Daily reminder that the Yakuza franchise is now a turn-based RPG

Daily reminder that the Yakuza franchise is now a turn-based RPG.
Feel free to bicker and squabble about how the series was or was not total shit up to now anyway in this thread.

Attached: Yakuza-7_2019_08-29-19_010.jpg (600x338, 80K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It already was 99% a JRPG in the previous games, now it's just official.

Real fans are furious. Yakuza was always known for its insanely deep combat system and now they're gutting it completely.

Attached: Yakuza - Crazy combat.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

Any other gameplay vids besides the one shot with a camera during the presentation ?

Despite the fact that you have autism, I entirely agree. No other franchise had the same vibe that the brawling combat brought to Yakuza.

Not yet. Maybe at TGS next week.

I won't because I genuinely welcome this change.

We've had how many games with the wonky arcade brawling now? 6 not counting spin-offs.

Trying something new is well on the menu for this franchise. Not to mention the little to no differences the games had make it easy to accept this, because if this change wouldn't have been made, it would probably play exactly like the other games, therfore you lose nothing because you can still play the other games to experience how 7 would play. That's how little difference there was

fuck turn based combat and fuck op

>Insanely deep combat system
>Enemies stand and watch as you style on them

There's a middle ground between the exact same combat and a complete genre change.

I'm OP and I hate this change.

yakuza 7 will be the assault horizon of the yakuza series

And that's a good thing, given the new protagonist. He's a fucking nerd who's trying to live out his chuuni fantasies by pretending he's in a videogame.

I love it though. Modern day crime setting JRPG is a literal dream of mine.
And Yakuza combat always has been something that "exists" but didn't stand out or was remarkable in any way.
Everywhere you go, people just talked about stories and setting, characters, etc. combat has always been a footnote for these games.

I mean I get that people who loved the beat em up style don't wanna see it go, but I'm not one of them because I never cared for that aspect.

>trying something new
>Oldest and most basic combat system used because more interesting and engaging combat systems weren't available with technological limits

Is this not just the new shit house mini game for this one? Ichi references draque. It's beyond belief that they would make the dragon engine then do this just as they start making combat decent in it.

This is a perfect comparison.

not kamurocho again i hope

>beyond belief
You're in one!

I dont imagine it getting any more complex unless they decide to steal a system from a complicated JRPG, think something like Press Turns

we have a fucking plethora of turn based games
and only one ONE modern beat em up series aka yakuza. this game will fail hard the japanese fan base on twitter is rightfully pissed and the majority of western fans don't want this either

Be honest, you only cared about the heat moves in the old combat system.

ichiban looks cool, and the combat could be interesting but we don't know enough about it.
hopefully yokohama appears in more games after this, as it's about time we moved away from kamurocho.
not kamurocho this time, it's yokohama.

This is the real crux of the issue, Yakuza has lost its USP. I enjoyed it because it was like an asian crime drama like The Raid or something but you can actually play it and get caught up in the frenetic action. This is the polar opposite of what Yakuza's real fanbase wants.

>Press Turns

Attached: Gentlemen.jpg (223x226, 4K)

Turn Press is the opposite of complicated, though.

Compare it to shit like DQ where its literally just "Buff, Debuff, High Damage move"

Just...why do that?

>I'm OP and I hate this change.
oh sorry about that, thought you were that proxy fag baiting again

Imagine what Kuze would think of us, relying on debuffs to survive as a Yakuza.

Attached: 1561402392181.png (383x257, 171K)

They probably realized that they couldn't top 0's combat, so they decided to go in a whole new direction entirely.

Attached: Yakuza - Crazy combat 4.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

That part in my OP where I tell people to bicker is just an inb4 against all the shitters that will inevitably crawl out of the woodwork to shame us for caring that our franchise is being ruined.

I always felt like brawlers, and character action games like DMC, Bayonetta etc, made turn based RPGs obsolete. FF7 Remake seems to have embraced that by adding switching between party members to the Character Action system. Meanwhile Yakuza is going the opposite direction and looks disappointing, imo.

sakura wars is going to be real time
yakuza 7 is going to be turn based....
is sega smoking fucking crack or something?

is this supposed to look good

ah I got ya, again sorry about that

i'm the only true fan of this series.
everyone else is just a disgusting secondary who should off themselves.

It's honestly as or perhaps even more sape than that. When you make one option clearly superior (which press turns generally are) you don't exactly add another brain cell to the 2 required to play turn based combat.

RGG Studio wanted to make a third person shooter but back then they had the brains to make it Binary Domain instead of making Yakuza 5 an out and out cover shooter. If they just wanted to make a turn based RPG that wasn't taking the place of a fresh new Yakuza game then that'd be fine by me.

Every thread they post these webms, every thread someone like you says this. They're bait webms, ignore them.

No probs kyodai.


> insanely deep
> press square a few times and then triangle if the enemy doesnt block or super armor through your attacks
> dodge behind enemy and repeat the above if they do that


>If they just wanted to make a turn based RPG that wasn't taking the place of a fresh new Yakuza game then that'd be fine by me
I agree if RGG is burnt out and wants to try something new that's fine but to do it to yakuza that's just bizarre

I'm OK with this.
What I'm less OK is how the plot for this new game seems to be a rip-off of Yakuza 1 which wasn't really the best in terms of story

only thing that's similar is the set up, but on the plus side, it gives thema chance to not repeat the mistakes they made with 1's story.

this shit will bomb hard in japan. it has already gotten really bad reps. probably will be swept under the rag.

