Hello guys, it's me again, the last thread was archived so I'm making a new one, here we go:

I had access to some pictures, most of them are placeholders or incomplete pieces of art but hey, it's something...

Attached: face1.jpg (1600x900, 175K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I only want monster hunter ice born leaks

The art guys didn't want to give the slayer hair, mostly because it is a pain for the animators and, from a technical perspective, it doesn't make sense at all because players ain't gonna see shit. Remember the guy from the Phobos Lab intro? The hair was sculpted, the only characters using hair cards are the classic zombie guys and even them have realyyy low poly hair cards.

Attached: face2.jpg (1600x900, 119K)

post leaks then faggot aint got all day

Got a link to the previous thread?

Give me a sec, you ungrateful nigger.

>dick nose

wow, lazy fuckers. Also let's settle the debate, how tall is Doomguy's model?


>quake champions did it better

Attached: s8n7npks5huz.png (1920x1080, 1.12M)

Unless they implemented modding, I have zero reasons to care about Eternal.


6'3 at least.

>mostly because it is a pain for the animators and, from a technical perspective, it doesn't make sense at all because players ain't gonna see shit
Makes sense, but also why waste memory and make the tech do useless calculations, especially if you're aiming for consoles.

albeit his hair looks fucked up, now that i look at it


Yeah but QC hair sucks, also the ears are all wrong and the materials look like shit.

They want to, but not at launch.

>Doom "Eternal"
>it doesnt support modding, so everyone is gonna forget about the game in 2 months
The lack of self awareness from nu-ID is amazing.



>main villain is a women again.

Kek, this is going to piss off some people, I just know it. Id Software don't give a fuck.

It's okay, people will make Eternal based mods for old Doom anyway.

The black soldiers from D2.

Attached: chaingunner.jpg (900x1600, 134K)

An argent chain gun, not his final weapon.

Attached: chaingunner_weap.jpg (1600x900, 154K)


Attached: 41F2CED5-E784-4D55-BFC8-B92988F93611.png (640x480, 424K)

I don't like how most demons are canon aliens or UAC experiments.
Hell should be a strong, independent faction on their own that fuck shit up just because.
Even if UAC and angels are dicks, let Hell do their own new species and experiments out of dark magic and shit.
This new lore makes the classic story look more interesting in comparison.

Attached: ew2nWNl.gif (200x150, 2.75M)


OP, is the Doom Slayer (Doom 2016, Eternal) the same person as Doomguy (Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, Doom 64)?

>conflicting reports from the earlier thread
So is it the same doomguy or not?

The first "leaker" posted on that thread was just a larping faggot. Seems actually legit so he's the same Doomguy we know and love. Finally that "not the same Doomguy" autist can finally shut the fuck up.


Attached: xCo2Jsj_LCphlpVRJz9SJOT3iuIe-uTZaToeBdkfJXs.jpg (1203x800, 145K)

>we will never have his face on the hud, in a modern game
sucks because the few glimpses of it looked closer than even the qc render

No, that was another guy (obviously a fake), I'm the guy from last night, you can read the previous info here:

Real question here. I'm working for another studio owned by Zenimax and wondering if I should report this thread.

any recurring special enemy?
what about that marauder guy?

Sure, go, be a faggot and suck Robert Altman's dick.

That's pretty fucking cool actually

>believing photoshopped pics
slayertrannyautistniggers and loreblobs gonna be on suicide watch once nuum releases and reveals he's an unrelated character :^)

shake your fucking hand even more so it's blurry as fuck retard

Fuck off Todd, all of Zenimax is shit except ID and Tango.

Marauders are common mini-bosses, they are at least 3 and appear mostly in hell/sentinel related levels.

Well shit, you actually might be legit afterall. Quick question: do we learn any more about the robed Seraphim character? Are they a meta representation of the player like people theorized?

I have a potato for a phone actually lol, but hey at least I'm contributing or something.

I'm not in id or Tango.

Attached: hismileandoptimism.png (848x900, 569K)

They have argent infused chainguns that are somewhat faster than basic one, but don't worry, no hit scans this time. They also attack with a tentacle, a nice nod to D3.

HAHA LOOK AT THE ZOOMER SECONDARY SEETHE! Take your faggoty ass back to doom reddit where you belong!

They aiming at 60 fps, hair planes are expensive and transparency dithering looks shit with no temporal aa or with low samples.
Someone needs to figure out a way to do hair for this new gen that dosnt look like shit or blurry mess.

Yes, I AM LEGIT, fun fact: I was also the leaker from the Doomworld forums (MrDope), who posted a lot of datamining info from the closed D2016 alpha. I was working as a part-time intern at the time and obviously my first instinct was to backup the files in case id decided to pull them from Steam after the alpha ended (and they did it).

>>quake champions did it better
That model dosnt even look human, like a half melted badly made clay sculpture.
The fuck are those ears, what the fuck is that thing on his forehead, why his jaw is round insted of squared of where the jaw ends?
I wont even get into those weird ass lips.

Is Doomguy in Smash?

>that fucking ass on his nose

Attached: 4aQYDnsYWG8.jpg (466x486, 49K)

The model was done by some russian freelancer, Saber/id didn't wanted to spend a lot of money on QC, which is a shame and you can notice it when playing it :/

But the chaingun already used argent energy? What the fuck does the new one do?

Stay safe m8

Well shit, those leaks actually got me hyped for 2016 when I and many other people still had doubts about the game. You're a good secret marketer.

hello leaky-kun

This one uses "lasers" instead of bullets I believe.

and apparently it also fires bullets at mach 4, so again what the fuck does the new one do?

So basically the Hellrazer from 2016? Is that guy even coming back in Eternal?

Does anyone at id ever browse Doomworld or ZDoom forums?

Will there be mod support? Is it planned?

Doom w/o mods is like cake w/o ice cream

Waste of screen space. Fuck off with that shitty retro garbage.

His nose has an ass crack

No, they got replaced by the emaciated cyber-zombies.

not as wastefull as the current hud design


Attached: 1518443336536.jpg (445x503, 111K)

It is planned, but not at launch.
Hugo lurks everywhere, even Yea Forums, but the CM's are fucking normies and only stick to Twitter and Reddit.

