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Other urls found in this thread:

Why the fuck not.

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Good, the old one was /vg/ levels of shitposting.

Quick Yea Forums
WORST Melee weapon, go.

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I really want to know what the wyrmstake blast properties for Long and Wide are. Would really like an excuse to play something other than Normal Slam Burst, but the way ws.blast works for that seems to be indicating it will still be optimal.

Friendly reminder to leave your crippling autism in the previous thread!

Completely fucking ignore anyone who brings up the F word ever again, please.

Any of you boys find narga in the demo?
He must’ve been eating his Wheaties. He’s huge in World.

have you seen the "males" going around in this site?
Here's your answer.

>someone has the full game

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so does xbone demo get anything cool or is it the same


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>someone has the full game

>Slow, below average damage in axe mode
>Terrible evasion and side hops
>The most noob attracting UNGA BUNGA combo in the game
>Dogshit maneuverability in sword mode
>Power Phials are inferior to Impact Phials
>There are more reasons why it's not used by the majority of players
Charge Blade
>Great Damage in sword & shield mode, with spectacular damage in axe mode
>Amazing side step and position switching attacks
>Guard point that can KO monsters
>Some of the fastest kill times in TA runs
What did Capcom mean by this?

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so mad we cant. There are some goofy fucking clown suits I want to wear and Im stuck wearing rainbow butterfly armor

Monster Hunter but with DMC combat.

>No Chameleos
It hurts

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You will use this from now on, thank you.

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3d tokyo jungle with MH monsters

used to be a main
I will never forgive them

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Nobody tell him.

Wasn't able to no, but I'm glad to hear he's eating right. Hopefully he isn't stingy with his Brain Stem

Do we know exactly how the upgrade for the base game works? Do we download it or will it simply update the main game? I imagine that Iceborne will be backwards compatible with players who don't have it.





Is Volcanic Hollow the worst map ever?

>there's a new list of quests involving taking photos of creatures in various situations for the lynian researcher

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Iceborne and World-only players can play together, but a bunch of stuff like the new moves require the expansion to use. World players cannot join IB quests either.


>the damage I took was pretty low
fugg, I hope this is just early G.

Monster Fucker

Am I glad I missed that one

He did later add that barioth kicked his ass, so there's a little hope.

lance, boring shit

this is going to my cringe hunter notes

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This. What the fuck /mhg/?! You said this would be the Dark Souls of video games.

is nergigante sucking alatreon's powers and then getting elemental damage a thing?

It is because he’s still in early MR.

Catloli rpg

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>your favorite set is already a layered armor

I’m still hoping you can make anything layered, but I’m pretty okay with whatever thanks to layered brigade.

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I also used to be a SnS main like the previous gentleman
advancing slash and the regular combo has been ruined

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Feels good to be GLfag
Wide, Long, or Normal

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I think the way most people feel about dodogama is how I feel about tzitzi. He never seems to want to attack me, just shows up and flashes niggers left and right.

MH TRPG, kind of like that one Pokemon/Sengoku period game.


Mystery Dungeon but it's MH themed

The guy with it is a Redditor who bought it from Luxembourg-style gamestop. He's only hunted Beotodus so far. Armor set gives water/snow mobility, earplugs, stamina surge, life up and ice weapon damage. Level 4 slots on beta set too.

You'll have to ask Reddit if you want answers

Just bought Generations Ultimate on Switch. My first MonHun game ever. Give me advice Yea Forums. I played the demo and liked mounting shit.

but dodo is a piece of shit.
Everytime I hunt jho in the elder recess he gets picked up, I free him up and what does that obese fuckers do? He fucking aggroes me and chain combos me with pickle.
Now everytime I'm in the elder recess and I see a dodogama I stop doing whatever I'm doing and kill it just for the sake of it.


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>Tigerfish piscine wyvern
>lionfish piscine wyvern
>Sea Krait leviathan
>Lamprey piscine wyvern
>Shen Gaoren type Spider Crab carapaceon that uses wrecked ships as a shell
>Swordfish piscine wyvern that inflicts bleeding when stabbed with nose
>more endemic life like dwarf moray eels, assorted crabs, seahorses, ventworms, etc
>Bobbit Worm neopteron
>Peacock Shrimp carapaceon that hits hard as fuck
>Leatherback turtle flying wyvern
>Marine Iguana fanged wyvern
>Elephant seal fanged beast
>Stingray flying wyvern with thunder and poison element
>Vampire Squid flying wyvern
>Yeti Crab carapaceon (exlusive to Hoarfrost reach)
>Seagull bird wyvern that steals your shit like Volvidon or Chameleos
>Glassfrog amphibian with Chameleos’ invisibility mechanic
>Megamouth shark brute wyvern
>Great white shark brute wyvern
>Basking Shark Elder Dragon
>Colossal Squid Elder Dragon
>Pistol Shrimp Elder Dragon with blast element
>Namielle as the flagship monster
> Jellyfish Elder Dragon as the final boss
Fuck it, we should have gotten a deep sea expansion regardless of whether we have water combat or not.

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It's the best 4th gen game. Play hammer or greatsword and you'll have to learn the monster real quick. I recommend it. Guild for both

Greatsword however is slower at the start because you lack vital armor skills like focus and crit draw but only gets faster later.

Dreams onry

>>Bobbit Worm neopteron

If Dodo takes any damage at all he becomes aggressive to everything, even if he only got tapped by a Gastodon

>That 'Shinsekai: Into The Depths' trademark that Capcom filed a while ago is actually a new Monster Hunter title set entirely underwater

Pls adopt.

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That's it, my desperation has taken the hold of me
I will make a Reddit account to ask the leaker questions Redditors would normally be too stupid to ask

Thought so myself until one week ago.
Lance is pretty much the only weapon where the fun aspect of it doesn't really translate well intro gameplay videos. If you play it yourself you just feel like an unbreakable unit and it's so fun to punish every misstep the monster makes.