They've shown with Judgment's crappy story and side characters that they will ALWAYS fuck up a game that introduces a new cast.

I honestly didn't see it coming

>You'll never see it coming!
They tried to warn us.

>He didn't like Judgement
I respect your right to say that about but come on
Judgement was fun and the worst part about it was the tailing missions, which were admittedly bad. But they tried something new and it paid off.
If they have to use Yakuza 1's starting point to create a new story then let them, it already seems different just from the fact his patriarch wants him fucking dead after he gets outta jail from the trailer

Attached: jf.png (1199x1077, 588K)

>He didn't like Judgement
Pleb spotted.

Attached: Judgement - Cone attack.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

Yakuza threads on Yea Forums are dead.
It's filled with nothing but people who hate all of the games and shitposters.

This is why mainstream faggotry catching whiff of anything remotely niche will always be that thing's death knell.

I bet it's these dastardly shitposters that caused the turn based combat to happen

Not him but I found Judgement pretty shitty.
The "detetective" work was pretty much just typical shallow shit and movies plus tailing out of the ass.

The premise was good but the actual game was just YET ANOTHER game in Kamurocho, but this time with a cast nobody cared about.

Yakuza threads have been dead long before now.
You're just more proof of that fact

They have always been shit.
I've literally been on Yea Forums since the board was introduced and Yakuza threads have either just been circlejerks where everyone saying he didn't like something got pelted on, or beginning with 3, people fighting over which was the best.

People who say that threads used to be good, are either aid circlejerkers or shitposters who enjoyed shitposting with others in the past.
Yakuza threads weren't a magical island on Yea Forums where Yea Forums's usual shit didn't seep into.
Confirmation bias is what makes people think that.

Yakuza threads were never good, though.

Pray tell, why am I not allowed to say even a single negative thing about Yakuza? What makes you think you can come to Yea Forums, demand a hugbox, and then shriek and scream at people who have differing viewpoints? Did you expect this to be r*ddit or something? That if you had enough karma points or likes, people would instantly agree with you? Well, I hate to drag you back to reality, but that doesn't happen here. If you want people to like your game, you're gonna need a better reasoning than "everyone is a shitposter but me".

Attached: 1566625855705.jpg (960x950, 40K)

>complete genre change.
>99% of the game is walking around and talking to people
>99% of the game are still the same
>genre change
??? combat in yakuza is on the same tier as the minigames. you wouldn't say that changing some of the minigames is a genre change either, do you?

>and only one ONE modern beat em up series aka yakuza
and now we have ONE modern JRPG aka yakuza

>Did you expect this to be r*ddit or something?
Yea Forums has been reddit for a few years.

>the japanese fan base on twitter is rightfully pissed
You mean the same people that post pictures of broken game and drama CDs because a voice actress lost her virginity?
Yeah... nice crowd...

I don't even give a flying fuck about Yakuza as a whole and what direction it takes, what I'm wondering about is why the fuck haven't they made a game that's 99% about running your own hostess club.

The shit from 0 and Kiwami 2 is legit better than the actual game.

Attached: 1561371497520.jpg (1920x2160, 654K)

Fucking BASED

>every thread someone like you says this.
many posts are copy pasted across threads:
>genre change
>ONE modern beat em up
>sakura wars....

It seems that everyone just spams their original comments in every thread to get the +/- count on their side, including you OP, and webm user.

What a load of shit. I've been in these threads since around Yakuza 4 came out in the west, and far before 5 got localized.
I've always criticized Yakuza 3, never got shit for it. People sometimes disagreed but it didn't turn into shitposting and shitflinging with posters going "BLARGHFLARGLE ERRY' THING BOUT YAKUZA IS SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!"

That level of retardation and autism only sprang up a couple of years ago, unfortunately coinciding with Yakuza 0's release.

No one is asking for a hugbox you retard.
This is what I mean by these threads turned to shit. I say "These threads are filled with nothing but posters who hate everything about Yakuza" and you interpret that as "He must HATE people saying ANYTHING negative about Yakuza".

Thanks for proving my point.

>true Yakuza fans: oh wow thats an unexpected change for my favorite franchise, lets see how this turns out when I can play it myself! If its bad then I will certainly voice my opinion, but if it works well, then congratulations devs!

>fake Yakuza fans: our franchise is ruined! Yakuza is literally dead! no TRUE fan would've wanted this! true fans would've prevented this from happening! everything liking this is a nu-fan! boycott! boycott this!! I'd rather see the franchise die and the devs homeless than support a game that doesn't cater to me?!?!?

>more in depth customization systems
>can customize all hostess regardless of ranking
>harder gameplay
>better system to acquire fans and partnerships around the town
Yeah, that would be pretty fun.

>What a load of shit.
It certainly isn't.
>I've always criticized Yakuza 3, never got shit for it.
Lucky you. But as said: this is confirmation bias.
>That level of retardation and autism only sprang up a couple of years ago, unfortunately coinciding with Yakuza 0's release.
Confirmation bias yet again.

