It's now September, which means we are no more than 1 month away from getting news about the next TF2 update. Worst case scenario, we'll be getting another Scream Fortress update, if not a giant update right beforehand like they did 2 years ago with Jungle Inferno. Post your update wishlist and get hype.
TF2 Update within the next month!
oh boy more hats
fuck you
I just want Arena mode back
>fake news network
We got a interview with Jill where he said the next update might not even be the Heavy update
Any Tyler news?
I wonder if we'll get any new maps.
What's the one thing that would fix TF2, lads?
Removing random crits
>trusting tyler mcnigger
>listening to tyler mcnigger
A time machine
removing hats
keeping it exactly the same
it's a Halloween update because if Valve doesn't push one the entire steam community will chew them to death even though the stopped doing actual content updates completely
Me too user.... me too...
Who gives a shit anymore, just release the final comic and be done with the whole thing, they clearly have no interest in the game anymore so why bother with updates that aren't hats
Y'all some basic bitches
We need Team Fortress 2 Classic.
is scraptf still all fags/bronies/trannies plus geel?
Isn't fag and geel redundant?
That seems like bullshit, but I want to believe
Minecraft it
Make TF2 great again
team fortress 2 classic. working just fine for wow, if valve did this I would come back and play that shit like crazy.
Just optimize it, stop adding shit.
geel is a fag but not a /fag/
jesse and the rest of the site is literal fags
>t. friend worked for scrap for years, got out when overwhelmed by faggotry, felt he was directly contributing to making young men into literal fags
>keeps teasing he has secret HL:VR info
>asks on twitter what he should make a video about next
>literally everyone replies HL:VR
>"okay next I'm making a CS:GO video which will take days of research and datamining"
>waiting for the next TF2 update like
add random crits to competitive
overwatch fags can fuck off
adding team scramble back and automatically VAC banning anyone that whines about random crits
Can't wait for you faggots to be BTFO with no update happening. Stop listening to this goblin of a reporter.
bring back the old axtinguisher and the old degreaser
Buff Sandman
I never ever had a problem with the old axetinguisher as a Soldier main. Bring back the Rrserve Shooter combo too. Let people whine. The more viable options in TF2, the better.
Defend this, Yea Forums
restore airblast knockback to its former glory
mom stop! whole thread is watching
Consider the following
remove heavy
bringing back quickplay
Imagine dedicated your life to covering news about the one video game company that does the least amount of things out off literally every other active vidya company.
What's the best gamemode in TF2?
Consider the Kongversation, that covers all things Donkey Kong and Rare related.
DK's last game was tropical freeze and if it wasn't for Banjo-Kazooie getting into smash they'd have zip to talk about. Their fandom hinges on a company that makes two games per decade and their latest barebones offering gets boring after three hours.
Payload, it's an adventure.
Roblox but not sure which one is better
Just buff the guillotine again so it crits stunned players.
blessed webm
>no TF2 vanilla option ala WoW Classic
It's over, lads. It's been over for a long time.
>It has been a while since the lasst time i played tf2
>decided to boot it up again
>first match i connected was already finished so everyone left the matchmaking
>same thing happens in the second one
>third time is the charm and i actually conenct to a match that is about to start but everyone on red team has the name Leon the professional together with the character avatar, all using aim bots
>disconnect an connect again just so the exact same thing can happen
fucking hell, only at my 5th try i was able to actually play a decent match.
bring back official valve servers browser, it is the only thing i ask.
I'll go full Spy on her if you know what I mean.
koth or cp, sd as a special mention, doomsday is fun.
I can't wait for even more fun weapons and playstyles to get nerfed into oblivion because of b4nny and other compfags telling the dev team straight bullshit.
What do you think will die this time bros? I'm thinking something about the demoknight will get gutted and the vaccinator will be nerfed into oblivion
>charging on a sloped surface can no longer send you flying outside of medieval mode
>vacc charge and damage resistance massively reduced, no compensation buffs towards heal rate
You're full of shit nobody would play that for more than 5 hours
good lord this is adorable
>vaccinator will be nerfed into oblivion
delete this
which nerfs are you specifically bitching about
Not enough hats and perks for the fucking ocean of tasteless little cunts.
Because he has nothing. Why do you keep falling for his bullshit?
They removed it?
bring it back
>literally nothing than a reference to a file called hl3_props.vcf or something to that extent
it's all so tiresome
Go with the WoW route
TF2 Classic
>Between now and October
>Obligatory Scream Fortess where all the dev's have to do is readd old maps and put in a handful of Workshop maps and cosmetic items not made by them
>"See guys, I was right!"
There's already a TF2 classic.
It's just on the Console.
I never understood why people have so much trouble with the vacc. A single well placed Sentry or focus fire counters it. You deal less damage but you still deal damage, it's not like Uber that you deal zero damage too. Any ounce of coordination shuts down vacc hard. Oh wait, coordination, you don't find that in match-making. Yup, it's going to get nerfed probably. You needed to micro of a god and good situational awareness and gamesense as a Medic to even make good use out of it. Now hacking vacc snipers can die in a fire.
No, I think they just forgot it exists.
There aren't any servers actually running it. The only servers that actually run arena maps are Saxton Hale servers. There isn't even an option to look for Arena games with matchmaking.
Which is fucking confusing to me, because you can queue for shit like special delivery which I assure you no one plays.
I mean, I don't know why they think Arena wouldn't be popular. Yes, you're dead and can't respawn until the round ends. But that's also exactly the case with CSGO and that is Valve's most popular title.
capture the flag is retard kino
Tyler you have been saying this shit for months, and no a small update that adds some literal who shit does not count.
