There are SO MANY people trying to pass misinformation and sometimes straight up lie about Cyberpunk 2077, what's up with that? For real, I'm not even joking at this point, I've never seen something like this before, not at this rate anyway.
There are SO MANY people trying to pass misinformation and sometimes straight up lie about Cyberpunk 2077...
Other urls found in this thread:
She was also shilling for first person only for bloodlines 2
She's doesn't work at CDPR anymore
>going through this much effort to convince a bunch of mongolian sheepherders that this game will be good
Just play the game for yourself and enjoy it for yourself holy shit
A lot of it on Yea Forums is one person. He makes the threads, and then relentlessly samefags to make it look like people agree with him.
CyberTranny threads belong here
dilate your trannypunk, OP
but the guy the retweeted yes
it's /pol/
literally 1 autist
99% of the negative comments are directly based on the material CDPR has released about the game. Get fucked, shill.
>I've never seen something like this before, not at this rate anyway.
this is normal Yea Forums behaviour. or rather, this is standard /pol/ behaviour. so of course it's going to be even worse with this particular game.
>make a shitty thread with a hot opinion
>no sources anywhere
>thread is RIDDLED with hot opinions that present themselves as facts
>peabrains just believe whatever they read and regurgitate it.
these "people" just love shitting in each others mouth.
Fact: There is nothing you can tell me about Cyberpunk 2077, good or bad, that won't make me hate it just a little bit more.
This place runs on fake news.
Actual news don't get us angry enough anymore.
>this is normal Yea Forums behaviour
I'm not even talking about Yea Forums, it's expected here but there are some big news websites out there also reporting bullshit like that
Based user exposing lies
Culture war.
By acknowledging that trannies exist, the game has triggered a legion of frogposters who are still mad about dumb shit like that one time four years ago a re-enactor visiting George Washington's estate made one of Washington's favorite desserts around election time that just happened to be called an "orange fool"
This is on top of being a reliable source of (you)s for the resident autistic shut-in who spams the same shitposts every hour on the hour.
why would I be excited for a sci fi first person shooter in the first place
It's (((them)))
>Non gender
>Thast it.
Is not a lie you play as a gender neutral who identifies as a male or whatever . Excluding normal people to make some trannie feel more included is not the way to go.
See weirdos get included and normal people still get the usual options.
I have hard time understanding how anyone on vee would be mad about trannies existing. Nothing wrong with being a tranny. A lot of wrong being a brain dead lefty pushing cancerous politics everywhere.
The pronoun wars is a good example of this. Either use my invented pronouns, or I will use both state and social power to either put you in jail or make you a social pariah.
that's because you are new and haven't seen sheer miserabe autistic down syndromed children make this their 24/7 screeching room
they do this with every AAA game or popular thing or just society in general while us normal folks have to tolerate it, ignore it, or awkwardly interact with them when they run up to us and yell some nonsense
they even did this to RDR 2 a game we knew nothing about because they fucking told us and showed us nothing
Cap this and then post it next year when it’s the exact same shit
>feeling so threatened by weak, braindead trannies that you feel excluded when a game doesn't explicitly call your male character a male
how can I tell you are a white male under 6ft tall and can’t bench press the bar
the fuck am i even supposd to be looking at here autist
>the game has triggered a legion of frogposters who are still mad about dumb shit like that one time four years ago a re-enactor visiting George Washington's estate made one of Washington's favorite desserts around election time that just happened to be called an "orange fool"
lol what
Call it whatever you want the fact is stands normal people get screw on this one and for what , how many trannies are even gonna know what Cyberpunk 2077 is ?
I just hope everything isn't contained to just the city. I'm hoping for some open road nomad shenanigans.
I also hope the customization lets you adjust height and muscle as I really want to try and make an accurate Undertaker
Oh so it's only the *majority* of cutscenes that are going to be forced FPP, that's totally fine then. We can just use mirrors and the inventory screen to see ourselves!
No, fuck that, why are they so against allowing you to see your character? They developed this great third person mini-cutscene system for conversations in The Witcher series and now they just drop it. Even the original Deus Ex had third person cutscene conversations like that.
Ah shit pedoERA is at it again , i hope at the very least you buy the game
its obviously because they had to cut third person out of the game because of development shortcomings
how is this hard to figure out
Who cares? It's going to be another soulless, creatively bankrupt corporate game that no one will remember a year after release.
>Netrunners, mmmmm, wouldn’t want to mess with them
You choose a body then you decide what is gonna be is like a dream come true for those fucking weirdos. I never thought twitter pronouns and queer shit would get this far.
It's literally two or three people, I recognize their posting style. Simply a bunch of autistic faggots trying to create and force a narrative.
So then people are screwed when they're not represented as the main character of a videogame now?
This is some sjw shit tier logic that the otherside uses all the time and I refuse to validate it. Either make your own game or go play one that's let's you play as a dick chick, a nigger, a fag, or an incel if you need to self insert so bad.
There’s a video channel in Youtube named Townsends, it’s a jolly history re-enacter guy who makes all kinds of videos about historical lifestyle stuff, mostly about cooking food that people in early day USA made and ate - nothing political, like I said, he’s just a really jolly guy. He happened to make a video about an old dessert called ”orange fool”, and people took that as a direct insult against the president, creating a political shitstorm that felt really out of place in a channel that is usually free of that bullshit. Basically, you have people who are just looking to find something to get angry about, no matter how much they have to grasp at straws.
Shills on suicide watch
>that stupid shit around the MC's neck regardless of outfit
It's their own fucking fault when he says that it's 100% FPP you dumb nigger
really got to wonder what would drive a person to be this invested in a company they have nothing to do with
what the fuck are you talking about
What you dont understand is that Joe Averagedick is going to buy this game, boot it up after he gets home from basketball practice, look at the man or the woman in character select, make his decision, and think nothing of it. He wont notice that it doesnt say male/female above them and go "grrr sjws grrr". This is the best way to appease everyone
And you are part of the problem. Keep thinking like that and pedophilia will become legal in no time.
Paid anti-shills are a real thing and its not right.
it happened many times before, you didnt notice because it wasn't about your favorite game
No. I don't support this kind of BS and i will be vocal about it.
corporate shills
Yea Forums is overrun with chinks shilling for Epic for example
There is no male, you fucking bigot piece of shit.
Let's share some love for CDPR because they really deserve it after all the trash talking they're getting lately. Don't forget that behind CDPR there are real people who put their hearths every day at work to make Cyberpunk 2077 the best game possible for us. We should be grateful for this!
>he thought pre-rendered Keanu was real-time
I feel bad for your lack of intelligence
Steam shills doing it for free is arguably worse.
most of the posts are from paid epic games shills, that's also why the gaming "journalists" lie about the game and shit on it too
It's mostly Yea Forums being furious this game is popular and liked by le reddit.
That's it.
There is no male, retard.
There are no genders.
Stop being a fucking bigot, you concern-trolling shitlord.
>body types are genders
>making a character creator for a game where you'll rarely see said character
>"CDPR hasn't lied about shit before!"
>What is witcher 3 downgrade
0/10, time to learn how to tie a noose sweetums.
She was a total qt with long hair. wtf bros
Epic Games is still super mad about CDPR telling them to fuck off when it came to exclusivity.
