?
>A small loan of 1 mil... I mean 400+ million dollars and Billions of dollars from foreign banks.
Bailouts are pretty much American culture now.
sorry was making a dumb joke.
Holy shit lmao
>spending a few hundred dollars a year on Star Wars shit, irrelevant pocket change for Disney
>deflating the Disney hype machine on a large scale, hurting their reputation and future sales figures
Pretty sure you are not seeing the bigger picture here
They're movie reviewers and Disney owns half of Hollywood. I'm sure they like having money.
the only good thing to come out of the prequels were a couple of video games. That's pretty pathetic.
>tfw retards care about what i do
It is very cool
>ignore everything what marx said
literally any college worth their salt will tell you exactly what marx claimed, and why 99% of what he said was bullshit
stay mad (and poor) commienigger
>not appreciating what was a good attempt to try and understand the nature of being and reality through rigorous application of pure abstract logic
Of course it falls apart because observation is crucial to vindicate theories, but it was a solid try for the time.
I agree with out 100%, should've said they're a shitty version of theology.
Damn... this post might actually be serious.
Monopolies are basically american culture now.
Marx couldn't understand the subjective nature of value, his grasp on economics is awful.
Less retarded than gender not being biological and fixed.
t. philosophy major mad that empirical economics defies his opinions
>Everybody dead and starved
I'd take the recession, commie
>oh no a temprorary recession
why is everyone even playing it up? are they desperate to pull the rug under trump or something?
Lmao it wasn't even Marx that came up with the Labor Theory of Value, it was economics student's fucking god, Adam Smith, who they conveniently ignore whenever anything he says begins to sound vaguely in line with what Marx said.
Not really. Explain fags, explain frogs that change sex, explain hermaphrodites, and explain those single cell fags that fuck themselves.
I mean the guy wasn't even an economist (and at that point economics was by all means an established field of study), he was a fucking journalist (who would have fucking seen that coming)
Marx was basically the OG armchair economist, which is why no business school or economics faculty ever takes him seriously
>forgetting god-tier setting stories in novels and comics
>forgetting amazing artistic designs in costuming, mechanics, and environments
>or how it pushed visual effects to higher standards (Jar-Jar is the reason why Gollum's technology exists)
>while holding some of John William's best works
If you watched them you'd probably realize where all that crap came from.
Then its equal. Far-left has obese chicks, and Far-right has obese dudes.
Who gives a fuck about literal neo-nazis though?
Beating the shit out of Nazis is a time honored American tradition and the one thing the US is better at than any other country in the world. So what if you lose out on a few thousand sales from LARPing NEETs?
if I made a titty grabbing sim you can damnw ell be sure a few lost sales from radfems wouldn't bother me.
how many fingers does a human being have?
Depends, some have 12
Good thing economics has evolved past Smith's early attempts. Worthy for it's time, but horribly outdated by the time the 20th century rolled around.
>Marx the hack is a hack
>that'll show those capitalists
Literally no one except first year undergrads consider Adam Smith anything more than a symbolic founding father of the science, what the fuck are you even on about?
I can't help you see what you refuse to even look at. It's a problem now, in 2019, because these companies aren't just controlling how many potatoes a village of 500 gets this month. They're gaining power over tens or even hundreds of thousands of people. Some dude with a small army of 5000 is nothing compared to a single company that controls the wishes and thoughts of a small countries worth of people. I'm being generous with "small' country as well.
Ew ew ewwwwwwwwww,
a fucking j*w
The problem is that anyone who isn't pro-choice, pro-gun control, unconditionally pro-LGBT (especially when it comes to trannies), while not being ashamed of their nation's history is called a Nazi.
The movies are bad. Get over it. People don't see movies for spaceship designs or applied graphic software.
Why do you hate your own kind, Jew?
They're ambitious and flawed, but not bad.
do you ever look at an oven and get an itch to jump in
Engels co-wrote Kapital with him, and he was a business owner. Is that good enough for you? Or perhaps you would like to actually read Kapital where he actually cites everything he says?
99% of people have 10. You don't pretend it's perfectly normal to have 8 or 12.
Ok, and 99% of people aren't trannies, so whats the problem?
!esuom eht liah ,esuom eht liah !sdrolrevo yensiD ruo ot woV
Did you just assume how many fingers i have?
I'm not referring to them. I'm referring to retards who would legitimately feel offended by curbstomping a Nazi.
It's large nosed assholes from the same lineage as Marx that imposed central banks, feminism and diversity onto developed countries and then blame property rights when things go to shit. You are dumb shit useless idiot for the corporatist elite. In a real socialist state you would be a literal nobody living in dirt, while the high ranking political class live in state subsidized luxury.
It's ok, you like them. I understand. But seriously, as cinematography goes, they are pretty bad movies. No clone armor designs or John Williams compositions or ILM groundbreaking technology are going to change that.
>dude [huge corporation] is bad, but Capitalism is good I swear
>dude [huge corporation] is bad, but Fascism will save us even though it doesn't actually differ from Capitalism in any real degree
Yeah, fuck those guys. Stomping Nazis in fiction is a proud American past time.
