Distrusted by all

>distrusted by all
>referred to as a "schemer" no less than 30 times
>never "schemes" anything, even in his own fucking route
>unless you count bringing in the Almyrans near the end
>meanwhile edelshit is deceiving the entire continent, planning a coup against her parents, plotting against the church and her own class

shit writing is shit

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Other urls found in this thread:




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His whole route was a secretly a big scheme to get a kingdom I thought

Claude, I implore you to stop.

It's cause he's black. Fodlan is racist.

sounds more like edelgard

But unlike Mango Man, Claude does achieve what he sets out to in his route.

It's Edelgard who is all "Dude trust me" when it comes to her leadership.


He realizes he doesn't need to scheme because his schemes are stupid stomach poison, teach would take care of any challenge in canon despite being a mixed growth unit, and he doesn't want to attack with a full scale Almyran invasion because the place is in war and Holst will still stop it from happening

>all edelgard had to do was have sex with dimitri

i thought she was willing to do whatever it takes to win bros

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You implore me?


tell me if he is so smart then why did he attack dimitri at grondor field instead of teaming up to fight the empire

Comfy Deer is the best

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Anyone was surprised and concerned with the OST when they put dubstep into the trailer, then the game fucking included a dubstep molemen clan with ICBM?
Like thats some fun foreshadowing

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Because Edelgard created chaos by raising an axe in the air and saying she made chaos

Claude had to respect that, lest she invoke the "I have an invisible shield you can't touch me nyaa" clause

Edelgard is smart enough to know that Dimitri would snap her in half even on accident, given his track record

BL route is the least canon of the three. Almost all of the narrative deals with Dimitri's emotional baggage and hardly any plot.

If he beat both of you then he has full control of Fodlan if Edelgard wasn't a pussy and let herself die there.

Reality "muh chaotic war" and the fact the map does nothing to imply this, and the devs never considered you doing the map as fast as you can.

Comfy church is nice too

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His scheme was literally just to fuck off to Almyra if his insurrection failed. Which he does in 2 routes and can also get to do in Black Eagles if you don't decide to kill him anyways.

>the least canon
What exactly do you define as ‘canon’ in a game that allows you to make choices in a universe that won’t ever exist again in the series?

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In hindsight this map in Lunatic with proper stats (and maybe actual fog of war) will be a fucking nightmare
I swear they are saving fog of war for higher difficulty. No way a new mechanic is only included in 2-3 map, 1 being a tutorial

>ice cream with french fries
absolutely disgusting, this pic always makes me wanna vomit

BL... home.

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>Fire Emblem: Three Houses is just Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude, Rhea, and Thales just playing pretend war in a school playground
Holy shit, how did we never figure this out, bros.

BL is the comfiest

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i'm an eaglesfag but BL is actually the most canon, due to the character connections with the pre time skip plot. like ashe and lonato, sylvain and his brother

Try it with super crunchy fires
Its nice, like sea salt ice cream sith savory cone

GD really does have the best cast of characters by far. None of the other houses come close for some reason. Why is that?

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her dad wants her to do it, her mom is gone, ferdinand’s dad and lord arun are in power and her and her father’s surprise coronation take the power back. literally just played this part last night

I prefer the Blue Lions cast just because they feel the most like a family to me, but HILDA is GOAT

The ball also is only story relevant on BL as far as I'm aware, haven't done GD yet but on BE it is just there without much purpose.

>immediately sniffs out Edelgard's bullshit
Smart and cute gorilla

Hilda is the only thing that makes me want to do GD. Hate Claud and hate Ignatz, I accidentally recruited him in BE and now I’m stuck with him.

BL is the most interconnected and cohesive route, likely because it's probably the first route they worked on and finished, I wouldn't say that it's "not canon" because none of the routes are truly canon, but I think it's fair to say that it's the least relevant route. BL focuses heavily on Dimitri's character arc and ignoring everything else, GD and Church show you a lot of lore and tells you about the Church, BE lets you learn Edelgard's motives and she's easily the most pivotal character in the story considering she's the catalyst for what happens. Learning about Dimitri's character doesn't mean much since outside of BL, Dimitri dies pathetically and doesn't accomplish much. I still liked it though.

Best characters all around, the worst is Ignatz but he gets lethality and then he becomes decent plus he's somewhat tolerable after timeskip

>the unga bunga of GD alongside Edelgard and Dimitri
Why shes so great

Yeah BE never shows us the dagger and Edelgard hardly remembers anything about Dimitri because of the experiments. Most importantly, he doesn’t have the eyepatch which is just a bummer.

It honestly confused me how many things in BL route tied into story. I did them first, and expected other houses would get equivalent things for their kingdom, but it never happened. Didn't even get a Gilbert-equivalent route-exclusive Jagen/Advisor badass, even though they clearly had them available like Caspar's dad for BE and Judith/Holst in GD.

>Get to Deiduru on BE route
>Move in as Blyeth to kill Lysithea
>Drop her health to 0
>Instead of killing her, I get the option to recruit her to my party

Why didn’t I get this option for for the rest of the GD units? I would have recruited if I knew I could.

honestly gilberts less advisor, and more replacement dudue since he's the only character that you can lose in the time skip

His eyepatch is the character defining moment for me
>he having both of his eyes means he just gave up, and go fully off the far side
>he poking out 1 eyes himself is his statement of “fuck you delusions, you arent stopping me”

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becasue lysithea and edelgard are the same, motive wise

Lysithea is literally the ONLY character you can recruit after the timeskip.

Do her support and you’ll know why. Shes a bit special
And how did you deal with Dead Knight without her anyway?

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>Hilda just knows Edelgard is evil
>Raphael wants to protect his sis
>Ignatz is too "future of fodlan"
>Leonie wants to protect her village
Lorenz probably should be recruited
Some combat arts have horse effectiveness, Lys isn't the only way to beat him

That part was also unique, Dedue coming back only if you did the paralogue and making you think he was dead so long. And Dimitri straight up refusing to do supports or be instructed for so long.

I made it a point to recruit Felix and Lysithea to the Black Eagles ASAP because a friend told me they were among the best units in the game, but I was surprised how well those two fit into the Crimson Flower storyline

>Felix has a ton of resentment towards his Dad and Faerghus for the death of his brother, and him going rogue and swearing his sword to his father's enemies to prove himself is totally something he would do
>Lysithea and Edelgard both suffered to place a second crest upon themselves and seek to dismantle the power structure that caused their childhood trauma, form a genuine friendship in their support

Honestly, they put way more effort into making it convincing the students would betray their home countries than I thought they would. Not everyone makes perfect sense, but everyone at least has some kind of excuse - I didn't even expect the game to acknowledge it

Death Knight is easy to nuke. Playing through BL right now and I have beaten him in every appearance he’s made in White Moon (except for the mausoleum). I’m playing on Hard Classic, btw.

>And how did you deal with Dead Knight without her anyway?

I didn’t. I just ignored him because he didn’t seem worth the trouble. I might in my next run though.

Personally, Sylvain was the one to kill Death Knight in nearly every encounter thanks to Knight Kneeler + Lance of Ruin.

Felix is 100% out of character joining BE. He's a total sweetheart on all his BL friends, just completely tsundere.

Death Knight is only genuinely challenging in his first appearance because he's sitting on an evasion square that makes him almost impossible to hit.

Everything after that, he's easy enough to beat as long as you play smart.

I know, i just knightkneeler that fuck with Ferd, but it was so tedious setting up so i just stuffed Lys’s face with sweet and tea to get her for the 2nd fight onward

Fantastic excuse for the electronics elements in the OST that’s for sure

>Lets you claim Fodlan or just defaults to giving you Fodlan while he rules Almyra

Kinda? For a guy invested in changing Fodlan he just leaves the hardest part up to Byleth.

Well you gain a few level ups and weapon ranks to make it easier, but I wouldn't say his second appearance is easy to beat since you might accidentally kill everything on the map first due to warp tiles

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Muh autism and personal biases.

Canonfags are the most delusional faggots in the thread. Worse than Edelgard who think she did NOTHING wrong and Dimitrifags stroking themselves over genderbent Velvet Crowe

>Felix is 100% out of character joining BE
>This meme again

Recruit Ingrid too. Her paralogue with Dorothea is great
Or recruit Dorothea in your BL run, i guess

I did the same actually,also picked up mecie for the healing. but felix fits perfectly with carving his own path

I literally have NEVER been able to make Ingrid work for me

>Recruit her in Black Eagles, she can occasionally double enemies but she's so weak there's no benefit to it
>Blue Lions NG+ she's weak AND slow


Felix is badass. He told me last night “I’ve been killing the Empire’s enemies for 5 years now. I’m beginning to get the same glassy eyes as the boar. You and Edelgard better make this all worth it.”

