What classes do chads play?

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Lalafell Melee

DRG is the only answer
Make you carry then take your loots
Absolute chad

What about Gunbreakers

>tranny mmo



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chad: pld, drk, gnb, mnk, 5.08 nin, blm
virgin: war, drg, any phys ranged dps, rest of the casters, all healers in shb
cuck: having blu unlocked


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Chad: BLM, bonus points for lalafell
Virgin: Anything else but you're slightly less virgin if youre a lalafell

Why must red mage look so cool, but be so braindead and weak?

Name one job in this game that isn't braindead.


It's still an mmo, but RDM is a special kind of simple compared to the rest.

Lads if you see someone with purples in eden prime and voidwalker but no levi or titan kills at all, are they a good player who has been slacking off/going at their own pace, or a bad player with inflated early logs who hit a wall he can't get over?

Gunbreaker is the new hotness, which means that when you get a GNB it's a 50/50 shot of being a complete shitter or a gigachad.

Most of the jobs are braindead in the sense they're not hard to understand, but RDM is more braindead than even that. I'm still severely disappointed that RDM is basically just a caster with a fancy melee combo you toss out as a finisher rather than a truly flexible hybrid job like it should have been.

Sick meme

Add NIN and you have all the jobs i've leveled (for now at least). BLM is next.

>final trantasy 14
select one and only one my guy

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BLM is the hardest class in the game because you actually have to think how you use your spells and your position during fights.

Carry? Yeah I would have to carry you off the floor, DRG mains are practically braindead

>BLM, a completely selfish DPS, finally took the throne as big dick damage dealer
>shitters IMMEDIATELY start crying for nerfs to it
Fucking salty ass summoniggers and grey mages would rather shit on a job out of spite rather than just get their jobs buffed.

not summoner thats for sure. BLM and the melees are the chad jobs now

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The lower classes are just jealous of BLM's overwhelming superiority.

>le 1112111, ice, repeat job

>you actually have to think how you use your spells and your position during fights
Whooooooooooa saving cooldowns for mechanics in heavily scripted fights is mega galaxy brain.

Idk i just see a highly complex rotation that requires alot of skill to actually pull off right there.

>RDM mains are still seething

Reminder that Yoshi-P mains BLM.
SMN and RDMfags btfo.

I don't get it, i always love having a BLM in my pt, especially in dungeons. I usually tank with my DRK so pulling wall to wall and having a BLM nuke the shit out of everything is so satisfying desu, it's why i decided it as my next job to level.

It's babbys first time in the cuckshed. Petniggers were always top dog and historically sperg out when they get merged or other classes get bugged above em. You remember all of that one month where sch wasnt meta?

Thanks for the reminder. Gotta do my weekly targets for aetheryte tickets.

Imagine buying into this retarded meme

That fabric doesn't look comfortable at all


BLM has been in the eternal cuckshed because up until now it was fairly hard to play while not offering anything in comparison to the rDPS giants like bard or dragoon. This game's community is actually so shitty as people that they would rather see BLM dragged back down than have it sitting in its rightful throne while other jobs simply get buffed to a reasonable level relative to their DPS utility. BLM is fine where it is, MNK needs some small potency nerfs to make up for the fact that they got a knee-jerk overbuff in 5.05, SAM needs further potency tweaks or a shota rework that actually functions and brings it to near-BLM levels, and the bottom 5 DPS need huge buffs to bring them to at least NIN levels of rDPS. Anyone who disagrees isn't just wrong, they're stupid.

>highly complex rotation
Omg I'm fucking dying. How to spot a retarded kid who just started playing BLM, they always think its some super hard job lmao. This ain't HW kiddo

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Got mine all to 80

I mean, BLM got a shitload of new tools that greatly eased the immobility of the job, but it's definitely one of the toughest jobs to play at maximum capacity though. NIN is probably at the top just because its kit is completely retarded and fights itself at every step, and SMN because they still haven't fixed the issue where a minor fuckup just rapes your DPS for half of a fight and the job's about as responsive as a corpse.

estelle is beautiful

I'm convinced that half of EU's population is bots.

