What was her mental illness?

What was her mental illness?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Being a woman.

Being a retard.

cringe but redpilled

Browsing Yea Forums


Not being my wife


Somewhere between traumatic PTSD and straight up attempted brainwashing.

Attached: 1504528097234.jpg (1920x1080, 530K)

PTSD seems a decent canidate leading to some sort of dissociative dissorder



why the fuck is she a redhead? disgusting

Dementia caused due vagina hormones.

Belonging to EA

Eyes way too big lmao.

she has red hair in the first game. i think mcgee wanted to change from blonde to fit with the overall darker theme. also you're a fag.

She already was in the first game

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Do you think Asylum is going to happen bros?
I don't follow the livestreams or patreon because I hate the circlejerk and the fanbase is pretty cringeworthy but McGee is pretty invested in it.

Holy shit

>Do you think Asylum is going to happen bros?
probably. don't really feel assured that it's going to be good yet though.


It will be crowdfunded for better or for worse, don't know if that will loosen EA's leash or even let the game be self published.

>yfw play as 13 year old Alice

Attached: Asylum Alice.jpg (500x500, 44K)

Maybe in 3 years

I'd like to think so, simply because McGee seems like a cool guy that's passionate about the idea. But I worry about its connection to EA, and the curse that name brings to everything it touches.

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Punished McGee had a hard life

Don't make me dump all the dresses, I just want to talk about the game ;_;

She has visual allucinations just with that she's already bonkeds

It's time, user

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I need to fuck her so bad

Using a knife with engravings. Engravings offer no tactical advantage whatsoever. Unless she's trying to sell it as an auction peice.

Why has Yea Forums become a parody of what SJWs mock?

GG changed this place.

user, half of the game's appeal is the aesthetic.

Attached: Madness_Returns.jpg (1500x1604, 815K)

So we can dictate them what to hate.

You're pretty good.

So SJW's mock truth? Good to know.

By becoming what they whine about?
Aren't they dictating what you are?

It's either desperately lonely people that literally have nothing to live for beyond the replies that shitposts get them, or /pol/ having nothing to live for beyond the nonsense they sincerely believe in.

It's up to you to decide which is more depressing.

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What truth?
It's you millennials, a generation of autistic weirdos, who are stuck in a boy vs girl slapfight while everyone else laughs at you.
The legacy of millennials will be teaching others to not let weirdos feel comfortable in society or letting them have a space, otherwise you get this generation of manchildren and purple haired freaks who worship cartoons and superheroes.

I want to buy that knife, I own a few Alice related things, I'm afraid to admit

>all these people mad about a joke
C'mon, don't shit up the thread

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Aww man I have to switch PCs

I'd like to replay Madness Returns someday, simply because I genuinely loved the atmosphere. I just wish there was a way to skip over some of the more tedious combat and platforming sections.

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She's a nymphomaniac

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>But I worry about its connection to EA
McGee also fucked up with MR on his own.

I'd rather see him try to do the same thing with a different franchise. There used to be constant rumors that he was going to do a take on the Wizard of Oz, which could be cool. It also is public domain so it's not like he would need to go through EA to do it. I know people are attached to the character of Alice, but I think it'd be better to just leave it be and do something new in a similar vein.

Have you played the first one? I didn't really think any parts of it were tedious, except maybe a few small sections later in the game.

Dropping my Alice folder

Attached: Poolice umad ass recums tfw no sequel.jpg (724x1024, 395K)

>Engravings offer no tactical advantage whatsoever.
Heres your (You) that you're craving so much.

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The first one was vastly superior

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Fucking based. This boomer speaks the truth

Dont bother with all the bottle secrets, and spam and upgrade the Teapot once you get it. That weapon is broken good.

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Cuteness overload

Special snowflake syndrome.

Some platforms and the forest level were pretty fucking tedious to be quite honest

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Why did they take her rabbit away in amr?

Yeah, I played it right before the sequel because they came together as a bundle. It's probably the tighter experience of the two, but I admittedly still like the sequel more just because of the general presentation, environmental variety, and art design.

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>when a sequel adds a bunch of irrelevant new characters

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Who else is she going to interact with in the real world? Her family is dead.

Rank em dresses

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It doesn't matter if it's true or false, a joke is to be laugh at, not discussed.

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These were neat and I hate platforming

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I know /pol/tards in real life and can confirm, they are probably the saddest people I know.

I don't mean people with conservative beliefs, but people who have a completely delusional distorted view of reality and moved in with their parents after college with little to no hope of career progression. Surprise surprise, he starts posting cringeworthy "epic" memes dunking on the SJdubs and feminists

Siren > All of them equal

Survivor's guilt, PTSD, and Schizophrenia.

How is she so CUTE
I'm gonna squee

Madness Returns is arguably one of the best games ever made desu

Klishy emo "madness"
It's like cutting yourself, they know they aren't in any harm of dying.

I'm all for more characters to actually interact with. Just wish that they had more presence and/or payoff in things.

EA rushing it out the door felt pretty evident with all the boss fight fake-outs there were from antagonistic side-characters.