Bring back the caber too
fuck off, the new axe is awesome and the degreaser is fine
also fuck off, god forbid you cant stun people for free and instead have to actually push people into walls and shit
this is cool though
Caber is only thing I really want brought back. It had no reason to get nerfed but I guess all of those salty Sniper mains got super angry and wouldn't stop bitching about it. Maybe they should stop playing Sniper or stop playing on bad maps that allows Demo to do that?
>the new axe is awesome
I don't blame you for not even using it, it really is shit
>stun people for free
You mean like a soldier shooting your feet and knocking you into the air for the easiest followup shot ever?
His depression and disillusion with valve catching up to him?
I use it all the time faggot, the speed boost is great and its a cool style tool.
Soldier atleast has to aim his rockets right, all pyro had to do was press right click to get a free follow up, and even now its still not hard to do if you aern't complete shit
Yeah, alright. The update's going to be Scream Fortress, with a bundle of cosmetics, maybe a nerf or two. Standard procedure. Why do countless people take Tyler's word as reliable, if not godsend? He's stuck in his downward spiral, self imposed depression, and I can't tell if it's genuine autism, or what. He's incorrect nine times out of ten, continues to point at meaningless lines of text, or photoshopped images, then people like OP gobble it up. What form of legitimacy does Tyler have? Even in his interviews, nothing has been learnt, that we already didn't know.
Absolutely based. Weapons and hats ruined TF2.
Make new updates that are not just cosmetic crap.
Tyler was one of the first to push the "HL3 is dead and not in development" stuff though.
The funniest thing about Tyler to me is that all of his suffering is self inflicted and he knows that. His life outside of VNN is improving, its just that he continues to torture himself with this shit for some reason
I never played TF2 back in those days. Tell me what it was like senpai.
there is though, Orange box on 360.
the old server browser for valve servers. Friendships and rivalries aren't forged through random matchmaking.
Not oficially, but it's the only gamemode missing from casual matchmaking outside of the beta maps Asteroid and Cactus Canyon.
>letting your medic die
shitty demo
>Soldier atleast has to aim his rockets right
Soldiers are usuallying aiming for the feet anyways, if it happens to launch them in the air they get a free hit. Pyros have to sacrifice damage and push their target away for an airblast, along with the downsides of no longer blinding your target and opening yourself up for a rocket/pill right after your airblast.
>Soldier takes no ski-
Remove matchmaking
Revert the dumbass nerfs that literally only exist because sound smith, b4nny and Cankle Strain got their fanbases to spam Valve's inbox with retarded shit like "stun doesn't belong in fps games" and "getting headshot with the ambassador 'feels' random"
Ban uncle dane for being an engineer main that's not from texas.
Make the cleaver crit on long range and minicrit on stun to fix the real thing people had a problem with.
So is the comic cancelled?
Not him but really fun with every match being pretty equal skill wise
This post makes no sense because it implies that Soldier requires skill of some kind to play. Yes, it took skill to rocket jump across the map like that. But rocket jumping all around the map isn't something an average Solder player needs to do in order to be efficient for the team. It'd be more correct to say "Spy takes skill to play" because it requires some thought and strategy to position yourself and blend in with the enemies. Compared to Spy, Soldier doesn't really have a high skill floor but he does have a very high skill ceiling.
Vacc is countered by many weapon types focus firing at once. Since only like 4 classes is played in comp Vacc is actually really good against that exact scenario and meta and thus must be destroyed, because clearly the real reason anyone plays TF2 is for 6v6.
No its in the classic Valve, "Not cancelled just in stasis" type development. The artists and writers aren't even at Valve or if they are they are spread out to other shit and they will just work on it again when all of their scheduals line up or they call eachother up and say "Hey lets wrap this up"
So whenever they feel like
vaccinator is gay to play against
Why is it always soldiers that do this shit?
>I'm not an unstoppable force anymore, it's gay
They need to fucking stop the botting and lag abusing.
Its so tiring getting facestabbed by 300 ping spies in medieval mode
>post from July
>we haven't heard shit since
I fucking hate this ding dong diddley game
and that post was only because of the market crash, it's been a lot longer since they've talked about the game itself
Oh yeah let's go back to original release where the pyro was even worse, the heavy was even worse, damage variance let soldiers and demos sometimes one hit 125 hp classes, spies couldn't regain cloak aside from waiting and snipers didn't even have the sight delay they got hit with.
It was still fun but you're fucking insane if you wanted the totally original experience
a 2007/early 2008 build leaked a long time ago, source code and everything
the game is better now that it was at launch
t. played day one on beta
what do i get with my blood money?
Fuck sniper mains, everything that shits on them is a good thing, bring back caber and ambassador and make natasha force them to un scope
Do you play with viewmodels on or off?
On, but with transparency.
People will viewmodels off are usually tryhard compfags who don't appreciate the soul of the game
Reminder that just last year he started a panic saying that tf2 was down to 2 or 3 devs...and it turned out this was because it was during Valve's yearly vacation.
Remove weapon balancing and remove all nerfs
minmodels best models
the current airblast right now I have a problem with.
I just can't stand how I can't strafe an airblast now.
On, but i turn them off on classes where the gun is sometimes to big or out of habit like Soldier or Scout
Yeah can't wait to go back to not being able to upgrade teleporters or dispensers, or move any buildings at all, or refill cloak by picking up ammo as spy, or play 2fort with its whopping grand total of TWO health packs, one on each side in the sewers.