LV50 BLM used to be easy to play, now it's confusing as fuck in my opinion.

those are just french players

Well considering half of the EU population is sandnegros and negros it isn't a surprise.

Did you get ya Garo sets yet?

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lol they look like such shit, I'll probably be capped on wolf marks forever.

I got DRK PLD NIN. Been too lazy to get anything else.


>plays the job they like with no fucks given for what anyone else thinks
>clears and farms high end content on a job that some other weaker players might even be too scared to allow into their parties to begin with
>stays loyal to their class no matter what anyone says and pushes to have it improved instead of bandwagoning an overpowered BLM that any drooling retard can do 13k DPS on
Seems pretty chad to me

I'm a newbie, are the sets available in the gold saucer going to go away too? I've been getting them there instead.

Real chads are BLM, PLD, WAR, MNK, NIN, MCH, DRK, and DRG.

I just want it to hit a bit harder. It looks cool.

Yes. So if you can’t get to level 60 in time get the gold saucer ones.

>real chads are flavor of the month classes


Those will be gone too. Also you can dye the pvp ones.


I got the shield, the only one that matters

They are just all the classes I got to 80 and leveling.

CUL and ALC are for virgins

The one they enjoy the most no matter how 'bad' it currently is

BLM has the easiest rotation in the game, but the most punishing if dropped. opposite of SMN

Chads don't play MMORPGs.

DoH/DoL players are massive virgins regardless of what job they play.

Who else always plays the strongest job in each expansion and boasts about how chad I am for doing so haha. Based amirite guys haha


A lot of people getting outdps'd by blm apparently. Truly the chad job

What if you played them before they got buffed? I know I played dragoon, monk and paladin before they became the best because I like their weapons.

Biggest cuck classes in the game

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Based and redpilled.

Stop pushing your beta-male fetish everywhere.

Will I end up losing a plot if I don't build anything on it? I kind of want to buy one and leave it empty just to make house niggers seethe.

>selfish DPS
I don't understand this meme.
Everyone benefits from the encounter being cleared faster and it's not like there are extra rewards for parsing high that the "selfish DPS" are hogging.

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Yes, you would eventually lose the plot, because auto-demolish timer. The timer is only reset when you go inside of the estate. You can just leave the default house up for that, and get the same effect.

Selfish DPS isn't a criticism, it isnl category. It refers to jobs with no utility that only bring high damage.

It literally just means they don't buff someone else.

But people are starting to act like it’s a bad thing if a job doesn’t buff others.

Is NIN still in the cuck shed?

Yeah but that's such an insignificant thing, I don't get why there are so many complaints about it. Having a buff to give out doesn't automatically mean the job is good or powerful or contributes more overall.

It will always be a cuck shed class due to living around Trick Attack.

People have always disliked selfish DPS but the hatred is amplified now because the devs have heavy-handedly forced a meta on us based around certain DPS like BLM being so powerful that their personal DPS alone far surpasses the entire rDPS contribution of classes that bring utility, and the addition of dancer + AST rework have established a meta based around massively buffing one player instead of buffing everyone and parties synergizing buffs with each other to do more damage. People don't enjoy that kind of play

Does anyone pvp in this game? If so is it fun and or exhilerating?

Most people don’t care what you play. Asking as you’re not dead or doing horrible dps.

Give frontline a try

Now that the dust has settled
How do you feel about Hrothgars being added?
Personally I would have rather they went with male viera. We already have a bulky race and we already have a cat race. It just doesn't make much sense to me.

Unless you can make up for at least 2, being able to give everybody else a bump is always a plus over just you hitting big numbers. The playerbase is just extra vocal about this shit despite the game being sort of balanced around any reasonable combination of jobs being able to clear stuff.

50 blm is easy, 60 is hard, 70 was also hard, and now 80 is easy again. They got so much on point changes this expansion, between stackable polyglot, xenos, and 30s sharpcast, triple, swift, btl/am, they have so much on demand mobility now they're actually the most mobile caster if you're a good player.

