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i dont get it whats the joke? can you actually turn people into glue?

Are you ready for a hot take? 1 > 3 > 2


How can you say something so controversial, yet so brave? For real, you think 3 matches up to 1?

I could go with either of these.
2 is definitively dogshit while 3 is underrated as fuck.


Dogshit is a bit strong, user. The Bullet Time sucks but I think the story is still pretty good.

Why is there such a strong dislike for MP2?

based 3 is kino

Agreed. 3 gets a little long in the tooth near the end of the game but it’s still really good.

My one complaint is that the middle section of the game has some pretty boring environments when you’re just running from favela to favela

Why are the loading screens in this game so fucking long? I installed it on my m.2 drive and it still takes several minutes to load a level. Do they just force you to watch the cutscenes?

>yfw this scene

Based & truthpilled


Can someone post the webm from 3 where the dude slaughters the fucks right after the bar scene. It's when you're outside and there's a bunch of guys hanging out by some cars

this is where the kino is at maxium. the airport level was the greatest action gameplay in a game in a long time.

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>This window will close in 3...2...1...

you'll walk...

You’re TURNING people in CUM


oh yeah

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Holy mother of based

Cold take but imo

3 = 1 > 2

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Storyline in 3 sucked balls and none of the antagonists were memorable in the slightest but the gameplay was excellent and the ending was perfect.

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Ok fuck it I’m reinstalling. This game is action kino. Sucks that R$ won’t ever make another game like this


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>Enter Favela's
>Hear this: youtube.com/watch?v=ebnTooEoq5k

What do?

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Perfect trilogy in my opinion.

Where the antagonists from the previous games memorable? All the one's I remember are these douchbags and Franky "The Bat" Niagra.

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i didn't enjoy MP3
every time I was really getting into the action it was interrupted by a cutscene. It was awful.

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Arcade mode really helps address that.

This. I regret buying this pos. Should just watch it on youtube instead.

>Arcade mode
Ive seen this in every thread, and its bullshit. Arcade mode starts with a unskippable cutscene.

RIP Euphoria engine

I look like max in mp3

Second game is my favourite.

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Second one is the best desu

Imagine having such a short attention span that you drop a game because of a cutscene lmao

>not remembering vinnie and mr. have no fear blyat.

i literally uninstalled this shit after the disco level
combat requires only accuracy, you can just stand in a corner and shoot at the bad men untill you trigger another cutscene
i thought 3rd person games were about spacial awareness and movement, not this shit

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t. Tomar

Did they just use an enemy as a bullet shield?

It was a legitimate business.

bullet time mechanics makes any challenge a complete fucking joke
some bullshit plot about vlad running a restaurant and becoming a bad guy and alfred woden is now a politician or something. and max payne wants to bang mona sax. it is completely unclear what the main overall plot was.
max payne 1 and 3 had perfectly contained stories with a clear narrative.
literally 1 hour long.
overrated garbage game only memed into being good because MUH WIFE IS DEAD BUT ITS A OK

Ladies and gentlemen: Mr. Payne in the butt

Can you read, dumbbell? I've finished it. We are talking about bad gameplay, and lack of replay value.

how the fuck did this encounter lead up to sex though. all these years and i still don't sense the tension

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Yeah. There's a mod to skip cutscenes.

If you couldnt get the theme of mp2 then you are retarded

>Not memorable

First one was best. This is objective truth and you cannot debate it.

I had a dream of my wife

She was dead

But it was alright

Shut up cringetard

the games theme has nothing to do with the terrible plot retard.
what is the main plot of max payne 2?

Sure did

I wanna play Max Payne 3 again but I dont wanna deal with the issues on PC or play it again on PS3.

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>Issues on PC
Such as?

1 has horrible gun sounds. It's enough to make it last place.

>he doesn't play with mods

Max trying to unravel the whole cleaners mess while still dealing with her family death and blaming himself for it

You got to play it with a controller otherwise you can just click on people's heads and kill an entire room without even moving.

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just like real life

People rarely shoot back irl

what fucking mods dude
the modding community for MP1 and MP 2 are completely dead, its either just a skin or one level where you fuck around for one minute before uninstalling because its boring or not what you expected
shit you can't even play with several mods at the same time


Here's the real hot take
Mona and Max are the best characters of the series.

You're not looking hard enough.

I swear to got the max payne ost is so fucking good

Who is this Semen Demon?

"The Cooking Goth" on YouTube

I like MP2 the most, unlimited bullet time is good because it's the entire point of the game, when you run out it's shit. And MP1 had a ton of other glaring issues that 2 corrected.

way to prove my fucking point
these are old mods that haven't been updated since their fucking inception and they're the exact kind of mods I am talking about
shit looks good and fun through the lense of a youtube video and then you play it and its just a bunch of stupid animations that don't even work right

Yeah you're right im dumb

Just cause the modding scene is dead doesn't mean you shouldn't play with mods. Also a majority of them are more than just reskins.

I dropped 1 on Empire of Evil because im a shitter
any tips

Wow the sheer power I'm feeling right now
Keep telling me how right I am and how stupid you are user

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on second thought i actually think im right and you're wrong

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You son of a bitch you just ruined my orgasm
why would you do that?

Payne to the Max!

>W H A T
>H A V E
>Y O U
>B E E N
>D O I N G

3 is unironically a good game but not a good Max Payne game
The story is kino and the gameplay is really tight but it doesn't feel like the first two at all and would have been better if it was called something else

2 > 1 > 3

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Man on Fire?

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dude what classic MP villians are really memorable, Vlad, Vinnie, Winterson, Lupino, even Horne all stick out in my mind.

I don't remember much about MP3's villian or plot at all.

MP4 when? Also, the game got me into HEALTH and I've been listening to them for years now. Incredible work they do. Everything they release sounds just like the MP3 OST.


Who else got this glitch?

based and objectively the only correct order. 2 was shit.


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I remember santo or whatever his name was because i hated the boat ride on highest difficulty
>niggers pinpoint accurately shoot you through mangrove trees but you're bullets keep hitting them

i've never been so mad

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I forgot to mention, on hardest difficulty, in the boat sequence. 1 grenade and a couple of potshots are enough to fuck your boat, so you play fucking whack a mole with their spawn points and explode shit preemptively so they die before they can do anything.

Works on my machine

Quite a late reply... Surprised the thread is still up... But just crashing in general. Game just flat out crashes randomly for me in DX9, 10 and 11.