You playing this on release day right?
You playing this on release day right?
Other urls found in this thread:
No, I'll wait for the physical release.
you can buy it on limited run games y'know?
Already did. It'll only start shipping at the very least in mid October, though.
Yes, it will be released on my birthday. It is not like I have anything better to do
>limited run games
I fucking hate this company so much.
Is this yuri?
"""limited""" """run"""
Go out with your girlfriend?
What the fuck, it's your birthday for god's sake?
Wait, what the fuck is happening?
You guys are actually hype for this?
Where did the horde of angry anons that shat on this game for weeks go?
This is a 18+ site, Billy.
it's going to be the best beat up game for 30 bucks user. plus it has waifus
Nigga people here on average are 50 years old kissless friendless incels.
Why the fuck do you think they go on shooting sprees?
Misako out of fucking nowhere
I'm going to be 22 years old in 3 days
Never had a girlfriend
Never kissed
Never had sex
I'm basically incel at this point
>Where did the horde of angry anons that shat on this game for weeks go?
There wasn't. threads have been civil
They've converted.
they got bored once they found out they keep thread alived longer than people that are interested on the game do
It was just a handful of shitposter at most.
I only like anime women and never leave the house unless my family makes me.
that was just one guy shitposting.
oh my god go back you fucking tourist
you've been an incel all your life, and just never knew
They are literally saving their boyfriends delusional yurifaggot
>make an absolute qt
>center the game around some other bimbo sluts
What did wayforward mean by this?
Meh. You're still a tiny baby. I didn't have sex until I was 24.
Is it just me, or is Christina Vee getting shilled a lot recently? She could’ve been in 3 Houses too, if she hadn’t blabbed her mouth about the role too early.
It means they hate you in particular
You know how we get threads of scott pilgrim? well this game is going to be better than that. They realized its going to be amazing.
Kyoko's a dumb bimbo.
Misako is best girl.
Yes, I am hyped for this.
Doesn't matter. No panty shots.
why are her fists so big
yokobros unite
>isn't a wizard
>calls other people tourists
Online co-op better be added soon after launch
For punching, idiot.
Buy many copies and we'll see, goy.
>playing SJW garbage
Ummmmmm no swearty?
holy fuck you just reminded me nintendo never added co-op with friends to mario maker 2
Yeah. RCR games are fucking great.
When the price drops only. Would have bought it if they didn't run out of physical CE.
>It's good, and you hate being wrong
>It's bad, and you hate being right
>It's average, and you hate even bothering in the first place
I'm looking forward to the prequel, river city lolis
Only on Yea Forums would someone get angry because they were expecting a game to be bad and it was good instead.
No, I´ll get it once it's on sale for 75% off or in a Humble Monthly. Not really a priority right now
I not sure what is happening but for me personally love river city ransom games so this is a no brainer.
>It's good, and you hate being wrong
This place has broken your brain.
>Why are people saying they have other games to play? What else could be releasing in september?
When the fuck did september get so bloated with releases?
the friendzone greentexts were great
based, dont forget to buy their games
also my girl really likes these lolis and wonder if i should make Hasebe/mami lolis
It's not even new games, I just have tons of games I want to play on Steam and couldn't because I had a busy month at work
It's true, between indies and main releses september is COMPLETELY SATURATED.
I guess it just happened that way this year.
Why is she so beautiful?
>I wonder if I should make lolis
Cute nail polish
I haven't bought shit for almost a year and now I'm going to be picking up at least 3 games (RCG included) in a single month. Fucking September.
this, it's funny too because during one of these threads the mods banned all the dudes criticizing this game and calling out the shill posts, and during those three days threads about this game would barely get 20 replies.
Asia release is physical. Play asia has it now and is cheap as fuck.
Screw the jews at limited games
Yeah, no
We had a thread last night that lasted for around 400 posts before petering out. Then shitposter-kun came in with his twitter screencaps and got a good few more posts out of it.
Cheerleader girls are cute
the only thread I remember last night was one that had detractors in there from the start
It had boomers triggered by dabbing at the start then turned into discussion about the game. It went that way until it eventually burned out.
Pretty sure the shitposter have gave up.
>Kyoko without nail polish
It was just one shitposter.
34 years old here and I'm on the same boat.
Things won't improve so just accept it.
oh, there are detractors as most things has them, but shitposter-kun is very specific with his posts.