Ah shit, they're back.

Attached: 8e1.gif (512x512, 721K)

They are working on the hud, expect something similar but slight smaller and transparent, also the main complain of the UI design team is that the font they used is eh, well, not that pretty.


How come Mancubi don't shoot two big fireballs at the same time?
That can't be that hard to replicate in a modern game like the classic Archvile, is it?

>Hugo lurks everywhere, even Yea Forums
>You might've called Hugo a retard who doesn't understand Doom and you wouldn't know

Attached: 1452754067097.jpg (800x800, 476K)

>Hugo lurks everywhere, even Yea Forums

Makes sense they'd get downgraded. They were cool but also non-threats. Even the standard possessed soldiers were more dangerous than them.

>but the CM's are fucking normies and only stick to Twitter and Reddit.
Kind of a shame really.
Those places are just full of tired old memes and basic takes while at least people in those forums actually discuss things as if they cared a bit more about it.

Thank god for that but why exactly did they felt the need to change the hud? It worked perfectly fine before.

Yes, that's why I hate the Doom subreddit. Actually, I was thinking about posting there but no one gives a shit about leaks or lore related stuff, they just post things like "LOOK AT MY CRAPPY 6 YO DRAWING ECKS DEE DOOT DOOT PICKLE".

They assumed they didn't telegraph enough to the player, so they made it shiny as fuck.
At this point, just make it grey blocks with red big ass letters and numbers for that retro feel.
Or just make the QCon 18 hud as an option.

Blame zoomers, they wanted something more "Epic" in line with what you see on PC/RPG peripherals and sport cars.

Christ, I feel you. Also their endless fucking zoomer whinings about being able to see Doomguy's face and how "unrealistic" his bare forearms are. I only go there to see if there's any Doom related news I missed.

* RGB, my bad.

They are thinking about bringing the old HUD back but just for the health/armor bars and stuff.

You did the right thing, and besides your thread would have been nuked right away on leddit.

Exactly what I'd want. Either bring back the original HUD from the first announcement or at the very least give us that as an option. And if they really want my eternal support, a retro option that mimics the original HUD, with Doomguy's face and all.

Will they snipe me from across the map?
How would v feel if Id got the guys from project plutonia to make a few secret levels?

Crazy idea, we could just post on reddit for a while, redditors have herd mentality so anything cool will resonate with them, then they repeat it without knowing exactly what they are talking about but it will work.

You thought right. Funny is that I'm sure someone is screenshotting as much of what you said to then post on there.

I am curious of how the enemy variety will go.
Like, what are the most unexpected or annoying enemies?
I remember the Cacodemon in 2016 being able to "blind" you but in a soft manner.

Can we disable the navigator thing at the top that tells you where to go?

Couldn't you turn it off in 2016?

2016 didn't have one.

There was a cunt that spawns shields right in front of you in Quakecon gameplay videos.

Why does he have the old 2016 helmet

Attached: 1551053473575.jpg (1920x1090, 173K)

Are you blind or just retarded
Look again

Is flame boy just like how he is in Doom 2 or did they fuck him up somehow? Did they make him a regular enemy or a miniboss?

Attached: archviles.gif (450x405, 364K)

When's Quake 5?

>letting some guy get lynched by the Zenimax death squads by leaking his leaks
You’re cruel user

>doomslayer is white
Sisters, I thought zenimax was woke? What happened?

The main villain is also a women *sighs* again...

Stupid sexist Texan developers need to get with the times already.

I don't want to read spoilers.
Is Doomslayer a Doomguy?

How's the switch port?

I'll post some new pics later but, in the meantime, here you have it, the full level list:

>Sentinel Prime (The Fall of Corrax)
>The Colosseum (Imminent Fury)
>Headquarters (Not The Villain)
>Surface Facility (Destroyer Of Worlds)
>Mars Core (Escape)
>Gateway (Traveler)
>Suburbs (Hell On Earth)
>Downtown (City Fight)
>Citadel (Hunt Or Be Hunted)
>Cultist Base (The Blind Council)
>Hellgate (Wraiths)
>Blood Temple (Beyond The Well)
>Pantheon (The Netherworld)
>Mothership (The Light-Bringer)
>Axis Mundi (Paradise Lost)
>Primum Mobile (Transcendence)
>Empyrean (Meet Your Makyr)
>The Source (The Icon of Sin)

5 5

>they cannot model doomguy's hair but add a bunch of details to 99% of the designs in this game

>Thank god for that but why exactly did they felt the need to change the hud?
They already said so it would be easier to read on smaller screens. Basically, thank the Switch.

that butt nose

Yes it did. It had a little Skyrim-esque compass with objective markers.

>All those Doom 2 level name callbacks.


But wait, where's the tower of Babel? Is it in the Hellgate level? Do we actually get to climb it?

Can those unlockable costumes for multiplayer be used in singleplayer (since there's third person cutscenes)? Is there a costume that resembles Doomguy's classic design, or his one from Quake 3?

Attached: 1541824755851.png (560x814, 785K)

yo can you leak some of the source code for us?

So the last couple of levels are all heaven-based? Do we stop fighting demons then and instead fight angels or do the demons fight with these "evil angels"? How many angelic enemies are there?

That's the proto-suit from the beginning.

Doomguy was originally made of clay before he was video games, newfag

Regular enemy. He can revive lesser demons a have varied attacks.

Relax, that's why Crash is one of the two main characters from the DLCs.

oh shit

Attached: plutonia come see.jpg (720x450, 52K)

Kill yourself

Attached: 1560682404975.jpg (403x427, 30K)

So does he fight angels in this one or what?

Is my nigga Phobos the other one?

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What about hell corrupting other dimensions, like the heaven bit in that MP map and the flesh on earth?

if there's chaingunners in the windows I'm going to yeet my computer all the way to texas

Are the "mortally challenged" jokes still in?

why are you spoiling shit?

oh god I hope it is, it was hilarious

From which point can we use the sword ?

Yep, a location from the Hellgate. The level itself is divided in 3/4 main areas with small cutscenes during the loading screens.

