Sell RTX to me

Sell RTX to me.

How does it improve games?

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It doesn't.

You can't /thread yourself. But don't worry, I'll do it for you.


It makes reflections and lighting look absolutely beautiful, but it'll cost you at least half your frame rate (if not more) on current tech.

shill detected

I am not OP so i can /thread.

Needs more time to be viable. I very much doubt that the next generation of consoles even has Nvidia tech inside.

it makes your room warmer

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get this: they had to invent an entirely new technology to render reflections and mirrors because there are too many fucking polygons in games now for them to mirror effectively. so you have to pay MORE to get reflections in your games, shit you probably wouldn't even really give a shit about or notice in the games they're present in because the games kind of suck shit anyway

business plan: market to canadians with bad insulation

Better visual fidelity, like reflections and lights. Although, so far it's underwhelming and takes a huge toll on performance despite having dedicated hardware to it.

The OP asks for RTX shilling and you IMMEDIATELY start talking about AMD.


it doesnt
it cuts your framerate in half while looking exactly the same
enjoy blowing a thousand burgerbucks on memetech

If they had a 2080ti that wasn't overpriced to accommodate a special raytracing chipset, but instead put that money into improved overall performance, I would have bought it long ago. There's no reason to upgrade from a 1080ti, though. The price is ludicrous for what will be a meme until 2030 when it's actually viable.

Idk, i cannot actually turn the rtx on with 2080 without dipping way below 60 fps, cannot imagine how it is with weaker cards

Remember the time when you paid $1200 dollars for 60fps at 1080p? With RTX you can get that again.

Can barely handle Raytracing lol

it doesnt, unless youre the typical pc graphics fag who think better graphics makes a shitty game better.

Render to texture in Hitman's glass effects shows just how pointless RT is for reflections.
SSR & GR already provide reflections that are convincing enough that you won't notice the inaccuracies unless you're specifically looking for them.

1 makes them look better
2 lighting is compartmentalized, so the rest of the gpu has a lighter workload, ergo: better performance

Looks better, but rapes performance even worse than PhysX.

Attached: gamescom-2019-geforce-game-ready-driver-integer-scaling-ftl.png (1801x1347, 1.35M)

A lot of graphic improvements are over-rated. you only really notice it for the first 5 minutes (or maybe once every 30 minutes during especially beautiful scenes). Once you get immersed in the game, you just don't even pay attention to it.

Stay with GTX

Nvidia is desperate to keep that monopoly and it's memetech to distract from the fact they just want to retain profit margins.

>antialias those jaggies away!
>wtf i love jaggies now!

>Sell RTX to me.
go back where you came from

Only if game has RTX
and you on't want 120frames or more

thats some shit aa tho
I rather get comfy squarey jaggies than anything blurry or bloomy

You can shitpost about it on Yea Forums and /g/

It makes old games look amazing, I.E: Minecraft and Quake.
Otherwise, it's nothing special and adds realistic reflections to modern games at the cost of massive performance drops. Lighting can be done for cheaper using rasterization and looks better than ray-tracing in many circumstances because the developer can shape the light however he wants.
tl;dr: Buy a card for its performance, not specifically for RTX.

This guy doesn't understand that higher render resolution is the most accurate form of anti-aliasing.

You're Vaseline Screen Jean to me now ya chump

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It doesn't.

It literally doesn't not make the games better.

I have a serious question and I hope you guys can help me

Currently I have a 970 and thinking about upgrading to a 2060 Super. Is it worth it?

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RTX tanks performance whenever it's used. It never fully replaces traditional lighting except in Quake RTX, which performs like shit. The reflections RTX replaces in Control are nowhere near as demanding as the raytraced equivalent so even with them effectively disabled performance is far worse.


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I went from a 970 to a 2070, what specifically are you looking to know?

Did you regret it?

Being able to enjoy higher fidelity imagery on classic games as a hardware feature is a pretty good selling point on its own.

I'd agree that RTX needs a little industry time to mature though. Developers need to understand basic light theory to efficiently light their scenes. There's going to be a IQ bar between good and bad lighting now. Less algorithmic tricks to fall back on. It's why Muh reflections is hot at the moment. Its virtually automatic. Any developer can just plop it in.

I edit video and make digital art so I'm dying to get any kind of deep learning hardware at a consumer level price.

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Not really?
I'm not really someone that thinks they gamed the system by saving 100 bucks over a whole year.
Honestly right now you ought to be looking into supers but I bought my 2070 like 10 months ago.
If you want it fucking go for it man, time>>>>>>>>>money, you can make money back if you're not brain dead, you can't get time back

this, ray tracing is bullshit fair and square

Why ask this from others, when you yourself know best about what games you want to play and on what resolution? Just look up the benchmarks and ask yourself how happy you would be about those performance increases.

This. It takes away a lot of the FPS just to add a shitty reflections effect. I was having doubts too, but I just ordered my RX5700XT last night instead.

it doesn't, as developers are yet to understand the concept that bounced lighting is usable as a game mechanic, and the information that global illumination provides is used by the observer to analyze a scene.

the only game so far, that uses bounced light to contribute to the gameplay is Mirrors Edge, and that uses baked textures rather than realtime reflections.

even if the benefits and effects of RTX, are documented and understood by developers, its not a given that developers in the future will maintain those features, as shown with previous sound technologies such as EAX

If you like RTX features get a 2070 (super) at least. If you only care for the quality of life features on older games and general resolution/framrate increase get the 2060 (super)

you're getting a 100% to 130% increase in performance regardless.

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Looking at raytracing now feels like looking at OLED televisions 4-5 years back. You just saw that self-emissive panel tech was the future, but you also saw that was overpriced as fuck and that the tech would need to go through multiple generations of iteration before it matures to become a valid option or even more, the standard.

In case of self-emissive panels, OLED is a great yet not perfect option that probably becomes replaced by microled in future (which will be near perfect once it becomes cost-effective enough), with raytracing we’re gonna need 1-3 new GPU generations before it becomes valid enough. Now the performance hit is just too much even if you can afford a top of the line GPU, but as the tech gets better and devs learn to implement it better, there’s no reason why it wouldn’t become the standard some day. It just can take a long time.

rtx is a waste

i'd buy a non rtx 2080, raytracing is a tiny increase in quality for a giant hit on FPS.

Exactly this, feels like Nvidia was desperate to get something new to market when it’s clear that they should have matured the tech for at least one gen more before releasing it. It’s just not worth it at this point.