What's the point of creating your own character if you won't even be able to see it? Shit's all in first person.
What's the point of creating your own character if you won't even be able to see it? Shit's all in first person
If that's the case, then why is Yea Forums getting so pissed off about the body slider option in the character creation?
Surely by this logic it means it doesn't matter either way, right?
Just wait until mods come out.
I just want to make Pic related or an old guy
You will see your character at cutscenes, you nignog
>2077 shouldnt have character creation because you dont see MC often enough
What's the point of making these threads unless you're paid by epic?
What the fuck are you trying to say?
Nope, they removed third person cutscenes.
Do you really have to act like such a stereotype of a fanboy? Come on.
Because Yea Forums has just turned into a load of culture warriors having a moan/celebrating about whatever the resetera culture warriors are celebrating/having a moan about.
Dont you just love how the internet has turned into no life millenial mongs screaming at no life millenial mongs of absolute bullshit?