I personally prefer more scattered threads than a new one after 8-10 after the last one died because drawing lewds take time and my back is killing me
would you sniff their socks?
No, I'll wait until a sale.
I'm playing when my physical copy gets here.
>shorts with (GREEN) thigh high socks
>skirt with short socks
It's supposed to be the other way around.
That attack doesn't look very practical
samefag is boring
Yeah, that's disappointing. Scott Pilgrim vs the World the Game had pantyshots for Kim. It was only a few frames, but they were important. The SNES game with Misako and Kyoko had several pantyshots.
Here's your voice cast btw
>tfw you kidnap your rival's bf and spend all day raping him while his gf is running all over town looking for him
>2b/rinachan as kyoko
huh, ok
>cristina vee
I don't care and never played the series.
Post more art.
Who could go back to Kyoko or Misako after getting a taste of Hasebe?
>The best thing? You're a lesbian and still you do it because you want to humilliate your rival to the bitter end, not unlike a prison rapist
I'll pirate it because you shills are some of the worst shills to ever try and shill a game. Thanks for the free game, though.
ok shitposter-kun
can you draw her wearing only panties and putting on lipstick
also yes to your question
Step aside little boy, I didn't fuck until I was 27. I'm 27
Oh look, it's an everyone is a shill episode
Faggots like you are boring
>he hate womans
>look everyone here on these threads a shill
you look silly right now.
Reminder that GayForward does indeed shill here
>Riki doesn't give a shit
>Kunio defuses the situation, the girls be damned
Lear from them, anons.
>I'm totally not a shill, I just use language that no one else on Yea Forums uses and talk about buying the game!
Y'know, shilling is, like, so boring. Btw, did you know you can BUY the game? haha, just making sure. ;)
I realize you guys are new to the whole shilling on Yea Forums thing, but you seriously need to step your shit up.
Kyoko and Misako VAs look inverse to their characters.
Riki is a qt
I fucking wish
Fuck off
Honestly I'll rather have shill threads over politics or culture war threads.
At least those are videogame-related.
What are some Kunio games that I could play to get a bit more of context for this one?
hate those queers.
how boring.
Wheres the japs VAs?
Forgot to add, t
Argentinians and Mexicans forced into Yea Forums a daily Argentinian / Mexican politics, economy and society general but you never see anyone complaining about them.
Meanwhile God forbid someone posting about a game without being called a shill and having anons ask for his head.
I'm gonna be a weeb and wait for eventual japanese voiceovers and online multiplayer and discount, whichever comes last
Post more Kyoko art with her nail polish instead of this garbage
Don't tell me what to post, do it yourself
If I had any, I'd be posting it
They've done it with Shantae, I wouldn't be surprised if they're making these "omg I'm totally gonna buy it day one and you should too :)" posts I've been seeing since reveal
>You playing this on release day right?
>his last thread died after 10 posts
>proceeds to make another one
Yikes from me shill.
Nobody paint her nails right, I'm fucking fuming
>if i should
You're only going to be alive once.
To be or not to be motherfucker.
I'll pirate, finish it in a couple of hours and few continues and then wait patiently for the porn.
sorry i fucked up and confussed your post with this dude whinny about nail polish
can't really complain
i thought like that before, but i think most of them are just happy zoomers. theyve finally had an actual achievement of their own thats not blatant sjw trash or corner cutting weebshit or typical western trash. even though its tumblr/yaoi leaning, its a fact that the girls are passably cute.
im not going to play this day one but may pick it up on steam sale.
>alright, these girls are already pretty cute. How can we make them better?
>make them lolis
Bought the le to scalp. This got got shilled here a lot and virgins love anime gurls. Game looks like shit desu. But then again, people that think scott pilgrim is the standard have shit taste.
This. Shills BTFO.
God i wish that was me
you're not missing out on much, dude. Don't worry too much about it
No I'm just jacking off to the porn
>user, do you think Kunio will like this lipstick?
>thanks user, you're the best friend a girl could ask for!
That's pretty cute
>take fictional girl
>add huge titties
>call it porn
Name a LAZIER fucking trend
seriously pisses me off
I'm gonna probably pirate this when it comes out.
I'm not giving them any money since other faggots will do that already.
Would Misako make a good Kiryu?
Imagine them being playable in a Yakuza game years from now, haha
>w-what do you think you're goind, loser?!
>kunio's on his way. try anything and you're dead!