I've already done so, what should I ask? Keep in mind he's around MR 2

Thanks bros. More important question.
Qt FemHunter or man?

Why are they so smug?

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>Shinsekai means New World
Damn, it might actually be happening. I’m happy for you guts & optimistic, if it does end up being just that.

qt waifu


If the hoarfrost reach is the same as the one for the demo, it had cut areas
Maybe it ties into the region level up

they need to bring water combat back but do it better
>land and sea armor
>using land armor in sea negates any skills active and gives you slower animations, same with sea on land
>need a rebreather item to fight comfortably without air draining extremely fast
>built into sea armor, can take a rebreather without sea armor it takes up a spot in your pouch
>maybe sea weapons with modified movesets too

im hoping the reason they arent bringing back the underwater monsters/combat and non wyvern/dragon is because they are repurposing and refining it for mh6

velkhana is so fucking hot

I'd scream at you to ask him if Seregios is around but he's too early into the game to find him if they added him

the legend of jaggi, drome awakening

DB, imagine designing a weapon with a grand total of 2 attacks in the moveset.

Oh, I hate that fat fuck, I’m just saying most people seem to view him as harmless and cute.
I’ll take my flash-raptor anyway.

I know people tend to hype their nostalgic fantasy but G-rank was never tough at the beginning.

According to the devs more parts of hoarfrost open up as you go through the story quests.

I agree they need to improve it but everything you suggested would make it way worse most of what you're suggesting would make it worse

As an HH veteran, I always felt like no one on the dev team plays HH and felt some lack of polish on the weapon and its mechanics. But that all changed with Iceborne and it feels like they actually cared this time. Cal me crazy, but I like IB's HH the most


Which monster has the most personality in your opinion?

Hammer, SnS, and Great Sword are good to start with
4U is better


Monster Hunter™ World Diary

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by you logic the great sword would be the worst, as all any does for optimal damage is the charged slash

the start will be shit and confusing
you will grow to hate sand

No transmog available at the blacksmith yet. So far what you get is the same layered armors as before, but you can craft pieces individually.

Tigrex, probably


dont listen to anyone on Yea Forums. find a style you like along with your weapons and go from there. the former statement still stands

What is Wide getting out of this? I still want to know. They're not going to be triggering the stake off slam burst like Normal and Long can.

It's on reddit, my guy. I'd link to the thread, but I don't wanna link directly to reddit.

>Lao is Ryozo's most recent favorite
He's in.

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?? You mean the layered armor tab is the exact same shitty armora we have bur now you just craft them individually instead of some bounty?

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I'll do this sacrifice, in the name of leaks

All of them

>linking to reddit
go back

Doesn't Wide have a marginally stronger Stake? The normal stake triggers the burst on every tick if you hit the same spot.

well it would be lame if they just improve the controls and call it a day. they need to do something to make underwater feel different from fighting on land, and it should take some preparation to go from land to sea combat.

Just finish Banbaro there.

There's a new installation in town that's basically a steam powered slot machine. You can gather fuel in missions and then use it there. It gives a bunch of useful items, including tickets for special gear. Make it, uh, explode, and you get a ticket you can trade for a mantle. (The rare drop kind, not what you put on your back) Pretty fun to use too.

Banbaro weapons have long blue, hidden ice, high raw and a big slot usually. Not every weapon type is involved.

Banbaro armor skills are Resentment, Mushroomancer, Speed eating, life up, offensive guard (New skill from the beta that gives attack bonus for perfect guards), life up.

There's also a steampunk set I got from the aforementioned slot machine. That one gives blast damage, critical damage, part breaker, challenger, and also optional points in tremor resist, sleep coating and special ammo boost. It also has a set bonus for 3 pieces that increases the max level of blast damage skill to 5. (The armor set gives 5 points too)

It's the age of the GL

Attached: gl can't see shit.webm (960x540, 1.43M)


I imagine they will heavily use the slinger for any potential underwater movement. Just like we have now with those slinging points but underwater

my children will know your name

Insect Glaive can lodge onto vine walls by dodging in midair towards them. From there, you can either pull the L-stick backwards to wall jump, or push the L-stick forward to climb up. Give it a try at the training area, pard!

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Go back to /vg/ you faggots

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hi mighty, haven't seen you since s4

>tfw they said no transmog in that chinese interview and said they're keeping the layered system from world where you have to do quests and shit to get tickets
>tfw that capcom germany rep said not all armors will have layered versions
>tfw everyone ignores both those things

Woaa, so he's just leaking things we know for months ? Nice.

oh no a thread about video games
the horror

He's leaking things in the order he finds them


>Your thumbs kinda ugly... Pm me the complete monster list please, thanks
Based Reddittor

>reddit leaker says that Barioth kicked his ass
based ice filter

He has to find quests and shit to unlock the new layered sets.

Well, he's at bambaro, of course Barioth will be strong at that point.

>my boi gets to be a wall

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i am reminded of those old looney tunes with the exploding cigars

Why is the arena lass so underappreciated?
I get she can be a cunt, but that makes it better when you restrain her and play with her body

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>bing spammers will use this as an excuse, somehow

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Got a view on some of the other sets as well, I'll sum up the skills here:

\-Jagras : Speed eating, attack, evade distance, life recovery up, and that random chance of free food skill.

\-Tzitzi ya ku : Stun resist, hidden element, constitution, wide range, water damage, sleep resist.

\-Great Girros : Horn maestro, paralysis resistance, hidden element, effluvia resist, effluvia expert, paralysis up.

\-Dodogama : Blast resist, blast damage, artillery, bomb damage, and a nice load up on the legs.

\-Kula ya ku : Slinger up, critical damage, stamina surge, critical eye, item prolonger, and the egg carrying skill (alpha set only)

\--Pukei pukei : Poison damage, survival expert (Get heal by hitting plants), item prolonger, peak performance, poison resist.

\-Barroth : Guard, Marathon damage, stamina drain, challenger, stun resist.