Attached: Alice_Madness_Returns.jpg (1920x1080, 904K)

That was the level I stopped playing at. I love platformers but the gameplay in Madness Returns was so fucking tedious that it made it impossible to enjoy the stellar art direction and usually pretty good writing.

>the only reason people self-harm is in order to commit suicide
Lol you don't get it at all

Heh I removed the guts on that pic

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You forgot the word "looking" after best there. Inarguably one of the best looking games, but in terms of gameplay, utterly worthless.

The dollhouse was the realm that kept dragging, game could've ended before.
And actually have bossfights.

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Self harm is just to feel good about yourself and how you did something.

it does what it attempts to do

Being white.


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>being this casual
after this 2D part ends it's way more tedious desu

this is the worst part. dollhouse sucks. it's when everyone wants it to end already

>early 2000's mouse aiming game
first Alice sucks
every mouse aiming game of that time sucks

straight visual design got me trough this
if the gameplay hadn't been so boring it could very well be a top tier game

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McGee himself says MR doesn't play as well as he would've liked.

The Steampunk dress (third) is my favorite, but real world dress makes her look really homely. Wonderland, Far East, and Queen of Hearts are ok, and Siren and whatever the last one is does nothing for me.

Attached: Young Alice.jpg (960x1280, 409K)

There's no weight or momentum to the platforming, just tedious repetitive shit where you go through the same motions over and over (and no, that's not what a platformer is supposed to be). The combat is all Zelda combat, and there's a reason Zelda includes all kinds of shit to do outside the combat, because the combat itself is dull as dirt.

There's nothing good about the gameplay and level design. Every positive quality it has is a result of the presentation.

What's your issue with it? Aiming felt fine to me.

It wasn't really the oriental level itself that killed my interest in the game, it was the water level beforehand. That level was so fucking dull, and then there was such a brief time spent in the real world before going into the next level that I just dropped it.

There are games where I can deal with subpar gameplay for a good story or environments, but I guess I have much higher tolerance for mediocre RPGs than I do boring platformers.

>There's no weight or momentum to the platforming
that is the first Alice game

>The combat is all Zelda combat
i.e. fucking good

>Every positive quality it has
that's like, just your opinion man

That's half of it. It's a way of taking control over your circumstances. If you're locked in a situation where you have no agency like Alice, self-harm allows you to have that. If you have feelings of guilt and self-loathing it allows you to feel some false sense of redemption. It's also just a rush of endorphins which is why it can be addictive for some people.

Say that to my 90's id FPS face not online and see what happens.
>gut walls
>lots of weapons
>alternate fire
>lots of bossfights
>absolute kino soundtrack
>variety of enemies
>less yet varied platforming sections
>gut walls
It just ticks all my boxes mate, I love it.
I do see why some people prefer the second, they are graphic whores who played it first mostly and worst of all, console peasants.

Attached: alices_wonderland_map.jpg (1024x768, 515K)

Queen>the rest
Shame it takes so long to get to it.

God I love her. I want to hold her and give her small soft kisses on her neck

Japanese level was the worst. I don't even remember the proper title of it. Remind me, what the fuck was even the point of it? Why Japanese? How does it fit Alice's mind?
It felt like 10 hours with how fast it got repetitive and kept going and going, too.

Attached: mcgee alice.jpg (750x1000, 579K)

how old are you
I find all those games of the time designed for mouse as primary control to be shit
name one good game of that time

>mentall ilness:
>traumatic PTSD
>Attempted Brainwashing
My IQ fell some ten points trying to make sense of what you wrote.


it would be infinitely better if it was released for PS2/GC/Xbox than PC desu

Spooky Alice, great picture

That's from the game, you know


Maybe because you never played shooters on a PC?
Sensitivity can be controlled, you know?

Half-Life is still fine and that came out in the 90s

2 > 6 > 3 > 1 > 5 > 4 > 7

If I remember the second game well enough (something to do with a caterpillar) Alice had a friend who owned katanas, not to mention it does take place in a time period where England was trading with Japan and having things from the far east was fashionable.


It's an edit of the main menu screen by Omri Koresh, a talented gay Israeli who made a HD pack and is now designing the new dresses

>zelda combat is good
God you have no taste. Zelda games are good, yes, but their combat is thoughtless and dull. The only times its interesting are when it's more puzzle than action. That's fine in a game where you have a bunch of well designed dungeons, tons of places to explore, and a great sense of pacing, but Alice uses that shit combat as half the game.

Alice's worlds are basically crying out for a Banjo Kazooie style platformer where you explore these incredible worlds, but instead it's more like a mario galaxy where there is a pre-defined path and there is very little you can do except follow the scripted route. Maybe they could have pulled it off anyway, but I would argue that there is nothing interesting about the mechanics of platforming in Madness Returns, it's just busywork that you put up with in order to get to the next bit of story or art.

I'm 28, I never had any issue playing mouse driven games from that time period. Shit some of my favorite shooters are from the early 2000's like NOLF, HL2 and FEAR.

