He still uses gog

>he still uses gog
>he still uses steam
>he still uses origin

Attached: utorrent.jpg (250x250, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>he still uses utorrent

qbittorrent is better in everyway

I love watching newfags think they're so cool but then naming utorrent and tpb

I use transmission as I'm not a normalfag/zoomer.

Nice honeypot botnet you got there.

>not bitcomet

>he still uses uTorrent when qBittorrent exists
lmaoing @ ur life. I bet you still use TPB too.

deluge bro

>no one ever mentions deluge
Is that good or bad?

tfw it's easier and quicker to just buy the game legitimately

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>this absolute nigger isn't aggregating his searches through jackett

thats what im asking

At least TRY before you cast bait

enjoy the bloated adware

>all this newfag cancer pretending they're not newfags because they don't use 2.2.1

>torrenting on your own machine

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Deluge is good.
So is Tixati if you don't mind/kinda like the early 00s as shit GUI.



Me dl'ing torrent: 32mb/s downloaf
Steam: 19mb/s

been using deluge for years, its pretty good no problems anywhere


almost as bad as buying a game tbqh

is there a way to skin tixati it fucking hurts my eyes

I started using deluge after watching that AA2 video

Yea Forums has always been full of retards, what's new

>creates every single folder even when you didn't select all files
>deletes all your data if you unselect the download for existing files
This is the most cancerous piece of software I've ever seen.

And they found an exploit for that version.

Transmission and deluge are both great.

>he uses torrents instead of segmented direct downloads
literally brainlet

>He pays to pirate

>and tpb
>I bet you still use TPB too.
What should I use? Mainly for vidya.


>using steam/origin/bn/es/uplay with bins > using utorrent

I use rarbg. They have some horseshit that tries to redirect you but for now uBlock is handling it.

Real talk, what is a good site to torrent games? I used to visit kat but it's dead now.

>he ever used steam or any other online stores that never actually sell you anything.

My gigabit connection is instantly saturated, I don't need to depend on other users, no swarm to be tracked by.

I'm happy to pay $5/month for that.

if you're seeding too much it nukes your pc

Transmission shits itself if the filenames get too big in my case. Deluge doesn't have this problem.

>implying I seed

If you decided to be a faggot, you might as well just get a VPN

I, too, like my torrents stalled, my friend.
If it weren't for this autistic anime secret club, I'd still be using utorrent and have zero problems

not like you need a private tracker anyways. Have fun

>I'm so based and redpilled because I pirate zoomer games on my shitty website and not on that website that started im 2003 amd has many more games

>I use rarbg
jesus christ

I wish that anyone retarded enough to pay for games would be killed off.


What's wrong with it?

Just use ratio master, you dingus.

Brainlet, you don't need to pay for shit

I use tpb as well. Tpb for games and rarbg for shows/movies. Used kat exclusively before it died.

>I'm a deluge man myself.

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it's back but it's just not the same

Neither is tpb. I fucking miss suprnova

>cap upload speed to the minimum needed to download comfortably
>move the file immediately after it downloads

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It does what now.

>countdown the seconds to when the download finished
>hit stop as soon as it reaches 100%
I'm an agent of chaos.

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Rutor, TPB, FitGirl...

>libtorrent-rasterbar trash
Upgrade to Transmission, rTorrent, or KTorrent.


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Transmission is trash

>he uses utorrent

>he doesn't use comet

Besides the annoying, 'no bullshit' attitude that FitGirl(boy) has, the repacks the site has are top fucking notch and there's plenty of seeders for every repack. I've downloaded most of my newer games from there. I fucking love having Tekken 7 be just 26 GB instead of 90GB.

>don't drive-by, please seed!
>please share your folder before downloading anything from mine
LMAO @ their lives

Transmission actually works, unlike whatever piece of shit you use.

coming through, coming through make way for 2.2.1 kids, coming through

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came to post this

>haha why would you buy gog games they're so easy to pirate
>wait a minute why do publishers keep using drm haha i'm so confused

this thread btw
>some other shit sites
>no blackcats
>no 3dm repository
>no emule repository
>not knowing how to use cached tpb or kat
>no actual knowledge on how to search for things
seems every Yea Forums user is here, what up!


