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where's the new fucking episode
latest game dungeon just came out like 2 days ago
I can't believe the madman is actually going to try and finish HL2. It's really fucking annoying though how he spends a lot of time wasted in ways that a regular player wouldn't, and then using mods and shit to skip parts of the real levels. He never did that with HL1.
did 1 ever end?
Isn't the whole point is that it's not a player, its freeman? Ross's freeman?
DSP trying to jump on a barrel for 20 minutes is funnier than the entirety of Freeman's mind
Fully completed. Now moved on to HL2.
My God. What are you doing?
yes he fucking did. He did a bunch of skipping in HL1
>he spends a lot of time wasted in ways that a regular player wouldn't
It's almost like he's playing it as a character you double nigger.
>Implying mold monster that ate Ross and started impersonating him intends to continue the series
Are you retarded?
>Freeman is bad at driving the airboat
I didn't expect that
>Zombie punts a barrel at him, knocking him off a ledge into the river before
Got a chuckle out of that
I'd like to see these guys make another appearance.
I actually enjoy the game dungeons a lot more nowadays
It's supposed to be a new take on a game and story that most if not all of us have played and gone through countless times.
What? He skipped tons of HL1. Like the part where he would have had to go the long way to get out of the canal, he just climbed the side. Almost every other section was him commenting on how going around is stupid and climbs on things he shouldn't.
isn't he having problems with mold at his new home again?
>Why do these niggers make us wear these ridiculous ties?
Man, Valve got away with some shit back in the day.
i tried playing half-life. i got stuck after getting out into the world and gave up
should i try it again
the way he skips things are more realistic and in character so I am fine with it.
it's more like a indie animated movie then a let's play
Why did it take so long for him to finish?
Nah play black mesa its better
>it's more like a indie animated movie then a let's play
It is and always has been, what is now a lost art:
A machinima
the entire point of the series just flew right over your head
You guys don’t actually watch this shit right? This shit is extremely cringe.
t. zoomer
That's the 2019 version of "Stop liking things I don't like."
my bad, my memory must just be bad. It's been near a decade since I watched most of Freeman's mind. My memory of the series was him narrating as a character "Freeman" while going through the game as close to normally as possible, narrating how a person actually navigates the level design. I forgot about all of those skips in HL1, but at the same time I still feel like the last two episodes of HL2 had him spending way too much time on some mundane shit.
why bother responding when you don't know or remember anything then, you dumb bitch?
Die namefag. Why say anything, then?
Why is it always a useless namefag?
Pretty sure Ross does too, I vaguely remember him saying something in his Vlogs about how HL2 has a lot more gun fighting and gives him less to work with then 1.
>don't say anything unless you're perfect
come on fags. I admit to completely being wrong about the level skips, but don't tell me that watching Ross spend 10 minutes on a physics puzzle is fun. Especially when you know how long it takes for him to put out episodes and how long it's gonna take him to finish the thing.
>let me dry out all my clothes in this dark room with no sunlight
>oh my god how is mold still growing in my house!
Ross is a very specialized individual.
You might want to plug that useless airhole of yours
>hl posting
the Great Pyramid is an exact replica of the northern hemisphere in a 1:43,200 ratio. It wasn't built by Egyptians.
just play it yourself or watch a walkthrough then
I LIKE Freeman's mind. I've seen every single episode. I think I have a right to an opinion to say that some of the later episodes aren't the best. What's wrong with that?
He took that fucking sound from farscape.
I was going to use this term but then new fags were going to say
>but machinima used to be a let's play youtube channel"
What the fuck do you want dumb ass? Just watch a Let's Play if you want to hear someone make shitty jokes over their game play. This is a form of story telling.
it's gay and retarded but I love it so fuck you
So glad you're a namefag so I never have to hear your stupid shit again.
Any recs on other LPs similar to Freeman's Mind? I appreciate all the random diatribes and the new take on the story, but I can't seem to find anything else in that niche
>you aren't allowed to remember anything wrong ever on 4chins
ur a faggot
>he still has the fucking name on
Take a hint
That's something a mold person would say!
