Showed off at PAX

>Showed off at PAX
>Menu Interface is done
>Art Galley is already in there
>All six games available and working
>Even remastered dialogue audio option for the ZX games have been implemented and working
>Cutscenes for ZX are of a higher quality
>Game looks like it can ship out by next month
>But won't come out until January 2020
>Pre-Order trailer mentions 6 new tracks made for the collection that you can toggle in game
>This would require some rom hackery to disable the audio channels with music tracks in all 6 games so that the games only play sound effects
>All that effort across 6 games for just one track each?
>Every game had a remastered soundtrack release with every single track in the game
You may call me a crazy man, but I'm betting an arranged soundtrack mode is in the works right now for this collection. They are preparing all the material to make looping versions of the tracks and writing a new sound engine for this Collection. If that is the case, this will easily be not only the definitive way to play these games (as you have the option to play the original tracks if the remastered tracks aren't your taste), but also one if the better efforts from Capcom and collection games in general.

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Other urls found in this thread:,

I own the DS MMZ collection!
I own MMZX and ZX:A on DS carts!
I will buy this version too!
Then i will also buy Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX!

Attached: Blade-Luminous-Avenger-iX.jpg (1380x1772, 359K)

maybe they are working on making the Japanese voices compatible with the english text for ZX advent? wishful thinking and too much effort though

I had no idea it was that complete. I wonder why it's taking them so long to release it then.
I'm not sure if we're getting entirely redone osts, but maybe we'd be getting the option to play the mythos versions ingame.

They're holding it back so they have something big to release after the holidays. Marketing 101.

>remastered music
Based. The GBA soundchip was not great.
Konami needs to step up and make more Castlevania collections with features like this for Aria/HoD/Moon.

Well we could get the ds's "remastered" zero songs instead of the gba ones.

A handheld collection is hardly "big". Especially when you consider that the later half of the collection sold abysmal numbers when they first release so their demand is far below normal titles.

when they say "remastered" dialogue, do they just mean uncompressed?

The original audio files are implemented uncompressed into the collection.

Attached: mmz.png (850x500, 31K)

>non-answer answer for mythos music
How do you give a non-answer.
Either yes, no, or I don't know.
>No emulation
Yeah and they also said the games in the first classic collection was like that too, and wouldn't you know it.
They were emulated.

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We absolutely don't need it for a Battle Network collection, though. The composers mastered the soundchip.

Based Capcom figured they could use the GBA soundchip for synths and the GBA for samples.

Who is developing these anyways? Digital Eclipse did the first Classic Collection, but everything after that was done in-house I believe.

That's correct.
As far as we know, everything has been inhouse since lc2. And since we have confirmation inti has nothing to do with this collection we can assume this one is also inhouse.

Wow I'm a retard I meant that for Sorry me I didn't mean to give you another (You) you faggot

>And since we have confirmation inti has nothing to do with this collection
Its so weird that the inti credit screens have been removed. Isnt that grounds for a lawsuit? Inti did make the individual games after all

I'm not too sure how rights work, but since Capcom owns the games I don't think credit is needed unless they worked on that specific project/media/whatever, which in this case they didn't since the collection is all inhouse.

Wait, what? How would you know if they removed the credits for the individual games if the collection isn't out yet?

Is the blood gonna be back in the Zero games? What about the dialogue censorship?

PAX gameplay videos, keep up
The collection is full of games they made tho. As a whole the collection may be inhouse but each game in it was made by inti. So how does that work?

>Is the blood gonna be back in the Zero games?
Not in the English version at least

>Isnt that grounds for a lawsuit?
Please don't talk about the law when you clearly don't know anything.

the zero games suck dick, the kind of treasure-esque high speed high danger gameplay doesn't work on a tiny GBA screen. you constantly have instant death spikes 1 inch off the sides of the screen for you to run into and there's absolutely no way to know if a pit is fatal or progress until you've already jumped in

this is where the people who played this games 100 times as kids jump in with g-git gud as if memorizing the level layouts by dying over and over is a skill

If you read the credits for MMX LC, there's a dozen companies involved. I don't think actual Capcom employees did any porting grunt work, only coordination.

They already made official remastered soundtracks for all 6 games in the past, I can't imagine it'd be too much effort to include them in this.

>Admitting to being a casualshitter this blatantly
Take a hike games journalist, these games require skill to complete not prevasion

That's pretty odd and shitty. Crash Nsane did a similar thing with not crediting the original level designers and artists. Those people made the game you're taking credit for.

>How do you give a non-answer.
>Either yes, no, or I don't know.
"we aren't discussing that at this time" and the like. They aren't going to say yes even if the answer is yes because there's probably an official plan for announcing that. They aren't going to say no even if the answer is no because they don't want to say anything that could disappoint anyone.

Fair enough

I would've been fine with it if it weren't for the horrendous lives system it had.
At least with this collection I can just put a save state at the beginning of the level.

(You) just gave him three (you)s

I always hear this complaint but I never dealt with this in any of the 4 games. The level design always accounted for thr screen space. It's not like Mega Man and Bass's GBA conversion where the level design suffered because of the smaller screen space.

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Well Him is also Me but I don't want to give more (You)s to Me because then Me will be jealous of Me for getting a (You) before Me

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>be me a few seconds ago
>play Wily Tower for the first time
>reach stage 2 and this plays
FUCK Wily stage 1 from 2 and 7 and FUCK We're the Robots

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Wonder what else they're doing?

>have to use shitty switch buttons for movement
yeah i'm thinking i'll stay with the DS versions

the games aren't even that hard. you can fail almost every mission in zero 1 (plus you can grind), 3 has mod cards (DS version) and 4/zx/zxa had an easy mode

2 also has a bunch of easy etanks iirc


Reminder: Every time you use a Cyber Elf; they die.

Please, think of the Cyber Elves.

yeah but I want jackson so I guess I have to kill them all

You have to keep them alive them for Jackson. It's after you get Jackson that you kill them all for Ultimate Mode.

oh was that it? I guess it makes sense
Either way you have to kill them all, more importantly you need to farm crystals for them which is a huge pain

ELF is a deprecated binary format, it matters not

Legends collection after this. Then we will be all up to date. With this timeline anyways.

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Then the sexy BN girls can shine!

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Heh, good one user.
Where my Battle Network bros at?