Yes, you can use skins in both the campaign and battle mode, they range from color variations to completely redesigned versions of the suits, some of them are from classic games like Doom 1 & 2, Doom 3, Q3A and even a black one with red dots inspired by the comicbook and HOE cover art.

A girl and nigger for the DLC? /ourgame/ is officially no more...

Doom 2016 was a very dull FPS with great production value.


We fight demons AND angels, which are basically smaller versions of the Makyr, but powerful af.

Attached: 1567222193456.jpg (311x348, 16K)

>some of them are from classic games like Doom 1 & 2, Doom 3, Q3A and even a black one with red dots inspired by the comicbook and HOE cover art

Attached: 1556546852757.jpg (846x1200, 329K)

On a side note, Wraiths and Makyrs (angels) are the same species, but the first ones are less evolved while the others are cold techno-organic beings with cybernetic bodies and metallic faces.

Any interesting plot twists?

Jesus, they really are going all out with all the callbacks and fanservice possible aren't they?

Doomguy rapes a Succubus.

Attached: 1534559185166.gif (80x160, 8K)

How long are the underwater sections?

It's Q3 characters

A BIG TITTY latina actually and no, I'm not kidding, she moans a lot and is kinda thicc/fit so expect a lot of outrage.

Do you know anything about the Doom 64 re-release or Smash?

Attached: 1565040619104.jpg (300x449, 106K)

>Jesus, they really are going all out with all the callbacks and fanservice possible aren't they?
>inb4 metadoom becomes an official game

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>The Sentinel Sword, an special weapon that works in a similar way to the chainsaw. The player needs to glory kill 3 or more demons in order to charge its power bar.
But how does it work? Are we free to swing it around or it's 1hko?

Attached: 1565273988647.jpg (229x343, 10K)

>balding instead of bald
this is next level

So what's Crash and Phobos stories? How do they relate to Doomguy?

is Daisy coming back?

Doom marine from 3 is another timeline

Why not? Are you gay?

Not related to the game but since you're tied to Bethesda I'm curious: does Todd pay people to shill? If so, what's the outline for it go like?

Does that mean new hell is the same as the old one?
Then why did demons require UAC to cybernize them and shit, while old hell was a combination of flesh, tortured souls and FIREBLU and the new one is different?
The only possible explenation is that Doomguy wrecked hell hard enough to make the place boring or there are multiple planes of hell, some of which we will never see.

bullshit, how could he revive them if corpses arent permanent

Holy shit leaker-chan if this turns out to be legit you are the most based user I have ever met.

I will remember you when playing the game and thinking on how fucking based you are

Now post more pictures!

I imagine its a clone of the sword from Hell Forged, like I was hoping because that thing kicks MAJOR ass


So what's the Icon of Sin fight like? Is it just a head like in the original or do you fight its whole body this time?

Is she meant to be Crash?
Does she have a face?

How does the Marauder play out gameplay wise? Is there a sewer segment? What does the pistol look/feel like?

because it's a pointless risk for no gain

Everything about this post is perfect, the sudden reveal, the blurry close-up with that expression, the reactions; beautiful.

>not accepting that there was nothing when Marty decided to bring it up unprompted


Doomguy been traveling throught multiple dimensions wads until he got captured, that's why UAC couldn't find anything about him at the start of nu-doom.

If thats true both of them will be coming also from the OG timeline?

>she moans a lot and is kinda thicc/fit so expect a lot of outrage.

I won't buy the season pass but I'll still check it out

Attached: 1480700431506.png (722x725, 67K)

>That model dosnt even look human
It's supposed to be cartoonish like it's OG Doom. I'm a fucking Zoomer and I know this shit come on.

Why would someone risk his job to post some shitty leak on this trash board

That's bullshit, it's too good to be true.

Attached: 1539225199350.png (250x250, 99K)

They work for a PMC tied to the UAC security department on Earth. Phobos is pure muscle and Crash is a recon specialist/Military instructor. They are somewhat weaker than the Slayer. Regarding to the arsenal, they carry the same ammount of weapons than the Slayer, except for the BFG and the Sentinel Sword. The idea behind them is that they are "good" at their job without being OP. Crash can wall jump and Phobos has some sort of rechargeable shield that explodes when drained, damaging enemies in the process.
Yes, theres a cameo with bunnies in the ending.
They stay longer when an Archvile is around, you can now this by looking at the environments. When one of them approaches the place is overrun with demonic marks and runes, just like when a player is possessed by a demon in 2016 MP.
>he only possible explenation is that Doomguy wrecked hell hard enough to make the place boring or there are multiple planes of hell, some of which we will never see

Yeah, that's the idea.

No, these are new versions of the characters unrelated to the Slayer. The only thing they have in common are the suits (mass produced Praetor copies) and the hatred for demons.


He's a massive beast of fire and bone, bigger than the Titan from the city boss fight.

Yes, a new version of her at least and yup, visible face and everything, shes kinda qt.


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pretty good fakes, nice work

I swear to god, if this any of this shit is true, then I salute you, leaker. The game sounds fucking amazing.

What cheats are there?

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Tell me about the soundtrack.

>not a masked helmet cutie

and dropped

Hunter in QC when?

how's the difficulty?
from the presentation i've seen, the game seems harder at base difficulty than D44M

what is the cutscene like when you blow up mars

>The only possible explenation is that Doomguy wrecked hell hard enough to make the place boring or there are multiple planes of hell, some of which we will never see.
Hell absorbs other dimensions
That is on the story blurb in the manual of Doom 1 as Hell absorbs Deimos. Doom64 seems to expand on it with all sorts of architecture and stuff that the demons probably didn't make, including massive libraries. Then 2016 had thousands of skeletons of people who had fought against the demons often with shields of real life countries
Hell in Doom is entropic and parasitic

Attached: face off.jpg (1024x1575, 354K)

You do realize this gives huge insight on how to figure out who's leaking their games right?

Tell them to add cute girls in sexy outfits

how does the "Sentinel Sword" work?

If you know anything about performance, two questions.
>what build are you targeting for max settings on the PC version?
>how does the Switch version perform?

Considering you guys are trying to get Eternal to look good on Google's shitty Onlive knockoff, I'm assuming Eternal's going to run on anything that could run Doom 4 and then some.

