Alec Holowka allegations

I fucking HATE normie internet. Twitter, Reddit, whatever shit, the original accusations against Alec Holowka from Nigth in the Woods have been deleted/ blocked, and threads on other sites are so locked it looks like afukcin ADX.

So, /v, is there anyone here who has screenshots? I just want to actually read the fucxkign allegations and make a mind for myself, and because this story is like, so """"problematic"""" it is literally IMPOSSIBLE to discute that openly other places.


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Other urls found in this thread:

I won.

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>I fucking HATE normie internet
I don't care, this isn't your personal blog.
Go vent about it with your edgy friends or something.

*stand on dead body*

*murders innocent man*

It doesn't matter if the allegations are true or false lmao hes already been accused rofl his life and career are already over lmfao who cares Always Believe Women

wow sounds really innocent like epstein

Can someone actually post the screenshots and stop posting shitty drama?

No one else wants to discuss it because you're a fucking annoying cunt and no one gives a fuck about this, kill yourself you fucking chink.

he was a liberal male
he loved getting stepped on.

I hope you feel good knowing you help enable zoe to murder someone.

sleep right

I don't care that some soiboi killed himself. I wish 8ch was still around so you fags would go there and bitch, but you all fucked it up yourself by being edgy faggots and now you're flooding back here.

No one should feel sorry for Alex, you are defending a guy who was part of the same far left cult that would have gladly sided with her if it had been any other guy. And if that wasn't bad enough, he was a furfag leaf who made a shitty western game.

You know what they say. Burn the coal, pay the toll.

i hope you feel good using dead bodies as a soapbox. be proud user i hope more dead bodies come your way

>So, /v, is there anyone here who has screenshots?

I don't have them but they are total BS. she doesn't REALLY accuse him for anything specific, only hurting her feefees.

>Caring about ANY of this
Make sure you off yourself after accomplishing the literally nothing you set out to.

>implying 4cuck is not infested by twitter trannies on full damage control
Yeah, no.

I would totally have posted that on 8ch if it was still there. Looks like the reason a certain "topic" has been blacklisted here is not only censorship on the platform, but the high degree of retardation of its user users

belib wahmen!

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>No one should feel sorry for Alex, you are defending a guy who was part of the same far left cult

That is exactly the reason you should feel sorry for him. The cult preys on the vulnerable and devours them

Imagine Zoe Quin making you kill youraelf unironically lmfao

Guy had talent...Zoe meanwhile had none

Fuck that faggot. The matrix IS a good movie

Sorry but sexual abusers arent left wing.

You sure are narcissistic, do you find it unsettling that you could commit suicide, have your own family disown you, have the entire lefty internet side against you despite being one of your own, and this place would find the suicide more funny then anything? Western game devs are so shit.

I'm not even surprised his own family even turns against him. He was a white hater, and being a far leftists is partly genetic. If you betray your race, what's stopping them from betraying their blood? You see it in other far left families, like Amy Biehl.

When are you gonna do the world a favor like Alex and commit suicide? Some people will call it suicide, I would call it eugenics.

Given that Alex was far left scum, the allegations probably were true anyway. Fag gets involved in a cult, then get ostracized by it.

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What exactly do you want, user?

Just let it go. There's nothing to do but reject the cancer plaguing the minds of attention whores and retarded ignorants.
On this end, there's only watching the world burn.

Now that's a name I haven't seen in a while. Wonder what Phil Fish is up too now.

We need more threads on this, lots of quality discussions to be had regarding this subject.

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A rat eating its own kin is a victory for everyone.

His family and friends cut ties with him. His company took his name off the game and cancelled a project he was working on. And then hordes of random soigois harrassed him to death

Zoe needs to be fucking hanged for this

imagine crying that you're a victim from trannies while at the same time pretending they're nothing and powerless

>So, /v, is there anyone here who has screenshots?

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>wipes ass on the justice system
UUUGH fucking incels demanding proof!

Zoe Quinn is about as evil as Pinochet. By which I mean, not evil at all.

Zoe Quinn has done more damage to western video games and killed more SJW then Yea Forums ever has. If anything, she should be considered a saint of purification.