It seems capcom is putting out collections in chronological order, so legends is most likely next.
After legends we'll probably jump to alt timelines which is where we'll get bn/sf collection(s)

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A MegaMan can dream

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I was surprised that I had absolutely no problem using them for the classic and x collections. Not once did I feel that I screwed up from a control issue.

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I think it might be pretty safe to say that they'll combine the two series into one collection like they did here. It all comes down to whether or not people would actually buy them seperately. Capcom thinks Switch owners would buy DMC games individually, so they ripped apart an EXISTING collection. They don't think a ZX bundle will sell, so they're throwing them in with Zero.
Star Force definitely can't fly on its own.

Attached: Please_play_Mega_Man_Battle_Network_Star_Force.png (480x128, 6K)

They should change Omega's model to the original Zero. What a missed opportunity that was.

I'm still hoping for a "Mega Man Treasure Collection" with all the oddball Classic and X games. So far, I would imagine it to have:

*Mega Man & Bass
*The Wily Wars
*Mega Man World 1-5
*Power Battle and Power Fighters
*Battle & Chase
*Rockboard (might get a name change to "Megaboard" or something)
*MM Soccer (fixed to have its ending restored)
*MMX Command Mission (GCN version, adjusted to not need a GBA for bonuses)
*Xtreme 1 and 2

As long as Mega Man & Bass is actually the snes version translated and not that garbage GBA version.

Pretty sure they said in one of those sourcebooks that Zero willingly changed his body to the MMZ design before Weil turned it into Omega, to lampshade why it's not the MMX Zero.

Obviously the SNES version, though with an adjusted version of the GBA translation.

Didn't know that. Still pretty whack either way. Ending the game on that would have been fucking amazing even if the fight is too easy.

Or buy both cause you're a Mega Man addict like me

The scientists studying him in order to learn about the virus removed his mind and placed it in a new body so they could more easily study his original body, and then Weil later stole it and put Omega into it. Zero voluntarily allowed this, but with the amnesia he suffered from his later resurrection, he forgot about it.

>Capcom thinks Switch owners would buy DMC games individually
They knew they'd buy DMC 1 separate.
Capcom states they have no plans to bring dmc 2 and 3 to switch.

Maybe if it wasn't the crappy HD version of DMC1...

Where was this?
From what I saw, it's purely an art style change. Within the megaman canon they look the same to how they did in the X series.

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You're right.

>no ELF WARs
Its shit

Addict. Wew lad.

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>Visit elf wars ruins in the MMZ games
>Its basically a MML ruin, reaverbot eye included
What did Capcom eman by this

I'm jelly.

All the games had better be on one disc

Right here brethren.

A BN/SF collection would be another dream for me, like this Z/ZX on is.

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I like how you put the worst games front and center.


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>We get a Megaman ZX3
>It's also Legends 3

Switch version will have the MMZ3 minigames on disc and the rest will be a download code.

I hope they allow us to refight the zero 3/4 bosses in zx. I'm worried they'll shove that aside and the doors will stay locked with no way to open them.

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Capcom hasn't been known to leave unlockable content locked in their recent re-releases.

I haven't played a Starforce game, but this girl is cute in this outfit; does she normally wear it?

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Hackers figured out how to make them fightable without a GBA slot. Capcom's got no excuse.

No. You should still play Starforce (or Ape Escape 3 if you really care about that outfit)

Why is Zero wearing pink pantsu

Don't be
I put them there but the rest of my shit is in storage. I don't have a separate room to put all my shit anymore. Gotta hide that shit. Also my son fucked up my figures so yeah.

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The Zero series is the peak of Megaman

>The BN series is the peak of Megaman

Boy if you thought that was good, wait til you hear this.

The cringiest time of my life anons. Never again. Here have a mega fug from Japan.

Attached: IMG_20190408_125558.jpg (3024x4032, 826K)

Why AREN'T you wearing pink pantsu?
You'd look great in them babe

capcom is gonna release a battle network collection first before they ship out Z/ZX collection, thus explaining such a late release date
it will be announced in the nintendo direct.

Attached: what.jpg (627x620, 67K)

C'mon babe don't be shy
Wear them for me, pretty please?

I'm going to go.

Any censorship?

There's nothing to censor on those games

See you tomorrow, hotness.

You've been visited by the Hoo that Hoos the Has. Reply with "I'm dissapointed in you Colonel" to find a reason to fight for

Attached: Zeeloooo.gif (400x400, 209K)

>Ciel's Z-Dildo in ZX
Yeah right

I'm disappointed in you Colonel!

Attached: Mega Man X Sprites BG.png (2084x1015, 174K)

>hoo hoo ha
>not hii haa huu

Glad I somehow grew up playing the japanese version with based Okiayu voicing Zero and good acting in general

Get ready to add Network Transmission, Battle Chip Challenge, 4.5, and, god forbid, Tron Bonne to that list.

>Remixed Trap Phantasm
Please be good

Tron Bonne obviously gets added to the Legends Collection since that's only three games.

Remastered Legends could look really good. The characters are very expressive on cutscenes. Very good cartoony look.

>Inti not involved in Zero/ZX Legacy Collection

So this basically dashes any potential hopes of them collaborating with Capcom again, huh.

They romhacked the Battle Network games to give you all the chips that you wouldn't be able to otherwise get when you open the multiplayer menu, and they did this for the Wii U Virtual Console. I don't think you'll have to worry about that.

I would've written them off after they were announced for Mighty Number 9, and I'm not even a Japanese executive.

I'm dissapointed in you Colonel

Attached: stupidcolonel.jpg (229x266, 29K)

Oh yeah, that happened.

RIP Inti

It's not a missed opportunity. God damn you guys are retarded.

>MMZ Original X's body is the MMX design
>MMZ Copy X's body is a new design
>MMZ Copy Zero's body is a new design

>MMZ Original Zero's body is not the MMX design

Attached: thomas_the_train.png (300x206, 39K)

>MMZ Original X's body is the MMX design

Except that's not the case?

But that's wrong?

Attached: mmz_original_x.png (1205x676, 1.7M)

Now show that in the game.

Boy howdy that sure isn't the Mega Man X design.

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>english and japanese editions
>plentiful language options
Does this mean I can play the uncensored japanese versions with english text and voices? It sounds like it does, but I don't know how these collections work.

You're silly if you think it's the same design as Copy X.