I don't see anybody on the warosu or on the youtube comment section getting triggered over this, I only see people reacting to it and mocking them. Is there screenshots in the "You people are obnoxious fucking idiots" video or is it just him sitting in the woods for 9 minutes?
Did something else happen other than the stupid comments?
>if i take a screenshot from a compressed video i win
ok retard
tim's evils know no limits.
>go into subreddit to see the general mood out of curiosity
>Thread about the ugly corp "mommy" having a gay as fuck tattoo on her neck
>First post is saying how even if she betrays him he'd come crawling back to her
How ironic
So... This is the power of epic shills
>they just can't help themselves
my sides
>tranny weeb STILL pushing the "muh compression" excuse
Wtf has epic got to do with cdpr?
reconsider suicide
Or it just looks like a shit game. Seems more likely then whatever conspiracy theory you leftie shills are coming up with.
>can't judge before playing the game.
by that definition you can't judge anything before you have payed for it.
Latest bogeyman from the fanboys, because CDPR didnt want to do a exclusivity deal with Epic or some shit. Same as how some trannies are mad about the game so they claim everyone who dislikes it is a tranny.
Unironically this. This board has a major problem with viral marketing, and it's all pro-epic and anti-steam. Fuck the chinks trying to bomb this game just because CDPR said fuck off to epic exclusivity.
Only a cuck can support this game after all the crap CDPR have been doing
I really wouldnt be surprised if epic is paying people since cdpr is the only dev whos willing to call them out on their shit.
CDPR has more competition than just epic.
How desperate can you get
Get a life you wierdo cdpr isn't going to fuck you
We also have a shitload of CDPR shills you fucking retard
Same thing it has to do with any game that isn't their exclusive
imagine what will be happening with TES6.
>epic literally pays people to post on Yea Forums against every game not released on thier service
>I'm totally not just coping with the fact some people don't agree with my shit taste
>We also have a shitload of CDPR shills you fucking retard
>80% of CP2077 threads are hate threads
>game gets rid of two words on character select
>this is unforgiveable, an attack on us, jesus christ what the fuck trannies are ruining our game, literally shaking right now
No they don't. Epic is the only one that tried to get them to aid in the destruction in the PC games ecosystem and their only actual competition due to the competing storefront. Then after all the poublic fanfair in support of them, all of tim's slimy tenbdrils that are clearly attached to him start trying to ruin them.
>conveniently ignores the shills who went all out after e3 spamming the same thread about Keanu in cyberpunk to attract normalfags
Please don't reply to me if you're being paid by epic or if you're a brainlet, thanks.
No shit, that thread of faggots going on about her on Yea Forums is entirely sub beta faggots wanting her to kick them in the balls, tranny lovers wanting her to have a dick to fuck them and yuricucks.
I am just a simple degenerate who wants to play a slutty dickgirl with a gun in the dystopian near future.
>being paid by epic or if you're a brainlet
sort of redundant.
IDK but CDPR are such hacks that I can't complain
Nigger it's called steam.
Nobody gives a fuck about gog anymore
>ignores all the shills in said threads on maximum damage control
>animuposter has no argument and resorts to petty insults
Sounds about right for a tranny.
>get your meds user there are no shills here
>yea it's all still in development and stuff
doesn't this game come out in like 6-7 months?? wtf? they are pulling an Anthem infront of our eyes
Fuck you. GoG is awesome. Where else are you going to get good old games?
>damage control
Funny coming from faggots who literally posts "facts" out of their asses
>very occasionally
You are disgusting that's what you are
The only reason to use gog is autism about drm
>Nobody gives a fuck about gog anymore
You wish ching chong
>make undertaker
>get a bonus to pure strike damage
GoG 2.0 is in its beta. It has the potential to be rival to epic. Steam is too big now, shilling againsts it won't do anything
Welcome to Yea Forums!
tiananmen square?
>people are shilling epic by pointing out that steam is more relevant than gog
How many mental back flips can you do?
You are for thinking you get to decide for him. Filth!
It's past your bedtime Tim, get off of Yea Forums.
You must be new
Such as?
the witcher 3 all over again. but this time its rtx instead of hairworks.
>a "fellow steamers" method
Steam is not competitive to GoG
Many games are released both on GoG and Steam
Fuck off with your DC tactics
Why does Yea Forums sperg out about the tiniest things? Like I don't care about fucking third person. It literally doesn't matter.
>By acknowledging that trannies exist,
but transgender doesnt exist
Transgender implies that you can change your gender
You can not
You are still a man
Putting on a dress and mutilating yourself does not change that
You are just mentally ill.
99% of them are faggoty Nintendo fans. They did the same thing with breath of the wild when it came out lol. Look up Jim sterlings vid on it lol. They have the most petty and emotional of all the fan bases and do this shit all the time.
CDPRdrone coping mechanism.
>Worry not bro you can see your character for a few seconds so the character customization is not completely useless
Aren't trannies male/female anyway? Like a man who is pretending to be a woman would still choose the female option. Trannies are already a minuscule minority of the population but people who identify as "non-binary" are even more minuscule.
Are you retarded?
Youtube compression isn't going to make your game look like shit, it just makes the video pixelated. Both images are from youtube, by the way. So 100% cope.
>It's them damn Ninkiddies!
Rent Free
we knew that the game would be FPP from the start though, why are people going apeshit about it now?
Explain to me why the fuck should I be excited about this in the first place?
Why the fuck should i prove anything to you in regards to the game?
So you can get more yuans faggot?
Fuck off
First it was all just one poster now its epic paying people
fanboys are losing it.
>, I'm not even joking at this point, I've never seen something like this before, not at this rate anyway.
Have you only been here for 4 months?
You sure showed me user
>> Get’s offended in the exact way I stated
Thanks for proving me right autismo. Anyways for those interested this is the jim sterling vid.
So who's the corporate shills? The ones who are for a state funded videogame developer, or the ones who have been following this game for 8 years?
I don't know what to tell you user.
Everything you post is so absurd and wrong you would assume you are retarded
>literally deletes the post
I think someone just lost his job holy shit
>First it was all just one poster
These fuckers unironically think that either everyone shitting on this game is one person, or that everyone shitting on it must be an epic shill who is just mad that CDPR said they won't put the game on the store (which makes no sense from an argumentative viewpoint because the game is on the epic store anyway). They're just looking for the easiest thing to point fingers at because they can't cope with all the recent negativity surrounding the game. Now, apparently, the shitposters are all nintendofags ()
I Wonder who the next boogeyman will be.
I wonder if a thread gets rejected for credit if it's full of people calling them out as viral marketers.
Everyone has an agenda and wants to see it fail. Reset trannies think it's phobic so they want it to fail, /pol/tards think it's pozzed so they want it to fail, and Yea Forums is full of dumb kids who weren't gonna buy it anyway and want every game to fail so they can spam OH NO NO NO and whatever other cringe shit newfags post these days.
>post deleted
fucking kek
>state funded videogame developer
>state funded
Damn those 7mil bucks sure saved their lives
>or the ones who have been following this game for 8 years?
You probably don't even remember the generals on /vg/ don't you?
>> Didn’t even watch the vid lol
Okay now I know I can ignore you Nintendo fag. I mean naturally Nintendo fags are more autismo. They have more time to shit post. No games lol.