>Torrent game
>open ISO of game
>Open installer
>Game installs
>Open the game
>Steam suddenly opens
>it links to the store page of the game

Why does this happen?

faggot shit

you're a fucking retard is why

>gets banned from most private trackers

>hadouken is amazing
>not actively developed anymore

>he doesn't have a dedicated raspberry pi that torrents shit 24/7

Because you forgot the crack you dumbass

u need Steam EMU


What's wrong with using utorrent?

bloated ad-ridden MPAA honeypot

OP btfo

man, these kids don't know how to dl shit. rarbg? skidrowreloaded? reloadedskidrow? codex? sites? my fucking sides

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Same as using steam. Bloated spyware botnet with ads that sells your data to everyone.

you can turn off the ad panels in the settings, they're just not very obvious

>using the newest versions
what, your mom said you should always allow for things to update on their own?

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or you can use anything but utorrent

If you get your warez from anywhere other than the FTP of a trusted friend then you're doing it wrong.

Only fucking game I've bought in years is Pathologic 2, which was only because the dev is going bankrupt.
Other than that I don't care, my purchase doesn't matter.

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but I don't have any data user... I'm irrelevant

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nigger he didn't say anything about 2.2.1 he just said utorrent you dense

>ad panels
this fucking thread! where do these kids come from, for real!

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Older versions: nothing, literally the best torrent client to date
Nu versions: full of ads and shit, or so I was told

>he uses utorrent
>not based qbittorrent

i literally only buy games that have official multiplayer

312c uses it.

are you? they literally don't know how to use it is why they say shit about it. it's easier than opening can of beer, that is, obviously, most of them can't even fucking do it because they're underage. what in the hell..

>torrent MGSV
>torrent GTA IV
>get copyright notices
>torrent literally anything else
>no notices for years
ah I see, my ISP warns me about shit games

>first, there was torrent
>then there was 'b' added
>then came 'q'
>none of the letters made any fucking difference
how can you be this damaging to your own brain cells is beyond any comprehension

>pirate game with multiplayer
>community is small but friendly, always there to help a new player how to configure vlan and join them
>everything is unlocked so you just play for fun

>buy the same game for official multiplayer
>community is huge and retarded, every cosmetics and dlc is locked, so you are forced to grind or pay

>he doesn't use GGN

>friend wants to learn how to pirate
>be nice and write a fucking step by step with full detail and all for him
>"no way this is way too hard"

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based ISP

Fuckin gottem

It's called qbittorrent because it is a torrent client that uses qt you fucking moron.

>get copyright notices
so, you don't know how to use the Internet, and yet you download stuff illegally? I always wonder what kind of people go to jail for pirating stuff. I never even seen how a copyright notice looks like. can you show it to the rest of us?

I actually got warned when I tried to pirate GTA 4 but not any other game. Our ISP may have good taste

One that requires the Web UI active, which is disabled by default

i'm glad it was the first post

>he still uses utorrent

>not 'an' qt
so it just quits on you?
also, do you even know what the difference is?

>Using torrents
>In 2019

Is it 2009 again lol wtf

Why so angry? i don't torrent my stuff often plus the site i got it from said it was cracked, pcgamestorrents specifically.

What's that?

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What the fuck are you talking about? It uses Qt for the gui.

>using nicknames
neck yourself

> he still uses hardware

Isn't blackcats dead?

Just ignore degenerate tripfaggots.

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It might have the crack in the iso. Usually there is a folder named 'crack' that you need to, you know, crack the fucking game.

>cracked utorrent
jesus fucking on a stick imao at the amount of literal kids in this thread

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Enjoy getting caught, torrentcucks. DDL all the way.

ggn is the top tier game tracker now

woah woah woah user slow down
you're giving him too much info there

it's never dead my dude. onionate

>m-muh secret club
I don't have anyone to suck off for an invite or something

>This is a steam client emulator which enables you to play steam games without STEAM client and play online games or lobby enabled-games on LAN without any internet connection or online.

