Who do you listen to for your vidya reviews, before buying?

Who do you listen to for your vidya reviews, before buying?

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My head and my heart

wow you must have not bought anything in a while

I watch let's plays by small time youtubers who had to buy their copy of the game. any other method than this is madness.

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I don’t listen to cheaters, that’s for sure.

I don't read reviews. I can look at gameplay myself and determine if a game is worth my time and money.


>*the game* gameplay
>watch 10 seconds of the game
>if it's bad don't play it, if it's good pirate it

myself because i dont need validation from my peers to tell me what i like because im not a child

Who the fuck does an open relationship with their wife? What retards.

I buy games i'm interested in day one ish, i never read reviews.

If a game can't sell me on gameplay vids or it's premise alone it's not worth buying



Sseth and Mudahar. They seem level headed enough

I dunno

Should I buy demolition girl for the ps2?

acg mostly

2019 cucks

>paramour is a complete downgrade from your wife
like, why? she's so ugly. his wife is a model compared to that "thing"

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The pretty ones are the crazy ones. Heidi was a bitch

It used to be TotalBuiscut, but now that he is dead, I don't know if I can beleive any other non-meme reviewer.

western males

I do my own damn research and form my own damn opinion.

woah calm down

I've played games enough to immediately tell at a glance if a game
>runs like ass
>is shallow as a pond
>has a terrible story
>has no soul
I dont need reviews anymore, the red flags that I see everywhere do it for me.

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Yea Forums but opposite.
If the general consensus here is that they hate the game. It usually means the game is good

who's that on the right, looks like a potato with beady eyes

What are you, Augustus Caesar? Why the fuck do you care about someone you don't know committing adultery on a women he was planning on divorcing anyway

Post her without a cosplay on.

I’m sick of numales listening to cuck-fags for their opinions and reviews on everything.

why? literally anything is more attractive than the potato girl on the right.

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Among other things, the fanbase always gives me a good idea of what to expect in a game.

>fandom does nothing but spam porn
>throw the game into the garbage

>fandom does nothing but jerk off the story
>throw it into the trash

>fandom ACTUALLY discusses the gameplay, and violently rejects porn and story posters
>game is henceforth worth a try

You're probably asking "how do you know this? You won't know unless you've tried it!" well, I know this BECAUSE I've tried it. I've played a myriad of good and bad games that had these warning signs present, and I used them to formulate a reliable system of quality determination.

It doesn't work with obscure games though. For them, I rely on reviews. But here's the thing, I only read negative reviews. A positive review can be influenced by money or fanboyism, but a negative review will always tell you the truth. Unlike with a popular game, nobody will want to review bomb the game out of spite, and even if they did, it's easy to sort through them.

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They're both ugly. Also Heidi is a crazy abusive bitch.
I go on her twitter to read her posts every day.She posts some stuff that make her look even more crazy and she thinks that posts prove her innocence. It's really entertaining

You are a low IQ individual and will never be able to enjoy anything more complex than a movie game. You have my pity.

usually the review by the smallest channel i can find.

>I need to tell me what to buy

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look, I know you hate women like an incel, but one is clearly more attractive than the other.

Meh, she'll age terrible

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fuck off heidi, you're ugly and you look like a horse. No one likes you

he was a beta cuck that finally decided to man up and fuck whoever he wanted even though his wife told him not to

I'd rather date an ugly weird lady than an attractive psychotic one

I trust this man more than any gaming site.

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I see what Yea Forums thinks. Cycism abound and general contrarianism, but Yea Forums has a decent nose for this kind of thing. That said, it's not the only source I look to for a game's quality.

Pretty easy choice:
>Game has anthros and an anthro party member
>Game does not have the above
No Eceleb opinions required.

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>Square and other developers continue to ignore their non human characters
It sucks I tell ya.

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this screenshot was unironically correct
the fact that it became a joke is amusing, but doesn't take away from the truth

heidi legit scares me
also I'm happy Ross has a new gf. I hope she looks better than Holly

How do you do that?


>putting up with abuse because you want pussy
That's unironically something a beta incel would do, cuck

nigga, we pirate

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Dunkey, his new “funny” videos have been getting worse and worse but his serious ones have always been masterpiece level reviews. I bought sonic mania and Celeste for him and both were really damn good.