Still don't care much about the race itself, but most are played by obnoxious furfags as everybody predicted.

Blue Mage

Don't care for either but viera are just completely soulless in all their emotes and actions.A dditionally they usually have the least inspired glams and are dressed up like the most basic bitches.

I'm 75 now so you're saying I'll play better again once I've reached 80? I was level 50 when I came back and it seems like it keeps getting worst.

2 cat races is fucking stupid, male viera would have been fine or if they HAD to do a full furry race they could have just made lupin playable or some shit. lmao2cat

Which jobs buff everyone's damage?

>work hard to get purple parse
>15th percentile grey monk still beat me in pDPS
>10th percentile dragoon still beat me in rDPS
Gee i wonder why people are mad about the strong jobs..

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Just because your a retard that goes muh parse doesn’t mean anything.

Ah you must be the grey player who thinks he should be carried by playing a massively overpowered class

You don't even have to parse to feel weak as fuck.

I don’t parse.

If anything that just means your job needs a buff, why would you get mad at stronger jobs just because they're helping clear YOUR duty faster for you?

You're welcome, by the way.

So yeah pretty much what I said you were

Whichever ones they want.

There's nothing less Chad than making choices based on what strangers on Yea Forums tell you to do.

Then, why don't we just bring all BLM then? This will solve the problem right?

Because you shouldn't even be coming close to me when I'm parsing purple and you're a grey fuck who doesn't know how to play the game. Why the fuck should I be thankful that you picked up a job you don't know how to play?

>playing a nerd in robes

You need help with your addiction to parsing.

You need help learning to play the game greylet.

Next time you're in a group, press O. You"ll notice you get a buff for bringing different roles. The Limit Break also fills slower if you've got doubles.
In the end, it's more beneficial to have a varied roster than just stacking the fotm job. Not like it really matters for good players, anyway.

Heard Ishikawa cried during her panel.

What happened?

You do realize that the gap between BLM and ranged physical vastly outpaces the role bonus right?

getting xenoglossy is a massive massive game changer that makes the job easier to play. It's instant cast and on the gcd, so it's basically a 'let me move for free for 1 gcd' spell you can save up for when you need to move.

You're not exaggerating at all of course, which helps with presenting your predicament.

So that's why all speedclears are full BLM raids, I guess

>who doesn't know how to play the game
Big words coming from a guy who deliberately keeps playing a job that he knows is dead weight.
>Why the fuck should I be thankful
Because if the rest of us made choices as bad as yours then there'd be nobody to carry you.

Would you mind sharing me a basic rotation example for single target?

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No it's monk/dragoon/blm and soon it will be double blm

She was moved by all the people cheering on her

40k marks left, really burned out on Feast but I'm in the last stretch. I'm more worried about whether or not I'll have enough time to get all these jobs to 60.

If I knew this event was a thing, I woulda bought SB and subbed instead of having to rush it in these last few weeks.

Gold Saucer ones aren't dyeable, like was said, but the big difference is that you can't get the titles from them. No title means no achievement, no achievement means you can't get it from the salvager if you lose it for whatever reason, but that shouldn't be an issue if you're just tossing them in your glamour dresser and never plan to take them out.

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None cause XIV is a genuinely shit game.

nah its just ranged getting cucked, other roles are close enough that the 1% mainstat is stronger, It helps that the 'other roles' are melee, of which all are basically doing great, and casters of which obviously you'd take blm.
triple melee + blm or double melee + double blm parties will start dominating soon enough

>get shit on for playing job you want
>"lmao why are you mad, why do you want it to be good, just play the already good job"

> Pop Blackest Knight.
> Stand in AoEs
> Laugh at everyone else whilst they run around like retards.
> Get rewarded with a free attack.

I always love watching parsers chimp out.