Completely ruined the series for me.

this might be the first game I don't buy day one

I don't even care to argue about this shit. I loved Yakuza and now it's dead. A bunch of seethers on Yea Forums telling me I'm wrong for not continuing to buy a series that just lost my interest isn't going to change that.

RIP Yakuza 2005-2019

based oldfags
cringe newfag trying to fit in

>Your anecdotes are confirmation bias, my anecdotes aren't
There's a Yea Forums archive you know, right? We can always look back if you want to call everything "confirmation bias" whenever they don't align with your beliefs.

> I say "These threads are filled with nothing but posters who hate everything about Yakuza" and you interpret that as "He must HATE people saying ANYTHING negative about Yakuza".
You were quick to call people shitposters even if they were offering legitimate criticism. So don't be quick to jump on that high horse.

0 killed the series.

Attached: Truth about Yakuza.png (1984x2650, 990K)

turn based is literally the worst combat system. I'm up for change but NOT THIS

Opposite for me really.

I'm not one of those shitting on old combat, but Ive just never bought a RGG game day one before, but this legit makes me wanna do so.

>You were quick to call people shitposters even if they were offering legitimate criticism.
Who have I accused of being a shitposter? I made a statement about the quality of thread, I never pointed to anyone in particular as being a shitposter.

This however is definitely shitposting no mistaking it.

>non-joke woman fighters
welp, yakuza is dead

Please do.
And be sure to cherrypick the circlejerk threads I mentioned :)

Turn based is only bad when Jap developers do it.

Yeah, they could allow you to customize the layout of your club, maybe buy out other venues as time goes on, etc.

They could even go full retard and integrate an idol system into it, where some your hostesses would go to idol-like events where they'd have a dancing mini-game, a beauty pageant, and more. They made fucking Dead Souls, so it's not like they can't make this.

Attached: 1537119598567.jpg (828x830, 87K)

>already accusing me of cherry picking before i've even shown you threads
Once again proving my point. These threads are shit now and the posters in them aren't interested in any kind of discussion, you just want to be incendiary and right. I'm filtering these threads from orbit, this place is fucked.

she hits people with a handbag and casts confusion spells by blowing kisses

No, shit like this has killed the series and threads.

The typical Yea Forums elitism of "you have to experience the games the way I did!!!" is just pure cancer.
You act as if everyone who didn't start on PS2 is automatically a shitposter.

Most people who came to the franchise with 0s popularity just wanted to talk about the game but faggots like you ruined the threads with your relentless shitposting about nu-fans and normies invading "your franchise".

This continued when Kiwami's were announced and guys like you started to sperg out everytime someone said "sure, play Kiwami" when somebody asked if they should play the orginal or remake.

You say these threads used to be good, but they used to be good by your standard because everyone had to play and discover the games like you. Now that they're multiple ways to play the games and they're popular, you freak out because you lost control.

You killed Yakuza.

>They're bait webms, ignore them.
What makes them bait?

They show off Yakuza's combat.

I meant every word I said. I was looking forward to the discussion and posting the saved screenshots I had, because I know you're full of shit.
Good riddance.

>april fools
>omg it's so cool i want to play this
>official announcement
>wtf you can't do this

Sounds cool. I wasn't too fond of the beat em up style of the series since it got repetitive and the system was pretty easy. Also this way we can finally walk around with more people instead of switching between protagonists

"Fake Yakuza fans" are the ones who talk about how BAD was the combat before and how everybody played for the story or some shit

this is unironically based and 100% the truth.
i always laugh at Yea Forums crying that things used to be good when they themselves ruined them

I don't get it, what's wrong with the webms? Are the people who hate yakuza combat just furious about people enjoying it? The webms show exactly how the games play, it's not like they're modded or glitched

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Did Nagoshi have a stroke? He's also behind the Sakura Wars reboot and he also changed the genre from turn based tactics to realtime action.
Someone gave him a few too many drinks

Attached: 1566271379564.png (600x848, 1.22M)

>everybody played for the story or some shit
Not him but what else would you play them for?
Please don't say the shitty arcade brawling with terribly clunky movements!
Why not play a real fighting game if you wanna brawl a bit? Combat has never fit the games and should be removed altogether.

>JAV-fu can be a party member

Like most other Yakuza fans I have bought the same game almost ten times over. I've also bought the remasters of each of them, and there are still more coming. And we were happy to do this for another decade at least. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Changing things now is spitting in the face of the fans. Thankfully the Japanese are NOT standing for it.

>real fighting games
have no context for their action and don't allow to fight various people in a city.

>reeeee more people enjoy a thing i like
Proto hipster

did you really play through multiple yakuza games without enjoying the combat at all?

>Daily reminder that the Yakuza franchise is now a turn-based RPG.
It's literally what I always wanted...
Can't wait!
Even though I guess the threads will be even worse now and I can already see Yea Forums spamming screenshots of bad amazon reviews from Japan, like they did before.

I just hope its a good game, and the new cast and story will be good.

>mfw youre getting worked by sega

Attached: D5F04C5E94474CC2BCCCE18886A8922A.gif (250x355, 1.34M)

What are YOU playing them for? I wouldn't be playing them if not for the goofy violent fighting

>that webm
god tier combat.

Attached: 1482411860405.jpg (578x472, 39K)

>Like most other Yakuza fans I have bought the same game almost ten times over.
And this would've been the 11th time you bought it. Thankfully you can still play the other ten games to see how this would play, so nothing is lost.
Leave the francbise to us turn based bros.