How is Mick Gordon's music in Eternal? Would you say it's on par or better than his material from Doom 2016? Anything on par with BFG Division?

>I was working as a part-time intern at the time
ur nicked m8

From what people's managed to clean up from trailers it seems way better than 2016.

Now, is crash a qt tomboy?

Doomguy is cool and I hope he's Doom Slayer, the connection and constant name drops of Doom64 makes the connection obvious but I'd like it to be official

Attached: tumblr_ownzzy6uTq1szcxzqo2_1280.jpg (601x900, 134K)

Well if OP is legit (and he actually does seem legit) then you're in luck. He revealed in his last leak thread that he's the same guy.

I only wish I could see how mad that "he's not the same guy!" sperg is right now. I bet he's throwing shit around his room and screeching.

The Doom Slayer is not the same guy from Doom 1&2 for fucks sake.

Doom eternal is cheeto dust

Cope harder, faggot.

The leaks are all bullshit.

Dilate and go back to r/doom, zoomer. Only secondaries like you are retarded enough to not want to believe he's the same guy.

Would be nice if the slayer went back to his Doom 1 amor.

Gordon delivers. Such a shame Routine is in development hell, I'd love to hear what Gordon had cooking up for it.

Attached: thats_pretty_good.jpg (1920x1080, 73K)

supposedly they're the same person

I bet its Hugo leaking this stuff

Hugo here
it's not me, but please buy Doom Eternal™ when it comes out


also give as long and detailed a description of the plot as possible

At least it's unlockable.

you know what you fuck, if these leaks are anything to go by, i will.
No pre orders tho, im dumb but im not retarded.

tell me about the angel
why does his brain need to breath

I know at least one dev posts here
I'm not saying who but they're a cultured individual who probably is a regular on /aco/doom/, and I suspect is a /gmad/ regular

Attached: 1554099794089.gif (460x258, 1.26M)


another fellow man of taste i see


Is there any explicit Christian references or is it all meme fantasy shit? Are there any good guys in heaven or do you only kill them too?

Attached: 1529031250886.jpg (750x708, 104K)

According to the past thread yes, at least with the plasma gun. Theres a DOOM 3 plasma gun skin

>One of the modern Doom devs jerks it to demon porn.

lol if true. So does that mean there's a HDOOM reference hidden somewhere?

dude like half of the weapons in Doom2016 were leftovers from the Call Of Doom version, the shotgun looked like a lump of playdoh

is doomguy in super smash bros or what

There better be a bonus stage where you get to kill Wolfenstein Nazis. It would be poetry.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 26K)

>Theres a DOOM 3 plasma gun skin
but what about the other guns? The D44M shotgun and pistl were terrible, I don't need that one, but the minigun, rocket launcher, and gauss gun were definitely better looking, and I'm not sold on the new machine gun either.

Anymore silly stuff like this?

Attached: 1560172425968.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

Doom 2016 and eternal are irredeemable piles of trash, if you think they are good games you may have brain damage.

is op ded?

it's kind of a given at this point that he's not

Nightmare imps?

assuming they weren't spewing shit out their ass then I think it be safe to assume most weapons would get a DOOM 3 skin besides the ones that weren't in it. Don't get too excited the DOOM 3 plasma gun skin might be bullshit

cute retard

Attached: paniced_rayden_goin_increibly_hihg_Sped.jpg (870x567, 42K)

Any hints at a Quake reboot?

Why did they get rid of SnapMap? My maps used to get featured on Bethesda's YouTube channel, I'm gonna miss it.

This is cool and all OP, but does anyone even care enough about DOOM lore to get excited over story spoilers for it?


Attached: 1567415989019.gif (300x300, 1.49M)

Before a new one why don't you play the original ones? Perhaps if you did you'd understand why the genre is dead.

I remember there being an impse joke in 2016's codex but I could be wrong
either way the artists are happy giving the demons perfect asses one puts buttholes on everything

Attached: 1561155645374.png (1462x937, 1.18M)

i have :(
Play Arcane Dimensions

Attached: rangerreact.png (369x300, 14K)

because they're down to the last character and there's no evidence that he's in it at all

>ctrl+f "slipgate"
>ctrl+f "ranger"
>no results
Oh well

Attached: 1553819548840.jpg (1756x2200, 755K)

that's where you're wrong kiddo

Attached: 1564862112842.jpg (1394x668, 322K)

having the suit not be completely sealed is less comfy

SNK Rep followed by Doomguy would be a dream come true.

I hope he's not in, I don't want smashfag autism shitting up the already autistic doom threads even further.

>Why did they get rid of SnapMap?
To spend those resources making singleplayer dlc instead.

having the suit not be completely sealed is less generic

they spent a lot of time and money debugging it but not enough people used it. The pathfinding broke with it so many times.
However you can see for Doom Eternal they've redone pathfinding again because even Marty points out the glitched AI at QuakeCon
Hopefully that means mod tool are in the works

So no new guns? New models at least?

Is the game less arena based? Levels didn't really feel like actual areas most of the time, just ripped deathmatch maps.

doomguy for smash

maybe it's just the heaven version of the spider mastermind
>hell has brain on metal legas
>heaven has brain on metal angel body

The choir actually says "coming to rip and tear"
Mick Gordon, you've done it again.

It was always the same doomsayer from the very first doom in the reboot series. Anyone else who thinks differently is a mongoloid retard who never even played the game

It’s so blatantly implied in the “story” he was literally sealed up in a god damned tomb to stop him from ripping and tearing so much. That’s in the beginning

what I guess from the previous leaks: the 'angels' are a techno-cult civilization that wants to give everyone eternal life in an AI system. They give tech to the Sentinels to stop the apocalypse in the multiverse until they finish their system.
Then they want to initiate the apocalypse and trap everyone in the AI but Doomguy wants to stop them.
maybe its all a wink and a nod to Carmack and Musk's relationship

Attached: 1560132115755.png (1920x1080, 3.14M)

how did you figure that out?
I can't unhear it

Attached: tumblr_pr3a9xXkpd1szcxzqo1_1280.jpg (1242x1920, 510K)

didn't one of the doom novels had the characters inside a digital space as ai's?