Lmao no. If everybody played "weaker" classes you could still clear just fine especially if they played at a purple level like i do. In fact I'd happily take a party of bard/rdm/nin/dnc if they were all purple over a party of great fotm classes

So they should buff Physical Ranged, gotcha.

cast fire 4 until you're out of mp, then despair. then sharpcast thunder, blizzard 4, back to fire. xenoglossy when you're going to overwrite a xenoglossy charge or if you need to move.

The uninstal wizard

Thank you!

Physical ranged and red mage/summoner all needs buffs. The only reason why casters aren't being pushed out entirely is because black mage exists.

She received a standing ovation during her introduction, and she was moved by this.

It's true that smn and rdm are a bit low too, and smn's gameplay is clunky as fuck. SMN will get a rework comes 5.1, but so far no info for rdm and ranged ? Maybe on the 15th's stream

If you're not having trouble clearing content and you enjoy playing your job, then what's the problem? Why are you so obsessed with other people's performance?

I wonder, if ACT didn't exist and you couldn't see parses, if you would still be so upset. It seems like the only reason you're bothered not because of the game itself, but because you install 3rd party dick-measuring software that is telling you your dick isn't big enough.

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Yeah bro didn't you know 80% of these DPS jobs are just for flavor? Everyone should have to play black mage if they wanna be a caster in high end content lmao

>browse party finder
>see party you want to join
>oops can't join with your current class
>they blocked my class from joining

I don't have shit installed, you just can't get into shit if you're not the FOTM job, despite how much you like playing it or not.

Can I get to the Heavesward content without having to do the seventh era shit? This section is making me hate the game.

show me even one pf right now that is blocking a class.

devs didnt force you to do anything retard the current job comp is 2 blue 2 green 1 range 1 physical 1 caster 1 any and it clears any fight fucking whiney baby

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No. Good luck, it's a slog but it's worth it.

I want to mating press that potato until it's nothing but mash

Can you get the achievements with the gold saucer ones though?

No no, the argument in was that you're doing the content but are just pissed that your purple color numbers are lower than the other guy's grey numbers. Try again.

No, you cannot.

Only level 60 ones

Suffer like we all did.

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Just finished 2.5 like 5 days ago, it's a slog but worth it

I highly recommend against the gold saucer ones. They can't be dyed and they are very highly priced compared to the pvp sets. My advice if you aren't 60 is to get to 60 asap, and pvp everyday while you get to 60, save your marks as much as you can. if you go over cap, spend slightly on things like a minion from the regular pvp shops.

Healers can't seem to keep me alive when doing big pulls in leveling dungeons. Should I just do small pulls instead or is there more I can do to make myself tankier? My gear should be fine, at Sohm Al with ironworks and some skyraider. The first pulls with those plants that spawn more plants seem to get a little spicy if I go all the way.

How long do you have to play to get a gf (Male or female) ?

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>go to the official forums healers section
>80% of the threads are ast related
>literally 0 whm threads (not joking) since ShB release
What went right?

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There is no time requirement or limit. You play the game and eventually meet someone that clicks with you.

Do I need to buy the game since trials can't use /tell or send friend requests?

Do females(female females not males) play this game?

>Sohm Al with ironworks
You should be fine, but some of the dungeons have nasty pulls if you're not overgeared by the generous sync. I tanked in Gubal in augmented Ironworks fine, but you gotta be careful for some pulls, especially if the healer is levelling too.

Yeah but they won't fuck you.

So just got to the party moment in ARR postgame

fuckin mini jews man. Please tell me we get to off this little fuck and all involved? Even that traitorous prick from early on in the story who wanted to turn a new leaf was in on it

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If you only use the trial, then your relationship will be a short-lived farce at best.

really basic personalities though, just as obnoxious as the males though


Enjoy the ride commissar. No

Chads don't go to class.

>range tax bro
>grey monk/any melee beats purple ranged on any given day
this uptime meme is horrendous and needs to go

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Why am I not surprised? What a pain. Hate when people just roll with this when my guy basically saved the fucking world more than once and the GCs didn't even do much regarding the BIG FUCK YOU DRAGON in Ishgard.

