Give me that thing your Elden Ring

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You can't even imagine it, OP

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If it were 2004 we would all make elden bling jokes and photoshop xzibit and snoop dog all over the game

you suck Yea Forums fuck you

We have one shitty trailer to work with, the memes will come with news.

excuses excuses

>largest From game ever
>is a fresh new IP while still maintaining their A-grade Dark Fantasy design sensibilities
>iterating and perfecting on all their combat systems up to this point
>collaborating with an award winning author to create lore and character backstories
>return to RPG systems and inevitable multiplayer for added longevity
>true open world, will be the most adventurous title to date, especially with a savant like Miyazaki at the helm

Quite literal Game of the Generation and Magnum Opus material, anyone who disagrees is a contrarian blowhard.

Is this going to be at TGS?

And the best thing? It won't come out on the Switch.
Fucking based.

Calm down buddy we haven't even seen any gameplay yet

I have ZERO experience with photoshop or pain, i'm sorry user

I hope it has bloodborne combat or something entirely new

This. I'm expecting DS3 2. If i'm wrong i will only be happy.

I hope for normal souls combat not the bullshit 1 healthbar bullshit from sekiro

Would rather have dark souls 4.

There better be invasions in this game or its gonna have no replayablity like Sekiro.

I hope it’s sekiro with the parry system and not shitty dark souls boring combat

It all sounds great up until

>true open world

How the levels in the Soulsborne games connect are basically my favourite part of them. I felt Sekiro was already too open compared to their previous games so I'm concerned. I hope they don't go full Ubisoft with it.

I had honestly forgot about this game, strange people aren't talking about it much

isn't sekiro more intereconnected than dark souls 2 and 3

i know 2 is really bad at that aspect

Shut the fuck up retard. Miyazaki already confirmed its going to have some sort of PVP. Fuck off with the dark souls 4 shit

>going back to roll-to-win gameplay
>going back to RPG stats in lieu of tight action gameplay
>getting the hack GRRM to write it
This is going to be DS2 levels of bad I can feel it

My biggest concern is the difficulty creep of their games, especially with bosses.
Constantly trying to make harder bosses made Sekiro really frustrating. Even DS3 had a lot of "rhythm game" bosses. I feel like BB was the best balance, fairly demanding on their own with the option to play them in bullshit mode (leet chalices) when you got good.
I'd like more focus on creative bosses.
If they're doing proper builds again they won't be able to make any Sekiro-style autism bosses or it'd be impossible for some players.

its just gonna be dark souls but bigger dude lmao


Sekiro wasn't *that* open, they just gave you the option to do the lord souls in any order, each of which was just 1 or 2 mini-levels. It just had more hidden stuff and alternate routes than 2 or 3.

Just looks like open world Dark Souls so I am pretty skeptical. I would also prefer a vague plot and lore to cringy GoT shit. Piecing together the puzzle from item descriptions, enemies and brief bits of dialogue was a strength of Soulsborne imo.



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That was kind of my point. I like meaningful connections. There are millions of ways to get to a location in something like Assassin's Creed and because of that it has less impact than the church to firelink shrine shortcut. More connected isn't necessarily better.

If they made it like BOTW where you could go anywhere and fight wandering bosses plus classic Souls level design for dungeons it could be really good

>zero experience with pain
How I envy you

too many options makes my autism hurt

>tfw sekiros advanced block system isn't even a playstyle in elden ring

>R E N T F R E E
you will never fit in, newfag

>return to RPG systems and inevitable multiplayer for added longevity
Sekiro and Bloodborne were a step in the right direction. Deep combat designed around a specific playstyle > jack of all trades, master of none shite
>true open world, will be the most adventurous title to date, especially with a savant like Miyazaki at the helm
This could be a bad thing. It could mean that the levels aren't as tightly designed.

>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the BONFIRE to suck up more ESTUS.

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>Mfw I replay the trailer every time I see an Elden Ring thread

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As nice as that would be, shitters would complain non-stop.
Not only because of the straight sword spam meta in dark souls 3, but because most people were too shit to use mikari counters regularly.

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The first thing I'm doing is making a George R.R. character.

Wait wasn't there supposed to be something shown at Gamescon? What happened to that?

this. Ideally we'll get massive interconnect levels with truly vast expanses between them. I know everyone wants a fantasy world brimming with stuff, but no game has really captured that feeling of riding for ages to get to a new location except for Shadow of the Colossus. Imagine a forbidden lands worth of content between each kingdom. Won't happen because from games never release finished but we can dream.

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Will we be able to camp?

wonderful, DaSII is the best souls game