Yakuza fans will tell themselves anything to justify buying another game no matter how bad it looks. The blind hope that "this one will be good" fuels each purchase, time and time again. Even if it fucking sucks and Yakuza 8 is the same again, they'll buy it, saying "they'll have figured out how to do it good this time"

Even though Judgment combat was WORSE than previous entries they keep buying the newest games because of this blind hope. Maybe it's time to accept the Yakuza devs are fucking useless. But there's no chance of that because LOL MAJIMA DANCE XXDDD

>If it ain't broke don't fix it.
>If it ain't broke
Broke is literally what Yakuza combat has always been. There's literally 0 balance and its clunky as FUCK. Leaving the style change aside, saying it wasn't broke is just retarded.

I think what's really ruined Yakuza threads is insecurity and defensiveness being at an all time high.

If someone criticizes the combat (which is fair) there are faggots who immediately start screaming about PC players, 0fags, zoomers, resetera, etc etc. Same thing if someone says they would like to explore new areas after playing on the same map for over 10 years.

Every Yakuza thread is now packed with prime examples of this newfound unbearable childishness in the fanbase. Yea Forums doesn't "hate yakuza now" just because you saw a post with criticisms in it. Get a fucking grip. If anything has ruined Yakuza discussion, it's not PC players or 0fags or any other kind of "invader" but actually the incredibly paranoid and autistic old guard who are more interested in lashing out at everyone rather than actually discussing the games.

We used to be able to say 3 was bad. We said it all the time. Now? You're a secondary zoomer reddit tranny PC 0fag blah blah blah. Fuck that. Step back and ask yourselves who is really shitting up these threads. It's not the people who are saying what parts of the game are weak, it's the people chimping out over mild criticisms. I mean, what the fuck do you want? 500 post threads around the clock where everyone just says "I LOVE YAKUZA IT'S FLAWLESS!"? Where's the discussion?

The irony is if any of these faggots wanted to discuss Yakuza, they'd do it. But they don't. They want to complain, over and over, about imaginary enemies. Just fucking discuss it if you actually want to, but you can't, because you're too busy chimping out over someone saying they would like to see a new map. Which isn't even an unreasonable thing to say.

>insanely deep combat system
>posts a webm of using the same move 5 times in a row
>against enemies who stare vacantly for 8 seconds
>presses super button to watch cutscene
>the cutscene is 12 seconds, longer than the actual gameplay

Not your best evidence.

Thats true I guess. It was seamlessly.
I stopped caring two games in. Since then I hardly ever cared about the combat more than just a means to advance the story.
Story and characters. There's not many games that let me walk through Japanese streets in the winter, experience a Yakuza story, help strangers and enjoy whisky.

They literally just need to make Yakuza: The Idolm@ster and repurpose the hostess bullshit into an actually well built web of idol management systems, keeping the basic spirit of 5's attempt at it but doing it far better and with some actual player agency. I'd play the fuck out of that.
Run your own idol theater in some japanese shithole and slowly but surely raise it by pouring in sweat, tears and blood. Literally. Customize everything about it, help your idols with their personal issues, and be the kind of owner/producer every yakuza aspires to be.
I'm really surprised they haven't done that yet. I'm guessing the higher ups keep shutting the idea down because producing minors into stardom is a yucky concept in the west.

Attached: CMrxWwSUAAAmRpT.jpg (577x1024, 61K)

The irony is reddit and ResetEra love Yakuza.

>I always felt like brawlers, and character action games like DMC, Bayonetta etc, made turn based RPGs obsolete.
you're fucking retarded
how the fuck are these completely different genres even related
okay then starting from new entry every single one of your favorite series is battle royale now

Old memes

>standard musou gameplay
>brawling and waves of enemies
>comboes are a thing but you don't have to use them unless it's a healthy man
it's literally just people baiting people who do enjoy this style of game

Attached: 55427522_p0_master1200.jpg (1200x1135, 948K)

>yeah NOW they love it

Based as fuck anons circulating Yea Forums today!

>Simple shit like Buff, Debuff, High Damage move
>Complicated shit like Press Turns! See, you Buff, Debuff, then you farm weaknesses or crits before you use high damage moves TWICE

Attached: 1526909714671.png (606x601, 438K)

Apparently change is only okay when they do it on every game. Make a few sequels with the same gameplay and you're doomed to never innovate ever.

They've always loved it.

But how is it bait? It's all just footage of how Yakuza games play

and even reddit had to start throwing bans around because too many people were arguing about 7 instead of spamming gay fujoshit memes all day.

>Yakuza threads have either just been circlejerks where everyone saying he didn't like something got pelted on,
this is the case with every Yea Forums general
see capcom threads for example where people managed to brainwash themselves into thinking that nico / claire look good

I wouldn't know but I assume it's the prissies' mindset here

You don't play Yakuza for the combat, you play for the story, which is excellent. Yakuza is the best written videogame series. The writing doesn't always make sense and there are asspulls, yes. And it's stupid that Majima's personality does a 180, but if any character in the games kills someone, they will die. Not every time, but most times. It's consistent, outside of the inconsistencies that happen because of remasters and remakes changing events.

Resetera is not even two years old and Reddit exploded in 2011, and its Yakuza community is 6 years old.