Attached: mmz_copy_x.png (611x534, 700K)

Past collections only let you play each game in all English or all Japanese, unless a separate game has its own built-in language option (like X7).

It's clearly not, but it's also clearly not the MMX design.

Kinda feels like the "arguing with Patrick Star" scene from Spongebob. I'll give you a (You) and leave it at that.

Okay retard.

If you can't enjoy X7 are you really a Mega Man fan

Copy-X can be excused as being an imperfect copy, but at the same time the original X design wasn't really properly reflected, his colors were off in the game, and that sure as shit ain't X's classic design. Artwork and concepts are a different ballpark from actual spritework effort.

I feel like the only one who walked away from that situation carrying any scars was Inafune. By contrast Inti has had relatively steady work and a largely-solid body of work since then not counting DMFD here. Bringing back the OG artist for promotioal art also seems like the door is being held open.
Honestly, I don't know what's ahead but if I were to bet on outcomes I'd say a ZX3 with Inti seems a hell of a lot more likely than another stab at Legends 3 by anyone.

It's a lot closer to the original design than Omega was to Zero
>just recolor it to slightly more red
Lazy hacks

>Legends Collection is announced
>it comes with a port of that Legends 3 demo

Attached: 9f2.gif (480x270, 3.49M)

>Tries to pull a MGS2 and replace Megaman with some no-name

Fuck Barrett! We didn't wait over ten years to play as some douche with what would likely be a plot-device sister.

alright faggots, post your favourte song from the Z games. starting with a classic.

To be fair, Volnutt was stuck on freaking space

I was looking forward to Roll, Tron, DashAxl and NuWaifu teaming up to rescue him

So? They could've picked up the game from there.

Ughhhh my dick.

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The thing is, Inti Creates was founded by ex-Capcom employees and they take corporate loyalty pretty seriously in Japan, no? I've heard the only reason they were able to work with Capcom to make MMZ to MM10 was due to Inafune serving as a middle man.
Although Inti was founded over 20 years ago, so if there is a stigma then hopefully it's worn off by now.

Reminder that several demo carts were made, at least one in English, and disappeared into the ether. If they still exist and an user with a hacked 3DS was resourceful and criminal enough...

Attached: mega bank robber.jpg (275x500, 23K)

Call me a cheater, I don't care.

It's from ZX but who cares

Today was ACDC Elementary School's class reunion. It's been quite a while since I graduated... Time really goes by so fast. Dex, who I haven't seen for a while, has been elected mayor. He has really grown into a fine young man. And I hear Yai is president of her father's company; traveling around the world. They both have made their marks and now it's my turn. I'm gonna become a great scientist and help all of humanity!

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I want a Zero 5 where you get to play as Harpuia, Leviathan, and Fefnir.

I love this dope ass mix

Only if it focuses on them doing their jobs and cleaning up the environment.

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You can have it, if I get my Vile spinoff

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Why was his name changed from VAVA to Vile?

You feel threatened by a guy named VAVA?

Because thanks to Bs and Vs sharing a Japanese letter, it also can be spelled as BABA, which is just one letter short of Boba.


If he's riding a big mech, kicking my ass, and trash talking me, then yeah.

>tfw no brothers

Attached: 2389 - MegaMan Star Force 2 - Zerker x Saurian (U)__14447.png (512x768, 27K)

>Based off Boba Fett, guy who jobs like a motherfucker in the films
>Vile actually accomplishes shit and manages to be a threat in his debut appearance
Japan showing how it's done yet again

Kinda boring to play as him stuck on the lifeless moon

There needs to be more harpua smutt

Wishing to much. It would been found by now.

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Reminder that Patch and Megaman Jr. exist, thus opening possibilities of a new game or sequel in the series.

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Any smutt of the cutey on the shoulders

I-is this for SDT?

They could honestly reboot the BN series from scratch if they wanted to. A whole new timeline, new events, and it wouldn't have any impact on the prior BN titles.

You're assuming any are out in the wild to be found. I bet all the demo carts are accounted for and kept in some locked file cabinet in Capcom's offices.

The DS Collection was Godlike with all the bonuses and extras it had. I can only hope this new one matches it or surpasses it.

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>Megaman Jr.
Don't you mean X.exe?

Why not find out

I still wonder why VAVA is in all caps

Dammit now you made me mad about Starforce not being about X.exe fighting the sigma virus



>>Based off Boba Fett, guy who jobs like a motherfucker in the films
Jango ended up being cooler anyway.

Phone posters lmao

Honestly if reason were reason, i'd assume they're using the collection as a basis mostly for simplicity instead of emulating two separate systems in this thing, not to mention having Easy Scenario and all that as an option.

You got it, it's Maverick Hunter X. Pretty good Vile game

Yes, they are using the MMZ DS ports, 99% sure

Network Transmission already did the maverick virus though.
And Bass.EXE is basically the BN Sigma. Rebels against humans, doesn't die when he's killed, and becomes more viral and less intelligent over time with shit like bugs and DARKNESS. The only difference is that he has a personal vendetta instead of grand ambitions. In a way Bass.EXE is the X of BN seeing as he's the first navi capable of independent action and self-improvement. The difference there is that unlike Classic Light, BN Cossack didn't consider if the world could handle such a thing.

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I want a real Sigma.exe, not posers and wannabes

Didn't Zero.exe job to Bass.exe in a later game?

Where would you get that idea?

>tfw Bass.exe literally did nothing wrong

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Sorry for being a filthy phoneposter but forte.exe will always be my favorite character. Wish I got this damn figure though.

Attached: Screenshot_20190902-212057.png (1440x2560, 1.09M)

All I know about that figure is that it has a nice but.

Good night sweet thread

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I wish charge attacks weren't so powerful so that there's more reason to use the EX Skills and combo slashes
The level and the boss kicked my ass a lot until I got gud, but I never got tired of the music.

>Made this thread in the morning
>It's still up
>Just a bunch of bros discussing a based series with minimal shit posting
I love you guys

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This song is so ingrained into my head from all the times I was trying to ace it.

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Cringe, the GBA soundchip sounded far more ominous and had already good sampling.

Comfy bn thread next?

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Digital or physical for the great adept exterminator Copen?

I'd love to see them hide it in the collection.
Like after you beat the 3 games it shows up or something.
Either way, adding that demo would make the collection sell better.

>the new phone game is built off of MHX
>but they can't just port the real game to anything
I'd buy a Powered Up + MHX bundle.

