Whats the best way to experience manhunt?

whats the best way to experience manhunt?

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Not playing it

Watch a review, pretend you've played it and you liked it

Manhunt is alright but skip Manhunt 2, it's bad.

Maybe the first 3 chapters of it are worth playing

The PC port is alright, the PS2 version has some better lighting and the PS3 port is one of the best PS2 classics out there. Haven't played the newer versions, but they can't be worse than the PS3 one.

i really wonder why a lot of old rockstar games have "better" ps2 versions although they came out earlier.


Playing it on a PS2 as teenager before having even gone on Yea Forums before. Bonus mode: play with an even more innocent pal. That game was so fun, loved the final levels.

OP here i followed PC Gaming Wiki and cant get the game to start. i am running windows 10 with a razor 1911 patch
i live in germany it never released here, heard of the game before Yea Forums tho

with a mic, you can call out to enemies to lure them

Just watch longplay from it. The controls are horrible and it gets boring to execute everything in sight fast. Pigsy is fucking terrifying

Doing those things in real life

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Back in the days, the ps2 was a lot powerful compared to the computers at the time. The PS2 version had priority and the pc that came after had to be dumped down for it to be playable on those xp machines.

PS2 was definitely not more powerful than contemporary PCs

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the PS2 version looked better because like all cockstar games they were made for PS2 then ported to PC, like how RE4 looks the best on gamecube but still looks like shit on every other system

Play the PC version and install all the fixes. The PS2 version has nice colorful lighting, but it kinda ruins the game's atmosphere, so it is definitely better on PC.
It's nice btw, the stealth isn't as good as in Thief, but it is similar. Just keep in mind that the last couple of levels are much more generic than the rest.

No, play the game for fuck's sake. It is a tense game, and even scary at times because of the way it controls leaves you very vulnerable to the enemies. You're stuck with gangs of armed lunatics hunting you and it feels like it, you have to hunt them carefully. When you encounter the militant gang who carry guns it is a legitimate problem, if there's more than one of them you're just fucked.

Piggsy was too easy for a final boss.
The death squad was pretty hard, almost punched the screen.

I wish R* could make games like this and Bully again.

By actually manhunting irl

has it ever happened IRL?

manhunt 3 when?


Twitter mobs would shut that shit down so fast

same reason GTA 6 won't

Wasn't hard, but extremely unnerving.

This game is probably my prime example of hunted becoming the hunter. The sense of power you get past the halfway point feels earned. Only thing I disliked were the shitty (camera) controls.

I played it while listening to sleepycabin and it was p comfy desu

Turn the lights off, close the drapes, lock the door and get ready to kill.

Go back in time like 16 years and play it with the knowledge that you're a badass kid doing something the world is convinced will turn you into a serial killer.
Otherwise, enjoy your shitty clunkfest

I recently purchased the ps2 classic on ps4 if not try the Pc version

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I got you bro.

I'm not sure what I've used in the past but dgvoodoo2 might help

nvm it was the old razor 1911 crack that didnt work. tried it with another one and it works fine

Could an indie dev make a manhunt spiritual successor?

Play it at night and in the dark, preferably.

I don't think Manhunt needs another game, 2bh. The only thing it could benefit from is a graphical update, but I don't think that's worth a new game.

I'm surprised no one mentioned the Original Xbox version. Is it not better than the PS2 release?

ps2 is weaker than GC and xbox.

i wonder what a modern version of solider of fortune 2 would be like

What about a level editor and mod support?

How did they even achieve that level of gore?
What setting would it even be in?
You already killed neo nazi terrorists first and generic slav bad guys in the second game and then muslims in the third game

Those would be worthwhile content. Not sure how big of a community Manhunt still has, though.

Ps2 with the Logitech headphone. You will hear Brian cox speak to you directly and any noise you make will get the enemies attention

PS2 was already obsolete by late 2001.

setting wouldnt be important. the solider of fortune games are nowadays mostly associated with highly detailed gore that hasnt been replicated ever since. maybe it could take place in a hypothetical american civil war that broke out after terrorist attacks motivated by both political sides after everyone lost thier mind with a certain president. a game where you could kill kkk members, black hoodlums and scawny college commies surely would have some shock value

that actually sounds like a good idea

I don't think I could ever replay it. Having Brian Cox talk to your earholes for an entire game was really nice though. I only ever played the PC version, it came in a VHS style die cut softbox and was awesome.

Don't listen to those other faggots, I know you're right.
MGS2 alone did stuff with TECHNOLOGY that would make any babby PC game of 2001 curl into a ball and shit itself.

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that packaging looks dope. also devs in the ps2 era were really good at optimizing for it. look at burnout 3 for example.

It was pretty great. It's hard to find a picture of the spine, but it was just a white and lined VHS style label with the logo written in fat marker. Good times.
and the manual wasn't really a manual, just previews for the snuff film company, showcasing their tape catalog, prices and stuff like that.

and yes, devs pushed that pussy PS2 to its breaking point and even beyond if you look at something like Shadow of the Colossus.

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>MGS2 alone did stuff with TECHNOLOGY
you mean the icecube and bird shit that you slip on? also MGS2 got a PC port

I mean everything, not just the gimmicks. Then again when you saw the tarpaulin realistically flapping in the wind during the Olga fight you did a front flip out the nearest fucking window because shit like that was unheard of at the time.

have you watched the MGS2 trailer recently? Fucking 2000. I ended up hating the game because fuck Raiden and running around on a terrible oil rig, but at the time there was nothing on the planet that could stand next to this.

everything MGS2 had PC games had too

Nothing on that level. Not even close. and I was a 100% PCfag I had to borrow a console and the game from a friend to play it.

>buying games

I said borrow, not buy, you drunk illiterate bastard. This was during a time when close friends would let you borrow a console and some games from them for a while.

Have you ever heard of a man by the name of Epstein?

I played PC version and it's great.

The asylum is the best level

if ps2 was so strong why couldn't it handle Deus Ex without loading screens

donate a lot of money to your favorite streamer to have her play it

Because the PS2 had unique hardware that allowed for bespoke PS2 specific effects to be programmed into games. Converting those effects to DirectX based hardware like the Xbox and PC was not a simple task and in some cases would be impossible.

Likewise, effects written for DirectX would not easily translate to the PS2's hardware.

Just get in the right mood. You don't want to play this game while your GF is hugging you. Get the room dark, and get into it.
Don't play the game if you don't feel like it.

This unique hardware doesn't run a single game without frame drops and muted colors. Also, half the games are rendered a below 480i internal resolution.

if a game like Hatred can get on steam so can Manhunt 3

hatred was indie and nobody knew about it until it came out
rockstar owns the manhunt ip and news of a third in development would be heard about before it comes out, and twitter would go ballistic

You understand the PlayStation 2 released 18 years ago, right?

You don't have to seethe over it anymore.