Part 1 paralogues only require you to have recruited 1 of the 2 characters involved

I played the Dorothea/Ingrid paralogue with only Dorothea recruited (it was funny seeing Ingrid's C support later about the arranged marriage when I had already resolved that issue lmao) and I did Ignatz and Raphael's with only Raph recruited.

>tfw put Ingrid the Pegasus knight into that small room with 2 mages and a healing tile
>her res was so high that they dealed only 1 dmg
>fucked around and prepared all i want while grinding up the class too
It was hilarious

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Dimitri route is my personal canon route because it saves the two characters who least deserved to suffer, regardless of relevance to the overall plot

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idk dude, it's still early in the game but she's been getting doubled more than she dishes them out

my petra is a wyvern lord that already outclasses her in every way, I only grabbed ingrid for the supports with dorothea and the paralogue for them

The big sheme was to let almyra invade

Because besides pre-skip Marianne everyone is kinda upbeat and/or chill, even Lysithea with all the shit going on with her has a lot of comical supports. GD feels like the least tragic route because any tragedy weights a lot less with the likes of Claude and Hilda around. It's just a cozy atmosphere.

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If there was a canon route, it would probably be BE because the game's main song, Edge of Dawn (Called Lady of Hresvelg in JP version), is supposed to be Edelgard singing. She also best shows the game's themes of crests bad and nobility bad. She was also the most shilled lord in the advertisements, and she has the generic dragon FE final boss. The weirdest part about this, though, is that she was the second most rushed route, with only church being worse. But, I highly doubt they would ever say there's a canon route anyways, and, if they did, it would be a golden route DLC, so it's a pointless discusion.

Blue Lions is the most conventional Fire Emblem story where the blue lord overcomes losing his family to defeat the big bad Emperor in red armor. It definitely puts a twist on the formula with Dmitri's trauma but I'm not surprised certain people gravitate towards it as the "canon" route.

Help, i have a character who keeps losing 10 health each turn and i don't know why.
Shes not burned or poisoned and she isnt being hit. She has refail gem equipped but there is nothing in the description that states she loses 10 hp each turn

It really is baffling how much of a disconnect there is to how much she was pushed leading up to the game and how incomplete her route feels. Church is a lord less copy and paste of GD and CF is missing 2-3 chapters

>hey want to fight someone other than Holst or Hilda
>sure sounds fun
Then Nader takes it from there

If a character that doesn't have a crest uses a Relic item (gold outline, so that Rafail gem is one), they lose 10 HP per turn. Anyone with a crest can use them just fine even if they aren't the same crest as the relic item, and crestless people can still use sacred items (silver outline, like the Caduceus Staff) with no penalty.

>Ingrid fucks any mage
>Dodge practically any attack and attack 2 times
>It has Frozen Lance to fuck the enemies with more defense
>With Kill Lance+ you can spend the maps with her alone

Ingrid is op

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>Saves your life as well as your army by leading you out of the city.

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Here’s a hint:

Edelgard is the most central character because she is the villain, but she’s also just a person. Her route feels incomplete because she’s driving everyone else’s narrative, but her own collapses because it’s difficult make her seem reasonable and sympathetic in the present.

Regardless of how you feel about her, in every route, she’s still basically the driving force.

Do you have any realistic expectations for the next DLC waves?

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it's like they meant to say 'diplomat' but thought it sounded lame, so went with 'schemer'.
he IS a great diplomat, though

>Apologizes profusely to manuela in BE
>edgy tsundere towards his older sister

Emile feels like he’d be similar to Felix if we actually got to play as him

Makes sense when Judith mockingly calls him “Master Tactician”.

>Edelgard and Dimitri are only concerned with flinging shit at each other or the Church
>Meanwhile Claude gets shit done.
Why is he just so based?

They will add fucking beachside/sauna/seasonal paralogue, really. We cant escape that
Just, look at how wave 3 is phrased

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I think the new story content will probably be a golden route or some shit where Jeralt survives, Rhea joins you, and Sothis gets her own body, considering they have unique crits and stuff as your units apparently.

>rare weapons map
kinda redundant since most of the unique limited weapons can be repaired and you only really need brave/killer/magic/relics if not silver
I just hope the story branch can be done in the house of your choosing if it doesn't get the lords together.

Swimsuits costumes? I would imagine Edelgard gets a one piece school one, while Catherine get a speedo bikini.

to be fair BE cuts out some of the filler from other routes that wouldn't make sense in BE, I think they definitely should've included Shambhala at least because Hubert is always the one that actually tracks them down. it says that you take them out anyway in the epilogue but that's not really satisfying. I guess they wanted something really special for GD/Church.

At the absolute worst I think she’s an anti-villain. Her ideals and her overall goals aren’t unreasonable at all, and Claude agrees as much. The only genuine issue of contention is dragging Fodlan into wartime, and some could even argue it was inevitable considering slitherer influence.

Her and Rhea are supposed to be the two premier tragic figures in this game, yet Yea Forums can’t stop calling one or the other literally Hitler to actually pay attention to the narrative and see that.

This is what they'll probably do but that's so fucking boring

the reason why Three Houses' story is so good is that no route is perfect, none of the Lords have all the answers and they can't win without genuine sacrifice and tragedy

Edelgard has unga bunga strength as well, she could take Dimitri in bed.

Claude literally does not get shit done without piggybacking off the War Edelgard actually has the balls to kick off. The narrative has to bend over backwards just for him to accomplish anything of important.

Edelgard was right in calling him a faggot outsider notnwilling to go to the mat for Fodlan desu

>make Bernie in a swimsuit for the entirety of new game+

Why couldn’t she be your child hood friend?

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You don't have to agree with Edelgard's methods, but Dmitri and Claude would not be able to implement the reforms they do in their routes without Edelgard's war.

Were it not for Edelgard, Fodlan would have just continued maintaining the status quo forever.

That’s a better way to describe it and I think is what drives the games central thesis and overarching narrative, which is that people do terrible things by convincing themselves it’s for the propegation of their ideals. War is actually pretty fucking terrible, but you can still find hope in spite of it by the ~power of love~

The only one who kind of breaks this narrative is Claude.

yeah I don't get it, Claude is passive as fuck in every route but his own. he only makes it seem like the Alliance is neutral even though it's not, and then he fucks off to Almyra without Byleth to motivate him to do anything.

Honestly it surprised me that neither of you met the other. Was Byleth just a shut-in or something when Jeralt wasn't asking for slight help?

No. Pic related would be perfect

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Ingrids biggest problem is her default class line doesnt have any str growths until master with falcon knight, so she can have up to 30 levels of default str growth which isnt terrible but its still a loss, so get her early, put her on fighter> brigand or merc, and go from there and she'll typically turn out fine.. She's only 5% behind petra/leonie who are the speed characters of their respective houses

I don’t even think that’s true. Fodlan would likely have been worse off. TWSITD has firm control of the empire from the shadows at that point and were primed for a coup in the a kingdom.

Status Quo assumes that Arundel/Thales would just sit and do nothing if Edelgard decides not to initiate conflict, which is utterly laughable. In fact my guess is that the DLC route explores this and dekes from a potential Golden route to a full blown nightmare route

Probably had friends to babysit you while you were at Leonie’s village.

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I hope the upcoming DLC has stuff where you play as Hubert's Black Eagles Strike Force and take down the remaining Slitherers and fight Nemesis.

>55% x 60% strength growths
God, imagine their child.

He knows he can win with the help of teach, and the Alliance is neutral because he doesn't rule all the nobles without their consent which he doesn't have without the new pope being his teach

why is the DLC so long away and scarce?
Literally who gives about that wave 2 shit? We all beat the game by now.

That would explain everything
I wish it told me I'd lose 10 Hp if they didn't

Celebrating Christmas at the Sauna with wacky harem and peeping hijinks.

Jeralt made sure to conceal Byleth because he didn't want the church to find them.

Its literally a way to pad things out til the big update and DLC almost a year later
Its Octo and Torna 2.0 in term of content pacing

>God, imagine their child.
So basically a babby Nemesis then.

>play as Hubert's Black Eagles Strike Force and take down the remaining Slitherers and fight Nemesis.
As soon as you kill Rhea, the game is over. No lobby level to stop and play Xenologues. The story based missions have to take place prior to the final boss, and neither Hubert and Edelgard can afford to turn coat yet on them.

The Church is also the central institution upholding the status quo in Fodlan, even though Rhea and the Church aren't necessarily bad people they probably had to go if any meaningful change were to be enacted unto society.
Another thing that people might not realize is that Edelgard's war makes TWSITD come out of hiding because they're finally confident enough that they can take over Fodlan again, they've gone undetected for 1000 years and probably would've stayed that way if there wasn't a war where they could thrive.

Difficulty DLC will be somewhere in there and It’ll be interesting to see what they cook up since that’s the major complaint so far

First playthrough was Lions. I kept everyone out of range but Dindu
I had Annette rally Dindu and wait inside DK range
DK hit Dindu, dindu hit back, did some damage.
Blew him way with gambits.

