Uhh...Yeah, I'm calling it now. Game of the fucking year

Uhh...Yeah, I'm calling it now. Game of the fucking year.


Attached: cp2077.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Cyberpunk BTFO

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which year?

It looks really ambitious based on the recent trailer. I'm genuinely worried about it.

Whichever year it comes out. 2019 I think.

There won't be cute girls at cbp so it will flop
Nobody likes ugly people, and everything about this game is ugly, the landscape, the city, the people

>btfo by animu waifu faggotry

2019 can't be that dry

Of the year 2014 maybe

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>It looks really ambitious based on the recent trailer
Nigga what are you talking about?
It's just Deus Ex with bigger hubs and more or less slightly more gameplay customization.
It's perfectly reasonable in scope, it doesn't take a team of rocket scientists to make a slightly more fluid Deus Ex game, it's already structured to begin with.

Those are console graphics. PC and Switch will look lifelike. GRX support especiialy.

Daily reminder that Yea Forums only hates it because its popular
Now where are my MAXTAC bros at? Trauma Team bros are welcome too

Sure it will, shill.

There are no hubs. There is no loading after the initial load. Get your info right.

have sex

Try being more subtle with the bait bro, you're making it too obvious

Hell no, i'm not suicidal. I'd rather roam the wastes with my nomad bros.

At least you are not a virgin wageslave

replace lifelike with photorealistic

>literally worse faces than Bioware's flop
Oh nononononono

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Content takes a long time to make especially with a game that looks as good as Cyberpunk. I have a hard time believing the game is going to have the depth of DX with the breadth that they're promising (i.e. city the size of W3, 60 hours of gameplay, etc).

And it's only "popular" because of Keanu Reeves.

Those are CONSOLE graphics PC and Switch will look better.

Seriously, what happened with CDPR? They made a better looking game 4 years ago. How come they forgot how to make faces?

the new faces are technically better you're just looking at it arbitrarily

main characters look great
side characters and random civis look bad

that's typically how it is in games

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>main characters look great

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So since it appears that some (if not all) MAXTACS are Psychos captured by them, what does stop them from going rabid again?

why the fuck is this guy's face so pitted? You'd think in the year 2076+1 they would have figured out something better than accutane.

I want it to be good, I really do. I want to deliver on every promise it said but i'm worried that at most, it'll be good but nothing amazing and it'll be a TW3 situation where more effort went into story than gameplay. I hope i'm wrong but I don't really wanna get my hopes up.

It will be decent 6-7/10 and I'm 100% fine with that. Some people are really expecting way too much out of it considering it's coming from Witcher devs.

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Sadly it will sell very well
People pre-ordered during the keanu hype and most of them wont hear about the shit cdpr is doing because they only listen to bought and paid game journos.

I hope they fix the problems i see with this game, i really do. I would love nothing more than this game to be what everyone wanted it to be.
But the amount of shilling and damage control im seeing tells me they wont fix any of it, just try and convince you it isnt an issue.

The launch is gonna be a fucking joke of bugs and shit gameplay. A lot of people are going to be left disappointed and 60$ poorer

God I hope im wrong, but i dont think i am.

I like to smell my rotten foreskin

there probably is. wealth inequality is a big theme in cyberpunk and he probably can't afford it.

After playing RDR2 idk if I can really enjoy another open world game that doesn't try to emulate RDR2s. Obviously the settings make some stuff transfer but I fucking loved exploring in RDR2 and you didn't always get a "game" reason for exploring, your reward was a story told in the beautiful environment. Can CP77 deliver the same thing? Will it have such fluid and godly random encounters? Will it have a world worth exploring? Will the gameplay be good with tons of variety and unique builds? Will it have replay value? Will choices matter? Anybodies fucking guess really. I'll just say that TW3 had one of the most boring lifeless open worlds i've ever played, the game looks good and the side quests are good but it didn't feel good exploring the world and most of the non-side quest map objectives were so tedious and boring and just outright not fun.

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of course it will be game of the year because all people care about is muh cool looking game

combat will be stale and gets old after the first few hours like witcher 3, and story will prob not be compelling at all (like the witcher 3)

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>Dont hear about the shit from CdPr
Like what?

Why are switchniggers so mentally ill?

>Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Used RTX 2080 Ti and Ray Tracing

Switch is actually more powerful than what many of you would consider a "high-end" PC.

>muh graphics
have sex

can't tell if this is bait

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nice deflection

> I want to deliver on every promise it said
You mean those promises?

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you're an idiot

Has to be.
No one is this retarded I think

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So that was the best the game could ever look
Wow. Aren't there any good devs left? What happened with the professionals that developed the fantastic looking games we got in the recent past? I dont get it, graphics should be improving instead of getting worse

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First thing I want to do is dick down Stout. She'll be my bride and we'll have 5 children together.

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uh, cringe

It's likely bullshit. There's no way they're downgrading this hard when they have almost a year left. People comapred scenes that were in both demos and there is noticeable graphical downgrades between last years. People are guessing last years was on PC despite devs saying PS4 and this years was on PS4.

She probably has a cyberdick she uses to fuck guys like you.


>d this years was on PS4.

fart game

You're talking as if that's a bad thing.

Really want to see what Rocksteady is cooking up. Arkham Knight still holds up today and they used some modified UE3 sorcery for that game.

Lmao this bullshit again
Enjoy waiting in elevators while the game is totally not loading

>Seriously, what happened with CDPR?
Instead of getting info from shill posts go and look at actual screens and gameplay

>retarded gamer garbage
Yikes! that's gonna be a hard pass for me.

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>literal cuck game

I love this fuckin screenshot

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> GeForce RTX 2080 Ti