Tomorrow boys!
Cant wait for Io!
Tomorrow boys!
Other urls found in this thread:
What's tomorrow? The demo?
What's the point when Io dies at the end?
Can't wait for lo to die at the end!
I couldn't play the networktest because that was console exclusive
When the demo hits I can play it for myself
Fuck you niggers how the fuck can you spoil something the game isn't even out yet
Oh it's for pc too?
Neat, I hope it has the character creator instead of presets like, say, Monster Hunter demos usually are.
I need to try my hand at this.
That IS the point
The demos not on PC.
dumb Aradia poster
>she doesn't know
Io is the cutest vampire out there!
Stop spreading lies about my wife you faggot.
Is this the anime souls game or the anime monhun game
Anime Souls.
Ah. The souls games never clicked with me despite trying all of them since DS2
There's a demo?
Will my save data transfer over to the full game on steam?
Can't wait for lewds.
>starting with DS2
I'm so sorry.
What do you mean?
The game is coming out on 27th and the demo on the 3rd
user, today is the 2nd.
Imagine being the flattest girl in a game sold on huge tits.
Indeed, no competition! Also, sadly, she isn't the flattest.
Ded game
I googled it
the demo is consoles only
fucking hell m8
Hot springs have not been censored, and they are mixed.
Io also looks adorable in a towel
>the flattest
And probably not, even if it was on PC. IIRC, the demo includes the bonus challenge dungeon at the end where the player can level up a lot and get good loot. The demo is there to show you what the game will play like later on.
Yeah, my hype died when this was announced. Fuck this game, it's in the same league as all Valkyria Chronicles games.
0 HYPE for this half assese souls game.
Go pick up Astral Chain!
Notcie how dead this thread is comapred to astral threads!
daily reminder
mia arnstein is anagram for armenia stink
>imagine being best girl
The game is NOT half assed! The devs have been constantly listening to feedback and improving the game!
Isn't Io the god of dragons?
anyone got the img of the deluxe edition mia costume?
Isnt it console exclusive though? If not, Demo for preorderfags?
How censored will be the ps4 version?
Io in mythology was an oracle/queen and one of Zeus's side girls. In order to avoid Hera's wrath, Zeus turned her into a cow. Hera had her guarded by a 100 eyed monster in response.
here you go
fuck it looks pretty dumb but also kinda hot, can't belive I paid 25 for this
AFAIK, none of the characters were censored. There was an odd case where a puddle of blood is missing, though.
Thanks, she's still wearing that stupid chapka, but I like the skin.
The character creation looked fun from the screenshots I saw in some threads, probably gonna spend a long time in that before I even play the game for real.
The demo is for consoles only, it doesn't matter if you preorder ot not, you won't get it on PC.
I was considering getting this on PC aswell but there's no way I'm buying it without playing a demo after how shitty the God eater games are.
high chance the combat is gonna be shit and i have to cancel my preorder
whens the pc launch date?
>character creation
that shit looks fucking amazing
I would buy both but I don't own a Switch and when I asked why it was exclusive Platinum told me that they didn't want my filthy money. So I preordered Code Vein on PC.
It's very extensive in terms of accessories, though not much body wise. Still, the sheer variety of accessories and hairstyles and eyes leads to a large amount of different looking characters you can make.
Same date as console launch date
Good thing demos are free then, user.
>Good thing demos are free then, user.
Too bad only console demos exist.
Well shit, that's unfortunate. I do wish there was a PC demo just to see how it's optimized.
Ye, this makes me kind of worried how good the port will be if they aren't going to make a pc demo.
Why the fuck would they announce a huge spoiler?
Are they fucking retarded?
It's a meme, user. The biggest confirmed spoiler we have is Karen becoming a tree
The GE3 port was pretty good, so I'm not too worried.
There's no pc demo just because of data miners
Is the character creation like GE3 where you start with barely anything to choose for clothes but the more you progress in the game the more you get blueprints for more clothings?
no wonder lol
worst entry point
but i don't like cowtits
flat is the best
I liked DaS2 a lot
can we continue from the where demo finishes when the full game comes out?
that's cool user
it's still the worst one in the franchise sadly
Most likely not
Make sure to get Code Vein face.
is it the same demo as the last one?