Bring back the Tide Turner
imo payload is the most fun. 5cp is fun as well, but in casual it's stalemate hell, and it attracts the 6s sweatlords.
also i really miss the gamemode art in the quickplay selection
How the fuck does current airblast work anyways? It seems it pushes them back with a random force, sometimes they'll go flying and sometimes they'll barely budge. Shit's even worse than when you needed to crouch and look up to push people back
I actually have no idea how it works. It feels clunky compared to the old airblast.
Wow it is from tyler the truth man who works with yakuza?
Bringing back the Love and War sticky bomb nerf
>when you discover 2fort_twisted
>doesnt even try to airblast a single rocket
fuck that guy
Is this a good time to get back into TF2? I haven't played since around the Engi update.
Good enough time as any, who knows how terrible the next update will be.
I actually threw up watching this. Guess I have motion sickness.
Literally me when I play Demonman, I can't hit shit with Stickies or if I do get a hit they do shit for damage.
>try to do all of scouts achievements
>he has 5-6 arena ones like get first blood etc
>literally no one playing it
Just use a sam server
pretty good list, however thundermountain needs to be slightly higher
thas cheaitin
Abandon it and make Team Fortress 3. Holy shit, it's been over a decade. It's time to move on already!
I bought a strange rocket launcher a week and a half ago. Before that I had
I want an artificial incentive to play the game, I don't actually care for them.
oh hey, a medkit
Get fucked. You people already gave us the worst update I've seen in any game, go jerk off to the competitive mode the youtubers said was absolutely vital to keeping the game alive and everyone was sure to love, or are the hour long queue times too much for you?
>How to do absolutely nothing and still win: The Webm
Why does he still stick to Valve though? The company cancels games for petty reasons according to his reports and can't even keep their current new releases going like DOTA spinoffs. If anything it just seems like Valve only cares about supporting Steam and their big online releases, and thats it.
90% sure you can't even do that on actual pl_goldrush, that archway he flies over at the first point has an invisible wall.
>"roll out" across the entire map
>Some BR with 200+ ping headshots you with a cuntsman as a scout beats him to death with a sun-on-a-stick
Alright, I feel good
Did they ever do anything about those unusuals?
Team Fortress 2 Classic releases
What would you rather have?
Team Fortress 2 being completely vanilla except for some obvious changes like Pyro airblast
Team Fortress 2 with only Valve created updates.
You're a retard
>bring back quickplay
>all players suffering from afterburn are extinguished when the pyro that set them on fire dies
>get rid of the gay cases that give tiers to cosmetics
>undo like 75% of the nerfs from meat your match and jungle inferno that made a bunch of weapons useless
On, what the fuck?
A reason I play TF2 is for the personality, and the viewmodels are full of that. Playing without it will feel like I'm playing as a floating camera.
I can see just fine with viewmodels, thank you very much.
Go on user, tell me about how the game with a decade of development focused on casual gameplay NEEDS to be a hyper competitive environment. Tell me how much more fun I would have playing Goldrush and knowing I won't get to play defense for more than 2 minutes because we did too well on attack.
>why yes, i play with viewmodel_fov 54 how did you know?
>The TF2 team
It's literally two fucking people. Move on retards. Your favorite game has been dead for years.
Can anyone explain to me what was wrong with this weapon again that they decided to change it into just another generic stat swap shotgun?
What was wrong with how the weapon used to work, exactly? The TF2 team can be confusing as fuck sometimes
fuck you i'm mad, i started playing again and this was one of my favorite newer weapons
Today I learned that the snack attack is a straight upgrade for spy since it makes no noise.
remember what compfags took from you
>all players suffering from afterburn are extinguished when the pyro that set them on fire dies
This would be cool if the same also applied to projectiles. Demoman's stickies are deleted when he dies, why not soldier's rockets, pills, etc?
>The compfag boogeyman
Believe it or not, but even 6s players liked quickplay over matchmaking
Nothing was wrong with it. It was only fucked up in 6's, and 6fags are feeding the dev team feedback with the intention to make the game more 6 oriented
They are, barring a few odd instances which are more of a matter than timing.
Believe it or not, the update that brought matchmaking existed because of 6s pl;ayers you dumb fucker.
Are you retarded? Why do you think matchmaking was introduced and forced so strongly? It was entirely because of the esports scene
They are not deleted on death. You probably think they are because you play with cl_interp 5 and die well before the server even acknowledges you fired your rocket.
fat piece of shit tyler mcnigger talking out of his ass again
why does he still worship that scummy company?
Afterburn was already basically useless 3 years ago because there's a fuckton of ways to extinguish people, and then they made it even more useless by making the duration tiny unless the pyro was seriously fucking you up, what is it with people and wanting to nerf already incredibly weak things, on probably the second weakest class in the game?
>It's the 6s player i swear
Compfags don't play pubs you fucking retards, they play pugs, custom servers or MGE. It was Valve who made this decision
How to fix soldier:
>rockets deal 70 damage at start and ramp up over time to current damage depending on how long it's been since the rocket was loaded
This will bring soldier into parity with the cancerous changes they've forced onto heavy and pyro.
You have to choose one, user.
I remember watching his stream where he was repeating quotes from valve games for 2 straight hours
And they want valve to make tf2 more esports oriented so their bad, dying game mode can become popular.
Do you actually think valve adding matchmaking that disallowed adhoc and punished leaving, which also supported competitive 6s, weren't talked into doing it by 6fags?