Reminder that Omega may or may not be the original berserker Zero.
From the interview that came with the Telos remastered track:
>Yabe: The personality program (Cyber Elf) of Omega’s 3rd form was programmed by Weil as a Messiah. Well then, Omega’s 3rd form’s… Original Zero’s personality… We can’t affirm for sure that all of it is made by Weil.
>Itou: We can’t deny the possibility that the original personality of Zero, made by “the scientist who tried to take over the world many times” remained in the original body and that personality has won over…
>Yabe: Let’s leave that up to the users’ imaginations (laughs)

Attached: Zero&Sigma.png (640x256, 162K)

Not him, but I'm a pcfag. My option is kinda obvious
I would pirate but Copen in GV2 is just too fun and fuck it, 15 isnt much

>“the scientist who tried to take over the world many times”
Do they really need to dance around it?

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I don't think the last one should be there.

What would Wily think about Zero if he traveled into the far future and found out that he is both the cause of world's destruction, but also its savior?

Attached: Mega_Man_Zero_ZX_Legacy_Collection_Leaked_Gaming_Instincts_TV_Article_Website_Youtube_Thumbnail[1].j (1900x1096, 309K)

He'd be pretty happy that Zero outlived Dr. Light's last creation

I'm going to have to shop Zero and Wily into this for a future thread.

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they should have saved x's body being destroyed for z3 instead of having that bitch elpizo do it

An office worker reploid who originally didn't even have a real name succeeded where countless war machine mavericks and Sigma iterations failed.

The DS collection already improved the music.

Never doubt the power of jannies

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We should have a bet on whether it's Battle Network or Legends next.

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Steam page when? I want to pre-order Hitler Megaman's waifu murder simulator.

If it were MM11 Wily, then he'd shed a manly tear of joy that Zero became a legendary hero.

my bet is on BN.
I'd be overjoyed either way.

I'm kind of mad that Zero.EXE was so under utilized in the BN titles. If the series were to get rebooted, I'd love for a game to give focus on him as a character, along with the Virus. I was kind of expecting BN6 to focus on Zero, since Colonel and Iris were central figures, but nope.

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>Then i will also buy Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX!
But this is coming out first.

Physical of course.

I'm pretty sure it'll likely be BN/SF first, but either way we'll probably get a Legends collection eventually.

Zero already stole one timeline from the actual Mega Men. Now you want him to take over the BN timeline?

>Eternally seethe to the point where you want to genocide an entire race of people, because one of them happened to kill your father
>Be named "Cope"n of all things
I've spent too much time on this website.
Nah, just one title will suffice. I just really liked Zero EXE's design.

This was my biggest gripe.

>Zero, you look completely different!
>In fact, that's not even your real body! That guy is over here, time for the grand reveal!
>>Just a palette swap of the same body


I just completed Zero 2 and I have to wonder, was there really even a point to Elpizo's character..?

those 6 new remixed tracks suck balls

Z2 is pretty irrelevant outside a handful of plot developments that take place. It might just be the weakest of the Zero titles.

In terms of gameplay I think it's pretty great. It's just the story which is a waste of time.

The natural order of things must be preserved

Probably because it actually DIDN'T sell, based retards. What the fuck are they thinking?

Only for the prologue, you fucking retard. Every time someone shits on Barrett, it's some uninformed retard.

Does anyone have Blade & Soul codes they won't be using?

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Was Weil a descendant of Wily?

Dovctor wivy?

I'm going with the chronological theory, Legends next to finish off the canon timeline, BN and SF next.

Aloulette is cute

Attached: 200px-Alouette.jpg (200x451, 22K)

Yes she is

I really want a ZX3, just so they can be direct about Alloute being Prairie. Everyone knows already. They might as well reveal it, and maybe even have Ciel reappear.

Dr. Wily had kids?


He genetically altered himself to be able to give birth and aggressively impregnated himself with seed stolen from Dr. Light in a psychotic moment of self hatefuck.
Probably with a big syringe that then exploded immediately afterwards because he can't build anything worth a shit.

Attached: Wily9.jpg (618x828, 177K)

You forgot your "haha", weirdo.

There's a patch already available so they don't have any excuse

I wish there was a form to put Model H's air dash and X's or A's buster shots together.

Damn it's still up? Fuck I love MegaMan threads. I think MegaMan has the most games in a series right?

I mean...
There's an entire character created around this very idea.

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Remastered audio voices

Copen is different though. Isn't he more about dash in homing shots? Also was there ever an EX skill or something for damage dashes? That would have been cool. Also I know Zero had a spear, but a model with a lance would have been cool.

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Robots can't get pregnant. Or can they? Seeing how advance Repliods are in the X series, it could be possible.

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Not emulated really? Fucking finally mega man x collection was okay ten times better then digital eclipse but full on porting is the best

If it was emulation we would find out at launch

Also legacy collection one was always what digital eclipse called there “custom emulator” which is shit since it had so many bugs in it



Wait so what's the consensus of the quality for the various collections?
How's the classic MM collection, and how's the MMX collection?

The X collection had really bad input lag on the three original games. Compared to playing those on an unofficial SNES emulator, the X collection feels rushed.

Seriously this is important!

>The X collection had really bad input lag on the three original games
YT proof of this?

Dont set yourself up for disappointment, wait til its confirmed before busting a nut.

The last human dies during the Legends timeframe. Neo Arcadia was the only place on the world in which humans could live for a very long time and had a population of around ~20 million. Area Zero has been only a thing for very briefly prior to the destruction of Neo Arcadia.
I think it's fair to say humanity never really recovered after the destruction of Neo Arcadia and was already on the path to certain extinction considering how few there were left.

What happened to Area Zero after the events of Z4?

It's where most of the surviving humans moved on to. I guess it became the new human settlement but we've never got more info than that.

Whit the help of Ciel and the rest of the settlers it expanded trough nearly all the land, the first thing you see on ZX is an endless forest, my favorite moment in the whole ZX series in fact

God i really dislike most of the ZX and ZX:A music.
It almost sounds like eurobeat, and i fucking hate eurobeat.
Aside this one:

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Do you seriously want the fucking style clashing X4 sprites? You can't be this stupid.

I don't know why everyone begs for this. Maybe it's just one very loud user.

Every Inti game is a trap factory.