You stop that.
I believe so. While I wish we could try out the E3/Gamescom demo, that one is a lot shorter and doesn't allow as much customization.
How can anyone even compete?
Oh there is a demo?
Nice i still wasn't sure about buying the game because i didn't even bother finishing Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne.
By being a smoll blond vampire
the big question is:
Will you play as a male or a female?
Male cause social links
i will have to launch a coin because i can't decide on my own
there's no romance
Male to have a heterosexual romance with Io
refunded my pre-order, why even do social links if no romance
two cute girls are better than one
>Io gives you lap pillows, holds your hand, gives you a unique buff called Protection of Love
>no romance
What did they mean by this?
she's your Mom
you wouldn't fuck your mom user would you ?
Worst anime in existence
like the author has some serious problems
Disgusting, even mars of destruction is a better work
Is she just in a videogame and we're not actually genetically related in real life?
She is and we're not? Then yes.
>forced to romance big boob cow
>can't romance the flat
shit game
I love the artist of the LN who is actually a surprisingly good writer
Imagine being so gay you don't want to romance the cow
Tomorrow? I thought it was coming out on the 29th?
Demo comes out tomorrow. Game comes out on the 27th
The demo will be only on the PS4?
If I wanted to romance a cow I would just go outside
PS4 and XBone
Io is everything I've ever wanted in a gf. I never thought I'd end up falling for the waifu thing, but here I am, and I'm perfectly fine with that.
must be lucky to see cows outside, i see only whales
REEE it says pc demo to follow xbox and gaystation. NIGGER WHAT THE FUCK. WHEN?
Stoped caring, God Eater 3 is already out and you can make waifus that are just as good and the game looks fantastic.
I'm a slav so we have a lot of cows and like 0 whales
Io's cute fangs!
based devs
Well I'm an idort, so I'll just play the xbox demo, wait to hear how the pc port runs, and base my purchase off of that.
She's adorable, isn't she? Even in the promo picture showing all of the companions, she chooses to sit by the MC's feet instead of going to a chair.
There was a guy who interviewed the devs a few months ago. They apparently said there will be no romance options.
Did they fix the combat?
I remember looking at videos months ago and it looked like attacks didn't have any impact on ennemies.
>entire hype is thanks to some shitty waifubait
I'll pass
it's 10pm in my country
does that mean I can play in 3 hours or is it based on japan time? need to know when to sleep
God Eater is trash compared to Monster Hunter
Here are patch notes about what they've changed from the Network Test.
I genuinely enjoy the combat
>Io in legends was turned into a cow
>Io in game has big tiddies that she will put the MC's head in for milkies
What did the devs mean by this
I'm more excited that it looks like God Eater but with more "oomph" in the attacks rather than just dolls just going through the motions.
Lore deeper than dark souls
>Io (the moon) is known for its yellow character and volcanic surface
>Io (the vampire) is known for her yellow eyes
>The Thorns of Judgement (the Thorns) are known for their yellow color and the destruction of the world
>Final song is called Amber Journey
Suuure, le mash one button combat with an annoying cat meowing in your ear constantly game.
I don't know how Monster Hunter drones convinced themselves that Monster Hunter are good games, at least be self aware and acknowledge they're bad games and just a guilty pleasuere because they fucking suck.
I found the source for no romance if anyone was curious.
Character Designer is a women and people are still bitching about sexism.
>Jack has a busty pale girl with white hair and mysterious powers
>You also have a busty pale girl with white hair and mysterious powers
Have you learned nothing since like 2011? You can't please the types that complain about it. And even if you try and "fix" it, they weren't going to buy the game anyway.
So she's basically the submissive waifu character?
What are the other companion girls and dudes like?
western women don't like eastern women because white men like them more or something , according to some dating site stats
Every fucking time, never change Yea Forums.
