An apple fell from the Gravity Rush thread

An apple fell from the Gravity Rush thread

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Kat going to page 10!

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Is the second game any better? The artstyle is cool and the gravity gimmick is nice, but the gameplay in the first one gets pretty boring fast.

Sleep tight, Shifters

I want to smell her feet

Sleep tight, Juuryoku Tsukai.

Reminder that Gravity Shifter outfit is literally the Queen's underwear.


I liked gameplay 1 better than 2.

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It's a complete improvement in every regard

Same, but 2 has more and cuter costumes, emotes, and cam. If only you could have all that in 1...

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I hope we get more costume in 3, whenever it comes out

Sleep tight, Shifters


Mind you that the second game is significantly longer and expands on both setting and even mechanics.
So some people prefer the smaller scope of the first in both regards.
But others don't really like 1 in how clunky and "first attempt" it feels.
Both are great games but if you don't like the gameplay, give 2 a shot because what it does more, might be enough.

How? 1 is basically a beta version and the camera and kick aiming is terrible at times. 2 is literally the same + more. Unless you talk about the times where 2 locks you into "more" and doesn't let you play the way you want.

Even though both games are broken anyway. 1 is kick to win and 2 is throw to win. But I guess the charme and love towards this franchise comes more from the creativity and heart put into it rather than being having foolproof mechanics.

user, I...

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1 is better. you cant fly fast in 2.

>you cant fly fast in 2.

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Jupiter + dive is stupid fast, are you nuts

Sleep tight, Shifters

>Slamming into everything
What's this trying to prove?

I thought it was kind of apples and oranges. GR2's bigger, more polished, and has more variety in terms of shifting powers and the fact that stasis isn't garbage to use.

But I thought GR1 actually did a better job with the Rift Planes not overstaying their welcome. And the timed special attacks (like that one where you turn into a flying drill and wreck everything) were OP enough that I thought it was easy to get through the more boring stretches of combat.

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you can build up momentum by kicking off of objects
the game has a lot of weird tricks and nuances where it's possible to get a lot of speed
plus you could always just buff the Jupiter shift/slide speed with talismans

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Sleep tight, Shifters.

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You'd be surprised how many stupid people don't play with the styles

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I've had the worst experience with 2 because it keeps crashing every few minutes but it's quite enjoyable when it works.
HOWEVER, I just got to the fight with the bubblegum monster and I can see why people prefer the first game.

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dont get what this is. looks like shes just randomly flying.

whats jupiter. im not bad at action games but not so much into this game. im a total casual fan and skipped most fetch quests. 1 had an easy level up system. in 2 i couldnt buy those all skills.

The talismans were the worst addition to the game

I'm inclined to agree.
I like modifiers that enable gimmicky bullshit but not if they become more or less mandatory.

I thought they were fine just to give the rewards/collectibles a little more variety. But I'd have preferred simply being able to upgrade my general speed, which I'm pretty sure that you could do in the first game.

sleep tight shifters

I just bought a PS4. Are these fun weeb games,or just weeb games?

Has that user scanned the manga yet?

they are fun weeb capeshit games

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well i guess the combat was my main problem. felt like a beat them up type of stuff and not big fan of that genre.

I think the general mechanics are lighthearted fun if you like this style of game, but a lot of the appeal did come from the game's presentation. Likable characters, fun visuals, lovely music, etc.

Attached: GR2 flight.webm (640x640, 2.98M)

Sleep tight, shifters

They're not 10/10 but at least an 8, the music is 10/10 though.
The first was great when it came out but 2 blows it out the water in every way.
Wait for sales, they go for

collecting/fusing them is a huge pain in the ass and to get the best buffs it's a huge time sink, but the actual buff you get from them are really useful and fun
but is sucks that when the online was up, that talismans were a major factor in deciding who would win races, not just player skill but how much time you spend grinding out the best speed talismans

there's a demo of 2 you can try

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post feet

Fuck tight, bitches.

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look at this proto kot

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GR series has some wonderful characters, great music and art direction, and a fairly endearing story. However the combat and level structure are really mediocre. For example there are stealth missions that feel really out of place and don't mesh well with the gravity powers you have.

>stealth missions
yeah, fuck those

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Sleep tight, shifters

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it's true

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how lewd

That's amazing that the game has pre-emptive camera movements for edge cases such as this.

GR3 when?

has anyone complained about raven's DLC being shit in this thread yet?

raven's DLC is shit

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sleep tight shifters.

i can't have restful sleep anymore though because i've developed tennitis in one ear

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eventually, I hope

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Kat loves dogs!

Don't try to stack them!

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get a pair of comfy earbuds and put on some 10 hour rain video or some shit

PS5 or Vita 2

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It let me headcanon a happy ending for Singlor and Nala, but beyond that I just found it kind of confusing and forgettable.