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Muh numbers

Eorzea and the Far East have just about zero of them as npcs so they still feel out of place whenever I see Hrothgar players in non-ShB areas and instances. Same goes for Viera but at least their existence was introduced during Stormblood, even if it doesn't even begin to adequately handwave the sudden influx of them in Eorzea.

Gib Bangaas

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still mad it's not a true job

If I buy any expansion, do I receive some bonus game time to play?

this isn't wow lmao

>High Fantasy

what do you think

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Okay probably spoke too soon but Raubahn is fucking based. He has at least removed one of them in a satisfying manner

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You might be retarded user. The fact that a purple can be lower than a grey is evidence of the insane imbalance and that imbalance impacts our gameplay experience by having people treat us like pariahs simply because of the job we play. There's no goalpost moving.

Bitch about it on the forums

>listening to western player complaints

You don't wanna join their party imo

I wonder why...

Why do you think we would care about them? You’re bitching and whining is getting annoying.

Have fun with Punished Alphinaud

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It feels harder to find stuff that looks good on them. I think they were lazy with fitting the meshes to their models because it feels like things fit their bodies way worse than other races. Pretty much all of the glamours I used to use all the time I felt I had to ditch when I switched to Viera.

If melee are going to be uber powerful then they need to create mechanics that can't be schemed around for uptime and target melee specifically. Maybe some kind of flare mechanic that target melee and increases damage based on how close the target is to the boss. Throw them in randomly from time to time during the fight to force melee to disengage.

then post on JP forum. google translate exists

But it IS goalpost moving. The argument wasn't about user not being able to get in to the content, or even being treated badly. user was just pissed off that his job requires more work to produce smaller numbers than other jobs. Only after it was pointed out that others' numbers don't matter as long as user enjoys his job and can do the content, that the victim card suddenly appeared.

If that were actually happening then you'd open with it instead of complaining about something retarded like muh purple parses

Chads play WoW Classic.

probably a good player who plays slowly with their friends

where the healsluts at tho...

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Playing fun jobs.

A lad denied his Grand Company

I'm not the one complaining, I just implied going there would be just as pointless as bitching here.
Also >going to the forums in the first place

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Speaking of the jap OF, they're super afraid of getting banned that they won't say or refer to FFLogs directly and will only use roundabout phrasing to talk about numbers.
It's really funny and they're surprised that there's liberal use of the name and linking to the site/posting screenshots of it on the western forums.

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Shut up cuck and crank out those doublecast verraises. All your worthless ass is good for

>won't say or refer to FFLogs directly and will only use roundabout phrasing to talk about numbers.
This should be standard practice. People should report others for openly talking about parsers to help encourage this behavior more.

Alright, we'll mop you off the floor again, just don't stand in the orange this time.

Wait, since when is BLM the fotm? I thought it was to complex for smoothbrains and they all flocked to melee jobs

Nude mods kinda suck imo.
I disagree for end game content. It's a lot easier saying to your lagging static member or PF to improve later.
"The 50th percentile DPS is x"
"Your DPS is 200% lower than it."
"Are you having problems with your rotation or just not used to the fight?"
"Okay. Here's a guide to improve your DPS."
"We're going to have to kick you but good luck next time."

Is there a cap to DH? Like is there a point where stacking it will give you diminishing returns?

For some reason I just really like the big SAM snuggie on mine. Haven't gotten it to 80 yet so I haven't tried building around that chest piece yet.
From what I see, slutglam is the biggest trap for them.

>Thought their idle stance was an emote
>Thought they were being cheeky shaking their head whenever we wiped

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>BLM rotation is easy
Maybe in stormblood where your goal was just MORE FIRE IV and dont waste fouls

But now BLM is incredibly nuanced with despair
>did I get mana fucked by hardcast thunder, will I have 800 mana to despair or will I have to despair at 2000 mana or something
>constantly find room to squeeze in thunder procs/xenos and despairs
>boss jump soon, can I skip B4 to end on a despair
>tons of tactical B4 skipping in general because Despair rewards more astral fire cycles rather than longer cycles
>instead of burning convert in astral fire anytime you have to set up the post despair instacast weave
>tactical xeno useage for weaving/movement
you're constantly making decisions on where to spend your procs, xeno is an incredibly flexible move, and you have to count mana constantly to keep the despairs on track, all while dealing with BLMs usually movement issues