Honestly the accusations are probably true, but they're also only one half of the story. Like most abused people, they tend to be abusers themselves. Zoe and Alec both did a lot of shit to each other.

Really though who gives a fuck? They're trash people and nothing of value was lost

Alec comments as far back as 2016 saying he knows his circle is going to try driving him to suicide. He can feel they’re all fake friends.
But he didn’t have anyone to turn to. His sister was one of them and ultimately betrayed him for Zoe in the end. The dude was trapped in that sphere of influence and would have lost NITW before he even finished it if he started associating with someone like an outspoken Eastern Orthodox Christian or something hard conservative like that.


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That's really the best thing about all of this. Fucking cucks are the ones getting ripped up by this shit. It's hilarious.

I like to think he still lurks, in a constant state of triggering and always on the brink of suicide

>Honestly the accusations are probably true,
>He consensually fingered my asshole too hard
Yeah, what a monster. Burn him at the stake.

notice how this thread is full of anons telling off OP in the same style
anyway here's the only reply that matters

First, they came for the s oyboys, but I didn't speak up...

>zoe quinn murdered!!!!!!
yea really calmly waiting results of an investigation and totally not waging your own sjw campaign

>The cult preys on the vulnerable and devours them
The cult eats its own. Boo-fucking-hoo.

You can ask archive org to nuke snapshots. Screenshot it. And save the html-dump

Are you aware that the allegations were actually true though? It's not just zoe saying it. Does this make you reconsider?

They're barely accusations and they're so ludicrous, I have a hard time believing them because even the blogpost about it contradicts itself. I think it was more like a bad breakup she thought she could reignite for some windfall
She baleeted everything but her patreon is still up

>I want to be a big hardass about wanting to pay attention to an attention whore because I don't have anything useful to do with my life, please assist me in this endeavor!!

Thank fukkking you. I award you a half star for being this site least retarded poster

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>top 10 anime plot foreshadowing

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Does it make me reconsider that cancel culture killed a man on the whims of a salty roastie?
No it does not

Notice how nobody notices how cool you aren't being right now?

Yea Forums is not one person. If she knew he was suicidal though...

i know right. fuck cults

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what investigation
there's no investigation of anything

she never went to the cops because he didnt rape her
he killed himself so there's nothing to investigate

this post is probably being brigaded. All these comments look like something you would see on resetera.

But was there anything else beside Zoe's post? No one else, just random twitter fags saying that they "heard rumors" ??? That cannot be that retarded,.

>telling off OP in the same style

I'm seeing a minimum of four different posting styles among those posts user

>I'm not even surprised his own family even turns against him.
I'm not either.

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If the allegations are true, then she should have gone to the police in the first place so there would be an official investigation.
But she didn't, which 100% means she has nothing and the allegations are bullshit.

She posted about this stuff before unnamed like 5 years ago or so. So unless this was a false accusation that was like 5 years in the making, it's probably true.

I love watching this stuff unfold and watching people like this eat each other alive. its great. And its more fun when you believe every story and laugh at the trashy women who keep going to their abusers like fucking retards.

Not qualified as human. Where the fuck are his parents

Pretty funny.
This retard is exactly the person who supports guilty before proven innocent.

Damage control

His sister is also keeping the suicide note from going public, even though that has more info on the situation between Alec and Zoe

have sex

Right? Another day, another leftist SJW being eaten alive by his own.


>She posted about this stuff before unnamed like 5 years ago or so. So unless this was a false accusation that was like 5 years in the making, it's probably true.

She exaggerated / lied five years ago. Like she's always done, like she's done here.

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>tfw no more of best girl Bea
It fucking hurts

he is? when did he do that?

a bunch of people saying the same thing doesn't make it true, sorry roastie.


your poor little game dev offed himself. Boo fucking hoo.

