Why can't normalfags handle some words on their computer screen? These are the people making my queue times so long.
Why can't normalfags handle some words on their computer screen? These are the people making my queue times so long
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Completley agree. Get them the gone and let the elite of the playerbase play without shitters who are scared of social interaction.
>wwwaahhh wahhh I-I ha-h-ave anxiety and I'm s-scared of player pixels wahhh :(
>Why can't normalfags handle some words on their computer screen?
Yeah, they are just words.
Based bullies. They did nothing wrong
Blizzard just uses tryhards to influence casuals. If they didn’t give them something to aspire to, the hardcore guilds would be totally ignored.
normalfags are absolutely able to handle that
they don't even know the game has forums
>A rogue complaining about bullies
Jesus christ, what the fuck did they do to retail?
That’s some elementary tier shit, people need to get a thicker skin
Just thought OP meant people were calling others niggers and trannies. This is not okay
normies are afraid of confrontation and prefer to be passive aggressive, scheming little shits.
>what i'm going to do! a completely stranger who i've never meet insulted me!
I’m betting that was just bait for pity points
It's a weird balance. In one hand, faggots and retards shouldn't be allowed to act like children with Tourette's wherever they damn please. In the other, people really need to learn how to ignore these faggots and retards.
jesus what the fuck happened to the internet?obviously this place is a shit hole but I don't get what their problem is?
do they literally want people perma banned if they use a swear word or arn't 'nice' to people? assholes can be funny and create funny situations. I hate what the internet is now. NO FUN zone for soiboys and gamer girls to constantly reassure each other and be unbearably nice 24/7 it's lame as fuck. it's like mediocrity and being boring and sanitising everything is their goal and they've basically won.
Even first graders are more sophisticated than this. How can anyone get tilted by reading this?
I burst into laughter whenever my team mates tell me to kill myself in overwatch, and this girl lost her shit because of this?
We should all strive to display loving compassion towards each other, if you can't manage that you're doomed to a cycle of suffering. It's not just a case of "Don't do it because it's mean", it's directly in your best interest to be kind and anyone who suggests otherwise is a crab trying to pull you back into the bucket.
Kill yourself
this is so shit i'd say it's made up completely
Nothing you've written goes against saying she's thin-skinned as fuck.
Asshole says: we said fuck off
Social media/smart phones really fucked people up didn't it?
So because some cunt is thin skinned, it's my responsibility to pander to them?
no one like you
:( Look at these vile, sexist nazis ruining a fun family friendly gaming experience like classic wow
This is NOT OK
Gentlemen I've summoned the janny, he assures me that as soon as he's able to pry an overmicrowaved hotpocket off the microwave platter he's going to take his FREE TIME to punish you both for this verbal fucking spering you cunts.
You can’t police mean behaviour. Just like in school and at work, there will be jerks, dealing with that is part of growing as a person. We can’t create safety bubbles everywhere, because you would never mature.
This is from 2004. It'd be a bannable offense in 2019. kek.
>tfw no cute girl to verbally bully and belittle me
Based Asshole and Bully making a tranny want to hang xerself with minimal effort
now THIS is problematic
>muh thicker skin
I'm a mature individual and let myself be physically abused because I realized that doing so put me in much more trouble than it was worth and it still was not any hill to die on. When asking the bully why they behaved in such a way that they did, they replied "because you're an idiot who stands still without putting up a fight". I then realized these people wanted to vent their own negativity cause by their personal problems towards me, acting as their own pressure relief valve, because they can't handle pain as well as I can. I am not by any means excusing them, because I was just lucky I was able to bear their bullshit and was not a weak, shy, sensitive individual that would completely freeze upon this senseless behavior, individuals which on the other hand I respect a lot because they realize the futility of meaningless violence. Just wanted to state that these faggots deserve no mercy because they're not asking for any, they're just using you as other shameless individuals use other people on a daily basis. Whatever sense of pity they may show because of dangerous situations they encounter on behalf of your response would just be their own survival instinct kicking in. If they could throw you under the bus to save their own life, they would. You are arguing in favor of these kinds of people I'm describing right now.
Make me grandpa!
Unless you’ve been living under a tiny rock the past 15 years, there is a policy against harassment aka bullying. Even more so on PVE and RP servers.
People need to wake up. Just because you’re on the internet, you can still use common sense. No law says that you can’t use your brain and show some manners.
Harassing other people aka bullying others? You can’t sink any lower than that, and by displaying such behavior in a game, that really tells me everything I need to know about how you behave in real life.
>they can't handle stress as well as I can so they're taking it out on me
therefore they're the victims, cool bait
Why do yuroshits try so desperately to get on the good side of Americans?
No one is forcing you to, I'm simply stating a fact - it's in your best interest to be a kind individual.
>fuck off, we're farming here
Fuck this gay earth, dude. Wtf happened to people. I'm a pussy and these fags make me look like Rambo.
Why are white people like this?
Holy shit that is literally the same level of harassment found in Elemantary School Anti Bullying PSAs.
Wow such hurtful and derogatory remarks, I can see how much stress this must have given her, she must have PTSD after such a harrowing experience. Totally problematic and uncool!
Like dis if you cry everytim
In the context of the event in that picture. The bullies were defending themselves against someone that they thought was going to bully them, by ninja'ing their shit
They applied tactile response to try and deter the invader, the victim did not deflate the situation by stating their intent.
It was an unfortunate event, but that is what can happen to someone who doesn't have experience in online interactions.
Falling Down is a really good movie and proves a ill-behaving society always gets what it's coming to it.
You shouldn't be allowed in a game if you're that much of a bitch. Bullies are based. This bitch needs to kill herself
Getting fired and disowned by his friends and family != mean words
Work on your writing, champ, Yea Forums isn't really the place.