\-Jyura : Latent power, focus, water damage, ice resist. (Ew)


Can you recreate the female NPCs in the character creator?

bing bing

Holy fuck Jagras chill

IG, DB, LS. Why would you ever choose to play this boring shit while you have fucking slashing howitzers, huge jousting lances, motor axes which explode, giga swords which split the mountains in two and hammer which cause earthquakes with every pound? For the same reason, why would you play ranged?

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Hell yeah

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War has changed

MH but set in Japa- wait shit Toukiden and P3rd exist

Beo armor good for starting out? based!

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>No transmog in world
Its over
Iceborne is trash.

Fuck off fashionista

>why would you play ranged
explosive railgun/minigun special, cluster shots, wyvernfire shot, and healing shot easily changeable midfight, also piercing a monster head to tail feels fucking good, though i miss siege mode and hate the spreadshot meta

liking that, Joe?
nice 64th IP there, 4chanX. Good to see the shitposters arrived.

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Only for consolecucks. Based PChads get unrestricted transmog.

>grinding Nerofest instead of playing Iceborne the moment it drops
it wasn't supposed to be like this

What do Elders even do.

>this will never get an english release
>it got a G-rank game
>Stories didn't and it got a shitty anime
fuck you, Japan-only business models

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>falling for fateshit
You only have yourself to blame.

Raze the planet

Who the fuck is joe?

you could've just said you're a subhuman

Evil Joe

Garden, bake cookies, bingo on Wednesdays

amerimutt name

Looks like a fucking 3ds game

QUICK! Ryozo has outsourced the design for the next monster hunter flagship to you because he's too busy working on adding Plesioth to the game via post-launch DLC. He was very lenient about his demands, but he has 1 that MUST be followed: it must be a piscine wyvern. How do you make it an interesting monster with a unique design, good aesthetic and an enjoyable hunt?
HARD MODE: design a subspecies/variant for the G-rank version of the game

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Im on the same boat
The fate event is limited so I gotta priorize that as much as it hurts me

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It's a mod for pc, same as the swimsuit transmog
But I think I should change it to the one she wears in the summer event, I like that one more

"Just finish Banbaro there.

There's a new installation in town that's basically a steam powered slot machine. You can gather fuel in missions and then use it there. It gives a bunch of useful items, including tickets for special gear. Make it, uh, explode, and you get a ticket you can trade for a mantle. (The rare drop kind, not what you put on your back) Pretty fun to use too.

Banbaro weapons have long blue, hidden ice, high raw and a big slot usually. Not every weapon type is involved.

Banbaro armor skills are Resentment, Mushroomancer, Speed eating, life up, offensive guard (New skill from the beta that gives attack bonus for perfect guards), life up.

There's also a steampunk set I got from the aforementioned slot machine. That one gives bomb damage, critical damage, part breaker, challenger, and also optional points in tremor resist, sleep coating and special ammo boost. It also has a set bonus for 3 pieces that increases the max level of bomb damage skill to 5. (The armor set gives 5 points too)"

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I take Garchomp from Pokémon and I put it into Monster Hunter

>415 slinger shots
okay what the fuck happened to gunlance

Lavasioth WITH WINGS

I take a shit from my toilet and I put it into your mouth

We better fucking get Glavenus x as the g rank set or I swear to fuck kyoani will look like a fucking campfire compared to what ima do.

Was it possible in the beta to capture one of those lemur cats that appear on the title screen?

It's time to learn another language, user.

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I'd love to know what Capcom's reasoning is for not letting you grind monsters for parts to make layered versions of their armor sets
It's literally free content, and if they aren't going to give me Great Jagras tickets to make his set in a special event then what's the fucking problem

each explosion with that new technique counts as a slinger shot.

An eel.
The name would be Janagnos, and its main element would be ice.
The G-rank subspecies would be name Raizan (lightning slash blade) Janagnos.
G-rank DLC variant would be a Zamtrios kinda deal. Call it Rolnaganos. Just pretty much fish Seregios

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I picked up MHGU having only ever played MH1 on PS2. I was a GS main on that game but I gravitated to Aerial Dual Blades in MHGU.

Am I a scrub people will hate if I go online? I've gotten to the 5 Star quests on Low and have been finding everything except the Khezu gangbang very easy.

Too much effort for one little purpose. German scientists found reincarnation is a thing, can I kill myself to learn Japanese?

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Horror game similar to what RE7 did where instead of a Hunter you’re just a normal guy who’s shithole town barely anyone’s heard of is overrun by a Gigginox infestation. Everyone’s either dead or being used as hosts for Giggi young like some kind of fucked up shit out of Alien and you have to survive, avoid meeting the same fate while also fighting off other monsters native to your land like wroggis, velociprey, maccao, etc which wouldn’t be a problem for any hunter but again you’re just some normal fucking guy. Find a way to free your land and slay the Gigginox
but even after slaying it thats not the end because soon after you realize your entire town is right beneath a fucking Narkarkos den, leading you to the second half of the game

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Only in World do you get discriminated. Use your best knowledge and [help] your hunters out. They'll love you if you help them out.

It's an odd decision because transmog using monster parts creates a demand to go back and fight progression monsters that are otherwise useless in endgame. Though maybe the cosmetic pendant system is their answer to that. Having said that, we don't know which armors they plan to make layered and which they don't. I'll wager even reviewers don't know for sure since I bet a number will come in timed events.


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i really hope clutch claw ZSD is reworked a bit
it's not a fun way to play switch axe, even if it is effective

I love Gunlance in World but how the fuck did anyone play it before? The weapon is so goddamn clunky and slow in previous generations.

Only one way to find out.

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I'll see you when I see you.

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I'm so glad I quit fateshit when I failed to roll Merlin

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I make it a Leviathan instead
I dare you to come up with ONE sea creature inspired monster that wouldn't look better as a Leviathan or Frog skeleton

I'm sure some PC modder will do exactly that to the armory like they did with craftable Kulve weapons

My most played weapon since Freedom 2 just because I like the concept.

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Namielle ?