29. Feels fine to me. You still haven't said exactly what your issue is with it. I know in a lot of those older games they didn't register mouse movements properly until they got source ports later, but Alice doesn't have that issue.

I want the Cheshire plushie they have on sale but really shouldn't...

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Water dress is my fave because of feet
Shame it doesnt work for the giant parts

You are just bad.

first person shooters are obvisouly fine niggers

fucking retards

Lucid dreams and superior intellect.

you don't want her scratching her perfect feet

>first person shooters are obvisouly fine
you literally said EVERYTHING from the '90s with mouse aiming is shit

What about the rabbit dress? Because of thighs
Original Alice runs on a modified Quake 3 engine, that's why it's confusing you

>shifting goal posts
Maybe if you weren't such a mouth-frothing retard you'd be able to express your thoughts unambiguously to avoid confusion. At any rate, you've been throughly btfo'd

Mc Gee Alice is the best but I like Soviet Alice too.

I think one of the bottle memories said that Radcliffe, the family lawyer, owned a lot of Japanese decor like that. So the level was probably based on her memories of it, while dealing with him after her parent's deaths.

Attached: AliceMR.png (1042x1920, 1.97M)

>You are just bad.
bad are those games designed for mouse because of poorfag pc players who couldn't afford a controller
every console game of the time shits on the pc games of the same genre

Alice 1 literally plays exactly like a shooter. Just because it's not first person doesn't make it somehow drastically different to control and play.


to an extent they suck too

??? confusing what retard
the game is clearly a mouse aiming game

lmao not a single good game yet amirite. who is btfo

>The art direction was shi-

Attached: Madness_Returns_screenshot.jpg (387x258, 23K)

What happened to McGee anyways?

It's a PC exclusive on an engine for shooters (id tech 3) It's virtually a shooter and this confuses the consolefaggots used to bing bing wahoo platforming

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Probably just forcing in some Asian stuff since it was being developed in China.

Man as soon as i saw the corruption i thought the second game's level design was just gonna be black sludge and monocolored ruins everywhere, i was pleasantly surprised that only very few levels used that design philosophy.

You get confused with the aiming obviously

based af

>everything sucks
>what about fps
>obviously those are fine
>but you said they all suck
>yeah the suck too
fuck off man, you're jumping all over the place and not keeping a specific argument to talk about. if you prefer controllers, you can play it with one. but there really isn't much of an issue with aiming using a mouse for the first game and you're the first person i've seen say this.

He became a father yesterday

Having EA as her publisher. Poor girl.

No one has claimed otherwise

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>first person i've seen say this
there is a reason the game is not so popular

>a quake mod has no momentum or weight to the platforming
Don't embarrass yourself, please

Probably because it's abandonware now and most people don't know how to get it.

I bet she fucks Asians

all of those died
i'm glad they died
shit ass games

She's confirmed virgin

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Steampunk > Royal Suit >>> London > the rest

I am unashamedly fond of my edgy Alice aesthetics.

He just got his shit pushed in and is backpedaling hard to "I'm just trolling you all lo lolol"

Please, you're shitting up the thread

>She's confirmed virgin
Wasn't the psychologist fucking her? It's been a long time since I played MR and I quit about halfway through but I remember thinking that was implied.

go play quake shit arena faggot

No way. She's a total queen of hearts

Wearing shoes

What about pic related?

Attached: Straitjacket.png (300x671, 360K)

[citation needed]

t. sjw

no. the nurse didn't let she folow the prostitute career or be abused because she hoped to get some of the inheritance

>traumatic Post traumatic stress disorder

That sounds pretty traumatic

Go away, ricels.

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You should know about jokes.
you're a pretty big one.

that game's amazing, i havent played nothing like it since

Madness isn't a straight line.

Attached: alice-alice.jpg (900x675, 103K)

Jesus Christ, how pathetic.

>no hair

Wouldn't bother me as much if Madness Returns wasn't peak hair physics. Unfortunately, it is. Pretty sure half the game's budget went into that to this day.

>I admittedly still like the sequel more just because of the general presentation, environmental variety, and art design.
But the original has way better atmosphere and visual design (considering graphics tech at the time).

And the music, oh god the music. The original has some of the finest music in all of vidya, whereas Madness Returns score is completely forgettable.

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Get the fuck out of my thread you colossal faggot.
There was a nice discussion going on and you sperged because you can't aim and need controller support and several anons called on your bullshit.
Go play Super Smash Bros you homo

>still no arguments
Ok kid, stop being bad at video games

She's vulnerable enough yet feisty and sassy when needs be.
Hands off my waifu by the way.

Trying to find it, gimme a sec

It’s a false flagger you retard

What is the worst adaptation of Alice and why is it Tim Burton's fucking trash heap of a movie?


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she's a borderline or histrionic overplaying or entirely making up generalized psychosis for sure, probably a borderline being that she melted her entire family

Reminder that psychology isn’t a real science and mental illnesses are made up.

holy shit these incels defending shit games because it was babbys first game when they were teens
it's the worst era of pc gaming history. period.

and it is gone :^)

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There's so little difference between false flaggers and true believers these days that I prefer to just take things at face value.