He literally fucks off at the end though

>Letting Almyrians into Fodlan to rape your wives and daughters.
I didn't know Yea Forums was full of cucks.

The thing i appreciate about FE coming from other trpgs is how its number is small and concise
Like, hell, even the most “down-to-earth” trpg that is LUCT still has so much inflated number it turns into a spreadsheet simulator lategame

This man, this one mae, is the only one who was able to peel back the curtain on Slithers, the church couldn't do it, Dimitri couldn't do it, Lady Edelgard needn't be bothered with such, Claude could only fuck them up with his information, but this guy, this Oberstein ass motherfucker managed to spy and collect information on those who slither in the dark and you should be grateful to him.

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Blue Lions shits all over GD because they're actually a cohesive group except for Ashe. BE arent even in the running

You mean he literally gets the kingdom he wanted. His entire route is about getting that kingdom and he gets it in the end. He wants to be king of Almyra which is almost as big as all of Fodlan.

>playing Black Eagles route
>get the Chapter 11 where Edelgard betrays us
>defeat her
>Rhea instantly goes into kill the bitch mode
>decide that she should at least have a trial and we should hear what she has to say
>Rhea turns into a psychotic dragon and I'm now stuck with crazy Edelgard wanting to take over all of Fodlan and my class perfectly ok with starting a war with the entire rest of the continent for some reason
Seriously, why is everyone so happy after a battle? We literally just invaded and attacked a village that was defending themselves and everyone still acts the same as they did in the school days

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>research the slitherers and master in the dark art
>Lys and Edel both can use dark spells
Thats some lore right there

>pops up as a reinforcement with meteor on Petra's paralogue
Why couldn't he be this difficult on a story map?

Actually, I don't think we ever find out just how far beyond the map Almyra stretches into. Kinda like how all we know about Sreng is that Gautier is charged with keeping the Sr*ngiods out and Dagda isn't even on the map.

>Rhea giving ANYONE a trial

Did you miss the part in earlier in the story where she keeps killing people for not following her religion? She consistently orders executions right in front of the player.

They could do something where if you have a save that beat Black Eagles, you can access the xenologue from the final part you possibly could, and just say that it takes place after the Immaculate One. I guess they could even make it so that instead of IO being the final boss, there's an optional Slitherers maps that end with Nemesis. Just have a text box that appears after the credits play.

There is actually an entire world map available online. Almyra is huge.

Cause its cute
Hilda even chants her name after a kill

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My ingrid has the same issue. 17 spd 21 str at level 31

That moment made me hate her so much, at least torture them so we can get some information out of them. It seemed like they knew who hired them though I'm not sure anymore because that was very early in the game

Seriously? Link that shit mang

Well Falcon Knight's base speed is 20 so that sounds fake unless you are really bad at the instrucint segments and didn't just set Ingrid to Lance and flight?


>I guess they could even make it so that instead of IO being the final boss, there's an optional Slitherers maps that end with Nemesis. Just have a text box that appears after the credits play.
That’s completely changes the story and since IS officially stated they aren’t planning on doing that, I doubt it will happen. And epilogue save file is also not a good way to lock dlc one can play after customers have already purchased it.

So she is a religious leader?
I fail to see the issue.
It's her job to hand out punishment to sinners.

Where? The ingame map cut off Almyra quite early
And well, if Fodlan is not!Europe then Almyra is definitely not!middle east + russia + the rest of the asia continent. Fodlan throat is literally Ural

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Punishment without a trial mate
Typical for a medieval pope i guess

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Blood being replaced with flashy slashes effects and everyone being quirky and treating life and death battle like a harmless larping event really takes away from the seriousness of it.

It wouldn't change the story considering that it's canon that Hubert tracks down and kills the Slitherers. Actually, now that I think about it, since he did track down and kill the slitherers, he would find Shambhala or whatever it's called, wouldn't they send Nemesis at him when he did that? How did he even deal with him?

You have to make her a fighter and brigand before pegasus.
>Str + 2
>Darting Blow
>Aegis, if you can swing it
>Lance Prowess

>she keeps killing people for not following her religion
Dedue, Petra, Shamir, Cyril and Claude are examples of those that don’t believe in Sothis.

Dude they tried to assassinate her.

Maybe the Slithers thought they could deal with one pale dude by themselves and not deal with the headache of Grug.


The story is that that kill and track down the Agarthans AFTER the whole dragon slaying campaign of there’s is done. After we kill Rhea it’s literally role Credits from there.

Shamir and Cyril are obsessed with Rhea herself tho, to the point of worshiping her
Their lost items includes Rhea portrait, pendant(?), and several object of adoration
Jeralt fanclub vs Rhea fanclub when

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They had trials in medieval times. Trials by fire, trials by water(hot or cold), trials by bread(blessed), trials by oil(boiling) and the famous trials by combat.

Morfis is the bit I'm interested in, personally.

They already spilled the beans in hope of clemency, and *then* rhea ordered their deaths.

Where the fuck is Dagda

Shamir owes Rhea a debt, she’s not like Catherine who is devoted tin Rhea. Shamir can easily declare her debt fulfilled then join Edelgard to kill Rhea.


Don’t forget that if you refused to eat pork, they deport you back to Africa.

Who would win
>An ancient race, who have nukes, of people from before even god existed, who's secretly been controlling an entire continent for 1000 years without anyone except dragons figuring out they existed, and almost ruled uncontested.
>One smart pale dude

>le schemy schemer

>woops bro, my bad, I thought you were the imperial army

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South West past Brigid. It’s beyond the borders of the map sadly..

Fuck his ass on that map. What a cunt. Had to rewind like two full turns to get my units in a preventative ass rape position to counter his cheap meteor bullshit.

Thanks for the fap material user

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Imagine the bed breaking hatesex

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Gathering the boys to rescue Leif from Manster!

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>Catherine who is devoted tin Rhea
Please actually read her supports. Catherine serves Rhea as a knight because the wayward lordling Cassandra is a wanted criminal in both the kingdom and the empire.

You almost make it sound as if Alex Jones knew something.

It's weird that you only see Nemesis in GD, they really wanted each route to have a unique boss I guess. Maybe his seal stays intact in the other routes somehow?

user, it would be the most lovey dovey sex you could think of. They would have sex in the missionary position while kissing and holding hands and telling each other how much they love the other one.

I just beat this game and I must have fucked up cuz no one even got married even though they all had As on their support routes

Except for the protag and the cover character, no one got hitched. I didn't even let anyone die and I had done enough side shit to get a max level professor rank. The persona bits are a huge let down and I fuckin hate how inefficient they are damn.

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You never really push the slitheres to that point of desperation in other routes. You are busy killing each others

They nuked themselves to break the seal.

Even the slitherers didn't want Nemesis free, he was their plan Z.

some A supports dont have pairings, though a good chunk do so i dont know there user. As far as persona bits, yeah it needs a lot of work if they want to try and get that crowd, i just veiw it as a more developed my castle, theres a reason it exists and theres things to do in it, but its still padding shit.

>Byleth’s Hair starts off as bluish but with s a very subtle hint of green in the shade.
>Then Hair transforms to really REALLY pale green hair.
Every other dragon excluding Sothis as much darker green. Even Rhea’s has better color shade of green. Is it possible the designers wanted to combine the mystical white haired MU (Corrin and Robin) as their inspiration? The extremely white green could be based in Byleth’s artificial nature like Edelgard and Lysithea?

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Or in the BL route you accidentally kill their leader.

But that wouldn't stop them, would it? Apparently, in the GD route, even after you trash their main base and kill everyone there, the only reason they were gone for good is because Claude came back later with Almyran troops to kill them.

I find it funny that they prefer to nuke themselves over releasing nemesis.

They really didn't want to let Nemesis free.

Don’t forget that Byleth’s natural blue hair is the sign that he’s a FE Protagonist

So besides Almyra and Brigid, the places that have rarely been mentioned were Morfus and Albinea. Any chances these places will have any relevance in the future, sucks if they just exist for no reason at all.

In the Church route you go to Shambhala and get the same cutscene where they nuke themselves, but you fight the Immaculate One instead of Nemesis. In BE even though it's not shown, Hubert still tracks them down so it can be assumed that they might try to nuke themselves there too, but you don't hear about Nemesis there either.

Dimitri is fucking op

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That's what I'm saying, they could have used Nemesis to defend themselves but they would rather nuke themselves in a suicide tactic over risking Nemesis out.

Even those that dubstep in the dark were scared of nemesis.

Well Rhea is gone so I don't see what their goal is anymore.
You also kill a couple of them in the final chapter so they are heavily wounded.

Nah, while it would be nice if they featured in some way, I actually think it's good to have some elements of the lore that have no tangible effect on the plot. JRPG worlds always suffer over WRPG worlds because they very rarely bother to include anything in the setting which doesn't have an immediately tangible effect on the plot, and consequently the world rings hollow.

