>Itsuno: Capcom considers Dragon's Dogma an important franchise, but I can't say anything more right now


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than how is it influential? i wish it was but c'mon there is still no game like it and no open world garbage has copy the combat. All i wanted was a bigger and more complete DD game but i'm sure Capcom would find a way to ruin it.

Dragon Dogma is one of the worst games i ever played that was shilled to death here

yeah that's a retarded title, something can only be considered influential once it's been used as a source of inspiration
if it was never copied then what did it bring to the industry?

I'd rather have Itsuno make a new IP.

I’m cautiously optimistic if they make a sequel. Combat was great but the world lacked variety and Grigori was the only good character.

Dragon's Dogma was a crap game that's getting a free pass on Yea Forums because of one or two "muh technology!1" moments.
It was a clunky grind-fest in a boring, empty world with a shit plot.

Wow, what a brave post.

What fucking “muh technology” are you referring to? People only like the combat but theres nothing special from a tech standpoint.

Stop doing this. It only makes me certain DD2 will never be a thing because it's been 6 years of waiting for any kind of sequel news and all we ever get is ports of the original, DDO getting shut down and a fucking Netflix series based on the 7 deadly sins.

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The fact that character size affects stats, or that the lamp goes out if you roll through water, get copy-pasted in all DD threads.

Stalker 2 got announced
Bannerlord got a release date mere months from now
WoW classic release
times are changing my man, have hope

This confirms a new game for sure, or maybe Online's localization. If it's a new game i hope it's as good as the first one



And Still, nothng like that gets made in games like witcher3, o dragons age inquisition, dragons dogma gameplay is way bettter, and make all of those games unplayable

>but I can't say anything more right now

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I don't need hope, I need an official announcement

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>The fact that character size affects stats
that's like saying Elder Scrolls has technology because height affects run speed
Altmer are the fastest, Bretons the slowest

servigames are not as profitable anymore on consoles, developers are going to start making real games again, just look at devil may cry v, and REmake 2


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>no one ever copied
BotW copied it a lot.

Athem made more money than RE2 and DMCV combined

Nigger, we got DMC5 after 10 years and DmC. You don't even have a right to think there's no hope left for DD.
DDO got shut down because nobody fucking cared, and the Netflix shit only confirms they're not abandoning the series yet.



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What changes would you want in DD2, Yea Forumsros? Would you want it to take anything from DDO or just focus on further refining stuff from DD1?

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it cost way too much to made it too

Finish the cycle of eternal return.

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Deep down's dogma

Dragon's deep

The success of Monster Hunter World and Resident Evil remakes have pushed that pile of shit into vaporware.

I loved that music too in the trailer etc, like techno-classical or something.


You can beat the game easily enough without "grinding" for the best gear. Grinding is a personal choice you made.
Somebody didn't fight the dragon and instead choose to sacrifice Fournival
>empty world
This is how I know you didn't play the game because everybody knows WOLVES HUNT IN PACKS

More jumping and kicking, more rooftop shit.

>using ports and an anime as proof that Capcom has no interest in the IP
you are retarded and have no idea how anything works

I'm going to drink sweet tears of every fucking faggot talking shit right now when he makes DD2 and it's the best action adventure game ever made.

More waifus.

>maybe Online's localization
user, you might want to sit down.

I've been telling you niggers for ages now that DD2 will come when DDO falls. Itsuno's said he was given free rein and had to choose between DMC5 and DD2. DMC5 is finished. DDO is dying. It may take upwards of four years to develop, but it is fucking happening.

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More unique classes (like a necromancer or fist fighter)
Weirder monsters with more variety
REALLY expanded dungeon crawler function

Also, not just 3 skills on 1 weapon, atleast 5 skills

Clickbait 101, dummies.

>either had to make DMC5 OR DD2
>went with DMC5
>nothing stopping DD2 from happening now
>capcom considers it one of its most important titles, even to include it in recent ad campaigns

is it finally fucking happening? holy shit

>No one copied
I see IGN is as incompetent as ever.

They could just remake the first game with all the cut content added in and i would be happy. As for a sequel i would like it if it had a lot of classes and multiplayer modes like co-op raids and even PvP

why do people dickride this blatant GoT ripoff?

the class system needs to be not as retarded,

if the game's mechanics are great, only the actual execution poorly, a fantastic argument for a sequel?
You can actually fix world design and writing easily enough, and you don't have to do anything other than tweak the core mechanics because the base is solid

cant wait for dragon's dogma remaster in ps5 xD

Warrior to be a complete class

daily reminder that Madeline is a literal whore

hope the new one has drawing distance longer than 10 meters

And it almost certainly cost more to make you dumb prole. It's marketing budget alone was probably more than DMC5 whole budget.

I like how it's handled in DDO with each vocation leveling independently from the others.

>Itsuno already confirmed he had the choice between DMCV or DD2 before announcing DMCV
>DMCV now done
>Dragons Dogma Netflix anime announced
>Dragons Dogma Online being pulled ready for DD2
You know it's time, but I doubt we'll see anything until a year or two.

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Remove the whole japshit number crunch aspect of the game

>making ports cost barely anything and you can easily recoup what you spent with like 10k sales
>Capcom commissions a shitty Netflix series because Castlevania did good even though the games are dead in the water
>DDO is scheduled to shut down when people in the west have been desperate to play it
you are retarded and have no idea how anything works

>DDO got shut down because nobody fucking cared

In NA/EU we cared about DDO, even got things translated (Options Menu, Vocations+Skills and the Dragon Tree).

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I own PS3, PS4, PC and Switch. If it releases on PS5 I'll buy it again. I don't give a SHIT.

>Made money
>Still a total failure because it had astronomical budget and years of wasted dev time.

>today monster hunter and resident evil
>tomorrow dragons dogma and lost planet
>the day after that mega man legends /spoiler]

whew, just imagine

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Meh, VPN was too slow and I didn't want to pay for a private. I did the same with Monster Hunter Online.. and ended up quitting due to slow connection. Thank god we got World when we did.

make the scaling more linear so just upgrading a weapon a single tier doesn't make an enemy go from impossible to joke

Am i the only one that liked the story of dragon's dogma more than most games?