If valve were truly alone in these designs, highlander would have been added. The dev team kept saying they were going to add highlander instead of 6s but talks with comp players (b4nny and other 6fags) made them put in 6v6 instead.
That tweet was about the cosmetics update they did, the one with the unusual bug
The red button, gimme back the old Ammby
Green in a heartbeat
RED is perfect
Green, I dont even need to think about it.
I like random crits
it's always the fucking soldier mains. I really want valve to nerf soldier into a fucking ground
Even if I disagree with removing random crits, it's worth it to kill matchmaking and the cancer that was the Mannconomy Update. Green hands down
>Matchmaking is making the game more esport like wahhhhh
>Random crits, Cl_interp and random bullet spread are all still in the game
If Compfags really pushed their ideology onto Valve all this shit would have been gone in Meet your Match, it was more Valve trying to put Matchmaking shit in the game because it worked for their other games
Green, purely for matchmaking being erased. Hackers and many of the weapon changes are shit, but i'd rather have custom servers be populated again. It's been too long since I last played fortwars, zombie fortress, and wacky/balloon races
how do you make a living out of getting fired, is this guy really that based?
Valve is still retarded, they want to pander to casuals and pros at the same time, I'm not arguing against that. But much of the cancer was brought by 6s
This. Replacing quickplay with casual was one of the worst mistakes in the game by a longshot, I would sacrifice anything to revert it.
Why do people who vehemently hate random crits choose to play the only FPS that has them? And why do they deliberately ignore the game mode without random crits, as if it doesn't exist?
Bring more players back. Otherwise for the most part, TF2 is fine.
It's Valve themselves that need a serious un-JUSTing.
theres also no way for the vaccinator to counter the guillotine or any other bleed weapon.
But Bonk isn't cola? It's orange-y.
Too many fucking times...
just go fuck yourself retard
Back in those days Tyler was still naive and didn't fully comprehend just how unorganized Valve is internally. He's been more clued in lately.
>We make games, we just don't finish them.
seething comptranny
enjoy your tech demo with half life references
It's going to be the F-stop game. HLVR is getting pushed back, maybe even cancelled, because Gabe is getting cold feet. Artifact really shook him up.
If you could only revert one weapon nerf/buff, what would it be?
What does Half Life have to do with Artifact though? That came off more as Valve desperately trying to push Dota as their big new IP.
im going to call it now the next update will have:
>new maps, only 1 or 2 of which are good
>new tiered cosmetics, most of which are garbage or barely copyright infringement
>very few new weapons, most likely not for a class you care about
>new contracts for said weapons, most of which will require you to do stupid shit in pubs for a few weeks
>new warpaints, the only visually appealing ones will be locked behind artificial rarity
>changes to comp mode that will fail to lure people in
>changes to casual that will make it less torturous to play
>community quickplay, the only definitively good thing added in the update
Enforcer/ambassador, I liked playing gunspy
sandman nerf fuck heavy mains
I want the original Soda Popper back
The Loch n Loaf nerf is so retarded. Go back to 2 pills.and a slight damage increase.
Tide Turner, i miss Demoknight being somewhat playable
>Loch n Loaf
Does tf2 team still listen to compfags?
I think the best compromise we're gonna get is just making the Guillotine crit slowed players again. People will whine about the stun because they're bad, so keep the Sandman how it is now where people can still shoot after being hit, but if they're still in a slowed state, the Guillotine should crit.
Considering how the compfags are still talking with the tf2 team, they probably do.
Hopefully not
>Valve with their 14 man dev team at best didn't completely and utterly upend the game in every way, just a lot of ways, many only being reversed because the overwhelmingly casual playerbase made it clear how shit it was, that means obviously it's got nothing to do with compfags idiot. Ignore all those youtube videos shilling comp at the time btw those didn't do anything
>The people who never touch pubs and only play on custom servers are the reason server quickplay is gone
Great logic
remove crits
remove the phlog, vaccinator and quick fix
lower round timer to reduce stalemates
bring back arena maps in casual
remove competitive mm
>Why do people who vehemently hate random crits choose to play the only FPS that has them?
Because TF2 is an incredible game.
>And why do they deliberately ignore the game mode without random crits, as if it doesn't exist?
Because they want to pubstomp people worse than them without having to worry about dying ever, if they played comp they might play against people actually willing to coordinate against them and make a real effort.
>Play Casual matchmaking on Dustbowl
>Lose first point
>Have to defend for twenty fucking minutes
This is twelve years after the game came out, how the FUCK have they not fixed this by now? Ten minute timer for point 1, set timer back to 10 if they cap.
demonigger main detected
I love Miss Pauling!
I could be wrong, and I don't care either way, but I don't remember anyone calling for removing pubs, only that a Competitive Mode was in the works. If Valve just put all their efforts into Competitive Mode, added it as a gamemode, and kept casual pubs alone, we'd have a lot less butthurt from both sides. Quickplay was flawed, but better than current Casual for a number of reasons.
>lower round timer to reduce stalemates
>bring back arena maps in casual
>remove competitive mm
These would be good. The rest can fuck off
>The people who don't touch pubs because of how different it is from their idiot gamemode would never have wanted pubs to be closer to the way they play, so they become an option for them
You can't actually be this fucking stupid.
No one called for removing pubs, they called for competitive support, and when competitive is this drastically different from how the actual game is played, that means finding ways to ease the gap, aka, making pubs into the fucking nightmare they were when MyM launched. I don't know how you can fucking look at a casual gamemode that penalized you for leaving and say "Nah, got nothing to do with comp, just a coincidence"
>he is still mad about the phlog
Imagine showing up to the battle royale party 3 years too late.
