Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

Attached: 1552728859711.png (640x752, 742K)

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"""""summoning"""" magic is just a regular attack with a minute long animation

I agree why IS this allowed?

i liked the summoning animations as a kid. Later I didn't. Maybe it's the adhd kicking in

"gender euqality"

They can take my feather muff, but they will never take my FIRE CROTCH!

censored by the ethics department

typical male power fantasy

Ethics deparment...

Something something ethics department.

The real question is why do you post this every hour? We get it. We're going to buy your game because outrage culture.

Normal Attacks with proper magic Junctioned has higher damage than summons

I dont understand why they didnt made it available for preorder, game comes out tomorrow and still no preorder

if your answer isnt sarcasm, how does it apply to this scenario?
Suggesting they made Siren more buff? Doesnt seem like it.
Suggesting crotches on buff males doesnt need censorship, because they are too buff?
Thats the only train of thought i can get from this, if, of course, you're not joking.

Mostly for Squal, but if you only equip ONE summon per person, they end up reaching Lv99 before the characters reach Lv15.
So its a way to out level the mobs who level faster than you.

the gf had levels? I dont remember that

So are we just going to pretend that people actually use Siren's summon attack? Pathetically low damage just with a silence effect. You can inflict silence in much more effective ways. It's useless as fuck.

That doesn't justify censorship.

yup. their dmg and HP was based on their level.

their skills didnt depend on their levels right? there was AP points or something like that like in Final Fantasy 7 right?

fucking square

Nobody cares, incel.

IDR much on that, I just remember having a Lv99 GF, wondering why it was out leveling all the others, having 9999hp, and dealing 9999 HP dmg to all mobs.
Eventually realized the other party member with only 2 GFs had Lv50s, and squall had all Lv10s. the EXP is split among the GFs.

Shiva is the hottest one. Post her.

I thought they were awesome graphical moneyshots

They totally were.


Shiva's cool, I guess.

Attached: 3p7OVo3.jpg (3840x2066, 916K)

I like the way that IX has a quick animation for it.

>censoring a game where 90% of the player base are above 18 due to the game's age
What the fuck?


That vagina dentata movie fucked me up