>The self-insert characters normally have white hair
>The main character that isn't a self-insert has blue hair
>Edelgard and Lysithea have white hair
What did ISIS mean by this?

And in GD you kill pretty much all of them and their secret weapon, and they still would return if Claude didn't return with a literal army to kill them. Maybe in BL they realized just how much of a chad Dimitri is and killed themselves.

What is the deal with Byleth's mom? I felt like one of the mysteries of the game was supposed to be who exactly she was:

>Jeralt refuses to explain who she was, acting as mysterious about her as he was about the circumstances of his leaving Garreg Mach
>Rhea, who characteristically doesn't give an actual shit about most humans (or has a hard time doing so), seems genuinely remorseful about her death and seems to have had a close connection to her
>lol she was just a nun

I can't help but assume she was a dragon like Seteth and Flayn, which is why Rhea would have cared about her dying and why her child in particular would have been suited for a Sothis heart transplant, but even when Rhea comes out and admits what she did to Byleth, she doesn't explain any of it. I actually thought that maybe Rhea was Byleth's mother and Jeralt was hiding it because he wasn't comfortable with the two of them connecting over it with what she had done. But Rhea's weird protectiveness of Byleth was because she wanted mommy.

For that matter why was Rhea so confident that contact with Sothis' throne would cause her to awaken? Her reasoning that coming into contact with the throne had given the saints messages from Sothis was horseshit, they didn't need fucking messages from anywhere because they weren't normal people they were dragons.

(I'm new to the series, so don't have a sense for this) Is there actually a decent chance that DLC will introduce a 5th route? And if so, is it likely a "all sides join forces against the Slithers" route?

>Dimitri couldn't do it,
he was too busy killing them by accident

Agree. the start of chapters tapestries (and the hidden story within it), the library with extensive history and and weirdly short Seiros’s devine teaching are absolutely great. Really immerse myself into the world
>part 1
>white cloud

did you not play church user?

I hope the 4th wave's "story content" is as sizable as pic related.

I'm not sure if I'd prefer a complete new route or a flashback route for all of theoffscreen shit that never got answers

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>On the true route, when Blyat sits on the throne, Sothis will remember her dictator god days where the King of Liberation arose to fight her tyranny for the sake of all humanity.
>The 3 houses will unite to fight the church, who have joined the now possessed Blyat.
>They're joined by their houses and the agarthans.
>Final Map you recruit Nemesis

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No one really know
All we know are , the devs’ reviw that stated they wont touch the OG routes’ ending or add contents after it, and the fact that they did make an (absolutely horrible) 3rd and final route for FE fates

Nice level!

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No, I heard from people that it's basically the same as GD so I didn't bother.

You get background on (You)

story wise it explains lots of stuffs from Rhea and the dragonpeople perspective

Slithers fear the Grug

some anons can correct me but Basically she was a experimental vessel, the 12th one i think that rhea was using to bring back sothis, when one fails she lets them live out their lives and that one happened to fall in love with jeralt, have a kid but was stillborn, so she offered to give up her crest to save you or something, jeralt never knew of this which is why he takes off with you.

I only really started to love the game when I got to the library. Also, I could listen to Jeralt speak on the seasons for hours, the voice actor should do ASMR videos or something.

I beat blood eagles and it took me fifty hours because I spent so long fucking around in the non-combat areas. Should I bother doing the other routes? I'm really tired of this game.

Damn I didn't know they made Prince into an anime character.

I still cant shake the image of a caveman when i hear that name
Its weird

would say take a break user, i was prepared to do a 2nd route after my 1st but once you realize just how much shit you have to do over in part 1 it drains you pretty quick

Which BE path did you do? Because you might have picked the shortest route in the entire game. Each route is unique (aside from Church being a shitty GD retread) and pretty long, so, if you're burnt out from the short route I doubt you'd wanna keep going.

holy fuck

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Why are you surprised, even lorewise Dimitri has UNGA strength.

Yea Forums, would you serve Dimitri if this is what he looked like?

Take a break, play some other game, maybe wait for Lunatic patch
Dont force yourself to play a game when you arent having fun, user. Hell for example Octopath was great for me, but i only did like 2 chapters a week

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I beat BE and BL so I was going to do GD next, but I was so unmotivated to go through part 1 again so I held off on it for so long, getting to the time skip and realizing that chapter 13-17 were also copy pastes was disappointing too. I'm glad that I ended up finishing it though.

>Blood eagles

Your mom was just another one of Rhea's experiments. She was "created" in an attempt to revive Sothis, but nothing came of any of them. Whether that meant she was an artificial human or a regular human that Rhea kidnapped and experimented on is not clarified.

BE and BL share a lot more maps than say GD/church do, so atleast GD might feel a bit newish to you. Part 1 is what always kills me on my 3rd run and having to do paralogues over everytime kills my will to push through pt 1

Give him longer hair and it's ok

oh god it splinters even further than that? I hope what I just did wasn't the "short" BD route. There were lots of levels but I can't really describe the events without spoiling them so it ended with me killing the immaculate dragon and included systematically taking over the country.

Was Edelgard your lord throughout the whole route? Because if so that is the short one.

Why didn't they give Jeralt a last name when this is actually an FE where every character had them? Why couldn't they call you that last name after timeskip?

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BE is the only house that has a split, which goes to church or edels depending on if you side with her or not after the reveal., edels route being what you did from the looks of it

The more i play the more Jeralt grows on me, and the more dread i have for the eventual tragedy
His voice is soothing as fuck too

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>Rhea instantly goes into kill the bitch mode
>decide that she should at least have a trial and we should hear what she has to say
>Rhea turns into a psychotic dragon
It makes more sense if you think about it from Rhea's perspective. Her entire race was carved up by humans into weapons and crests, and the least she could do for them was lay them to rest in the Holy Tomb, where Sothis was also killed. In comes Edelgard and her posse, here to graverob all of her brethren to use them as weapons once again, and then you literally become Nemesis 2.0 for helping her, since you already have Sothis's heart and Sothis's bones.

the Boar cannot be stopped

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Jeralt of Rivia

He does have a last name, it just never comes up.

This, it is Eisner

Yes she was in the party for every game. So this is literally the shortest one of them all!? Holy fuck how can people beat this quickly without just outright skpping content? I'm just gonna automate lots of shit and skip out on the meandering sidequests next time. Most of them give pointless rewards like another batallion (you can only use like 3 or 4 depending on if your characters spec into authority).

There's an EXCRUCIATING amount of minmaxing that comes off as totally pointless when by default two of your characters in the game always have godly OP stats. Byleth was dodging literally everything.

Oh that's pretty cool. Being called Eisner wouldn't be so bad.

I mostly just did seminars/rest, auto instruct and skipped exploration, useless quest and auxiliary battles. And I was able to complete my second and third playthrough in less than 20hrs each and I wasnt even speedrunning.

Exploration helps grinds up motivation, farming , supports etc but the game is so easy that you dont need it.

They really shouldve add in a skip option for the first 12 chapters of NG+ because theyre pretty much the exact same minus some flavor text.

I havent played the church route yet but I'm also a burnt out and waiting for the lunatic update before touching it. I'll just wait for all 4 waves of dlc to come out next year so the game can feel new again.

I mean you answered your own question, people skip on the other playthroughs. Especially in the first half, which are largely the same outside of unique character interactions per house. NG+ also allows you to keep your statue upgrades and use renown to rebuy professor levels, skills and supports from the other routes. Still gotta do those paralogues if you want some good relics though. But shit like monastary quests and lost item bullshit are generally ignorable.

I'm pretty sure that's what he was going for.

>Holy fuck how can people beat this quickly without just outright skpping content?

Because once you hit max prof rank and get your select units to where you want them to be you can basically skip weeks in pt 2 and not lose anything from it, talk to people at the start of the month if you want, or just skip straight to the next mission fight, even on hard grinding is largely unnecessary

Dude getting to b authority and unleashing truly broken shit is a bliss.

Made Ignatz my authority bitch assasin and he crowd controls like a fucking demon.

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Yeah i did the same, its still just a bore that every paralogue/quest fight is the same regardless of house, as is all of part 1 outside of a handful of house specific scenes which largely say the same thing as other houses just with different people saying them. Part 1 really would have benefited from some house exclusive story missions

>Not playing each route of a fresh save
Shaking my head over here. I do wish that unit skills and such carried over from all saves, like supports, though. Would make the upcoming first NG+ run where I finally recruit cross-house a bit more fun, but oh well.

Allright thanks for the tips. I'm gonna tackle it next week and give myself a break. If the game helps you streamline things then it ought to be doable.

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Isn't that what they want to do in the DLC?

I'm keeping my cute Sothis sprite and there's nothing you can do about it fag.

its more of an internship

This game kind of screams for a in-universe sequel, how are they gonna do it?

