Going to try this again, why does Yea Forums not like Gachas?
Going to try this again, why does Yea Forums not like Gachas?
Other urls found in this thread:
they have no self control and therefore assume no one else has self control and spends hundreds of dollars on gacha.
Gachas have shitty gameplay and are basically a huge waste of time and money.
Why'd the last thread get 404'd so fast? It had discussion going on there.
It was not a zoe thread. Mods are fucking autistic lmao
It was shown that a cut-dick-tranny made the “bad gacha” claim, then everyone started sperging out
Going to repeat
>Have the money to actually chop your cock and balls off
>Fuss over 30 dollars for rolls that aren't even necessary in the game
Yeah I can see how poorfaggots and trannies have something in common, shit money management and entitlement issues
Go to a fucking casino if you want to throw away your money; you might get some in return. There's no real return for gambling for pics of anime girls.
Why WOULD I like Gachas? Even when talking about the best Gachas the market has to offer, I can get much better gameplay in actual games and I can get sexy scantity-clad girls in H-games.
he wasn't wrong though.
Because people don’t have the self control to prevent themselves from dropping their paycheck to roll for the next hot thing.
I tried playing a few and I just could not get ino them because they have complicated lore and meta
I prefer simple pick up and play racing and puzzle games
>complicated lore and meta
nigger, what gacha has that beyond tits and ass?
Because Albert won't stop posting on Yea Forums.
Honkai Impact
If you are playing casual it's easy but getting into ranked mode requires full blown autism
I don't see the point of playing gacha over just reading a light novel or manga or whatever. You get the cute anime girls with an actual story but none of the grinding. I guess some people just like the grind.
I can get unlimited anime girl jpgs on Yea Forums, why would I pay for a chance at one?
Azur Lane and Girls frontline eventually get pretty difficult if you don't have the right builds
>Fgo nice bait
I like Dx2. Had enough luck to pull a few 5*s including mai Lilithfu, but dropped it out of boredom. The fusing system is good since you're not forced to pull rare demons (and psychologically they are right out there for you to make!), even though the meta kings are available only from rolls.
Has full 3d, and AR mode, so it's one of the better looking gachas.
Like it or not it has decades of lore behind it.
Gameplay is shit like every other mobile game.
Because “roll dice” is not a fucking gameplay mechanic. Slot machines aren’t games, they’re psychological traps.
Dull and non-engaging gameplay.
If I want .pngs of girls I can just go download some for free.
I absolutely love the chibi aesthetic that gacha games tend to have, but I cannot stand the terrible gameplay and the p2w mechanics.
It hurts so much. I always get sucked into a gacha game because of the cute chibis but then quit 2-3 days later because the gameplay is just not fun and I refuse to spend money just to collect chibis.
I’ve played gfl, but what kind of building does Al have?
Ship fleet building
3 frontline and 3 backline slots, you choose from carriers, battleships, destroyers and ceuisers
Does it still have the 0.5% 5* rate? Do you still need a fuckton of mag to fuse? Has the fusion pool been updated at all or all the good demons still locked behind gacha-only? Have the daily missions been improved?
I really like the personality of the characters in FGO. Their backstories are really compelling.
The list
>FGO above anything
I love Thompson
Based Thompsonbro
I really want to get her costume.
ITT: Cyber drug addicts
If only it showed tummy it would be perfect
People who bitch about the gambling just have no self control, but my main issue is most of them have really weak "gameplay" and unfun grinds with limited time only characters/items. Only mobile game gameplay I liked was Dragalia Lost but I stopped playing because they would not stop slapping you with event after event filled with shit you could only get in them, I wanna be able to play at my own pace.
Because the entire business model consists of extracting an infinite money stream, and is diametrially opposed to actually buying and then owning a complete game.
Dragalia Lost felt perfectly fine and fair at launch as someone who spent no money on it at all.
Just gonna chime in to say I enjoyed Record Keeper for a while. Some high difficulty fights required some form of planning.
But then the powercreep came in harder and harder and it became like every other shit tier gacha game.
It's just lucklets with no self control bitching
but NA FGO has shit droprates,on JP i got almost everyone from this event and i saved something like 5 10 rolls
>unironically liking chinese knock off gacha
Haha it's funny when a company puts out a hilarious comic encouraging life ruining gambling
The big ones are horrible as actual experiences. GBF has scope crept so far it shouldn't even be a mobage but is rich enough to support an entire MMO but its gacha features bring it down.
FGO rates are just too jew to even consider.
I avoid mobage with, equipment rollable from premium currency and nowhere else. Elements and elemental weaknesses.
Azur Lane in terms of monetization is as good as it gets with costumes purchasable outright and don't affect stats. It also belongs in the collect subgenre of mobage which makes it more friendly on your wallet, I however don't like the gameplay.
Langrisser had the most enjoyable gameplay but its premium currency numbers were just tuned too high as well as costume cost. Whilst it has equipment gacha you get SSR equipment regularly by playing the game as well as the basic SSRs and SRs to complete all the PvE content.
and their players just eat that shit up.
I play gacha if it's part of a series I like such as Dx2 or Dokkan Battle. I like building my collection of characters I like and refining them to perfection.
>B-But gacha bad! You have no self control!
Lmao imagine thinking you have to uncontrollably spend money on gachas if you play them. Not my fault some dumb-as-rocks whale dropped tons of money on a free game and didn't get what they wanted. In fact, I'm GLAD they do that so the rest of us F2P luckchads can keep getting new characters to look forward to.
I prefer to gamble irl. Just show me the dice, son
No dice user, just a slot machine.
Doesn't that game have like worst rates and pretty much everything out of any gachta game out there? I do here the story is pretty good though
Not that user, but FGO and E7 have rates that go down to just 1% to get a 5-star character
Ya and DX2 is a .5 or maybe is was .3% chance at a 5 star
You can get pics of anime girls completely free from a place called Yea Forums. Start your collection today.
I don't believe in numerical rates. I remember the Halloween event in Dragalia Lost last year, where I rolled Elly on my very first 10 pull- supposedly a 1.something percent unit, but 80 rolls later, having spent all of my wyrmite and bought a starter pack of diamantium in desperation, I still had yet to roll Althemia, which was the unit I actually wanted, who had something like an 8% rate.
It's purely based on the desire sensor. If you get consistently good pulls that you're actively hoping for all the time, I'm convinced that you just stopped caring and don't really have a personal attachment to the characters. Maybe it's possible I just happened to get fucked harder than most people, but my sanity would rather make me believe that it's a relatively common occurence.
Desire sensor is probably why the new pokemon game gifted me 3 5-star characters from me using my free initial gems to roll wanting nobody in particular.
I had fun with the One Piece gacha for awhile but once it got to the point where it felt grindy I dropped it and never looked back. Too much stuff locked behind paywalls AND it’s a roulette on top of that where you can’t even choose what you get. Fuck that. It really is basically gambling
I love gacha, they keep pumping out god tier designs for artists to use as porn fodder, especially all the fucking lolis. If you actually "play" gacha trash then you are a subhuman insectoid though.
>willingly giving money to gacha
>especially after the dokkan developer build scandal where they found out they can remove certain chars to wring maximum sheckles off users
>trusting any gacha after that
>calling others shit at money management
>if you actually pay gacha trash
Retarded dicebrain
The only good gacha game is Shadowverse
If you don't get emotionally attached to 2D women then this isn't the website for you.
I don't play dokkan, please explain that controversy to me.
>three months ago played no gachas
>now play three daily
>the only one with actually fun gameplay is also the only one where I'm just guessing my way through the menus since it's in Japanese and will never ever be localized
thats not how you spell Battle Cats
Originally the game would give you a seed whenever you booted up the game which meant it could be impossible to summon certain characters in any given session, at least that's how I understand it.
>No gameplay
>Spending money on jpegs
Simple. People are scared of what they are not familiar with. To be fair though, there are horrible gacha games with horrible managements and the horrible mobile ads at youtube gave mobile gaming a really bad impression. People will most likely use those as measuring stick and lump everything together in the same group. There's also people here that hate anything Japanese and that can't be helped.
What is there to like about gachas? You can either wait around or whatever without playing the game or pay money to roll the slots to give you characters, and then you can play a simplistic mobile 'rpg' with those. What's the appeal?
The simplistic RPG part with characters you acquire and build up over a very long time. People get attached.
I only play GBF but it has fun gameplay and story updates every month
But you could be playing better RPGs with that time and money. Again, what's the appeal? Can explain how the gameplay works and what's enjoyable about it?
They never have fun gameplay and they're self aware on that which is why they instead distract you with waifus instead.
because I'm not a neet with 14 hours of free time a day, I can't a full RPG at work or on campus between lectures. full games also require your attention and thought while gachas are simple enough and any decisions required aren't hard or thought provoking
I've tried a few and they all have shit gameplay, I literally don't understand how you can enjoy any of it for prolonged time unless you have a job like nightshift security but even then I'd rather carry a DS with me.