>make shitty double dragon rip-off with cheap imitation 'anime' girls and a total of 4 hours of content
>shill every few hours on a popular image board
Well, Wayforward certainly aren't soft.
>You playing this on release day right?
No, I'll be playing Ninja Warriors instead.
You mean, the ninja saviors.
I usually don't believe in the "OMG shill!!1" bullshit. But I don't think I've seen Yea Forums ever be this excited for a 2D beat em up. Same trailer webms and posts spammed every thread too.
I'm still buying it though, because it looks great. Just like I'm gonna go buy pic related right fucking NOW
But user, Wayforward already made a Double Dragon game.
>I usually don't believe in the "OMG shill!!1" bullshit. But I don't think I've seen Yea Forums ever be this excited for a 2D beat em up. Same trailer webms and posts spammed every thread too.
Yea Forums has been lamenting the death of Scott Pilgrim for years, so I'd believe there's genuine hype around this game here
>Same trailer webms and posts spammed every thread too.
Most aren't from trailers, they're from demos and twitter posts. Besides, what else am I supposed to do, make webms from gameplay I've recorded myself? I would if I could, you nigger.
Wayforward can do no wrong. Double Dragon Neon has even more soul than the original!
>Scott Pilgrim
Fuck off zoomer shill.
scott pilgrim stuff is like over a decade old
I think you're just ignoring how fucking repetitive threads can be around here
a lot of things are a decade old
final fantasy 13 is a decade old
None, because this is pretty divorced from past Kunio-kun games.
Would you?
No, the devs are shitheads and don't deserve my money.
no, i'm not a cuck
Waiting for a japanese fandub mod.
Doesn't even need to be accurate, just give english subtitles for what the english VA says, and then add random female anime lines in japanese and I'll be good.
Yep. And only children (and trannies from Yea Forums) watch cartoons. Zoomers 10 years ago would be have been 8 - 15.
The angry incels are still around, /pol/fags who wanted to weaponize Yea Forums for another cause got tired.
I still have that game on 360 and played it when it came out, I don't remember many people here giving a flying fuck about it until it was "lost". And even then people were just using it as an example of why digital only games are cancer and not because they actually gave a shit about S/co/tt Pilgrim of all things.
and I believe the hype, just not this much every single day. River City Underground got 1/100th of the posts, the 3DS games are basically unheard of. Then again RCU ended up being shit so you might be on to something.
Yeah I think this is the case.
I respect the hardcore weebery.
Why does Misako likes bending over so much?
>jap VAs in a westcuck game
I'd let her save me.
I'm torn. On one hand I want a physical copy, but on the other I want to open it and play it and own it. But Limited Run Games usually sell for a lot on eBay, so opening it would be a waste.
[Easy Mode]
Just pirate the digital version day one to play it. But if you do that you can only play it on PC.
[Normal Mode]
Order a physical copy from Play Asia and wait a few days for it to get here. It's region free and not online enabled so it can just be played on the Switch without issues. No one really expects high prices on Asia versions so it can be opened guilt free.
[Hard Mode]
Order a copy of the Limited Run Games version and don't play any other versions until it arrives in October, one month after the release date.
[Extreme Mode]
Order two copies of the Limited Run Games version, don't play any other versions until October, keep one copy and sell the other a year from now to recoup all of your expenses and to turn a profit.
There's gotta be a better option right? Help me out here.
>The angry incels
Oh dear. You shills have just outed yourself. Fuck off back to Twitter.
It's because the western VA industry only has like 8 actors.
Unironically yes. Shame about the price though.
That depends on the price in my region. Most likely not.
Buy it from GOG. DRM - free digital is the ultimate form of ownership.
Or not. You're a Switch owner so you like to eat shit even when you have the means to eat good food.
>you won't get to co-op with Yea Forums
It could have been kino
>virgin physical fags getting exploited and unable to get a preorder before stocks sell out
>chad digital buyer waiting till the day of release and buying on a whim
I want nothing more
Buy a limited run copy and pirate the PC version. Keep it sealed if you want to be a FUCKING FAGGOT SCALPER COCKSCUKLER HOLY SHIUT DIEDIE DIE or open it and sniff the packaging and enjoy a Switch version you can play on the bus or whatever.
There are genuine incels from /r9k/ who crosspost on Yea Forums user
Its Kunio
also does everybody forgot what real shilling was?
like for example the 10 constant threads that there was on the week before, during and after when A Hat in time was released, that shit was shilling.