I lile that it's like the peak of generic fantasy mixed with greekoclassical influences and anime. There is also some esoteric lore around the game that you can dive into but aren't forced on the player. Grigori is a great character with memorable dialogue and all side characters are charming in that kinda ps2 kind of way.

So Dragon's Dogma has:
>A standalone game
>DLC with new weapons, armor, and areas to explore repackaged with the base game
>Said game has been released on multiple systems including pc
>An MMO that is shutting down in December
>A netflix anime in the works

All I want is a sequel goddammit.

Knowing Itsuno he'll want to dev it for 3 years minimum

oh yeah and dmc but ive never really liked those games, i fucked that spoiler

The problem was in the first weeks of DDO you needed only VPN for login, then you can disable VPN and play with good ping.

Was in the moment Capcom go full xenophobe route and restricted all hindering us to 24/7 VPN.

>Am i the only one that liked the story of dragon's dogma more than most games?
It has a charm to it that I haven't seen in any other game, despite the story/scenes being ridiculous and sometimes out of place.

I've had that game on my backlog for years now, haven't touch it, what I'm missing?

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it's nothing special

>The problem was in the first weeks of DDO you needed only VPN for login, then you can disable VPN and play with good ping.
Damn, wish I played it back at launch then.

a monk class

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Yep. It was good.

Is this an important franchise
Please give me a port

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>all side characters are charming in that kinda ps2 kind of way.
dragon's dogma in general feels like a PS2 game in terms of its game design. that's actually a good thing since games back then were actually good.

>Also, not just 3 skills on 1 weapon, atleast 5 skills
This. Also fix warrior.

Bring motherfucking Alchemist from DDO

I found it very interesting how close dragon's dogma gets in it's portrayal of dragons to medieval mythology

>dragon dogma Online localiztion
sorry to say this nigga, but you ought to know ....
the japs are gonna shut down the servers by the end of the year

Take the good things about Skyrim, the good things about The Witcher, the good things about Devil May Cry, the good things about Zelda and the good things about SotC and you have this game, that's what you're missing

You'll either like it or hate it, but I say give it a shot.

You're missing a unique game with a fuck ton of combat options, a nice difficulty curve, and a bunch of really great boss fights.

that's not Godhand

That's great and all but when's Megaman Battle Network making a comeback for Nintendo Switch?

Holy fuck that link

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Better combat because Dragon's Dogma combat is just spamming a single attack.

But stalker and m&b at least were good
Dragon's dogma is dogshit shilled by contrarians who can't accept they like skyrim

That's a good thing then, that means greater focus on the new game

Won't silence the idiots shilling for it, though. It's like fighting against a tide of retardation.

She actually worries that she'll have to sell her body when her business is ruined so not yet but maybe soon

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exploration and adventure.
>the witcher
amazin fucking story, character, setting and lore
beat em up combat? with sick combos?
wtf is zelda good for?

Fucking kek
I'll take this one dude

How dare you

fair enough

>DD2 gets announced
>They make a crossover with MHW
>Grigori hunt

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Keep 9 classes but expand their options (rather than just adding new classes). Do more to differentiate between the likes of Fighter and Mystic Knight, or Mage and Sorcerer. Most of what was done in DDO can be folded into existing classes (Alchemist to Magick Archer, for example). Make it so each vocation basically has two or three core builds you can focus on, depending on weapons used and chosen abilities for them, with customisation to mix and match.
Drastically reduce story missions and all that shit, have the big open world and after let's say 7 or 8 hours average you're fighting the dragon and retaking your heart, except you don't actually get your heart back. Once the Everfall opens the barrier between worlds weakens, opening up co-op. Some mad cunt like Daimon or the Ur-dragon is fucking shit up and blocking the way to the Seneschal, and you've gotta hunt down things or creatures to let you find and kill the mad cunt to open it up. The term hack and slash originated with D&D campaigns that were very light on story and just an excuse for a party to crawl dungeons, fight shit, and get loot. That's what DD should be, as that's where it shines (like BBI).
A location similar to Bluemoon Tower so I have somewhere to ritualistically sacrifice riftsluts to the brine.

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>Take the good things about Skyrim
The freedom to mix between all the classes freely?
>the good things about The Witcher
Sex scenes and waifus?
>the good things about Devil May Cry
Fast paced combos with a big moveset and alot of options?
>the good things about Zelda and the good things about SotC
The basic fun game design and atmosphere?

Dragons dogma 2 gets announced

(But it's a cards game)

O! How I have seen the Dragon's Dogma!
Unbound by time, all-binding, grand design,
land and skies and seas yearn,
finish the Cycle of Eternal Return.

Im gonna miss high scepter in the online. Some of the most fun any action rpg has ever been

is this a joke?

I don't even play Monster Hunter
Yet I would sell a kidney to see this happen


>dragon's dogma is an important franchise
>kills dragon's dogma online without localizing it

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Asian companies do this all the time, they'll intentionally kill off less popular games they run when they're goin to release a new one because they're retarded and think it will somehow force people to play the new one

It's the same shit that got city of heroes killed

DDO had nothing to do with Itsuno, he got DMC2'd on the entire thing.

Dragon's Dogma really did get an impressive localisation.

>Hunter's face when someone starts casting magic

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what said, DDO was directed by Kento Kinoshita

The story was okay but once I beat the game a second time it became kino.

>the lamp goes out if you roll through water
I seriously doubt that anyone likes that.

>Lemme hype myself up based on Twitter post just so I can be let down because of my own retardation.

>it's a siege fight
>the bad kind

Bosmer are the slowest.

>Boot up ps4 to see what generation the ur-dragon is on.
christ, are they still going?

>Grigori gets reduced to a shitty cameo appearance
Please no


Yeah but unlike Morrowind, Dragon's Dogma did it on purpose. Size and weight affect carry capacity, how much wind press affects you, whether flying enemies can pick you up, and whether you can fit into goblin holes.


