so, which one is better Yea Forums?
one would assume the gc version since it has an all new ep, right?
I excluded the xbox version since its not online capable.
So, which one is better Yea Forums?
For me, it's Flowen's Sword (AUW-3084)
Blue burst solo or with a friend on any server not ran by lee
Blue Burst on PC
Gamecube. That 4 player splitscreen.
Ah, a fellow man of culture.
What race/class?
Still play it on my Wii every now and then, gaining levels past 100 offline is unreasonable
BB was definitive but GC was better than DC.
okay thanks anons. GC it is.
GCN because it had the second episode too. Though BB on PC is the best version because it has episode 4 too
I've used all of them, but I tend gravitate to generic HUmars the most. Looking forward to PSO2.
just get on ephinea you stooge, that's where everyone who likes PSOBB is
sadly ep4 sucks balls but hey it's content, 2 was also worse than the original but not by too terribly much.
Looking forward to 2, played it for a while in JP but these games are always more fun with friends
Phantasy Star Online (1) had some of the worst-designed game mechanics I've ever seen in an CRPG.
For example, the Force class had a "fireball" technique where its damage did not scale upward and the spell cost most to cast with each increasing level. The technique got *worse*, in multiple ways, the more experienced you were with it.
Poor, poor design. Ruined the game for me.
>he isn't a FOchad
lmaoing @ ur life
blue burst has more content and supports higher resolutions than 640x480.
but I prefer the gamecube version because the font is better quality for some reason.
pso isn't a crpg. it's a jrpg with co-op elements.
Who's hyped for 2?
God i love the comunity, yes, there are some elitists, but almost everyone is so nice, they help you level, they give you items if they see you struggle the first 100 levels, that guy Cwood (the mag seller) let me owe him 1pd and pay it when i find one. The anniversary event has been so good, etc. Best online experience ever.
>the font is better quality for some reason
That's the result of Sonic Team making terrible PC ports during the early 2000's, granted it's not as bad as others.
Photon Drop
It's not an RPG, it's a Diablo-like in third person perspective instead of isometric
It's an action-RPG.
Its a platformer!
Its a shooter!
It's PSO!
So what does MUUT DITTS POUMN mean?
so is this game good or what? i don't have friends
I had a lot of fun playing it solo for years but I did often play co-op with other 3 friends too so...
Best drop ever
ep 2 is only brought down by the stupid VR levels. everything after that is peak pso
are episode 1&2 worth playing solo?
I only played the GC version in local coop with friends, shit was great.
VR Spaceship is worth it just for Trick Track.
i played last year and a bit last month, got level 40 fomarl, i dropped cause i couldnt find enough people to group with, fomarl is literally useless damage wise, her damage abilities are about tagging people for experience, and she has the best supports in the game
honestly this would do crazy well with a rerelease on official servers if it meant the servers could actually be full
the lobby system is perfect for player match making, and if they had it that you could join quests thatd be crazy
pretty trash that theyre porting the worst phantasy star from 2012 for some reason instead of this one that has had persistent online servers
Pso 1 and 2 HD would be my dream release. Especially if they can fix all of the modding etc. so that we can play the pure experience this time.
GC for local co-op, especially 1 and 2 plus. Plus contains all the online content and patches for offline play.
Also xbox is online capable through Xlink Kai.
Isnt that what Blue Burst is?
Blue Burst on private servers is the peak. I just wish they were more populated.
I kinda wish PSO had a lobby more like the way it worked in PSU, with the cities and stuff, and then the missions away from that.
I never had a chance to play Universe, alot of folks talk like it was pretty bad though. I wish it was backwards compatible with xbone so i could give it a shot
This is my wet dream regarding Pso2 western release or a PsoBB HD remake:
-Sega contacts the 3 most famous servers (Ephinea, ultima, shitserv) and help them develop a way to export character information.
-Also a way to export character information from original hardware (vmu, memory cards, etc)
-Then they let you import one character from the private server/og hardware per account, but without items except maybe the Mag, and you cant sell or trade that mag, you can change it, but you cant use it with other character. And if you decide to delete this character, the mag deletes and you can transfer other character from the servers (we dont want people to abuse this).
ive been playing on ephinea since april and never had problems finding people to play with.
Schtserv was empty as fuck tho
>tfw no psobb HD for switch
I would buy the fuck out of that so fast
fuckin' nice user
So what's the lore of episode 1?
>pioneer one lands on ragol, people set up bases
>monsters turn hostile from dark falz
>rico investigates, finds the ruins
>gets possessed by dark falz
>pioneer 2 is about to land but then the explosion happens, dark falz absorbs all the people living there
>government sends you down to investigate
Also, what is Black Paper? What is the government hiding?
Universe was my first Phantasy Star game, I played it a lot offline, as a 11 year old kid the character customization really blew me away and hooked me to the game.
I only really started to play PSO in pirate servers some time later.
>be kids
>HUfriends hate fighting caves boss de rol le
>be FOchad and gizonde him to oblivion
>"whaaaa! im rerolling!"
the laughter and amazement we had as all the scales are getting destroyed and how easy that fight is with gizonde is still priceless in memory
What the fuck are you talking about? It DID scale with level and total MST. Not to mention how much further and faster it went
Are there any active, non-cucked private servers for this game?
>Ultimate mode
>FOs can't break his shell fast enough
>HUs can rip that shit open in a second with Excal and deal true damage
I literally have a pavlovian reaction to the sight of a red box no matter how many times I get Varista'd or PD'd.
It actually is if you play Ranger.
version 2's hud is the best
bb is the good version of the game though
The government is interested in exploiting the Dcell shit from Falz and Photons in order to create super weapons even though the homeworld is already on the brink of ruin. PSO government is goddamn insane.
>Peak comfy
PSO was a blast. Would love to do another BB session.
>never got to do the Tower shit back on GC because no online
There was some wack ass shit in there I had no idea existed, I was blown away when I started playing on a private server
gamecube if youre playing splitscreenw ith friends
ephinea blue burst on pc if you want the best experience
psu clementine if you are patrician and gigachad