Point is: they played and liked Yakuza before, you just didn't look and/or knew about them.

why cant i just beat up 100 thugs alone?

why do i have to have group of friends now to ruin my power fantasy?

You can enjoy simplistic and satisfying gameplay all you want. It's just fun and easy to make fun of people claiming the combat depth is amazing and/or that turn based combat is too simple and pathetic for their galaxy brains.


In other words, they're movie games.

but the health item drinks are based on REAL products in Japan, so they're good movie games

To provide scale, man. Kiryu was so unstoppable that it was genuinely uninteresting to play as him for over half the series.

Then you got other playable characters like Akiyama and Tanimura, and they actually once again struggle with gangs and feel awesome against more minor things, and then Yakuza 5 and 6 come along and Akiyama's grown into being as much of a powerful badass as Yakuza 0 Kiryu.

I wanna see a legend like Maima or Saejima join early for just the smallest section of the game so you can see how much they outclass you and set a bar for how much you can grow by the end.

>have legends join early for like 10 minutes to show how strong they are in compairison and gives you something to aspire to

i fucking love this shit, i need it.

fuck thats sick

I'm really pathetic in real life, so living the life of an alpha through a videogame really appeals to me. I know I'll never beat anyone in a fight, or look cool, or have a girl like me, or do anything honorable in life, ever. So I fucking love this series.

>insanely deep combat system
Chotto matte nigger. It didn't really get deep until zero. The draw at least for me is the fucking heat moves and how ridiculous they are. That and you could do them on any thing and any where. Shit was rad. Also
>that webm
That is flashy. Not deep. He s just using the mad dog style and doing a default combo and then pressing triangle for a heat move. It hurts your argument.

Attached: yakuza wut.gif (500x281, 2.33M)

Can you post some good Yakuza combat?

Claire does look good though

Attached: 1567368145488.jpg (1081x1080, 331K)

also, it makes sense for this game since it's supposed to be ichi's success story.
that scene with him in the garbage is him at rock bottom, so from that point ant onwards all he can do is rise (his tattoo is a reference to this too, since it's a cross between a koi and a dragon)

Coming right up.

Attached: Yakuza - Crazy combat 2.webm (748x420, 2.92M)

>looks good


People are only shitting on Yakuza's combat and writing, which have always been terrible. What's stranger is the people who know this is true but want nobody to say it so they can just ignore it or stay deluded about it.
Yakuza fans keep acting like they're living in an unjust world even when they've gotten ten fucking mainline games, a bunch of spinoffs, and remasters and PC versions aplenty. And they're still getting more. And yet the victim complex and delusions continue.

I didn't realize the Joker movie got a movie tie-in!

Attached: t-Joaquin-Phoenix-Joker.jpg (1543x1029, 196K)

>The combat has always been terribl-

Attached: Yakuza - Crazy combat 3.webm (852x480, 2.93M)

If the combo speed was fast from the get-go and certain actions felt more responsive, I think the Dragon Engine combat could be genuinely great
The physics are entertaining

i'd say the biggest issue is that people wanna talk about something that isn't negative all the time, but we have the same threads with the same insults with the same bait.

all it takes to really ruin a thread on Yea Forums is one dedicated shitposter, i've ruined every AW: Days of Ruin thread i've seen so i know from experience

Were your nipples hard typing that out? You seem to get a lot of joy out of being a faggot.

> L L L H
> Grab

>this is apparently less mindless and boring than a RPG

I think that's awesome.

There has never been a JRPG with characters or aesthetics like Yakuza, so I'm pretty happy about it

>Yakuza franchise is now a turn-based RPG.
Cool. I might play it now.

If posting footage of the game being discussed is considered "bait" then the game must be complete shit

This is a horrible comparison becauase Assault Horizon had gameplay that was shit AND the story, setting and feel of the game was absolutely shit. Watch the story trailer of Yakuza 7 and it's a Like a Dragon game through and through.

>Yakuza: Like a Dragon Quest

What did Sega mean by this?

man, i admire determination to falseflag for months but seriously seek help

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I personally like Turn based, but as someone that enjoy several game genres and mechanics I was expecting something way more "complex" that anons claim to be and not just your usual musou/fighting game segments with flashy mini cutscenes to it. Musou games get just as boring as turn based with time.

Jesus christ, imagine trying this hard to convince people Yakuza combat wasn't a total fucking joke

i like how non of the people who dislike this game replied to my comment, really makes me think.

did you even watch it

No one on Yea Forums dislikes Yakuza. Yakuza has always been THE Yea Forumscore series.

i feel like this has to be the case and Yea Forums pretending to shit on yakuza is how they show how much they love it, like a tsundere

woah sorry user nobody told us YOU were here. had we known it was YOU then we'd have all rushed to reply to your excellent and original and interesting points. I have no idea which post you're talking about but let me assure you: you are 100% right about whatever it is you said.

>not wanting to style on niggas

>gate keeping


>Did Nagoshi have a stroke?

Funny you should ask. He went through heart surgery and he announced Yakuza 7 against medical advice.

Fucker is based.

Also Sakura Wars reboot has a bunch of Yakuza devs on it which explains why it's an action RPG. Yakuza 7 is just him doing whatever the fuck he wants.

