Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy Of The Duelist: Links Evolution

How are you enjoying the best Yu-Gi-Oh! game to come out to consoles since Yea Forums? What Deck are you using? Which Era are you on?

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Masked Heroes, and I'm still playing through battle city because my deck is still pretty shit. Link monsters make the story duels a cakewalk, though.

Just grinding through Story until I can make a VWXYZ Deck.

Are there seriously no Structure Decks aside from the ones you start with?

Did the Japanese trick to get it early

I run Lair of Darkness. For her...

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LOTD sucks ass, so no.

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Do people play this online? I will buy it right now if it's not already fucking dead so soon after launch

I hadn't played yugioh since 2004 when I was finishing up HS, so im sticking with the Original Run for now.
Finished it forwards, now doing all the reverse match ups. Have like 5 or 6 left as im using story decks and the fisherman guys deck is complete shit along with a couple of bandit keiths decks.

Im worried about moving on as new summoning mechanics seem stupid complicated, would watching the anime help me understand XYZ, pendulum, and link summoning better?

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>new summoning mechanics seem stupid complicated
You'd have to be an actual retard to not be able to grasp how xyz work. Links are even easier.

4 + 4 = 4 you brainlet its basic maths

links are not easier than xyz

Nigger you don't even have to look at levels. It's a special tribute summon that comes from the ED.

How do I make a frog dek? I've already gotten most of the cards from Bastion

>Are there seriously no Structure Decks aside from the ones you start with?

>Are there seriously no Structure Decks aside from the ones you start with?
What are the initial structure decks? XYZ, Synchro and Link?

Will I enjoy this game if I only care about Yugi and don't know anything whatsoever about any of the other protagonists or storyline? Stopped watching this shit when I was like 11.

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I got it last night, did the vrains "story" first for some decent links now doing everything else in order while buying from Kaiba for Blue-eyes, Thunder-Dragon, A to Z cards.
Is weird, the game is kind of shit but i still want to keep playing.

Does it use Master Rule 5? If so, it's shit.

Being able to use tokens really speed up things, and no level requirement means most decks can get their links out of any card.

What are some good links to use alongside Synchros?

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The online is still alive, at least from the couple of times that I tried it. The ranked leaderboard is crap though since it literally only ranks people by the number of wins rather than win % or anything else. The draft mode thing is fun as well, where you just open a bunch of boosters and try to make a deck out of whatever garbage you got.

>mfw Draft Play
this shit's fun as fuck
are there more sets for it besides just Epic Dawn and War of the Giants 1-2?

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>Draft Play
Can it be played offline?

Thanks user

yeah, you can play it online, local, or offline against an AI