Strong arguments right there
Damn how will i ever recover
So once again, it's a whole lot of nothing but miscomunication on CDPR's part. They said 100% FPP meaning you'll play the game in first person, people thought they meant the TPP cutscenes were cut.
Isn't this like the fourth time this happens? What the fuck kind of braindead idiot do they have as PR?
I think the mods confirmed that it was mostly one person, it could be a different game though I'm not sure
They will just leave and make a new one
There really is no end in sight
It's Yea Forums. They did the same shit with Witcher 3 all because it had visual downgrades despite the game at the time already being a massive resource hog.
Yea Forums is obsessed with claiming something will fail in hopes it actually does. And god forbid it fucking does lest it feeds this retarded hivemind's stupid ego of retardation.
You probably won't.
I expect you to just pretend you never gave a shit about this game on release
Only the dead can know peace from this hell.
ESL polak.
Remember when the Polish government flew out the largest tech news website's reporters right after the first Witcher 3 delay to have CDPR tell them to tell everybody "The game will 100% exceed the 2013 trailer"?
>Yea Forums is obsessed with claiming something will fail in hopes it actually does.
So it's just like happening threads on /pol/
Literally nothing ever happens
I'm basically anti-shilling everything at this point. Even with the games which I like to play/am looking forward to, I just end up shitting on them on Yea Forums , because it's more fun.
Completely different game, and the mods specifically stated only some shitposts came form him in regards to that other game. Drones are unironically just scapegoating.
>Dev says something
>Retards immediately assume 50 different retarded things
>It's somehow the devs fault for not making every statement retard-proof enough
Tards gonna tard
K user i know you have mouths to feed
Have another (you)
Say sex then.
Gender is the social stuff and you can change it.
The Witcher 3 was shit and the only people who think otherwise are redditors.
Just like this game you retards can't explain why the witcher is good. Most of you haven't even played the earlier games.
You would argue to your grave that eating literal shit is healthy if it was the popular consensus
No, it's not that
From the beggining we all knew it was going to be FPS and occasionally normal videogame cutscenes (aka TPP) so you can see your character
Two or three days ago a rumor started on the cdpr polish forum about how the completely removed TPP cutscenes from the game and the excuse was, cpdr wants full immersion.
It became news and now seems like that's not the case, nothing has change, there will be some TPP cutscenes like when V wakes up and stuff like that.
People got mad because they thought fully removed TPP cutscenes and the only way to see your character would be from mirrors and menus.
>game was shit because i didn't like it and i found no interest in it, therefore it's shit and if you disagree you're a redditor
Sound logic, retard.
>argumentum ad reddit
It was a worse skyrim with a janky dark souls combat system
buy all games, then you have permission to do it
Except it was nowhere close in gameplay to either of those two.
Either you didn't play it, and you're just jumping aboard the shitposting bandwagon, or you're an idiot.
>Except it was nowhere close in gameplay to either of those two
CDPR admitted with witcher 2 that they ripped off the demon souls combat system, try harder
For me it is the funniest shit ever that pathetic faggots get so mad because there's no ''male'' or ''female'', as if in other games your character has a real dick or vagina beneath the clothes. It's the single most pathetic thing i've heard a fanbase whine about, not having a hypothetical dick that you wouldn't even see either way.
The last time i saw Yea Forums this buttblasted was with BOTW. It's beautiful.
Your arguments as to why Witcher 3 was shit are pretty weak, user. I can walk into any FPS thread and start saying it's shit because it plays like CoD and Half-Life.
>witcher 3 sucks because it's unimaginative casual shit and a conglomeration of better games
>not and argument
Post proof.
EA and bethesda shills are your answer, user.
It's worse than the Witcher 2 which was janky as fuck itself
Your arguments just involve insulting the game through ad-hominem without providing any substance to your arguments. Just admit you're an idiot that didn't even play the game. You're making yourself look ridiculous.
Do you have an argument or are you just going to break down and piss yourself?
Name one way in which the Witcher 3 is good
To be honest, I'm getting a kick out of watching you sperg out and provide such a weak argument as to why something is "shit".
Story, writing, exploration, gameplay if you don't resort to igni explots.
Playing on anything higher than Medium gives a better experience, because it encourages you to utilize more aspects of what combat / alchemy provide.
Waiting for anything at all master shitposter
You literally can't find a single good thing about the game and yet somehow it's not bad
>exploration, gameplay
>everything's marked on your map
>the ai is broken
>the hitboxes are worse than demons souls
screen shot I took im proud, enjoy.
Nice samefagging OP.
im not getting it because the gameplay does not look fun from what ive seen. that in conjunction with in game advertisiments promoting trans mental illness makes me pretty uncomfortable considering that small fraction of the population may further be justified by their actions, leading to promoting a shocjing 40% suicide rate.
who knows, maybe itll be fun, but from what ive seen its doubtful, especially when its embrassing very toxic trends in the hope of attracting leftist circlejerking for free advertisement.
You fool, they said they were inspired by Dark Souls in terms of difficulty. If you've played either game it should be obvious that the actual combat systems are quite different.
Sorry, not
I mean it's supposed to be cyberpunk, so the transhumanist fantasies like that wouldn't be out of place. Otherwise why not complain that medieval fantasy games let people practice witchcraft/black magic because it encourages Wicca or some shit?
>user provides aspects of the game they enjoyed
>"NO! You are wrong, and here are my personal opinions as to why your points are wrong!"
>they said they were inspired by Dark Souls in terms of difficulty
>Hey this game is a lot like demons souls
>Well good we were aiming for that
So you don't know wtf you are talking about.
How is spin spin spin attack good game play?
At least you could just abuse traps in the Witcher 2 to bypass that shit
It's a worse version of the book
Not the guy you're responding too, but I think they nuked the comments because it got out of hand.
I do agree that more than a few people are the exact same rage addicted spergs who just happened to have gone to different sides.
But crucially it's not actually a lot like DeS/DaS in the specific way you claim.
I don't have to claim anything, CDPR already did.
The fact that I enjoyed a game that you retards aren't able to, and that it gets you this fucking salty amazes me. Stay mad, you bitter faggots. I don't need to explain shit as to why I enjoyed something to people who are just going to knock down my points with the basic argument that they're simply "shit."
>can't have his pronouns
>is mad about it
>dios mio
Just stop trying tranny it's insanely easy to tell what you're trying to do when you keep reducing the entire subgenre and trend down to being about your about-to-die fashion fad. And I am not even a Cyberpunk 2077 shitposter that pretends to hate the game
From what I've gathered, Yea Forums dislikes Witcher 3 all because of it's visual downgrade. Seeing as how every Cyberpunk thread is just people shitposting about the graphics, it's safe to say that graphics is all these incels have to latch onto.
I'll probably buy it, because every time Yea Forums has told me a game was shit, it's always been the opposite.
So you admit you're talking out of your arse about a game you never played because you memorised a line from an interview from over half a decade ago that you misinterpreted
Fucking graphics autism is one of the worst things that happened to gaming, now with almost all AAA publishers sacrificing gameplay and spending more development budget just to make it look pretty on the trailer
No. You're wrong. Congratulations. All the commercially successful of CDPR was ripped straight from other games
>get presented reasonable argument against your sperging out over literally made-up misrepresented bullshit
>sperg out more and call them a tranny
Going by that, every game is a ripoff of every game ever, including whatever shit games you enjoy.