Because (((Disney))) and Burton is a one trick pony that's past his peak

I don't know, I'm usually the last person to give a shit about graphics, but when I think about memorable visuals and distinct environments between the two games all I really remember is Madness Returns.

Attached: alice_ship.jpg (690x388, 33K)

>But the original has way better atmosphere and visual design (considering graphics tech at the time).
I really want to play this in VR some day

>And the music, oh god the music. The original has some of the finest music in all of vidya, whereas Madness Returns score is completely forgettable.
That's another common complaint. Pool of Tears from the original gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.

Attached: alice.webm (1360x768, 1.32M)

I liked the art and story but the gameplay and level design was so dull, I dont see myself ever replaying this game, plus the EA bullshit

all social science categories are "made up"

all abstractions including pure mathematics are "made up"

shut the fuck up you undergrad drop out

Early 2000's had some really good games

He is lives on a boat off of Patreon money and is supposedly working on a new Alice game due 2021.

Its got a unique style and visually atmospheric.
The textures themselves are not that good at a closer look, but everything combined together makes something great.

Or it could just be someone making a joke.

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>he used a word I filtered
Eh, kids these days. I'm sorry you're so bad at fps buddy.

>badly burned in a fire
>entire family dies
lol nothing to be upset about

Attached: 250[1].png (250x173, 83K)

that's like the only nice level of the entire game. and the intro

Made up based on observable and or quantifiable phenomena.

I'm so far gone and nothing good has ever happened to me that I couldnt give a single fuck about anything anyone. So nothing matters. Someone could break into my house and shoot me in the face and I don't even give a fuck.

Psychology does a better job of mapping out the clusterfuck that is the brain than any other science. I don't exactly envy its endeavors.

What are you an angsty teenager?
Oh wait, this place is most probably full of 'em now.

I also like the school, river, and chess levels a lot. Most of them were pretty good IMO.

you're fucking retarded if you believe social sciences are just whizzed out on the spot - yeah, the science is less complete so there's much greater room for mechanical error to spiral out and/or for the unknown space to cover bad actors - but psychometrics and psychography are a huge part of psychology and honestly you have to be a high schooler or community college reject not to understand that.

there's not just complete science and hurrrr we know nothing. there's a ton of ground to cover before you get to the point of a principa mathematica level of internal consistency for an abstracted (read: meaning literally any you fucking doofus) category.

That's because Psychology is the science of the mind and human behavior dum dum.

Go on a run, pet a dog, and learn to bake quiche.

Exactly, and that shit is INCREDIBLY FUCKING DIFFICULT to objectively quantify.

>bad at fps
is anyone in the entire world bad at fps?

too bad you can't filter your own shit taste. oh wait, the market filtered it for you :^)

Majoring in psychology is the worst thing you could do.

Re-read and actually try to comprehend the post there you retarded spazz.

Do the same yourself and don't bother responding to posts with "huh yeah hahah"

Yeah, if you only get a bachelors. But most bachelors are low income nowadays unless you’re going into engineering or computer science. For everything else you need a masters to do something significant.

Depends. It's an easy springboard of a bachelor's into a master's/Ph.D in something else. But yeah, hard pursuing psychology's a pretty bumpy road.

There are far worse things to major in. If you play your cards right, you can end up with a job where you just sit back, let white women with more money than brains bitch and moan about how terrible their life is, dish out vague platitudes as advice, and get paid to do it.
I'm not arguing that psychology is real, or fake at all. I'm just saying that there is mad dosh to be made there, and there are far worse majors.

Alice (1951) and Alice mcGee is the same person.

Depends on why you majored in it.
You can actually delve in it due to curiosity or the need for full actual understanding of the human condition, in which case the chance of being disturbed for the rest of your life occurs.
Or you go in it because the field is a lucrative area to build a successful career.

Industrial/organizational psychology is one of the most lucrative career fields right now.

>he needed the last reply to feel victorious
lmao, stop projecting your insecurities on other people and play more vidya since you must be pretty bad at it

I used to wish for that to happen to me. Things have gotten better though. Just don't keep lashing out at people and being a shithead, it's not going to make anything better. Don't be a doormat for people to walk on either, but just being nicer can make things better.

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>hair physics
Completely made in house and coded by 1 chink

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if you get a solo undergrad in psychology there's a 100% chance you're either a woman getting an mrs or you washed out of another major

nobody does that shit

a grad degree lets you be an LMHC or LCSW so that's actually pretty dope, even if you wash out of the real hospitals and into the lower-level small-town private sector, women are gonna love you for doing something that appears charitable

The problem is you have your head so far up your pretentious shit encrusted ass, you can't even comprehend a single fucking sentence.
Mc'fucking kill yourself.

A bachelors in psychology literally gets you no job. It’s completely useless.

Not with just a bachelor's, you're not. All that'll do is basically let you wrangle the crazies in an asylum. You can't do shit with psychology without at least a master's, and you probably can't do what you actually want to do without a Ph.D.