This game just has cute girls and for most of the old thread were mostly people mad about >no online coop
>the director being a massive cuck
gotta work if the thread dont die, will post loli hasebe/mami tonight
>spritework is fantastic and full of soul
>combat looks to be a major step up from previous wayforward games
>soundtrack is great
I'm feeling it, bros.
>physical chads can sell their game for a future profit
>digitalvirgins will lose the ability to play when the servers die
Playing games with Yea Forums is always a miserable experience.
goddamn that's hot
RCG is already worth it for spawning these pics.
That's part of the fun
>will post loli hasebe/mami tonight
can't wait
>y-you'll be sorry when gaben spends all the steam money on expensive knives and you can't play your games anymore because the servers are gone!
More cute and funny please
This is what makes me laugh the most about physical faggots.
They don't want physical so no one takes away their games, not even Sony or Nintendo or Valve, but to have the privilege to go to GameStop and exchange 20 physical games for a couple dollars and some pot.
Is GOG even selling it?
>You're a Switch owner
Idort. I have Disgaea 5 on PC, PS4, and on Switch. However, I've put the most time into the Switch version because nothing's more comfortable than being able to play games in bed. Then being able to use the Switch to play on a big screen TV in the afternoons is ideal.
It's hard to play PC games lying down and it's uncomfortable to sit for hours at a time. For a pixel game like this that doesn't require a lot of processing power I'd advocate for the Switch version.
It's literally just a market for scalpers and autistic collectors
is the basic bitch physical version you can walk into a Best Buy and get coming in October?
Playasia is selling the better physical version if you hate lrg
how much does the game cost?
anyone wanna dress up as the girls with me and play through the game
>western game
can't wait for all the sjw shit to be revealed.
> but to have the privilege to go to GameStop and exchange 20 physical games for a couple dollars and some pot.
projecting much?
>selling your shit at gamestop
rookie mistake
I knew you were a shit eater.
Give me your gaming PC. I want to upgrade my machine and yours is wasted on you.
I mean you can sometimes get a lot of your money back if you dont wait til its worthless. I even trade game for game online. I cant imagine how much I'd have lost out if I were buying digital my whole life. A lot of my Dreamcast games that retailed for $20, I sold for $100+.
>sell to gamestop
>get ripped off
>sell on criagslist
>get robbed
at that point it’s:
>paying for digital when you can just as easily pirate
pirates win again
amateur mistake
People have mentioned it, but it's not listed on Bestbuy or anything. I'd just get that if I could. But knowing my small town they'll order two copies if they get any at all, and probably won't put any out on the salesfloor until the late afternoon.
It's Wayforward. The people behind Shantae. It's safe.
>faggot eceleb voices one of the Double Dragons
This is my big problem. I don't want to pay for this if it means supporting more eceleb shit in my games in the future.
Also the dabbing shit pisses me off because it's so forced and the fact that I haven't played a single good Wayforward game. (They're usually solid and work but are not that fun).
Does the Asia version have Japanese voices?
Some of us believe in the free market and supporting those who produce products we desire.
BB usually short their shipments from Limited Run. USUALLY.
Why did you buy those games if you wanted to resell them? I would never resell my favorite games, not even if I was starving to death.
No, there are no Jap voices. The game is voiced in English only. In all regions.
>sell on ebay
>get 256% profit
>Does the Asia version have Japanese voices?
>the Double Dragons
I've never heard them refereed to as dragons. This is one of the most 'my fellow kids' things I've ever heard.
>oh yeah, I loved that game too! Those double dragons are totally radical!
doesn’t mean you need to be an idiot about it
It's the same price as Limited Run you poopy liar
Double dragons sounds as some dirty euphemism if anything
>It's Wayforward
Redpill me on wayforward. Why do we hate them?
There's not really enough nuance to it to allow for being an idiot.
Shut the fuck up, Bimmy and Jimmy.
I played the hell out of them back then. I sold them over a decade later after they've collected dust. I sold over 3k worth of games a few summers ago mostly on the app mercari when they had no seller fees. Dont regret selling many games though I can pirate most if I want to ever play. Also, it was a great feeling unloading all that stuff. It becomes a burden and I'm happy many more people can enjoy each game.
you know there Facebook Marketplace or failing that Offerup, Letgo, Kajiji, varagesale etc
>heh, yeah. after we got back, we gave mariam the ol' double dragon's if you know what I'm saying.