Even retards deserve to be able to pirate stuff.

the invites are not so hard to come by if you know how to operate a fucking potato that is your computer

I got in without an invite, GGN is easy as fuck since they recruit constantly. Keep making up excuses for why you are a pleb though, I'm sure that will work out well for you.

you are right.
Unironically the "you don't have to be faster than the bear" analogy

What's wrong with utorrent? I never bothered to change it since it seem to work just fine

I just want someone to aknowledge my existence through my nickname on a monitor saying what I'm playing, they can also check how good I am and that I'm not a complete failure, that's why I pay, I want to be alive and show it to someone, if someone knows I'm playing a game then I'm alive and I keep going, if I pirated a game no one would know I exist or if I'm good at least at videogames, that's why I pay, fuck you

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what the fuck man

thread fucking retarded

Full of adware bloat now. Last time I downloaded it, it even changed my browser to Bing.

there are more retards in this thread than you might think are possible to use this board and call themselves "pyrates, yahhar!", dude. its sad. they don't even know how to properly crack, download or use variety of programs. nay, it's not sad. it's actually fucking hilarious that they would come into this thread with their heads so far up their asses they think qtbittorrent is any better is still used improperly. holy fucking kek

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>shilling utorrent/vuze/bittorrent
bloated adware/spyware/owned by mpaa do not ever trust
>shilling utorrent 2.2.1
yeah that's fine
>shilling qbittorrent
STALLED for some, fine for others
>shilling deluge
bloated and lacks features but also fine
>shilling rtorrent
look this is fine but you have to understand that most if not all of Yea Forums here uses windows and either doesn't have a dedicated seedbox on site / off site running linux to use rtorrent so they're shit out of luck
>shilling transmission
this is fine so long as it's not windows, but see above

I still miss Bittornado

Degenerate zoomerfaggot who can't live without his social network cancer.

Many pirates adhere to the rules of "the scene" which is every bit as fartsniffy as it sounds but it's useful to know the basics. For your issue it's the rule that "releases" should be untouched and the crack must therefore be supplied separately that's causing you issues. You will find it in a folder in the root of your .iso either named Crack or the name of the scene group. The contents of this folder are simply dragged and dropped into of the top level of your install folder. Choose to replace files if prompted.

lmao, people care only about themselves

>I allowed a program that I don't need to update in the first place, to change stuff on my computer and I don't even know why and how it happened

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Deluge is the best for racing.

Aren't these two different trackers?

How many fucking tripcodes does this faggot have? Even after flitering with 4chanX, he still appears

humans are social creatures

that said, find another fucking outlet besides bragging about buying video games holy shit

I had to redownload it because I changed PC. I know why it changed my browser to Bing,but it's fucking retarded.

>it doesn't
>it doesn't

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Yes? Since blackcat is ded so gazellegames is the best game tracker now.

>>shilling deluge
>bloated and lacks features but also fine
What features does it lack?

yeah i'm sure the 3 cops on the planet watching torrent downloads all live in my area. gotta protect my id!

There's a superior method, and I'm not telling any of you fucks what it is. You're too young to know it.

The ones that they never tell you about.
Literally just fucking...
Use anything that just isn't uTorrent or Bittorrent.
qBittorrent stays as close to original uTorrent design and generally has a lot of settings that can be used nicely by everyone involved.
Paranoia will allow people to be absolute retards and never go back. I don't even use a VPN and some mexican probably has my IP and I wouldn't care. I'd become friends with that mexican.

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I use deluge, but okay.

Unless you are a poorfag or underage it's just more convenient to buy stuff, and I pirated for like 20 years, and still do for roms, so it's not because I don't know how to.
It's just easier to have a download link on your steam/gog library that always works and auto updates.

outside of credit card info and social security i never got the whole fuss over someone on the internet having your info. like, are you gonna leak my porn folders to facebook? are you gonna make ads actually relevant to me? what's the fucking point

Jesus christ imagine missing the point entirely like this. He meant he uses a seedbox, you fucking retards.

>using MPAA adware botnet software

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Well how do I do it, then? I'm genuinely curious how easy it is, I looked it up, but no info on when registration opens, even less info on where to go for invites. I only got in to AB and like 2 other private trackers, and most of them seem to be about sucking someone's dick to get in.

>The ones that they never tell you about.
The fuck are you even replying to me for "durrr I don't know". That doesn't even answer my question, I didn't ask what to use I asked what features does Deluge lack compared to the other alternates.

/g/ was a fucking mistake. Literally the only time when data is relevant is when the police need to know about you, and even then that's useless.
So? Useless garbage when we're all just leechers.
I'm making a point that retards will constantly shill Deluge based on 'it has more features' but never tell anyone what features it has.

