I love Frost!
I love Frost!
She doesn't love you, because she's not real, and if she was, she'd never give you the time of day
she cool
Cassie is a qt3.14. I've never performed a fatality on her or any other character I like
Is this the worst (or best I guess?) example of character assassination? MK11 "Frost" is nothing like the character and might as well have just been a completely new one. Why they chose to butcher her so badly I have no idea.
She’s literally the same though. She hardly even looks like a cyborg in her default.
What is she a low rent power ranger
The point is she shouldn't even be a cyborg at all. They tried an ice cyborg in MK9 and discarded it immediately in MKX because no one wanted that.
my wife donut is so cute
The cyborg thing really made her stand out though. She would’ve been extremely without cyberization.
Frost is kute! KUTE!
i love her
She's the typical "I want to speak with your manager" bitch you see everywhere now
exactly how I like 'em
>implying she's a woman
>implying she has a vag anymore
yeah that kinda sucks
I unironically like Cyber Sub Zero and I wish he stayed that way
I'd prefer getting a collection of klassic MK games or even a port of 9 to current consoles over MKX and 11 desu.
Stupid character
you are stupid and WEAK
>nobody liked Frost before MK11
>nobody likes her after either
Waste of a slot t.b.h.
Why would anyone want to play as a dumb robot? Just use Sub Zero.
I didn't mind an ice cyborg existing, but I didn't want it to be a canon, lasting development for Sub-Zero. Maybe they decided that making Frost a cyborg was a way to significantly differentiate her from Sub-Zero and have an ice cyborg in the series while keeping him as a human. I just don't like that the cyborgs in the new timeline were just brains in robot bodies. How does Sub-Zero and Frost's cryomancy even work after they've had their whole bodies stripped away?
i do too, but not that pile of PC parts
you know if you perform 50 fatalities on someone, you get exclusive gear for them in the krypt.
Except Cyber Sub Zero was in MKX you fucking moron. Triborg variationless.
yeah why would anyone want to play as cyrax, sektor, robot smoke, or cyber sub zero? no one would ever want that.
from this
to this
As a non-canon easter egg. Plus he is still TRIBORG, not Cyber Sub-Zero, that was a 4th hidden one or else he'd be Quadborg.
MK11 has some weird ghetto claymation shit going on, I don't like it. Graphics peaked at MKX (or really 2 if you want to include the originals).
I think they reduced that number. There's also a glitch in the krypt where you can collect all the heads without doing all the fatalities.
>graphics peaked at MK2
As did gameplay.
I have this strange urge to break your neck.
>MK trannies
>Graphics peaked at MKX
this is bait right?
you're missing out, bro
It's better than 11's uncanny valley shit
ebin maymay
are you retarded do you know what uncanny valley is
>It's better than 11's uncanny valles shit
MK11 deserves a lot of shit but it's visuals are fucking great
his ingame shit is going to look so cool
I need to see the cape in action
pls post original ._ .
I miss mileena so much, bros
wtf that's ninja fortnite
hahaha ebin post
they look bad ass in mk11 i hope they are dlc
>they look bad ass in mk11
>i hope they are dlc
Yep, that would be a waste of a design
he jobbed in the krypt mode
honestly this costume looks quite comfy
>quilted body armour and gloves
love it
That does not look like a real human. It's like a Pixar/human hybrid.
Arnold only looks good because he's a real person they could scan and/or use pictures to build from.
let's speed this up
They're stupid characters. It's the equivalent of using a gay monster character like Ferra Tor or kollector
>because he's a real person they could scan and/or use pictures to build from
like everyone else
I read this as rambling, semi-coherent angrish in her voice and it brightened up my whole day.
you are trying way to hard
>mkx looks better
what a retard