Wait he's still around? lmao

Actually have sex you autistic incel virgin. It will change your stupid mindset

he mad, boys

Company and Government HR's are always hiring shrinks. Schools even.

I said bachelors idiot. Shrinks need a medical degree.

Let's salvage the thread bois

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You kids are fucking pathetic.
What you niggers? pointing fingers in a playground?

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I was always bummed that the idea for the next game wasn't the same as that old Alice Otherlands pitch, where it Alice basically becomes a Psychonaut and jumps into other people's Wonderlands to help them deal with their personal demons.

Attached: psychonauts_counselors.jpg (1280x960, 233K)


true if i could go back i would've gotten degrees in applied math / data science and psychology

assuming im not as smart as i thought i was now that i have my shit together in life, i'd still have gone for like... human resources and psychology

people are hiring CPOs now, which means there's an entire DS & administrative structure spawning around HR departments so they can do analytics on industry standards for background checks, job codes, salaries, etc. in addition to the qualitative payroll/internal affairs shit they traditionally do

it's not brand, brand new but its new enough that kids aren't flooding colleges for it yet and there's gonna be a significant demand.

that and fintech-area risk, which is like a hybrid of IT and traditional banking finance/underwriting/fraud analysis. same deal there, not brand new, but the demand for skill far outweighs that available training.

now's a great time to be a young corporate seeker tbqh


damn she lookin for that GENGHIS dick


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take your own advice, this is on-the-cuff, miles deep projection. i feel bad for you.

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Seeing that crying statue in the first game with the music that starts playing always hurts a bit.

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That was over 2 hours ago, let it go dude

Absolute kino soundtrack

I'll dump what I've got

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She watched her family burn alive. Then she gets abused in the mental institution she is sent to.

Alice had a hard life.

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Attached: The Art of Alice Madness Returns - 148.jpg (1024x1365, 422K)

>projection says the buttblasted pretentious retard who can't into reading comprehension
I'd say go fuck yourself but that head of yours is already part of yours is already in the middle of your digestive track already.

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he even has a wife and got her pregnant.

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but what do you think of the trolley problem

You got a PDF for the artbook?

>that first trailer with a completely different concept

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Its kinda sad that so many gamers are always angry and hate women.

My money would have been on schizophrenia considering (IIRC) she had already been to Wonderland before being committed and had talked to her family and the doctors about her time there, and delusions are the go-to sign for that diagnosis. House fire definitely added PTSD into the mix.

I really loved this game and it's predecessor, shame the series is so dead it's turned to dust by now.

The dude could just leave the fucking lever.

Attached: Raging-Alice-studies-american-mcgees-alice-31431826-828-1426.jpg (828x1426, 469K)

Absolutely based

That's just the young modern western society in general.

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Women are more vicious than ever now

Oh no think I want to SEX Alice.Send help.

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yeah some user uploaded it a while back

Attached: The Art of Alice Madness Returns - 018-019.jpg (1535x1024, 568K)

Fleshmaiden holds a very special place in my heart.

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There is decent rule 34

A man of taste.


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You can download the original game here. It comes with widescreen support. Just make a desktop shortcut to alice.exe, and add "-RunningFromAlice2" without the quotes to the end of the shortcut properties target line. It should run after that. You can also add "+forcemenu main" without the quotes to skip the intro.

I misread your post, this one isn't pdf, just the images of the whole artbook.

>1st game: age 22
>2nd game: age 23
The hell? Wasn't she 16, maybe 17 in the second game and 14ish in the first one.

News to me. I hope things work out better than his own childhood. Were there any news on his sister?

Alice is classical literature that will travel aboard starships for millennia.

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This man's argument is so sound you are completely compelled to concur.

sadly no she is still missing

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Can't Alice without guts, McGee brought them from Doom

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I think they ended up finding proof of death (as in more blood than one could live without) but no body.

They had a boy yesterday

Think some butthurt lefties did it? McGee used to be vocal about his distaste for PC culture and that made a lot of people mad.

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>The hell? Wasn't she 16, maybe 17 in the second game and 14ish in the first one.
About 17 in the first one. Says the fire happened when she was 7 and she was in the asylum for about 10 years before the events of the first game. McGee retcons a lot.

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Deluded depths was the best

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>Think some butthurt lefties did it?
Somebody posted his sister's personal info after he made statements about GamerGate, but I think someone said she also had issues with drugs and her boyfriend. Don't know for sure though, can't find sources except for speculation about GG.

Next Alice should be a freeroam game like the Banjo games.

The Disney adaptation changed her hair to blonde in the book she had black hair. Not sure why the first game had red hair though

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I encountered a really irritating bug in this area on the 360 version. One of the crab enemies got stuck in an idle animation and just would NOT DIE even after wailing on it repeatedly with the Hobby Horse. Like, it would watch me run circles around it, but never attack. Thankfully it un-fucked itself without having to reset the console.

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oh. maybe he just liked the color balance with her having green eyes and a blue dress then. and wanted to keep darker colors like black for some of the levels.

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Schizofrenia duh.


Does anyone have the Alice: Otherlands art book? Video related was decent so I'm hoping there'd be some decent art to go with it.