Congrats faggot. Every game you enjoy is just a shit ripoff of another.
>No. You're wrong.
No. You're wrong.
Like what the fuck, actually back up your shit you mongoloid.
Yeah good that you didn't choose to interpret my post as me mocking the guy, didn't mean to come off that way. His channel while not appealing to the sort of history I am into, seems to be above the petty "politics" of today
>Hey you ripped of this game
>Lol yeah
The absolute STATE
They can't because they have nothing to back up their argument, other than "It's shit."
what does that have to do with cyberpunk you fucking retard? Cyberpunk means it has no sun
What the fuck are those graphics?
If your hating on cyberpunk 2077 you just need some pussy
>what's up with that?
Man, can you just imagine how big of a butthurt game actually releasing will cause, now that anti-CDPR spergs going apeshit over any news about the game just imagine what will happen to Yea Forums when it comes out, it'll be fucking Smash all over again
Good job taking a counter argument and twisting it to befit your own non-argument.
Check in to a mental ward some time.
Im on a tablet
>Still use Pre-rendered cutscene in 2019
>Hey do you know you guys ripped off this game and are now commercially successful
>oh you noticed?
Ah yes, double down on it after being exposed, smoke and mirrors
These threads are almost as annoying as the smash character reveal bullshit.
Cyberpunk is going to get good reviews but it's going to be a shallow turd.
What about the tranny cocks and ugly dyke with ugly dyke haircuts everywhere. In a world where modding is easy, there should be hot chciks everywhere. Oh yeah, the artsist was a lesbian rooster
I could dangle keys in front of your face and you would enjoy that too.
>look at him! he keeps going!
You're only amusing others with your stupidity.
>no aerodynes/flying vehicles
>only one apartment, can’t decorate it or buy more
>can’t join factions
>there isn’t even a faction reputation system
Do you want me to keep going?
Says the blue checkmark pederastera poaster that gets trigger if theyre misgendered lol
Game isn't even out yet, and people are stating opinions and misrepresented information as fact.
CDPR shills are in full force today huh
I already said they took inspiration from DaS like so many others and were explicit about that. You're still objectively wrong about them copying the gameplay which anyone can check for themselves. You're desperately clinging at this final straw to get some sort of technical victory out of this by continuously shifting the goal posts but we can all just follow the quote links back, dude.
Provide proof of your argument, jackass. It's not other people's jobs to support a counter-argument against their own. That's your fucking job. Either do it and provide proof, or get fucked.
CDPR made Tencent unhappy, EA and other big publishers also don't like how they are being shown in bad light by them. I'm surprised this polish developer is still alive at this point.
Where do you think you are faggot
Go cry to your professor that some user didn't properly cite his post
>no aerodynes/flying vehicles
There are though? You could see them in the very latest video they released, the deep dive one.
>only one apartment, can’t decorate it or buy more
Okay? It's an FPS-RPG, not Sims.
>can't join factions
Big deal. Joining factions rarely make any meaningful difference in games anyway (see New Vegas)
>there isn’t even a faction reputation system
How do you know that? There could be one but they aren't just artificially showing it to you in the UI.
>“I think everyone will find elements of Demon’s Souls, though, definitely.
>If you want to compare it to anything, Demon’s Souls is definitely good. I’d like that, for sure.”
>“We probably are one of the few developers that do not give up too much in terms of accessibility. In that respect I think we maybe are a bit like From Software. That would be a good comparison.”
Post YFW CDPR started the "soulslike" meme
>games always change so much before launch
>specially if made by my based CDPRGBTQ
Maybe, for the worse.
Exactly. Where do you think YOU are? Again. Provide sound proof of your argument, or get fucked. It's not my job to reinforce your shit argument against my own.
Witcher 3 had plenty of depth so I don't see why Cyberpunk wouldn't be the same.
Not him, but you're a moron. Just wanted to tell you that faggot.
>insulting the game through ad-hominem
>insulting the game
user. Ad hominem. Hominem
>Provide proof of your argument, jackass
Play the games.
Yeah, what I said, innit
>this thread
will there be a slider for futa horsecocks? I am not really interested in playing unless I can make the character have a comparatively larger horsecock than others with the horsecock mutation
I think I'm on Yea Forums retard.
Go beg to be spoofed on reddit
>I-it's just a technical victory
If CDPR themselves aren't a source then what is?
What a disgrace of a thread. You all fight like fucking kids, idiots.
I have, and like I said, I've enjoyed them. Now reinforce your argument as to why the game is "shit."
CDPR doesn't think in "faction systems", it thinks in branching narratives. Guess what, so did Deus Ex.
>Not him
Prove it, also I don't care about your hurt feelings faggot cry harder
If there's nothing good about the game then it's obviously not a good game
>There are though?
You can't pilot them.
>Okay? It's an FPS-RPG, not Sims.
Even GTA III has multiple houses/bases for fuck sake.
>Joining factions rarely make any meaningful difference in games anyway
Yeah, who needs unique character stories in an RPG.
>How do you know that?
Because they fucking stated it?
I haven't seen this much seethe since I don't fucking know man this is over the top
>it's not my job to reinforce my own arguments and provide proof. take my shit opinion as fact or leave
Nice forfeit.
seething cdtranny
Never liked them either. Hated the janky combat system so much i just uninstalled it
The shill wars
They're a source for the explicit claim that they took inspiration from DaS in some unspecified way. They're definitely not a source for the claim that The Witcher 2/3 (don't know which you're trying to prove at this point) plays exactly like DaS, because they never said that and it's also wrong.
Why are you talking to me
I have, on Overwatch especially, then Classic WOW recently, it's bunch of autistic discord trolls trying to stir up shit.
I hate Blizzard too, but still, outside of Blzzard games it's very petty shit they choose to target for.
>I've never seen something like this before, not at this rate anyway.
The absolute state of Yea Forumstards
Oh okay, you're playing the semantics game. Have fun retard.
Pretty sure there are multiple apartments though?
>lose argument
>"why are you talking to me"
Actually, from the beginning they said it would be switchable. Then they decided to make it first person later in development because they wanted to basically make a FPS with RPG-lite elements. That was when my interest for this game died. I was expecting a futuristic cyberpunk game with different playstyles with a perspective similar to Witcher 3. It's increasingly clear that this will not be the game I originally thought was being built. Maybe eventually someone will make a good futuristic third person RPG.
It's not my job to post on Yea Forums at all
Nobody is saying this.
This is actually untrue, no TPP cutscenes was confirmed already.
>implying this is the final he was talking about
Only when it befits you and your "argument," right?
They removed the multiple apartments
You started it you dumb cunt.
Regrettably you're also a dumb cunt who can't follow a conversation.
I don't want it to fail. I'm just not interested in a first person shooter. I wanted a third person RPG in a futuristic cyberpunk setting.
>I was expecting a futuristic cyberpunk game with different playstyles
And we're still getting that?
They're just making it more like Deus Ex is all. That's actually what I've been expecting all along so it's cool by me.
CDPR should just stop releasing information on this game via tweets. It only fuels people's ability to take everything and twist it into a misrepresented take on game features, and fuel their retard arguments. Much like this thread full of people with a sub-50 IQ.