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>TFW you like Elpizo
He wasn't a charming villain, but I enjoyed his rise, fall and betrayal. I just wish his boss fight wasn't just Copy X 2.0

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I agree, i liked the idea of this small blue collar nobody obtaining power and becoming corrupted and misguided, and still, ultimately, stay as small as he used to be.
I think it just wan't explored enough so not a lot of people could appreciate what was actually going on with him and why it was interesting.
But, ultimately, this isn't a JRPG, but an action game first, so prioritizing gameplay over character exploration is just how things are done here.

I think there was only two that sounded off as a result, but otherwise an excellent job at expanding the sound channels and improving audio quality.

Yeah. The concept was cool and while I would like it to be explored more, they gave me enough backdrop to go with. I find it baffling that there are people claiming Zero 2 is the weakest entry, because outside of Elpizo, the game is stellar as fuck gameplay wise. Someone earlier claimed X's death should have been shoved into 3, but 3 already has so much shit going on that I feel it would just be another thing on a list rather than an event.

Please dont support lazy rom collections. I like and want to support Mega Man but all this does and show then you want more rom packs

I will exclusively support rom collections because they're 2D.
When Capcom makes new megaman content it's horrible, ugly looking 2.5 crap they can shove directly up your rectum.

Unless it's new 2D projects with Inti, or even internal, as long as it's fucking 2D sprites, i won't support any of the new shit they put out.

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based retard
You also think MM11 happened just cause no?

>Lazy rom collections
>Improved audio and visual elements using source material
>New gameplay modes
>Multi-language support on top of the included 2 english and japanese versions

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>Like and want to support MegaMan
Then do it faggot, I bet your the type of person that asks if there is anything you can do when someone needs help but you don't wanna do a damn thing for em. So you don't.

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nig nog detected

If the statement about these being source ports is true, then this one if the better efforts in terms of game compilations.

It looks like it'll be the best versions of the games by far, and closer to what they should have always been. What's your problem exactly?

>It looks like it'll be the best versions of the games by far,
How exactly?

See .
All the music and sounds are higher quality than the ones that were limited by the GBA and DS soundchips.
And look up a side comparison between the ZX cutscenes and you'll see a huge difference in resolution and quality.
Among other improvements. Among other new additions.
All while keeping the core game the same. Only better than ever. It's fucking perfect unless some unknown flaw surfaces.

The ZX games are definitely getting a boost in quality in regards to general presentation and cutscenes. Not much details have been revealed for Zero, but if it has the same updates that the Zero Collection has, then they'll be just as good.

Is the music actually better than the DS version? Those renditions are crystal clear IMO.
I'll grant you the cutscenes but caring about the story in ZX games is pretty retarded.
A real upgrade would have been something like expanding the field of view.

>A real upgrade would have been something like expanding the field of view.
Fuck no that would have destroyed the game.

Do you actually enjoy peering through a viewport with sub NES resolution? In a game where you should be dashing into off-screen obstacles 90% of the time?

When that's how they were designed yes. You can't just make games widescreen that weren't designed for widescreen.

>Also was there ever an EX skill or something for damage dashes?
The new ones gonna have that, think it was red drill dash.

>Damage dashes
There was were subroutines for that but they're pretty pathetic

Capcom said that Legacy Collection's success helped convince them to green light MM11.

Well yeah, it's not just a case of tweaking variables in a config file, you have to alter enemy AI and spawn-in points. That's why it'd be a substantial enough change to warrant a remaster and a purchase.

>You can't just make games widescreen that weren't designed for widescreen.
Worked for Sonic 1, 2 and CD. Hell, Zero 1 and 2 would benefit greatly from just a little extra bit of field of view. Zero 3 and 4 not so much, but I doubt it would've hurt them.

And yet I have no confidence whatsoever in it being an improvement, even if effort was put into an attempt at making it so. It'd be a huge gamble with ample possibilities of it just being flat out worse at which point the entire collection would just be a huge waste of time instead of the definitive versions of the games that they could be.

And yet MM11 was still visibly rushed and cheap.

>muh grafix
Looked fine and even if it didn't that still doesn't stop MM11 from being in the top 3 best Classic series games.

>A real upgrade would have been something like expanding the field of view.
Why not just ask for a remake at that point.


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Are you by any chance the user that is in every kingmaker thread and loves Valerie?

>Decided to replay zero 1
>beat the game with no major difficulties all A rank
>replay again to get all cyber elfs
>been only getting S rank

>Worked for Sonic 1, 2 and CD.
Those games were remakes. They weren't just ports or remasters. Taxman and Stealth remade them using Retro Engine.

I'd rather them try to do it and fail than not try at all. I have perfectly functioning copies of these games. I have no interest in a collection which doesn't actually improve them in any meaningful ways.

The rest of the game is basically fine, and not in need of any improvement.

I know, but I mean you being able to see more of the game didn't break it from a design standpoint. Also Taxman and Stealth's effort should be a fucking standard for old game rereleases, those classic Sonic remakes put everyone else to shame.

Making additions is cool, but changing things? That kind of sucks.

It's not about grafix, it's about content. Having only 10 stages (inc. Wily) in a new Megaman game is a joke.
What was in 11 was fine, there just wasn't nearly enough if it. And unlike Megaman 9, DLC didn't fix the problem.

>I mean you being able to see more of the game didn't break it from a design standpoint
Because they remade the game to account for it in the design. All the boss fights and enemies were redone with the wider aspect ratio in mind.

The official statement was that you would switch between Megaman and Barrett over the course of the game.

>>Legends Collection is announced
>>it comes with a port of that Legends 3 in full
Call me a dreamer, but if I am to dream I try to do it properly.

So will this collection have the GBA bonuses it gave you if you used them on the DS to fight bosses from the Z series?
If not then this version is shit.

It should. They made it so you could fight Cut Man in X8 without needing Command Mission data or the secret code.

>non-answer answer for mythos music
i will wait until someone mods that and the omega sprite then

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I feel that the reason they are realizing in January is because they are going to announce X9 before that. Making more people buy the collection in hopes for ZX3.

Zero doesn't need resolution expansion. The level design and enemy placement were done with the screen size in mind. Your general incompetence doesn't mean the game has design problems.

Everything's in the exact same place, m8. Fuck, the wrecking ball boss from the first game is actually a bit harder because the edge of the screen is farther away. Maybe the only thing they re-positioned were the totem poles from the Aquatic Ruin boss, but that's it.