The casino aspect is lost on me as well.
They're the ultimate NPC game, tap on screen and have a chance for a cute pic to pop up.
Ignoring piracy, it is difficult to play good RPGs for 0 money.
GBF endgame raids require coordination between 6 players who all fight the boss at the same time. And the team building mechanics are pretty deep too, I think it's one of the deepest RPG systems in any game with so much different stuff going on between MC/characters/weapon grid/summons. There's a lot of people who just look up the current best setups but if you're like me and enjoy theorycrafting/number crunching then it's a lot of fun.
I play it pretty casually to do the raids and story updates and I don't touch any of the PvP grind crap like Guild Wars. But I unironically think it's a good game and I enjoy the time I spend on it.
>because I'm not a neet with 14 hours of free time a day, I can't a full RPG at work or on campus between lectures.
Isn’t a running joke that grubble players only have time for grubble though? I’ve been playing since January and the grind is immense.
Thanks for reminding me to log in for my yearly roll.
How are you supposed to coordinate with multiple players? It seems kind of hard to keep track of other players actions because the bosses status doesn't update till you take an action.
The game updates in real time. There's an ingame chat but most people use discord.
>Going to try this again
Please, murder yourself.
Why does anyone LIKE gatchas? I mean the whole point is in the name, it’s a shameless scam that sucks your time and money away for no reward.
It does? Is the latency for grubble servers that bad from the states?
I'm not mentally ill so they have no appeal to me.
that's called suicide user, please refer to it as such.
Depends where you are, I'm west coast and it's like 120 ping which feels fine. If you're yuro with 500 ping the menu lag might make it unplayable. You can ping the GBF server to find out what yours is.
I personally can't stand waifu-bait gacha games that makes skimpy dressed characters all the time and a majority of their characters are girls, which is like 80% of them. Same with gacha games of already established franchise that reuses the same characters over and over by making clones of already popular characters (looking at you Dokkan Battle and FGO).
This desu I think fatefags have to be mentally retarded to keep spending millions on literal traces of the same characters they already have
Free time wasters
Technically the name comes from the onomatopoeia of capsules clattering out of a dispenser. I enjoy some of those sorts of games because they hit three major enjoyment buttons for me - collection, teambuilding/strategy, and a small amount of escapist roleplay.
FGO is the only good one. Look how awesome this is
>muh grafix
Did Brave Frontier finally die? After the turn EU took to be similar to the Global Server with extremely broken units everyone hated, I just had to stop playing.
Please tell me it died.
That’s a shiny piece of shit user
>that camera movement
It gave me motion sickness when I tried to play it
It's the same shit as lootboxes. There's nothing to like
Why the fuck is dokkan not at LEAST in acceptable? I'm a F2PChad, ask me to post my box and you'll see.And FEH in anything other than shit? Dragalia is placed nicely though
Because I only jack off to the lewds made from them.
Based, post your box
Most people seem to have a mindset just because it's a gacha game that means you HAVE to spend money on it to get progress in the game, despite some of the game being completely viable to play as a F2P game. Though some games are more F2P friendly than others. Which brings me to my favorite gacha game at the moment, GBF.
GBF have these events that happens around 3 times a year (New year's, Anniversary, Summer) where they give out 200 crystal every day (1/15th the cost of a single roll) and a free daily 10 roll for 2-4 weeks, which is extremely generous. They also have a spark system where if you save up enough crystals or draw tickets for 300 rolls, you get to choose which character you want as your 301th roll essentially.
The gameplay is fun if you like turn based RPG, some people hated the grinding (around 1-4% drop rate for some raid boss weapon drops), but if you just play for fun and don't obsess on getting the drops you'll get them eventually, same concept as MMO gear drop essentially, but at least you're not limited to doing the raids once a week.
>chink garbage at the top.
Don't take that list seriously.
And Dokkan is garbage. Have fun saving stones for the next three Goku variants once your old ones get powercrept to uselessness after a few months.
whale tag on your account
What’s wrong with the chink stuff?
Stripped of art and sound gachas are just a random number generator. It's not engaging.
The characters may be chibi/small looking (which I guess is intentional to mimic the old FF games but in a 2D artstyle), but GBF has a way better attack animations.
Post it
Forgot to post the video
Where is Soccer Spirits?
I'm just not into gambling for jpgs
I don't think you play dokkan, but just search "dokkan EZA" if you're worried about powercreep. It is still a thing though, and as I said, I'm F2P on dokkan so of course I just do it for fun.
??? I'm genuinely confused of what this post was supposed to tell me
>Censor Spirits
dokkan was in the news for attaching a tag to people with a history of spending a lot of money that would prevent them from rolling a banner's rare characters, which they would respond to by buying more currency to roll
that's why it's not in acceptable
If FGO has tons of hentai and doujins, why isn't there more lewds of delicious chocolate?
Because the playerbase despises that character.
Gotchu. I've been playing dokkan for a very long time, but I started on JP when LR Fusions came out because my luck was trash on global.
>reruns never
Because she was my first SSR and she sucks
Sadly collaboration events with another franchise will never ever get a rerun except for the idols one for some reason.
>open gacha game
>asks for update
>eats up space
>takes an eternity to download
>open gacha game
>asks for update
>eats up space
>takes an eternity to download
>open gacha game
>asks for update
>eats up space
>takes an eternity to download
>open gacha game
>asks for update
>eats up space
>takes an eternity to download
Every. Goddamn. Time.
You didn’t miss the collab, right?
I've just never found a Gacha i didn't get tired of quickly, i have tried:
Fate Grand Order
Fire Emblem Heroes
Dragon Ball Dokkan Battle
Puzzles And Dragons
And such, haven't played all like Kantai Collection or Azur Lane, but that's mostly because the idea of personification of things like ships is one that i have amazingly little interest in.
But all that i tried are kinda fun for five minutes, but then they start putting more and more mechanics, stats and stuff to do instead of just playing the game, the enemies just start having too much HP and attacks that are too powerful and i start to realize that when events aren't around, it would take too long to grind for good characters in games that aren't fun enough to justify grinding for that long.
I am sorry, i tried to play them, i really did, but i just haven't liked any, and i played some really popular ones.
Play GBF, it's all web-based so there's no download
Started a new account for FGO since I kinda wanted to see how far I can go with just low-rarity Servants. There's an event up and even though it's way above my level, I found that I can still kind of do the normal quests by using a friend's Heracles and abuse his regen. But it takes forever to gather mats since I have no event CEs.
Understandable, recently got out of the gacha game stuff for the most part too. They're all incredibly grindy in some way so if you're not into that, gacha isn't for you since that's really all it has going for it, time investment.
I miss my Chaser, but I just can't put up with Azur Lane's 'game play' anymore.
I hate them because I have the brain of a child and no self control so I require the government to regulate evil nazi gambling in video games
Works on my machine, caveman.
I'm you but the opposite, i like kc and al but historical figures becoming "waifus" is more retarded to me, at least ships are called by female pronouns in real life, makes it more justifiable.
I started to play when INT Goku Black dropped on JP and I have a bunch of LRs and good TURs thanks to the GSSR system. By far the most F2P friendly gachashit I have played.
I've been playing Dokkan and FFRK for years, but have gotten bored with the latter and run out of things to do with the former, so I've started FGO in an attempt to alleviate my boredom. I look forward to using my wife!
Might as well post my box, or at least a portion of it. I rerolled really hardcore during 3y, but I've been playing GLB since launch and JP since 1y. And yeah, as other anons said, Dokkan is pretty f2p friendly.
fuck bros 17 multis no gogeta blue do i buy him or gobros or ss4 goku with red coins
I'm having the same exact problem as you, lmao. But do save for the LRs. Gogeta will drop eventually.
Post your box and we'll see. Right now, I'd either get GoBros,Teq Trunks or AGL Zamasu with your coins
Same here. Bonus points if the game gives me little extra stuff about preexisting characters that sell me on them like FEH Grima and the stuff they're doing with pre gen 5 characters in Masters.
started last week.
shit's addictive i tell you hwat
All the notable cards, + INT Kid Goku, INT Black, and AGL Cooler.
>he started FGO
>he started FGO NA.
Trying to do this on a fresh account is impossible. The lack of Bond CE really kills you. It doesn't bother me so much since I'm just trying to nab what few ascension mats I can.
i played kancolle before, and having to be on the fucking wiki 60% of the time while playing is no fun.
Globalcucks just never learn.
thanks for your useless input retard
Stay mad and cucked, you dumb faggot.
can you explain how i'm cucked?
doubt you have the brain power
>He has to skip the story and rely on shitty ESL guides just to understand new battle mechanics
But how did they find out?