>This is actually untrue, no TPP cutscenes was confirmed already.
And it's deconfirmed right there in front of your eyes in the fucking post you're replying to.
>They're just making it more like Deus Ex is all
Remember when they made fun of nu Deus Ex and said they were going to make a game like the first deus ex?
>it somehow feels very weird for cyberpunk to decorate an interior
I know they try to asspull explanations for technical decisions, but this doesn't even make any sense.
I've read many cyberpunk novels (genre, not pondsmith) and they rarely even mention tranny shit. Theres far more interesting things in the stories and characters than their junk. Far more intersting enhancements/mods as well.
Fuck off tannies trying to appropriate the cyberpunk genre.
>no chinese flag owns those bottom middle three
Missed opportunity, and would also be factually correct.
The first Deus Ex was also FPP and had multiple playstyles though? What point are you trying to make here.
>CDPR should deceive people into buying a game with a lot of promised features that won't be there
kys retard
Twitter tranny means nothing in comparison to what they actually said, which was that cutscenes will be FPP.
Why would a cyberpunk take there time to decorate there place? Sounds gay
no, not really
>THe game is like nuDeus Ex
>Remember when they said they weren't going to make a new deus ex game and made fin of it
>what does that have to do with anything
>TFW I like GOG and always prioritize them over Steam
>But fucking loath CDPR and think they games are massively overrated and they're fans are the new Bethesdrones
>people on Yea Forums should just keep twisting facts to befit their low-intelligent arguments so they can keep shitting up the board with their shitposting
kys retard
You are basically either allowed to be either a hacker or shooter. Everything in first person. If I wanted to play Deus Ex, I would fucking play Deus Ex.
There is barely any transgender garbage in cyberpunk shit. There is ZERO transgender garbage in CP2020. There is an intense revisionist campaign by CDPR shills to make it seems like their decision had nothing to do with SJW journo outrage.
>THe game is like nuDeus Ex
How do you figure
You're the one mentally adding "nu" there
A butch tranny dyke with enhanced strength leads the animals and herm name is sasquatch. WTF writes this cheesy silliness?
Substantiate your argument, fag.
Both Deus Exes are first person with multiple playstyles.
And what's the problem with that? Are you actually afraid of shitposting?
If you don't want to play Deus Ex then why would you want to play any game called Cyberpunk 2077
CP2020 has explicit options for sex changes. Generally the whole body modification aspect of cyberpunk overlaps a lot with the trans identity.
What's wrong with simply letting people have enjoyable discussions about games they enjoy / eagerly await without some stupid faggot coming in and shitting up every thread with reasons why they don't like said game? Afraid of actual game discussion? Or are you just some lonely depressed sociopath that has to take their anger out on the world?
I don't mind the shitposting about cyberpunk2077. Why? Because of the simple fact that the Witcher 3 was the epitome of modern AAA garbage anyway.
You need brain damage to feel excitement toward a shitty open world with game design built around the "follow the GPS/ red arrow + fetch quests" scheme to begin with. It's like every ubishit open world ever created, so I have no faith about anything made by cdproject. There's no doubt that this game will follow the same recipe for normies.
Gang members, military folk always have weird nicknames so its not too far fetched I think and chicks in the future would be just as strong and smart as dudes
>You are basically either allowed to be either a hacker or shooter.
There's melee, too. The character builder is free-form so you can have any mix of the three as well.
... you're not seriously mad that you can't fuck off from the core gameplay to go play shitty guitar in a dive bar, are you?
>Innovation and variation bad
tortanic, that's why
>civil discussion about a game is shilling
>my own retarded mental spark of a thought is to disrupt people's discussion because how dare you "shill" a game I don't like
I can keep going.
>i'm mad because I imagined something completely unrealistic and the devs have failed to both read my mind and recreate my fantasy exactly as I imagined it
If you did want to play deus ex why would you not just play deus ex?
Retarded shills pointing out there is no reason to play this game
I totally agree m8. It's so obvious but these shills/fanbots cannot be reasoned with
>innovation bad
>cdpr good
The disinfo and FUD campaign is beyond the typical that Yea Forumsirgins do. Shit is suspicious.
This is not any different from any thread here. Why don't you go back to if you want to avoid criticism?
>It's unrealistic to make an RPG
>there are 5+ cyberpunk 2077 threads up at any given moment on Yea Forums
>there will be all the way up until its release
>you will get to enjoy Yea Forums telling you you're not having fun while you are
>you will get to laugh when it wins GOTY 2020 despite Yea Forums backing some japshit ps4 exclusive
you guys really know how to make a good game even more enjoyable
>impotent idea guy good
>cdpr bad
>further deconstructing your shitty argument in hopes that it'll help you win
Every game Yea Forums hated in the past few years has been a massive success.
MGSV's good sales broke Yea Forums, so now they are desperate for another TORtanic.
Just pathetic.
Maybe because you have played Deus Ex and there isn't a new one coming out any time soon
The sex change option has nothing to do with transgenderism. The game also allows you to change your appearance entirely to look like someone else or hide your identity. Also all of that comes at the cost of humanity.
As more news comes in i realize that this game is being made specifically for me and I'm sorry hopefully one day you'll know the feel bros, God bless.
Did you see the guise? There were bigger than her. Plus sasquatch doesnt roll off the toungue well and it just seems silly. At least call her bigfoot if they're that creatively inept
Shitposting isn't criticism in any constructive sense. It's just your stupid excuse to go around shitting up every thread you can because the idea of people enjoying something you don't is so triggering.
>Zoomers are so desperate for Tortanic they literally make shit and desperately try to jump on twitter descriptions
Why are these "people" like this?
>The sex change option has nothing to do with transgenderism.
>Also all of that comes at the cost of humanity.
A minimal cost which can be negated through therapy.
>Plus sasquatch doesnt roll off the toungue well
ESL pls go.
>The sex change option has nothing to do with transgenderism.
Remember when CDPR said that they put the tranny poster in the game to make people feel uncomfortable?
TORtanic happened when zoomers were like 10.
Millennials need to stop shifting all their cancer to zoomers. Try to stop being cancerous.
I'll just play E.Y.E cybermancy and then play deus ex again after
Yes you retarded cunt, hence the reason why they are trying to get THEIR OWN tortanic for years now and failing each time.
>a civil and genuine discussion in a cancerous board heavily used by shills
I do not remember that.
I do remember them saying it was crass and exploitative on purpose, since it was an advertisement for a crass and exploitative commercial product.
why is cdpr treating the words "male" and "female" as if they're controversial? in today's climate, there's only one reason you would do that, they're not forcing you to play as a tranny, but they are making a political statement whether you'd like to admit it or not. and once you make a political statement you essentially open the flood gates.
>If I keep saying it it will come true
Nobody cares what you retards waste your money on.
>If I keep saying it it will come true
Cyberpunk 2077 won't be your TORtanic kiddo :^)
Let's face it. Nobody shitposts because they're actually trying to criticize shit.
That fat bald headed dyke said the reason she put it in the game was to make straight people feel uncomfortable
>board cancerous because of shitposting
>shitposting more will surely help it
Kinda silly if you think about it: you couldnt change your character in The Witcher and cutscenes were in third person, in Cyberpunk you create the character from the scratch, but can't see him.