>Franchise that mixes sci fi and fantasy with a bit of religion in it
>Fantasy/religion part is now full on sci fi with aliens and tech
That's kind of unbalanced
What happened to just pure magic that defies science?

I know someone already asked, but I'll shoot -- how's the Switch version coming along?

Awfully curious how it's handling the new engine/being built from the ground up.

It has literal fucking argent magic.

Yeah, those novels went off the rails.

I imagine its a matter of 'magic is science we don't understand'
The 'angels' are acting as if they're gods, but really they're just resisting the same entropy of Hell that everyone else is
since they're under Zenimax I hope at least one writer dropped mushrooms with Kirkbride

Attached: 1393204156508.jpg (944x786, 239K)

They do use their own experiments and use magic. You didn't see that vid of the slayer hunter? A cyborg made the demons to hopefully kill you.

>Marty hesitating
Both men were tired and I guarantee you could probably find similar "hesitation" in the interview for pretty much anything
>Sakurai's comment
Sakurai loves video games and understands history
What a shocker
>More surprises for Nintendo fans
Could've easily meant the recent ports
Its Pete Hines of course he'd think that'd be hype inducing
>"Oh yeah"
Could've been Bethesda/Hines approaching Nintendo and them saying no or not even bothering to answer. Also the interviewer asked if Pete Hines specifically talked to Nintendo about it and he said those conversations don't necessarily happen with him.
>Hugo turning his head quickly
Could've just been him waiting for Marty to finish
>Marty clasping his cheeks after finishing
He does that numerous times throughout the interview
He just does it to prepare for the next question
>Mick Gordon not specifying the Heavy Metal Choir to be Doom Eternal but Doom related still
A vlog from one of the performers indicates that at the very least, she thinks it was for Eternal
And while the pitch was done in January (the same month Grant Kirkhope was contacted) it doesn't line up with Sakurai's comment that Grant was the first western composer he's worked with unless he also means he worked with Gordon at the same time.

Do I want Doomguy in?
Is he as likely as people say he is?

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i wonder about the variety of angel types
like babies with wings or rings that have eyes or horses and shit

What about a Final Doom reference?
You could go with a truck that has TNT written in it

any references to the novels?

its going great! we are at 17 frames a second now!

the new lore describes demons like they're aliens.


>Doomworld or ZDoom forums
God I fucking hope not. Those places are so infested with furries, trannies, faggots, attention-whores, and every other type of forumite cancer that it's probably hazardous to your mental health to even know they exist.

that's half the people that make most doom mods and maps over the years
even source ports devs
brutal doom on the other hand is linked with reddit and normalfags

One of the DLC missions involves a mission in the jungles you explore like the Plutonia Experiment.

any references or connections to Quake?

How long is the game, SERIOUSLY, leakerfag? Assume average difficulty. Sorry if you already answered, but you're not tripfagging so I don't have anything to ctrl+f

>that's half the people that make most doom mods and maps over the years
Which is why they're mostly total shit
>even source ports devs
Which is why GZDoom is still an unoptimized piece of total fucking garbage that's written so badly that nobody can even fork it
>brutal doom on the other hand is linked with reddit and normalfags
Brutal Doom's community is unironically not as bad as ZDoom's these days. Edgy children have nothing on diaperfur trannies who force-feed their opinions and delusions into shit as a pastime. Both are bad though.

they weren't all arena shooters pussy, I want a singe player lovecraftian horror fps like quake 1

What are you going to do?
Make your own port with your own mods?

Praying for Eternity to finally release Aeon before I die so I can just code shit in AngelScript instead of Graf's half-baked retard language.
inb4 2hard4u. I learned ZScript easily, it's just a bad language. Being better than Decorate and ACS isn't a very high bar.

OP here, yes, in one section the Slayer puts Vega's micro-chip inside the head of a Cyberdemon and then proceeds to mount him like a horse. The gameplay is similar to when BJ rides a panzerhund un New Colossus.

Shut the fuck up Smashniggers

OP here, no, sorry.

The model ain't ready but I can talk to a friend, he's a concept artists and has a lot of unused sketches.

Yes, you can.

Yes, with short dark-brown hair and everything (and exposed abs).

so, again, kahn maykr turns into the icon of sin?

Fake and gay

She fuses her body with the dormant IOS and activates him, he's some kind of biological construct/demon.

Sure buddy.

You said the Khan Maker had boobs, are they sexy boobs like Xana in Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, or are they unsexy boobs like Clotho in God of War II?

15-18 hours (average difficulty), it can take longer if you are a completionist.

Yes, in one section there is a "NIN" box, but with an obscured logo due to copyright related shit.

Is there a multiverse Crash? Q3 crash was DG's sgt on Mars and Phobos was probably the dude sent to lead the defense there before it got absorbed into Hell

the only thing I'm worried about is if they have anything left for Quake. I mean they added SWIMMING to doom. That's always been a Quake thing, not Doom.

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>Crash is now a /fit/ tomboy
Holy shit

OP here. More epic and traditional with less techno/industrial influences.

>OP here, no, sorry.
wow you should have tried harder, bad form

A 1660/1070 paired with a 4-6 cores CPU is enough to run the game (almost) maxed @1440.

most doomguy leaks for smash have been debunked already

>implying his job is even at risk
>Implying this isnt a controlled shill thread approved by ID

no I mean he should have tried harder to get him in, very lazy

IDK about the Switch version because there is another team working on it (Panic button iirc?)

My job is indeed at risk but whatevs, the pay is mediocre at best and I work for another companies besides id.

>Clotho in God of War II
Eh, shes slim with some perky kind of boob plate actually.

i really dont get it why these people are soo agaisnt it.Might be alittle cringe but its the perfect evolution of a character like Doomguy.

>Doomguy is just a normal human with guns and anger manages to defeat Hell itself to the point he becomes a legendary figure
>Some people actually find this bad.

one beats up his boss and had a pet rebbit
the other breaks up uac objects, scares some guards and like tiny dolls

>The model ain't ready
it releases in two months dumb fuck
>crop an image off a youtube video or a developer post
>make up some nonsense about hair
can't believe you faggots believe that shit

do we finally get to see any cut monsters used? like any of those fuckers from doom 3 or the blob?