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I do the same. AAA stuff is full of shitposting so you have to be careful about what you read, but for smaller games Yea Forums is about 95% accurate.

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This. Dude keeps shit to the point and covers most aspects of the game like audio and such that others don't really talk about.



I've more or less written off AAA games entirely. But yeah, smaller stuff Yea Forums is usually pretty spot on about. Pathologic 2 was my last purchase and that came from glowing praise from Yea Forums. I absolutely adore it.

He seems to be a really chill guy but I wouldn't be surprised if he'll be the next witchhunt target.

Nobody. E-celebs get bribed to give positive coverage to games that are objectively shit. At first I thought it was just a conspiracy theory, but then I noticed a consistent pattern of them hyping shitty games that just made no sense unless the aforementioned theory was true.

Quality post.

Thanks user.

I think Holy is like, I dunno, charming? I don't think she's as ugly as everyone says.

Why are zoomers so incapable of forming their own opinions.

not this crossdressing weirdo. Its funny that everyone forgives him for not being a pedophile, but completely forget he's a beta tranny.

I really hope not, and the plenty of pictures with fans out there look alright. The most anyone can get him on is probably saying faggot somewhere on a forum.

Nah, Dunkey reviews are garbage. If he likes the game he'll praise it without saying anything meaningful and if he doesn't like it he just makes really shit arguments or starts doing comedy.

like anythings been worth buying since May anyway

literal cucks and nu-males

keep saying it

Depends on the game

>Needing reviewers
>In the age of 24-7 media product shilling

If you can't hop your happy ass over to Youtube and type "game+platform you own", watch a few minutes and come to your own conclusion then you're either fucking retarded,insecure as hell or only interested in bandwagoning yourself to fandoms as some shitty proxy to social interaction/validation.

Reviewers are just an unnecessary redundancy that serve the purpose of stoking the flames of "controversy" and validating the decisions of immature brats who need an army to back up everything they "believe" and have been for about 20 years.

I unironically see metacritic score and if it's higher than 70 I check a gameplay video and then I decide whether to buy it or not.

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>a negative review will always tell you the truth
Unless a company pays people to make negative reviews on competitors' products. Or if the person writing the review is retarded.


But you do which is why you posted here.

Unironically the best thing to buy are games that are at least a few years old.

I just usually read up the scores and whatever Yea Forums discusses about the games a little after they come out and the shitposting stops. I rarely buy any game on release unless i am 100% sure it is what i want, like CTR. Last game i bought on release was Metal Gear Rising.

Does anyone here actually believe a word of what any of three says about what happened? ProJared made a power move by delaying his response but he was also deleting any comment that didnt immediately take his side. In all honesty all 3 of them are full of bullshit.

I am happy for Ross but who is his new girlfriend anyways?

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Remember that cringy period when he was a brony?

You're probably one of the same faggots who gets asshurt when people criticize the absolute retardation that was Mt.Coronet.

Hoenn is a tropical region, it's fine and for the first half of the game Mr.Briney takes you on his boat to the two important towns you need to get to so stfu faggot.

Villians who did nothing wrong

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He has some pretty meme opinions on twitter and orbits sphere hunter.

oh so based

>Listening vidya reviews
I'm not that handicapped or gamer.


who buys games anymore? if I see a friend on discord playing a game I've never played, i watch gameplay and download it if it intrigues me.


>le excessive quirky dialogue and humour that misses its mark instead of getting to the point man

My friends and some random non-review videos to get an idea of what kind of game it is, reviews are for niggers

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Never really noticed it desu

Also easy allies

>this goblin looking mother fucker with a dick that looks like a hammered mushroom got to bareback holly conrad for a year
>I can't even get a woman to reply to me

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I may be a zoomer but at least I don't hobble over to fry's electronics to buy Starcraft 12 or whatever you geriatric fucks play nowadays

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You never noticed it? Really?

Yeah his reviews aren't 2:00 minutes long or filled with sponsored bullcrap but they're filled with needless filler and certainly don't need to be 20 minutes long.