I think Shephard's Mind was basically an Opposing Force spin-off inspired by Freeman's Mind, but I've never actually watched it.
freemans mind is such an awful fucking series
its a shame this is the most popular one he has
Based Phil, unironically a very entertaining guy
Thanks user, I'll check it out
He can't do changes to the engine like Scott can meaning it's a more straight-forward let's play and he goes way too much into meta like the weapon UI and all that while in character but still. Still enjoyable.
some of freeman's mind 1 is good
all of freeman's mind 2 is pretty bad
game dungeon is hit and miss, but when it hits, it's without equal for "dude rambling about vidya" genre
>Let's talk about the music
There is something strangely wholesome about the way he says it in the game dungeon episodes.
The newest Game Dungeon was pure whiplash. Made me super excited to try Trackmania, only for me not to want to play it at all.
>going on for more than 10 years
>still funny
How the FUCK does he do it
The f2p trackmania nations is good enough, its basicaly the same game it was 10 years ago with a new coat of paint
is there even collission in multiplayer? I'd rather go gitgud at DeFRaG or some shit than do essentially the same but in an actual racer
imagine moving to p*land
That's most game dungeons
Game has great potential, but is held back by major flaws (or the publisher literally killed it)
That's why they're in the dungeon
yeah wouldn't it be funny to absue currency exchange and median income to instantly be 5 times wealthier than you actually are, ha ha
No collision if i remember correctly. there's definitely better games, but it isn't the worst. Definitely don't bother with multiplayer, like ross said, it's all about those solo time trials
Ostatnio widziałem Rossa na pogrzebie jakiejś znanej osoby. Podochodzę do niego i mówię "Cześć Ross ty skurwysynu". A on do mnie "Elo" i odwraca głowę. Sprzedałem mu blachę w potylicę i mówię "Słuchaj mnie bo nie podpiszę twojej petycji o niezabijanie przez firmy serwerów gier". Ross coś tupnął coś mruknął ale mówi dobrze słucham ciebie cierpliwie, co masz mi do powiedzenia. "Dlaczego przestałeś robić follow-upy?" Ross powiedział "Ty kurwa gnoju" i przylepił mi nagrodę "Najbardziej roszczeniowy fan" do czoła, potem uciekł do lasu
I'm not big into racing itself, but I've enjoyed the fuck out of TDU/the crew and also full contact racers like flatout/burnout paradise
ubishits emailed me and full on gifted the crew 2 to me, and it's the ugliest goddamn game I've played since TES Oblivion, no joke
Also time trial is pathetic, but still more fun than racing vs AI in most games. PvP racing can be good, but tends to be full of autistic tryhards who don't even drive cars they like, but whatever car's the "meta" at that time
a grzyb wstał i zaczął klaskać
Aw shit, thanks dude
>polish "humour"
if I was working from home and got paid in dollaridoos, I'd unironically move to India. I'd live like a fucking king complete with a lakeside mansion and an army of qt hindu servants. The only problem is I'd still be unable to have indoor plumbing because ??? government regulations or some sort of post colonialism stigma. Oh well, still worth it.
>call an inspector to check his place
>inspector asks him if he opens his windows once in a while
>I never do that
>then you should maybe do that
And his reasoning being that people have been burning trash or something like that and that the air is shit.
And his autistic wife doesn't want to move to a lesser populated town because they don't have instant make food in markets.
And she can't/won't cook because she has anxiety issues.
>And his reasoning being that people have been burning trash or something like that and that the air is shit.
Valid, the air in Warsaw or KrakĂłw is borderline unbreathable.
Gotta give TM credit for staying pure, they have their design concept and stuck to it.
Track mania turbo was also free on ps plus last year. Thats about where I'm at with the series. Its a fun, simple, cheap, polished game. Good to randomly dump a few hours into. But unless your full autism it will get old.