The only cool thing about Yakuza combat is that you can interact with the enviroment sometimes to complete combos, it isn't new but is cool. That aside it's yout usual repetitive musou game and not even the best one in the genre.

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damn how did you know I was typing through tears? reading just hurt my feeling so darn much

0babby spotted.

sorry, I know my reaction image makes no sense, but I primarily use Yea Forums to shitpost about liberals so that's the only kind of reaction image/argument i have

>purposefully acting like a retard and abusing the combat system

Attached: 1544395583583.png (586x586, 348K)

Post some good Yakuza combat then

Judge Eyes proved that no amount of time or money or talent could build good combat in the Dragon Engine.

it doesn't feel like there's 64 posters in this thread.

You know that's impossible

Attached: squiddin.jpg (251x223, 15K)

As someone who has never played Yakuza series, convince me to get into it. Also what game should I start with? What is your favorite game in the series and why?

I've been told to start with Yakuza 0, then Kiwami 1 and 2, skip 3, play 4, skip 5, and then play 6. So basically play all of them except 3 and 5.

Attached: file.png (1200x675, 1.13M)

*blocks your path*

Attached: Yakuza - Insane boss fight.webm (640x360, 1.88M)

That's how I feel every time I see more than one post I don't like

then again i also can't remember the last time there wasn't a shit flinging yakuza thread, so maybe my judgement isn't in line.

Start with 0. Yakuza is the series of diminishing returns. Kiwami is shit, 3 is shit, 4 and 5 are okay but there is a lot of tedium and story bullshit in them, and then 6 is fucking terrible. It's really not worth playing so many games which are all so long only for so little payoff. They're only really suitable for players who have literally absolutely nothing else in their lives.

You're lucky if you manage to finish even just 0 without getting bored. But remember, the others are all far worse.

Jesus...you're the first one to tell me the entire series is trash and none of them are really worth playing. Everyone else has said they're great and fun, so basically you're saying all the games are boring and tedious?

What about Judgement? Is that fun?

One boss fight over the course of ten games where there's an actual chance of losing will definitely blow all these haters the fuck out. Zoomer status = SEETHING!

As a guy who got in with the 3 demo on the ps3, then never played yakuza until I pre-ordered 0 on the PS4 (And subsequently paid as much money as I could for all the others) i'm really not bothered. I mean, they said they would go back to the traditional style if this wasn't liked?
I'd fuck with it, seems okay.

Judgment is like the others but with infuriatingly bad tailing segments, of which there are many. You also don't get to do any actual detective work, it plays out like a movie. If you figure something out, it doesn't matter. You just have to watch the movie until the characters figure it out too. The combat also isn't as good as in the other games which says a lot considering the combat is always poor.

Attached: Yakuza - Dojima Family.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

holy shit I think I speak for everyone here when I say this BOSS FIGHT is INSANE

would love to see more webms like this showing how incredible the combat in yakuza games REALLY is

>start with the best one
>Yakuza 3 is shit
It suffers from technical limitations

Start with 3, then 4, Skip 5 and jump to 0, then K1, then stop.

5, 6, and K2 are terrible

Judge Eyes is ok, but much worse than 3/4/0

who hurt you?

woah an enemy actually tried to attack you
luckily you pushed the cutscene button in time

Attached: 547687564358654.jpg (1440x1440, 572K)

Do you need to have been hurt by someone to love Yakuza games? There are many fans just like me.

>> L L L H
>> Grab

In a turn based RPG this becomes
>scroll down to the move on the move list
>press X

>convince people Yakuza combat wasn't a total fucking joke

he's falseflagging on purpose to fill his thread with braindead knuckledragging retards like you

Wow...so literally like only 2-3 of the games are worth playing and even then they're not that fun? It sounds like Yakuza is a trash series, so why is it so hyped up among fans? Even the fans seem to think it's garbage, so why even play it.

I heard Judgement was pretty fun, but everyone is saying it isn't.

Only Yakuza game with decent combat was 0. The entire series was extremely repetitive.

so you spent past hour waiting for a fucking reply?

Attached: D1tmHuEXcAAFFpy.png (336x272, 126K)

I still don't get why they did this, why go into a genre that's already oversaturated when you did fine filling a niche that sold well enough

Attached: 1521871627938.gif (373x373, 278K)

Not everyone shitposts in threads then leaves instantly because they're mobileposting between classes, zoomer

Just experimenting with a new style to stop stagnation. If it performs poorly they'll revert back.

imagine waiting 54 minutes just to type that as a reply

Attached: 1425160196707.jpg (400x462, 42K)

U projecting lmao

Everyone hypes up the latest releases so they don't have buyers remorse for the first month. When they released the FOTNS spinoff people here literally called it GOTY. It's garbage. Absolute garbage. Even Yakuza fans with their famously low standards found it a bore. Judgment is similar. It's not as bad but look in threads about it now and people are finally admitting it wasn't great.

>I'm really pathetic in real life
>wow this guy is really pathetic
congratulations sherlock, another case solved

IIT: tsunderes talk about how much they hate(love) the yakuza franchise

Attached: 1510536476633.jpg (175x318, 16K)

Goddamn it I want something new to play so I was thinking of Yakuza or Judgement, but if it's all boring trash than I guess I'll have to find something else.

FF VIII remaster comes out tomorrow, guess I'll just play that.