>has never played lance in world

I'd agree with you in regards to every generation before, but Lance is straight up dope in World. It's actually Gaijin Hunter's favourite World weapon.

Monster Hunter featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry™ Series

Who give a fuck about the gaijin guy tho

there's a better reason as to why Gunlance players use it

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>unlocks bomb skill
I see, perhaps old armors WILL have some kind of use

A lot of people as his videos are usually where most people start when they want to try out a new weapon

What are your specs, I get sub 60 with a 1070 and i7 8700k @ 1440p

Fuck your piscine wyvern, flagship Temnoceran.

Trapdoor spider/tarantula. Doesn't roam the map initially, you have to find his hiding spot and force him out (sonic bomb is the easiest way of course, but getting too close with other methods will get you hit with a powerful surprise attack). Digs pitfall traps very quickly that can catch the hunter - visible, but not obvious. Also has some minor sand abilities, it can kick up sand clouds by shuffling its legs very quickly, which it likes to do when enraged and will dig more pitfalls under the cover of the sand so the hunter has a harder time mentally mapping where they are. Can shoot some webs but will usually only do it before running to another zone and quickly digging a bunch of pitfalls in that area.

You can get him caught in his own pitfall as he digs it if you get a stagger hit on him.

Hates Diablos/Monoblos because they constantly fuck up his traps.

>sub 60
>with all that shit
>at 1440p

Weirdest thing. Dunno what it could be.


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A mix between a grouper, a gator gar and a coelacanth, it's a 6 star invader like Jho and is extremely physical but reuses no attack from the generic skeleton, it has a ton of hidden tricks like suddenly whipping you with its whiskers and paralysing you, when enraged it goes full lightshow like a deep sea fish and sprouts lionfish throrns on fins, head and tail, they give you noxious poison
Sometimes it also shoots out a jet of water in a unique "tracking" animation like Gravios, theyre shot basically like a water shotgun
Armor has a deep sea diver theme
Made all of it on the spot

>another underground/digging monster


what the fuck is wyrmstake blast

R5 2600x and a 2060S right now. I just updated my graphics card, but I used a Rx480 before and pretty much got 1080p60fps while playing in medium.

>Look videos from a guy terrible at the game to choose your weapon

Check your task manager, and also check your Nvidia settings for anything suspicious. And also turn off a lot of the shit in graphics options, some things are purely just for graphical flavor and in MH you only need to know where you and the monster are in the level.

You should try overclocking your GPU. It's a lot safer and automated if you use MSI Afterburner too. Not only that, use nVidia Inspector to access hidden options and tweak those too.

>Why is the arena lass so underappreciated?
Because she's a fucking bitch
I hope she fights to the death with that obnoxious handler and the winner pisses on the loser's broken corpse

He only starts the fight underground, doesn't move until above ground, and doesn't re-burrow.


I'd rather handler just piss in my mouth

Attached: Handler_4.jpg (2390x1384, 378K)

Yeah me too haha

Shit port

someone needs to edit this origal image to have the list under it

Japs don't like it. Your steve is shit indeed.

I got a 3800x and a gtx 1070, and im also hovering around 40-60 fps at 3440x1440. Check benchmarks, those numbers sadly aren't out of line. Reason why I will probably upgrade when Nvidia comes out with the JewTX 3000 series next year

I like that idea, whoever wins, we all win
Especially since it would mean the end of the handler's life

not gonna happen


Not fishu


the original is much bigger then that

>Especially since it would mean the end of the handler's life
Nah, it would be more realistic to say goodbye to the arena lass, I can see the other guild girls grabbing her from both arms and legs while the handler finishes the job

then why the fuck did you not post the original

Look at that cute smile. Don't you just wanna slap her face with your dick?

Japs are disgusting creatures who hate anything that threatens their precious nostalgia reddo doragon

Is the iceborn expansion digital only? Like if I go to my game store, will they just give me a code in a box?

I'd rather see a huntress breaking both of them

This, but with hot rajang dick.

And we'd rather see both of them breaking your precious huntress, your point?

>Flashes my hunt while it's trying to escape
>It come careening down to the earth 100 feet
Love this little dude

the trailer had Kirin in a volcano, soo....


then do it

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I wish extreme falls did a little damage to monsters, or at least part damage
But I guess hunters don't take fall damage either

>first image is literally just JE SUIS MONTE



Oh shit, a water Kirin ?

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I can't believe it anons
We'll have answers, at long last

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>that fucking bloodborne set
>Samurai Uragaan
>Dante can be a Layered set for the really good sets

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>I'd agree with you in regards to every generation before, but Lance is straight up dope in World

i hate world babs so fucking much

>It's actually Gaijin Hunter's favourite World weapon.

fuck off

You need to do a slow as reload to get stake back. Normal and long are gonna be the meta.

The master version has Iceborne built in. I don't know about the other versions though

IG by miles.


Attached: ZluaVl5.jpg (1005x750, 86K)

A piscine wyvern based off the stonefish, Valakhan. Basically basarios but you can break its armor using bombs or weapons that have the blast element. It’s a pretty sluggish monster but hits like a fucking truck. It mostly uses all of Great Jagras normal moves but also borrows a few elemental attacks from ruby basarios as well, mostly the poison cloud, fires a stream of poison, and also spits globs of poison like purple ludroth. When enraged it starts to use a quite deadly move in which in headbutts the player and inflicts deadly poison. Basically its poison galore. It’s main element would be poison in case you hadn’t fucking noticed.
G-rank subspecies is Trench Valakhan, a bioluminescent blue/black subspecies which instead of poison element relies on paralysis and is much faster than its normal counterpart. Fortunately it’s armor is much more sensitive now, not needing blast to break it.
Armor is based off of Mongolian armor but with a bit of a Havel the Rock aesthetic to it.

Attached: 0B3B28C7-C9EF-48CD-AC5B-57245D5B5E80.jpg (1200x758, 207K)


>every game it was in, it had shit combos and all it was good for was pogo and it over-relied on the bug
why couldn't it just be a normal fucking halberd

Ok so interesting, there is something below Kirin ( there wasn't any LS kirin to see that on the other leak tree ) and it's not Orochi.