>eternally years behind JP
If you intend to argue against that with
>b-but I'll know what's coming so I can save!
Also take these points into consideration.
>less free stuff than other servers
>rates are already shitty to the point that saving as a f2p won't always work, especially because of the above point.
And, in addition.
>censored with no compensation; CN players received 100 quartz when their version started getting censored.
>more bugs than other versions.
>translation quality is extremely erratic; have rewrote and inserted their own shit into it on numerous occasions.
Stay cucked Globalfag.
yes, because a jap would be on Yea Forums... naturally.
>Less rewards than literally every other server
>Not cucked
5 years ago, channers liked to tote how inferior casual phone games were and how theyre killing the real game industry. just look at v now, falling for all the cognitive feedback loop tricks of virtual slut machines.
Gacha shit is brainless, takes no skill and it plays itself most of the time. Perfect for this shithole.
well at least you explained your point.
all that said, i dont even wanna know what i'm missing out on as i never even pay a penny playing these gacha games.
as for the gimped censorship i gotta say that sucks, granted i still dont know whats being censored.
>why does Yea Forums not like Gachas
Roulette boxes designed to prevent you from getting anything, when you just want a thing from the game. No options, just through your money into the gamblingbox. It requires a daily timesink when you could be doing literally anything better with your time. And every one of them is goddamn boring, even the "good" ones.
you could tape ecchi onto a revolver with one bullet in it and atleast one channer would die
Have sex
i'd like to die now. give it to me
I gotta say, there is something weirdly satisfying about using SQ as a disposable resource. I don't think there's anything more degenerate than using it to restore AP. At the beginning of the game.
Dungeons and Dragons isn't a game? All these years I never knew.
>uninstall gacha if it doesn't give me at least 2 units of the highest rarity on my first roll
i don't reroll either. either it bends backwards for me or i don't play it at all.
>dull and simle gameplay
exactly what I want in a phone game
>constant update cycle to provide more hours of gameplay
exactly what I want in a phone game
>option for faggots to pay real money to devs while I, a superior internet pirate, pay nothing
above and beyond my expectations
>only allowed to play for a little bit at a time before a stupid time refill mechanic kicks in
have sex
Add langrisser to shit tier
I play a ton of it but you can have 5 draws of free currency and not even see one of the characters on the banner in addition to skins being 20 dollars and draw currency being rare
NIggger nigs kill yourself
I like actually playing a game, not a slot machine that I tap every day.
Quality thread, play FgO
But I am, user!
Play Magia Record
Don't let the mobile jew tell you where and when you can play. Play Another Eden, where the only thing that's time limited is your imagination.
I don't mind gachas but most on the phone are too fanaervicey for me to enjoy them.
Dokkan battle is boring though
>spent over 30 dollars on hearthstone yesterday
Nobody here ever talks about how it’s own gacha-like mechanics
Also Gachas games story are too fucking shit for me to actually go through them.
Prove me wrong please.
it takes me like 10 seconds to start a raid in granblue
it takes me like 10 minutes to start a hunt in monster hunter
Having been ""playing"" GF for this long, I legit have no clue how it makes any money.
one of FGO's very few redeeming qualities is its story.
What stories have you already went through user?
Because paying to gamble for things that are worth nothing is retarded in and of itself.
Playing a game where that's all it is is... Disturbingly autistic.
Costumes and skins
I'm just salty my account got deleted because I forgot to backup. I don't even remember what email I used.
I don't hate gacha games, but I do detest when the game cheats on the player with daily resources that are completely useless unless you have to pay cash to boost their amounts
it takes you the same amount of time to finish an m2 weapon and getting an atk up jewel
Why do you care so much about something you hate
>Friend Point Gacha is just Memoria
>Shit Balance
>Endless reused and boring Meguca designs
>Prodcution budget of 100 yen
>OST of 10 tracks
>Anyone not from the show has the personality of a rusty nail
Yeah, MegiReco'd gonna be a yikes from me dawg
As someone that plays Gachas, I can tell you that Gachas are shit.
Not because you have to pay for the characters, but that they're DESIGNED around the idea that you have to pay for the characters.
These design aspects look like
>Making in-game currency take significantly longer to grind
>Making some characters significantly better than others to encourage more rolls/more purchasing
>Daily quests that would make WoW blush
>Auto-Play so you don't actually play the game
There are some Gachas that are a little better about these aspects.
Fire Emblem, Brown Dust and Dragalia come to mind. But they're still guilty of all the same shit as the rest of them.
I like gachas but I like gambling. They are made for people who like gambling, and more importantly, people who don't realize they like gambling. Gameplay is fucking boring as shit though
Most of them lean way to hard into the monetization. To be completely honest I would probably spend money on them if they were a little more giving and the stuff you could buy actually did something. Whats really annoying is when I've been playing one for a while and I get a good grasp of how things are used and what has value and they slap me with a "limited time 2 hours only special! Only 24.99!" and the shit they offer is borderline fucking useless twat that you accumulate naturally just by logging in at a fast enough rate. I never see actually useful things in these sales and have to have an annoying icon on my screen.
The first thing I check for is if the game differentiates between "Paid" and "Unpaid" gems. If it does I immediately uninstall it. Biggest red flag there is that the game wont let you play at all unless you dump money into it.
Because saddly she's bad both as a playable unit and as a story character
>Character attacks
How does this not make you feel retarded
what are some of the gachas that you're referring to?
3-4 gacha threads today and that gook still hasn’t shown up....
Shitty gameplay.
I've tried multiple times to get into one but it's so blatantly clear what the entire design of the game is more interested in encouraging addictive behavior then just being a fun game, I never end up coming back after my initial play.
big numbers good
Langrisser, FGO, Monster Super League, Pokemon Masters, and Destiny Child.
>FGO but somehow even worse
No thanks.
I actually prefer gacha threads where people don't pretend to like the next smash character to over-hype and feign anger about.
>Boss has 100k mil HP
>Characters do 600k damage with attacks
>Boss has 1,000 HP
>Characters do 60 damage with your attacks
Which does Yea Forums prefer?
at least summer events are special
Imagine not having an auto button or a pity system in 2019
Top because big numbers, also WoW.
what's the best gacha dev/company and why is it
Sometimes I forget Yea Forums is retarded
>Gather 2500 gems for your only chance to get a SSR!
Imagine actually playing Aniplex trash
I'd prefer 600k but not 602,388
I feel ashamed to admit but even though they are both the same the big numbers are more satisfying to watch
How the fuck do you even play Granblue Fantasy
Like where is the app
Am I fucking stupid
That is very true
Change your region to japan
Your brain can't grasp the amount of damage your dealing when you're shown repeated 6 digit numbers. You're clapping at jingle-keys at that point.
100 HP, 6 damage
Keep it simple. The individual digits feel more powerful when you're chunking regular fucks with it.
there is not an exact app, you install an extension on chrome or a tiny thing on the mobile and the whole game play on a browser
I'm stealing this.
Fate/Grand Order is the only gatcha with good gameplay but it FUCKS THAT UP by making everything an insane, tedious time-consuming grind.
Making you hate the gameplay through sheer inevitable repetition.
Holy shit I cannot even be fucking bothered
>y-yeah, just play FGO instead and take out loans from the yakuza to roll your favorite waifu! Make sure to gather up those saint graphs!
Wait is it not in english at all?
FGO has the worst gameplay of any gacha I've played.
It's only only simple, it's sleep-inducing and you can't even auto
It's the japanese version but it is translated in english, you only have to browse down the intro page and find the button to change language
>B-But FGO
I just shat on Aniplex shit, are you braindead madocuck?
The thing about the 602,388 example is the progression. You can probably do like 4 different things to get that damage number up and it'll go up to 605,835 which doesn't feel like satisfying progression at all.
At least 60 damage staying 60 damage is genuine and you probably have like one or two ways of bumping that 60 damage up to 65 or something.
I'm with that other user. I don't think this is worth the effort to play a fucking gacha. I can't get past the making an account for mobage screen.
if you think that takes effort then you really don't want to find out what comes later
Inbetween, where the boss has hundreds of thousands of HP and you do like 6-9k per hit in endgame. It gives you that good sense of progression going from hitting for 50-100 at level 1 to multiple thousand at level cap without being too hugely bloated.
You still fall into the problem of, at endgame, having only minor improvements.
They exploit gambling addictions and the human psyche to make people spend ridiculous amount of money on rigged rolling games of luck.
They are all extremely low effort trash in terms of story, artstyle, animation and gameplay, and yet are still successful because of the reason mentioned above.
They influence other developers on focusing on the gatcha market as it produces the biggest amount of profit with the minimum amount of effort as mentioned in the previous point.
They are a cancer on itself, their influence on people and their influence on the general industry.