>Hoenn is a tropical region
like I give a fuck, that doesn't have anything to do with 10 HMs for water moves that you might only use twice

I used to go to IGN in the 64 and GC days but now I just watch gameplay on youtube and decide for myself. Can't even use Metacritic now since it constantly gets bombarded by console war tards.

personality > looks

Uh. Fornication is a sin.

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I read about the game from different sources, and then make my own opinion

I listen to anyone and check for 30 minute autism essays on Youtube. Then I form my own opinion based on my experiences on previous games before reviewing it.

CGR before they disappeared.


Yea Forums > Metacritic Bad Reviews > Pirating

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>his ex-wife tries to retaliate against his latest video by releasing screenshots of texts
>they make her look even WORSE because she berates her therapist who's just trying to help, admits Jared tried to break things off a long time ago but she used hysterics to coerce him into staying, and complained about how she got half his savings but it'll only last her for a year of freeloading and she doesn't know what she'll do after that (because God forbid she WORKS)
I can't believe he actually fucking won, she's an absolute nutcase.

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He kept it hidden in video and I haven't seen him mention it recently.

I just watch various gameplay footage such as live streamers or random videos on Youtube. I have no personal favorite reviewer and rarely ever read actual reviews these days.

>the wife's husband who he was fucking with was supportive of him
white people are fucking crazy.

What are you, Jared's advocate? Fuck off back to his comment section you nigger.

For those of you who aren't in the know, Heidi is a manipulative witch who shackles people's hearts.

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heidi's a giant bitch but so is jared. perfect match

Havent bought anything since GTA V, I regret buying GTA V immensly.

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Every word out of her mouth is MUH TRAUMAS and EVERYONE ELSE IS BAD FOR NOT ACQUIESCING. She reminds me of my ex, it makes my fucking blood boil. Imagine dealing with this shit every day for years, it's a miracle he didn't strangle her to death. For anyone wondering how this rodent of a man could possibly get fed up with a girl that far out of his league, this is how.

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If both people agree to an open relationship, its not adultery

Who in the gaming world isnt one at this point though? Its kind of just accepted as the status quo at this point

Men only do it when their wife is about to divorce them but want to buy as much time as possible.


money/clout > personality > looks

Look how fast Dodger fell off the planet after TB died

I both love and hate this guy. His analytical stuff is pretty good, but the way he talks and his humor is so bad

its not cucking if you no longer wanna fuck your wife, learn the words you use, even if its a buzzword on 4channel

>Look how fast Dodger fell off the planet after TB died
So did Jesse.

i watch between 10 seconds and 5 minutes of gameplay to read the underlying game design philosophy which gives me a pretty good idea of what the entire game will be like

you need to have this ability after logging a minimum of 10000 hours into games

wh*te "men"

No, dipshit millenials in California are, the rest of us this shit is degenerate, I assure you.

bathroom is that way, sister ---->

White men

Which is why their wives are walking all over them and fuck niggers


Any of his serious videos are garbage. Nothing is cringier than people who have done nothing in their life but sitting around playing video games gives thinking they've gained any sort of profound insight from it.

He quite obviously gave up on Heidi the moment she even suggested it. It's no wonder he distanced himself from her and hooked up with Holly immediately.

Heidi is typical ginger aka complete fucking cunt. She wanted to fuck other guys and pushed for the poly thing and then got upset when Jared got laid.

i watch broteam and sseth and dunkey
i understand what sorts of games they each like and usually at least one of them will cover the cool games
although, most of the games i actually end up getting are games recommended to me through friends, and rarely are they new releases

non whites are worse where infidelity is the norm from the get go

why, my peenus weanus of course :)

hahah! :D

it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah

Who do you listen to for your vidya reviews, before buying? - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D


I thought we were dealing with zoe quinn and funimation now whats there left to talk about this guy?

He did nothing wrong

>people calling him a beta cuck when he had legions of people asking for nudes, and was fuckin Holly raw for months

I ignore any and all opinions and just look at what the game has to offer, so it doesn't really matter who's reviewing. Reviewers are garbage.

A large variety of people if I do listen to anyone. Easier to remove bias that way.