PC version never needed that for the Cut Man fight.

I hate gunvolt so much. People hype it as the successor to MMZ but the levels are flat af and the gameplay has this really gay tag mechanic. Extra work for less fun.


>things that never happened

At least from what I can tell, Classic Legacy Collection 2 is perfectly fine.

I do agree with the sentiment. His shoots fucking darts an dyouu have this awkward span of time where you have to dodge enemy bullets as you electrocute them
However, he's hyped for LAiX, a sidegamme featuring a different character with a different gameplay style

What do you guys think of Rokko-chan?

any more fan games worth playing like hers? the SF one was pretty fun too

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>But won't come out until January 2020
Capcom's just staking out their rightful territory, as usual.

>There are quite a few reasons, but the biggest reason is that we hope people remember Capcom games as coming out in January. If I had to give my straight feelings, it’s a message to other developers saying, “Please avoid releasing your games in this month if you can.

This. Its the same as that dumb dash ability from MN9. Adding extra steps to defeating enemies is always a pace breaker, shooting should be enough

>You fuckers better back the fuck off January unless you want us to drop Monster Hunter World 2: Yoshi's Island on your ass.

So where the hell were the gaurdians in 4? It was so weird they never showy up again, especially Harupia

They died when Omega blew up.

Megaman Zero was one of the series that I loved the most in my childhood.

I will buy it.

this cracked me up

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>The level design and enemy placement were done with the screen size in mind.
*blocks your shit post*

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Unlimited, Rock Force, Super Fighting Robot, and hopefully soon; Recharged.

>English and Japanese editions
There are some significant changes such as a lack of blood effects in the international releases, and I recall there being a different to part of the ending for Zero 4, I think it was a lack of lyrics audio.

The English versions spoke of death a few times, but the Collection replaced all such mentions of death with "retirement", which supposedly was truer to the Japanese script.

If I remember right, the DS Collection had lyrics for Zero 2 and 4's credits.

You cant be serious, right?

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>any more fan games worth playing like hers?
Another style but 8-bit Deathmatch
>that MM6 boss stage where you need to defeat EVERY RM

Search your heart, you know it to be true.

I'm talking about the level and not the boss fight, you brainlet. And if you played the game you'd know exactly which part I'm referring to.

Dare I say, git gud?

Braindamaged Zero from the X4 cutscene was just raging around and laughing maniacally though, Omega has a line of comprehensible dialogue in Zero 3 ("What is it, Dark Elf?") and generally seems to be intelligent and capable of holding himself back even if he's barely a character and more like an extension of Weil's influence.

Thanks user, I'll check them out.

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Yeah, the one fucking part out of the 4 games in the series. It's a shit section, but it's not a common one. You're making a bigger deal than there is.

Bitch, I'm a God at MMZ, even managed to unlock all of the minigames in both Zero 3 and 4, but that still doesn't change the FACT that both Zero 1 and 2 had some inexcusably terrible leap of faith shit in them. Zero 3 was the first one where they actually decided to take the GBA's resolution and design levels around it.

While that is true, I remember lots of levels with leap of faith stuff but I also remember never feeling like I got screwed by a leap of faith part. I think you can always dash-jump and lo and behold a platform will be there for you.

It is like one jump and it not that hard to figure it out.

Why are we never shown or told that? Why did they only make that clear in interviews after the fact?

That's an excellent question.

Japan's gotta sell those sourcebooks somehow.

There's only one instance in the entire franchise where I felt my jump into a pit and eventual was without warning and it was in Zero 1, at the entrance of the Repliforce Submarine section shortly after entering from the desert. Even that was avoidable however as you can just wall slide down there instead of just blindly jumping.

It's mainly 1 and a couple spots in 2, honestly. Everyone will acknowledge that Z1 is really poorly balanced, starts off way too hard and has some real dick moves of level design.

Physical collectors edition to put on a shelf, along with digital to play.

Hoping the collection gets a physical release.
Also feel like Zero 1 was the best mainly because it had that whole open world rpg map that you could run around, while the next 3 games made you que up missions to to specific places.

Awakening Will/Clover > Everlasting Red > Freesia > Area of Zero

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It wasn't a very well designed map or hub for backtracking though. Those stages were designed to be linear. The connectivity came as an afterthought.

Anyone got download links for the Zero Remastered Tracks?

Only the SNES games from MMXLC are emulated, the rest are source ports

It doesn't amount to anything, there's no real reason to go back to those stages and you get transported to the start of each one when a mission begins. I dig metroidvanias, but there's no point in pointless implementations like Z1 and ZX.

>Hoping the collection gets a physical release.
It is, but only in Japan and US, Europe got fucked again. And the US cover is terribly cropped making almost not worth it desu.

Which is weird, because weren't X1 and X2 in the first X Collection source ports too?

I don't known. It's a bonus for me because the side that got affected the most was ZX. The only bad thing about this collection is that trash like ZX is shoved into this.

It's hard to tell, my guess is that SNES games were written in 6502 assembly and porting these on a modern machine would be a pain in the ass so they just wrote a better emulator that handles slowdowns better

They forgot to put it in the game no joke

I'm honestly not surprised. Out of the 4 games, Zero 3 is jammed packed with events.

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>Europe got fucked again

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Fuck you ZX is the best MM game

>trash like ZX
Your opinion is worth less then shit.

megaman runs on reused assets and low effort

I feel bad for fellow EU bros, I plan to import the Limited Edition, but wish it would be released in physical form in Europe for more visibility


>humanity never really recovered after the destruction of Neo Arcadia
humanity never recoved from the colony drop of X5. millenias have passed and sigma virus which came from outer space is still fucking things up

I've refrained from importing even one Mega Man game, since I don't want Capcom to simply cast aside and ignore Europe just the way they're doing now.
I had some faint hope with how successful the legacy collections and Mega Man 11 were, that they'd take notice and invest some more in Europe. But apparently fucking not!
And now I've got a whole fucking bunch of awful digital versions of all the game just because I actually bothered to buy the versions that were actually published in Europe. No space left on my memory card to speak of. And no physical copies to store, lend out or trade or anything. Just digital copies tied to my damn switch, eating up my memory card space, when I could have imported the games from the very beginning.

Fucking hell. We're 3 games into Capcom's Mega Man "revival", onto the fourth with this collection, and Europe is still getting shafted this hard?
Nah. Fuck you Capcom. Fuck you.