Based ryona user

I did not post it dumb ass
I have fucking Microsoft paint

For the people monitoring the plebbit thread, I love you
Now lemme suck that dick

The faggot ED in the beta is such a fucking piece of shit.

>just reads everything you do and ice attacks forcing you to use a nullberry over and over, literally any fucking attack attempt made is counted with "LOL 180 REVERSE ICE BREATH XD!!!!"
>AoE spam
>million HP solo
>constantly switching targets like a autistic spaz online making it impossible to use slower weapons

It's like they read how much everyone hated Lunastra and said "hey how about we make an even more annoying Lunastra and give everyone such an unreasonable timer that only speedrun autists can actually kill this thing"

Attached: list-kun.jpg (576x768, 207K)

>Shit combos
You retarded? It has some of the most fluid easy to do combos in the series

>Samurai Uragaan

What and where?

>I have MSPaint
Then do 6000 h-

>hidden sleep

In the trash cause 4g was shit

>Ryozo aggressively grabs his list and heads to shitpos

>Samurai Uragaan

>Dante can be a Layered set
That's not new retard


Attached: +_663885e21b13946011b107aedccbe710.png (332x43, 23K)

...Maybe it's my fault I used Valor style, but...
Sorry. Meant Barroth. I always get those monsters mixed up.

Attached: dDUtkpZ.jpg (2823x2117, 1.99M)

>Beat her my first try as a gs main

Bitch flinches so much.

Insect glaive is allergic to all styles

where is this from? they released another illustrations book for world?

whats coming off the paolmu tree

Attached: 1537867860682.jpg (2016x1512, 988K)

That's water element tho

Even Guild?

nightshade paolumu

Nightshade obviously

Frog here
"allows 100% of the effect of consumed items to be given to all hunters within a huge surrounding area"
Is that a new deco?

That's definitely not samurai armor, regardless of what kind of monster it is.

The paolumu recolor they already announced?

There's a Fire weapon too...

No but it's also allergic to arts


The fire weapon dummies

Whats the Yea Forumserdict on slinger burst into TGS?

There are 2 branches

It's leaking
Abandon the thread if you care, see you at release

Attached: 1551001606708.png (320x320, 8K)

Set bonus unlocked 2 more levels for Bombardier.

Attached: rsz_tlhbd3r.jpg (2016x1512, 412K)


Use the Legia set with the Ice Resist charm or eat for Elem Resist. If your Ice Res is over 20 you won't be blighted.
I have literally never been hit by the counter, pretty sure that shit is just your standard, run-of-the-mill beam that can be dodged by moving to the side.
All of its AOE is either in straight lines (beams), short ranged (tail attacks), or comes with massive safe zones (the expanding walls).
Keep hunting it to learn its attacks and openings while gaining a better feel for your weapon and the new tools. I timed out my first 4 or 5 hunts before finally managing to clear it.
This can be said of any decently mobile monster in multiplayer.

tl:dr git gud.

oh fuck

it's so fucking close
i can almost taste the hundreds hours of my life i'm going to waste

because there are hunters who couldn't kill them during the beta

Probably another monster entirely

Done. Money in the fucking bank

I love you

You and me both brother, I’m so fucking hyped it’s untrue. I’m losing sleep over this shit.

think of the minute long loading times user. It's not worth going back to PS4. I double dipped the game too.

From what we learned earlier, it seems there's several set bonuses that unlock 2 more levels for certain skills. Seems kind of a pain in the ass though.

Ah fuck waiting for this on PC is going to be painful.

garuga? or PECO


God, Barroth X is looking as good as always.


Garuga is poison, most likely the poison weapon coming off of the rath tree.

Time spent playing MH is not wasted.

Attached: 3216117.jpg (900x638, 663K)

10/10 would play, kind of reminds me of pokemon snap
Jurassic park expect it's with all the monster hunter monsters. They can fight and kill each other if they manage to get out of their enclosures and maybe a few crazy people will try jumping in to either hunt them or [spoiler fuck them

Isn't that what Toukiden aimed for?

Attached: 16094529419_37bdbf0a6a_z.jpg (564x317, 69K)

That's just widerange

Garooga is poison

God, I know, I also hated my PS4 going turbo whenever I started the game, but the wait is so fucking long. It's not fair.

Garuga branches off of the iron or bone trees, I believe.

Attached: 1445927524112.png (678x885, 356K)

>already more branches shown in main game than the demo leak

I don’t think CC spam will be as effective against most monsters. So many of them charge constantly, so you’ll just eat shit if you try. Velk with his constant tail stabs is actually a perfect candidate.
Even with the rocksteady mantle, I tried CCing narga just once to weaken his face, and he charged. Since I had the mantle on, I didn’t get knocked off... I just ate 4 hits in rapid succession and died.

>that pic

I'm fucking dying too, I had so much fun playing the beta but I must resist. The wait will be worth it, being able to play it with 5 second loading times, 60fps and not having to deal with hearing your device take off like a jet. Not to mention free online, god fuck PS+.

I never paid for Ps+ in my life I just make new psn and get 14 day free trial whenever I come back to mh because ps+ works on all accounts on ps4

Isn't that basically God Eater?

I was going off of this in the leaked images. It could be something else, though.

Attached: 8c8125c91c9ef6ae3ff6f6c9c287ab5b.png (1344x274, 776K)

That’s the rathian SA I think. It was confirmed to return in one of the trailers

Can confirm, I have the exact same setup (1070 and i7 8700K) and I'm getting sub 60 in Astera and average 60 on a mission
Disabling the meme fog doesn't even do much for me

Could be Kut-ku tho. Fire weapon, not too strong.

Not surprising, some weapons don't get certain branches. There's no kirin LS, so kirin wouldn't be on that tree.