>Team Fortress 2 being completely vanilla except for some obvious changes like Pyro airblast
Some of the Valve created updates were utter dogshit (Hats, Meet Your Match). The biggest community update they were did was End of the Line, which was inconsequential. Why would anyone ever want this?
>T-They are the reason pubs were screwed i swear
They only wanted a comp mode, noone ever said "oh yeah make pubs matchmaking like", this is getting embarrasing
Nigger, you want to know what's worse than defending a point for 20 minutes?
ATTACKING a point for 20 minutes. Dustbowl is fucking fucked-- easily EASILY the worst fucking map in the entire game even worse than Steel. Don't play Dustbowl ever. EVER. It's an addictive torture, just play any map and no matter if you lose or not-- you'll feel as if it was a fair fight. It's fucking NEVER a fair fight in Dustbowl's absolute shit game design.
This. 6's is a completely different game than TF2, it's comparable to VSH with how different from the base game it is. Bridging the gap in base TF2 to make people more familiar with VSH is just retarded, yet 6fags see nothing wrong with doing it for their alien gamemode.
>noone ever said "oh yeah make pubs matchmaking like"
Plenty of compfag ecelebs called for balance changes to make the game more 6s friendly.
I kinda wish the original Casual Mode was what we got for Competitive, because I'm not a fan of 6vs6 for TF2. Instead, they slowly made Casual this 50/50 hodgepodge that satisfies no one, such as when they added autobalance back and removed Stopwatch Mode. How can a mode that claims to have "real winners and losers" incorporate autobalance and not have Stopwatch Mode for 2 of the main gamemodes?
from all the times I've heard people complain about this it rarely happens to me
but when it does... oh boy
>Optimal play is 120 FOV and no viewmodels and no spies, 640x480 res
Nice game autists
It's even worse for engineers because you sometimes can't get your shit set up because of scouts and soldiers grabbing your ammo packs.
i don't get the point of this image
tomislav is god tier for flank heavy, you can just make any corner in the map your personal instant death zone
It's from a video where the guy played normal heavy for like 25 rounds with both primaries, and the results were that the Minigun is better for regular Heavy play.
How do I become the Ãœbermensch?
>Balance changes=Make pubs completely broken with matchmaking
Flawless comparison again. If Valve are still vehement about random crits, bullet spread and cl_interp staying then why do you believe they just accept anything compfags say? This is peak coping on more levels than ever, Valve fucked up not your retarded boogeyman who held them hostage apparently
Why yes, I do main Medic, how could you tell?
No shit, minigun heavy is frontline heavy who's always in fights. Tomislav heavy is meant to be a pyro-lite who kills key targets and surges the frontline forward by surprise.
It's like dismissing the engineer because a level 3 sentry will probably only kill 2-4 people before being destroyed, when the mere presence of that sentry gives his team a strong backline that prevents the enemy from making aggressive plays.
play solider
>no disconnecting
>no joining off friends
>many balance changes that were strongly desired by 6s
>"B-but they didn't also remove random crits, so competitive had nothing to do with it!"
Are you compfags that upset valve didn't cave to literally all of your demands?
>>no disconnecting
>>no joining off friends
Yes because Compfags specifically asked for those two removed for Pub play of all things
>>many balance changes that were strongly desired by 6s
Balance changes have nothing to do with the matchmaking, also i don't care what compfags want nerfe/buffed, because they ban weapons anyways.
>it's not our fault I swear!
fuck off, b4nny and the rest of you faggots have been pushing nothing but horrible changes. You retards pressuring the devs into making the game esports friendly are the reason it's dying
>E-Sports friendly meaning matchmaking instead of quickplay
Again you fucking nigger, what do compfags hate the most about pubplay? 12v12, random crits, spread and stupid exploitable commands or maps, guess what all are still in pubs. Keep seething if you still believe they are the reason pubs got screwed
>changing the base game to be more like competitive
>not understand how this has anything to do with competitive
You're a genuine retard. If casual was a carbon copy of 6s, you'd still not consider it competitive simply because it'd be called casual.
pocket the top scoring offensive class
heavyniggers can’t do shit with you as a crutch
>Moving goalposts from matchmaking
>Unironically believing nerfing "OP" weapons somehow makes the game more 6s like
Actually embarrassing.
Because it would still be casual. People wouldn't take it seriously, even if it had weapon bans, it's not the same thing and would have very little to do with competitive 6s because of that.
>caber and axetinguisher
the only embarrassing thing is how shit compfags are at regular TF2. They can't get anything done without a medic glued to their ass, and even then they regularly DC from servers when there's a competent non-6s player on the enemy team
>Moving goalposts from matchmaking
"base game" is not exclusive to weapon balance, retard. Disconnection penalties and being unable to join friends mid-game was a compfag only thing.
>Unironically believing nerfing "OP" weapons somehow makes the game more 6s like
Many of those weapons were only 'op' in 6s and to some extent highlander. The only times a caber is OP is during a final point brawl in 6s
>Moving goalposts again
Compfags are rentfree in your head
Which goalposts were moved, b4nnyfag?
Argument was over how Compfags ruined matchmaking because of influence on Valve, not how balance changes crept into casual brainlet, the former was purely Valve's decision as compfags couldn't give less of a fuck about pubs the latter is compfags fault
From quickplay/matchmaking, to compfags as a whole, to weapon balance
no one played it
>Argument was over how Compfags ruined matchmaking
moving the goalpost, the argument was how compfags ruined TF2 as a whole.
