This game is more CyberPunk than Cyberpunk 2077

This game is more CyberPunk than Cyberpunk 2077.
Really makes you think, huh?

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CDPR doesnt know how to make the game look good at night
get ready for fun in the sun .

it's not even the day/sun stuff that's so bothersome. it's also everything else as well. the vibe is all wrong.
at least Ion Fury oozes atmosphere that makes you feel like you are in a futuristic dystopian shithole world.

Also I'm scratching my head HOW THE FUCK they were able to pull off this effect in pic related, in a Build engine game of all things. That's some wizardry, because it's neither a 2D bitmap nor voxels and the Build engine can't do 3D models on such a scale with transparency effects on top.

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Ion Fury is FUN FUN FUN. Have not enjoyed a FPS as much in probably over a decade. Took a while to get readjusted to the movement speed though.


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Will pic related ever come out?

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I do like Ryan Gosling

see those building? you can't go there

>Have not enjoyed a FPS as much in probably over a decade
It's a good game but from the recent releases I like Amid Evil much more.


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This is not even remotely accurate or funny. How embarrassing.

fat fags worst fags

notice the pattern
its more cyberpunk than cyberpunk is nothing more than a bunch of buildings in the background that you can't roam or explore

The idea was to make a game where those background buildings you see in some games are now foreground.
Not play it safe and make an uninspired pile of shit.

this is bait
why are you tools responding to bait
just mock the bait and move on

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furfag retard communicates like a dog, big surprise

I liked Ion Fury though

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Cyberpunk 2077 looks like modern day California...

...are we in Cyberpunk already?

San Francisco is pretty cyberpunk desu with the corporate ownership haves and have-nots and skyscrapers and poor-as-shit people. If you drive into the City from Oakland over the bay bridge at night the aesthetics are solid cyberpunk too.

It's not a nice place to live though.

>people hack security cameras and turn them into botnets, then DDOS corporations and ransom them
>238 cities spent more than a year lobbying Amazon, one of two $1 trillion corporations in existence, for the privilege of hosting their new office
>you can 3d print guns at home for under $500
>you can 3d print your own prosthetics for even less
>Pepsi is planning on putting a giant billboard in space
>China has implemented a social credit system that works by tracking literally everything you do, in meatspace and online
>people use their nudes to get lines of credit
>video evidence has been made utterly irrelevant thanks to deepfakes and similar technology
>social media sites performed behavioral manipulation on their userbases then tracked their mood changes as an experiment
>rich people keep teenagers around solely to transfuse their blood to try and extend their lifespans
We have been for a bit now, it's just that you dumbasses didn't notice because we don't have all the cool biotech yet, everything is well-lit, and the megacorps have names like Disney and Facebook and Amazon instead of Maas-Neotek, Jinteki, and TriOptimum.

If you want the aesthetics as well, you've got to go out of your way for them. Leave your house, at night, go to the largest city center nearby, and get as high up as you can. Smoke a cigarette. Hop onto an open wifi network, download some 3d printable gun blueprints. Soak it in.

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kek. in Cyberpunk 2077 you can only enter certain buildings that are story relevant, the rest is just for decoration. Don't believe me? Look it up, it's officially confirmed.
Meanwhile in Ion Fury you spend quite some time in and on skyscrapers.
Also boomers will get this reference.

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I get it

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Game has a bar with a bowling alley and a working jukebox. That players can completely miss, if they aren't paying attention.

Jesus Christ, were did things go so wrong

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>find ceiling fan in one secret
>jump into it
>don't take damage
I was greatly disappointed when this is the same game where you get shocked for interacting with wall outlets.

Everything you said is correct, Mike, yet all of it is so fucking lame and gay in real life.
It's dystopian, but it's the wrong kind of flavour. Just like CyberPunk 2077's entire aesthetic and atmosphere. It feels too grounded in our current day. Not exotic and exciting enough.

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>Shelly sits on your face
I spray, you pray

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>soundtrack is shitwave
For fuck's sake.

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kill yourself. I fully mean it.

I'll consider it when you develop better taste in music. Synthwave is fucking awful.

no one cares what you think, you clown. now run along.

And yet you told me to kill myself for thinking your shitty meme genre is worthless. It isn't 80s and it isn't cyberpunk. It's shit. Eat a bag of dicks.

No shit. Did you really think the future was going to be as badass as a fictional book? Make what you can of it. We live in a cyberpunk world - if you're not living the cyberpunk life, that's entirely your fault.

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Didn't they give money to a tranny organization?

Even fucking Astral Chain is more Cyberpunk

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that is cringe bro

We've come full circle where gamers value the spectacle of good art direction over depth of environment design. Astral Chain looks great, but is a series of tight hallways with the "correct" set dressing.

>Implying gamers aren't the most shallow fucks around.

>CDPR tries to make the ultimate cyberpunk game
>so far failing miserably
>in the meantime a bunch of other devs do it right without even trying to make a cyberpunk game


Blade Runner isn't what the beginning and end of Cyberpunk should be. It still looks like shit though

Yeah, I want an AAA sized RPG with that graphics, something like System Shock / Deus Ex in a cyberpunk city of a Skyrim map size, but anons say it's too much of a work.

Blade runner is genre defining u fool

t. cingry cybergoth

Not gim, but it inspired cyberpunk; it cannot actually be cyberpunk because it has no internet. There is no cyberpsace to manipulate/jack into/etc. in Blade Runner at all. The Sci-fi noir elementd informed a lot of typical cyberpunk aesthetic, but BR is not itself cyberpunk because the meaningful plot and setting elements of the subgenre don't fully align.

Ironically devs are living in a bigger dystopia than the actual game.

Some say it's having regular updates in the closed alpha, but it's all a radio silence since last update, 9 motnhs ago

Considering all the references, IF is surprisingly subtle. There is exceptions, of course, but the game don't slap your face with le epic references.

they probably didnt get the pay of the first day of sales. Steam takes 2 months to give you your first earnings. by that time they probably will check if anyone cares lol

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CDPR sucks the thread

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:( That is a shame. I really enjoyed Serpent in the Staglands.

Because they are using Eduke3D, not the original Build. Eduke3D allows things like true room over room, which is impossible in Build, for example. Pic related I did in a few minutes in the editor.

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>Enjoyed SitS
Eh, I thougth bacjk then it was idea to wait for the expansion to play it. SIlly me.

*back then it was a good idea

Don't let that boring song represent the game. is a much better representation.

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Please explain.

Bomb it out your ass.
nerves nerves nerves nerves nerves nerves

It he ogling the not-so-flatlander woman?

Fallout 4 was more cyberpunk than this game.

but how do you know
you've only seen 2 of 6 districts so far, 2 of which are the richest most advanced ones

Well done
50 more atoms will be added to your Fallout 76 account

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