>whats there left to talk about this guy?
That he literally did nothing wrong

This. I haven't trusted a review since I was a teenager.

>10k hours
That invalidates 99% of the people here. To be fair, I did get a few good suggestions over the years from this hellhole.

Pro Jared is cute! He needs head pats!

Said the overweight gf-less borderline autistic fag

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For me it's ACG because I always agree with what he says and I hate zoomers

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>projects his own problems onto others

I look for a gameplay video on youtube without some onions faggot commentating and judge for myself

All his opinions are irrelevant when he got caught shilling Metro Exodus and the EGS store.
Then proceeded to delete the links to it on the videos description after getting called out.

angry joe. he likes the same stuff I do

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>suggest an open relashionship
>gets mad that your partner is fucking other people
Women are fucking retarded

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>like deus ex, except fun

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its like that reddit post shit that keeps getting reposted about the wife wanting a open marriage so the guy ends up fucking young trannies and she loses it but doesnt wanna be transphobic

What actually made her upset was him announcing their divorce and calling her a crazy bitch in the same tweet. Not saying he was wrong, but that isn't a good idea.

At least they don't actively watch their wife get fucked by niggers

Mandalore, Sseth, Raycevick and Civvie.

stop posting this gargoyle's face
he was meant to disappear forever

That's not exclusively a women problem, it's a "selfish sexual deviant" problem. The same shit happened to Anthony Burch. He wanted to get laid, suggested an open relationship with his wife. She kept bringing home guys left and right, meanwhile Anthony Burch went prison gay so he could at least try to have sex and completely failed to do so, leading to the inevitable divorce and the loss of a WiiU.

>tfw he's at 94k subs
Duke Nukem Forever soon.


lmao IGN is such a fucking joke.

>At least they don't actively watch their wife get fucked by niggers

bull here the biggest coalburners are latinas and for whites its slavs

I don't need anyone to tell me their opinion on a game. If I want to buy it I will.

Are you an actuall bull? Tell us some stories. How did it start?

>non whites are worse where infidelity is the norm from the get go
nothing wrong with having multiple wives

Holly looks ugly in a lot of pics but in some she looks fine.
She also has a good body.

yeah, you dilated?

I save reviews of things I'm interested in until after I've played the game just to compare my experiences with others. Maybe see if any points made by the reviewer can convince me to appreciate it more or less. To see how firm I hold these opinions I've formed.

If I have no interest in the game then I MIGHT watch/read a review of a game from a content creator I already like.

2019, sweetie.

Those before you buy guys are decent

What decides whether you want to buy it?

I'll look at footage and see if it looks good. I've played videogames for almost three decades. I know what I'm looking for.

I never do this, if I did I'd probably have never played a bunch of games I like a lot. A lot of Guilty Gear threads are just imagedumps of the girls in the game, prior to the new game's announcement that's all they were for a couple of months and it was awful, but I still love Guilty Gear and if I judged it based on the fact that some retards who largely don't even play the game can't shut up about how they want Baiken to sit on their face then I never would have touched it, and I'd be missing out for it.

i hope not. he doesnt seem to be into drama and he probably doesnt have many or any enemies.

She also got pregnant and lost her midget body with a fat ass that gave her views.

>inb4 the meme yt shill

It's important to read what people say in the second week or so, after the hype dies down but before the contrarianism kicks in

No one. I see gameplay and judge it for myself like a sane person.

i bet holly is a freak ho though

I'm not a zoomer, so I just look up what the developers (the actual people developing the game, not the company) have worked on then buy or drop that game accordingly. If its an entirely fresh team and there's no demo you know its a scam. If people on the team have history of working on vita shovelware (roughly 90% of the switch library) or AAA titles, I skip those too.

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still cant believe he actually made a complete comeback in that redemption arc

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My friends, why would I listen to a fucking "reviewer"?

I usually watch this guy, but I totally forgot his name

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>How did it start?
my sister pulled down my pants as a joke at a pool party and i am a shower and that shit spread like wildfire on social media

eventually people i somewhat knew through other people would message me and right out ask me to fuck their gfs/wives for them

Nobody, reviews don't decide what I do and don't buy.
But as a reviewer I unironically trust Dunkey the most even if his tastes are completely different to mine.