You get what you pay for I guess.

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1 is better than 2 IMO.

It's hot out.

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Sleep tight, Shifters

Kat is seriously one of my favorite female protagonists in vidya. She's just a girl that tries to be a good person.

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REMINDER: 2 was such garbage that it killed the series

It should be illegal for Western reviewers to write about Japanese games,

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It is pleasant to see a protagonist that's genuinely good-natured and optimistic for a change.

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no sony killed it because they refuse to market anything japanese that isn't a soulslike

"Sleep tight, Shifters"

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imagine if this game came out today

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I want to smell Kat's cute panties!

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Why aren't there any gravity rush doujins

there was an /ss/ one but the art style looked kinda shit
some user said he commissioned a 20 page one but nothing happened yet

Dodged a bullet

wot about dis one

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Kill yourself.

Ape Escape crossover when?

Gravy Tush is my favorite video games!

I spent all of GR2 with that costume wear Kat has black hair. She looks good in that one.


because it makes her look more like Raven

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Nah, I prefer Kat's design to Raven, I just prefer that costume of Kat's to her normal design. Raven't design is fine too, though.

GR2 sorely lacked this track or a variation of it.

>Nah, I prefer Kat's design to Raven
Really? I guess the golden highlights are neat but god damn, Raven gets me going.

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From what I remember of all the designs shown in the Remaster, the only good one seemed to be her final design. I don’t actually remember the other designs but meh. But yeah, fuck that design too.

Well, I don't particularly care for either in a sexual regard, I just find Kat a bit cuter and I like her eyes.

Sleep tight, smelly Kat


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I don't like that, I like her eyes because they're red. I like this color palette more than her normal one though, even if this isn't actually her.

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how does kat make up for the fact that raven is hotter?

because she's FLAT

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Much worse in every regard
>visuals look like stock assets from the Unity store
>badly implemented DoF effects and garbage tier motion blur
>terrible mission design
>I cannot stress enough how terrible the missions are
>the missions deserve 3 lines due to how boring they are, you literally listen to a stone tablet telling you to kill fodder enemies to progress through the game
>bad story, the first half is not even focused on Kat
It's terrible

imagine a muscular kat

2 ruins everything that made 1 great and improves upon nothing. It was so terrible it literally killed the series.


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It was just finished.
Not every series needs to be an endless march of sequels.

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WHY and WHERE the FUCK are they driving?

By marrying her.

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qt patooties

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I kind of liked the left and top-right designs here. But I preferred the final version we got.

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Sleep tight, shifters

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Midriff for days.

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Are there any power up gems scattered around in gr2 like in the first game or will I have to kick rocks for hours like a fucking retard to max out? I want to drop the game already just for the mining stuff

that carrot top is pretty neat

oh they are totally still around, don't worry
also, you'll get abilities later on that trivialize the mining part

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Hated doing the treasure hunts.

After a while I kinda missed treasure hunts and realized how much fun I was having fucking with the pictures and stuff.

Shit is weird.

oh thank god

>she couldn't wear this in game

They were pretty hit and miss depending on who was taking the pictures and what part of the city you were expected to find it in.

I probably had my fill of them by the end of my playthrough, but I was still bummed when they dropped the servers for it.

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At the end of the day it's still a game feature that was taken out and no matter how much people messed with it, it still holds value.

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Why do they sleep in clothes and even with fucking shoes on? It's a fucking picture you can literally draw them naked, you aren't bound by ingame models or something. What the fuck.

>It's a fucking picture you can literally draw them naked
That would be lewd...

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Pretty sure the excuse was that they were just exhausted in that scene rather than them actually getting ready for bed.

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ever been so tired that you don't really care?

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I once worked for like 13 hours non stop and by the end of the day my leg literally refused to work and I was walking home with my leg muscles being totally numb. But I still got a shower at home.

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I will never forgive snoy for killing the most comfy online mode ever.

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Sleep tight, shifters

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>hello, may I take your order
Wat do

say yes

Who's the futa?

Sleep tight, Shifters

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You can have Kat, I'll take Raven.

Sleep tight, Shifters

>not both

Any scanned manga?

the whole manga is scanned iirc and it only covers the prologue and the beginning of GR2 (with a few differences) up until they leave for the city.

How do you do that slow floating thing at the end of the clip?

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I remember the GR Central guy saying the ending was based off GR2's actual ending

The first volume covers that, but the series itself goes way past that and hasn't been scanned

she smells like sewage

is spikat canon

>is spikat canon

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>brown cutie and shota with gigantic asses
we need more spikat in this world


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I bet she has cute feet

super cute

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Sleep tight, shifters

Official artwork guy did it. Makes me want a God Mode Kat, moreso than the one we see in 2. Also,

>Still no Panther Mode toggle

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Sleep tight, Shifters

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