>Only 10 days left for GOTY
I'm excited bros, the wait is almost over
Borderlands 3
Other urls found in this thread:
The girls in this game are so ugly.
ur mom is ugly
imagine being excited for a borderlands game after playing 2
oh no no no no no
Smells like onions skim milk latte ITT
I can't decide between Moze and Amara. On one hand you have mechs and regenerating ammo, on the other you have brown muscle girl and melee. HELP!
day 1 (when crack is availabe) pirate!
I can't fucking wait
hi Gearbox shills
Is delicious brown the elemental slinging class?
Because I want that class.
Awesome, another shill thread!
>not liking brown musclegirls
literal fucking faggot
Do you think this game is going to be playable online pirated?
I am gonna pirate this so hard, fuck Epic they killed my favorite franchise for fucking fornite
>Epic shill thinks Denuvo can't be cracked
I'm excited.
Yeah because that totally worked the last 5 years
but it's invincible
The vidya drought has been really bad, I'm actually considering getting this day 1. Will it be fun to play solo?
Played all three boringlands games by myself and they were fine.
Infinitely better with friends though.
>epic games launcher
>original clap voice actor was kicked out
>game looks only slightly better after 7 years on a new engine
>probably runs worse
>borderfags will pay full price for the same game over and over again
Borderlands is no goty, user. They're just passable loot-and-shoot games without anything remarkable. Not bad, but not fucking amazing.
I wanna fuck Moxxi
t. Dyatlov
user, 2 got GOTY awards...
*finna dabs over a meme game everyone will forget about in a month*
>can't play as Tina
nah fuck off Bobandy your game sucks
>pay full price
user I am a Borderlands fag and even I am gonna pirate it
>wanting to fuck a literal whore
>giving randy money
You don't have a choice, pay piggy. Not only is Denuvo locking this one down nice and tight, but I'd be shocked if any pirates even care about Borderlands enough to put in free work.
Time to cough up the cash, pay piggy.
Does it have something comparable to Physx in BL2? Might wait until it's out on Steam, otherwise it's the console version for that splitscreen action you nerds
Console version has splitscreen?
>actually doing anything
>game looks only slightly better after 7 years on a new engine
I agree with the rest but who the fuck cares about graphics at this point? Like maybe if the game's purpose was to look realistic i'd understand you complaining about it but this makes no sense.
Reminder not to buy the game from retailers and to buy it second hand from craigslist/ebay.
Do NOT give Gearbox anymore money.
Yeah, all of the BL games have splitscreen on console
I'm sure you're pretty damn ugly too.
Claptrap was annoying fucking minions tier trash, hope they got rid of it.
Yes, that is what they are for..
Imagine being excited for a gearbox game after DNF, Aliens Colonial Marines, Batleborne, Pitchford's constant dumbfuckery and pathetic shitfit about the Claptrap's voice actor, AND Borderlands 2
Enjoy your STDs
El Em Ay Oh.
>Liking poo in loo
No thank you
I'll give it a month.
How long do you guys seriously think it will take until the game is cracked?
I would say 3-5 days max with the amount of players who want to play the game
>dabbing on everything but themselves
Buy silver
I know this is bait and all but more people played borderlands 2 after almost 10 years than people who played destiny 1 and 2 combined a month after launch
fuck off Randy
border shit a shit series sand you are sjw subhuman for playing it loser
So did they drop all of the tech demo stuff? The game seems to have zero Nvidia processing effects this time around. Which I guess is fine because it was unoptimized and caused crashing
Filthy dumb tranoid scum
Lost a dick and guzzles cum
Worth less than detroit's surplus niggers
Give each and all of them the trigger
Have sex
>being this much of a pleb
Neck yourself, user. It will make the world a better place.
I just hope it runs well
It's okay to play and like Borderlands 3
What is not okay is paying for it
Like the rathole you spawned from is any better
So did Dragon Age: Inquisition and only retards like it. Come on user, be serious, the borderlands “loot shooter with bad fart jokes and no real story” formula is just not very good and already played out. Expect a lot of sales, but you’ll miss your targets.
How can I play co op if I pirate it? Idk if I can wait for the steam release
You know, I hear "it's fun with friends" tossed around a lot in these threads, but I have to question if it actually is. You can judge if a game is actually fun with friends based on its cooperative mechanics, and Borderlands doesn't have very good ones. First of all, if you're a working stiff and you want to play with a friend, you need your friend to be in the same time situation you are, god forbid 4 of them. Borderlands fucks you if you and your friend's quests aren't aligned in the 15-40 hour story.
I imagine the real case with these games is people will play a little while with friends and then just go off solo. Most of the people I see playing this game on youtube play it alone as well.