Since everyone is talking about titties and waifus, how's the actual game? How much does it deviate from the typical Souls formula? Is your character an actual character or a blank slate self insert?
>playing this for the waifus
>not playing it for the pure undistilled edge
There better be at least one boss fight with retarded engrish screaming lyrics.
Everything in life is fleeting. Enjoy those moments while they are last. lmao
No one on Yea Forums actually cares about Anime Souls for the gameplay. They're here to masturbate to fanart, nothing more.
I've only seen one person complain about the character design, amusingly enough. I fell like the "Souls genre" keeps away those kinds of people.
>Mia - long range fighter who does it for her little brother. A bit of a tease personality wise.
>Louis - All around fighter who is trying to find more blood beads. Straight forward personality.
>Yakumo - Tank and heavy hitter looking for his friends. Kind of like a big brother guy
>Jack Rutherford - Seems to be more focused on speed and combos. Haven't seen enough of him as a companion to discern his personality
>Eva Roux - Magic focused, but fragile. Like Jack, I haven't seen enough of her as a companion
>Oliver Collins - Local freedom fighter who is tired of the oppressive taxes imposed by the government. Modeled after George Washington himself. Carries a huge fucking hammer.
It actually deviates pretty heavily from the typical Souls formula. I'd put it closer to Bloodborne in terms of mechanics. It encourages you to be a lot more aggressive so you can replenish Ichor and cast more Gifts.
>tfw Mia will still be the most useless companion in the final game
have you ever played god eater?
It feels like that.
If not Code Vein is slower than souls combat but you can feel the weight of the weapons if you play greatswords which feels great and if you want faster combat just play regular swords or bayonet.
Also the blood classes give you more variety in the gameplay like air moves which you use at
the end of a combo and a lot of other possibilities
Old hag
The recent Gamescom gameplay had her be a bit more competent. She could also shoot two kinds of bullets: a slow one that did a lot of damage and stagger and a weak one that could be spammed.
>A bit of a tease personality wise.
It's more of a friendly tease than a sexual tease, user
>friendly tease
>George Washington like companion
absolutely based and redpilled
Less hot
Holy shit did they delay this again?
Io is confirmed final boss.
So is she the main villian of the game? Looks like it
I hope she's nice and slimy like that poledancer boss.
Yeah, they're about to delay it until 2020 this time.
You mean it was censored and this is the cause of delay. You will just get downgraded version and call it not censored.
No. She's a singer who follows another Revenant named Jack Rutherford. She's a potential temporary companion. The main villain is likely Juzo Mido.
No, Io is the main villain
If I took that off would he die?
it would be extremely painful
For you
It's a joke. He's you companion in the beginning level and he dies in the end. People just joke that he never pays his taxes
its up if you have an aussie account
>mfw it's up in 2 hours for me
And so does Maiden in Black but that doesn't mean her game isn't worth playing.
"Exotic dancer", user
is the demo just the same stuff from the network test?
Miakeks are coming out of their dungeon! If you know what's best for you, go back to your cells unless it's death by asphyxiation you want!
Yes, but updated
She grows 2 meters and becomes MOTHER. She has 3 phrases.
I want Io to sit on my face
Got my calf-length leather jacket on, got my Hanwei Practical XL Katana unboxed, teleported to the nearest store and bought some Doritos (hot ones, obviously), killed the neighborhood drug dealer, got my gaming tune sorted (
Yeah, I'm thinking I'm ready.
>death by asphyxiation
Isn't that a pretty shit way to die
Drowning is said to be the second worst ways to die, but it's much worse than regular asphyxiation
I want to lay my head on Io's lap
being skinned alive or burned alive is worse
What's the worst "natural" way to die?
Commonly said to be burning
stroke/tongue going into your airhole
how the fuck is being burned alive natural
could we please concentrate on the TWO BIGGEST SELLINGPOINTS?
House catching on fire I guess. I meant natural as in no torture etc.
Io's and Coco's tits?
Qt girls and character customization?