>thinking Doomguy is ending up in SMASH of all things
YIKES I hope your family didn't have respect for you.
Look we all know that Minecraft has defined indie gaming for the next, who knows, two decades? So yeah step the fuck aside and let the real king stand proud.
Shareware? Yeah right leave that shit in the pre 2000s, we're a new generation. Cave Story? Same shit, shitier game. YAWN.

Steve is coming and you know it.

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Some people started with Doom 4 and have "my first game is all that matters" syndrome. Hence they got overly married to stuff only in that game, like the Night Sentinel origin story and Doomguy being a faceless mute.


Crash and Phobos are new interpretations of the classic characters, she's slight older tan him (early 30's?) and also superior in rank (commander/instructor or something like that).

The swimming segments are limited, actually they only appear in the city and sentinel levels and are mostly shortcuts for secrets. There is also hidden doors/portals that connect the current level with the Hub and some challenges (the golden gore nests).

does doomguy still grunt when you take damage? I fucking loved that shit, hope it is still in the game

Can you please explain what the fuck the sword does?

Yep, the grunt sounds are activated by default, you can disable them in the audio menu if you want to.


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they keep pitch shifting with every update
there's probably an option to disable it in the UI for the 2016 zoomers who think 'silent protag' means absence of UI notification sounds

The sword is a one use panic button just like the chainsaw, but has two attack modes, the first is a powerful slash that cut lesser enemies almost instantly, the second is weaker but has more range, something like the flame attack from 2016's Cyberdemon. It works like the soul cube from D3, after you kill 3 demons of any type, the sword recharge its energy bar (one slot per 3 kills).

What is the Marauder?

Doomchads knew there wasn't much of a chance he was going to be in in the first place. I can cope with the fact that Doomguy isn't in Smash with the fact that Eternal is going to be better than any of us could possibly have imagined.

THEY are corrupted sentinel royal guards, one of them was a friend of the Slayer. They are pretty smart and act very human-like unlike the other demons who are more animalistic in nature.

Kirkbride literally left the moment zenimax was founded.
That said, guys who imagine the kind of hellscape doom takes place in takes all sorts of amphetamines.

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>UI notification sounds
I loved that too watching e3 2019 gameplay lol. All these quake3-ish sounds made my dick rock hard, I feel like it just works so well on so many ways (audio confirmation, sensory overload to amplify the action).

doom will outlast any series in smash
even mario

>Yes, you can use skins in both the campaign and battle mode
how do glory kills work if you use a skin that doesn't have the sword attached?

They'll probably add the blade and shoulder gun regardless.
I still don't know what the blade actually does because at least the shoulder gun is like Heretic's inventory of being able to use it without stopping the main gun in use.

Kirkbride did write some stuff for ESO so who knows maybe they're employing meth addicts again

They'll probably limit those animations to the DOOM 2016 animations

And Eternal just went from a 9 to a 10.

This is going to be a really fucking weird question but are there any references to Quake in-universe? For a while now it's felt like idSoftware has wanted to try and shoot for some connected universe again, especially with the direction they took lore in QC.
Honestly I'm just hoping they tackle a new SP Quake game soon.

what about the mobile rpg games?
like the hellhounds and sawcubi or holy water pistol?

A new quake wars could be fun

id games referencing each other is cool but i wouldn't mind if some indicate lore "inconsistencies" since story was never the main point
even if it means alienating the lore dudes that go "but what does it really mean? i shall explain it for 17 minutes"

>OP here, no, sorry.
Yeah no not trusting you one bit.


Kill yourself smashnigger. you don't even deserve an actual (you)

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Nope, just easter eggs but nothing official, sorry.

Did they include a part in the relative beginning where the player is asked to hand in their weapon, only to provide them with a direct upgrade in return second after?

If the different versions of Hell in series are somehow connected, would that mean there is more than 1 version of Heaven in Doom?

who would have thought that doom would have such a deep lore

Are tge chaingunners plutonia-levels of dickery?

OP, do you have any clue about clues they put in the game? i'm expecting such a clue in the game at some point, like the bfg10000 level they showed:
a clueless scientists says "who's that doom guy anyway" then doom "slayer" bumps into him or something

to tie in the whole "doom guy is doom slayer" thing

Sorry for the quality, the art guys almost caught me.

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literally looks like a tf2 heavy which is funny because he already predates that character
not bad

>Has a small touch of Doom 3's Commando

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is there a reference to Hissy the Cacodemon tho


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does he say the cut loud lines from the doom 3 beta?
the ones from trent reznor?

at 5:25



Yep, he says "DIE MORTAL" with a demonic voice, the zombieman also has some basic human speech patterns and grunts.

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This medallion works just like a regular skull-key and it was intended for the sentinel levels only. It was cut from the game during the production phase.

Attached: medallion.jpg (1600x900, 154K)

so will weapon pickups be like in d2016, with pickup animations, or like they were shown now, with boomer green floating icons?

Give me green exploding barrels or give me death

how you like that?

All weapons have pickup animation, the glowing floating icons were just placeholders for the E3 demo.


there better be a grab function.

>run up behind chain gunner
>grab him and spin him around deleting everything in the room

ok real question here
is the game actually 20hrs like theyre meming


One question, if Crash is in (with Doom Nigga, Phobos) will be some interaction with Doomguy?

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How does Hayden fit into the story?

>Doom Eternal EXPLAINED!

The last leak said he's out of commission for pretty much the entire story but comes back online at the end to set up yet another cliff hanger.

>midnight cashing on yt clickbait again

What about modding goddamnit

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Can you play without the grenade launcher? Can the hook on the super shotgun be replaced with a different upgrade?

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>Can you play without the grenade launcher
what do you mean? that's a weird question

he probably meant the shoulder thing

I meant can customize your armor? For example take off the grenade launcher and maybe replace it with something else?

My pp hard.

Dunno if this has been asked but other than airdashing and such, are there other forms of movement/mobility mechanics like bhop, strafejumping or rocketjumping? I heard the latter being mentioned in the speedrun of one of the levels back during Quakecon.