>looter shooter
neck yourself you shit taste having bitch
Just start a new game with your friend, problem solved
kill yourself shill you are failurea like blunderland
borderlands is such a great series
I plan on living. You go to hell by yourself
What does borderlands 3 provide me that 2 does not? please answer this question
>friend is a quarter through the story
>I'm half way through
Nah that's ok. I think I'll just get Left 4 Dead instead, buddy.
That's a shame
Trannyfaggot charity funds where part of your money wasted on the video game will go.
New content that you have not yet played through 20 times on increasing difficulties.
Day 1 pirate.
Yikes, just I can’t even right now
>If your friend is a high level character but you want to play with them regardless, you can do so thanks to the level scaling
>When you reach that point in the game that you helped your buddy out with, you have the option to completely skip that quest
Wait what this shit is coming out in 10 days?
Man funds must be tight for Randy. Haven't seen a single ad. Hardly any shilling on this board either.
What am I missing out on if I don’t get Gold Edition or whatever? I’m thinking of saving this one for December instead for max comfy but then again Death Stranding exists
Kingdom Come Deliverance teaches us that even tossing shit at a house can be "fun with friends"
Tossing shit at a house with friends for 15 hours though.
Imagine cumming inside her and then cumming again but on her abs
yeah I'm fucking lonely and horny
I'll buy it day one and play that cool robot guy
Nice reading comprehension, user.
Is it me or is practically no one interested in this?
For BL2 you had shittons of threads around the clock and for this one it's practically nothing. Not even shitposting, just complete apathy.
Yeah, he's cool.
I'm talking about BL3, silly billy
BL3 doesn't look interesting at all
the only defining thing about the game is the ab indian chick
Well you can't have a single thread here without faggots who hate the game shitposting the thread into oblivion so why bother?
*no one on Yea Forums
I really don't get what people see in Borderlands. Game is boring and bland as fuck. The quality of games that are praised really took a dive in the 7th gen.
you will Randy, you will
Its diablo but fps. If you like loot games and fps games then youll like borderlands.
Because the only people that "like" the game are shills or tumblr feminists. It deserves to be shitted on
>tumblr feminists existed in 2009
Nice one retard. Borderlands is a normie game
Silly Gohan, everybody knows it release in March '20
Not even going to pirate, lul
You're going to get fired for using a slur.
just don't misgender the robot
She's the game's siren, so yes.
Hey guys Im scared to announce this but I have to say it. Randy pitchfork raped me. I don't know who to tell or where to go
pics or it didn't happen
Adding grinders to a not bad game
More weapon gimmicks
Scaled Co-Op (If you go to a friend's session, who is a lower level than you are, you can have all the enemies and loot you see scaled to your level, while your friend's are scaled to his
Barrels can be kicked
Retrievable loot
You can get loot for idlin- I mean watching Twitch streams
Modifiers in the leveling system that has major overhauls of what you do
Multiple active skills (although only one person can use more than one at the same time)
A system that retrieves missed loot for you
Kickable barrels
Hopefully[/spoiler ]a good story this time (the Tales of the Borderlands guys are in charge of the story this time around)
Trigger warning
Randy Pitchford's nonsense, TPS"s SJW moments, Blunderborn, the whole Aliens Colonial Marines controversy being fully realized, and EGS exclusivity makes any attempt at legitimate discussion surrounded by shitposts. Expect some threads around launch, but after after a week or two, the fanbase is just going to seek refuge on /vg/ when the shotposters outnumber the people who want discussion.
oh my god user, im so sorry.
gonna feel good to pirate
I can't wait to play my pre-ordered copy that I bought from the EGS.
I'll probably steal it from Gamestop and give it a try.
How bad is Epic store security, etc its the only thing i care about. I dont like it i think its BS but i dont really care too much about steams features i just want to play BL3 and Metro exodus. Any of you fags have accounts, do you still get spammed with someone trying to log into your accounts?
Yea Forums is a minority, pretty much every normie is interested
This there is nothing more to see, I like looting weapons, Killing enemies and testing different builds, I don't care about the plot or SWJ/anti-SWJ drama
I was gonna buy it, but I don't want to get it on Epic, so I am gonna wait for the steam release while playing the pirates copy
Guy who has his email taken by Chinese bots here. The last message I got from someone trying to get into my account on Epic is from August the 8, the last Steam message was from the 28th.
happily pirating, will get it for $20 in 6 months when it hits steam
While I think most people who don't buy stuff from the EGS are only doing it for superficial reasons (including some of my friends who openly questioned me buying it on the platform) I do recognize that the store has a handful of serious flaws, and I hope you enjoy the game as long as you're not a complete cunt about it to people who bought EGS copies.
Six months and two weeks. Hell yeah motherfucker.
Use a burner email if you care about spam. Also a temp card
>The game seems to have zero Nvidia processing effects this time around.
They're partnering with AMD this time around.