They only make shit games.
Mediocre games, only have waifu shit like Shantae or licensed games like the Mummy.
Pirates only have things to pirate thanks to customers willing to pay money for them.
By converting paying customers into pirates you're hurting you in the long run, especially in the age of Microtransactions and Sony moviegames, where actual videogames need to be supported the most.
But it comes with a better 2 disc soundtrack
you’re buying air, and a good chunk is going to gaben anyway.
Isn't he just one of the shopkeepers in a River City game? Which means he's one of maybe 15? I've never heard his voice and wouldn't know who he even was if it wasn't for people like you mentioning it like it's the end of the world.
no online play, no buy
>sold my copies of a few horror games like Rule of Rose, Haunting Ground and Juon back when they were barely worth less what i bought them for when they came out
>they are some of the most expensive PS2 games nowadays
pretty sure i didn't spend that money on rent or anything important
>caring about an OST you'll never physically play
No ecchi nope.
no, they want the cuck-audience. the best-friend type of gamer who helps them save their boyfriends.
>for only $109.99 :DDDDD
Just develop a school uniform and varsity jacket fetish and everything will be fine.
Pathetic western garbage. Why not save their cute lesbian loli best friend?
You're a cuck too.
You can still play them for cheap or free if you wanted to though.
No that's how much I paid for the lrg le bundle with vinyl. 125 after shipping + tip
good goy
I really want to get it. But Limited Run Games kind suck donkey balls, and their international shipping is fucking awful. And the game itself is 4GB in total digitally which is like a full 7% of my 64GB memory card I have for my Switch and that just kind of blows donkey balls. Especially when a third of memory card is like nothing but save data with another third being updates and DLC for physical copies.
I'd rather not have to uninstall other games just to play this thing or bother with finally changing to a larger memory card.
Limited Run Games really kind of blows. If it weren't for them the game might have gotten a proper physical release.
Then get it on playasia
The game looks like a trainwreck desu. $30 is highway robbery
Don't care about their stuff but the limited edition gave me a need to owe it and ended up buying it
>kyoko and misako defeat the final boss and save their boyfriends
>oh riki, I'm so glad you're alright! Just look how much I've missed you!
>kyoko lifts up her skirt to reveal her throbbing futa cock bulging against her tiddy white panties with a damp spot marking the tip
>before riki can respond, kyoko tackles him and starts tearing away at his clothes all while saying she just can't wait
>heh, those two certainly aren't wasting any time. Why don't we follow their lead, eh kunio?
>misako smirks as she undoes her shorts, letting her erect futa cock spring forth ready for action
What are the odds this is how the game ends?
More like $50 with their awesome international shipping.
Quit exaggerating user it was just a small group of autist with their typical "muh Twitter and politics"
It's not even that limited you can buy a multi language release and don't need to wait until October for it to ship, plus Best Buy is getting copies.
that's cool stuff though. I never listen to any vidya soundtracks and I fucking hate listening to double vinyl records in general, but that's still cool.
Tell that to the director going on twitter rants about Trump and spewing pro-SJW filth
shill alert
>only ever bought one limited edition, bam ham asylum
>now I've got a big dumb bat shaped box and a shitty plastic batarang
And I've never bought a collectors edition since.
>shill shill shill shill
>buying digitally produced instruments and music on vinyl
I will never understand this shit.
I'm not sure who he's voicing but the online shit is like "he contributed something very important to the end game" so I feel like Wayforward is acting like the Double Dragon characters have never appeared in the series.
Goes to show how few people actually played the Kunio games on 3DS.
How is telling people they dont need to buy from the Limited Run scam shilling
>plus Best Buy is getting copies.
But not a single European retailer I imagine.
>going on twitter
Sure thing user! Me, who has worked for and earned his possessions should give them up to someone who at most, whines. Because that's the way the world works.
This game sure gets a lot of shill threads. Why?
Anime Girls
The game promotes white genocide.
That's the wayfiward way of doing it.
They aren't, they're winx club girls
zoomer i know that. they are worth hundreds of dollars now when im pretty sure i got like 60 for then originally
Why do people keep shouting shill? is it that hard to imagine people being excited for a game?
go ask WayForward on Twitter I guess.
Short hair Vee makes my pee pee the large pee pee.