It is annoying that most paralogues reward you A/B rank battalions for units who likely have shit author or negative authority growth. I just play them for the story and like that most of them offer fun objectives other than routing the enemy.

The game is easy enough that there's very little reason to fully explore and grind from quest and farming stat boosters. So I often skipped entire months just to get to the months mission.

almyra is said to be much bigger than fodlan

Have you seen how broken the B authority ones are?

One can hope though that too little too late if so. That and or letting you use renown to carry over paralogue rewards would be great though by the time they get those out if they did at all a lot of people would be done with the game outside of said additional content

femdimitri or femclaude

Hey, I have a cute Sothis sprite on 2 of my saves (GD and BL, currently doing BE), it just probably took me a lot longer than you

male edelgard

im pretty sure claude is representing a person who doesnt have any baggage and how much more effective they are in some ways

I imagine Byleth’s mom to look like a Blue haired clone of Rhea wearing a Nun Veil.

i suspect that originally the game was two routes, one dimitri and one edelgard, and edelgard's route had the lore and slitherer stuff that's in the church/GD route. BL was written first and completed, then as they were working on edelgard's, they decided to include the choice to ditch edelgard, and made that the church route. then they decided to have claude as a third option to begin with. that's my theory

Already been done

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I see you are a man of culture.

>Part 1 really would have benefited from some house exclusive story missions

Couldnt agree more. The missions prior to the timeskip feel like they only belong to the blue lion route. Replaying them all again with unrelated characters just felt really off and boring.

claude's preferred methods are assassinations and soft power stuff, he doesnt want to fight wars or anything, and ultimately he doesnt have that big a stake in fodlan.

albinea apparently doesnt have a lot of people since its not really habitable, and morfis is in a magic desert city of illusions

Griffith is an entirely different level of fucked user, come on now

why did they wimp out of making gronder rematch a fog of war

i mean even in BL, the slitherers say they're retreating, but they're not mentioned in the epilogue at all. very weird

I can understand a nice chunk of them being all route, like the mausoleum, flaynenapping, holy tomb, remire, but the rest yeah its very much a bl centered story which if you did BL 1st makes them feel even more important, then you do a 2nd run and realize every house has these fights

because retards hate arcadia and battle before dawn

isnt dimitri about the strong helping the weak

yes but he was having a bad year

The only possible way to make an in-universe sequel is to make it happen long enough in the future so that it can't be determined which route happened, really. So sort of like Awakening, but instead you aim to make a sequel from the beginning, instead of just lazily claiming that it is a sequel when it clearly isn't.

Church route's development time is hard to place, imo. The schemes like the one in chapter 14 and the "we need disguises" fit Claude the best, and Judith bringing you recruitments is really weird outside of GD. So I wonder if it didn't go something akin to "First they made BL, but then they saw that people liked Edelgard, so they gave her a route as well. At that point, it made no sense to now have the Alliance have a route, too, so GD was designed. However, people were uncomfortable with siding with Edelgard due to her actions, so they sort of lazily ported GD maps in as the Church route to sort of help this issue", or something.

Would have even made sense with Edelgard's "I will create chaos", especially since we early on establish that magical fog is a thing

What makes her avoid so well?

im pretty sure they literally say the fog is rolling in too

>BE has Edelgard as a fake empress while Hubert does everything
what did they mean by this

They tried way too hard to red herring him as the Flame Emperor in the GD route.

speed demon, along with pegs 10 or 15 speed growth, then avoid+10 at falcon ontop of alert stance/+ which is 15/30 respectively. Leonie and petra can do this too

>having anough time to master 2 begginer classes
how slow do you play?

Knowledge Gem and Statue Bonus helps, but even then, it can take some time. Not that guy, but I personally grinded Cavalier for Dimitri by just taking all his stuff, and making him just tank hits in one of the auxillary battles (Due to a fear of screwing his speed and/or overleveling) with his face

Dont fucking dare compare Griffith with Edelgard, that bitch wont sell her body for her dream

How the fuck can you release a game with no hard mode. I know there's a "hard" mode, but we all know that's normal mode plus 10 rewinds.

Yet everyone sings this shit games praises because of the above mediocre plot and waofus. I just wanted a conquest style romp with an average story but I just got an average story

Punished Dimitri and Savior King Dimitri have completely different voice lines

this is FE, an average story for them is incredible given previous few games track record

Wait, does this mean that Edelgard raped and impregnated herself?

conquest is more of a puzzle game than a real strategy game dude, maybe professor layton is more your alley?

Dude, some high authority battlations give fucking great as stats Wyvern Hilda is actually a joke because she loses like 7 defense from not using her personal battalion


What is speed demon and pegs 10/15?
She has alert stance and darting blow currently

meaning shes almost always going to level speed due to natural speed growth of 60, peg knight gives 10 additonal speed growth, then falcon gives 20, add on avoid+10 skill, prowess giving avoid+, and alert stance giving 15/30 avoid when waiting its easy to crank her avoid to stupid levels to where only gambits would hit her but enemy units have shit all for charisma so even gambits will typically fail

The boar...

That's reassuring, thanks
Ive had to baby her a lot but she has gotten a lot better

>tfw BL final boss can't hit Ingrid at all, even without Alert Stance+ being active

I recruited Ingrid by accident and never bothered to use her because I already had Hilda Cyril and Petra on flying mounts

Like i said a ways up i think, ingris really only bad because her natural clss progression has no str growth classes until fucking falcon, if you can get her early enough and put her on some str classes shes just as good as petra though petras personal skill is way better if you can make use of it, but shell almost always be a dodge machine naturally, had her go through fortress knight for pavise and she still kept getting spd every level

You mean him?

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Because of her negative authority growth, I decided to invest in her flying instead even though all of the flying battalions are shit.

I know authorities are broken, but when a character has a negative authority like felix and caspar, I just bring them up to a C+ maximum so I coukd at least use some decent ones without too much investment

killing gods and friends in 4:apocalypse

No, him.

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Well there is a good flying one, but you can already tell it's an A rank and it's Seteth's personal one.
Though I used Hilda enough I can understand how she got there in the first place, I mastered every axe class with her. She's just so mediocre as a Wyvern lord when you also have Pegasus Leonie and Seteth that you should just make her anything else

Imagine Dagda being stuck inside of Byleths head instead of Sothis

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Really hard to justify not giving everyone as much authority as you can, even if they have negative growth the learn rate isnt that much worse, and the battalions are just that broken as you pointed out

>BE epilogue dlc
>Byleth, Edelgard, and Hubert stand around a table, its surface covered by a map of Fodlan.
>Hubert points to a particular location on the map, and begins to describe his plan for moving their army to surround the Slither's base of operations.
>As he exposites, Edelgard gently takes Byleth's hand, and gazes lovingly into his/her eyes.
>"The Fodlan I... no... we dreamed of will finally come to be."
>The war console is suddenly interrupted by a thunderous crash. The floor itself begins to rumble, knocking Hubert to the ground.
>"An attack! The Slithers? No... I don't hear any dubstep..."
>The war room's towering doors are suddenly torn asunder, and the three look in horror as two corpses are thrown to their feet, those belonging to Thales and Nemesis.
>"Impossible... unless..."
>She looked up, seeing the robust figure. His head adorned with luscious pink locks. On his shoulder sat a familiar looking girl, a classmate Edelgard knew too well.
>"Holst Motherfucking Goneril..."
>"Are these the mean people who hurt you, sis?"
>Hilda, holding back her tears, simply nods.
>"Low blow, Empire, invading while I was busy kicking Almyran ass. I'm gonna make you pay for what you did to my sis!"
>Hubert retorts "Such insolence, you will pay for that door with your life", readying an incantation as he speaks.
>Holst flings a hatchet at him, severing both arms.
>Edelgard, shocked, turns to Byleth.
>"Forgive me..."
>Her physical form begins to contort and morph, as she begins shift into her hegemon form.
>"Now, Hol..." Holst interrupts Edelgard, grabbing her by the face. He tosses the distorted creature through a nearby window.
>Byleth looks down at the streets in horror, Edelgard's corpse sprawled below.
>"NO" Byleth freezes time.
>"That won't work on me!" Holsts screams, as he cuts through time, decapitating Byleth.
>"Come along Hilda, maybe one day big bro will teach you how to do that."