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there is ballista jumps i think

Stop trying to alienate console players. Fuck off.

Consoles are gay

Gauss jumping is still in. Speedrunners at the Quakecon race were pulling it off.

Have you gotten your hands on the helmet from the collector's edition? How is it? How does the game end?

How many of the old songs have been remade? Ones like Running from Evil etc

Good, that means you have something in common with them

cmon dawg, that's from 2016 dlc

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What is /gmad/, I only get some Garry's Mod bullshit when I google it
Please respond

What about cheat codes? I saw that you can unlock cheats from secrets from some gameplay footage. What are some of the codes?

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Can you see your torso, legs, and feet?

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I think I know which artist you're talking about

it's on trash

it's for degenerates like myself

>user gets fired for leaking info because he wanted to get (you)s

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This is Bethesda. He'll be sued into bankruptcy.

>tfw demons and sangheili on /gmad/ made me gay

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Be honest, are you Hugo OP?

Don't tell me that they got you already, OP

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>there are people who genuinely want to fuck doomguy

take the pills cameron

Not enough people

OP here, I'm alive but nobody's asking new questions so...

doom2016 was pretty terrible but this one is just a bad joke

>"please lemme kiss your biceps and bruised knuckles"

are chaingunners like in doom2 where they can hit you from fucking anywhere

Nah, no hitscans this time.

Is there any classic doomguy skins that have been made/planned?

hurr durr is doomguy in smash

can you summarize the story and whos the final boss


what is the worst part about the game in your opinon

will multiplayer be good this time around?

Read the previous thread.
Slash or Doomguy's?

What is the cyberdemon fight like gameplay wise? What features does the hub have besides references to others games and level selection?

Read the previous thread.

How is the idtech 7 engine? Im a poorfag and want to know if my 780 can still cut it. Also mod support?

>Marty points out the glitched AI
It’s shit like that that gets me on board for a game. Nothing makes a game feel more genuine than when the devs are like “Yeah we’re super pumped to make this” while also being like “Yeah right now this certain thing fucking sucks”. It shows that the devs care about what they’re making and not trying to hide things.

Repeat of something I tried asking earlier.
Do you know what songs Mick Gordon remixed from the old games? Running from Evil etc

>What is the cyberdemon fight like gameplay wise? He's a regular miniboss and is faster than his 2016 counterpart. However, he doesn't count with missile attacks this time.

>What features does the hub have besides references to others games and level selection?

After you complete every level you have the option to continue to the next one or go to the hub. Every time the story progresses certain lore elements start to appear around the Colosseum, and a big portal linked to a tower starts to appear until you get to the endgame zone which involves a last battle against a Marauder and the Doomhunter. Gameplay wise, you can do a lot of things like practice in a shoot range, play Turbo Turkey and other mini-games and explore some open areas that have relevant info logs and logs (if you pick everything a puzzle is unlocked, once completed a cutscenes trigger and you can unlock some new "Master Levels" which are basically extended versions of previous ones with new sections a tougher enemies ).

Are the devs SJW cucks or are they based and redpilled?
I know some would assume “Hey they’re in fucking Texas they’d have to be based and redpilled” but there are actually a ton of super SJW “mug prefered pronoun” here.

What are the cheats gonna entail? I assume god mode would be one of them but any that play with movement at all?


>Doom 3 armor
based, I like that in Q Champions

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* missile attacks as in mini rockets launched from his back and stuff like that.

IDK, do your GPU supports Vulkan? If no I'm afraid that the game ain't even going to run on your rig :c

There's no such thing like "SJW" and "Redpilled people" my dude, take a break of the internet and go outside, people are very different than in your chinese cartoon boards.

Well they did say the Doom Eternals hud would be customizable. They already have centered weapon view, so who knows.

But seriously, no, the devs are super objective and they are clear about what they are making so expect a funny game and not a propaganda filled piece of crap.

Yes, you can center weapons, adjust the UI color, size and opacity and also unlock different weapon positions and skins, next question.

Did they remove the “Demon is an offensive term” joke?

That's pretty cool...

You should try to convince the designers to include a "survival mode" into the hub that lets you fight off infinite waves of demons with an ever expanding map(s). Think CoD zombies or (a better example) Skulltag's invasion mode.

Have a big feeling a lot of people would buy the game for that mode alone.

You're ok to me if you're from Arkane bro

arkane is very cool
that new wolfenstein was a joke though

They are working on it, alongside a revamped arcade mode.

So is he the same the Doomguy from original games or he's actually new character?

Read the thread.

For a tester, you seem to know a lot about what’s going on. A bit too much. Like why would you know anything about what’s going on with the art and writing teams and know about the DLC plans when your purpose it to ‘test’ things to make sure shit isn’t broken?

Yea Forums will find a way to make that a bad thing

>Short hair and exposed abs

Attached: cook.jpg (233x167, 7K)

Based Mick can do no wrong. Other than not doing the OST for Season 3 of KI. I hope to god he's not too tied up to return for the inevitable KI sequel.

Attached: Mick-Gordon sexual assaulting robot.jpg (620x400, 76K)

There's a misconception that QA-Testers just play the game in order to find bugs and actually we do a lot more, like giving feedback in certain aspects like UX/UI and, in some cases, even visual development and art direction. That's why I know a lot about this, alongside other development related stuff.

What else does he compose for other than Doom and KI? Prior to those games I’ve never heard of the fucking guy.

How do crucible kills look like? Does it lock you in place like the chainsaw in doom 2016?

Prey, Wolfenstein, etc...

Ok, so why the hell would you know anything about the DLC? The main game still isn’t even finished yet so I’m very doubtful any of the DLC is anywhere close a state where things need to be tested.

Yes, just like the chainsaw.

Any stand-out moments worth mentioning that made you think "alright, this is cool"?

Can you post more pictures?

He composed shit for those games? Guy must have quite the varied talent then, because as far as I knew he was the guy who made excellent wubwub music.

The game ain't golden but it's pretty much ahead of the main production schedule, and well, in most cases the DLCs are nothing more than cut-out content initially intended for the first game since the beginning so..