I don't really mind the store that much, I just hate Epic because they killed Unreal Tournament 4 and I prefer to keep my games in the same store as much as possible, so I don't mind waiting 6 months
>Claims goty
>Shills can only defend the art by calling people names
Great stuff guys, that gameplay is looking good, amazing features too.
You mentioned kickable barrels twice unless that was supposed to be some kind of ebin joke on your part
Really? That could be a jump in writing quality, even more without Burch around
>75gb game
>looks no better than the 28gb one with two years of DLC bolted on
Try and stop me from playing this dude, Yea Forums.
Robot guy with a badass cloak and kit?
I can't wait to play him in BL3.
Going to get a copy for my friends, too.
Gearbox, please give Flak some good outfits that look cool on him.
Even though I think the outfits in BL2 were pretty good, I want the ones in BL 3 to be better.
Really wish they hadn't used the Epic Memes Store.
Epic really didn't need to lock down this franchise and muh boi Flak.
Definitely a stupid move by the devs, but it won't stop me from buying it to play my man Flak.
Fund Randys kid fucking parties, yea you go!
Give 2k that money so they can add gambling in more games!
Help Gearbox with more money to kill off more established IPs, fuck yea!
>I'd be shocked if any pirates even care about Borderlands enough to put in free work
You cannot seriously believe this. Come on now.
This is bait but I enjoy both of these games very much.
cry some more baby boy.
But you have to be 18 to post here, clearly too old for Randy
Amara looks boring, only one action skill and you don't even get to ORA ORA ORA
Why am I gonna cry? Ill be playing a pirated copy well before steamcucks will, and soon after epicfags
>Borderlands fucks you if you and your friend's quests aren't aligned in the 15-40 hour story.
Keep up with the game, they've changed how it works now.
>but I'd be shocked if any pirates even care about Borderlands enough to put in free work.
Most crackers crack for the fun of the challenge.
im pumped
>tfw faggy friends look like they're going to flake out of buying this
No, I just forgot I just put it in the second time, because I didn't think I did for the first. Although a good 60% of my death in these games are probably from barrels.
I haven't bothered to check it myself, but I've heard it was the case on multiple fronts. I may not be the right guy to call on this, because I hated 2's writing more on story inconsistencies than the use of memes, but I only really saw what was on the reveal stream, and overall I wasn't too impressed. Claptrap seems to be more annoying than ever and I'm afraid the twins are going to be diet Handsome Jacke, but I'm not going to complete dismiss it until I get more of it.
>I'm afraid the twins are going to be diet Handsome Jacke, but I'm not going to complete dismiss it until I get more of it.
It's the Far Cry problem where they wrote a great villain and can't seem to move on, so they just copypaste him, although in their case it's just sucking his dick for three installments, probably now too.
Still gonna buy this game day one, suck my dick.
Every character skill has multiple action skills:
I hope they go back to giving legendaries actually useful traits instead of le wacky gimmicks, so many were just completely useless in BL2 because of that shit. Which is saying something because even BL1 wasn't exactly amazing in that regard.
Well you're wrong but what does that have to do with the awful female character designs in this game?
>epic sucks wah wah
>cant pirate oh no :(
>get used to the new claptrap voice actor idiot
>borderlands has a specific art style :)
>borderlands is a looter shooter its always fundamentally going to be the same they pay for the time and characters and story
fucking worthless cunt arent you?
god is there any way at all i can get another sam and max hat in borderlands 3. they put my favorite bunny on my favorite vault hunter in BL2
What do you mean? the game isn't coming out for like half a year
6 months for me, I got plenty of stuff to play until the steam release.
shut the fuck up INCEL
theyve completely changed how that works you absolutely braindead cunt
Every single character in this game looks overdesigned as fuck.
It reminds me of the drawings the edgy 14 year old used to in class which he thought looked cool.
its called a bigger better game do you actually think before you post things or are you always acting on impulse?
i prefer wacky over nothing like in destiny to be honest but the again destiny is a low bar to beat
Yes but she can only equip one at a time which is lame when the others can have multiple, and hers are all just boring versions of the Siren skills from other games it seems like
thats a good thing
i think most of it is environmental effects. They havent show us the full scope of the game
its more of the same because sequels are just remakes with a vast amount QoL improvements and maybe a few new additions.
Gearbox definitely wants to play it safe after the disaster of battleborn. I highly doubt they would change the core of the gameplay or take risks
there's a thread on /vg/. Also there isnt much to talk about right now despite knowing skills trees and end game stuff
shit its that bad. How the fuck could they not fix this type of shit like really i dont care about Steams "features" sure its annoying that the store is shit but goddamn aslong as i can play my games idont really care, you know i just want my shit to be secured not ahve people/bugmen trying to log into my stuff ffs
Bl2 also spent a fuckload of money on marketing and had alot of shill threads here
Considering theres 1-2 shill threads here now I honestly wonder if its that again
>There's an enemy type called nogs in the game
Holy kek
Only one can have multiple at the same time.