Nothing makes me happier than mowing down clankers

Nothing makes me happier than mowing down clankers

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when the game isn't bugged, sure

Actually I haven't noticed a ton recently. The only big one was the dooku thing, right?


Nothing makes me sadder that I downloaded 80 GBs of garbage just to uninstall 20 minutes later.

There already is a Jakku map, it's just a ST era one for some reason

There are a lot

>star cards
garbage. if its going to act like a free to play game it could at least be fucking free

How does star cards make it like a ftp game? They are no different than CoD perks

star cards are like ow ability’s, push button get action, wait for recarge
cod perks are passive and are always active

>Another user that doesn't realize that star cards are, at BEST, a minor buff to grenades or extra xp on kill
Where did this idea that they are OP come from? You can't even tell when someone is using them

I can tell you don't play the game.

Most star cards are passive. A few of them are upgrades to, or in rare instances replacements for your equipment.


so is it worth it now?
hows the player base is its healthy?

Wait for a sale, it goes down to like 5 bucks usually.

The playerbase for the main modes are healthy. The large scale ones and then heroes vs villians has a big playerbase. You will be hard pressed to find people playing shit like Ewok hunt though

>nigger hero cards

I only play it to larp as boba fett in arcade starfighter mode. Got tired of the online a while ago.

I realized why this game is still boring this morning
I got back into it with the thread a few days ago and was briefly enjoying the new content
Leveled up the new heroes a bit, played a bunch, started getting sick of it again
You know what it is?
The chat. It's fine theirs no voice, but nothing happens in the text chat. The default setting actually hides it, and you can't talk between spawns or after the match at all. It's total garbage and I may as well just be playing single player vs AI. This game will stay lame until that's fixed

Modern MP cancer.

Yeah I agree. The default should stay on and you need pre and post round discussion

You officially took this too far, user

>Never complain
>Never suffer
>can be reprogrammed to work during peacetime
>will lead to utopian society where nobody works
>destined to become second class citizens in peacetime
>need to be fed, sheltered and kept entertained
>will become homeless and drunk
>nobody will ever love them because they all look the same and people can't see past the surface
I know what the better choice is

>Droids never complain

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Is that official or fan art?

That was official I believe. Could be wrong though

I'm taking a break until he's out, logged in to get all of the emotes and stuff that I missed, I heard HvV is a fucking mess because of the blocking bug so I didn't feel like playing

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I got 30 copies of my favorite C3PO picture, what's it to you?

Anybody else actually looking forward to this?

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>being a soulless creature
miss me with that shit

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I am. I have been craving a good modern sw story within Vidya. BF2 just made me want it even more

Not after the gameplay was shown

as much as episode 9 or galaxies edge

sekiro was boring so no

>Pirate the game
>try out arcade mode
>floaty movement
>weapons sound great but feel miserable to fire
>maps are small, corridor shooters with hardly any options for cover

This game fucking sucks.

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Pretty much this. The E3 footage was fucking awful.

The more recent trailer KINDA redeemed it for me but I'm definitely going in more cautiously.

Glad that it's a metroidvania though. Huge potential there.


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Atleast they are adding in a large scale offline mode soon that lets you actually play against ai heroes and on a full map rather than a shitty portion of it

Guess I'll wait for that then. I was incredibly underwhelmed by what I played. That and conquest mode might make things worth touching.

Pic unrelated

How so?

because the clanker had purple star cards

Kek so he has what, 3 seconds off of his item regen?
Get good.


>so is it worth it now?
No, core gameplay was fucked from the start, which nobody ever addressed because of the loot boxes getting singled out for so long.
Now they fixed the star card shit somewhat and hope to bring people back by making more content.
But none of that ever addressed the fact that the core gameplay is fucked.

Star cards really fucked the whole game up, fighting a experienced yoda with full star cards is instant death as a trooper and I bet it's even worse with health on kill coming standard

>cross era heroes and weapons
>vehicles not spawning on the map
>vehicles on rails and only have one seat
we get it Ea you know fans are really happy with comandos being added in but you failed no one on Yea Forums is going to buy it stop posting the same picture with the same 5 lines

>try to flank
>step into a no-no zone
cool game

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They really aren't that bad at all

This game is really fun for quick bursts but anything more than an hour and you really feel how shallow it is
I hate to even dip my feet into Starfighter Assault because it seems like more often than not you get ST maps, which have beyond awful fighter selection

list some

Don't try to flank. Just run into grenades and hope your teammates who are also currently throwing grenades will do the same.
They won't, but if you don't believe in them and set an example you will lose either way. Might as well keep exploding yourself.

i bought it

It gives you like a full 10 seconds to get back to the arena. Where you just hanging out out of bounds or what?