Still, your point is correct, but arguing it is futile against retards on Yea Forums who care about their right to be a douche on the internet
>you remember that kid nobody liked at school? That kid who always tattled to the teacher? That kid that everybody despised? Well you have a whole generation of them now, fucking up your hobbies.
Fuck this gay clown world Earth
(because the mods won't let me attach an image to this post for some gay reason, let me describe what should be there. A stock image of a man in his thirties, shrugging in bemusement)
Yes it is. Friends and family just used words to tell him how much he sucks. He should have just gotten over it.
pls no bully :'(((((
stop fighting here pls im cwying :((
imagine being bullied out of a video game, let alone by literal 8-year-olds
I feel you.
just call them virgins. they all shut up. lmao
You can't legally drink
Why do soibois always write so formally?
> I understand that this is a issue that affects a small portion of population and I am fully aware to report and ignore
It’s like they aren’t even human.
they aren't. the npc meme exists for a reason. jokes, stereotypes, memes etc exist for a reason.
Faux intellectualism
>fuck off
So they had the profanity filter disabled?
They deserve everything they get.
Women are more fragile than Men, the internet becoming more of safe place is due to more women getting on the internet post iphone
This isn't a "normalfag" problem as Men can handle the bantz
>fuck people having their own stream of consciousness, EVERYONE SHOULD TYPE HOW I DO
brety gud album actually
I wouldn't be surprised if the ''girl'' was actually an autistic tranny.
its your responsibility to not be a faggot
There's a spot on the bell curve where your smart enough to know you aint stupid but stupid enough to be really insecure about your intelligence. Kind of people that go out of their way to loudly announce others spelling/grammar/pronunciation mistakes, basically they seek ways to announce to everyone that they aren't the dumbest guy in the room
gillette was right , white men are toxic and evil
Yeah I would want to quit too if my game community is represented by these fucks.
bullies getting dabbed on, glad they got banned
Based friendly poster
>Make the nazi bigots stop harassing me government!
>Fucking soibois and their hurt feefees
>I think it would be in all of our best interests if we worked to stop this negative feedback loop
>Fucking soibois and their cold, calculated speech
Pick one
I mean, you're right, we at
Could try to be compassionate when possible, but sometimes people are just thin skinned.
I called some dude a faggot and he lost his shit and threw me on ignore and told me how I was going to be banned. How fucked am I guys?
Women and normalfags really can't handle any bantz whatsoever,12-year-old nerds were already thick-skinned about this shit in the 90's because they knew it didn't matter.
I wish I had a shy female friend.
>thinskinned normalfag hears bad words
>spergs out
>thinskinned asshole can't say words
>spergs out
>We said FUCK OFF????!!!
Where is Furrikane when you need him?
Publishers want more money. They know they will gain far more normalfags than the autists they will lose.
But that's the WoW Classic experience, remember that WoW Classic is representing a time when everybody who played games wasn't a total normalfag pussy piece of shit and women stayed out of games as they should.
the *grabs you by the throat* thing?
>thick-skinned in the 90s
A lot for the gamer bants was and still is genuinely spiteful and angry shit. Thinking they're all a bunch of cool guys who aren't bothered by words is pretty fucking stupid.
no they made him lose his job you fucking donkey
Holy shit Bully is dropping bombs left and right
meanwhile the muslim yells ''I'll rape ur daughter'' but if you report him you are racist
Same if you report him if he does rape your daughter
Stop playing on the UK servers
i can't tell if you're trolling or not, but i want you to take a look at what website you're on.
if you're seriously looking for compassion from anyone here, you're going to be waiting an eternity
based zoomer
Maybe it has something to do with the massive campaign of trying to contain bullying after those two lunatics shot the students at that school?
The upshot of the campaign is that everyone now acts as fags who think bullying is the worst thing in the world.
And the school shootings continue...
"Fuck off!" is bullying now?
That's a burger problem.
>no one like you
what you mean 20 years ago? yeah nobody followed through with that.
>zoe quinn bullies a guy to death
nobody cares about "mental health" they dont even know what it means
Guy was a libcuck faggot anyway
>accusations are bullying now
Yeah, I guess gamers really are thin-skinned bitches.
he'd also be alive if zoe wasnt starved for attention and a sociopath
He'd also be alive if he wasn't a spineless weak little beta cuck
>accusations backed up by absolutely nothing that cause you to lose everything
haha just man up dude :PP
Imagine being offended by that. If that happened to me i would just laugh and call the faggots.
When the bullied turn into the bully!
Then you'd get banned.
>plays an MMO
>gets butthurt when there is other people and tries to chase them away
lol @ gen z kiddos
Just fronting cunts for the most part, happy to cry how bad bullying is until it's someone they don't like. Hell, we've a fair share here too.
For what little it's worth, I think light bullying is a necessity in any society, names are unpleasant but acceptable, if nothing else as an immunization against being a thin skinned bitch, once you start threatening the health, wealth or wellbeing of someone then it's pushing it all a bit too far.
I'm a boomer and kids tried to do that to me in runescape too, but fuck them lol
Grow up, Snowflake.
That's old fashioned as fuck. Are you over 50?
are you retarded?
Not gonna lie, when I was 18 playing vanilla I was tired of “old people” playing the game after it went mainstream
Yeah, that's what an accusation is. It's like if a friend told you someone was an asshole, you wouldn't ask for proof. You may ask what makes them say that, but when they tell you why they came to that conclusion, you probably aren't going to ask for photo or physical proof of the events, you'll just note it and carry on.
What age did you consider old?
you have o go back redditor
>being literally 12
when you get out of school you'll understand
due to higher iq whites can have feelings other then rage