Chuuni and Io?
a natural death isn't something like a house fire
a natural death means illness or disease
being old
organ failure
Io's tits are smaller than Coco's
but IMO they are both kind of small and need to be 50% bigger
Chiyo-neechan and Aradia?
Illness or disease doesn't sound any more natural than dying to a fire. Fire is part of nature and so are bacteria.
Why would you make such a boring looking girl?
Yes I know I made a blonde with crystal eyes but fuck you!
>Chiyo will never be your oneesan
I want Mia to hide in the closet and watch as I fuck Io and Coco
Can vampires get pregnant?
its natural
ask your doctor or morgue guy for more information
I want to hide in the closet in Mia and fuck her!
Only one way to find out
Does fire not count as a natural cause
Then you'll just have to kidnap the other one and make her your oneesan.
She's lonely. I bet she'd do it if you said you'd hold her hand.
Making Io my wife and impregnating her over the course of a whole night!
with Mia* whoops
Concept art Coco is fucking stacked
there's another demo coming?
No. Only if you survive and die from infection later. Fire isn't a part of you.
Huh, I learn more shit everyday, thanks user.
An actual demo, yes
user Homura is bigger...
I wish they were twice as big as they are now
imagine untying that knot
>horny Io
Oh no
Oh no!
Io dressed as Pyra when
Hopefully pc mods help a bit.
Looks like the Depths map they give you is different from the network test one after all
>everyone wants to fuck Io
>barely any fanart
is it only censored on playstation?
>still haven't finished GE3
I should really get to it before Code Vein release.
Pretty sure dying from a fire is considered an accidental death
However if somebody caused the fire rather than it being electrical/gas related it is fucking murder?
imagine tying it up even more during a paizuri
can't wait for a full edgy mage char with a harem of bitches
Extremely niche game that's been delayed a lot. Io still has the most fan art out of the Code Vein characters, but I feel like most of it comes from Yea Forums
Game keeps getting fucking delayed!
I want to fuck Mia not Io tho
I don't get the reference
This game seems perfect for edgy battlemages
Io has vampire aids :(
Yeah but you have shit taste so it doesn't count
Mio it is!
A not O
What worries me the most is the possibility of this game being successful and kickstarting an age of chuuni games.
>Mio got married like 10 years ago
>implying that's a bad thing
But Freedom Wars bombed! (it was literally SMT5)
Still an O instead of A but also now with extra D
With all the delays I feel like almost everyone forgot about this game so I don't see it getting too popular.
For me, it's Oliver
Just because it's in a post-apocalyptic, ruined world doesn't mean it's automatically SMT.
Pay taxes
Did you play the game? Or better yet did you finish it?
Merge Mia and Io to get Mio.
god damnit
>shiny black panties
What a slut.
Can't wait to try this character creator out. Hopefully you can save presets and change your entire appearance at any time. MHW really pissed me off with that.
Light blonde hair with average boobs sound alright
God imagine the smell.
there's a magic mirror at the hub that let's you change your appearance whenever
there's spell oriented gameplay in this?
how do stormcloaks smell bros?
Freedom Wars? I did. It's been several years, but I remember something about Not!Igor with fashionable clothes telling you to choose a path and the Velvet Room expy, but nothing beyond those really screamed "SMT".
Oh dear christ tell me that's not real
ONE hour!
based eurobro
Like racism, lies, and failure.
Yes, though you still have to play melee to replenish your mana
/pol/ in a nutshell
Simeon was literally god/Philemon though.
Someone post the Sonic
I preordered the game because I love the GE devs, and even when GE is a pretty casual and arcade MH, if this is a pretty casual and arcade Souls I'm happy with it, I love the character style.
At least I hope the companions won't be useless, they are pretty effective on GE3, avoiding attacks when they can and trying to boost or heal you, but not enough to feel they can be the enemies alone.
I seriously hope you guys throw sparkly gems everywhere
please don't
From what we've seen, the companions are usually pretty useful, though their competency varies. Mia is borderline retarded at times, while Io will carry you through the game.
Tasteless fags will defend Mia's incompetence
We're going to have a fucking field day when the game properly releases.