What gets me is that we got MM11 physically on both PS4 and Xbone, but not the fucking Switch. Fucking WHY? The Switch is selling pretty fucking well in Europe, so why half ass this? WHAT THE FUCK WHERE THEY THINKING?


If they could afford it for Japan and the US they sure as fuck could've afforded it for Europe too.

Those are actually white. It's all perception and such.

I'm sure you europoors have some retarded taxing that makes it not worth the effort.

Would have still given them way more money than printing and distributing discs for the this-doesn't-sell-in-europe-xbox. Seriously.

I'm honestly surprised anyone still publishes shit on Xbox at all this gen. They are pathetically behind.

Don't remember any of this. However I remembered one that married a human girl, yet he outlived her. He had fond memories of her.

Dashing on steroids, stomping and said homing shots.

I don't want to know the source. Probably one of the fem Adepts raping him.

If fucking indie devs can sell physical copies in Europe, then Capcom have no fucking excuse.
If tiny as fuck studios can sell physical copies in Europe, then Capcom have no fucking excuse.

>Don't remember any of this. However I remembered one that married a human girl, yet he outlived her. He had fond memories of her.
That was Andrew. He had his body redesigned to look older so his wife wouldn't feel so bad. Alouette is implied to have done the same after Z4 and became Prairie in ZX.

I guess I was naïve for thinking the Mega Man situation in Europe would improve. Because of course it wouldn't.

Yeah, they do.
"Fuck Europe"

I'm still waiting for this game to be complete.

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Fuck You.

I played 2 so I know how Copen is. I wish he kept his shield. Shield bashing jet dashes would be cool.

>I wish he kept his shield.
Yeah. That's a bummer. They could've changed his gameplay to add more items to him to differ him from Gunvolt even further. Also his bossfight would've been much more fun with him instantly switching between gears to murder Gunvolt in their final fight.

Wait a tad more. It's shaping up to be fun.

I want the sprites to be released so people have resources to hack an actual saber-combo Zero into X3.

Never ever

Let's settle this lads. Who's the hottest female Reploid?

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I mean, I can recreate those no problem for anyone who wants to actually program them in.

This thread has been up for over 24 hours

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>hack an actual saber-combo Zero into X3.
I'm pretty sure that's already being worked on.


the announcement was days ago and we already had several threads reaching bump limit within days

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It's being worked on, but people probably had to sprite new animations for it, seeing as X3's horse chafe Zero only has one animation and X2's Zero doesn't match up.

What? Where? What's the project name.

I'm glad there's an X3 Zero hack where you can fully play as Zero. Made the game more tolerable.

>every single inti creates game
>physical copies for all games and available in europe

>"europe lmao xd"

Fuck off, nigger.

There's the Zero Project hack which bugfixes X3 here and there and makes it so Zero is playable in everything with some rebalancing as well as able to use boss weapons, but someone's working on trying to make him more than just a tweaked X.


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Inti never gave Europe the fixed translations or the 3DS Striker Pack

physical copies of Avenger iX is not available in Europe

To be fair they botched that with Luminous Avenger iX, and the 3DS Striker Pack, fuck you, Inti for that and the 3DS version of GV1 in general.

>physical copies of Avenger iX is not available in Europe
Seriously? Did the Switch Striker Pack bomb in Europe or something?

What did Europe do?

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Dunno, but they're letting Limited Run take care of it this time.

>Limited Run
I blame them for this. Fuck those fags.

Also pre-orders are up until the 27th, don't say I didn't warn you.

Inspired X6 devs to make the tightest song of all the osts.

Mexican here

I am hyped, I own all the games

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Why you Mexicans love Mega Man so much?

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He never could stand up.

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Not just Mexicans but brs too, it's weird, just like DBZ.

>you now remember BR Mega Man

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The controls are intuitive and the older games have little to no dialogue. Meaning it was easy to get into even if you didn't need to know English, since not all games got Spanish translation back in the day.

Sol Titanion with on-model ass

Mexicans love MGS and most of those games never got an official translation in spic.

Would it be dangerous to stick your dick inside that hole?

More Sol art is always good, specially if it's suggestive.

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>24 hour thread on a dead franchise

Jesus Christ you losers. Just get on with it and kill the thread with smutt posting since that's all that's left, drop the pretense

Thanks for bumping the thread

>dead franchise
It's alive in my heart, fag

Thanks for the bump, cuckboi.

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I wish I still had my manual for Advent. I lost it on a plane.

Good shit mexican user, which is your favourite?

If it doesn't have the Zero 3 e-reader augments it's not the definitive edition

Best answer.

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Gender swap when

For me Oro-s is the cutest.

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I'm amazed this thread lasted this long, and for a thread about ZX, there is absolutely no Aile smut posting. That's a God damn relief.


They should've made her a bit more feminine like adding an hourglass shape.

She's fine like that imo

Wouldn't mind her having a nice ass.

I love you bastards and your stupidly long thread.

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That would be good, a thicc metallic ass.
Although I also wouldn't mind if it's just her normal robot rear but with a removable plate concealing a refueling port, but then again I'm a hardcore robofucker.

Haha, imagine if she sat on your face or something, wouldn't that be pretty scary? Haha.

Haha, also, what if she was really chilly and she just wanted to warm up from your face? Haha.

Haha, imagine if after that she forced you to refuel her massive and intimidating body.

>check steam forum
>people bitching cause it wasnt BN collection
People really cant enjoy things, can they?

We're just a bunch of Zero Chad's trying to have a nice civil thread for a series we adore.

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Hehe, what if Leviathan dropped by for a check up and saw one of her top soldiers being reduced to a growling horny mess?


Zero.EXE only showed up in one game, so no.

>Bass was just a kid who got accused of wrongdoing based off of petty jealousy
>he spends the rest of the series hated by everyone, even his creator, until he dies in 6

It's not fair.

>It's just maintenance I swear.

>I'll help!

Imagine working for Leviathan and having to give both maintenance and the like to keep their robotic bodies working properly.

She would make sure to "discipline" them.

How mean.

You just know

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>Thread dies with the last post being perverted shit

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I got you man.

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post animations

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Damn, I'm on my laptop. I've got all the Zeero animations back at home. Will post if I get home from work and don't die of exhaustion.