O shid, ur right. I forgot there's no Rathian SA in base world.

it was revealed on promo screenshots

Attached: Monster-Hunter-World-Iceborne_2019_07-11-19_007.jpg (1920x1080, 1.75M)

>beotodus did low damage
>Barioth kicked his ass
Seems fine to me

No, Toukiden is MH with a story.

Attached: Monster-Hunter-World-Iceborne_2019_07-11-19_005.jpg (1920x1080, 1.71M)

Two more days until Preload.

Attached: D6XZHUoUEAIDSDm.jpg orig.jpg (1685x1544, 168K)

>mfw won't be able to preload

Attached: riven face.jpg (1240x980, 325K)

What set's that?

Isn't iceborne being delivered as a patch on the 5th?

>thesefixed hitboxes
Based Capcom
Now this fucker is really fun

Attached: New Tigrex Hitboxes.webm (854x480, 1.14M)

i think the leaker mentioned its a special ticket set you get from the new minigame thing with the furnace

Judging from what the guy on reddit said, it's the set you can get from doing the steamworks minigame in seliana

Damn, it looks good.

Attached: 1534533132444.gif (636x345, 1.96M)

Fair enough, looks steamworks themed too I guess.

Not that guy, but the patch is in 2 days and 3 hours iirc.

The patch on the 5th is like 33gb

patch on the 5th is at utc 0:00 ont he 5th, so like 2 days and 3 hours from now.

Does he still get his faggot face stuck

nice missed TCS, fag

>Hit velkhana
>She immediately runs to the other side of the arena and spams aoe

I'd sacrifice all of you fuckers to get isekai'd into monster hunter. So hyped for iceborne

yes, i cant really tell which walls get him stuck though

Get good shitter.

He's our special boy.

Can confirm, but only specific ones, and the angle must be pretty precise

which weapon is the most fun and why is it lance

>user complains about monster AI
>other user posts a speedrun reset dozens of times to get the ideal AI
I think Velkhana's a fine fight, but it can take too long.

Attached: 1563068970228.jpg (893x783, 174K)

I kind of like how japanese folks label their beta videos with an actual beta.

lance has been the only weapon i've been playing since the start of this shit series and it's the most boring shit ever, only choose it if you want to be disappointed

4 more months until Preload.
haha ;_;

I should save up some money and buy a new pc over the holidays to prep for iceborne. Anyone know how to pick pc parts nowadays?

Because rather than the monster punishing you for your mistakes, you punish the monster for their mistakes

Yea Forumseddit to the rescue, go to /r/buildapc/

The leaker is done for the day isn't he

user the moment i do a draw attack against vel she charges away.

Nope there's news !

He posted this second

>The handler has been replaced

The handle is dead, I repeat, the handler is fucking dead

Attached: 1554162828715.jpg (2016x1512, 1.03M)

>replaced in Astera
are you retards dumb

>You have to skip out on the entirety of Iceborne to never see her again


Attached: Dp4DMERWwAEboag.jpg (1200x772, 89K)

Why is Serious Handler so much better than our handler? She does a lot more in the basegame's story to directly help us, too (besides cooking shit I guess). Too bad I'm tired of the shit map that is Astera.



Attached: 1547252373216.png (237x289, 11K)

>>The most noob attracting UNGA BUNGA combo in the game
>Dogshit maneuverability in sword mode
>There are more reasons why it's not used by the majority of players
Are we talking about GS or SA?

Attached: 1538718514170.jpg (2016x1512, 1.12M)

Just leak a new monster you fucko


>Explosive Kulu subspecies
Yes please


>hidden blast
I don't think so.


Attached: DRuowKrWsAAV3qY.jpg orig.jpg (698x656, 296K)

>Steve, in a turn of redemption for disrupting the Raths, returned his invite to Iceborne so he could stealth kill the Handler
A fucking hero.

Velkhana's fight is fucking stupid and unfun.
>Can't play ranged because her breath attacks take 2/3rds of your health and as soon as you dodge one another comes out
>Can't play as melee because she's airborne even more than fucking Rathalos, darts around faster than Kushala, and won't hesitate to drop her almost 0-tell AoR bomb right below herself
>Outright ignores the barriers she puts up, jumps through them no problem and her breaths goes right through them
It's almost like they tried to make a fight specifically to shill the Clutch Claw moving shit, and then decided to give the bitch the ability to just shrug people off the moment they touch her. How the fuck do the japs speedrun this shit?

if I like killing big things in Dragon's Dogma, will I like Monster Hunter?

yeah probably


Kulu "variant" that's actually the Shalalaka King using him as a mount, and Kulu picks up and throws Shaka bombs instead of rocks.

Attached: 1566579820634.gif (200x190, 838K)

>each Luna path gets an upgrade
I know Styx is always the safe bet, but damn now I have to go back and make the rest

>Shits on ranged fags
Yeah, I'm thinking he's based. Having to flail my big stick around like a retard as he flies is a small price to pay.

But nothing for Xeno. So no Master rank Xeno ?

He always was a Greek hero for trying to eradicate the raths

Why hasn't the entire Iceborne monster roster leaked yet?

Attached: Ptbw9yH.jpg (800x522, 48K)

if the handler dies in iceborne it will be the perfect game

Personally, I'm enjoying these teases, just gets me more excited.

Soon brother

Pretty sure you can rollback any Luna weapon back to the base form.

Does the full-release have a much larger weapon tree list than the one that was shown back in the demo when the Jap went through the LS tree?

Is it me or is something deeply wrong with world's Deviljho moveset that I can't place

Attached: 1556513040097.webm (640x640, 2.23M)

There aren't many big things in monster hunter that are as interactive as the gorecyclops but there are plenty of undead dragon size monsters. It's pretty hard to compare the two but you will be able to easily switch between the two games because they have similar play styles.

>Replacing the Handler instead of making a better model and lowering her input during gameplay
Unbased and very disrespectful

Haha, no.