Don't bully the mentally handicapped, user
Since it's a souls like game I'm guessing you can only have 1 companion at a time?
Ok, let me try. Girls should exist to be protected so it makes sense for Mia to be retarded.
beta mentality
or if you're playing multiplayer, you can have a human + human + host's companion
>random joins your game
>Io casts protection of love on them
Can't wait to not give a shit.
But Io protects you
Ye but I'm not a girl so why would I want that
Looks the same as it did when it was announced 33 years ago.
How is having a girl protect you anything but beta?
>implying you wouldn't want mommy Io gf to protect you
go be gay somewhere else
I wasn't raised by a single mother so I don't want a mommy gf.
>he's insecure about a girl healing them every once in a while
Impressed but also amused
No. Mia exists to be bullied, cucked, and develop masochistic tendencies that she refuses are true. Io is the girl for mating and loving every day.
>iofags like cuckshit
Who would have thunk
Guys, where did you leave Mia's leash?
Wait, there's a demo? Does it cover the same material as the test? Can we use it until the game comes out?
Oh no do I have to kill mommy chocolate?
Well, some companions being pretty useful are others being mentally handicapped is a GE trademark too, so no problem.
Btw have they given some info about how character development and companions development works?
For example, in GE you can learn new attacks by using other attacks, and you can make the companions learn skills to customize their combat abilities (more healing, more stunning, etc).
Because you also protect Io
This pic reminded me that the fps fucking sucks ass in the bossfights for this game. I hope they fixed it now
I think it was left in the closet. Who let her come out of the closet anyway?
I did, I was gonna take her out for a walk
No idea
>Iofags can't make a refutal so they just shitpost
your wife is a dog, user
Better loyal dog than a cow???????
When was it implied that those who appreciate the right choice like cuckshit as well? It's only fitting for a dog like Mia to cry behind a wall while you're banging mommy Io. Miakeks can't cope that their poor choice is meant for cucking.
Dogs are loyal tho
But Mia is a bitch.
Yes she's female???
Io is a very loving and loyal girl
>liking Mia (((Karnstein)))
Io is fucking sick of this shit
If Io is so good why didn't she help you out of the hole?
Checkmate fags
Because you're clearly having fun
Dropping the discord link for anyone interested
No Code Vein news gets past us
So if you have any questions or just wanna talk about the game, we got you. We'll also be playing together tomorrow so if you wanna hop on the demo with some anons here's your chance to show off whatever waifu you end up creating
And since I know a lot of you didn't get a chance to try the first Network Test out I highly recommend giving this demo a chance who knows you might like it. And then there's only one thing to do: preorder Io's game
Wow Iofags are discord shitters too
That's a Miafag falseflagging as an Iofag though
So I need to wait for something like "Code Vein Beta" to pop up on the psn store?
retarded question but I barely touch my ps4 as a PChad
Io is best girl
And that's canon
Miafags grasping at straws
is the demo downloadable now or do I have to wait?
it is in kangaroo land
All the girls are ok in my book but I guess we need waifuwar to keep the threads alive
>tfw kangarooman
plz dont let sony censor this
plz dont let sony censor this,
plz dont let sony censor this...
I very one sided war that is
That's what happens when you have to settle with the Piece of Shit 4. Hopefully they get that smoothed out tomorrow and if not then I'm just getting it on PC.
I wouldn't worry about that
can confirm I'm the only miafag in this thread
why start a console war when the xbox is even weaker than the ps4?
looks like the demo is 8.9gb
>24 minutes left
wtf how do I download this on pc
ok I guess I won't be playing until tomorrow morning
Io's dress is a sign that she cares for you. It's a convenient outfit for when you need paizuri so you can work hard with her stress free.
No demo for PC i believe
Sorry friend
You chose poorly
this guy
Io hasn't been censored yet
wtf nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
"yet" is what im scared of,
Fuck yeah! Finally some use for my PS4, too bad I'm getting the PC version upon release.
we all are, it runs like ass even on ps4 pro
hackers in the pc multiplayer though :(
oh well, they don't need the pc market i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Agreed. She is so loyal that she's the final boss!