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I want to give Alice the mating press, even if she stabs me right after.

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Yellow dress is my favorite dress

it aged like milk
second game it's a classic and can withstand the time by the art alone

he raped her sister. and was trying to brainwash alice to became his cumbucket but her wonderland prevented the brainwashing

>even if she stabs me right after.
she'd stab you before

Game said she forgot it there when she got out, now not sure if that's true or not.

I love the first game's aesthetics.

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games don't age. mcgee even says the sequel doesn't play well, i like the art but a game needs to be fun to play to be able to really appreciate it. otherwise you might as well just watch a movie.

>those crappy graphics
go outside boomer

this is just basic /int/ shitposting

"You want to do what, user?"

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EA cut out all the real world levels because they wanted to save out on money.
they fucked over Mcgee badly and refuse to sell the rights back to him even though ea has no plans of their own to do anything witht he alice licence

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>mcgee even says the sequel doesn't play well
why tho
it plays fine to me. better than most gta clones of 2011

Me too user.

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Reading comprehension ain't your strong sure, is it?

And they say Pedo's can't amount to anything.

Can’t McGee just make another Alice game and pretend it has nothing to do with the previous games but just the book.

forgot i have ton of alice pics.

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>no new IPs
It's the same dude from before who can't play fps

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are you sure user
ctrl+f (You gives me 3 results

again, go outside boomer

It certainly feels like a complete game.

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Surprisingly EA isn't the one to solely blame for the state of Madness Returns, since McGee and his team agreed to a fixed release date that couldn't be altered because the funding was tied to a special bank loan that would expire if the game wasn't release on time. Still the chinks pissed away their precious development time doing pointless minigame shit and dragged out the levels with monotone combat and platforming instead of focusing on more important things like boss fights and pacing.

America has said as much on his streams but I can't be arsed to find specific videos since there are hundreds of hours of this shit piled up.

fuck off, only chads who value their lives are allowed to post on this site

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Remember to not reply to bait

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>Alice thread
Second game is kino
First game not so good

So Yea Forums, bush or no bush?

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>monotone combat
what game


We all can see the IPs didn't raise, user. Just stop, the second game is pretty bad compared to the first one.

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I'd say most of the levels were twice as long as they needed to be.

>first game
this has to be bait

Mostly just too much filler and not enough focus on polishing the combat/platforming I guess. He said they just wasted a lot of time. It's not really unplayable but it's a common complaint that gameplay isn't up to par.

Did you get your phone just to shitpost?

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you seem too much tied to the first game
they are not even comparable

if mcgee actually manages to make more games, what other public domain characters would you guys like to see him tackle? I wouldnt mind a princess of mars game

American's McGee's Alice is EA's property but he could do a new interpretation on Alice since it's public domain. Though chances are EA would just sue his ass to oblivion since multimillion dollar companies have fuck you money which with they can win just by attrition.

It doesn't matter anyway since EA is planning on licensing the IP to McGee to make Asylum. After all, it was EA who contacted McGee to work out a deal to do a new game in the Alice franchise after American went on record saying he wished people would stop bugging him about Alice since it wasn't in his hands. So it's a win-win, McGee forms a new studio to do Alice, directs it and EA can just sit back, take royalties on sold games and let the IP grow in value without doing nothing.

Just look in the thread man, lots of people saying they like the sequel but still want to skip a lot of it. And those arguments are from McGee himself as well.

strafe in circles with the ocasional jump in every boss battle
heck, in every battle desu

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without doing anything*

It's miles above the second game

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why does she look like the girl from the grudge ring

It's been a while since I played, but I definitely remember feeling fatigued as early as the second world.

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Well I imagine you aren't that good at PC fps those bossfigts would be quite difficult. Thank God the second game removed them altogether.

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it is challenging for the valvefag

source? this is great

it's quite easy user
retarded easy

That was the second game though, retarded easy and boring

oh, so the issue is that you find the first game hard
that's why you dislike the second
now I understand
damn kid. never thought about finding a person who finds that 6 level game hard

I never said that, can you read?

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The first game felt like a shitty Quake mod.

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you literally said that countering the pikachu faggot

The second game was so bad EA killed the series

Some ruskie artist from the looks of it, I can't read slavrunes.

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based and chadpilled

Does that mean you prefer men?

hurr hurr

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No I didn't, can you read? Are you 18?

Would you stop? No one cares.

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I wasn't aware there was such a fierce rivalry between Alicefags and Madnessfags. How sad and pathetic you all are fighting each other when you should be working alongside one another.

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At least it had boss fights

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Reminder that she is the next smash character, don't believe SNK spics

both games are easy
both games are waifu bait

first game is a fps displaying the girl for no reason other than waifufaggotry
second game is well made, pretty, and make the retard boomers seethe because it's completely different

Damn, that pic is rlly cool.

>Second game is well made

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The next game isn't even in pre production and there are already fags asking for a Switch port on patreon lmao

>second game is well made
Literally half the game is missing

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Second game's production was an utter clusterfuck. Read the artbook, it's pretty sad.