Cubit Foxtar

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I've come to make an announcement. Dr. Weil is a bitch-ass motherfucker. He pissed on my fucking girlfriend. That's right, he took his human fucking wrinkly dick out and he pissed on my fucking girlfriend, and he said it was "thiis big" and I said that's disgusting. So I'm making a call-out post on my Dr. Weil, you've got a small dick, it's the size of a cyber-elf except way smaller, and guess what, here's what my dong looks like. *unveils Ragnarok* That's right baby. All metal, no wrinkles, no pillows, look at that, it looks like two balls and an E-tank.

He fucked my girlfriend, so guess what, I'm gonna fuck Area Zero. That's right, this is what you get, my SUPER LASER PISS! Except I'm not pissing on Area Zero, I'm gonna go higher, I'm PISSING ON NEO ARCADIA! HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, CIEL, I PISSED ON NEO ARCADIA, YOU IDIOT!

You have 23 hours before Rrrragnarok charges up again, now get out of my sight before I piss on you too.

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What the fuck is that image referencing, also X is pretty much a reploid even if Zero's isn't

Z1: Final battle
Z2: Beetle brothers
Z3: Kelverian
Z4: Final battle
ZX: Flammole
ZXA: Vulturon

Does Zero even know he's not a reploid?

I'm not sure, he knows about Willy and stuff so maybe


Technically X isn't a reploid.

Zero and X arent reploids? What are they? Are they different from each other?

They're 20XX-era robots.

But aren't all reploids based on X ?

IIRC reploids are from an imperfect design created by Dr. Cain that he based off of X's schematics, which is why they don't "worry" like X does. It's been years since I last checked, so I could be off.

Yes, but they didn't have Dr. Light's exact specifications and were rushed too fast into mass-production, causing all the initial problems of the X series.

>X is pretty much a reploid
Reploids. Repliroids. Replica Androids.
The original can never be the replica.

wow, i cant believe i missed that

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>thread is still alive
>No porn or waifufaggotry
Fucking wow

Go eat some of your mac and cheese, Craft.

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Aren't they called that because they replicate humans?

No, their base designs replicate X
The odd thing is that even though they know enough about X's designs to replicate them, they still have no idea how X and Zero work,and for Zero, this even extends to the Zero series. Especially jarri g in that Zero is the one in a fake body, meaning somebody built a perfectly functional replica of zero, so good that Zero hinself didnt notice, without knowing how Zero's body works. How the fuck is that possible?

With the power of Capcom Science.

>No porn or waifufaggotry
Did you miss the whole Poler Kamrous discussion?

Omega obeys Weil while Berserk Zero is just a complete madman. Omega's personality is the cyber-elf. Berserk Zero was never seen again after his battle with Sigma pre-infection.

The Zero you play doesn't seem to be as powerful as Omega though, so maybe Zero's body isn't a perfect copy.

>Omega is the last greek letter
>Is a combination of the original Zero's body, with the perfected version of the Zero virus (Mother Elf) that is finally able to freely control all robots. In other words, the perfected version of Zero, Wily's last creation
>If we take the canonical name as Mega Man X, Omega's big form in Z3 is a combination of Zero and X, i.e. O + Mega
>The lower case of the letter Omega is ω

But it's not a perfect copy of Zero, at least that how I interpret Omega being able to perform some of Zero's moves from the X series while Zero himself can't

Porn when?

It's hinted that Omega was overwritten by Zero's original programming at some point, probably right before his third form in MMZ3.

>Every game had a remastered soundtrack release with every single track in the game
The nut

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While we're at it, does anyone know the answer to that user's question? Does Zero know that he's not a reploid? If he doesn't I really hope that he finds out in a future game, could be really interesting

Pretty sure by X4/5 Zero know he has some fucked up origin

By X6 he's stopped caring

There's literally a post that links to /aco/

In the remaster they have added an easy mode that will port you back if you fall out of the screen but it’s made for pussies.

I have completed all the zero and zx games on expert mode and im still going to buy this again, while i wait i decided to buy the Megaman zero complete works artbook

Im even starting to think about buying the gunvolt games or dragon marked for dead on the switch while i wait, gunvolt is definitely not zero but i guess it's the closest thing

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Remember that time Zero killed babies?

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Said a thread or two ago I would. Just hope you don’t mind booty

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Layer. She's a good card in Teppen too.

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Not only that, they were his grandchildren.

God I wish Wily Wars was on the legacy collection.

If you start looking into lineages all of X/Zero is fucked up.

>Then i will also buy Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX!

Will this be included with the MMZ/ZX collection?

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what happened to his limbs, lads?

No, but it comes with a 20 minute video of the creator of that thing being beaten to death

finally we will get an hd version of vent and aile going double rock on/ mega merge, those animators knwe what they were doing when the camera mostly focuses on aile's hips

>Play Megaman Zero 4
>Final Boss
>Zero finally answers himself his own memetic question of what am I fighting for
>he dies
It was so surreal to have Zero die for realsies after everything.

I'd buy the collection just to watch that.

Aile gets the Sailor Moon henshin, Vent gets the Kamen Riden henshin.

haha oh man

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It's the artist's fetish. He draws cyber loli guro hentai. not a joke either.

Good good good.

>not ashe


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>X Legacy Collection will change the X5 Maverick names to do away with the Guns N Roses references
>Won't fix anything about X6's shit translation

Full bottomless!

The thread's almost done anyway.

And then you remember his Biometal saying It's not time for me to die today in ZXA's ending.

Looks good so far, I like that the face looks on model.

You can't say that and not give me a link

It's one of the most enjoyable things about X6, they know.

Then replace Tron Bonne with the legends phone game.
Adventure in 5 Islands

Well X kills his children constantly that’s true

I'm interested in this.jpg
>Just hope you don’t mind booty
Booty is always welcome. In case you finish this after this thread gets archived, do you use any blog or anything for your drawings?


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>In Z4, Alouette hopes they're getting along with the Mother Elf
What happened to the Mother Elf anyway?

That's what Rogue Tribe and Rogue noise is for.

Here;, I mostly deal in anthros, I know many here aren't a fan of that, but I love the Zero series and I gotta do something for this collection's announcement.

they are cool imo specially roboanthros so don't worry.

Reminder that Protecthos is the best ZX boss after Omega

If you play as Vent in ZX she pretty much confirms it

And also mentions that she never got set for a human lifespan, unlike all other Reploids of the current era.