Some literal who with a butterknife, a small gun and a jojo stand; someone nobody asked for

>some literal who with a butterknife, a small gun and a jojo stand; someone nobody asked for
>sword fighter #501230957 who again, nobody asked for. Dont even pretend liked you cared about DQ before he got in faggot
>banjo was actually begged for so he's a given
>literal who SNK character who again, nobody asked for
I thought the Ultimate DLC was supposed to have characters that were voted for in the smash 4 ballot? With the exception of Banjo, Joker the Hero and some random ass SNK character was never once voted in any ballot.

Attached: stdxc741aog11.png (1300x1150, 1021K)

There are bunch of smash threads up. use the catalog

The next one is Shantae since neither Paper Mario or Spear Kirby but worse have any hype or shock value attached to them

That chart is such bullshit no one knows who the fuck isaac is

>I thought the Ultimate DLC was supposed to have characters that were voted for in the smash 4 ballot?

Why in the WORLD would you think that?

If Banjoke got in because of the screeching autists, why aren't Isaac, Bandana Dee, Paper Mario, and Shantae playable as well?
Exactly. Nobody cares about this fucking MS Paint edit.

Because when you keep adding the actual most-requested characters into the game, eventually the also-rans no one really cares about will move up to "the most requested still not in!!1" status.

because Sakurai literally stated the ballot influenced ult's roster.

Man I still cant get used to also-ran, I only first heard it in KH3 and now I see it everywhere.

Which means he literally did not state that it would influence the DLC.

>shantae sales

Kek, no

DLC characters are literally added to the roster retard

>bandana waddle dee
>#1 in japan

what the fuck, people actually want this dumbass character in?

>Dont even pretend liked you cared about DQ before he got in faggot

Attached: 1526515793288.gif (1260x1179, 464K)

>biggest goddam crossover of video game characters yet & largest celebration of video games as a medium captured on a cartridge
>Shantae wasn’t allowed to come this time either
>Shantaeshitters forever mad again
It’ll never cease to make me giggle.

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The only shit pick was Joker.

I was feeling bummed out about the SNK character, but after seeing this chart it reminded how god awful the taste of this fan base is and that if the game did pander to them the roster would be filled with the dogshit from the chart. Thanks OP.


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Where's Waluigi?


Only clowns know where the circus