AB has applications occasionally and Redacted has interviews. Rank up on AB and get into other trackers. I literally got into GGN from AB.

Motion Picture Association of America?

ah, fuck off, I'm laughing at the audacity of this fucking thread

get a job, NEET

You can get on GGn through AB

Hollywood Jew corporation, essentially. Mickey mouse laws everywhere.

>not getting a job and pirating to maximize profits

Yes they forward your download log directly to the FBI

>he still doesn't have a job

>chink shit
Who cares.

>Rank up on AB and get into other trackers.
can you explain what that means? do i have to supply my own torrents to keep a good reputation or something?

Download touhou lossless music collection and select only one random file. It will create every fucking single folder and subfolder that you didn't ever want to downloads, and there are fucking thousands and thousands of then. It also deletes all your fucking data if you deselect some file that you previously downloaded.

I got a DMCA notice for dling mission impossible and now my internet doesnt work. phone posting on the toilet rn.

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why is fp always bp?

Okay, I'm curious, how do I get on GGN through AB? I've been a member for almost 2 years

>expressvpn since I'm a paranoid freak
father, son, holy spirit




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Hahahaha fpbp

What's wrong with bae and utorrent fren? :)
What should I use and what are the benefits?

What's so bad about it, huh?

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>he still slave away for the jew

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No spoonfeeding. But everyone is going to agree that utorrent is shit and has been for some years, so you better find out quick.

Check the user tiers. You need to be a member for a certain amount of time, have a certain ratio, and upload new content to the site.

For uploading content most everyone just downloads Flac songs from the site and encodes them. You only need 10 uploads IIRC to hit power user which will give you access to the invites forum where other trackers will recruit from (you just PM the recruiter and he gives you an invite).

4channel.org/g/ptg for more information.

dude is mentally insane, but his repack are great. if you don't click his torrents from the actual website then you can't cry wolf about them giving you a key logger or some shit

Anyways, he's always provided great content and the seeding is fantastic, big mad.

A non-issue if you install an adblocker or have an account. Holy actual fuck are you retarded.
Words CANNOT describe how actually mentally retarded and slow you are.

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No, I'm not gettin a VPN cause I still have to pay money for it and I'm a NEET.

Attached: Why I don't pirate (wish I could though).jpg (1613x1080, 334K)

Do you have facebook?

>not using minerblock

>hur iz ok cuz i can block it!
>when there are a bunch of better sites for torrenting that don't pull shady shit
You are a literal retard.

VPNs are super cheap nowadays.

absolutely based fucking goal post move there user, superbly executed. That user won't have any idea what hit him

hello, friend

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>describe how it's a complete non-issue that can't be avoided on other sites that pull the same shady shit when you're not looking
>let me list zero (0) sites for torrenting
Oh gee whiz, I sure wish I knew what sites you were talking about.
You're right. I don't know what hit me, because it never did.

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Lurk moar

Scooby pls

>No argument presented
Let's get this user's brains out onto a tray.
Nice. M'kay, let's start off with this pile of nothing...

Upload 10 torrents, then you get a Power User rank and an access to the invite forum. Check out better.php for the list of FLACs to transcode

i only pirate because of denuvo
please, i swear i am a good person

I still use it

Without steam you miss a lot of cool stuff like achievements, online play and supporting studios. I crack everything but I'd really like to pay for my favorite games, I only don't cause idiots don't allow paying with paypal where I live and I don't want to use my credit card

You fight Satan. Therefore, you are forgiven and a hero to all that are like you.

it just came back on if anyone cares.

>using literal adware

Dude. Even if you're fucking freelancing you're still providing your service to someone in exchange for money which is pretty much the same shit as 'slave away for the jew'.

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>caring about achievement

>just werks
unless your filename is too long

I hate how I read all of this in his voice

I recognize the uploaders in TPB after using it for over a decade, why should I change sites?

only for family

Don't hate it. We all love him.


Yikes. Thanks for the info, you guys are right, I'd have to upload 10 torrents. Well, I might look into how to do it, I don't want to screw up and get warned and shit

>he doesn't know

Check out what file formats and bitrates they accept (it changed since I last did it) and you can use LAME for your encoder. As long as you make sure you only encode FLAC -> other format you should be good.