Oh also stamina and stamina regeneration. Lolis have low stamina and high regen, fatties have high stamina but low regen.

I really like these convoluted and not-so-overt systems, it makes the game feel kind of old school.

Kill your self

Alchemist from DDO


Now I can't kill myself, gotta wait until DD2 GOD DAMN IT.

Ignore DDO.
Give me a fast-paced mage class and not just more of standing around casting apocalypse.


Oh, and let me customize 3 pawns.
Which you could say would mean not ignoring DDO, but it worked like shit there and pawns were worthless.

Lets bring all the lewd male outfits from DDO to DD2, yes?

Kill yourself.

A fairly objective 7/10 that a lot of people including myself find to be a 10/10 experience.

Abandon all delusions of control

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I hope we at least get the monsters from DDO

No classes, weapon based skill system.
As long as you are using a certain weapon type, you gain ranks with it and unlock new skills. You can use any two weapons at time and mix different playstyles.

Maybe even make you class name dependant on your favorite weapons/skills.

I don't know if I like the idea of abandoning class altogether. Maybe a middle term of some sort.

Get the fuck off fucking furfag from GW2

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I could not finish dragons dogma. the early game is such a slog that killing one monster takes about 15 - 20 mins and 3 try's and then all of a sudden it just turns into fucking easy mode when you hit the right level. Shame, the magic system was neat

Selene best girl

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Fucks your problem

You can literally do this in Dragon's Dogma with dinput8 and it's fun as fuck.
Somebody post webs please.

More classes, remix Into Free or have them record a new song, and more Berserk armor.

>Beginning is hard
>Mid game is balanced
>Endgame is easy mode

Who would have imagined?

Try Hard Mode if is too easy for you, that's why exist.


An action RPG with actual good party-based combat mechanics. Very good, in fact. Climb up an ogre's back and stab him while archerbro shoots him and warrior bro is distracting him.

It's fun. It's unlike anything else.

Dragon's Dogma is like Marmite. You'll either think it's one of the best things you've ever played, or think it's absolute dogshit

Hard mode suffer from the exact same issues but pushes them to eleven. Beginning is tediously hard but since you get so much gold and exp that the game get easier quicker than in Normal.

I made sure she had the pink glow, gave her the Arisen's bond, spoke with her at every opportunity, and in the end, the dragon ended up kidnapping fucking Aelinore.

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The poor balance is, in my opinion, the worst thing about Dragon's Dogma. It's very easy to do too many quests or explore too much and suddenly the game is a cakewalk because you're way overleveled and overgeared.

Dragon's Dogma is fucking awesome. The worst parts are that the world is pretty boring when you're just running from A to B. Needs mounts or something. And the sidequests are garbage. There is some good writing in them, but they suck to play. However, playing the story, doing the postgame dungeons, then repeating it all on NG+ is fun as hell.

>the early game is such a slog that killing one monster takes about 15 - 20 mins

Monsters only take that long to kill because you aren't supposed to be fighting them yet.

If you have more people with "max" affinity you need to lower them.

Affinity goes to 900 for max, but can go to 1000 if Selene have 900 and Aelinore have 901 you get Aelinore for 1 affinity point of difference.

There is some Mods that change enemy locations and all, take a look of them.

The world of DD:DA isn't the map alone is the NPCs, if you are only running from A to B is boring.

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>game's theme is the unending cycle of Seneschals replacing one another time after time
>Capcom just keeps rereleasing the same game over and over

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>Needs mounts or something.

That'd be awesome. I could imagine DD2 having a much bigger world and mounts.

>The wind is pushing us Arisen

Heck no, fuck mounts.

I want DD be like it is be, travel by foot too see things and events. Using a mount is the same as using a Teleportstone.

The A to B journeys would have been better if there was something to do between then. There's barely 5 instances in all of gransys, and the only encounters are set mobs at set locations. It's the only thing skyrim did well, when you travel from one city to another, you'll pass at least 20 instances that you can choose to explore if you want. DD was basically nothing but bandits on the road, maybe a wolf pack, and sometimes you'll see a chimera in the woods that you can chase after.

It also didn't help that the cockatrice and griffon, 2 of the best minibosses, basically never appear outside of certain story moments.

It's pure kino. Dragon's Dogma in general is a masterpiece, albeit an unfinished one.

Really could you recommend some good mod that alter difficulty that aren't "super hardcore : bullet sponge edition"

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>Spear and Axe Vocations. Maybe a Druid (with terrain based spellcasting) and Bare-handed Monk vocation.
>Affinity Spells and similar overriding the elements for some hybrid magic vocations weapon skills.
>Pawn Inclination overhaul.
Character Creation
>Actual Voice options, instead of distortions of two voices spread over 6-12 options. That can always be its own slider.
>All hairstyles have a mirroring option to flip the hair whorl around.
>More skin complexion types to go with the crazy skin colors,
>Teeth options, because whike being Elf or Dwarf is cool, some would like other types of fantasy races.
>A separate character size slider that keeps proportions untouched.
>Expand the range for the Breast slider, and separate Butt and Belly sliders for legs and torso categories, respectively.

>The world of DD:DA isn't the map alone is the NPCs, if you are only running from A to B is boring.

Most of the NPCs are just chillin' in the towns and settlements, though.

Seriously, all those Griffins and shit and we don't even get a horse.

I do want, like, a beast of burden though. A donkey or a goat that you can load loot into.

>an important franchise

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Same. It was so boring. One of the very few games I never finished. I hope the sequel is actually good, because I really dig the setting and how you fight with big monsters.

>Needs mounts or something.
Just let players mount a monster and piss it off to run in a certain desired direction.

Pure, undistilled SOUL despite Capcom's attempts to strip all the SOUL

It shouldn't come as a surprise that they'll make DD2 eventually, it's relatively popular and Capcom are giving Itsuno room to make what he wants as shown with DMC5. If you want to talk about a game Itsuno wants to make but may be unlikely yo actually happen, that would be Rival Schools 3, not DD2.

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Optional co-op. Like if you want to play by yourself with pawns fine. If you want to play with friends fine

Why only monsters? Every living creature or NPC is your mount! Your pawns, too. Heck, YOU are your pawn's mount!