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Attached: victorious.jpg (600x720, 73K)

>it'll be days before we know about the MR50 and MR100 monsters (if there even is one)

Attached: 56684189_p26.jpg (898x718, 144K)

fucking based

In Astera lol

because the frogleaker is a normie and has to actually play the game. It can very well be, that by the time he's done with the game, it's already out

If we can accept iceborne quests from astera I'm not gonna leave

I honestly hope that the handler actually dies, this is how it should go.
>yian garuga quest
>yian garuga proceeds to 0-frame charge her several times, with roars interspersed inbetween
>followed by several tail flips
>then beak slams
>then fire blasts
>and a tail spin as a finisher
>her charred, intoxicated, barely functional body slams against a tree
>septic blood and toxin oozes out of her wounds
>she coughs up a chuckle as her last words exit her wretched maw
>'i-if in doubt.... heh'
>'take a bite'
>she slumps over
>she is dead
>the hunter and the yian garuga celebrate
>'It turns out the real Monster Hunter World: Iceborne was inside us all along!'
>roll credits

Go back to

>handler can freely follow you between Astera and the research base without issue
>but she can't get on a boat with you to leave Hoarfrost from time to time?


Attached: 1564478023013.jpg (1300x1125, 674K)



>saves friend just to get his stick
Are dogs chaotic good?

Attached: 1495908229793.jpg (500x375, 50K)

I can't fucking sit through this fucking tutorial every time i retry the velkhana quest
Not going to be able to do this bros.

Cute dogs.

His attacks are all similar to before but he doesn't feel the same to me either. Might have something to do with reusing animations from Anjanath.


>Garuga doesn't bite her head off just after she says "take a bite"

>German scientists found reincarnation is a thing
Please explain further.

Attached: BANG hoodie.jpg (600x600, 32K)


Attached: 2sP3BYH.jpg (1260x2387, 725K)


Attached: laggy.jpg (1728x1080, 418K)

Host an MP quest and do it solo you fucko


We're gonna make it, Hornbros

My dudes, just killed Zinogre in P3rd the second time, is it worth getting his whole set for Sharp+ to use basically the rest of Low Rank? Main weapon is LS going after Narga for that sweet 40% affinity next.

>Killed Velk with my best bro as a 2 man team.


Attached: 1495486200289.jpg (247x324, 24K)

Who's gonna tell him

Attached: 1567347842389.png (294x317, 153K)

Attached: 1567460191268.jpg (1280x720, 419K)

>Wanted to try Gunlance for Iceborn
>They are making Switch Axe actually fun


if thats the final brachy HH im going to be so fuckin angry

Wow I'm gonna have to give you an upvote for that one!

Attached: g7tf.jpg (600x600, 37K)

What game is this?


I knew. I fucking knew it that they were only showing the designs that were different.

Attached: 54111650851.png (917x1186, 14K)

I fucking puked

It is. You can see the whole line at all times and that's where it ends.

You're going to be in Seliana gathering hub with the Superior music and hotsprings. The handler is never im gathering hubs. No need to be in astera

Thank you for completely and utterly ruining weapons Ryozo!
Please shovel more shit in my mouth

Attached: 1567280508445.jpg (768x724, 222K)

pick multiplayer, set it to private, and head in alone. This lets you pick the closer camp and skip the handler's time wasting nonsense.

So I quit after Kulve Taroth. Is there any reason to come back before Iceborne since I will be replacing shit with Master Rank quickly

>pretty nervous to be fighting Nerg
>upgrade m shitty ass Tzi-Tzi LS, pump all my sphers into my HR Great Girros set (I love my Bloodborne set)
>nervous as shit, fighting Nerg
>absolutely destroy his shit, he never even makes it to the nest because Crystalburst

Get shit on. I'm on the right track to be done with Xeno until Friday

use both user, GL is good too
>wyrmblast piles last for 300 (THREE FUCKING HUNDRED) seconds

Hmm.. what is the status effect that the tigrex hunting horn has just a few upgrades down the line...? HE'S IIIIIIIIIIN

Attached: Molten tiggy.png (375x400, 147K)

Please user no

Attached: Oh god why.jpg (500x256, 34K)

at least it looks slightly more varied than most world weapons

Let the OH NO NO NO's rock.

Attached: 1519604754818.jpg (427x365, 18K)

what the FUCK

>literally a bone horn
>more varied

listfag is gonna spam the Brach HH for the next days isn't he?

yeah but they slapped on the slime on top of the blue bits
quit being so entitled

>Acidic Glavenus branches from Fulgur Anjanath
So what branches off from Vaal Hazak then?

>cracks neck when it sees you then slow walks

they could do the unique designs now so they don't have to do them later, but noooo
who's the piece of shit in charge of the weapon designs?

I can't wait for World 2 so we can finally be done with this retarded upgrade system, that's ugly as sin

...should we apologize to listfag

>That acidic glavenus HH
muh dick

>finally getting around to playing/beating MHW
>teostra with no fire resist
How fucked am I


Nigger I just want to see the movesets I don't care about wombocombos and shit.

Serves you right for shitting on the Handler. You get more iron/bone with shit tacked onto them.

Attached: miserable handler.png (1337x1289, 223K)

Attached: 1567460419993.jpg (1280x720, 485K)

HHfags btfo, ha


>muh speed

Go play super meat boy faggot.

Attached: Iceborne weapons.png (608x212, 27K)

lance is fun as fuck in every gen before world too dumbass

holy shit that's cool

is purple sharpness not in the game at all?
i might be blind but i havent seen any weapon with it

>literally not the final horn upgrade because raging brachy is in and hasn't been fought.
>OH NONONONO posting.
Kill me

>Acid Glav branches off of Fulgur Anja
These trees are bumfuck retarded

Not at all. Base defense is what matters most.

Why though? You literally only had to copy paste it. It's so generic.

People were grasping that straw for World and it didn't work, now they did the same thing for Iceborne and it didin't work
Will you ever learn?

Attached: 1566149889506.jpg (200x168, 20K)



Ok ok, that makes two new HH models guys, not so bad, not so bad.