So I'm playing Granblue on my PC, no way in Hell Im going to attempt to play it on my fucking horrible iPhone, but I'm wondering what's so special about this one?
Why no dedicated app?
Yet nobody’s going to care about Gachas like they did the BF2 loot box debacle
I'm pretty sure there have been studies about younger audiences preferring big numbers.
Also the fucking game reverted itself back to Japanese partway through the tutorial. Hilarious. How are so many people obsessed with this shit?
it's almost 6 years old
I prefer unreadable garbage.
>They influence other developers on focusing on the gatcha market
Most of the franchises to take this approach are dead shit anyway, milking the dumbasses who can't move on.
Just switch it back to english. It did that in the beginning for me too.
Yeah, but I missed 90% of the tutorial.
Is the War God still OP or they have an even more bullshit job?
This, huge waste of time and money.
This poster has to wear a helmet in public.
War God is Shorn One in English. It's pretty strong, but there are other jobs with Spellsword now so it's not super special anymore.
Sword Saint is still the best job in the game.
the menus and navigation are utter dogshit
jp players will inherently be the top dog in terms of competition than the rest of the world because their servers are only in Japan so there's no delays
the whole thing is barely held together by spaghetti code
they ban people who use addons to make it less shit
but they give out free jims all the time so all is forgiven
I dunno, bumping your damage up from 6000 to 6250 still feels pretty significant to me, the only way you'd get tiny increases is if you're making only insignificant improvements. Anything substantial is going to yield noticeable results regardless of the numbers used.
>pity systems BAD
some of the best units are natural 2*s once they get their 5* uncap
I'm really feeling that.
I'm also feeling this game's age.
I feel like I'm playing something akin to fucking Neopets except everything's either in moonrunes or broken fucking english.
I see people getting excited about the Granblue fighter here in the states. Are they thinking Granblue Fantasy is FGO?
Funny how the chinks managed to make something with more quality than anywhere else.
I enjoy Last Origin
>Going to try this again, why does Yea Forums not like Gachas?
The gameplay is shallow in every single one, and the best part (anime tiddies) can be found in online galleries
>Just use the shitty literally who characters while you hoard gems religiously to just have a chance to get the character you actually want
Kek, only literal cucks play magia shit.
>he doesn't like aquahomu, breaker of legs and rapist of JCs who's going to become one of the best characters in the game in 3 days
>he doesn't have the mental fortitude to save 100 rolls when the devs give out currency like candy
Yeah, I don't play shit games.
there's really nothing wrong with the game itself except the endless grind, I think everyone wants a rehaul of the game but they probably can't just do that on a whim. priconne and dragalia shows that they can into ux and ui so granblue's age is definitely a double edged sword for everyone involved.
people were probably initially excited about granblue versus and relink for the prospect of a modern granblue not stuck in a gachashit/the decrepit spaghetti code but they completely butchered whatever goodwill they had with the two games because of esports and whatever the fuck they did with platinumgames.
Play...... drag......alia......lost.....
Reminder that people who tells you to go look for images in gallery website are the same people who tells you to go watch porn if you want to look at sexy anime girls in gaming. They hate you and will always hate you. Do what you like and don't listen to these whiny bitches.
Elaborate on esports and platinumgames.
Grand Chase should be in the good or acceptable tier. It gives an almost constant stream of choice tickets, and theres no stamina system.
combat is pretty bland though, almost no reason to switch off auto battle.
I like Brown Dust. It's definitely more of an "Auto Battler" strategy game than a game that has an "Auto Play" button. It's extremely generous as long as you don't tear through your resources willy nilly, and I like the team customization aspects.
I like that you can Auto the optional grindy parts in the background using your Stamina instead of being forced to just grind yourself. I would prefer the game not have hard grinds like that at all, but that's a symptom of gacha shit.
Gacha is PART of the industry now. Enjoy!
If I start playing GF, do I go with ch, jp, kr, or en?
Probably referring to them already announcing like 5 DLC characters when the game is coming out way later down the line after the delay, which might be them trying to extend the game's life as much as possible like most fighting games do these days. The problem is that the base roster itself only has like 11 characters, and most people are really not happy about the character choices. The beta also had people concerned with the depth of gameplay, couple that with the meager character selection and you're bound to get bad press.
At the end of last year, they finally showed some new Relink footage to confirm that it wasn't dead. Then a few months later, they announced that PlatinumGames have concluded their work on the game as per their contract and they proceeded to erase any mention of the company from the game's website. Platinum said something along the line of "business is business" and it's pretty much left at that. That was back in March, there's absolutely nothing new about the game other than Cygames telling everyone to stay tuned.
Everyone was pretty excited back in December when they were both shown footage, that wave of positivity ended when Platinum got cutoff and they kept announcing stupid shit for Versus after the closed beta.
There are many things killing the industry, doesn't make gacha any less cancerous.
I want a Japanese idle game gacha. Collect anime girls and get that sense of progression without the shitty gameplay.
>PlatinumGames have concluded their work on the game as per their contract and they proceeded to erase any mention of the company from the game's website.
Does that mean the game is done? Or did they kick off Platinum and started work themselves?
What was Relink supposed to be?
All I want is a mom jeans gacha. Until then, I refuse to spend a cent.
>Good gameplay
They kicked platinum off the project and are working on it themselves.
Relink is an ARPG. youtube.com
I like Azur Lane
What the fuck this looks great
I hope it has local multiplayer, what with all of those characters running around. Looks like it'd be a fun couch co-op thing.
It's good if you like turn based JRPGs.
I can get pngs for free elsewhere.
>went from Neopets gacha to this
Well, fucking good for them man.
Everyone knows GBF is just for people who are too contrarian to play the better game FGO.
I tried fate but it felt to me like they expect me to know the lore from the get go
felt the same with witcher 3 and I couldn't play it
why the fuck would anyone LIKE them? seriously, there are no redeeming factors unless you're fucking retarded.
I just don't like the predatory pay model
doesn't matter if you or me personally don't get sucked into gambling 1000s of dollars on .jpegs, I don't like the fact that someone out there is.
It satisfies my gambling addiction without having to pay anything
I also don't like someone getting blood clot and died during gaming, does that means I have to stop gaming because someone I don't know died playing games or got into a fit of rage they murder people? Don't try to put me into guilt because of some other people misdeed.
Because they dripfeed you unless you put in thousands of dollars. That doesn't even guarantee you anything you want either. The "gameplay" is nonexistent. Its a shitty form of game made because fools are easily parted with their money
You know nothing but only lies.
What quality Gachas are there user?
>gambling addiction
so you're fucking retarded
Tell me what gacha that gave the impression of 'non-existent gameplay'. I'll tell you some then.
And I get away with not spending anything while the whales blow their paychecks. I win user.
The most popular Gacha in the world is FGO. You place units on the field and click whatever cards you have. The support system means you oneshot everything. Wheres the real gameplay in that trash taste-kun?
FGO, E7, Dokkan
It's never as easy as you make it sound.
>FGO is the only gacha game that exists
every time
So FGO is you measuring stick for all your arguments on every single gacha games? Try Langrisser, Sdorica, Brown Dust, rythm games like BanG Dreams and idolm@smter or Mahjong Soul. Open your horizon you narrow minded fool.
Not sure if same person but same reply as above.
>asks me to name one gacha
>name the most popular and representative of the genre
>ofc you name FGO
You are defending a genre that is everything wrong with the industry. Fuck off this board, fuck off of vidya, and fuck off this planet you absolute clown
You are dumb, reread everything that you and me wrote. Trying to move the goalpost is not helping you.
>png collector of choice not even on the list
only actual way to be an acceptable gacha is to not be popular
Of course the gun pngs are at the top of the list
so we can agree that since Fortnite is the most popular video game, every video game is shit too
so.... what is it?
i want to get my wallet raped by cute gacha girls!!
Millennium War Aigis
japnigger, pls
>chink gacha at the top
Just put everything on shit tier, it's not that hard.
I unironically saved more money on video games because I started playing gachashit
it's pretty ironic
Shropro>Aigis. Fite me.
>multiple collabs
why not both?
Allright, let's be friends.
I like aigis but I hate how you can't auto non story maps.
>another eden
>below average
>when literally nothing is time limited
faggot doesn't know shit about video games.
whats wrong with the chink gacha?
being able to auto dailies would be nice, but outside of subs you wouldn't run them enough to matter.
maybe he's a jap fag that thinks japs are somehow better than chinks.
say what you want but at least chinks don't have democuckracy.
wouldn't run *events* enough to matter
although now that I think about it, LoES takes a lot of re-runs as well.
Chinks rip-off everything, GFL and AL are no exception.
Both of these games have no gameplay anyway, it all comes down to setups and whatever gives you a bigger number.