>Dungeon Siege vibes
That could work

>It also didn't help that the cockatrice and griffon, 2 of the best minibosses, basically never appear outside of certain story moments.
They spawn outside the missions, you need to explore more.


You just know they're going to rerelease it for the next gen of consoles again. Maybe port it to Switch?

just give me alchemist and some actually finished quest content

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More dungeons. Scrap overworld if they have to since they can't design one for shit. Just make the whole game a massive dungeon complex with a billion twists and turns and different enemy group spawns so you don't keep fighting the same encounter whenever you pass that same room. Adopt some class designs from DDO. More pawn AI controls, maybe even more pawns. Co-op might be cool, but not necessary.

What monster from MHW makes it into DD2 then

>Maybe port it to Switch?
Didn't it already get that?

>Rappan Athuk/ Castle Greyhawk the videogame
Sounds fucking incredible

desu all I want is monster hunter but with wizards and shit.

It has been out on the Switch since this April. Hence the 5 times re-released factor.

>They spawn outside the missions, you need to explore more.
Outside of BBI, there's 1 cockatrice spawn inside an instance, and only after experiencing it in a late game story fight first. Griffons don't start spawning until the griffon quest, and then stop spawning after a few more main quests. They basically don't exist in the open world, just Everfall and BBI.

Yes, there weren't enough places to explore and what was there wasn't very complex. BBI was so much better than the main game it's crazy.

As I said you need to explore more.

For tips a Griffon can spawn in the way to the Shadow Fort.

Epic store and cell phones.

Sounds like a pretty good idea actually, DD is much more action oriented than RPG oriented anyway so it would make the experience as a whole better

Fournival's a sleazy fucker, but he's a VALUABLE sleazy fucker.
Hence I will never have him judged guilty.

Fournival keeps Gransys alive while the Duke have parties and hoes every night.

>important franchise
>Doesn't even localize the online DD
>Doesn't even make a sequel until a decade later
Yeah right "important" my ass.

>or that the lamp goes out if you roll through water, get copy-pasted in all DD threads.
I bring it up every thread to “complain” about it, but that’s just to shitpost pawn speak (“TAKE CARE YOU AREN’T SOAKED IN WATER”)

It’s my less-pasta-y riff on “doesn’t tell you where all roads lead, doesn’t tell you which items are masterworks, doesn’t tell you what goblins ill like”

Rathalos. It is always rathalos and you should know this.

Shitposters hunt in packs, Arisen.
Don't allow them to surround you!

The video doesn't make the mod look enjoyable. It also seems that it favors yellow classes even more than vanilla DDDA.

>Moby Dick was a total blowout and letdown at launch
>Years later is the most acclaimed book full of philosophical shit for the man

The same happen with DD

More fucking combos and moves. It’s frustrating how DD has all the mechanics of a great action game, subdivided into a billion zillion categories, and then makes you pick a tiny percentage for your loadout.

Some class-like passives might be cool though. You'd build your character out of weapon skills, equipment, and passives/augments. Something like that? Though some skills that weren't tied to weapons might be cool too.

God let me have Dragon's Dogma 2. Itsuno's idea fully realised, let me see it in my lifetime.

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>world difficulty
>last update two years ago
The mod page asking you to join the discord to configure the mod has always been a massive red flag to me. Overall not a bad mod, though, but I found the exp adjustments to be more noticeable than the enemy adjustments. You stay in that low-middle level range for much longer where everything can still be dangerous but you still have a chance at fighting back. Overleveling is one of this game's weaknesses, and that kind of fixed it. What I don't like is that the mod turns overworld saurians into oil saurians with pitch-black skin textures. Ruins the whole camouflage bit they had going for them when you can see them from miles and miles away.

Fuck, a whole game like BBI would be fantastic.

I want like Jho though....

Well you are getting Rathalos instead.

>Level to 200 is a drag already without using glitchs/xploits

While the game can be enjoyable like that, leveling a full character would made me neck myself.

Why the fuck do the dragons keep flying away halfway through battle im so sick of it

Why do you think they became gaming 'journalists' in the first place?

I was able to beat the game at level 26 my dude.

>Dragon's Dogma and Skyrim are both about dragons
>they keep releasing them over and over


Once you get past 130 or something nothing can even offer a challenge anymore. You shouldn't want to get to 200 because the game has already been over long before you got there.

Break the wings?

Shoot them in the heart or climb on them and stab them in the heart.

itsuno literally said he was told that he can choose between his next project being dmc5 and dd2. you're retarded if you think it isn't happening eventually.

So take these broken wings
And learn to fly again, learn to live so free
When we hear the voices sing
The book of love will open up and let us in
Take these broken wings

>grappling hook to climb enemies or knocking them down

It happens when it gets too far from its spawn point.

I feel like letting go
I am the dangan

That's a problem in any open world RPG with sidequests.
For some reason devs cater to the people who would rather skip them ajj than the compulsives who have to do all of them.

I don't think I ever managed to break any of their wings in over 300 hours

That could be nice but must be class limited or it will affect the playstyle of other classes


use an archive you shill

I want a Grigori figurine. Gib to me, pls Capcom.

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is that full pic or is there more?

I don't mind it, what I mind is how dumb re-lighting the lantern is. There should just be an option to re-light it in the menu instead of making you go through the awkward rigamarole of equipping it and re-equipping it.

I think it was good in concept but executed poorly in the actual game, which I attribute more to the rushed development than a lack of skill on the part of the developers, but it still is what it is.

Exactly this. There were so many scenes in the game where I had no idea what was happening or why it was happening, like when the Duke tries to snuff out Aelinore. As an aside, am I the only one who was really annoyed by Feste? I wanted to chuck the little bastard off a cliff so badly.

reminder that we lost all of this, never coming back

>that gameplay
How are there no other games with rogue type classes that play like this?