Gunlance always seems like such a fun weapon but I can't git gud.

How do I git gud at GL and how can I use it in MP without everyone hating me?

I'm pretty excited about this monkey's paw for Brachytards. Let's hope Zinidiots get a similar treatment.

grafics were a mistake

Attached: handler-monster-hunter-world-46.6.jpg (210x240, 18K)

>can see the whole tree always

oh cool, mhw is my first mh game, so i dont really know any better

is there sharpness after white in this


It's definitely in, on the weapon tree we just haven't seen anything with purple sharpness.

Imagine being this mad that other people like something.

I had a feeling the marketing was being deceptive and that shit like this would happen. I imagine we'll make more disappointing discoveries in the coming days.

>Brachyfags BTFO'd

this is what you get for being a 3-shitter

Attached: matt.png (112x156, 47K)

Then why is the whole tree visible?
It would be obscured if you weren't bullshitting

>leaked screenshots don't reveal any new info on monsters

I'm so tired of these controlled leaks

lmao no.

They’re just trying to give us reasons to fight the subspecies.

>he never played the older games

Yeah we have.

Attached: 1566150626893.jpg (800x479, 90K)

Yes, purple sharpness is in Iceborne

yes, purple is in. It's just a question of how nerfed purple is.

Which one gives artillery 5? Cant read frog and Dodogama set doesnt seem to be the one

Damn she looks cute here. How did we end up with this

Did anyone even like Brachy's HH? We know other weapon types of his got unique models from trailers. It's still weird if that is the final HH though, since his old one was just a tweak of Rathian's horn.

he gave him that stick as a thank you.

Also Cid is on the bone side, not iron side where regular glav is.

Just post more pics you fucks

tri felt like it could have been two whole gens honestly

Start up a new character. Go to high rank.
Where is the xeno tree, nigger?
Where is the jho tree?
Where is the luna tree?

You don't unlock them until you fight them.

Attached: 5679090.png (1400x1600, 1.76M)

no? literally everyone, even normalfags, dislike the generic designs

>and in MH you only need to know where you and the monster are in the level
Jesus Christ get a load of this autism


That's how I felt fighting Ceadeus, yeah.


I've seen people defending them, it's disgusting

This desu.
I've never even fought Tigrex before but I first tried him in the beta.

Holy fuck we did it

Shh don't tell them let the retards suffer.

it's true though
why do you think people have even been playing on 640x480 resolution for about a decade?

"people" who use the word entitled to defend corporations are irrelevant, lower than ants

because capcom is currently obsessed with westernizing their games and making grotesquely realistic faces
also see DMC5 and REMAKE2

>they have the fucking audacity to gut flagship weapons

>this amount of denial

Raging Brachy being hidden makes sense since his variant is treated like an elder by his quest level.

>tfw I'm a SnS / IG main
Most fun melee weapons in the game.

Attached: kaname8.jpg (582x534, 107K)


You feel like the biggest tank the world has ever seen

Why will it be hidden ? There's literally rare 12 monsters in the tree.

I got a picture of Usurper's Boltslicer

Attached: 033008975119945095500f8d4b743542_1024x1024.jpg (961x961, 30K)

I'm just fucking around with people overreacting when we don't know if that's the actual final brachy-tier for HH or even what other brachy weapons did or didn't get unique models.

hehe put me in le screencap xD
r/Yea Forums here we goooo xDDD

>No gore leaks

where is my boy

I meant more the split between base tri and then p3s multiple different releases and the roster upgrade it entailed, but tri was pretty good and had great atmosphere at times like that
shame we're never going back underwater because of bugfags and bows

I know, I was trying to make a joke.

Does anyone know the exact time Iceborne will be available?

Every thursday they update the events, but the game release is supposed to be on friday.

In the trash along with 4, where they belong.

I bet you've never touched a hunting horn in your life.

Base game hid specific lines like Xeno until you fought them instead of just ???, so who knows.

We know perfectly that it's the real final weapon, orherwit the tree would be obscured
Denial is bad

I can’t wait to see Zinogres HH redesign and how much asshurt that will cause. They 100% didn’t add animations for one HH variant.

I just caught it after I replied, damn.

>They 100% didn’t add animations for one HH variant.
They did for the unique Anjanath horn in the beta.

>why do you think people have even been playing on 640x480 resolution for about a decade
Because they have autism.

12 AM eastern time according to the psn timer

nothing wrong with that

Attached: wink.jpg (640x640, 69K)

All I'm waiting for is people defending them
It's the only time where I'm 100% sure they're paid shills

Attached: 1567230628838m.jpg (1024x576, 136K)

You bet right, but I love high mobility, probably since I started out with Souls.
It's based on Teutonic Order Knights

Attached: teutonic knight.jpg (519x700, 54K)

Holy shit user, ur right. We haven't seen any weapon trees for the confirmed variants.
God, I hope you're right.

Attached: 1499292764158.gif (200x150, 1.32M)

Wasn't the serious handler supporting the other hunter from the intro? What happened to him? He die?

Got tired of his dumb ass

ugly birb

ojiisan died and he took up his armor

please dont talk about my wife that way

We've already seen Brachy's unique GS, so that already confirms that final Brachy upgrades aren't unique upon fighting Raging.


Aaaaand, there goes the hope.

Attached: 1567353101964.jpg (680x673, 37K)

Don't misgender him sweetie







Is this really what you want? Having to cross your fucking fingers hoping that the magical fucking fairy variant will give you something that you always took for granted in previous games?
Did World turn people into drooling mongoloids or what

Attached: 1564986853037.png (391x324, 330K)

The final Brachy upgrade changes the slime to red instead of green though, in 4U it required Raging Brachy parts but 3U it was just the last tier.

>purple sharp

Attached: rip muh dik.png (633x808, 9K)

Bing bing wahoo

Each individual of Velkhana is either male or female and we don't know which this one is, all the Japanese interviews don't use nip pronouns that indicate a specific gender.

>Bazel has a rarity 12 weapon