It has nothing to do with gender identity or any of that shit, like any other appearance modifier in the ttrpg.
>Kinda silly
Not really?
When calling someone by name repeatedly it doesn't roll off the tongue well. Plus it'tls not even an english word dimwit, it's from native americans.
What's the point? If you actually give a reason about why you hate x or y it's ignored like
It's better to simply shitpost without trying.
cut the phone lines
contain the spread of misinformation
>It has nothing to do with gender identity or any of that shit
It has to do with people literally getting a sex change because that's what it is. Trans people existed in the 80s and will still exist in the future. What the fuck do you think the logical conclusion of those two premises is?
No it'll be yet another shitty AAA game lapped up by redditors
yes. There's no point in trying to have a natural conversation in 2019 Yea Forums, it's absolutely completely impossible so you should give up right now
I need some help, Yea Forums
I can't identify the song from 01:35 to around the 02:00 mark. The singer sounds like Celldweller but I'm not entirely sure. Can you guys help me out?
I can see the steam lines coming from your post. You are boiling mad that people like this game aren't you?
sásq'ets is the Native American name.
Sasquatch is English.
Think she has a bleached landing strip on her nugget now lol
But what if he has a cunt, user? And without you knowing.
Imagine you pick a guy, but later in a dialogue it turns out that "he" is FTM.
Trans people do not exist. Mutilating your dick does not make you a woman. You cannot change your XY chromosome. You cannot have children.
When that is possible, we can talk, but this ideology that has arisen that says you can change your gender is nothing short of lunacy.
whatever you delusional ignoramus
>It has to do with people literally getting a sex change because that's what it is.
You can get a sex change without being transgender. You may want to pose as a specific female character. You may want to disguise yourself. There is literally nothing about transgenderism in the text.
>What the fuck do you think the logical conclusion of those two premises is?
That you are incapable of thinking within the context in which the TRPG was written.
If transgenderism is such a stable in CP2020, can you cite a single fucking character that can be described as such?
Your boi couldn't pronounce it so he bastardized it. I wouldn't necessarily call that an english word, just a shitty pronunciation
>OP be like
>shitpost against them
Maybe you should leave
Could someone tell me what's all that fuss about? They literally follow path to succes of best game ever, BOTW
M8. Trans people exist. For that reason, they also exist in CP2020. They don't need to be explicitly mentioned in the text any more than it has to be mentioned that gay people exist.
>all the grey filter/noise on the video
This is what i said, you fight like a kid, calling names and shit, kek. By all means, keep acting like a moron, friend. I'm not stopping you, i'm amused.
BOTW followed witcher 3
I am not arguing with you, you can believe me or not, i don't give a shit. I was just calling you a moron, which you are.
Tell me all about the male to females that are now in loving relationships with men and have had children. Tell me all about their vaginas that don't require dilation because they are wounds the body is trying to heal.
>Trans people exist
Incorrect. People who want to be the opposite gender exist. Successful transitions do not exist.
this but unironically
it's a sad state of affairs when you remove the words male and female from the game
>lmao ur mad
Have you given up on defending this shit game?
Stop trying to hijack the genre trannyfag. You didnt even know what cyberpunk was until pondsmith. You probably think he created it. Foh
I can hear some of the lyrics but I can't find any songs wit hem in it
- only thing that we all 'member
- all can feel it everywhere
- you never
It sounds pretty good but that's not a lot to go on.
Have you given up on autistically attacking this great game? :^)
>Trans people exist. For that reason, they also exist in CP2020.
What? I never said they don't exist in the setting, what I'm saying is that they do not have any special treatment or are seen as more "cyberpunk" than anything else in the game.
>They don't need to be explicitly mentioned in the text any more than it has to be mentioned that gay people exist.
Who the fuck is talking about gay people?
It's called a loan word. Bastardizing a foreign word and claiming it as your own is how English works.
A pure Anglo-Saxon language without any foreign influence (Greek, Latin, et cetera) would be almost totally foreign to the average English speaker.
A simple term like "atomic theory" becomes uncleftish beholding.
>Successful transitions do not exist.
Even by this uninformed standard, they exist in Cyberpunk, which is what we're talking about.
Respect the source material.
It's funny because people are mad for the same absolutely mindbendingly retarded reason. That being that they thought a pre-rendered proof of concept video was gameplay.
He never fucking said that. The guy asking worded his question weird and he answered in a way that made it sound like all third person was cut. The internet as usual never bothered to follow up a question asking if there would be times you could see your character outside of creation.
>Who the fuck is talking about gay people?
No one, and yet it wouldn't be weird at all for there to be one in the game, would it? That's the point.
Most likely a song they produced themselves.
>uninformed standard
I'm sorry that you've been brainwashed to believe that taking a scalpel to your penis, cutting most of it off, turning it inside out, and then placing a dildo in it every single day to stop it from closing makes a man a woman.
sorry about eh group reply, but can you guys stop shitposting for a minute and help a fellow user, please?
the song sounds cool and I'm sure I'm not the only one that likes it
I think it's just people getting triggered, but when you have body mods to make yourself look like a fucking rhino and have rainbow unicorns, being a girl with a dick isn't really that big in my mind.
There will always be uglies, tranny or otherwise.
>Bastardizing a foreign word and claiming it as your own is how English works.
To be fair it's how all languages work.
I dont see them allowing you to become taller than the really big guys fellow aspies
But that's not what's being discussed though. Everyone is treating it like it's a staple of the genre and as if it's somehow more common than today or "more cyberpunk".
Celldweller has collaborated on video game soundtracks before, so it wouldn't be asuprpise, since he does "cyberpunk/electronic rock" all the time, and he does it well,even IF his stuff is a bit generic.
>Tell me all about the male to females that are now in loving relationships with men and have had children.
Tell me about your successful relationship, incel, and then tell me about your ferrari and your million dollar bank account and your massive dick while you're at it
is this picture mixed between randy and that black guy from the grad photos?
how do i ask for that haircut
Pretty much. It's hardly "punk" or "revolutionary" to look like an ordinary human that just so happens to be of the opposite gender of your own.
Sounds like generic bullshit.
Some languages prefer to avoid loanwords as much as possible.
French, for example, has a state language authority that looks at what foreign terminology in encroaching on their common vernacular and devises "correct" alternatives that they suggest people use instead.
>exact same stats
>likely won't even see the visual difference between hoodie and jacket thanks to being entirely in first person (do we have footage of the player LOOKING DOWN to view their body or lack thereof?)
m-maybe NPCs will react differently depending on what you're wearing
I'm sorry that you are completely ignorant about something that appears to mean a lot to you.
No, because I wouldn't lie to you, but it seems like you'll lie to yourself all you want.
If it's a loan word like koreans use 샴푸 (shampoo) than it isn't quite english, is it. Bigfoot sounds better and more threatening. That was my original point.
>Heyo sasquatch, we gonna kill this V or what sasquatch?
>Heyo bigfoot, we gonna kill this V or what bigfoot?
Honestly wish they used some other name.
not even having third person dialogue is a dealbreaker
this game is gonna be a generic garbage shooter
>Bigfoot sounds better and more threatening.
Bigfoot sounds fucking goofy and is more associated with the monster truck than the monster anyway.