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I watch gameplay to see if it's something I'll like. Normally I'd insult you but plenty of other anons have done that already

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What's the pay like?

Stopped watching reviews and just watch gameplay to decide if it's good for myself.
> see reviews for haunting ground
> omg so scary and so fun
> get the game
> it's boring as shit and getting chased around by some big retard just got annoying
Think for yourself

>Post-game content

My balls

This since the start of my life, forever and always

usually the wife forces her husband to pay for a fancy dinner for me and her so that she can pretend that she isnt a whore

the guys usually slips me 50-100 bucks trying to feel somewhat in charge of the situation and not be a genetic losers applauding his downfall

long term depends of the girl/woman (i do fuck some older milfs) some go to crazy lengths to keep me on board and will constantly get me little gift behind their husbands back. small stuff from gift cards to tablets to even a fucking rolex once

zero effort post

Good for you man

Mad Juan

>watch gameplay video
>game looks fun
>read reviews
>has a 5/10
>buy it anyways
>have fun
reviewers are babies

if i was gay id probably be rich by now because there are tons of queer sugar daddies looking for twinks or bulls

Civvie, Sseth, Mandalorian mostly right now, the rest is recommendations from people that share the same tastes as me i meet on the internet.
Dunkey is funny but I disagree with him, I only listen to reviews of people whose taste align with mine.
>because ME someone that hates turn based like P5, you will too.
No shit retard, you liked that crap because you hate the genre, It's like me saying to a sports game fan the best sports game ever is NBA Street V3 because I played the fuck out of it it in the 2000's.

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why did teenage girls want to send nudes back and forth with this rat-gremlin

Whenever women do something that boggles your mind, 95% of the time is low-self steem.

She's also very manipulative. Hope PJ is in a better place

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huh yeah I can't really think about anything I dislike about him. But I can't think of anything cool either except for the fact he was one of the few people who knew it was simon belmont early on in the smash reveal.

>says this when the GOTY came out last friday

fame, it's always fame.

Just a pretty chill guy, my only problem with his video usually come from the peoples he's with. The early let's plays with his brother's forced attempt at humor suck and one of his friends (can't remember who) really drags down Johnny's Kingdom Hearts live stream with their own attempt at humor.

correct. if the gameplay looks fun, or the story seems interesting, i'll bite. all i need to see those things is a store page.

>am married
>wife knows I’ve fucked trannies before
God I wish that were me.

Tips for someone whose black and fit? Sadly only a 7 inch penor. I want to be a bull unironically.

Projared is innocent.

>he was one of the few people who knew it was simon belmont early on in the smash reveal.
pretty based

he's not innocent but he's not anywhere near the asshole predatory he was portrayed as

still a creepy asshole, but who isnt

He still ran a creepy sex blog where he solicited nudes for fans

He's just a mongoloid. Sending nudes around and expect nothing to happen is just retarded but fucking your fans is the whole point of being famous

Always believe women.

I unironically think Holly is hot

I think he disproved the biggest allegations weighed against him, but he still shouldn't have started a blog where fans can get his attention by sending him nudes

>no one sends me nudes, so no one else can!

Usually gameplay videos are enough but I watch ACG if he has a review up when in doubt.
Does anyone know any youtube channel for niche weeb game reviews?

I haven't watched Jared's response video. Was he successful in un-justing himself?

Post Griffin Jared.

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My boy Angryjoe.

ACG and steam reviews.

either really young or really stupid

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Wanna show me some other ecelebs who have fans send them nudes for their attention?

holly is legit hot, look at the bikini photo

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She has a kid now? I hope she is happily married at the very least.

don't you mean shield hero jared?

Good fuckin god.

I only listen to reviews for games I'm not going to play

He didn't do that. Why are you lying?

She looks just as fucking weird as jared, in fact probably worse looking. At least jared own his toucan face, she slathers on so much makeup she is literally unrecognizable without it

Holly's got great feet desu

What photo?

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He said to not message her about the issue for the sake of her mental health. He was basically calling her crazy

I thought this was a trannie at first.

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