Is there MP in this demo?
I'll tell you in 12 minutes
Seething PCfag mad because he's forced to play on console
we prefer the term idort
Can you modify breast size?
I stopped paying for my PS+ as I haven't really touched my console for 9 months. Can I participate in MP without subscription?
I would like the source
you could in the network test
>1 hour of download
Meh i guess it could have been worse.
Ok, that's a good sign
>she doesn't have a console to play the demo on
Time to get a PS4 girls.
No. You can make her overall "wider" or "fuller" but you CANNOT just make the tits bigger. Like in SR.
We aren't girls you tranny
how shit is your internet friend
Gaishuu Isshoku!
Really shit.
>0 is average tits
>dust off the PS4pro
>do 10000 updates
>check store
Oh damn is there a way to get that theme without buying the deluxe edition?
>can't be as big as io or coco
Damn shame.
Also wish the hips and butt were separate sliders from breasts. Maybe a big-butted flatty or something.
I'm sorry...
Go to games and then demo and it's there
>white Mia
wednesday at around 5pm gmt is when store updates right?
I'm europoor and downloading atm.
Mia's default color scheme is better.
I wish kat had a proper skin color
either darker or white
mine is worse. Takes like 40 minutes to download 1gb. shitty rural ireland internet
Perfect, thanks user
my bad, I barely use the bloodbornebox so I didn't know where to look
Can't wait for the scan and for Io to appear.
>rural ireland
American here
isn't Ireland entirely "rural"
So what cosplay build are you going to do first?
slav here
why does ireland have shit internet
It's a prequel comic, so it's unlikely she'll appear unless the MC also pops up
Internet is fine in cities. Its only shit in the country side. When I was in college in Dublin I had fast internet but after college I moved back to country side as its way cheaper for housing
can you already play it after the download?
It's been nearly 20. Did user die?
bandai is really going all out with code vein. I hope it doesn't sucks
ausfag here, playing it now. so far it's the same as the network test. woke up next to Io.
Yuzuriha from Under Night
main menu said online functions aren't available at this time, gonna take a bit longer to check in-game
Post EU link for PSN webstore. I can't find it on the pc psn webstore. I'm not at home at the moment so can't use the console
Did your a network test progress carry over if you don't mind me asking or did it reset ?
reset and it also said the demo progress won't carry over to the final game
ok good to know. Im a EU fag so maybe i could play it now.
If not i will just my AU account
kek breaking boxes still lag the game but a little less
Really. I just saw a stream on twitch and the dude was level 110 in a new area
guess it opens after the intro with oliver
no progress carries over. I played the network test so I'm skipping this.
Any changes apparent so far? I think the patch notes said something about transitions being better, the targeting camera being higher and more visible reaction to attacks.
I can't see the demo in the store, is the UK treated separately from the EU?
The Depths map they give you is a little different than last time
>Nearly 9GB
How big was the network test?
Yes, you guys left
yes just started it
It's not past midnight in the UK yet m8
Anyone has the translation for the changes they made since the last demo? Any changes on spells, I loved how fast you could cast them and felt kind of OP, hope they didn’t nerf them too hard.
Im downloading right now. It's 8.9 GB big so there are probably some changes comming with it
Ireland here. Not on our store either. Probably not out for either of us for another 30 minutes.
can confirm no Io, only this cutie
Leveling is not hard
They give you loads of blood in this game
Post your characters!
Makes sense, I saw you commenting on your slow internet and assumed you were downloading it.
can you read it online? i can't find it
louis may be cute but im only interested in females sorry
She looks so fucking dead inside.
dumb slut. also how did you make that
>"Online features are not available in the current version"
Have we been lied to Yea Forumsros?
Dumb Aquaposter
don't know if it's just me but the game feels a lot better now
somebody make chad
not sure, I got a physical copy at AX
yeah it feels kinda smoother
No thanks.
Booking plane tickets to EU right now to play
lmao just make an EU account bro
Tell me its not true
Does it finish the manga story with 1 volume?