As far as I'm concerned, anyone that gets an ultra left-wing SJW game dev killed is a hero. Zoe is a hero.

t. wal-mart shooter

damn, that's kinda depressing honestly

different typing styles but they're all basically saying "kill yourself" in the same manner

I think the titty skittles are frying your brain

have sex



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sorry user you cracked the code, you should kill youself

>ultra left-wing SJW
Dialate. He wasn't outspoken about politics outside of bare minimum to keep the cult off his back. NITW was actually decent.

do incels really believe someone would spend all this time lying about shit that's incredibly specific and detailed? do you really think it's implausible that none of this happened?
there's even multiple women who have had experiences like this with this same guy according to this

nope. when she least expects it, when she thinks she's in the clear, life will fuck her really hard for all her shady shit.

>can't even mourn your brothers death without having to front load it with 100 SJW dogwhistles so you dont get burned at stake.


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>the left STILL cares about muh goobergrabbler fucking FIVE years later and sees it behind every shadow
I'm sorry, who won?

DBT therapy?? Isn't that for Borderliners?

Where the fuck do these retards all live where they are constantly interacting with each other?

It's like retard cinematic universe

Honestly I'd be pretty happy if every single "indie dev" killed themselves.

how could she not? he made his mental health and issues very public.
and she knew him on a personal level.

that's not an acceptable substitute for proof.

Canada. There's like four cities there.

did he just become his "sister"?

You can certainly distort things.
Anyway, we have a legal system for this reason.

The worst place on the planet on which every person who lives there should be nuked, Canada.

And shouldn't he?

everyone is ultra-left wing unless they're lone wolf mass shooting a synagogue

>>the left STILL cares about muh goobergrabbler

Uhh user nobody else but here is even still talking about this

>Everyone hates on Zoe
Free publicity and money.
You fools don't realize this is part of her plan.

Just because the cult is effeminate and ruins people's careers through bitchy effeminate means, doesn't make it any less of a cult. It just means that its run by women and "Male feminists" who suck at enforcing the violence they promise.


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How in the world do you finger someone's butthole? Like, they'd have to remove your pants and then stick it in your ass which probably isn't loose since you're going through a traumatic experience. It just seems like you'd have plenty of time to get away.

Silly Alex.
We all die eventually.
It's a pretty mundane and uncool thing.

God damn I hate Phil Fish. I genuinely hope he lives a long and miserable life

such beautiful human being

Uhhhh faggot don't reply to me again or I'll bash your tranny head in and post it on Bestgore

this is some cult shit right here. they all repeat the mantra

Lets predict how Zoe will get fucked by karma thread.

It was consensual, she just decided he did a poor job later

Why was her asshole in a place where he could get a finger into it without her consent?

Did he tear her clothes off JUST so he could put a finger in her asshole?

Where are the comments that didn't believe her

"muerders" citation needed

She wont. She will win an award for this and be brought in to lecture Rockstar employees on not trying to fuck women if your bone structure is subpar

>You see it in other far left families, like Amy Biehl
Or Mollie Tibbets, her dad used her murder to tell everyone how much he liked mexican food.

Go to kiwi farms they have the whole thing

dev here
has anyone made a list of everyone who was unapologetically involved in this? seeing a ton of fags "taking days off twitter" and telling each other to "be good to each other" and comforting and consoling each other like massive fucking FAGGOTS now that their hatemob made a known-to-be suicidal man kill himself after all his friends, family, and EVERYONE abandoned him over clout-chasing FAGGOTS tripping over each other to "show the MOST empathy" for zoe fucking quinn. I need a list of NAMES of people to AVOID PERMANENTLY AND AT ALL COSTS.

i fucking HATE this industry. when I was in middle/high school/college in the 00s, the burgeoning indie scene was the coolest thing, people were making neat little games, there was, cactusquid was churning out weird game maker shit on the reg... even fags like Christine Love and that one fat tranny were actually making games instead of JUST fagging about on social media and fucking each other irl. there were weird games and LGBTBRAAP games and nobody gave a fuck, because everyone was MAKING GAMES. now the scene I used to love has been corrupted by these F U C K I N G F A G G O T S to the point where the literally universally-accepted MOST IMPORTANT WOMAN IN VIDEO GAMES has only made a twine game, a vaporware kickstarter, and GIGANTIC ASS OF HERSELF, yet GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN UNIRONICALLY LOOK UP TO HER GOD I HATE EVERYTHING AFDSDWSFGERWg

That's not how life works.