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>Sothis came to Fodlan and gifted humans knowledge, leading to them futuristic Agartha (Fact)
>Sothis, her children, and humans lived peacefully until a human faction grew "arrogant" and challenged her (Rhea's opinion)
>Seiros fought back, the resulting war destroyed the land along with many of the rebelling humans (Fact)
>Sothis used up her energy to revive the land and went to sleep in the Holy Tomb, her children went on to live in Zanado (Fact)
>Remaining slithers convince a Nemesis, human thief, to sneak into the Holy Tomb and kill Sothis, creating the Crest of Flames and Sword of the Creator (Fact)
>Nemesis teams up with other humans and slaughter the rest of Zanado, leading to the creation of more Crest and Relics (Fact)
>Humanity created the Relics on their own (Edelgard's misinformed fact)
>Nemesis became a King through his power and ruled over Fodlan (Fact?)
>Seiros convinces Wilhelm to betray Nemesis, and together, along with the 4 Saints, they defeat Nemesis and the 11 Elites (Fact)
>It was a minor dispute between Nemesis and Seiros (Edelgard's opinion)
>Wilhelm becomes the first Adrestian Empire, backed by the Church of Seiros (Fact)
>Seiros/Rhea manipulates information, changing the origin of Crests, Relics, and Nemesis (Fact)
>she did this to control humanity (Edelgard's opinion) or to make sure humanity never repeats the previous history (Rhea's opinion)
>A caste hierarchy is created due to the divine implications of Crests, leading to widespread noble/commoner divide (Fact)
>Kingdom is split off from Empire, then the Alliance is split off from Kingdom (Fact)
>Rhea orchestrated this to weaken the Empire and make all of them easier to control (Edelgard's opinion)

So is this about the correct order of history?

>Nanashi replaces Byleth as the protagonist, along with his demon summoning powers and his Sothis is Dagda
What changes?

Ingrid's Galatean Pegasus Knights are pretty good too!

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Future DLC character.

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Pretty much.

You get a route where you face off against all three houses, the Church, and the Agarthans.

What, did Holst beat up the 10 Elites one by one this time?

No, he didn't have a stomach ache this time.

Statwise it could work as a compromise before getting A rank, but you lose out on that 15 crit both Hilda's and Seteth's have


So where was Maurice during the fight against Nemesis? I mean, shouldn't he be there, since he was part of Nemesis' party?

Holst vs Mushrooms happened in that one paralogue, not when fighting against Nemesis, though

The Japanese title is 風花雪月 which is Wind, Flower, Snow, Moon, the titles of the routes, so all four were planned from the start. They didn't shoehorn Crimson Flower in last minute, it's likely though that time constraints lead to most routes being incomplete which is why there's a lot of map recycling. GD and Church has some weird chapters that don't make sense so they feel more padded out even though they're as long as BL. BE decided to cut out filler which is why I think it's the shortest, I think they could've shoehorned Shambhala so at least people could be more satisfied, because Hubert does end up tracking the Slithers anyway even though it's only said in the epilogue. I feel like Church might've been the last route they worked on since it reuses a lot of GD.

When Lunatic comes out, do you think they'll let us change the difficulty node in our current playthrough? At least from Hard, which doesn't have infinite grinding? Apparently Blue Lions is real easy.

Maurice turned into a Crest Beast remember?

But wasn't that only after the war? I mean, he has the Crest and descendants, and whatnot.

Yes and? The point is Maurice became a nigger dragon so the Agarthans didn't bother to put him in a fridge like the others.

It'd be cool to see this through a prequel dlc like xenoblades 2's Torna. It can answer a lot of question if what the fuck actually happened, what did sothis do during her time alive, who was in the right, where the hell did the dub step cult come from etc

and with many of the characters already existing in the main game, it would be too hard to reuse assets.

Funny how the BE route spreads so much false lore.

They were the corpses of Nemesis and the 10 Elites brought back to life, right? They probably didn't have Maurice's corpse to revive since he turned into a Beast.

>implying he didn’t go on a massive rape spree as a crest beast to father his lineage

He probably had some fun with some tavern wenches while Seiros and the first Emperor were... building their empire and standing army. So give or take a a couples years to a decade maybe?

Reclassing bumping your stats up to the class minimum is such a stupid mechanic and easily abusable

I do agree but it's the Echoes system they have been using.
We just have to put up with it.

Derp, I somehow managed to not realize that at all, it is obvious.

It is also funny how people are somehow themselves spreading false lore, like the whole "Rhea kept Fódlan held back technology wise on purpose!", even when there is no evidence of anything like that. The best they have as excuse are the cannons in Almyran ships, which isn't really evidence.

Please respond.

There was years and years time between (Nemesis and the 11 Elites killing the dragons for their Crests and Relics) and (Seiros defeats Nemesis and the 10 Elites). Logically, the Elites had already started fucking and having kids by then, so that when Seiros actually killed them, the Crest bloodlines were already created.

what would it be like to get Marianne pregnant while shes still depressed

>leave Byleth and the lord at level 1 until they get their unique class
>suddenly they get stupid stats at level 1

>Wind, Flower, Snow, Moon,
That's a way cooler name.

holst asks you for help in edelgards paralogue

wasnt nemesis fighting against something

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>It is also funny how people are somehow themselves spreading false lore, like the whole "Rhea kept Fódlan held back technology wise on purpose!", even when there is no evidence of anything like that. The best they have as excuse are the cannons in Almyran ships, which isn't really evidence.
Destroying dubstep technology instead of amassing it for yourself seems like a pretty purposeful anti-tech stance.

isnt there a dark blutgang?

>ISIS releases an extended cut DLC.
>Instead of adding a Golden Route, it expands on every route.
>BE get Jeritza as a playable unit, and several new chapters in which you fight Slithers, Edelgard uncovers the truth and experiences actual character growth, and sacrifices herself to end the Slither threat.
>BL get a few additional chapters for fighting the Slithers as well, and a new final boss fight with Nemesis.
>GD get playable Judith, and some new chapters dedicated to wiping out the remaining slithers in the Kingdom.
>Church gets playable Rhea and Sothis, and some new chapters about unifying Fodlan against a revived Nemesis.

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It could've been Seasons of War too which is a more localized version of that, it's referenced in some places so I'm not sure why they went with "Three Houses" when there were better potential titles.

Why exactly couldn’t Byleth just divine pulse themselves out of the dark world

he wasted all of his divine pulses savoring Kronyas death

time doesn't exist in the dark world or something.

Only bad guys like the governments IRL bother to salvage and reverse engineer the technology of their enemies. Good guys take fate into their own hands and build from the ground up and start from scratch.

I want an actual big DLC like the one that Xenoblade game I didn't play got, not some epilogue.

why didn't Byleth Divine pulse after Edelgard revealed she was the Flame Emperor, go to her room, and hit her really hard with a book?

I guess it doesnt work outside of the real world or maybe the dark world doesnt have "time" as we perceive it

I just got to the part where I realized his big secret is wanting to flood Fodlan with immigrants. I'm seriously considering just starting over again, fuck this idiot. He seemed so promising.

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>Implying Dubstep tech isn't powered by dead dragons or baby souls or something.
Plus what's his face makes fake crests anyway.

Because its stated in canon Divine Pulses cannot go further than a certain amount of time

Sothis gave them dubstep technology though. Rhea destroying it is just punishment for misusing it.

i'm with you on everything except BL, not because i hate the BL, they're my favorite route infact, but BL literally kills all the slithers already, so they'd have to make up brand new ones for it, which sounds like padding.

I don't think so? Or at least I don't recall anything like that.

I don't think there was (or maybe I just missed it). That sort of makes sense, too, since you can't copy it all that easily, given how Maurice was holding onto Blutgang all this time. I could be wrong on Dark Blutgang not existing, though.

I don't think she destroyed on purpose, really. Or what, you think she collapsed the roof of Shambala on purpose?

Because the writers seemingly forgot about Divine Pulse existing after Jeralt dies, for whatever reason. And even then, the whole "You tried to redo once but failed, must be fate.", instead of, say, rewinding a bit farther or something.

And when good guys in fiction take in unknown tech, you get Megaman X, which probably wasn't the best outcome for everything, really.

Is it? Or are you pulling legs here?

I liked the idea of naming the game "Seasons of Warfare", and then naming the special edition "Three Houses Edition", would have been a lot better.

Eh, sounds more like a definitive edition update than a dlc "story content".

I like the idea of playable units(who shoukdve been playable to begin with) but damn, a lot of people already played most/all routes. It'll be a complete bitch to sink hours for a little more end game content ala Persona 5R.

I'd be happier with a prequel route over a golden route

Honestly the fact that they never really attack the Slither homebase is literally the only lingering plot thread BL even has.

He changes his mind eventually. He realizes Almyra is a shithole and that he needs to fix it before creating a truly unified world. Instead of opening borders he decides the other parts of the world need to be fixed rather then just unifying everything as it is.

Fuck no we finally have a mechanic that prevents units from getting exceptionally screwed. That shit is long overdue

you got me there, maybe they could make up afew guys then.

I'd like if the brought back knifes/daggers from the tellius and fates games. They have their place for units like theives and dancers. It fits more than giving everyone a sword just because. But then again, FETH is the game that gave swordmasters a fuck you with that shit master class.

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Lion bois and deer bois are the only way to play.

Daily reminder that she did NOTHING wrong

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Even then, you literally just needed like thirty minutes. In Beagles you could've gone back like five minutes and start strangling her right then and there. Maybe she'd think you were flirting untill she passed the fuck out.