Why is it that Shadow Warrior 2 was able to give people an actual chainsaw to swing around back in 2016, but Eternal is still using the chainsaw as a glorified cutscene machine? Pretty disappointing. Also is it true that the base movement speed in Eternal is slightly slower than 2016's?

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He mainly worked on shitty licensed games and NFS before KI kinda gave him his breakout.

Attached: aria.jpg (566x827, 45K)

>Every single simple asset is crystal clear. For example if you had the tiniest bit of basic blender experience you could make those medallions relatively easily.
>Every complex asset is shot by michael jay fox. This is very useful if you have imported something and fucked with it a bit, but would ultimately be recognisable under deep scrutiny.
>I had access to some pictures
>Yet the narrative has implied he/she has been "back to take more" since this thread began.
>Very, very informed for anyone involved in the game.


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Orchid and Spinal's themes are top tier

Working on it, just give me some time.

I find it hard to believe that they intended to include two extra playable characters with separate storyline in Doom 2016.

Yes, you also need to press Shift for running

are there microtransactions

say sike right now

TJs theme is pure distilled motivation

Attached: motivation.jpg (268x268, 16K)

How close is the game to completion considering the release is 2 and a half months away? Does id still talk about Romero and Carmack?

Attached: dims.jpg (1600x1000, 139K)

Yes, but only for power ups and perks. So don't worry, you can beat game without them.

Near the ending the Slayer grabs a hell priest (Deag Grav iirc) and beats the living shit out of the old fucker, then the guy say something like "Please, have mercy" and the Slayer proceeds to release him just to let him run and impale him with the meathook before he reaches a door.

Theres another moment at the beginning of the game that is kinda creepy. After your first encounter with Samuel the Slayer enters to a Lazarus-like lab and finds the corpse of Olivia in her Spider form, parts of the brain are still moving and connected to some cables and, near a pool of gore, there's a malformed head that says something like "kill me", which is obviously a reference to Alien 4. You can continue and ignore her or shoot her and put her out of her misery.

I thought it was confirmed by devs that running speed was exactly the same as Doom 2016?

>less industrial

Attached: isleep.jpg (600x537, 38K)

That’s what I’m saying. It’s very odd how someone at the testing level of the dev team has this much fucking insight on the development of the game.

To be honest I’m pretty sure this is one of two things.

1. A fake leak designed by a Smash autist to say Doomguy isn’t in Smash, and yes I genuinely believe someone would be this austitic to do this.

2. Someone who actually is on the dev team/knows someone on the dev team that has access to some assets and is using it to LARP and make up shit about the game.
At this point it’s gonna take more than some blurry screenshots of unfinished assets for me to believe anything this guy is saying.

Main speed is a bit slower, but sprint really compensates it. You can upgrade your stamina stat during the game and use perks for longer sprint.

>need to play the game with my shift key taped in
at least tell me there's an option to always sprint by default

>Chaingunners are back

those guys felt like Wolfenstein rejects to me

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Is your airstrafing bad like the first game if you don't have the rune equipped

Stamina stat is limited tho. You need to upgrade it for longer sprint. One perk can make it endless if your health 100%

Believe what you want m8, screen cap everything and reply me on November 22 while playing DOOM® Eternal™. Developed by id Software, the game is the direct sequel to DOOM®, winner of The Game Awards’ Best Action Game of 2016. Experience the ultimate combination of speed and power as you rip-and-tear your way across dimensions with the next leap in push-forward, first-person combat. Powered by idTech 7 and set to an all-new pulse-pounding soundtrack composed by Mick Gordon, DOOM Eternal puts you in control of the unstoppable DOOM Slayer as you blow apart new and classic demons with powerful weapons in unbelievable and never-before-seen worlds.
As the DOOM Slayer, you return to find Earth has suffered a demonic invasion. Raze Hell and discover the Slayer’s origins and his enduring mission to rip and tear…until it is done.

>the art guy’s almost caught me
Just open them at your desk nimrod. Everyone at your company should have zbrush installed on their machine

Coming Soon to Xbox One, PlayStation®4, Nintendo Switch, PC
Raze Hell with the DOOM Eternal Deluxe Edition
As the DOOM Slayer, you return to find Earth has suffered a demonic invasion. Raze Hell and discover the Slayer’s origins and his enduring mission to rip and tear…until it is done.
The Deluxe Edition includes:
Year One Pass with two campaign add-ons
Demonic Slayer Skin
Classic Weapon Sound Pack
Pre-order to receive the Rip and Tear Pack for a new player and weapon skin as well as the Cultist Base master level.


Can you drink a monster zero energy drink?

Is that hell priest the same guy that the slayer chokes in the story trailer?
Regarding music, have you heard any notable remixes of classic tracks?
Thanks for your efforts. Even if it does end up being a bullshit, you have paid a great deal of attention to detail.

How many times do you fight the Cyberdemon, Marauder, and Doom Hunter each time?

I'm calling bullshit

Having a sprint button goes again the very core of their design philosophies

He also did a book or two in Skyrim. So really, it's like he never really left.

this cant be happening

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Both options are equally possible in my head, or he or she could be telling the truth, or its a mixed bag: bullshitted assets after someone snuck a few mobile phone shots delivering sandwiches to the devs or something. If it is real they've unfortunately most likely lost their job if there's any cctv in the office. "Art department almost caught me" and time stamped posts here would have been a big mistake.

You can earn perks/runesin by playing
the game, microtransactions just time savers

>paying real money to not play the game

I doubt it would take long for trainers.


>paying real hard earned money to run longer
absolute state of bethesdrones

Yes. It isn't forcing player to use them or make earing runes grindy, so don't worry. It was made for idiots to be honest

Is the performance good like the first game? I was really pleasantly surprised to be always staying above 144fps on ultra.

its fucking retarded that it exists in the first place

you cannot make me believe that the game's balance wasn't skewed in order to make those microtransactions more desirable, marketeer
game just went from a day 1 buy to maybe if it's on sale

is it always online

Game was made in mind for next gen.
PC is still the superior way to experience it

What is the "betrayer/gladiator" fight like?


BASED. I fuckin hate dubstep. Hail to all true speed Metal warriors hail Metal and rape.

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cancelling my preorder rn