Madness Returns is basically The Phantom Pain but way worse.

>second game is well made

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>I read on the internet so its true
game kicked ass

You're gonna run out of devices soon you fag

>he didn't read the artbook
Poor soul

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that's why he hates trannies

Read the fucking artbook.

found em
actually korean not ruski

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Came here to post this.

Played first game and I thought it was meh, completely turned me off from playing the second, but I still consider playing it as it still looks very interesting.

literally never happened
it's gossip

The art book made it clear.

>can't read an artbook

>it was meant to be!!

here's some example straight from the art book
>We really wanted Alice to be able to explode people by looking at them. But we ran out of time.

>game kicked ass
>it's gossip
Thanks you the (You)s anyway, must felt pretty bad losing arguments on internet.
Oh yeah, learn to play fps, kid

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alice is CUTE

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>literally never happened
>it's gossip

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>it must be the first time in history they scrap content
yeah, missing amirite

You're a fucking disgrace but goddamn I raked a lot of (You)s

>he came to a Alice thread for r*ddit currency
Grow up

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>it's difficult!!!111

Just ignore the shitposter, he's wounded enough

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ah so she DID get a lobotomy after all
what are the chances everything post-lobotomy is just a hallucination and she never left the asylum

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Worst copout ever

da fuq is r*ddit currency?

would be pretty horrifying as an ending though
means the pedophile is still out there diddling away while her biggest achievement is keeping the drool in for 5 minutes

they should do a battle royale

Pretend you're Max Payne in his second (?) nightmare level. You know you're in a warped reality, but you play along because that's what you do in dreams - til you find that note, and it momentarily shakes you. What if you aren't just living a temporary fiction? What if you yourself are fiction?

For Alice, it's not just a doubt, and the shaking isn't momentary.

Of all the games to accuse of waifufaggotry, you pick this one. Play it, faithless

>With your feet in the air and your head on the ground

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he's just so fun to tease

desu no one lives forever is way harder than alice
and longer

>tfw own it but don't own the stand for it so it sits in the box
an idea keeps floating around my head to make a stand out of a top hat but i'm too much of a faggot to go through with it

Just get something cheap with a similar stand on aliexpress and adapt

>mfw the boomer ITT is assblasted

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decent shout, thanks user, will look around for one it's too damn pretty to never display it

>desperately lonely people that literally have nothing to live for beyond the replies that shitposts get them

No worries breh, be careful while on chink shit territory, you might buy stuff just because.

I spent my whole life constantly being nice to everyone and it got me nowhere. I saw my older brother be a total dick to everyone all his life and never help out at home and now he is extremely successful whereas I'm poor. I always helped my parents and did whatever they asked but he always causes fights and arguments and just did whatever he wanted.

This coming from a dude with the most whored-out waifu of all

Completely different flavor but yet another good one

unfortunately this, i think even mcgee admitted it at some point. even if there was a neat idea to shake the formula it was ALWAYS repeated 3-4 times and ended up being annoying


You wanna talk 'bout it?

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You say that thinking that someone breaking in on you would at least provide you with some adrenaline before you die, would at least pierce through the walls you've erected or let grow around you.
If someone broke in and shot you, it would be yet another instance of nothing good happening to you - if waiting for shit to fall into your lap doesn't work time and again, then get off your ass. It's not too late to leap those walls.

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the duality of woman

I dont sit on my ass. I have two degrees. I have a science degree and a business degree. I'm not some lazy idiot.

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me on the left

Then wtf are you

Someone should do this for both Alices

>I have two degrees
>Nothing good has ever happened to me
So you wasted 8 years of your life or you're just whoring for attention online?

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I dunno. I got a science degree because I thought it would get me good job but it didnt so I said ok i'll get business degree for good job but that didnt get me a good job either. I didnt like either of them or have any interest in them whatsoever.

How is it a good thing happening to me to get two degrees? They are essentially useless as neither lead to good job.

>both games are waifu bait
Since 1862 by world wide acceptance that Alice is the best heroine.

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>samurai wasps attacking peaceful ants in their homeland
>comfort woman statues that cry blood
>Chinese take-away boxes everywhere
>"japanese level"
u dum


The degrees aren't the problem, its you.
No wonder you to kill yourself.

Dick poisoning.

>They are essentially useless as neither lead to good job.
>I'm not some lazy idiot.
So who's to blame other than yourself?

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I didnt say I'm not an idiot. I said I'm not a LAZY idiot. I work hard but not smart.

I don't want to kill myself. I just want to die.

Wasn't it a bit of a mix of both?

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What makes a job good in your eyes

Enlist in the army

I'm not American. Army isnt a good job in my country.

High pay

>ywn have a cosplay thot gf who dresses up as Alice for you

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You're clueless.
Go apply to something if you are not a lazy fuck. You're overqualified with no work experience.

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To spite you.

I have work experience. I worked as a lab analyst for 2 years and then worked in Recruitment for a year. Both paid shit.

I was thinking of going as Alice this Halloween

If pay is the problem just move countries, I did.