The problem is that they don't know of it in BL, since there were no nukes fired (For... some unexplained reason.), and thus Hubert can't trace Shambala's location. Hubert could still have written a letter about their existence, though, even if he didn't know their exact location.

What if they gave you the option of either continuing from a completed save, or starting a fresh save that automatically puts you at the start of the new content with a fully leveled team of your default students for that route?

Remember Yea Forums, (You) are the best Boy/Girl and you are important to someone out there.

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for a thousand years?

Thales is not the last slither, in GD where you actually go to their base to wipe them out you can get an epilogue that says that they still come back. It means BL actually deals with them the least because at least BE tells you that Hubert kills the rest in the epilogue and Church has you go to their base like GD.

She's a woman and a dyke at that.

they never kill odesse

They already said the new content will not expand past the game's current endings. What exactly this means is hard to say but there will be no "after years" for sure. New campaigns are possible though.

Thieves wielding knives also looks a lot better than the weird "Lol, swords in reverse" that Awakening unleashed upon us.

Not necessarily on this path, though.

I mean, you never fight Cordelia in GD, so she is probably(?) alive at the end.

This guy seems to have the same things my source is telling except for rare weapon map. I was told there was a map you could go through one time that would give you an item you could have in your inventory that would give relics unlimited uses so they won't break.

The wave 3 dlc is suppose to include a free update to open up the sauna and the quests and costumes are swimming suit related.

Wave 4 is supposed to indeed result in a new Edelgard route. There will be a few new story elements where if the conditions are right the flame emperor will save Jeralt from Monica. It ends up screwing up the entire path because of TWSITD end up launching a huge attack on the monastery because the flame emperor starts working against them. There is a five year timeskip and it turns out that those who slither in the dark took over all 3 kingdoms putting a different leader in charge of all them before combining into an empire. While the three main lords and some of the students are hiding out working as mercs under Jeralt. Its not a golden route at all. Most students are dead post timeskip. There are some surviving students that will be bosses like Annette,(Something about she has to serve TWSITD or they will kill her uncle and mother.) Felix,(For some reason Dimtri killed Rodrigue during the timeskip pissing off Felix.) Ferdinand,(His father is still prime minister.) Petra,(Some excuse about having to kill the 3 lords to save her people.) Lorenz,(Family gained a lot of power with the new empire.) and Lysithea.(Has to serve them or will die immediately if she doesn't.) It does give you all 3 lords, Rhea, Jeralt, Seteth, Flayn, Catherine, Shamir, Cyril, Hanneman, Manuela, Dedude, Hilda, Hubert, Mercedes, Caspar, Leonie, Jeritza, Gilbert, 1 new male and 2 new females,(These 3 are students in all routes one will be in each house adding further replay value.) AND Sothis. The main villain is someone called Patricia. They already have the story written.

checked serenes, there is a dark blutgang

As much as I do hate the MC units I feel Byleth was the best one yet simply because his place in the world feels a lot more important then the others.

I really wish IS stopped with this "Self-insert avatar who is probably a god in disguise" stuff, but it is probably too late for that at this point outside of remakes


>someone called patricia

The option to skip ahead to the postgame/new content sounds good, it's what pic related did with its definitive edition version.

But this is the game that made you painstakingly replay the first 12 pre timeskip chapters multiple times so I doubt it.

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Huh. I guess I just missed it, then.

>my source
My dad is John Nintendo, enjoy getting fired fired asshole. Already traced your ip to your home, you're fucking dead kiddo.

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Wave 3 is the only realistic thing you wrote. Everything else is bullshit.

There being no post-game really hurt their ability to do DLC, especially given how long these "additional quests" take. Not exactly the greatest design to force people to replay the game a 5th time just to see them, whereas with post-game, the DLC could work like it does in Echoes (So do whenever you want, post-game or before)

What would the romance between Edelgard and Dimitri be like?

How long would you hold a grudge on the people who break into your mother's grave and use her bones as weapons?

Who is the biggest gary-stu around tgem and which is the least? One of them is literally jesus.

It'll be some gay route where you fix everything and everyone lives happily ever after with far less deaths.

give me Annette or give me death

Alright, so I'm going to assume no one has the answer; better question. Does anyone have any ideas for a cool Blue Lions challenge run? Preferably more interesting than "no divine pulse".

anyone else ended up pissed as fuck after Marianne paralogue? this faggot has been tormenting Marianne for who knows how long and when everything is said and done he is all like
>LMAO sorry
and gets away scott free, i dont particularity like Marianne that much but that fucking pissed me off

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Guys, my Edlegard is too powerful. She can one man army a whole fight now. Is this normal? I'm trying to level the others but she just one shots everyone.

>I don't think she destroyed on purpose, really. Or what, you think she collapsed the roof of Shambala on purpose?
You can’t wipe out a civilization’s technological prowess so completely just by physically burying it in rubble. Even the so-called Dark Ages in real history weren’t actually that much of a step back technology-wise compared to the Roman Empire. The fact that Fodlan didn’t re-engineer dubstep technology in a few decades means that someone (the resident lizard person in charge) must’ve been actively preventing the resurgence of that tech and know how.

Heroes insert since he can command characters from multiple universes. Corrin a close second.
I guess Mark since he doesn't even fight.

Lyn’s boy friend is the least, and Corrin is the most.

No, Edelgard is absolutely fucking busted even without making her a Wyvern Lord.

>Infinite Galeforce Edelgard

user pls

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Some ideas I had for a challenge run.
>Byleth can't change class, ever
>no pegasus or wyvern units
>no crest weapons
>only two battalions at all times
>no poaching students and/or only can recruit church staff

how about limit to only like 2 or 3 students poached

user, the game is so stupidly easy and breakable none of those remotely pose a challenge.

edelgard is probably in the top 5 most powerful units in the series honestly

Mark is obviously the least Stu out of them, and even his own game forgets he exists after a while.

Biggest Stu, though... Either Kris, Robin, or Corrin. Liked by everyone unconditionally from the start, except maybe the mandatory "I don't like the avatar" character (bless them), if they exist (Or in Robin's case, just start liking them real damn fast anyway), and their plans seem to always work for whatever reason, no matter how stupid or implausible (Examples being Robin's "Ships on Fire" plan, and Conquest Corrin's "Manage to somehow not kill any Hoshidan enemies"). Can't also forget the mandatory "Is a god or related to one" (Which Byleth has, too, but not sure if he was too bad otherwise.)

He definitely got off far too easy, yeah.

I mean, yeah, that could work. But the writers could also just have either not thought about this, or they forgot. Just like how Archaneans are so inept, that thousand years wasn't enough to make Ballistas work again, let alone develop technology in any shape or form, seemingly.

>Byleth can't change class ever
aren't you automatically made Enlightened Juan?

Anyways, these are all good ideas, thanks.

>Biggest gary-stu
Probably Kris, seeing as he was literally shoved into a per-existing story and ends up being retconned into being responsible for everything Marth accomplishes in that game.
Runner up is Mark because everyone sucks his dick super hard and he just feels really awkwardly shoved in in general.

Honestly probably Byleth or Robin. Byleth gets shit on a lot in-game and people actually call him out on being a mute weirdo (even though everyone loves him), but Robin probably has the strongest personality of the bunch and is the only one that feels like an actual character (that you don't want to punch in the face, unlike Corrin.)

>poaching students at all
See, here is your problem. Not that it makes the game any harder, but I never did any cross-house recruiting due to it not necessarily making that much sense lorewise.

I still fundamentally disagree with his ideology and couldn't give less of a fuck about whatever wishful all races hand-in-hand wonderland this idealist dreams of.
It has honestly made me lose interest in this game, I guess that's a flaw of the game not telling you anything about whichever side you're choosing.
I expected them to write him into more than just every liberal's wet dream.

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How do you get the S Rank scene? It just rolled credits

Okay, then you come up with shit.

If you want to go full autist the no class changing ever for anyone, no battalions allowed, and no spinwheel ever.
You are, but you can also immediately switch classes right when you unlock it. I always switch my Byleth off it since it was ugly as fuck.

You had to get the ring from Jeralt's room

>He didn’t get Jeralt’s ring from his office.

What's it like being a double nigger?

we can all agree he was the only one who did nothing wrong right?

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Not to mention genocide your entire race.

they fuck like rabbits every night to avoid the PTSD dreams they both have

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big boss or venon boss?

The game expects you to though. Later maps have you use around 11/12 units, which is larger then you and your class. It doesn't expect you to go crazy and save everyone but grabbing a student or two is expected.