>Bigfoot sounds fucking goofy and is more associated with the monster truck than the monster anyway.
It's amazing. You can't even describe this magical process that makes a man a woman. You know it exists, but you don't know how it works. I tell you the reality of it, and you assume I must be wrong because it's disgusting.
It's full on brainwashing, it's amazing.
>worse version of the book
>happens after the books and is arguably better written
>epic clothing
what did they mean by this?
>user asks for help
>gets told to fuck off by Yea Forums
No wonder CDPR doesn't pander to Yea Forums shitters.
Which is such a fucking shame because some of us are alright people.
I agree everyone's passing out misinformation and straight up lying about the game. Starting with CDPR.
There are artificial wombs right now kinda working, in a cyberpunk world you could probably incubate a baby, but depending on gene therapy and some other stuff it's fairly easy.
Just edit some genes and slap some non-rejecting flesh on there and bam, new womb, functional and all. But that might be much for cyberpunk, since i'm not to familiar with how high tech it is.
You heard me, faggot.
True, although that's probably more of a post-19th century phenomenon, when people started studying and understanding languages and linguistics. Organically people just borrow and butcher words with no concern.
>I'd like a quick haircut please, I don't care how it looks
It just stands to reason that as body modification becomes more commonplace, more affordable, more effective, etc., the trans community will be among the first and most obvious beneficiaries. Along with the decline of repressive sexual mores and rigid gender roles also associated with cyberpunk settings, this obviously means that a lot of people will treat getting a sex change for shits and giggles as no big deal. There would be nothing unusual about being post-op trans in a cyberpunk setting because people do stranger things to their bodies for worse reasons. I think that's some of the appeal the genre has to trans people.
No, been here since 2010, and I'm planning to stay.
I think they're wording their statements weird. They say they went 100% which in most peoples minds means 100%, then they say right after that some cutscenes will show your character. Literally nothing has changed since last year, and people are freaking out over nothing.
That's not the language, though, that's the French government trying to impose restrictions on the language. The actual language is what is spoken.
>probably more of a post-19th century phenomenon
Pre-colonial monks took English and added a bunch of arbitrary Us to everything (colour, honour, et cetera) because phonetic spelling offended them and caused them to worry the common man might be forgetting English's "Latin roots"
>playing this singleplayer shite while you could be playing weeb games or classic wow
>sheep grown in a plastic bag
>dude just put it inside a guy, wam bam, it's a woman, done
>posting momot again
Momot is a known liar
So utterly ignorant, in fact, that you're unable to even pick out what I'm commenting on. Sad.
akshully it started with
spamming in the comments
And so you just deflect, because you don't want to be wrong. So many people told you you're right, how can they all be wrong? They can't all be lying to themselves, can they? Why would they do that?
They have to get their shit together, because they're releasing contradicting statements.
That's interesting, I didn't actually know that.
you literally can't you you fucking degenerate faggot
does BOTW really look THAT bad on switch? I've only played it on PC with the wiiu emulator but I don't remember it looking that bad
>Still believing in bullshots and pretty CG trailers
>In 2019
3 different CDPR people have all said TPP are still there, nothing has changed.
which song
They're not arbitrary, they're derived from Latin via French and appeared that way in Middle English. -or is actually more "pure" Latin.
>it's still in the game
>in like two cutscenes
color me convinced
You literally don't even know the meaning of the word "trans" so you're in no position to lecture me.
Better then none but it's more then 2
>you play as a gender neutral who identifies as a male or whatever
What the fuck is this gibberish? Not even attack helicopters would use the term "gender neutral who identifies as male", it's an oxymoron by their own standards. If you identify as male, your gender is male. No one is being excluded; they're just leaving it vague so you can fill in the gaps however you like, like (in better RPGs) your PC not having a voice.
I'm betting it's right around the amount of cutscenes the had done when they were told to ditch third person
listening to stories of simple people and solving their problems is great though, you don't have to like it but comparing it to ubisoft games is just wrong.
it's fun hunting and slaying some shitty monster when the reason behind it is interesting and witcher 3 does a good job at that even when the gameplay is only serviceable. there's a place for these games and that's a good thing :)
Please tell me there's non sick parrot hairstyles?
>y-yeah I'm complaining about nothing but I bet my baseless anger is justified you'll see
Seriously, what is going through your head? Why are you this obsessed with hating something?
Oh no, I'm sure the meaning of the word changes daily to whatever you need it to be. For instance, today it must not mean a person who has transitioned genders, because you've failed to argue that it's possible entirely.
Dumb phone poster.
and get and argument
Ever hear that someone was "built like a mack truck"? That's why it makes sense. But I agree, both sasquatch and bigfoot sound silly
i like it better too
on the other hand, the vid says the Animals aren't a traditional gang in that they're loners who only choose temporary leaders based on who's the biggest and strongest among them. it'd make sense that a solitary roid fiend wouldn't have much social sense and would choose some edgy sounding special snowflake name
Then why name them after a cryptid if they didn't want to sound ridiculous? Is the voodoo leader called mothman?
I hooe so
>I'm betting
Nice, you're reaching even more than I thought.
hello failout 76 player
It literally never meant that and I must reiterate that you are a complete ignoramus. You are trying to argue a topic from a layperson's perspective using your own idiosyncratic terminology.
Watch OUT! Loch "long neck" ness has a plasma caster!
do you seriously expect people to keep up with your retard snowflake theories
if i said trans means "schizo dude off his meds" i'd be right 80% if the time, good enough for me
Baron Samedi or chupacabra
But then you'd be trans, of course
the one from 01:35 to 02:55
Here comes Skunk Ape! His augmented bowels emit a noxious gas that can paralyze your respiratory system!
>why are there all these punk haircuts in my cyberpunk game?
Oh boy, he busted out the thesaurus. Okay let's go with your much weaker definition of the word that has only cropped up recently that you've fallen back to today because it's convenient. The idea that a person could feel their body does not match their "mental" or "spiritual" gender is equally absurd. Thinking that the treatment for these thoughts is cosmetic surgery rather than psychiatric help really shows just how on board with mental illness the entire "trans rights" movement really is.
It's not physically possible to change your gender. We've established that because you have no argument for it and fell back to this. So why entertain the thought that it's possible to people who are mentally ill? Why isn't the process convincing these people that their body is fine?
Think they'll go back to having male and female sex options? I understand trannies will be in the world however there is still only 2 genders regardless of how you express yourself.
Or the modded centaur that can shoot hot sticky loads from his shoulder mounted horse dick gun, which contain highly corrosive nanobots that eat away at the victim's flesh and alloys.
Good luck user, I think I've opened up this cesspool of a board for the last time.
See you tomorrow.
Nope, you have to pick between an assortment of pidgeotto hairstyles
It's not the sort of thing you think about often when it comes to cyberpunk, but upon reflection, I suppose the punk ideology would reject interior decorating as something corporate drones do, a la
Why do the graphics look so blurry despite running a 2080 ti? It's not even a youtube issue it's like they just stuck a gaussian blur filter over the screen and the lighting is fucked too.
>Okay let's go with your much weaker definition of the word that has only cropped up recently
What, you seriously think people were transitioning before there were trans people?
>The idea that a person could feel their body does not match their "mental" or "spiritual" gender is equally absurd.