>wanting to play multiplayer after the last time
This webm bothers me more than it should.
Is the llama ok?
The character itself is easy to make but you sometimes need to play around with the accessories to make it all fit into place. I spent most of the demo making characters people asked for since it's fun as fuck.
I am going to make my wife, Jeanne d'Arc
Is it possible to make this guy?
That would be a reason for me to buy it
wait im spee d. reader
>Io is calling for the MC
She's too good
just beat oliver, almost at the new demo area
my cow can't be this cute
that's enough for me
Please scan the whole thing
Such a good cow
Io looks like THAT?
Try the demo and see if you can
Does the combat feel any different? Faster, more fluid, more reaction to hits?
>another game where im going to spend 4hrs in character creation
Im a pc fag so i can't
is the creator available to certain people right now? im out of the loop
YESH. Io truly is best girl.
said it earlier but it does feel better to me
console owners
Just go in with an idea of who you want to make.
I don't play much game with char creations, crazy how easy and straightforward this one is compared to dark souls, I still have PTSD from it
>more fluid
It definitely feels like that.
I want it
Not for me these are just the ones I made during the last test.
Aw that sucks maybe ask around the next thread and see If someone is willing to make it for you.
Is it out on ps4 US yet?
I want to cum on it
i'll try to in the next few days
Is it out yet?
How much for one?
looks like i have to wait
wtf angle is more evil than the demon?????
from the network test
that would be nice
you will always like your first souls game, but DaS2 is objectively the worst souls game in the franchise.
my baby
I want my vampfu to bully me ;_;
your vampire looks like an office lady
I want all these hoes to know. That a real nigga just hit the door no more Versace get off of my clothes
Slightly bigger file
>he didn't sluttify his vampfu
>suck blood
>give AIDS
so this is the power of black vampires...
What the fuck, I just checked and didn't see it.
Only thing we're giving is this dick
Reminder that Io was made for BBC
hmmmmm, I usually buy anime shit on Ps4, but i'm specifically getting this for the inevitable lewd mods on PC
How the fuck do I increase ass size?
oh wow this area is way smaller and easier than the network test
strongest enemy might be just the queen's knight
Here's the link I used
Asking the real questions
How is the level lay out?
eat more food
it's another depths map so it's just as basic, two branching paths that branch out a little themselves then the boss door
>No PC
Devs don't like fun
you can keep this Io, I'll take the real, beautiful one, thanks
Nah, East Coast US.
Absolutely this. Whoever looks into this game and sees the chuuni as a downside is an absolute pleb.
Stop coping
Every version of Io is equally as good
>black AND blind
What's the difficulty like?
>boss fight with retarded engrish screaming lyrics.
My favorite kind of boss fights
The final battle better be one of those with a single woman singing a sad song who is then joined by a chorus in Latin
>dies irae
now that was a chuunige
extremely easy.
I cant wait to play with on my Switch®
Idk about you but I know what I'm looking at
Please don't respond to shitposters, user
I guess it's better than the opposite for me.
I always buy jap games on ps4 but the network test was really bad, will people buy this game on pc or will it be another flop on pc like God Eater or any other jap game?
So how much like Dark Souls is this game?
wait is there more than one depths map this time
Probably? Dunno how well God Eater 3 sold
This is from Gamescom. They showed the City of Falling Flame (I think it was called).
Ok Io.
I see
Is PC getting demo?
R2 into all spells is smart, I hope dark souls4 learn from this
>dark souls 4
yes on release if you catch my drift
I'm done with the demo I'm not gonna play it anymore since I went hard on the network test and this is more of the same gonna just wait for the game to come out now
Not him, but From will make another. It might not be called "Souls" but some company will hire them to make a game for them that fits that description.
Could be Bloodborne 2, could be some weird Xenoblade Adventures game, could be some spiritual successor to Tenchu.
>demo just finished downloading
I'll see you all ingame
This game satisfies my dress up desires.
New thread when
when you make is slacker
What does R1 do?