>the gachas i like are on top while the ones I don't like are at the bottom
>"Oh wow! I like this list!
>the gachas i don't like are on top while the ones I like are at the bottom
>"This list is terrible, op's a nigger"
Like clockwork.
Isn't Kancolle just RNG spreadsheet sims though?
>gfl ripped off tile strategy games
>al ripped off side scroll shooters
Any business model that can even theoretically result in somebody spending thousands of dollars into one game is a scam and should be outlawed.
Trips confirm by the way.
Trips of truth
Blessed trips
>it all comes down to setups
It is the gameplay, don't tell me you're an action-nigger
The long-term consequence of making billions of dollars off gulliable retards by letting them gamble for .pngs is that real/better games do not get made. This is why I hate gacha. Its also why I hate mmorpgs. We wouldnt be having this rng cash shop p2w bullshit if mmos never were allowed to do this hsit firstsdgf aehsordghaedsgdlfkasdkaedlkhahsdgdiwetr erao eraeratger
>GBF has a automatic pleb filter just to start the game
Is this why granblue is the only one with a not shit fanbase?
And I'm pretty sure gbf is not unpopular
I see reddit shit around from FGO, FEH, azur lane, girls frontline, epic 7, and I only play FEH and kancolle
>twitter post
I'm glad twitter trannies are angry.
>can spend thousands on surgery
>sperges over others spending as little as 5 bucks on a game.
Who the fuck in their right mind would blow money on what's essentially a lottery with a 1/1000 chance of winning a png of your favorite le anime waifu in a swimsuit? It's not even like a real lottery, where you can at least win your money back half the time.
People with no sense of self control, sane people wouldn't be spending at all.
>people are literally incapable of making a mobage account and then clicking a website
Every time I see someone claim that grubble is hard to start I lose more hope in current generations. I thought everyone was supposed to be tech-savvy now?
>anime waifu in swimsuit
waifu>3D shit
Versus pisses me off to no end since it's what got me into Granblue and the game is very much salvageable, but Cygames have left no confidence in them doing so. Maybe they could fix it post, but as of now they fucked the launch of the game for general reception and I don't think they realized it yet. And that's the most important window to not fuck up since you can't wash off that stigma of launch and people will move on and never look back. Just look at SFV for that example, but it'll be worse for Granblue since they don't have Street Fighter in their name for actual players to stick around.
The thing that pisses me off the most is that they didn't play to the actual strength of a granblue fighting game would be. It's character variety. The most fun thing I'd like talking about in regards to Versus was speculation on which characters would get in and how they would play and some of this shit is so easy to think up of with the existing characters which could provide some really unique and interesting choices. But fuck that let's pick nothing but dev favorites and barring Ferry and possibly Metera have them play almost exactly the same. Part of that is tied to the idiotic combo system, but still. Especially when they said the beta roster were suppose to be the most basic and they have not shown that to be the actual case at all. Simple and Unique is what Versus should have been, not Shallow and Samey. Here's to GG2020 cause it's a damn shame since I would have liked to be looking forward to both.
>GBF has a automatic pleb filter
My default state is not liking things.
Kingprotea is cute though.
I have never cared for Versus. People will still buy for those extra stuff and Macho Vee then leave the game to collect dust.
>t. retard who made to believe that gambling is bad
That's really your rationalization? When you could just google the png in question and download it onto your computer in a higher resolution than a shitty phone app? I really don't understand what kind of people would do otherwise.
>its just a .png
cause combat and animations don't exist?
how am i meant to level this .png up and fight with it?
You have the png because it comes from the game. No game, no png. Be thankful secondary.
Same goes for a lot of other games. Why buy a pokemon game when you can just google the pixels? Why play any cinematic game when the cut scenes are on youtube?
This. It's the same appeal as Pokemon.
Bro, I'm a seiyuufag and I roll for the job of the voice actors I like
>inb4 "just listen to it on youtube"
why do people try and boil it down to just a picture?
its clearly more than that
You escaped hell once already, why would you willingly go back?
You need the context, just like a VN. The actual mystery is wanting to deal with the bullshit to get new content.
Imagine only unlocking a new girl or route after you've rolled for it, through the low chances. Then having to grind levels to unlock more scenes. Followed by some choices being locked behind a mechanic where you have to roll the same girl multiple times and linking the dupes. New outfits? Gotta roll for those too and that's assuming they don't require a currency you can only pay for.
moving picture with rpg elements
its more akin to a trading card than anything else
i want shuten to step on me
I want to lick Shuten's asshole
The moving picture wishes me happy birthday every year
>TFW your favorite shitty game isn't even on the list
Does it?
I play FEH and my .pngs dont do that
Imagine having to wait weeks just for 10 rolls
That's probably the worst part. GBFkeks will still buy it because to them it's a $60 evolite with a free game and Cygames' esports team will probably be forced to shill it to the FGC, not to mention that they're a huge sponsor for that scene. They can fuck it up however they want but it'll still sell for at least those two reasons.
>Lina Inverse, Naga and Goury wished me on my birthday.
Thanks Granblue, Megumi Hayashibara have always been my top seiyuu.
It's not just .png retards the game play usually has a 3-d or moving .png that attack and stuff.
GBF does it and it's a cute little extra. We have Valentines/White Day lines too, and sometimes extra art with them.
As a fate fag playing FGO for a little under 2 years i can tell you anons some things.
1. I purposely avoided the launch of JP FGO because gacha is cancer, FGO having the WORST gacha rates with no safety net (UFOs don't count as getting F I V E of the same SSR is highly unlikely unless your a mega whale).
2. I also didn't start FGO NA when it started because i heard FGO JP as absolute shit when it launched (and boy was it shit).
3.I'm a fate fag so i took the plunge for the 'story' and characters, ended up liking it and stayed with it as a F2P only paying for the GSSR.
4. Fate doesn't require SSRs or SRs ironically, Yes they make things easier and generally have nicer animations but the game can be completed with free characters and this includes challenge quests(there is an entire youtube community dedicated to this stuff)
5.Finally i will NEVER recommend FGO because you can literally spend $1000 USD and NOT GET THE RATE UP SSR. Technically speaking you could spend a million USD and not get the rate up SSR based on the RNG it would be extremely rare but it could happen based on numbers.
Personally i've rolled 1500 quartz on a single rate up SSR and didn't get them and then got spooked by a SSR in a single 10 roll so yeah as there is no guarantee for a SSR that you want how could you justify spending money on that?
that sounds an awful lot like actual games, what are you trying to imply there bud
Despite being a cesspit, Yea Forumsros still have standard.
>1500 quartz spent
>not one ssr
Jesus Christ user
>chasing characters
You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is playing a video game from Asia!
Never chase just one thing. If the latest power creep banner only has one thing that's beneficial to you, skip it until you either see a waifu you can't live without or you can almost guarantee you will gain something.
Probably not helpful, but I log in to do a 10 roll every 6 or so months since I quit and I always get the rate up 5*.
Dunno if it's confirmed that you get a chance boost for long absences, but that's been my experience.
I made a promise to drop the game if I can't get Raikou since she'll would serve me good in the game.She came and I stayed, I never cared for other servants after that. It's as simple as that. Meanwhile in JP I just yolo my roll for anything that catches my eye.
>They are literally called ga cha (got ya)
They replaced the log-in system so you're no longer to be able to get guaranteed gems anymore.
Its only a matter of time now before it goes up in flames.
Having an idle game on one screen and sadpanda on the other resulted in a much better experience than any gacha game I've tried.
I want shuten to lick my ass
They strike the sweet spot between the effort versus progression spectrum
whats with people posting twitter tranny screencaps today
Wonder if these cucks know what gashapons are
People are stupid. Who would have gussed it?
>Idolm@ster: ReDive
The only one I ever enjoyed was Crusader's Quest. I found it to be a pretty decent rate of progression without spending money and I guess it's one of those collection type games as far as characters go. It had crossover events where you could get characters like Terry Bogard or Sol Badguy. I never see it mentioned anymore but it's been a couple years since I played it. Maybe the game went to shit since then.
If your gameplay sucks and the only redeeming quality of the game is the cute anime girls, then you better let me actually play with said cute anime girls instead of making me waste time and money on an RNG. I might as well buy a JRPG, a VN and a lottery ticket and play them each at random, it would be less time and/or money than being at the mercy of gacha mechanics and significantly more fun.
this, gachafags can say "but the gameplay" gameplay sucks mate, its a phone game. At least with google I can just enjoy looking at Saber without the boring grinding "gameplay"
i just like collecting cute anime girls pokemon style user.
Some gachafags dont even get to play with their actual waifu, they just get shitty chibi versions
oh nonono
>Paying for images
grubble is actually the most FF game released in the last 10 years
Numbers make me happy
Not only is gacha shit but its makes the waifu's shit too cause it brings them down with horrible gameplay and gambling just to get them. Simply looking at a google image is better, you dont have to pay and more importantly you dont have to play.
