Can we have a comfy Shenmue thread? Shitposting,theorizing,discussion and criticism welcome...

Can we have a comfy Shenmue thread? Shitposting,theorizing,discussion and criticism welcome. Yakuza bros Judgement bros and SEGA fans in general welcome.

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I'm looking forward to shenmue 3

Same, I'm very happy that Ren and the sailors are coming back.

I waited for 3 for so long I totally lost interest.

Haven't played shenmue yet, but hopefully you guys get a good game after all this waiting

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I don't have high hopes for the game, but the latest trailer definitely seemed like an improvement over past footage. The combat still looks rough though, so I hope the game has more investigation than battles.

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Same here

I want the game to be good and to succeed in finding an audience. I know that this is a man's passion project and Shenmue is no doubt a important game from the perspective of history but both the gaming landscape and possibly Shenmue's original audience have already moved on.
It'd be just sad for all that waiting to culminate in what is essentially the final nail in the coffin for Shenmue's story and Yuu Suzuki's passion.

Are you retarded?

Me too,I know a lot of hardcore fans are waiting eagerly for 3's release,but I think this epic store bullshit controversy really killed us. It's not like I am in their favor,the epic store is a huge pile of shit and run by scumbags,but I feel like the people on the outside have focused their rage on shenmue 3 itself and not the people in the background that are at fault for the situation. Also doesnt help that bandwagoning retards on youtube have basically spread more misinformation on the situation,and it's people who have never even played the games that seem to have the bigger audiences and influence on people who can't think for themselves and are always spoonfeed on issues without doing the research themselves.

Considering their shoestring budget I was fairly impressed with the most recent trailer.

You guys think that guizhang might return? Actually have any spoilers been leaked around the internet?

> With the release of the 8th generation of consoles, the Sega Dreamcast will now be considered "retro", though the remainder of the sixth generation (Xbox, PS2, GameCube) will not.

So, how did Yu Suzuki made such a deal with Sega, by using the IP I mean? Does Sega gets some royalties, or did they give it to him for free? In case Shenmue III is successful enough, I wouldn't want Sega to grab it back and fuck everything up

I’m playing the games right now for the first time. I liked the first, but the second is so boring. It feels like it’s missing all of the weird little quirks that made the first one memorable.

thread theme

I haven't seen anything, but I wouldn't be surprised either way.

I think most Shenmue fans are console gamers anyways and unaffected by the Epic store controversy.

I assume they're getting a small cut, but they could have also just given it to him as respect to the man who made the franchise. I honestly wouldn't mind if Sega got it back and got the Yakuza Team and Ys Net to work on Shenmue 4.

I'm looking for sailors.

Can you imagine paying out for the capsule toy on the kickstarter and getting Chai or the fucking Forklift? Why were they even options, does anybody want them?

I hope Shenmue 3 is good, or at least good for a Shemue game> Obviously Yea Forums is probably going to shitpost it even if it is good for a Shenmue game, since most people don't actually like Shenmue.

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Im kinda mad there's no sega arcade machines, if they gave him permission to use the Shenmue IP they should let him use some others

lol that games still on my backlog, only got through the beginning, didn't know it had that song at all.

I’ve played enough Shenmue and Yakuza that I never want to play Space Harrier and Outrun again desu

Im looking for Charlie.

Man that's funny,I love both but I definitely consider the first one to be not boring per ce,but a slower experience in general,at least up until the ending. What part are you on in 2?

I just hope the game sells well,I don't wanna wait 20 more years for part 4.

Try to make a shenmue thread over there and tell me how it goes then.

I’m in Kowloon.

Really? That's the most exciting part! But hey,when you finish maybe you change your mind. And even if you don't I understand,it's not for everyone.

I still have zero idea how the story of 3 might end. Will we get to kill Lan Di? Will something even worse than him show up? Will monsters come into play? I just dont know

There was some sort of magic involved in the ending of 2, so I expect that to get expanded on. Maybe we'll also learn more about the Mirror's functions. I doubt we'll kill Lan Di in 3.

