I know it's a real word with meaning, and there's nothing inherently wrong with calling people who play games gamers, but all the meme baggage behind the word makes it hard to say even remotely seriously.
Does anyone else here start laughing when they try to say the word "gamer"?
I want to violate Momo
Gang Weed just needs to die already
what type of person is an actual gamer.
i play many vidyas but also have many other hobbies, so i havent ever called myself that.
Definitely. Now I just read it as gamer, you know, the kind where there’s seminal fluids floating around your brain. Gangweed shit was funny too.
Momo needs to get pregnant from a balding old man's cum.
Even before the memes, "gamer" is so correlated with consumerism related to games that it really only has ironic value left in the label.
Gamers get the rope
Imagine drawing every frame of this scene for minimum wage and not immediately killing yourself from sheer embarrassment
Have we given "gamist" a spin yet?
>I play games, I'm a gamer
>I watch movies, I'm a movier
>I read books, I'm a booker
>I listen to music, I'm a musicer
I say "gamester"
>music aficionado
If anything, gamer is the only correct term there, since it's the most direct in its meaning
I'm a gamergirl so I'm pretty used to it
When asked I try my best to downplay how much time I spend gaming.
I just don't say it
I usually just use contextual terms like (game) player or "I play (games)" instead.
Same with anime or manga.
Congrats, that's exactly what """they""" wanted to happen.
You’ll never be a real female, trannytrash
You're probably right. Normalfags swallow whatever slop hollywood churns out, it must piss of publishers immensely that they face some pushback despite owning all the gaming bloggers.
cope harder incels
i'm natural born woman
stay alone
What kind of person do you imagine when you hear those words?
Then you must be pretty new, 'cuz down here we really don't care. The only reason people would say "btw I'm a girl" is to get special treatment, so if you want to get said special treatment, we have one of the oldest rules in the book for you:
have sex incel
incredibly based and redpilled, replace all Yea Forumscels
A fat retarded American or a rail-thin Redditor """pretending""" to be retarded.
Prove it, skank. This is incel territory.
>willingly being an incel
>on Yea Forums
LOL, stay fucking seething. Yea Forums is a Chad and Stacy board now.
Jizzheads, yes.
>i'm natural born woman
You forgot the "with a natural feminine penis" part. Face it tranny, you'll never pass. Just kys.
Stop egirl-shaming incel
Double nigger +1
not transtrender
I hate them
and every girl friend is also tired of this bullshit
Double Incel +1
Stop it before I permamently collapse your """vagina""""
Transtrenders are based and redpilled though
Based and redpilled
Should be "they're not faggots"
to love-ru needs to come back : (