It's one samefag. He's been spamming RCG threads for a while now.
I genuinely feel like I should, but I have no twitter account nor do I want a twitter account, so I probably won't.
Excited for what? What is there to even talk about?
I've been out of the loop for some time now, what games are being released this month?
its just one guy dude. just filter shill if you'll never hear from him again.
She's gone full bimbo too
Man, I wish the anons knew how to use shill correctly instead of using it as another buzzword in this shit board
>excited for a game?
Yeah, lots of gameplay discussion is ongoing here.
This. We've pretty much gone over everything we know until the game comes out, and pretty much post the same images and webms with few exceptions. If it's not a shill, it's an idiot.
It's a bit too transparent for it not to be.
A lot of shit, but for stuff I'm interested in personally?
River city girls
The surge 2
Code vein
Monster hunter's iceborne expac
I think I'm going to wait after release to get it. I don't lie the idea of some brainless youtuber being forced into my Kunio games because Wayforward are trendy westernshit devs.
I never said I wanted it for free.
Post specs and price.
lot of things to talk about
Key Features:
-Furious beat-’em-up action for one or two players!
-Stunning pixel-art graphics plus anime and manga cutscenes!
-Fantastic soundtrack featuring NateWantsToBattle, Chipzel, Christina Vee, and Megan McDuffee!
-Six large city regions to fight through, complete with shops and side quests!
-Loads of weapons, items, and abilities to power-up your heroines!
-Guest appearances by classic River City characters!
>shitposter-kun at it again
I like the Limited Run cover art better. :3
>tfw bought the limited run phsyical
>company makes a podcast beforehand saying they blocked omega labyrinth's US release to kinkshame adblfags
>wouldn't give rights they've acquired to other companies to produce vita carts, despite not having any themselves
If only I could get a refund...
the fact that you all think it's the same person is just embarrassing, it makes you guys look like spineless losers who can't take criticism, which only brings more people in here to make fun of you.
if people join these threads it will be on their own volition. they'll see just one shitposter while everyone is getting hype for the game .
>my wallet when sept
I'm gonna have a new game to play every week
inb4 poorfags and piratefags
>everyone is getting hype for the game .
>doubling down
>it makes you guys look like spineless losers who can't take criticism
Most of these fags never even touched a Kunio game and are only playing it because they can be a girl.
It's fucking pathetic that it only took some skinny flat girls to get people interested in Kunio when there's already like 6 games on 3DS.
I bet kyoko sells her bath water to beta males on the internet and uses the money to buy gifts for riki.
NTR: The Game
>W-wait you guys were just shitposting? I-I thought WE didn't actually like this game! I thought we wouldn't tolerate this feminist garbage!
Embarrassing post. Probably the most embarrassing post I've seen all year. Tremendously so. Sad.
>so poor he an only afford one game a week
nice [contemporary event] reference my fellow organic poster
>female protagonist
>she's just a quirky and perky teenager
stop doing this, wayforward is always guilty of doing this, but it's such a dumb trope
The problem with giving female characters canon boyfriends isn't about purity, it's about how vulnerable they are to NTR art.
Yeah user, it took me 15 seconds to reset my router and change my ip.
They aren't exactly known for their originality.
>quirky and perky
You're forgetting someone, faggot.
RIP the shill's narrative
she's definitely perky, and chances are the story will probably have some moment where she is quirky since wayforward can't write for shit.
>male protagonist
>he's just a rough around the edges but kind hearted 20something
stop doing this
which is to say, stop building baseless strawmen you fucking faggot
Does it? It just looks like a normal beat em up. I actually would like to know what's bad about this before I buy it unless you're just trolling.
the male one would be an issue if there weren't different types of male protagonists, but most female protagonists(Especially wayforward's characters) are more often than not, quirky and perky teenagers
Isolate image.
Activate flux capacitor.
Engage time/space disruption.
Roll back to 10 minutes ago.
Nice try, kid.
>this is perky
you guys know you can ignore these threads?
like filter the game title and the thread will no appear anymore, is easier than just post and bump the thread up so it can 404, its not like the 15 smash threads we have every single day every day since the last year, filtering it will be almost unnoticeable.
I was so seething with anger, i forgot my pic.
>his bathwater
Fucking disgusting.
Who cares, they are not even real. Besides that, NTR cuckshit is entirely a Japanese thing.
Isolate image.
Activate flux capacitor.
Engage time/space disruption.