Then get back to me when it's actually confirmed and not some dude sperging out because Itsuno mentioned it for two seconds like has been happening for the last 3 years

That's fine, I never liked the look of thatvocation anyway. I wouldn't mind if they take some of those skills, make them look a bit different and put them into Magick Archer or something, but I don't want the actual Alchemist vocation.

this game was garbage but had that unique garbage charm about it that actually made it fun to play

You can have *a* fast-paced half-mage class like alchemist or high scepter. Mages/sorcerers being slow casting living nukes is the best shit and you're wrong if you think otherwise. Maybe Dragon Age is what you're looking for.

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Would you say it's worst than Okami, Shadow of the Colossus, God Hand and Majora's Mask?

Grinding sorcerer and goooooood vocation level 9 takes time

You can add the lantern to a quick access button and you wont have to go to the menus. No many people use that funcion tho

no dangan no buy

I really loved dragons dogma online but it eventually burns you out like most other mmos.

I really hope they release DD2 with online features as the game is obviously better balanced around single player.

I remember at one point DDO game play was reduced to killing the same dragon 50 times to up my rep in an area to progress the story.

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It's definitely worse than God Hand, but there's no shame in being worse than the greatest game of all time.

Jesus, the new vocations in DD online were crazy cool. Its criminal they were wasted in that game

I swear to fuck if everything from DDO doesn't come back I'm gonna drive a car through itsuno's home

korean tier flashy action moves bullshit
fuck off

Sucks that he won't be in DD2, unless it's a prequel

>I really hope they release DD2

They will because most of the work is already done (assests from DDO) but only if they can upgrade them for the new "consoles"

And trust me they will use some from DDO maybe not at all because DD and DDO are different directors, maybe Itsuno don't like the fast paced combat from some classes of DDO.

Yeah, they put some good things only to shutdown because I don't know why. Last time I connected some servers where healthy enough... while MHF have LOT LESS of players.

I can think the only fault here is delayed updates and content.

I hope we still get to play as lolis
Seeing a cute loli defeat people 3 times her size was the best

but some of the downsides of small characters were stupid, like less stamina, they shouldve had more stamina

The faster stamina regen more than made up for it.

they shouldve had both though, being small had almost exclusively downsides
having both balanced down and up sides allows for more strats

I have always interpreted it as madness bout induced by his bargain with the dragon causing some remorse that he takes out on Alienore, but it's an element that you're unable to see in NG. Still I think this is far from the worse scene and manage to make you understand that something is wrong with the duke.
The games really feels like it ran out of budget/time, tons of the story was cut resulting in most plotlines finishing abruptly : Quina's end out of nowhere, Mason whole arc feels like it will lead somewhere but then just stops. Mercedes' story also feels like is stopped halfway through it where it should have be resolved after she came back. The biggest tragedy is that Salvation Love interest was entirely scrapped.

Capcom forced the early launch.

Now Capcom has learned (I hope) what happens if you let people do what they need to do with time and dedication.

Oh man i forgot about mason. Last time i saw him he wad saying ominous things outside the church and literally nothing comes of it lol

Agreed. It was so painstakingly empty and boring.

The game was running overbudget and it was the same effect on Capcom than Shenmue on Sega. Capcom changed since Dragons Dogma (for the worse) and its only now recovering from it. Lets hope DD2 doesnt sink them again

Yeah, seeing the pre-development presentations and reading about cut stuff in the art book it really feels like Capcom wanted to release a big AAA western inspired RPG and forced an early release feeling the fad would be over soon.

Yes, both the Church and Mason feel like they will be super important and then nothing.

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poor choice on their part, RPGs are timeless like FPS in the west or gacha in the east

You can keep that, but give me a separate class that's fast. No, not "half-mage". No fucking swords or other shit, and alchemy isn't even magic.
>Mages/sorcerers being slow casting living nukes is the best shit and you're wrong if you think otherwise.
Nah fuck off. It was cool at first but becomes dull as shit eventually. They even added that dumb minigame in DDO as if that fixed anything.
>Maybe Dragon Age is what you're looking for.
More like BDO and Kingdoms of Amalur.

Learn to slot a variety of spells instead of loading up purely on long cast-time nukes like a fucking retard. Hell with just focused bolt and jump strong attacks you can be right up in enemies' faces and effective, let alone using fast casting spells like comestion, miasma, ingle, etc. Throw in Necromancy and you'll passively shit out so much stagger/knockdown that you can effortlessly run around comboing your spells into each other.

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>both the Church and Mason feel like they will be super important and then nothing.
Eh, the first half of the game feels disjointed because its basically an homage to a bunch of scenes in Berserk. I prefer to think that DD true story starts since Grigory shuts up for good the Salvation leader

Aye, 'tis a shame. At least we have a pic of her thanks to the artbook!
I gotta wonder how that woulda worked plotwise.

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>implying it won't be a xeno dragon

When main Sorc always get in my skillbar Silentium+Torpor+Comestion, in true Silentium and Torpor are a must.

Avoid things like Maelstrom or anything that requires to stand more than 10s in the same spot.

It's heavily flawed and unrefined. But the flashes of brilliance are there. The pawn system, the feel of combat, and the peculiar nature of the world are all great.

I really need to stop filling every equipment slot with something. Looks so much better without ugly capes and ugly robes.

Maelstrom is the one long casttime spell I bother with just because of how strong a crowd control option it is but otherwise, as cool and flashy as they can be, they're just too impractical.

>Kingdoms of Amalur
I will gladly admit that the casting system on its own was very barebones, and with the small spell selection got old eventually. But having a powerful archmage channel a massive spell that turns the tide of battle while his allies keep the enemies occupied until the spell is done is the most wizard thing, and DDO was all about that. I will need at least one wizard class that does this. If that's in, you can have your fastcast mobile mage. Hell, Ragnarok Online did something like that, didn't it.

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>Yes, both the Church and Mason feel like they will be super important and then nothing.
I didn't even realize there was an abbey out in the forest where Mason and Quinoa stay until my fourth playthrough. Seems like an area that might have had been intended to have something noteworthy happening there, but now it's just there for the sake of it and easily missed on top of it.

It's true, it sometimes feel like they wanted to do a Berserk game but failed to get the licence.