You will die, but it'll take longer than you might like.
You might not mind putting in the gruntwork, but you are being lazy in other ways. You've summarized your problem - so will you study how to work smart? Will you realize that most jobs are just grunt work, grinding and farming to afford the fun stuff? Will you sit there and wait for the bullet to the head?
Or will you try something new?


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>Or will you try something new?
Tell me what to do


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Not him but seems like your problem is anxiety and/or depression. Been there and there is a way out.

She's too beautiful.

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Ok? But tell me how. I already tried therapist for a year and made no difference whatsoever.

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She is lesbian

>3rd person shooter
>almost all weapons are FP

This game barely qualifies as 3rd person with that garbage. MR is far superior to that FPS trash.

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Madness Returns is probably my favorite guilty pleasure game. A part of me feels that the tediuosness of some levels and occasional jank actually add to the experience overall, like even the game itself is sort of in the middle of a nervous breakdown. Which is funny, because given the stuff we know about how the development went, is kind of true. Very ludo.

This shit scared the motherfuck outta me back in the day

>That suit
I'm impressed but also scared

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Royal Suite > Industrial > OG > Real World > Dollhouse > Japan > Ocean

What I did was getting a routine, lots of sunlight, rode my bicycle, did kundalini yoga and meditation 2 times a week and took 5 HTP and St John's wort (natural SSRIs, food supplements) Do new things every week. Cut out crap food and sugar (keto). Having someone to talk to outside of therapy helps a lot. I did all this and I'm a lazy fuck, of course I did it in stages. Maybe I didn't need the supplements.

L O N D O N dress > Hysteria > Hatter > The rest

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Japanese level was where the majority of the padding fell
They at least got to do the nifty wall scroll sections but they ran out of time to do anything but just make it wasp fight after wasp fight again and again

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Why are Alice threads so comfy brehs

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oof, forgot picture

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Didn't even need to open the thread to know that these exact replies have been posted. You always meme about NPCs but you are more predictable than an old chat bot.

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I enjoy my job and get to pull the doctor card when I really feel like it (I rarely do though).
If you're talking about just stopping at a BA then yeah, of course. MA in it can be okay. PSYD or PHD is great.

Looks like she should be in Monster Hunter

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Inside or outside Yea Forums?

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imagine the handy

Well I already do some of that. I go for a run everyday for an hour. I never eat junk food and only drink water and coffee with no sugar. I have no friends to talk to though.

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it is a solid 70%. if you just look at the gameplay, its about 80% there. There is a noticable delay in the dodge. Maybe I noticed it because I had just come off playing Bayonetta and Remember Me, but you had to be psychic to use Alice's dodge mechanic well. Again, after playing better games, the fighting system is not quite right. The attacks don't combo, and don't even stun most enemies. they will break right through your attacks, and since you can't dodge cancel, or even dodge well...

As for the rest of the games, the lack of bosses was a glaring omission. There were a lot of briliant ideas, in Alice, and I know the developers had some good boss ideas. It sucks they had to take them out. Especially since it seems like they just padded the living hell out of the game, to make up for it. all those levels, except the first one, could have lost about 20%, and been just fine.

I love the game, but I don't think I could ever replay it


no, I hate this

I wanted to study that but my parents forced me down the Fiance and Economics route and now I'm too old to go back to college to persue career in psychology as it would take like 10 years to get to doctorate level and I'm 30.

Be consistent with it. You don't need 20 acquaintances, 5 people would do and it's basically for human interaction, you don't have to share your life story, you just need to not be isolated because that's the worst thing you can do. It's easy to slip into it, I know. Take up target practice, pool, golf, fishing , whatever

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if you're financially stable its not too unrealistic. On my doctoral internship one of my cohorts was a 55 year old lady who had already been pretty successful with a business career herself, but recently had started to do more charity related stuff and so went back to get her Psy.D to help out with it. Mind you, you have to be pretty driven to put up with that, but it worked for her.
I mean she was also a real cunt but still, that's not the point. You can do it. Its fulfilling work with the right mindset. Fuck Medicaid/fed bureaucracy though.

thank God its not just me

I wouldnt be able to stand going back to being a poor fag student again and for 10 fucking years. I massively regret not doing it when I was 18 and just telling my parents to get fucked. Oh well.

eh... I will take your word for it... I got it bundled with Madness Returns, for PS3, and I could not get into it. Even if I squinted and looked past the hideous graphics and outrageous load times, the platforming just plain sucked. and there were a couple of essential jumping puzzles. I could not get past the second level. whatever that fucked up castle was... If you never get to see the good parts of a game, it is a bad game.

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Sall good then man. I'll appreciate it more knowing that.

It wasn't even a port, it was a literal bundle. Of course it played like ass, it was a PC exclusive for kb+m

EA is very hands off when it comes to indie games nowadays. Unravel,sea of solitude, the first 2 titanfalls, and a way out are examples of this. It's the company's they own you should be worried about

EA is only shitty to customers. I worked for EA for 2 years and it was fine.

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Thank you user for actually providing something.

Imagine if they had sweaty passionate spit-swapping makeout sessions