Roll back to 10 minutes ago.
Nice try, kid.
>its not like the 15 smash threads we have every single day every day since the last year
Shitposter-kun is a smashfag, why else do you think he's trying to suppress threads about other games?
>shitposter-kun at it again
>cuckshit is entirely a Japanese thing.
another lazy photoshop exposed.
tsk tsk
>literally the image is posted once
>somehow that means they're a smashfag
this ain't subverse.
First off
Fuck Limited Run games for purely existing
I fucking bought it from them like a dirty fucking goy and It's going to fucking suck waiting until fucking October for my copy. So fuck them for being lazy cunts that can't release with the game on time.
They're shit at delivering, you can wait months at a time for something, I had to wait almost half a year for a va-11 Hall-A physical after ordering, a lot of their limited titles like Jak 1 and 2 got sold out fast as fuck by scalpers, and to be a picky prick, I don't like their logo on the box.
Not that user but
>takes good games and shitty games to physical print
>exclusive rights to physical copies usually
>makes like 1,000 copies because the games are supposed to be "rare and limited"
>each release is numbered for collectors
>sell out right away
>doesn't reprint
>most purchases are just scalpers
>sold out then has the audacity to start selling "blind boxes" of their releases which include previously "out of print" games
They are the reason why I can't get a Thimbleweed Park cart.
Can we talk about how bullshit it is that Ninja Warriors is fucking delayed in NA for literally no fucking reason?
Hope you guys got your copy from Play Asia
32 here.
Stop talking about relationships you heartless fucks, I dont come here to be frustrated.
Before you ironic weebs started ruining everything western cuck shit was just "swingers" or "wife swaps". Before you niggers were subbing to BLACKED it was just interracial porn. It's because of ironic weebs that the focus went from wife swaps to jacking off to BBC and traps.
there's not that many smash posts in there user, but I guess it must mean a lot to you considering your only option when you don't have an argument is just reverse search the image the user posted
Supposedly they only have right to do that one run. The rights then go back and can be sold to other publishers for physical release.
this is really sad, what drives a man to post like that?
>>exclusive rights to physical copies usually
they never actually get exclusive rights, srg, slg, play asia are all there.
yeah I'm sure the ironic weebs are responsible for all the cuckold porn from the last 3 decades
you can't possibly be this sheltered and inept
given who made this game, hell no.
till when? Maybe they saw how packed september was and nope'd out.
NTR is only about 9% of all releases at both comikets, anything released between then is too hard to gauge.
36 and about to marry my gf I met at 29 when she was 21. Life is great
Mid fucking October last I saw.
The game was originally supposed to launch in fucking July
Also forgot
>"we have exclusive rights to these rare prints so buy it from us"
>best buy and play Asia proceed to get physical games
>source: my puffy blacked asshole
Now who's the one doubling down?
my source is tracking exh tag trends retard, what's yours?
NTR only became popular in the west in the last 5 years. Before that nobody here even used it as a buzzword.
I'm in the limited run discord. Literal cucks buying every shovelware title sometimes mul th iple copies. 90% of these games will be worth less than what they paid
doubling down would be saying there are no smash posts in there, but only having a few in there isn't anything to really write home about. I'd also like to point out that this is literally an argument people used in the past to pretend that the detractors were just smashfags, and back then there weren't many smash posts either.
it's just cuck/interracial here, NTR is used among Japanese speakers and as an imageboard, we adopted it.
This honestly. I don't understand why they take indie shovelware and make a physical copy.
I really don't understand why so many serial shitposters keep using the same images over and over again and can't seem to comprehend the idea that they could be identified as such through it
It's like a small child shitting his pants right in front of someone and still denying it because he doesn't understand that other people can see and smell it
> can't seem to comprehend the idea that they could be identified as such through it
sounds like a false flag to pigeon hole any dissent and opposition as a single person, thus dismissing any criticism. I think shills would benefit greatly from that.
The Antagonist are fucking their boyfriends
oh you are the guy that went crying to /qa/ 3 times, nice to meet you
It's not for sale.
seriously speaking, this game doesnt look perfect and is nothing like a kunio game. as someone who used to play kunio games on my famicon, its pretty annoying.
but at least this game is not sjw trash or a pretentious indie, unlike most modern western major products and indies.
nobody can recover american comics and cartoons anymore, and you cant look/ask for a book/show like this there even if you desperately want it. both industry has totally been taken over by sjws. it will get worse and worse and actually collapse with their very western/america centric political agendas in the very near future.
all things considered, i think you could be positive about this game. the american vidya industry is full of sjws and collapsing as well and will follow the same path as those industries but stuff like this shouldnt be involved with it. modern america doesnt have so many options. its actually fucking rare that a "healthy" decent game that has a new look like this is gonna be released even if it looks like some tumblr weebshit.