Gun gacha is superior because you can own your raifu. Don't @ me.
>tfw you're a mobius chad so all the waifus are free and you get new costumes for them every month
in what way
This thread almost gives me the feeling that there's still hope in Yea Forums. All gachaniggers should fuck off back to /vg/ to their autistic circlejerks and stop spamming their bullshit here.
based fuck jambrains
>Justifying literally paying money to get your dick snipped because you're mad at shady businesses.
Get your priorities straight retard, besides if any of that shit was proven they'd get sued into the fucking dirt and you know it, personal bias is not proof
>These games r made to trix u by makin u happy
>Acshually they're made to be frustrating
Pick a narrative you cut dick fag
Animated 2D picture of your idol.
It has more soul than anything done from SW
>if you don't gamble for pngs you're a tranny
Strangest line of logic I've seen from gachaniggers so far.
i don't know what to tell you son
im doing great in AZ i get the characters i want with some effort and just a little bit of patience beats FGO's ridiculous rolls and not even be guaranteed the characters you want
the game is fun imagine THAT
>how DARE you talk about video games on the video game board
Its got this oldschool feel of the early FF games and absurdly well produced music for a browser game.
>pays thousands to cut dick
>sperges over other people spending money on a game
Do you have to misconstrue what I say to mentally justify your behavior or are you doing it in hopes that someone even dumber than you are buys your explanation and can't read what I posted?
Can you include the bullshit of trading card games like Pokeymans, (You)giO, or Creatures the Tappening? It has a secondary market, but card rarity jacks up prices of single cards.
they made the rates better but now you have to pull multiple copies to make them good. The game became irredeemable shit after Masakado dropped and now it's just milking whatever whales are left.
>Just download the cards bro
Just watch youtube videos instead of pirating games bro, oh wait this doesn't support poorfags so I can't say that my b
>not trusting gacha means im a tranny
Is this really the road you gachafags are taking? How fucking quaint of you.
>personal bias
Really now?
Bonus question Gachatranny, if it was just "personal bias" then why scrub it from the site?
>inb4 "b-but it was a glitch"
and EA is just a poor misunderstood indy studio that never lies but do continue to call everyone a "tranny" and spend billions in jpegs like the worthless cattle you are.
>My deleted source must be trustworthy because it was deleted
Jesus christ the levels of delusion.
Why don't you delete this post to prove you're right you fucking retard, that way my mind won't be infected by your stupidity
Based schizo
>sportsniggers buy yearly gachashit to gacha their dream team
>somehow it's acceptable to normalfags even if it makes little kids go gambling crazy
I don't get it
I have more faith in Cygames doing reruns than FGO.
>even if it makes little kids go gambling crazy
This argument simply doesn't hold water because if your CHILD has access to something you shouldn't save your bank info onto it.
Talk about how it goes after adults all you like, because if you've over 18 and STILL get duped into paying hundreds to gamble, you made that decision, can't back out because you didn't get what you wanted.
But this "Muh kids" shit makes my blood boil because if the parents paid ANY attention at all this wouldn't even be discussed
Them sportsgames have an all ages rating
I played FGO when I was at the lowest point of my life. Fuck, I get angry at myself just thinking what an absolute waste of shit I was.
Okay, so for the sake of our argument, where is this kid earning his money to put on a digital card to gamble it my friend?
It's ok user, i got really upset and almost quit but got over it quickly.
It is just a game afterall.
i rolled for love and was rejected.
>still not in good tier
I state yet again:
story campaign is good, engaging, and filled with a likeable cast
said story is beatable with starters. no gacha needed.
no stamina system.
gacha has a functional 100% SSR rate.
because of this, all units are viable.
powercreep does not exist.
there's a system in place that let's you craft specific units, including limiteds, from a rotating list.
gameplay is easy to pick but offers a good challenge and thought.
team building and battle strategy are the two main components.
gameplay example: youtube.com
Artstyle is reminiscent of Odin Sphere. Has a storybook like presentation.
OST is of high quality. Take a listen.
Once again, I have nothing against Azure Lane or GFL but if they are considered the cream of the crop, I see no reason for Sdorica to lag behind.
Ah a clasic strawman.
Because they're not fucking games? They're literally designed to squeeze as much money out of you as legally possible
Enjoy your jpegs fucktard
I played that garbage for a while, but now I just feel disgust. The tactics are so transparent, "get gud," "you don't have to pay so win," to entice the autistic optimization mind and then logarithmic drop off in rewards. Who cares if high level f2p is feasible? the core gameplay loop is bland and everything is designed to extract money from you.
We cant go a single day without idiots sperging out
This, 99% of the times in every gacha shit is just mindless grinding
>b-b-b-ut you can touch there and there to move you unit to clear some simple shit for half an hour
Why the fuck are you even wasting your time doing that shit? unless you are some filthy basement dweller NEET weeaboo loser with nothing to do
No KHUX? Thought Yea Forums loved kingdom hearts.
>Gachabortion calling others idiots
Fuck yourself with a fishhook
Pretty sure that list was based on how bad the gacha was alone.
And they say games aren't realistic.
Nah, since you are clearly unable hide, filter or just ignore the threads you dislike, the next best thing is making you mad that people play something you dislike
As long as more FGO/FEH/Granblue/etc porn keeps getting made, then gacha games are fine in my book.
n-no wtf? bro it's killing our rich gaming industry!
just look at all the classics we've gotten in the last 5 years!!!
So you don't even see anything strange that jap players reported some funn y business going on? Did you see the jap tweets? If it was the one redditor then it's one thing but when there's more than one and with pics you have to start asking questions. Even if we forego the dokkan shit, do you remember how granblue was caught lying about rates and the gov had to step in?
Do you, as a person that espouses being smart with money, really trust gacha after seeing shady shit like this? Do you really trust them 100% that they aren't fidgeting with your ratea, pulls ,etc.? Do you really trust an industry that does this? youtube.com
If you do, you're no better than the delusional trannies that you're so fond of. I pity you gachafags. Imagine spending so much money so then they close the server and it's all for nothing. TCGfags at least have physical shit they can keep or profit from. Gachafags are at the whims of the nips who'll send them to oblivion like the actual whales they hunted.
Bro I'm not going to bother reading the garbage rambling of some autist whose "proof" is a bunch of conjecture videos and deleted "evidence"
If someone had a case, they'd try to get money, this is how the world works, sorry your theory got quashed, but holding on to it just to virtue signal to easily scared poor people doesn't make your righteous, it's even worse if you know you're not right and you're doing it anyway, at least if you're stupid I can give you the benefit of the doubt
Can't see how that changes anything, desu.
As someone who played FEH for years before quitting, my biggest issue was the time waste. Tons of modes feel like filler and grinding and eventually you realize you could be spending your time better and playing real games. And when the game someday shuts down you’re going to realize you spent all that time on nothing. Also a gameplay structure that thrives on exploiting the weaknesses of others is just inherently shitty.
Any classic doujins?
Yeah, all the good games like Overwatch, wow classic, more asscreed, 20 first person shooter titles, looter shooter pseudo mmo games!
finally a good use
when i say buy a multi you say oink!
buy a multi!
a multi what
I don't play Granblue, but this one gets me every time.
I play Gachas and I have no idea what a multi is
>being against gacha is virtual signaling to poor people
Amazing, simply amazing.
Funny you think it's conjecture, especially Gran Blue.
>If someone had a case, they'd try to get money
There were actual refund scandals for several gacha
but hey, continue to trust and fund scummy shit, whatever makes you feel better for not pulling Saber #467489
multi summon, a 10x or whatever is equivalent in your gacha
>Oliver is my best bonus unit this week in FEH Arena since I +10'd him
We're gonna have to work hard, boys.
Oh, something that happened at the start of 2016, guess you are rig-wait
Its second half of 2019, people were refunded and since then nothing even close to that scale happened
>Grasping THIS hard
Dude you've gotten BTFO....just....stop
Gl man he fucking sucks. It’s depressing that they made him so shitty.
Moment of silence for the OG.
>yfw Sakuya has the power of GUN now
I'm honestly a little shocked how well I'm doing with him. Arena bonus stats and Marth drive-slutting him, combined with fort tiles actually makes him bulky as shit.
>Yearly roll
>436 SQ
>500 servant and ce max capacity
sure thing whalefag, I think you meant early roll
Opinion discarded
You should see One Piece Treasure Cruise if you want to see true stingy. No gems for the first hour or so of shitty story, next to no gems during anniversaries, terrible dokkan level rates on banners, shitty rehashed gameplay, move towards waifuism, no chopper legend
>he doesn't play japan
>he doesn't get a guaranteed sugo
>he doesn't get the free 50 gems to start
>he doesn't get the extra sign in gems for 5 days
>he doesn't get the guaranteed sugo on the 5th day
Global cucks, I tell ya, man.