>not how balance changes crept into casual brainlet
Weapon balance effects the base game, it effects matchmaking. There's nothing stopping compfags from using a balancing mod, but they're desperate for new players, and no one wants to play 6s.
>the former was purely Valve's decision as compfags couldn't give less of a fuck about pubs the latter is compfags fault
Valve was pushed into making esport-oriented changes by overwatch and 6fags. Originally highlander was going to be made the gamemode, yet 6s ended up being the result because of their talks.
can someone post that webm of the engie frag vid
This is straight up "daddy valve can do no wrong"
holy shit
>moving the goalpost, the argument was how compfags ruined TF2 as a whole.
No you nigger see It was about quickplay, you already didn't give any argument to what kind of motivation the compfag would have to make pubs from quickplay to matchmaking since compfags prefer servers and thirdparty services
You also base the game's orientation of "going more esports like" as meaning "Compfags decide literally everything" which i showed you wasn't true
that was just one of many things they took.
I'll never forget you faggots taking away the caber and 8 sticky jumper mines at once.
great thank you
no problem
here's a popular fan recreation of that amazing scene
what are you talking about?
prioritize community servers over valve servers.
Bring back old sandman as it's not exactly easy to crit with it, do what said to the cleaver.
Do what said cause his post deserves two (yous)
Bring back the TF2 comic
Source 2
Make minimal unusual effects that aren't a ghost throwing up.
Get rid of hats that dont relate to the comics, the time period or before the time period (anything pre 1972 is valid IIRC)
not as good, but i appreciate it regardless
Reminder that competitive mode was shit out in a month understaffed because compfags literally would not stop harassing Valve because Blizzard paid them to.
Reminder that LITERALLY EVERY TIME THEY ARE INTERVIEWED ABOUT IT, what the is of the TF2 team CONSTANTLY talks about how massive of a mistake it is to try and steer the community.
Also 6s shit is pushed on people because 6s speds fucking hate eachother and want different people to play with
make demoman 100% louder
by your deep masculine voice, well thought out voice comms, and buffing me on rollout. based chad medic mains
Gonna need source on that first sentence cowboy
Nigger look at the launch of overwatch and the launch of tf2
YOU FOOLS! YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN THE MOST POWERFUL (and easily headshotted jesus christ stop it snipers) MAGICIAN, MERASMUS!
Also could you provide me some souls, i still need to pay off that debt.
Launch of tf2 update that snapped community servers and made matchmaking basically mandatory*
I'm honestly ready for a team fortress 3 at this point, I used to think why bother making it when they still got TF2 but it's pretty clear at this point that they need to develop a new one to reinvigorate development into it, one of the problems cited before was that all the new people working their just aren't really as proficient with the old tech so make a new team fortress ON the new tech.
It's time to move on
valve isnt making new games for at least another 10 years. bet
It took valve until Overwatch's release to shove esports into TF2, it's pretty believable that employees would jump to the TF2 team and force an esports update to add to their valve-portfolio and get that sweet, sweet bonus check for doing nothing of value.
How many souls?
I'd be willing to wager that a TF3 wouldnt have half the stuff that made TF2 iconic.
comp has nothing to do with the shit state of this dead game you fucking mongs. deal with it and move on with your life.
The only way a TF3 could work is if it was heavily moddable and strongly supportive of community servers and downloadable content. Being on Source 2 would also be mandatory.
If anything we'll probably get a new Halloween case and Halloween contracts will get reset. People are expecting too much from this shitty company
I don't know if I'm prepared for this redpill.
oh about 3 billion, 3 million, 3 thousand, 3 hundred and 33.
Overwatch killed TF2 but not in the way blizzdrones expected.
I wonder if there are any statistics on the amount of players on community servers before and after the horrible esports update
>Kills nigh every community server
>makes participating in the shit system mandatory
>no human moderation means like every game with any sort of matchmaking hacking is fucking rampant
>It's just a coiniciiiidence!!
Yeah okay dumbass. We already had this discussion when quickplay got in.
Return casual servers to their pre-meat your match state but keep competitive matchmaking, this should probably boost comp numbers and hopefully unintentionally revive many of the amazing community servers that nobody plays on anymore (RIP decent zf) somehow also give metals or something related to casual rank so that players can have something to remember all their progress by
My update wish list:
10.A game made by Valve worth playing.
>everyone shits on dustbowl
>it's Yea Forums's 4th favorite map
fucking tsunderes
I miss 24/7 servers bros...
>nucleus and granary being that low tier
yall fuckin suck
personally not a fan of chokebowl
>barnshits, fool's goldrish, and Blundermountain above swiftwater
>Engineer spam and "spawn camping" the map
Yea Forums has shit taste in good maps
Liking the shittiest payload map ever with ez pogo tunnels for blast jumping shitters
If valve prefers to work on DotA and gimmicky VR, make the TF2 updates open source.
>valve will never port the changes from the infinitely superior pro viaduct to the original map
jesus christ
fucking community vanilla servers.
fuck all the cp_orange, minecraft, trade_faggots, 32 player insta spawn shit.
Community servers that has a map rotation (not niggers just pressing F1 to vote the same map over and over). Where the entire server doesn't empty when the map changes.
>oct update
Oh boy scream fortress #523!
I can't wait to replay all the gimmick halloween maps with my furry cosmetics on!