He has to work on the movie.
I find Ross funny in that he fled the states like a weirdo for weirdo personal reasons that he has, but then moves somewhere where people literally burn plastics in their yard and think its okay or normal.
But at least he doesn't have to deal with whatever imagined insanity he fled from.
Are there any vidya youtubers like Ross? Is there any series like Game Dungeon? I love listening to him rant and ramble about video games go into tangents about shit that isn't even vidya, it's so captivating.
didnt he move there for his girlfriend
Mandaloregaming is very similar to ross' game dungeon, except the games he does aren't played by 10 people total, 7 of which being the programmers.
>insanity he fled from.
He didn't flee from anything, but got memed into marrying the first woman who contacted him through fucking youtube comments.
And the best thing, all hist talk about survival of the humanity, yet he decided not to have children at all.
Then why the fuck marry?
I still enjoy HL but it's true that Game Dungeon is amazing. Ross is very on point with his jokes yet he also has some of the best rambling there are. I love the cult simulator episode just for those.
Poor guy was seduced.
Honestly, most guys here would also give in too if some girl started literally throwing herself at them.
SsethTzeentach is fun, his reviews are a bit more shortform.
I am not convinced. Prove it with a vid.
He said if he could he would move back to the US but his income just can't cover the both of them.
>Prove it
>Honestly, most guys here would also give in too if some girl started literally throwing herself at them.
that's how I get laid
smart enough not to marry and to wear a rubber however
Will he save games?
Let's get this out onto a tray
M'kay, so right off the bat, we've got...
I say he's based for escaping the poverty and national debt of the U.S. by moving into a post-communism shithole where people are poorer than he is, but he's definitely a high functioning autistic
dude can't even do an RP lets play on a reasonable schedule
Unless he likes redoing games from the very beginning each time he plays then yes
This shouldn't have made me chuckle
This is just painful. I can see why someone would enjoy seeing this, but it just makes me feel like I've banged my head 100 times.
Ross is alright, but he also spends an ungodly amount of time on projects no one seemingly cares about.
Who of you actually uses Ross's big game list? That's what I thought.
>Who of you actually uses Ross's big game list?
Don't need to, already have like 800 games only my steam wishlist.
I don't see the problem. His game list is still a genuine contribution to the internet and gaming community as a whole. Even if you don't see the use now, who is to say you won't find yourself scrolling through it in a few years?
I don't know why I like this, but I do. Maybe it's the nostalgia of earlier YouTube.
Civvie 11 is okay postal series was fun to watch
I think supergreatfriend's LP of Deadly Premonition is great.
sucks at postal, AND sucks at blood
DSPgaming of Ross rip offs
eh i like watching his vids i find him funny
sucks at doom 2 and serious sam too
yeah he's alright
nice model
fucking raw
>And she can't/won't cook because she has anxiety issues.
So what is she good for?
>So what is she good for?
From the videochats I've watched and Ross talking about her, basically nothing.
I can bet that can be fixed, what does she even look like?
There is no reason to assume you're supposed to crouch jump unless you've played HL2
>Then why the fuck marry?
They'e happy together?
His LPs in general are pretty good just for how completely nonplussed he can be at things. Same with Geop.
Geop doesn't update anymore though.
Goddamn im sick of anxiety as an excuse, EVERYONE HAS ANXIETY ITS PART OF BEING HUMAN. We're not talking about public speaking or driving in intense traffic. That is such a lame excuse for being too lazy too cook simple shit.
At least he finished Metal Wolf Chaos first.
If she just said she had a pathological fear of fire and being burned I'd get that. Pyrophobia is certainly a real thing.
Some people have a weakness for anxiety, just like some have a weakness for anger or depression. It may not require drugs, but it will require extra training. Some people are emotionally weaker than others in some areas, much like how some people are weaker in math than others.
>she doesn't cook
>ross eats only cheap baked beans
I don't think the mold is the biggest issue with these two.