Marth was the biggest brain decision I ever made for arena honestly. With drive seals he makes any unit so much better
If they only roll once a year wouldn't they have a ton of quartz from not rolling?
Also 1 & 2 servants & CE are easily avaible from free daily summon.
Right now the only Gacha I play is Elune. I go so long between play times I always have a 11 draw with the 30 rerolls waiting for me when I log back in. Have a whole team of legendary characters because of this. I have only finished the 2nd map.
Anybody else play Deadman's Cross a couple years back? I took a couple months off and came back to find out it had been shut down a week before I came back. I wish I would have taken screenshots of all my favorite cards because some of the designs were fun and had cute girls.
Does no one else play FFBE here
I love my new bartz
You have a Twitter account don't you?
Imagine paying to roll your waifu so you can RP when you can just visit the wiki, look at all the art, dialogue, watch uploaded videos of the games and RP for free.
You're paying to self insert for no good reason when you can easily do it if you take 2 seconds longer to imagine it. Pathetic.
Settling and paying for mediocrity is why so much media recently has been absolute garbage.
No they shouldn't, we don't fucking want them either
They'll literally managed to make the board even more shit than it was before this wave started:
>Massive numbers of gacha because companies know they make cash
>Faggots obviously want to talk about the characters rather than the ''''game'''' most of the time
>Results in worse circlejerking than usual
>Which means faster posting than other generals
> + large number of threads
> = serious struggle to not get bumped off the board for slower generals
> = those generals actually having to shitpost more just to survive
There seriously needs to something done about them, an /mlp/-style containment zone would actually help a hell of a lot.
Even better, a /fur/-style one to get rid of at least the ones stupid enough to not ban evade
I dont like gacha because it makes /vg/ fucking unusable if you post in slow generals
If they made a /gacha/ board i wouldn't care about it
>Faggots obviously want to talk about the characters rather than the ''''game'''' most of the time
That's any general that lasts longer than 10 threads. Hell, some don't even last that long.
Or you could put the slow as shit generals in their own containment board. They could have their own little safe space then.
Gachashit is proof waifufags have no standards
I don't fucking understand how someone can spend money or time on gacha games. They require way too much time if you are f2p and once you consider spending money you have to realize that you could get way more entertainment from spending your money elsewhere. Who are the people who have so much money that they can become whales and yet they have no sense?
Either works. I just don't want to bump a thread every 20 minutes because people from Cumbria feel the need to post about their wife platinum border anime girl.png
If your game is getting slower content updates or info than a gacha game is deserves to have its general die, fuck Katawa Shoujo STILL has threads.
csgog is fucking dead thank god
>katawa shoujo still has threads
>threads that are about anything from making tea to which katana shotgun they would fug, except talking about the "game" itself
>much like gachashit
Hmmmm now there's an eye opener and make no mistake................
it's only like a few minutes per day bro
Some of the blame can definitely be directed towards Japs.
With 60+ hour work weeks you can "afford" to spend 50-100 dollars a week on the game, after all, that's probably not even one day's pay unless you're minimum wage.
The people with much better paying jobs easily dish out multiple times more than that, and anyone who is wealthy and happens to play just shits money into it to stay rank 1 and to self insert into their jpeg harems.
Imagine being this mad people would rather discuss gacha than whatever general you have to bump
this lmao
Gachashit has content updates far more frequently than most MMOs, where you actually pay for time to play.
I know you're upset you liked a shit game that died, don't take it out on free games that can actually keep players interested
/ksg/ has had over 6000 threads, probably more since they've lost count twice. A general about ANY game would have nothing to talk about at that point.
You all cucks talk big shit but I don't see any kind of these posts in daily FEH or GBF threads
>content updates
Anime girls with different colored borders and difgerent numbers for stats that are blocked behind events are not content
Oink harder paypigs
I've been playing FGO for more than 2 years and I've never spent more than $30 on it for the guaranteed gacha one time (I've got about 6 SSRs.) What's with all the exaggeration about dropping hundreds of dollars on it? Just save up a ton of saint quartz (which get handed out like candy) and roll free sq you've saved up. Whales are a different breed, they do that in every game they can whale in.
/alter/ might have that many threads that in two months
>tfw enjoying GFL as f2p chad, got almost all the crafted dolls and the valhalla collab ones
>tried pokemon masters and its fucking boring shit how can anyone play this
Games are okay as a time waster for not spending money. If you do actually spend money you are actually mentally ill and should seek help.
I got a 4 star and 5 star umu in 2 tickets yesterday, it's all about good aura
This is honestly a much bigger topic, gacha in big part is replacing the f2p mmo genre, yeah, more frequent updates and about the same kind of p2w, whereas mmos sold you upgrade protection scrolls and awesome fashion sets, gacha sells you rolls for characters etc. Arguably biggest difference is how easier to get into the latter is for f2p people because they can still get something if they are lucky
oink oink
This. FGO is one of the more generous gacha games. Plus with no pvp in the game, there is literally no incentive to p2w since you can clear the game with your favorites.
Grind that lvl 60 user, get the "free" expansion you probably already own
It's actual poison already having negative effects on the Japanese gaming industry, because retards will always fall for its predatory tactics and blow their money on these low quality, low effort mobile """games""".
A lot of their arguments revolve around poorfag bandwagoning to gain traction
"Wow muh company evil"
"Wow imagine spending money, that stuff is finite!"
"This stuff holds no value, much like all the stuff I consume but it's okay if I waste MY time doing it"
The moment it's one guy screaming "YOU'RE GETTING SCAMMED" and everyone just goes "Then don't buy it and leave retard" they instantly capitulate, it's why these people will never ever "Fight the good fight" in those threads or in gacha generals because they're not circlejerked for being so stunning and brave, it's why all they can do is sit on the board with much looser moderation and rally behind platitudes like "Muh industry" "Muh children" "I know what's best for you and your money"
>cutting your own dick off
>not wrong
t. madfag who wasted 500 dollars and didn't roll their 2D gf today.
All gatcha games are garbage and I don't have the time to go to every single thread at once and trash on them all.
Anyone with a modicum of critical thought and self respect realizes they're dogshit. It's manifest.
>if you dont play my shit genre you probably play that other shit genre
Not to mention FREE gameplay expansions for gacha titles, none of the gameplay is locked behind paywalls, just characters.
And even for rhythm games you get tons of free songs and the ones that do want you to pay only want like a dollar a fucking song, after giving you like 6 for free the month before
Didn't really answer my question broski, learn to make an argument this is my last
Not only that, FGO not having PVP and having strengthening quests means that there are still launch-era servants which are viable to this day (Waver) and there are even extremely good common servants too.
I mean hell, they just added Chen Gong to JP FGO and he's a fucking 2 star but he's now one of the best servants in the entire game and literally anyone can get him for free.
I'd rather collect anime girl jpegs like it was Pokemon than watch stuff explode in a game after I point my sights over it and hit a button.
You havent given me a reason to think otherwise so far, feel free to tell us what DO you play
fucking kek.
I don't know if I'd say all companies are evil but they certainly don't give a shit about you, only your money.
You can delude yourself into thinking you're getting "So much new content!" every 3 months with a few new guys/girls to roll for, but spending hundreds of dollars to obtain often one character in a mobile game is ridiculous.
What I don't get is a lot of people often realize gambling IRL is wasteful but the moment you call gambling for some images and soundbites wasteful you faggots fly into an autistic rage and get super defensive about it.
Poorly hidden seething over the fact people call out obsessive spending over self-insert roleplaying is fucking sad.
Do you need me to write a dissertation on why playing slots 1000 times to get a couple images is stupid? You might actually have downs.
Literally no one but your family gives a shit about you outside of what you can provide for them dude, thinking a mom and pop shop are any different is laughable.
Also the only people putting the negative connotation on the gambling of anime girls are the people who are worried about how other people spend their money that they earned.
If I feel like throwing down a grand for a card I want, that's my business, if I feel like paying nothing, that's also my business.
People getting angry because someone has money to throw around and they do not are pathetic, and don't feed me "Muh smart with my money" shit, no one feels compelled to chime in about someone else's finances unless they're personally slighted by what they're seeing, and it's usually salty poorfags, some millionaire chad isn't going to descend from heaven to tell people to stop spending money on video games, no one believes that
Why would i go on a thread about shit i don't like?
>who are worried about how other people spend their money that they earned
Neets are literally spending MY money on anime jpgs
If a NEET is getting government money he doesn't make nearly enough to whale in a gacha game buddy
Ah, the smell of sweet sweet DAILY GACHA thread. I love you people. Keep making more so I can enjoy myself daily while getting more new gacha list to play.