I don't think Americans spent a lot of times fighting Germany.
In fact, they only got into the war when Japan forced their hand. America didn't care how many jews died otherwise.
You say this, yet you participate in capitalism....
Kinda makes one think doesn't it...
You are wasting your time, you are talking to americans.
Problem is that Japs weren't as much fun to stomp.
Japs made it hell to weed them out.
>Hate core audience with a fury not really understood by mankind.
>Audience you do want doesn't play video games.
Life's a bitch, then you die.
And japspeak is unintelligible. German sounds funny.
>It's large nosed assholes from the same lineage as Marx that imposed central banks, feminism and diversity onto developed countries and then blame property rights when things go to shit.
Ah, I see. That isn't an insane conspiracy theory at all, and I assume you have lots of tangible proof backing up this comment?
>when Japan forced their hand
America baited Japan into "forcing their hand" so they could enter the war despite strong isolationist sentiment fostered by communist sympathizing thinktanksin the general public.
>not posting the subtitled versionv
The fans knew exactly how their "donations" would be treated.
It's true. American's just can't fight asians.
Bro don't you know communism would allow you access non-government owned websites like Yea Forums? Don't you know the connection will be super fast? Dumb americans know nothing about communism.
Only the first episode was particularly funny. This one needed at least 5 minutes cut out of it.
the subtitles are wrong
>Yo bro! You should super totes bomb our people and our base so that we don't have to feel bad about bombing you
your games are shit and attacking people for not having interest in the game
video game
Soooo, they're making fun of people only trying to do their jobs? Yeah, how DARE those people... try to make money to afford food and rent?
I'd say the second one was better. Rich Evans trying not to laugh at the cheap toys was hilarious.
It literally happens all the time. Sometimes they skip the middleman and bomb themselves to make it look like someone else bombed them.
>Bro don't you know communism would allow you access non-government owned websites like Yea Forums?
they wouldn't allow anything at all lmao
You can't be serious
they are not free of criticism
How do commietards expect everyone to live if their glorious revolution happens?
punching down tho
Kirkbride really was ahead of his time
It's more like punching at the level but alright
They didn't in China or Russia
when you create content for something that can be seen and reviewed by anyone, then you have to accept criticism. If you don't want criticism go into a different field of work.
>economics student's fucking god, Adam Smith
yeah, a retard
>there are unironic communists on Yea Forums
today I will remind them
one of the worst shops i've seen in years
>his grasp on economics is awful
I think you meant his grasp on reality
Will it literally take Capitalism turning the Earth uninhabitable before you idiots will perhaps consider that the system is bad?
this is such a communist thing, absolutely no foresight.
Why do I get 3day bans for making fun of rightards but theres endless economic, tranny, anti left, communist, marxist threads with hundreds of posts in each.
But I loved Battlefield 1; it’s Battlefield V that I hate.
I think capitalism is bad
but so is communism
materialistic systems need to be wiped out
You're just on the wrong side of history, bro :^)
I'm at least half-serious. I've never liked RLM. They seem like massive hypocrites, only they do it "ironically", so it's okay apparently. I guess that's why you guys suck their cocks so much, despite claiming to have a massive hate-boner for e-celebs.
The "criticism" is that they exist. It's like making fun of actors in an Pepsi ad because they're shilling for a shit drink. Sorry for trying to stay alive and not be a welfare leech, amirite?
>If you don't want criticism go into a different field of work.
Again, if they're truly "shills", that means they're actors, paid to say lines the company wants them to say. Why should actors get shit for the message the company wants to push?
>Marx couldn't understand the subjective nature of value
Pretty sure he outlines the concept of use value in Kapital, so you're wrong on that point.
Ah, yes, that famous mom and pop company...Disney. Those poor folks are just barely scraping by.
I HATE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
damn jay got fat
Don't bother, user. They're Americans. Their government has been indoctrinating them to suck bourgie cock since they were born. Just hope Dorian ticks up a few categories and leave it at that.
They're last movie only made 2.4 billion this time and not 3 billion. have some pity
We live in a day and age where a fucking facebook/twitter post gets you fired
Job Security is a meme and you're delusional if you think that people care about people's jobs
I love e-celebs because they give us this wonderful cancer we enjoy right now. Either way, their hypocritical shitposting is the way they make money for food and rent. Why do you have a problem with them trying to do their jobs?
I know you're just joking, but I'm willing to bet that there are people who unironically think that.
I came here to say this. Americans are infantile and idiotic for a reason.
rent free
>actors don't receive criticism
>when criticism is the thing that causes them to move up or down in the industry
Again, you cannot avoid criticism in the media industry
imagine waking up every morning only to slam your head on the keyboard. kinda like what you're doing right now
Oh eat a shit burger you uptight puckered asshole.
If a the President to a hobo sucking dick to make a living gets made fun of, some desperate, miserable, sad nerds aren't exempt from it.
What's the alternative to Capitalism if you don't like huge corporations fucking you up the ass? What would you change?
American culture is basically American culture now.