Probably trying to "use" you to overthrow Elysion, or being a Salvation heretic thinking the Arisen is the key rather than the dragon, or just hatefucking.

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>all this awkward shit to kill 3 goblins
Nigga please.

>I gotta wonder how that woulda worked plotwise
Instead of Grigori stepping on her, he would have just awed her and changed her whole worldview by telling her that Salvation was bullshit. Now having lost her life's purpose and direction, with no future left, the Arisen swoops in and holds her in their arms, and through love she finds new purpose and direction in the world.

I'll fite you irl.
Thought it also gets old quick, could be better. Never did finish that game, drags on too much.


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>“I was originally torn between making Devil May Cry 5 and a sequel to Dragon’s Dogma. Ultimately, we went with DMC5"
What a retarded fucking Jap nigger. Why would you make a 6th DMC game when there are already 5 of them instead of making DD2?

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For that now Itsuno have green card to make DD2 at his leisure.

The most fun action-RPG you'll ever play.


You should play the early game again and remind yourself how tanky shit can be when you're low level.

Seems good to me

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The game lost me on chakrams, the art style, those kill moves, and the single player mmo design.
I'll admit this looks alright, though. I could see this working as a battlemage with magic-infused staff attacks and short-range quick cast spells made for chaining together. I still need my heavy artillery apocalypse wizard.

That shit was boring as fuck.

What did you think was particularly wrong with chakrams?


What if they're shutting down DDO because it would be competing with DD2

Female giant dragon, like Grigori. But taunts you more.

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>Castlevania, Diablo and Dragon’s Dogma animated series

Why is Netflix only going with gothic medieval settings?

gimme some god damn fashion

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It's not like people would actually just choose to play DDO over DD2, but it's true that they probably want to shift everyone's attention attention and dev focus from it. I know DDO wasn't Itsuno, but some people from that team could still be valuable for DD2.

Mostly expanded but have it be mainly dungeon delving. Make magic a little more involved than hold and release.

Capcom said they can't sustain the servers, followed by they fucked up the online shop and launched the game at worst time possible for DLC.

Demons Souls was shilled here a lot too, and look what came of that.

You fuckers are going to destroy this franchise just like you destroyed the Souls franchise.

They are making a dragons dogma isekai

>grand system

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kys zoomer

Kill yourself you cancerous fuck.

zoom zoom

This franchise is one game. It needs refinement.

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lmao stay mad nerd

Franchises get destroyed when there's a PC port. PC fags are the most rambunctious, disgusting group of people I've ever been forced to communicate with. They are literally incapable of being sensible.

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dd is already on pc

I never said it wasn't.

It was a game of great promise that ultimately failed because of a bland, borderline ugly overworld and a few design errors. The story was also very disappointing.
I haven't played MonHun games, but I'd say the success of MHW (in large part thanks to its polish) means that they'll feel confident in making a new DD that learns from past mistakes and doesn't look fuck ugly.

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My friend convinced me to play Dragon's Dogma last year, he said it was 100% his favorite game of all time. I got it on the PC and loved it, it's got a lot of good ideas despite being kinda incomplete.

When it came out on Switch I asked my buddy if he was going to pick it up since it's his favorite game of all time and he said he would, except he can't use infinite carry capacity and increase jump height if not on PC.

What the fuck? Do a lot of you only like this game if you can mod it or what?

i tried to like DD, but it's so overwhelming, i don't know what to fucking do.

Explore and have fun.

just take the dive user, go straight to BBI ASAP.


Why was the soundtrack so good?
I would visit Cassardis every once in a while just to listen to this peak comfy.

So, what's the topic of this thread? Some guy wrote an article talking about how another guy thinks a game is good? How is this even important? It would only be thread-worthy if the motherfucker announced a sequel. Artificial hype BS. You marketing types took the lessons too far and now your just making yourselves look bad.

>go straight to BBI ASAP.
Ignore this user. Start BBI after you beat the game and have explored the post-game everfall enough to grab some loot that will actually let you fight decently in the BBI.

it's not called "the greatest 7/10 of all time" for nothing
it's still a 7/10 and it has really obvious flaws that get in the way of the game


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just be yourself bro

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It took me a few visits to Gran Soren to fall in love with the game. The beginning is just so slow.

Wanna know how I know you're not white?

PC gamers are casual and rely on mods most of the time. This is not news.

Why female?

>Eh, the first half of the game feels disjointed because its basically an homage to a bunch of scenes in Berserk.

>the writing was shit on purpose to do fan service
Not really sure what point you're trying to make here.


I heard it was an offline feature but I never really checked but I would have liked if the seneschel would save the appearance of the character I made to previously win the game to be the seneschel the next playthrough

In my opinion, the soundtrack is probably one of the worst aspects of the game. My second playthrough, I went in with music turned all the way down and played my own stuff on the background instead. That increased my enjoyment of the game 100%, only way I can play it for extended periods now.

Not him, but I would appreciate a female dragon. It'd be real tough to find a male VA who could rival David Lodge.

more classes
more solid side quests instead of the same 50 slay x amount of monsters or escort person to place shit
more human settlements and a world that feels like it's more well traveled by people
more dungeon content
some varied regions within the game, maybe a snowy region would be neat

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The loading screens literally tell you that if an enemy is too strong you should just get the fuck away.

Dark Souls kiddies have nothing positive to say about Demons Souls. It was frequently talked about on multiple boards because it was hitting some nerves that games had not hit in ever. Now people just shit out, "Demons Souls is just an alpha demo of Dark Souls." Dragons Dogma was the same in its unique approach to fantasy that resonated with gamers so naturally that shilling wasnt even needed.

this. Actually dog shit game beyond me how autists stiill falling for it.

I look forward to mingling with /ddg/ autists once more

Unironically kill yourselves.

I either want DD2 or DD remade with all its original concepts like the elves and the moon

dont call me acoustic pls

>the world of Dragon's Dogma is like onions

/ddg/ is likely dead forever desu.

