Should I buy Undertale?
Should I buy Undertale?
I don't know, should you?
You should definitely play it, I don't care if you buy it or not.
Hell no.
>Needing Yea Forums to make your decisions for you
Yeah it's good but you probably already have an opinion on it from the past 4 years (fucking 4 years jesus christ)
Depends. Do you like JRPGs, shmups and/or games with good narratives?
If you answered "yes" to at least two of the above, congratulations! This game will just disappoint you.
How the fuck should I know? I don't know anything about your tastes, or your financial situation, or the platforms available to you, or anything else. Figure it out, you're a big boy.
there are much better indie games out there.
Should YOU buy Undertale?
What said. There are worse people to give your money to, but I don't think Toby has any pressing need for it at this point. Buy it if you really liked it or something I guess.
Play factorio instead
no its shit get gothic 2 instead
I just came here to say NO.
Please, don't buy it for your own sake.
You'll become a bigger retard than you ever was.
>you'll become a bigger retard than you ever was
oh the irony
How long do you guys think its gonna take toby to finish Delta Rune? He finished the script long ago
He said that if he doesn't manage it within 7 years, it's probably not happening. That said, it's probably not gonna take 7 years unless something really fucked up happens. He has people helping him with the game already so I think we can expect it somewhere around 3 years, or less if he decides he wants to release them episodically instead of it being one complete game.
No. Pirate it. I did so , had fun playing the game and its not so long to begin with. Buy another game with that money imo.
Thanks for your words, Toby
Yes, play it. Everyone on Yea Forums is an autistic contrarian. Just play the free demo on the game site and decide from there
pirate it, Toby has enough money already
No. Buy UnderRail instead.
more like tumblrtale
>messing around with demos and paying instead of just downloading the whole thing for free and enjoying it
>playing games
Watch a talking head play it on twitch like the zoomers you are
Senile boomer
>Asmongol reacts to twitch reacting to asmongol reacting to Yea Forums reacting to asmongol reacting to playing video games