>Neets are literally spending MY money
Why are you giving money to NEETs if you don't approve of how they spend it?
Autists will find a way
Taxation is theft
it's over, gacha has been normalized, Yea Forums...lost....
>muh taxes
Yeah that whole fraction of a penny that went towards their 'lavish lifestyle' gives you a say in what they can and can't do.
for the amount of shitposters you guys have this place sure seems tolerant about the game
Imagine comparing a massive, faceless entity to a small business run by the owners themselves. Apparently bartenders/owners never become friends with some customers and get involved in their lives.
No one gives a shit about what you're throwing your money away to, we're just pointing out spending hundreds to thousands of dollars a month on some images and a couple seconds of audio is stupid as hell, you're the fags getting upset and sperging out, screeching "MY MONEY, MY CHOICE".
If you don't like being called retarded faggot, maybe don't act like a retard faggot?
it makes Yea Forums boomers mad, so it's fun as fuck.
Nigger a good portion of neets probably don't pay much bills or rent since they live with their parents. You also have to consider how hard they want to whale. Just to get their waifu(s), or to get their waifu(s) and be the top rank in the game? The latter takes much more money to accomplish.
Imagine thinking any business at all cares about you just because you met the person in charge.
You are there to give them money for a service retard, if your buying decision is based on anything other than their ability to deliver the service advertised you're a fucking moron
Why would you like like spending money to see numbers go up on a shitty mobile app with the only incentive of seeing an anime girl picture pop up every once in a while with RNG and gambling that won't get your money back?
It's Dragalia players mating call.
you keep assuming everyone playing gacha games play to spend money on it, lmao based retard
They assume these games have some sort of mind control feature and people don't pay because they find the game engaging, it's really weird, I'd release a "Pay me" mind control app if they were available but these people refuse to believe that maybe people like stuff they don't like
most likely projection, if a game they liked had a different model of MTX they would eat it up and defend it.
Fucking sucks that dokkan wont work for me but I had gotten LR Bojack, LR ss3 goku, 3 of both LR fusions and alot of them rainbowed thanks to dupes, I stopped playing after not being able to get transforming vegeta and I have not played since
Alright let me re-iterate, you spend time doing pressing a few buttons to see an anime girl pop up and some random numbers also go up, with no real gameplay other than that. Does that satisfy you?
>implying I spent money
>implying I only care for girls
>implying its the big numbers
so, just like normal games? You're stepping on very subjective lands there, buddy.
Reductio ad absurdum can be applied to literally any game retard
>Shoot head
>tap rhythm notes
>big numbers
>tap attack button
>get gear with big numbers
Kill yourself you slimy disingenuous poorfag fuck, people like you need to be fucking hung
>with no real gameplay
how to immediately spot someone who doesn't know what they're talking about
>damn most jrpgs have an auto function now guess they don't have gameplay
Then for what reason do you play gacha?
What gameplay do you have in gacha?
What gameplay do you have in gacha?
I've played JRPGs, what sort gameplay do you have in gacha?
Would bet money most of the people vocal about how shit mobile games are still own flip phones and swear internet access on your phone is overrated despite not leaving their home for the last several months
To pass time. Also see battlecats, the waifu element is really low on the bar and its more on cartoony cat silliness.
Gacha isn't a fucking genre you fucking idiot, kill yourself, there are RPGs, schmups, rhythm games and strat games with a gacha pull system.
Enjoy dancing around your own retarded definition of things while getting BTFO every single day because you're some poorfaggot with a flip phone incapable of playing anything
are rhythm games not games to you?
there are gachas with:
turn based combat
action combat
bullet hells
rhythm games
tower defense
how's that not gameplay?
Not if they blow him the fuck out, I guess, retard shut down
How naive can you be to think that people don't like more personalized service? That's the reason people are regulars in restaurants and bars, even if there's places with better food, drinks, prices etc.
You can easily make the argument that companies who push out "content" locked behind the barriers of money and terrible odds RNG only see their customers as living wallets.
I guarantee at least half of you gacha playing faggots have whined about the lack of "good games" before, and you're actively funding the reason why. The bare minimum quality people will tolerate, the least amount of effort from the devs for the highest possible return.
IIRC some of these anime games make hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars yearly, and all they do is put out a handful of new skins and a few new voice lines for their characters each year.
It makes money, but they certainly aren't good games. Spending money on this actual shit is laughable, and you addicted retards are just mad that we're chuckling at your "literal" expense.
"Wah wah wah"
Okay I get it kid, enjoy jerking it to your boogeymen.
I'll be a real man in the real world
>paying to beat your meat to anime tiddies while others do it for free
>treating the game like porn, so effectively paying for porn
Wow, it's almost like...maybe people have things they do in this GAME other than masterbate since that's freely available.
I mean, feel free to take the place of the retard that just got obliterated that thought "gacha" was an actual game genre
99% all have cooldowns/wait timers to actually be able to do that shit, whether it's in the form of your character's health replenishing or some other "resource" in the game needing to refill.
Usually the gameplay itself is mediocre at best, and almost never offers anything new to the genre it's under.
Waiting is a shitty "mechanic", and paying to wait less is an even shittier "mechanic".
The lengths you faggots go to defend your addictions is honestly pathetic.
Phone games never got my appeal, might try emulating Half Life or something though in the future
From my friends playing gacha games all i've ever fucking seen them do is sit in a menu and press their screen every once in a a while to see their numbers go up, also why are you so defensive about this? Is it truly the only hobby you have or something that you feel offended when someone talks shit about it? I do have a mobile phone, also nice same fag >bullet hell and action games on a phone
that's gonna be a why would you ever play such a thing on that from me chief
I do play rhythm games but i don't see why would you play a rhythm game with on a phone display, plus i didn't know as i never went into the genre as i'm not into phone games as i have almost every single modern generation consoles and a good PC, and B the game is designed for me to spend money and get addicted to it.
>From my friends playing gacha games all i've ever fucking seen them do is
VERY compelling, then you go on to tell me I'm being defensive when you literally just admitted to having no fucking clue as to what you're rambling about.
if you actually played rhythm games you'd know how different they are in gameplay, like how osu or guitar hero or muse dash plays nothing like idolmaster
Phone games tend to be short and I like it that way. I need to be able to drop it really fast by just turning it off immediately when my number is called by the nurse.
Do what else? Every single gacha game is "pay to MAYBE get that character you like, or spend 1000+ hours to get them otherwise", unless it's a "LIMITED TIME" thing during events.
It's always self-inserting and 110% of the time it's some other game copy-pasted except with anime girls.
>Every single gacha game is
How is this statement always followed up by something that proves that the person hasn't in fact played every single gacha game?
fair enough, time gates are no defensible, but not all the games have it.
Although my posture still stands, there's literally nothing wrong to play gacha games for the experience and enjoyment they may offer if it's within the limits of spending money.
>Download gacha game for free 4 years ago
>Still getting upwards of 20+ hours of playtime a week on it
>Bought MGSV at 60 bucks
>Got 130 hours out of it and haven't touched it since
Get dabbed on
tcgs are true bullshit. while pack opening is ass u can just buy singles, plus it's physical. only real reason prices can get high is because of no reprints. yugioh is better overall than this than mtg and the reserve list is actual cancer. for mtg it's cards that "will never be reprinted" so shit is like $100+ for a piece of cardboard
How is it that you faggots always manage to be disingenuous and act like that isn't the case?
I always see people complaining about how they didn't get their waifus on any media related to FGO, KanColle, and all the other popular weebshit.
They only talk about that, so it's easy to infer that the "games" themselves are playing your hand and wallet at getting those characters. No one talks about the gameplay because it's the same cookie cutter mediocre bullshit you'd find in whatever genre it is.
Asserting an untrue statement as me being disingenuous is really funny.
If i see various type of gacha games and all i've seen them do is literally that with an anime character pop-up every once in a while, people discussing only what they get from lootboxes and that it's not the grill that they wanted, it's the only impression that the game's gonna ever give me isn't it? I'm not afraid to dwell into territory i don't know and you went full retard from seeing me step into it.
At the end of the day you'd still be doing button presses on a shitty display, but i guess one man's trash is another's treasure.
I can't think of any game like that i'm currently playing on any platform, probably why it's not my appeal.
based user getting free of his addiction
>Here's why I still have an opinion on something I know nothing about
I'm saying the gacha game is still lasting me.
MGSV didn't
I can understand if you just want something to waste a few minutes of time on each day, which I think they're effective at doing.
Most of the time though I see my friends spending at least an hour each day tapping away at their phones, trying to hyperoptimize their limited resources, retweeting to get refills etc. all to try and rank without spending money.
Shit's too high stress for me.
and that's ok
cringe user not getting free of his addiction