Sure. Its from my youtube so whatever youtube.com/watch?v=LNPNkGQncKA

Attached: Round peg through a square hole fat ass cat.gif (332x263, 2M)

:) thanks man


How will they explain him not being around?

Attached: Masaru_Watase.png (1280x720, 701K)

user but they are Japanese!

>no FoTNS
shiet nigger

>they just want to talk about the games bruh
>it doesn't matter if they don't know what the fuck they're talking about
yeah it's definitely preferable to have conversations with clueless idiots
you should kill yourself for being so fucking stupid

>you can only talk about game when you 100% it and know everything about series
you should kill yourself for being so fucking stupid

SMT perfected turn based combat

you can talk about it all you want but that doesn't mean i'm interesting in speaking with you, jackass

so dont reply to me and let me discuss fucking game i want to fucking play you autistic retard
nobody is forcing you to read new people posts

>that doesn't mean i'm interested in speaking with you
>replies anyway

Attached: 1565871108777.gif (320x213, 1.4M)

I don't reply to people like you, you fucking halfwit, that's why these threads are shit, follow the fucking thread.
real fucking braintrust we got here.

Holy shit, you fucking mistake. Make up your mind. Are you interested in speaking with them or not?

>i don't reply to people like you
you can't be this dumb.

Attached: 894984569864.gif (250x250, 1.98M)

this is legitimately amazing. 0babbies, everyone.

My only question is: "Why do this with the next mainline Yakuza game?"

>FF7 Remake seems to have embraced that by adding switching between party members to the Character Action system.
It's nice that FF7R has that as a day 1 feature when that had to be patched into FF15 like a year after release

It doesn't matter if you've 100%ed it or not retard what matters is you only say things I agree with. If you express an opinion I don't like then you have NO idea what you are talking about. And YES I do have autism.

I refuse to believe you're this ignorant. You're complaining about these threads being so shit because of the people, but you don't even realize you're completely apart of the reason right now. Don't worry though, you'll just make a reply telling me how you won't reply and the cycle will just continue.

Attached: 1567195591476.gif (245x230, 871K)

don't fall out of your chair, epic trollster

you total brainlets are so out of depth you have no idea what you're talking about
stop replying to me, you can't even follow a postchain
this is similar to how you don't have the proper context to discuss the yakuza game

Attached: 8vxwok36acj31.jpg (1080x1816, 574K)


Now show me how long you grinded the hostess club to get the money for that

Literally the eternal SMTfag
>"I'm tired of being called a normalfag for only liking FF, I NEED to find that cool obscure series everybody is considered cool for liking"
>"YES! Now that I played an SMT game, I'm officially a JRPG aficionado!"

It's a F U N combat system, but it's not insanely deep. It's not even deep, for that matter.

Attached: 67446834374.jpg (631x477, 38K)

Was there some poignent message in having Kiryu's daughter falling in with the chinese mafia and getting knocked up by a chinaman that i'm missing?

Seems like a really fucked up ending to Kiryu's story

Most of Resetera's Yakuza community are literally just Persona fans bandwagon hopping and already hopping off the bandwagon, they went through the exact same cycle
>ignore pre-established series
>"huh, I'll give this new one a try since it has good word of mouth" (Yakuza 0/Persona 4 Golden
>instantly a "megafan" of said series, will rarely play any older games, build up Y0/P4G as an utterly perfect game that can never be topped in their heads
>new game comes out, they like it but not as much compared to their first, their interest dwindles, never shut up about how perfect Y0/P4G were
>already fucking off to another series to bandwagon

>you total brainlets are so out of depth you have no idea what you're talking about
Good job sounding completely unironically as arrogant and autistic as they were mocking you for being

what would you have me do instead, huh?
in the meantime, read the fucking post I was replying to so you don't look like an idiot
let's wrap this up here I'm running out of synonyms for retarded

Yes yes as you keep saying everyone is an idiot other than you. Try not to have an aneurysm while reading posts you don't agree with on Yea Forums before they find a cure for autism.

if you don't know what you're talking about, you are indeed an idiot and don't deserve to have conversations with people who do know what they're talking about. this isn't rocket science, I don't understand why you're having such a hard time processing this.

Yes, and as we've already established, everyone who says something you don't like is someone who doesn't know what they're talking about. We get it.

Just treat it like a spinoff.

just a tip user but if someone calls you autistic you probably shouldn't reply with something so powerfully autistic that it erases all doubt and only proves the accuser right
this is genuine advice that I assume you won't take on board because of the aforementioned autism

if you literal niggers would just follow the post chain everything I've said would have made sense.
as someone who has played every game in this franchise, I have no interest in discussing these games with people who are playing staggered rereleases 10 years after the fact and rehashing well-worn territory for people who talk about this series.

Can my entire party be JAV Actresses?

That's what I hope for

You sure it wasn't known for a shitton of quests and cutscenes hmmmm???

Tsukada Shiori is gonna be my Tank.

oh I'd make her my tank alright

And now you fuckers know how we felt when Final Fantasy ditched turn based combat for this shit.

You reap what you sow, bitches. I'm buying this game day 1 just for the fact that it's turn based.

Attached: Girls.jpg (600x536, 81K)

same it's probably gonna be linear as all jrpgs, but besides purseowner there aren't that many rpgs in modern settings so I'll take what I get

>Final Fantasy ditched turn based combat
The horror.