1.Remove random crits from all weapon except melee weapon
2.Buff the sandman shits was fun back then
3.Revert casual to pre-Meet your match but keep comp
4.Make pholg do mini-crits
5.Nerf the kritzkrieg
Who's your favorite TF2 e-celeb
>4.Make pholg do mini-crits
Make it give a speed boost too if it's gonna get nerfed that hard. Concheror gives a speed boost on top of the damage heals for no reason
i haven't watched a tf2 eceleb since 2012
I think the Phlog should straight up be self-heal weapon for the Pyro. He's already got plenty of crit-based weapons.
tfw a new delfy kino drops
>dane that high
>people who don't upload mostly sfm/gmod animations
>above cancer tier
No dane you aren't as good as Jerma nor Lazy
Remember: Dane is an underaged who started playing TF2 in 2013, and he also sucks so bad he got 3 kills total in a 14 minute competitive 6s match.
His opinions are worthless and he's only good for his jag effect video
What's the best strategy for capping this point?
Backcap it.
throw enough bodies at it at once to overpower RED's 8 Sentries.
>thinking tf team listens to the comp scene
>thinking mym was anything more than a poor response to overwatch
sasuga retard
always use the same items, i know my binds, it's just bloat on the screen
what is it with the tf2 team and awful gimmick weapons
Epic store.
>meno and b4nny at best
It never did in the first place. Mym was a poor response to overwatch. They haven't change anything in a way that would even significantly change competitive. (biggest change being the Darwin's changes during pyro update which was necessary for everyone).
kdr doesn't matter in comp you idiot.
How would you buff Heavy man?
why the fuck would i do that
1. Go Engineer
2. Figure out a way through the lower tunnel (most pubs wont bother watching it)
3. Run under the bridge, way back to the furthest wall along the walkway
4. Build a level 2 so it has sight of the bridge
5. Watch RED die in droves and not realize what's shooting them with perfect accuracy
>Based Delfy not at the top
get back to making another random crit video fag, tell us more about how unfair it is you lost your nest to a crocket
LazyPurple, Delfy and SiN, AKA people who play the game, have experience to actually give insights, and are not so far up their own asses they believe themselves to be some kind of deity.
burst fire weapon that rewards precise aim/tracking
so have like 3 bullet bursts and for every successful hit, make the next one do more damage
you keep the area denial but can make shooting actually fun because movement is destined to remain shit forever
I add bind to turn viewmodel off and on whatever I feel like I turn it on or off
remove the direct hit.
>he try to complete scout achievements
Jesus christ tf2 achievements are the most hard to get all of theme
Outside of a few instances (aka "just don't die on a couple of years") he's actually been correct on everything for years now. It's juust that Valve is just a shit company that they might pause or straight up cancel development on a project on a whim, making him look like a liar and then months afterwards the exact same thing he said would happen comes out to light, onnce everybody's moved on.
Honestly, he DOES have actual inside sources for the shit he says, and he's been on top of anything valve-related (outside of dota 2) for years now. He's been very critical of Valve before and straight up is admitting to not wanting to focus on them anymore but not having the option to stop making videos about them without everyone leaving. So why would he lie about stupid bullshit like this when it only harms him, his reputation and his channel (his only source of income) without ANY gains?
I would add a button in the map voting screen at the end where people could vote to restart the map without having to sit thorugh a load screen, just replay the same map with the same teams or add team scramble
Disable distance falloff.
>That achievement for rocket jumping as soldier and killing another rocket jumping soldier with a rocket while he also kills you with a rocket
>I would add a button in the map voting screen at the end where people could vote to restart the map without having to sit thorugh a load screen
this would be such an easy fix that would improve Casual big time
>vacc charge and damage resistance massively reduced, no compensation buffs towards heal rate
give him the vulcan from tfc
just don't solo the medic and his heal target lol. Why can't 6fags understand the simple concept of teamwork?
because I can kill literally anything else without even thinking about it? fuck off retard.
copy/paste it and call it TF3, remove matchmaking faggotry
>without even thinking
Just play soldier if you want to turn your brain off that much.
>That achievement for playing objective 5 time in special delivery map
Ceejaey is a total bro and one of the friendliest people at lan, and won highlander eu the most, he's not just some shitty trader main.
>he says while posting le no skill hitscan man.
>angry soldier main
Take the blackpill, Yea Forums.
bonk atomic punch is green
>sniper bar that high
raw aim is mostly just your body's basic motor ability and hand eye coordination, it's not really a skill you can improve like awareness and knockback surfing.
frickin sweet
holy mother of shit taste
>pyro has the highest skill ceiling
Pyro may have some hard to pull off gimmicks, but most of the "high skill" stuff people always bring up are map or situational gimmicks and are impractical in an actual game.
this is also the same for demo and soldier's more advanced jumping tricks that are only usable in jump maps.
>get into flow state while playing tf2
>waste 3-4 hours of the day before I even know it
>working just fine for wow
Have you seen the shitshow it has been going through? The rest of your statement is accurate and we should get a TF2C, but WoWC is not good.
Skill floor from easiest to pick up to hardest:
Highest Skill ceiling from lowest to highest:
>they release the final comic
>the now young administrator says "fuck it, I'm gonna die anyway" and nukes everything can incorporate "the crate depression" into it somehow
>everyone dies Australia can be saved for a spin-off game
>they shut down the game
>people can finally rest in peace
how dare you
>soldier in the top 3
false. Even demoman has a higher skill ceiling.
Soldier's skill cap is nonexistent outside of jump maps.