Know what Shenmue I & II taught me? A Japanese shit hole is infinitely more comfy, welcoming and aesthetic than a Hong Kong shit hole, and i LIVED in Hong Kong as a kid (UK army brat)

Did you get to see kowloon?

Dunno i was 5

>being such an autistic zoomer, talking about a console you weren't around to enjoy pisses you off

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I see...

I think you mean "Sōdesu"

Im in the harbor waiting for nightime to sneak into Old Warehouse 8, how far I am into Shenmue 1?


My pc is too shitty to run it and my ps4 is hacked and there will never be another exploit. so god knows when I can play Shenmue 3. I guess in 2021 or something.

It doesn't really matter because we all know Shenmue 3 is just a filler and there won't be any conclusion or anything. It is a middle thing and there needs to be Shenmue 4.
Will there be a Shenmue 4?
Nope, I highly doubt it.

Shenmue 3 is this game we have all been waiting for for literally ages and now this thing is REALLY happening. It is like waiting for DNF or Half Life 3, just that DNF sucked big time.
I think S3 will be an enjoyable experience but like I said the ending will be very disappointing and the wait for S4 will turn into the wait for Half Life 3.

You may be right. But Shenmue 3 was pretty much considered the Half-Life 3 already, now we're getting it. It's obvious there's interest in finishing the Shenmue story from them. Maybe Epic will just keep paying them up front and keep them alive.

first is great. everyone is nice and it is this nice japanese place and you get to experience what it would be like if you had lived there in the 80s.
2 is: everyone in China is an asshole- the game.

I dropped 2 because it is lacking the charm of Japan. Sadly 3 will take place in China AGAIN so it will lack the charm of 80s Japan. Really makes me sad because it was very comfy. Only game with that feel is Yakuza 0, finally comfy 80s Japan again.

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>also just given it to him as respect to the man who made the franchise

Do you mean the man who shaped Sega like nobody else? He saved their ass so many times and is responsible for almost all their big title.

what the fuck is the deal with that guy? like is that creature even for real? I mean Shenmue 1 everything seems really normal and real life until this Gollum on speed shows up and does unbelievable stuff.
I am wondering HOW supernatural the game is going to be, to be honest I do not want any supernatural BS but Shenmue is some weird tree of life and then the phoenix mirror also does some magic BS and this is what the game is all about. Still I am disgusted by magic, I want this to be realistic.

Get ready for the worst part of shenmue 1,or what I like to call the "metal gear".

I just want my refund already

don't worry, you don't have to. it will never happen. you will die and there will never have been a shenmue 4 just like half life 3. you will die and you will never know how it was supposed to end (well at least you know this for HL3)

>Yakuza 0, finally comfy 80s Japan again.
I won't pretend to be some sort of expect but Yakuza 0 was nothing like any Jap films set in the bubble era that I've seen
It was just the usual Kamurocho but with more litter everywhere and that disco minigame, everything could show up in a modern yakuza game and not look out of place

worst? this was some kino shit and change of things. i have fond memories of it. in fact all of shenmue 1 has so many kino moments I STILL think about. No other game ever had such an impact on me. well maybe deadly premonition which feels like a modern dreamcast game to me.

somehow I really doubt that. As soon as they see that it didnt make enough money they'll pull out like a guy whose condom just broke

The file for it you retard,and get out of the thread.

well thank you, Epic.

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I'm only referring to the section where you have to sneak around the guards for the first time

well then we really need some more games set in 80s Japan, heck I would even love 70s or 60s.

yeh I know this. I liked it and thought it was fun and yes they did catch me the first time and I had to come back the next night.

based city hunter poster

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I did. Dumb chinks wont give me my money.

Sure you did

I'm still mad that not only do french call him Nicky Larson but they also made a french city Hunter movie and frenched it all up.