Attached: Final Fantasy V Hold X to Win.webm (780x540, 2.93M)

We literally have 1000+ hours of game with Yakuza beat'em'up combat. Why is one game with a RPG twist so bad? The only thing that i'm a bit weary about is that there was something cool about being this one-man army exploring the city and getting into crazy situations by yourself. I'm not sure if this feeling will remain intact when you're in a constant rpg party.

>but besides purseowner there aren't that many rpgs in modern settings so I'll take what I get
Weak bait.

If I have played every single Yakuza game since the first one on PS2 and I say an opinion you don't agree with you'll just call me an 0fag won't you?

I also love how you don't have time to WASTE talking to FOOLS who haven't played all the games you have but you'll post 100 times over saying literally nothing other than "everyone is stupid but me"

he has autism, user

? I'll be happy to take a recommendation. And I mean new titles in modern setting, not generally and with hints of sci-fi.

>This absolute cope
0baby spotted.

Nope, but thanks for proving my point, and thanks for ruining all Yakuza threads with your autism.

Vampire - The Masquerade: Bloodlines
The World Ends With You

Both urban fantasy ludo.

So this is the Yakuza fanbase, huh? I thought this was the game for "alphas"?

Attached: 1501668985109.png (751x515, 530K)

Alpha simulators for betas.

That much is clear

This very thread is proof enough

every fanbase has its spergs. and yakuza does attract autism. don't be put off by hyper-aspies who have nothing to say other than "I played all the games" as if anyone else gives a shit. ironically they contribute less to discussions than anyone else because all they want to do is spit venom at all the "unworthy"

how do people keep up with this series anyways, it's like there's a new one every couple of months

>another yakuza thread that is either generated by a bot or by a very bored Yea Forumsedditor with a txt greatest hits post dump
Fuck you all mentally ill niggers.

Yea Forumseddit loves Yakuza.

I was interested in this series until I saw what a joke the combat was. Embarrassing garbage. How many of these games are there so far?

Why does posting footage of Yakuza combat always cause resetera tranny zoomers to have such an autistic meltdown?

Feel free to name a game with better combat.

Attached: God Tier Yakuza Combat.webm (640x360, 2.53M)


you don't call it god tier combat when enemies are no threat whatsoever

yeah im skipping 7 and waiting 4 judgement 2

As well as old and already played by me, so good job.

god hand

I'm excited.

Attached: 1567337655861.png (720x1359, 1.72M)

Man, this was the webm that made me demo pirate Kiwami 2 a couple of days ago.
Now I feel the urge to get back into it and perhaps even buy it at full price.

Attached: r65489.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

yakooz fanboy here
never buy games at full price

Viewtiful Joe


Attached: ViewtifulJoe.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

ignore him

Attached: ACfag.jpg (1213x362, 119K)

>FF7 Remake seems to have embraced that by adding switching between party members to the Character Action system.
And like Yakuza going turn based, this is why FF7 will fail.
Final Fantasy went to shit fast after it got rid of turn based/active time battle system.

>character switching is why FF7R will fail

based retard

I only posted again because I forgot to reply to them originally... so, no shit. Is using delete for that reason not allowed?

kill yourself

Attached: 1567339130631.webm (1058x776, 2.95M)

>after it got rid of turn based/active time battle system.
Is this supposed to be a bad thing?

Attached: Final Fantasy VII hold X to win.webm (640x360, 2.29M)

>I always felt like brawlers, and character action games like DMC, Bayonetta etc, made turn based RPGs obsolete
God I hate this mentality

>character action

fucking die in a fire

Japanese fans have rage like none other. Mess with something they like and they will boycott your company into oblivion. And I doin't mean the usual "BOYCOTT MODERN WARFARE 2" shit you see here. These people have straight up bankrupted companies and done all but burned them to the ground and pissed in the ashes.

You do not fuck with a the object of a Japanese fandom's obsession without severe consequences.


Good ol' Yakuza threads. Can't wait to do it all again in a few hours.

Will wait for the inevitable
>Wow I hated turn based games but yakuza 7 is pretty good what are other turn based games Yea Forums?

y'know, everyone has the same arguments every yakuza thread. it's weird to think that they're all probably arguing with the same exact people most of the time. just having the same arguments with the same person.

Eza defending this shit finally got me to unsub. I mean the sjw shit is unbearable but God damn what a bunch of posers

No need to wait a few hours. You can do it again, right now!

>insanely deep
>showcases this by roll abusing until you build meter and using heat attack finisher

I'm hoping you're just trolling but your 3deep5me combat was outdone by Godhand 300 years ago, fuck man even dragons crown has more going on for it, fucking no-god of war contains more variety and all your precious heat attack finisher animations (which somehow represent depth in your estimation) can be translated EASILY into turn based combat in the form of limit breaks/spells/summons. Face it, even as a fan of the series the weakest aspect of these games has ALWAYS been the shallow combat ALWAYS, the story is great, the absurdist humor is great, the goofy minigames are great and the combat has ALWAYS been the tedious element that we put up with it experience more of the aforementioned features because they're THAT GOOD. If you hate it dont worry, dont play it, if it's not well received I'm sure they'll give you the watered down dynasty warriors meets watered down DMC combat you so fucking crave.