>based chad medic mains
too bad more than half of them are trannies
thank god more than half of them will end up dead
>jerma and star lower than m1nion and zeno
the worst part is that it's going to happen exactly like this
Team Fortress 2 has not departed far enough from its original release state to warrant a Team Fortress 2 Classic. Aside from weapon balancing, most of the bad parts of current TF2 stem from features that aren't a part of the core gameplay. The big issues right now are matchmaking, cosmetics, and shitty weapon balancing. Matchmaking can actually be solved by leaving it largely unchanged, and instead adding back Quickplay on top of that and having it include vanilla community servers as well as having a few new tabs added for alternative, player-made gamemodes (VSH, Death Run, x10, and an 'other' tab). A lot of weapon changes could just be reverted, especially the ones that have made weapons purposeless or even useless (Sandman, Caber, Ambassador, Loch n Load, Shortstop, etc.). And cosmetics can already be turned off. There's even less of a point in taking the time to make TF2C then there was in making competitive mode.
KDR not so much, but kills and deaths do matter. Death means you're out of the action, kills mean you've taken the enemy out of the action.
But an engineer main wouldn't understand this, especially one who got 3 kills and 1 assist as a combat class. Uncle Dane is useless in competitive
the only way getting 3 kills in an entire match is a good thing is if all 3 were medic or demoman kills.
Why do it feel kinda comfy when playing dustbowl? I mean think about it for a second you are playing as engineer defending blue team from capture the control point with your friend. It make me feel like in trench warfare or something idk
>not "Alrighty then!"
You fucked it up, user.
because it's an autistic stalematefest that you can quickly get an understanding of, creating a sense of familiarity and predictability, which makes it perfect for people to shut off their mind and zone out much like 2fort.
what story?
>google: it was an intentional decision tf2
>first result
>I just aimed at people's feet and then where they would land.
you aimed at the optimal target with a weapon and fired, and that killed people???? no fuckin way. next you'll tell me that aiming the flamethrower at people kills them, too
>aiming the flamethrower at people kills them, too
no it doesn't, you need to lead your target a bit
most people are unaware of flame mechanics and think it's "bugged" because they're shit at the game
ok hear me out: tf2 but with destructible environments
TF3, same characters, more abilities. I can see engi being able to open up new flanks for his team.
>lead them
>not unplug your router
His content's gotten so much better
Guy with backpack worth $10k+ gets slapped by VAC for using the free version of LMAObox, damage control ensues.
honestly I wouldn't put it past someone to do that but he definitely didn't do it
aiming at people's feet is a skill
I still can't believe this tradermain was so butthurt that people said he was shit at the game and only played to trade that he installed hacks just so he could "prove them wrong" and pretend he not only had expensive things, but was a "god at the game"
Just makes me miss Warpath.
I'd prefer stopwatch mode with those new Highlander maps
>he can't find a full or semi full community server
Where do you live? Near NA shouldn't be a problem whatsoever.
unnerf the dead ringer and bring back saharan spy set. why the fuck does valve insist on gutting the worst class in game every single patch? valve needs to stop caving to these newfags that keep instadying
I hope you like the mandatory scream fortress update.
I never considered transparent models until I tried randomizer servers and you get a minigun taking up 3/4 your screen but I'm afraid to turn them on because not sure if it will affect my toastertop's fps even further
use r_drawviewmodels 0 when it blocks your screen in randomizer
Red, how the fuck is this even up for debate?
wear the base jumper as demo
ask your fellow medic to uber you for 2 seconds
there's a lamppost elevated to the left of the point as shown on the pic, land on top there if there's no sentries within the line of sight
camp the spawn door with stickies
hope your teammates aren't braindead enough not to know when to push
>that achievement for killing 100,000 robots
>no one even remeber's robot destruction
>valve made it shit when they scrapped the first version of the map so the chances of playing it are even lower since the shitty version 2 one is whats in the game files
Scouts usually do this because they spend a lot of time in one-shot HP range, so running between heathpacks is something they learn almost immediately
Based and knowlegpilled
Gunnmettal killed the game with its copious, unneeded and untested nerfs (remember the dalakohls heavy glitch?) and Meet Your Match put the game into its shallow grave
>Raid Boss heavies
there was one lobby I was in where both sides had a roided up Raid Boss heavy and instead of spawncamping eachother, everyone sat around and watched the 2 go at eachother melee only.
half the achievements i have left i have done but it didn't count because they're bugged. i'm pretty sure a lot of them don't count unless you're using the default loadout. i burned someone doing the flip taunt with phlog and it didn't unlock, i've headshot parachuting players and made no progress because i wasn't using default sniper.
Give him a primary that supports and encourages shotgun heavy.
If you're brony RP community servers are so good then how come they're all dead?
remove all forms of matchmaking completely, and force everyone to take a tutorial on, and then use the server browser. the playercount will either skyrocket, or plummet, but either option is better than the shit sandwich we have now.
>eats up whatever crumb leaks out of valve's unwashed asshole
Valve are fags
I just want a gameplay update
>soldier having a higher skill floor than heavy
>demo having a higher skill floor than FUCKING SPY
>scout, sniper, and pyro's skill cielings that high
Heavy needs to at least have some awareness to not die immediately. Soldier doesn't need that as much to be effective.
I definitely got the parachute headshot one with the Classic, so I don't think that's it
Rate my TF2 map
You mean "Flight Canceled - Kill 25 parachuting players with a critical headshot."? Because there are Classic specific achievements related to headshotting rocket jumping players. I was using the machina and I still have 0/25.
Yeah, it might've been the rocket jumping one then