As someone who had a similar problem in their first apartment with his current spouse, we found out accidentally that if you're not using condoms AND keep well hydrated, you can use pent up semen to remove mold from near anything. But you really do have to keep hydrated so that the cum doesn't thicken, because only shooting sparse breaks the mold
The hell?
thats his video for the month I guess
>He never did that with HL1.
He did it several times in hl1, climbing up ledges or jumps that would not be possible ingame
and he fired really fast from THE GUN
What a surprise, the namefag is retarded!
>"Ah, geez, I'm runnin' late! "
>Half life memes are back
I like this shit youtube.com
>Yea Forums - DIY
Ross' war with the mold is eternal.
His latest video was KINO af.
If i have to open a stove in a rundown commiebloc apartment, i'd be terrified too.
something new everyday.
Thanks for the incredibly specific advice, user.
how the fuck do you even find that accidentally.
Did you skeet on a patch of mold, user?
guys, this is a bait and switch setup
it's a fucking Smash Mouth reference
What if this is the tiles user who discover this secret after fapping to a nice wall?
Fuck. I feel like an idiot.
Freeman's Mind is one of the best vidya related content on youtube.
crouch jumping is just a known thing, games other than HL use it
This makes me angrier than just a retarded story about cleaning mold with cum
Trackmania square episode is pretty good.
>gets audibly and painfully shot offscreen during the City 17 Uprising
kind of comforts me that this guy is still out there doing this.
How many years now?
What I like about Freeman's Mind is that it follows the rule of "show, don't tell" and pokes fun at things that aren't just about UI or fundamental gameplay, something I wish Dorkly and CollegeHumor would follow.
I always refer to the quarantine episode for top tier RGD
12 years.
It's about as perfect as the machinima format can get.
How do I encrypt my posts?
It's in the tutorial tho.
I remember I had trouble with it as a kid even, but nit even at 8 I was this bad
You don't want to, trust me
I've never seen other games do it. What other game have you croutch jump?
I crouch-jump in Halo multiplayer in order to help me get up to places.
Everything in source and most arena shooters
This outcome was so obivous.
It's adorable that Ross feels so truly indebted to all the idiots who donate money to him, but making Freeman's Mind for HL2 was obviously going to be lame and time consuming. But he did it, just to make the idiots happy.
I half-wish he would have just gone dark and focuses on his big "movie" idea. I want to see it. He makes a LOT of allusions in video chats and game dungeon episodes that he has a lot of ideas for skits and things to write about. I really want to see some of these things to actually come to fruition. Instead of just doing game reviews and Freeman's Mind till the end of his "Cut Rate Party Clown" content creator streak.
>I really want to see some of these things to actually come to fruition
That didn't work out too hot for content creators like TGWTG or AVGN.
I was doing some postal 2 co-op the other day, THAT
>That entire area of the game he skipped early on by climbing a railing
It's so obvious, but genius.
i miss civil protection
The Tunnel was kino
>I half-wish he would have just gone dark and focuses on his big "movie" idea.
I need some help. I've been trying to play an early WON build of half life 1 because it's different from the later versions, as demonstrated here:
But I've run into a bit of a dilemma, I can't get the music to work on any early won build because it requires the cd, which not only do I not have, but I don't even have a cd drive. and while xash3d does have working music, it's based on a later build.
Is there any way I can play half life 1 with working music and have the benefits of an early WON build?
fuck you, you made me think he did something.
there's a source port, for the life of me I can't remember its name
if you're referring to this:
that has its own problems on top of being based on the later steam builds.
I really don't understand what WON means.
Would this situation be solved by having the original retail CD? Why can't you just find an ISO of the CD and mount in a virtual drive?
>I really don't understand what WON means
WON refers to the "world online network", which is a multiplayer network that predates steam.
>Why can't you just find an ISO of the CD and mount in a virtual drive?
I could, but I don't want to do that every time I want to play half life.
What are some other good dude rambling about vidya?