>literally chose Golden Deer because Blue Balls seemed like an insufferable cunt and Black Bitch seemed like she'd end up being a generic useless tsundere as soon as I max out her social link
>Looks like I made the right choice


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I still recruited the faculty members, so I was never short on that front. (Though then I heard that Hanneman and Manuela appear as enemies, so maybe I should have had skipped recruiting them)

OK bros I just finished my first playthrough of Blue Lions and I'm finding it hard to come up with a reason to ally or be neutral with the church. The game made it a point to show you the church is a state within the state, or deep state so to speak. Rhea goes out of her way to immediately execute dissidents without giving them a trial or questioning their motives. Given Jeralt's testimony of the church's questionable practices and no telling of what the teachings of Seiros actually are, besides obeying every word of Rhea's commands of course, I'm inclined to believe the church should be reformed at the least. As far as I can tell, Rhea and her relatives are literal lizard people controlling the continent behind the scenes using covert means to massacre people suffering under their rule or people simply with different political opinions.

In a fight, who would win?

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>every liberal's wet dream.
But user, he's neither gay or has any in his group

Hope you enjoy awfully written one-sided allegories to real life issues!

>half of the game's paralogues require poaching to see.

So what do Dedue and Hubert just stand in the corner while they do it or what?

axes beat lances

Well Edelgard is implicit in the murder of your dad so it's hard to justify joining her.
Claude wants to let Almyrian rapefugees rape beautiful Fodlan women so it's hard to justify joining him.
I guess you should just go Blue Lions again!


She never has lancebreaker so no, they don't.

>schizo edeltranny fanfiction
After Remire Jeralt says he shouldn’t have left the church

Cyril says at one point the Fodlan is very small compared to Almyra.

Canonically, without Hegemon, Dimitri would actually tear her apart.
Note how she actively avoids fighting him and she has to have her troops zerg him in GD.
Gameplay wise it's hard to say, though ultimately I'd give the advantage to Edelgard.


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Dmitri will probably double Edgelord.

Seteth, Catherine, and Shamir are honestly all you would ever need to recruit aside from wanting paralogues

edelgard would probably eat shit but in the FE universe dimi could just get critted so it doesn't even matter

not in 3H


best ending

What if you go BE?

Just have her master one of them between level 20 and 30 instead of using a promoted class. Pegasus Knight has fairly good growths.

You literally become the Pope after Rhea steps down. Just Reform the Church after your image

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>And how did you deal with Dead Knight without her anyway?
I had Caspar punch him in the face repeatedly.

>Dimitri: autistic super strength growth, relic atrocity guarantees to 1 hit kill anything

>Edelgard: two crest allows her to tank and do slightly more damage at times. Her relic allows her to infinitely galeforce as much as its durability allows.

So in gameplay and in story dimitri wins hands down.

They literally skipped Grounder Field in CF i cant

In-game lore dimitri
Gameplay wise whoever attacks first wins

Oh boy! I can’t wait for the DLC characters that either are Bythsexuals and don’t have any supports with anybody or they are completely silent.

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user, the game makes a pretty bleak case that the lizard Illuminati is the best choice among many bad ones and if they just stepped back and let the humans do their own thing everything would go to shit... like it does in the game itself.
>inb4 “but you lead Fodlan to a glorious age of peace at the end”
Byleth is a lizard person too. It’s just more of the same.

Neck yourself

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Im opting for the Torna Route Personally, ,going over things like the Red Canyon, War of Duscur, and other lore related events

Oh yes, the three paralogues, with probably the Caspar/Mercedes one being the only really "important" one, given it gives you an additional cutscene.

Anyway, say what you want, but I don't like the whole "Betray my country because a professor said few nice things to me once". Not as bad when going from BL to GD or reverse, but still.

>waaa my political agenda doesn't line 1:1 to these fictional characters from this fictional world that's not really anything like our own, this game sucks!11
wew boy

edelgard hits him from 3 range with the boltaxe

How are your supports that fucking bad. I have an S for every character I use

Sometimes being the villain is fun.

Most likely done intentionally

she has lancebreaker in maddening

he says that because he appreciates seeing you well-adjusted teaching your students, which really is more about he shouldnt have kept you so isolated from the rest of fodlan, not that he shouldn't have left the church


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seteth would have been better than rhea

>lizard Illuminati
This meme is so fucking bad, Seteth and Flayn don’t do shit they were in exile hiding for a thousand years. It’s just Rhea and the last politics move she made was brokering peace for the alliance, hardly a shady move

The person probably had every unit die in order to take that image. I would assume they are in the church route due to none of the lords being there.

byleth's best endings are in BE

It's not even a real image, dumbass. You can't not get Sothis.

Fuckin Dimitri PTSD shitlord who's a one man army

What if Dimitri just counters with the Arrow of Indra+?

Wait, you always get Sothis, even if you never pick the choices that raise her points?

You can be boring if you want to be boring.
I'll enjoy the conversations former classmates have with each other, thanks.

How does an emotionless autist somehow become the best therapist in all of Fodlan anyways.

>it's not real
Someone should edit femByleth into Manuela

If you want lore-fitting recruits, there's Lystithea (Who can join you later anyways.) and Felix is also apparently a good lore-fitting one, from what I hear.

If you just want good units, you don't even need anyone. If you use Edelgard alot, she can take the maps by herself.

Tbh I really like CF ending cutscene

That's infuriating!

Felix is one of the absolute most retarded recruits in BE

Buddy cop drama tracking down the Slithers

What, Felix in CF? Don't do that.

>user, the game makes a pretty bleak case that the lizard Illuminati is the best choice among many bad ones
I hardly see it that way. The one problem a majority of the students have with their lives are the crests and oppression of the nobility. Siding with the church changes nothing. The church needs to go or at least be reformed to a more equitable share of power and wealth.

Not really.
Immortality is nice to have.
It's immortality, not invulnerability so if it gets too much one can kill themselves.

Why were they even hiding for so long when Rhea being in charge meant they would’ve been safe anyways?

Nah, crests barely matter because the Hanneman exists.


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Felix is great in BE. Patricide kicks ass.

Felix is fucking retarded anyway with how busted he is

byleth's best ending is with annette in BE where he gets to be a teacher

It's more about me not being terribly interested in being force fed political propaganda for 40+ hrs. In a game published by fucking Nintendo no less.

Because a lot of bad shit happened because everyone got super emotional about things. So someone with the ability to say "don't do that, it's dumb" is a godsend at the moment.

all about that charm stat

they're really good at making people feel at ease

he cant get the arrow of indra in his route, not to mention his magic stat and edelgard's res

The way I see it Byleth does get better with emphathy and actually has some degree of emotion as the story progresses.

Then again when his past is just emotionless killer its not that hard to note change

It's definitely the darkest version of Felix but it's an absolutely valid alternative. He gives into his angst and lust for revenge against his Father and the Kingdom instead of growing from it through his friends.

Canonically, his pre-timeskip self could probably take her post-timeskip self in a fight.
He's stupidly strong in single combat.

Because Flayn was weakened and had to recover from fatal wounds after her mother died

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Half- Sasuke to Full-Sasuke

He could buy it from the merchants from the Online region

>Rhea being in charge meant they would’ve been safe anyways?
Yeah, clearly safe if Rhea wasn’t in charge Flayn could be kidnapped or something

>fog of war
The only new one here is you

Because everyone in this game is shallow. I'm pretty sure every single female character loves to talk about themselves in the tea time options.

hi i'm the best regular battle theme in the game

the fish


this is better imo, although chasing is real good


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Felix is one of the biggest moralfags in the game, the reason he behaves the way he does to everyone is because he doesn’t want to see his friends through their lives away for idealism

I like Edelgard.

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no that's Ingrid
>just realized that the random general I had Ingrid kill on the Dimitri map was supposed to be Ingrid

Literally Dimitri after time skip

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So do I. Most people that don't havent played her route.

Her route is mega rushed tho

How strong would Dimitri's autistic rage be if he found out about what the Slitherers did to Edelgard?

Cu with the strength of Heracles

Are any of the -breaker abilities actually worth using?

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not intense enough, it fits the map really well though

But that’s a dog, not a boar

all the breaker abilities just put the triangle back in.

For me they were only useful on maps with a shit ton of those units

I get that. But im just a sucker for somber ass war themes.

i find it weird that their mom is not mentioned as a saint (or anywhere for that matter), despite participating in the war of heroes

Hanneman is a big contributor to a solution but most of what he does just makes the power of crests accessible. You don't think the already crest obsessed nobility would hop on the first chance to monopolize control over that shit? It needs backing of social reforms so that something like that doesn't happen. I like to think of it like how medicine is handled in real life.

Anyone else kinda pissed that they just fucking skipped Grounder Field in CF

>dragon lolis are always OP in FE
>one of them is unplayable in 3H and the other sucks ass
But why?

hey man rescue saved my ass with stealing dark seals

I still got 65 hours out of it and felt like I got a complete story, idk why people say it's "rushed"

>stealing dark seals
>not just killing Death Knight's bitch ass

They're good filler if you aren't trying to minmax your skills

he would be able to crush nemesis' neck

first playthrough and first FE, too scurred