Don't be a scalping cunt and just buy and play the game.
Wow she grew up
Proving me right, one post at a time. This game has a real shilling problem, the threads don't even talk about the game any more.
>people keep saying it's annoying and leads to everyone making fun of you for saying that it's all the same person who criticizes this game
>user KEEPS saying it's the same person
Looks like a lot of fun
>but at least this game is not sjw trash
It is.
why are they charging more for this than their shantae games?
>as someone who used to play kunio games on my famicon
Are you japanese or just a turbo weeb?
the only way WayForward will look more greedy would be if they charge $30 for that shitty vitamin game they're selling.
They both did
i was looking forward to it and assumed it was a $20 release but it's fucking $30
I guess I'll wait for a sale
>Do nothing but play nintendo
>Dude why isn't the world falling into my hands
So when do we get river city "girls"
Imagine 10$ being a concern
>I live with mommy
I dont overpay for shit no matter how much money I have. I have passed on unreasonably priced games only to blows hundreds later that night at restuarants and bars tipping 20+%
>company makes a podcast beforehand saying they blocked omega labyrinth's US release to kinkshame adblfags
You're joking
They're part of the reason Pqube got fucked?
Purge them, they deserve no sympathy or respect.
>I skipped on things I wanted to give that money away later
to people actually come to 4channel just to lie
I wanted to party too. Just saying that passing on overpriced shit has nothing to do with how much money you actually have. Most millionaires wouldnt pay $10 for a pack of juicy fruit.
>i dont overpay cept when i overpay
Huh? Who is lying? Is spending a couple hundred on a friday or saturday night out really that unbelievable to you?
Yes, actually.
That's insane. You must not be a first worlder or you actually think everyone on this extremely popular image board is a jobless autistic loser
I like how he's combing his hair as he's about to pass out.
Gotchu bro
But it isn't
i would like to preorder this game, but it's nowhere listed as such.
steam doesn't even have it yet
The two girls get shot by a yakuza boss and almost die in that game.
>is it that hard to imagine people being excited for a game?
This is Yea Forums. We don't like or play video games. Now fuck off, shill.
>109 posters
>390 replies
Hmm, is this, perchance, a shill thread?
Huge boobs will save the universe.
That's pretty common in any thread, though.
I don't know cause Astral Chain looks mighty tempting right now. Sell me on it, is it just a beat em up with some RPG stats?
how do you came to that conclusion?
And they did it just to half the life bar
Those girls are really cute so I’ll see what I can do
lmao pedophiles will literally buy a game because their dick told them so, honestly pathetic.
>18 years old
Effay always wins baby
>Animated case of metaphorical display of forced dominance by the male
>Learn from them being sexist rapists
Like no?
Almost as if art style has an effect on enjoyment of video games
I'm debating getting the physical, but it feels like an awful pricey at $35
Best girl coming through.
She doesn't even have black nail polish
dont know anything about this series, the developer, the publisher but im a sucker for amazing sprites. ill get it when its on sale. if its on xbox.
What went wrong?
>actual lesbian
As someone who doesn't go "OwO Yuri what's dis *gets boner-kun*" whenever a lesbian is involved, no.
Not everyone can handle the revelation of a fictional existence, easily afectable by retcons to what you consider 'status quo' in a peaceful manner.
Just ignore that part. All that maters is looks anyways.
Why did they retcon Kunio's and Riki's girlfriends?
Can't if all the fanart will be gay bullshit and in-game it will be like "Like, dude I'm totes gay like, oh my gosh Yuri for live and so on." every 10 minutes of her getting screentime
I would but it's releasing the same day as Spice and Wolf VR and Iceborne, pretty much, so I'm passing since I don't want to spend too much
user, regular people, especially teens dump and get new partners regularly...
Kunio had a girlfriend before misako?
nah I'll wait for it to go on sale
>Mami just wants Riki to remember
>he doesn't even know who she is and just beats her up
I never had one so I wouldn't know