They are fine until you get to the hero cards then shit gets stupid

I'll agree that they are definitely more over powered than the normal unit cards are. I still find them totally manageable though.

>unironically playing EAfront

What games do you play, user?

>EA Battlefront 2
>Star Cards crap
>still no vehicles on the map
At least in the recent patch they've finally allowed player to spawn where they want instead of 100 miles from the fight.


The game is based around Star Cards instead of skill. It's not a fair system.
As I said in a previous nuBF2 thread, a new player will die over an over, with no chance to lean how to play. He will uninstall the game and get a refund. A 1v1 situation with both players of the same class with the same weapon, the one with the star cards (no matter the level) will kill the new player.
This Star Card crap pushes new player away. The playerbase will never grow, no matter how hard they try to appeal to the PT and OT fags.

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>Disney Wars
>cinematic experience
>lightsaber can't cut limbs anymore, only makes the equivalent of a paper cut

>nu-wars maps

user I got the game 2 days ago and have been doing fine. I didn't even know how the star cards worked but I sure as hell am not dying from a disadvantage.

>no chance to lean how to play
this wasn't my experience when I first played the game at the start of the year. you talk like this game is super complicated or something. starcards are trivial compared to learning the map layouts.

Well I haven't played for months so I guess they've fixed some of the star card crap.

>will become homeless and drunk

Just because they're Maori doesn't mean they're going to end up homeless drunkards

This. The metaplay has nothing to do with your star cards. It's all zoning and having a good sense of space
Hell, even the guns play exactly the same most of the time

the only thing they changed about star cards is the progression in how you unlock them. i have seen plenty of shit players with maxed out cards getting out played many times over.

EA BF2 sucks donkey dick desu. The gameplay is braindead, no amount of "free" cut content can fix that.

I wish they would put the vehicles on the map and allow more than 1 player to get in those.

That's so specific
What's the benefit of 2 players in one vehicle?

a driver and a gunner

But I mean like, what purpose does it serve? Both from a gameplay perspective and a enjoyment perspective. Is it really enough to be upset about their lack of inclusion?

>What’s the benefit of fun?

How is it more fun to have the role of one vehicle split in half?

Why would I have more fun doing one or the other over doing both?

Because it's fun.

Go play Battlefront 1 & 2 first.

its super easy to take out tanks, at least with a gunner they could cover their rear

I grew up playing BF2 user. Im still not convinced that the lack of coop vehicles somehow makes the new game worse

well if im driving i can 100% focus on driving around the map while my friend the gunner can keep his eyes out for enemies.

You just have a shitty opinion and are contributing to bad gameplay decisions.

Imagine you have a LAAT on the ground, one guy gets the pilot seat and the others use the guns on the sides. It could also serve as a spawn point for your squad if you land it anywhere on the map.
You know, "fun".

I agree with this for games like Halo where you are zooming around the map at a million miles per hour, but it really doesn't have the same effect with tanks where you have plenty of time to focus on both

Not that user btw

Have you ever played a Battlefield game?

Does this game have a photo mode?

not during gameplay. theres an inspect option through the menus when you're not in game to view the character and vehicle models.

Attached: Star Wars Battlefront II (2017) Screenshot 2019.05.01 - (1920x1080, 1.14M)

Even Halo has tanks with gunner seats.

I hate these guys.

Fuck off you had an entire game dedicated to OT. This should be permenate Clone Wars content.

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Or they could just do both.

*kills you*

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fuck, this isnt far from the truth. I see gangs of Infiltrators running around all the time.

What the fuck could they put in for content as the OT? Empires boring as shit, Rebels are boring as shit. Republic and Confederacy has the plethora of unique infantry and units and that means better content.

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they said that after september they'll take a break from adding prequel stuff, ot content will probably be added in october

>Empire at War
>Rogue One
>Jedi Knight series
>Star Wars Galaxies
>old EU
All filled with OT content that you’ve never heard of, zoomer. Not everything needs to be power rangers like Clone Wars.

Lmao the only thing I can remember from OT EU is Darktrooper droids, which isn't canon anymore. Pic related is you since you mention nu-star wars shit like Rogue One.

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