Claim with nothing to back it up. In fact, it's plain observable truth that this can and does happen.
>Thinking that the treatment for these thoughts is cosmetic surgery rather than psychiatric help really shows just how on board with mental illness the entire "trans rights" movement really is.
The best help actual medical professionals have come up with thus far is, you guessed it, transitioning.
>It's not physically possible to change your gender.
You would only say that if you didn't know the meaning of the word.
>We've established that because you have no argument for it and fell back to this.
I never was anywhere else.
Only street people should have punk haircuts. It doesn't work when every faction has punk hair.
With all of the mods and enhancements, ine would think that there would be more interesting hairstyles and even hair technology. Punk is dead now, you think there will be a revival in the music and hairstyles 57 years from now?
Faggot hasn't seen Monster Hunter threads and the constant shitposting for 2 years by ONE person.
It just means they put no effort into creating collectibles
it's likely an original track from the game
these tracks are from the trailers too and to me it sounds like they're built on the same beat
>if you didn't know the meaning of the word
seethe tranny
whatever meaning you attribute to gender in your faggy theories is irrelevant
Monster hunter threads are full of furry faggots and deserve to die. Fuck off
TW threads suffered the same fate
ploughan threads pre-TW3 were the comfiest thing on the boards
>people who got cosmetic surgery on their dick prior to the trans rights movement weren't trans
>it's plain observable truth that mental illness can and does happen
>The best help plastic surgeons and pseudo scientist psychiatrists have come up with thus far is, you guessed it, mutilation
>you don't know the meaning of the word because we've redefined it by shouting about it really loudly and getting mad when people use it the correct way
>I never completely shifted my position or did it again in this paragraph I finally got mad enough to write up
cognitive dissonance i n t e n s i f i e s
People are addicted to shitposting
Most commonly associated music with cyberpunk genre isn't punk, it's industrial, industrial metal. Most of the lyrics are about transhumanism, dystopias, rise of the machines, etc.
>Nothing wrong with being a tranny
>Citation needed
Because literally everyone does that
Still, some characters have corp backgrounds, for instance. I don't think it's a good explanation.
Remove the trannies and the anger will disappear. Not before.
Remember "actual graphics"? That one shitposter who still has a picture of his dick on google images safe search because of the amount of shitposting he did?
Hm, yes, I do think I will waste more of my time arguing with a dishonest weasel
>It has /pol/ shitposters, tranny crybabies and TORtanic tag alongs seething
Damn this game is going to be fucking great.
Your time is much better put to use pushing forward a political movement that has no basis, and exists only to enable virtue signaling and witch hunting, I agree.
i'm one of the few people happy about no car and home decorations
it's just useless padding to me
i want hard to crack areas and quests with lots of legwork, not grinding for new furniture and crafting tables
God i hope there's no weapon crafting
fresh out of arguments i see
jk you never had any
>full of furry faggots
You mean one or two dudes that everyone tells to fuck off?
Well lets see i have some pics saved:
1. First of all we have the tranny brigade Pic related
People mad about Cyberpunk because CdProject made jokes about the uses of how you adress people and some Gog guy making jokes about them plus an advertisment of a dickgirl
>God i hope there's no weapon crafting
There is weapon customization, already confirmed
2. Second point is a very small but very autistic group of people that also shitposted Witcher 3.
Pic related
he is literally posting the same pictures but adding another missinformation. He literally posts the same post now atleast 4 times a day in every single thread
I agree but weapon customization is a must
Also Pillars of Eternity is shit
3. Its only speculation but i would be surprised if its the same lone virgin that posted literally the same WEBMS from Witcher 3for 3 years tsriaght
Pic related
Why? Because the structure of the threads is always very similar:
>Dude its literally a glitch calm down
This starts the never ending cycle for him
And so on
>no car
The garage was confirmed tho
You mean the ban evading guy who has started every general thread on Yea Forums for the past year?
There used to be people like this pre 2010 Yea Forums but the amount of people like this has increase substantially. It doesn't help that /pol/ creates constant shitposters that spreads to every board except /jp/.
>Wah he's been shitposting for a year
And you've been counter shilling for longer.
Hey man you said "full of furry faggots"
It's not full of furry faggots if it's literally one very determined individual
What the fuck? Cyberpunk is being appropriated by QUEERS AND TRANS AS THEIR "CULTURE"? fucks sake. How is it even transphobia? Nobody is afraid of them to begin with.
Anyone want to join my LGBTQIA squad? Let's go beat the queers in America.
I don't stick around to see if there's more than a handful. I do know that the dude who starts every thread is a degenerate that probably does nothing but play pokemonsters in his mom's basement.
>Anyone want to join my LGBTQIA squad? Let's go beat the queers in America.
You're really proud of that one huh
bet you killed with it on facebook and r/T_D
Not that I'm a furry but not all of it is so bad
>How is it even transphobia?
you're right CDPR is very LGBTQ friendly
>very occasionally in some cutscenes
I originally predicted that they would have tpp dialogue scenes for important conversations in main quests, and do fpp for the minor quests and interactions. This sounds more like they're going to have 3 or 4 major cutscenes for the beginning, middle, climax, epilogue.
I'm ashamed that I know this term but the main dude is a "feral" fag. You know, the guys that want to fuck dogs and stuff.
so long as customization means actul attachments and not stat upgrades, i'm happy
damage values should be as close to fixed as possible or else the shooting is going to suffer for it
OG witcher team mostly gone
Every thing they've done has been against the narrative of both /pol/'s bullshit and the dumb transexual victim brigade
In otherwords they're well adjusted people making a game real to life in a time where American ideologies are fucking retarded
of course it's the foreign hires
There is a lot wrong with being a tranny.
this game is shit. it's not even cyberpunk.
you suck at recognizing samefags.
Polish "people" are the niggers of europe
>dumb transexual victim brigade
they literally catered to them though the change of gender removal was a direct response to the tranny brigade
i dont know why you're lying about that
>Traditional science fiction tends to be strangely sexless and yet we see in the real world that that’s the first thing people think of when new technology emerges. But CD Project keep get themselves in trouble with the portrayal of gender and trans issues. Have you changed your approach to how you deal with those sorts of things in the last year or so?
>You know, we really want to make a video game that’s really inclusive.
>Of course, if you tackle certain subjects then you will expect people to have an opinion about it and we respect that. And it’s good that people give us feedback. And our character creation menu, for instance, compared to the last demo we now give you so many more options. For instance, you don’t choose your gender anymore. You don’t choose, ‘I want to be a female or male character’ you now choose a body type. Because we want you to feel free to create any character you want.
So you choose your body type and we have two voices, one that’s male sounding, one is female sounding. You can mix and match. You can just connect them any way you want. And then we have a lot of extra skin tones and tattoos and hairstyles. So we really want to give people the freedom to make their own character and play the way they want to play.
are you upset you got called out on a lie?
>Traditional science fiction tends to be strangely sexless
... Have they read any Niven at all?
>There are SO MANY people trying to pass misinformation and sometimes straight up lie about Cyberpunk 2077, what's up with that?
Pretty sure Cyberpunk got targeted by that autist who gets fixated on upcoming games and shitposts endlessly for months about them. He seems to have a thing for Western RPGs in particular