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DD2's gonna come back and we'll all be shitposting about whose pawns are sluts again

I too would enjoy a female dragon as a change of pace.
Women are usually seen as more physiological in torture so making her taunt the Arisen at various points would be a cool departure from Grigori only appearing like three times.

A female dragon that is a lot more sadistic in nature.

>female dragon stealing your heart
that Arisen's Bond is never gonna fit

>Yes, Magick Archer is my favorite class, how could you tell?

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We already know 2 is happening, this isn't news.


We don't officially know though.

Daimon round 2 was being controlled by Grette and she partially appears during his attacks, not sure if that counts though.

>Ah yea, I did level up warrior 190 levels to just use immolation on magic archer.
>How could you tell?

And this isn't official, or even close to official, so it's more redundant, which was my point.

I played it by avoiding guides and just exploring and hunting big monsters and had a blast. I don't know how anyone could not like it desu.

It would take a DD2. I think Capcom have all but milked the game dry with console ports.

>not Mystic Knight, equally versatile but far more involved
>setting up cannons and then holy riposting them to shred anything that can be blocked
>turning your mace into a buzzsaw with Anguish
>blowing up the entire room with Stone Forest

stop pretending it's not good, it's a solid 6 or 7

Before playing:
>faggots say I should level some specific class to 100 then something else to 200
>then I'll be good enough to beat the game
When I played:
>reach level 143 leveling up as fuck all whatever
>beat the game, nothing left to do cuz beat daimon twice
Wtf. Advice on how to play this game was pure faggotry.

Good game though.

they will cut MA, MK and assassin in DD2

All are equal before throwblasts.

They wont make DD2 as long as DDO makes money in Nippon. Dont get your hope up.

You're right and there's nothing to be done about it.

it's going offline in december you faggot

>having to listen to mentally ill autists online about how to play a game
>complain after
can't make this shit up. also, you're the cancer that shitted up this medium


Its amazing how much the series had going for it considering how long it took Capcom to realize how good it is.
>decent game when it came out on the consoles
>got a fantastic port on PS4/One
>got a fantastic port on PC
>got a fantastic port on Switch

Notice how I didn't follow that shit advice? Read, son.

welcome to Yea Forums, home of questionably intelligent people who only see what they want to see rather than what people have actually written

How's the Switch port's performance?


pretty fucking perfect surpringsly

Its 30 but I haven't seen a drop in the game at all, its also one of 2 ports from Capcom on Switch that has no catch.

Drink bleach you low IQ subhuman

I want them to give him full rein
If he wants to include the moon let him put the moon in
Fuck let him add Jupiter for fucks sake

Worth it for the ending though. Hey, it's like 90% of all JRPGs where people tend to forget the actual gameplay in favor of THE FEELS they experienced and the characters they WAIFUD xD

Dragon's Dogma is (one of) the best PS2 game ever made, but released a gen later with the technology and scope of it's time
that's why it's my absolute favorite game

>only two husbandos in the game versus five waifus

It's not fair, bros.


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you can belove pretty much every NPC in the game, though

>not fucking the innkeeper

Bitterblack Isle is the best dungeon ever in a videogame.
The vanilla world is the worst openworld ever in a videogame.

DD2 should just be pure dungeons.

It's a mediocre game. Empty world, boring enemies, MMO fighting sytem, borrowed features turn into gimmick.

Only thing good about it was the magic casting.

thank fuck you're not in charge

>Stone Jungle on top of a downed chimera

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DD2 is going to be mostly dungeons. They learned from their mistakes, which is why the DD expansion was 100% dungeon.

Is DD pleb filter : the game ?

I wish prisoner cyclops and hydras + variants would spawn on the overworld after beating Daimon desu. We could easily have this if the bitch who made World Difficulty shared the knowledge but it just wasn't meant to happen.

Hey now, World Difficulty is pretty kino


they don't spawn naturally per se but they do appear in select areas with associated noticeboard quests

>what I'm missing?
Lolis in skimpy armor nuking dragons with giant spells.

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Isn't this the general opinion you retards had back when it first came out?
Braindead sheep.
Borrowed from what? Your mum's cunt?

>MMO fighting sytem
I fucking wish MMOs played like DD.


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does the enemey variety in DD get better? so far ive fought goblins, thieves, skeletons, zombies, lizards and harpies a million times over and im getting pretty bored. ive fought a chimera, cyclops, troll and griffon. ive encountered a small drake but lost to it. i havent met the duke yet

Bitterblack is fantastic but suffers from the blatant reusing of rooms, and I agree the overworld was mostly uninteresting
I'd love if DD2 had some dungeons similar to Bitterblack Isle, but I would not like for them to abandon the open world because that's still where a huge portion of the fun lies
>roaming the dark as fuck forests during nighttime
>some fucking chimera jumps out of nowhere and bites your dick off

the gran soren innkeeper straight up disappeared in my save and i became unable to change my vocation for the last 60% of the story

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shouldn't have bullied him
just go to bitterblack or a camp

I might be wrong but I thought every NPC killed comes back a week later

>tfw you will never get to customize your witch girl pawn

never ever

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If he died, he'll be back in a week.

You can also go to various camps and Bitterblack island to change vocations.

>Dragon's Dogma without Grigori
who cares. he carried the entire game for me. He and the outstanding western mythology creature designs.

This is the ideal party
Too low level to have all of them in sexier armour

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>I don't know shit about games the post.

What are some other games with Dragons that I can play until DD2 comes out?

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I make sure to kill any pawn with the princess clothes.

Why does he do it? He must be so lonely.

wish they hadnt wasted time with DMC5 but at least it's happening

>Why does he do it? He must be so lonely.

DD2 better have customization for all 3 pawns, I don't want to keep renting whores.

I have my reasons.

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The delivery of the Canterbury style Olde English was the best part of it all.

Should be Griffin complete with the tower

incredibly based

>Show me your power, Hunter. Awaken now in full! Still my heart and lay open the path beyond.
>This is not fate, nor duty's call. This battle is your own, waged of your own free will.
>If you lack the strength to stay my fire... to stay the fated ruin... then all shall scatter as ash.
>Now, come, Hunter!