Where's the proof then? At least the
>multiple women
Ought to be easy enough to dig up.
Shouldn't be too afraid now, the evil guy is ded, can't do shit now can he? Zoe has been spinning up shit for years with zero proof except twitter screencaps of "kys tranny". None of the IRL shit she >endured has been proven in any form. She has nothing. Until the allegations are proven, you are twisting the narrative.

How angry does it make you to realize the fact that nobody even gives a shit enough to become the active villain you need to fight against?

You’re right. It’ll be when she burns for eternity after she dies

Innocent until proven guilty, kid.
This is the start of a witch hunt and, at best, should be explored by the proper authorities, but it's too late for that now, isn't it?


But you never know when accidents happen. What if she dies in a plane crash to the awards. Karma works in mysterious ways.

just stop calling her out, criticizing her and continue ignoring her
she'll go away eventually
at least within the next 10 years
trust me she'll be gone by then
just bear it

Like, seriously, the ONLY accusations that were made were the one by Quinn? Like, this guy was such a creep that he did not even managed to go criming on another woman, ever? Or is there something else... i have a hard tiem understanding this level of sympathetic lobotomy that happened.

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Does this sounds like an accusation ? Or a rape fantasy short story ?
Why the juicy details ?

Is that how you feel every day?

Wrong. I was not banned.

>Make free and accessible trauma therapy available to everyone, no strings attached
>Punish any criminal accusations made outside legal channels with a fine
Problem solved

isn't having a daughter one of the most cucked thing ?

They are there. Just attacked relentlessly because 'hOw DaRe yOu nOt bEliEve WaMan wHo mAke oNlinE cLaim'

>someone would spend all this time lying about shit that's incredibly specific and detailed? do you really think it's implausible that none of this happened?

I dno, what is this, the 5th or 6th guy she's accused of "abusing" or "raping" her?

The first known instance is who she talks about here, she apparently said that he stabbed him to death and left the body behind: Then we have Brendan Frye who that part of the "note" apparently refers to, but who she apparently "forgave":
>A few months into making games, I was sexually assaulted. My visa status was threatened if I told anyone, and he went out of his way to tell the community that I'd been falsely accusing him of rape when I hadn't said anything to anyone (but a third party who saw it happen firsthand confronted him about it the next day). This story isn't about him - after years of therapy and working on himself, he reached out and apologized for everything, and I've forgiven him. But that's the background to this story.

Here's both sides of the story from back in 2011 on Pastebin:

Then we had "The Zoe Post" with incredibly detailed allegations including proof that she is a serial liar, abuser and cheating whore by Eron Gjoni in 2014. She turned that around in the media and made it out like he "abused her" by making up a bunch of lies in court, which even got Eugene Volokh involved on First Amendment terms:

She dropped the gag order before the suit got serious and continued lying instead.

Then we have this poor asshole that killed himself, who she didn't even accuse of rape, but of being "mean during sex" and how she "spent time hiding in the bathroom" and then there's that weird bit about "jamming his fingers inside and walking around the house by them".

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His co developers are trying to save face by saying he had a pattern or some such but as yet they haven’t produced any other accusers nor evidence. Very typical sjw playbook desu

Not if you give her the dick early.

Pathological liars do go into excessive detail in order to embellish their story, it's a very typical trait.

please post the source for these other women

That’s a lot of drama for 5 years. How exhausting. That can’t be healthy

The subreddit for NITW is retarded. Everyone is feeling sorry for Scott when he's one of the main reasons Alec offed himself. There are almost 0 posts even mentioning Zoe.


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there's an endless ocean of new indie games on and kongregate. These are good people who genuinely feel bad about what went down. You're being dramatic.


jesus christ when when you retards just die off

>best summary of ZQ's life so far

The closest thing they had was that some woman told them that she heard she shouldn't be alone in a room with him... I really wonder who she heard that from

let's be fair, the murderers are his family and friends for cutting ties with him on the word of an untrustworthy stranger