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>DDO is shutting down
Well maybe if the japs let the rest of the world play and not jew out the game it would have done better, I really do hope for Dragon's Dogma 2.

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I just wanted more of it

If fucking only

okay, retard

>DD2 might actually happen
I'm not going to expect anything, even if they actually announce it I'm not believing it until it's in my hands

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Post pawns.
Actual ones, not memes.

The fact that being out at night is so dangerous and atmospheric is greatly underrated. Love the importance of light sources.

I always forget that part when praising this game.

Less open world and more dungeons.
New vocations, especifically a punch and kick class.
Real time healing.
That's about all.

Drakengard series are the only games that has dragons that rival Grigori
It's pretty...offbeat though

I absolutely hate it when games get "online" and then are killed off - atleast give them an offline patch. Would be nice to have DDO offline and moddable.

An offline DDO with mods would do just fine. Shit, they can sell it too and get some extra revenue from it.

Easy: 6 skills, can block with weapon and has unique blocking skills with said weapons.
Greatswords, Battleaxes, Greathammers, huge-ass maces etc etc.

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Being able to charge some moves while executing others, like being able to punch the shit out of enemies while charging an Arc of Deliverance as if you're Siegfried from SC. What monhun world tried to do with GS but actually involved instead of rushing to max charge by tackling the air.

More items/weapons + equip slots, better invetory and item management, more skills for classes, maybe three extra classes, more questlines (less grinder missions), more dungeons, world has trade/supply routes, more than two towns - propper cities. Player's house (customisable). Proper romance - including some really clever and unique quests fort he chosen, as well as possibility to have them as a party member or some really unique mechanics.

I played those back when they came out.

more attacks for daggers, but its a given
just more of everything

only big change would be make it so tall characters have some more disadvantages and small characters get a few bonusses
perhaps allow the option to be more races

>better invetory and item management
Agreed, it's probably the worst thing about the game.

Yo, where's Sseth at in that image?


I'd like options for warriors, Mages have a shit ton of spells with status, Rangers have arrows wtih status.

I want warrior with different status swords besides rust, oil, and gold. And perhaps a skill that ampifies it like corkscrew arrows apply status for Rangers.

I would also enjoy more BBI style dungeons, and better ways to tinker with Pawn behaviors.

One more thing: vocations can only be changed at taverns/inns/castle/special place, however, skills can be changed on the fly. Players are no longer limited to the specific selection of six skills.

Why don't more games let me punch the shit out of people? Playing Yakuza for the first time was such a breath of fresh air.

All i've ever dreamed of was MHW's combat in a slow burn open world RPG setting

any arisen that fails to become god becomes grigori instead. Didn't you ever purposely fail at the end just to see? You get an achievement too.

>DDO had an amazing world and story
>dragon and arisen defying fate and cycle
>inviting a worse way of the world, the demons crawling in
>no one will ever know since its all going away

Plus the peace achivement, when you go to cassardis when he gives you the choice to return, "for a false peace"

>a second pawn for a full mage/fighter/strider party
>a selection of voiced personality types
>a character editor that isn't locked behind a fucking 10k RC paywall
>more intuitive inventory system

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Miss me with that shit. Remake it into Dragon's Dogma Offline so I can actually take my time, then I might care.

That would be the hope, I'd imagine. Hell, the devs for the mmo were still mid-production on some major patch or so when they received the notice from the higher-ups that their game was being shut down this thear. They didn't even fucking know. Might as well jam all that work into a single player game.

I'd rather abandon the dragon/arisen/seneschal stuff. New Story, different land. Maybe even new universe.

The brown pawn memes got me into this game.

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I would kill for an offline version of DDO. Wouldn't even mind if multiplayer was completely scrapped.

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I quit drawing 2-3 weeks ago but I want to draw Makora now.

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>DDO getting shut down
Say what?

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Then we lose the pawns
Sharing pawns and training them was the best part of this game
Along with the combat and some of the monsters.

DDA Dragons are also the best ones in gaming and I'd fight anyone on that

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I am missing the Jap dub (which was on PS3 of DD:DA) but not on PS4.

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Here's a meme duo, fuck you.

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I hope that if they make a sequel they allow for a vanilla way to play as a loli and to not make the entire fucking world be brown. I want vibrant colors

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Grigori is an individual. Each Arisen that dies after killing their cycle's Dragon turns into the next cycle's Dragon. Grette was the Dragon once and she still sounded feminine.
Player Dragon being red may have just been model re-use and could simply be written off as coincedence.

Also the three lesser draconids; Drakes, Wyverns, and Wyrms, were Arisen that died before killing their Dragon. The type they turn into reflects their Vocation in life.

Omg I cannot believe you said THING

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Fuck you I genuine like my Demoman

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>The lesser draconids are Arisen that died before killing their dragon.
How do you explain the dialogue from the wyvern at Bluemoon and wyrm at Water God's Altar that you find after the Everfall opens up? They sound completely confused as if they were just random people that were forcibly transformed. One thing's clear - the Seneschal is absolutely horrible.

Can still come up with a reason to create two characters and recruit more. Just change the overall story.

Female bandits bully him for having a penis.

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The player wasn't the only Arisen Grigori created. There were several, including Duke Edmun himself.
Those special encounters were Arisen that only recently died and transformed, having likely never reached Grigori.

I'd guess using the term "Cycle" may have been incorrect. Its likely these transformations occur immediately or possibly at the Seneschal's leisure. Same with the capital-D Dragon.

I was under the assumption it was one at a time until they well and truly failed or gave up.

or got lost in Bitterblack, to add to that

Give me this. With more of everything.

Attached: 1502530727870.jpg (960x720, 90K)

based retard

I agree, one of my favorite parts is that it's very dirty medieval fantasy that incorporates real nationalities like the Greek fisherman and French nobility, and doesn't get into the Tolkien tropes of elves/dwarves/orcs/etc. that have been done to death. Despite being so generic, it ironically sets DD apart from all the other shitty fantasy stories that get pumped out on a regular basis

Its going down in december, along with monster hunter frontier and online. Every capcom online games are shutting down