BLM is truly the thinking man's job and is the only chad dps where player skill shines over gear

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>want to wear capes
>miqote tail clips through
>wear a dress instead
>legs clip through in all running animations
>want to have long hair
>literally can only wear slutglam because every other top clips with long hair

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It was. ShB made it bunga tier.
Which is good since everything goes by a little quicker if that retard blm at least stays alive. I don't know what these people are bitching so much about.

You just want to be a slut

Slut glam is safe because it avoids clipping like said and it's form fitting so less chance to have a model that's lazily or poorly fitted to the body.


Raubahn going Guts mode sent him flying up in character rankings. Cutting that twerp in half was so satisfying

I dont though, so my only options now are short hair with rigid armor.
Not that that's bad, I just wish it could work with long hair without clipping everywhere.
Heck, even an option to hide miqote tail would be great, that's what they did for graha tia and it makes me mad that isnt a feature already.

>did I get mana fucked by hardcast thunder
you didn't even get the first point right because they deliberately tuned blm mp costs such that a single thunder cast in fire phase leaves you with just enough mp to despair at the end. You end up with 1200 normally and 800 on the dot if thunder was hardcast
imagine getting pampered so hard with quality of life tuning like this and still thinking the job takes skill

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Do you like porn?

>dev's personal class is always good
who would've thought such a thing

I just had a Skalla run where the warrior used Mythril Tempest out of combo in AOE pulls and nothing else, and the RDM did not use melee abilities. You guys meme about the French but the Germans are the actual scourge. Literally no brain.

You get fucked by mana if it happens two cycles in a row

Ishikawa is the woman with the dyke hair, right?

The same one that made the shitty trolley portion of Amh Araeng storyline?

It won’t, you have sharpcast on a 30s cd. Stop being bad.

DPS, all other roles exist only to support your fun killing giant beasts. Tanks keep aggro so you can kill the boss with impunity while Healers heal your booboos. Tanks and healers are cucks, don't be a cuck.

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Nashu's Nashus.

>hating on the trolley arc
Way to out yourself as a small brain

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I'm going to assume that this is bait

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Was he right?

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She's a precious cinnamonn roll and must needs be protected at all costs.

You don't always need a parser to tell when somebody is doing shit dps.

He was right to choose to stick to content where DPS does not matter.

He's not obligated to do EX or Savage.

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I wish they made Bio be 15s recast (and half the strength, naturally).

>liking the trolley arc
dumb hyoka poster

desu there's a lot of precious members on the dev team and the game is full of soul as a result.
I don't have any of the namae pictures saved but pretend I attached one of them to this post.

>leveling monk
>tail fits perfectly through the gap in the back of the temple cyclas
Were the Fist of Rhalgr primarily miqo'te?

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at half the strength it wouldn't be worth using period

anytime you intentionally skip B4 or unintentionally skip despair things get funky

also going into astral fire with 2 umbral hearts which only happens in one fight

60x5 = 300
Still better than Broil III and creates a natural weave window.

I wish we still had Heavensward Shadow Flare

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If only for the slow.

>deleted shadow flare
>deleted scourge
>kept salted earth

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Based. Tanks tank, healers heal, and DPS DPS.

AoW is one of the lamest AoEs aesthetically. It doesn't even look like something SCH would use.

>deleted scourge
>gave it to GNB
pshh nothing personnel

>battlefield commanders
>Art of War

makes sense to me

Where's your lawnmower titan parse? doesn't even have to be savage

It's literally just Aura Blast that SCH had in PVP since forever.

No, the name makes sense, but what the fuck is this dark energy shit? What does that have to do with war or SCH?

since Scholar spells are all types of vocalizations, I'm guessing that Art of War is you proclaiming wisdom to your comrades and intimidating your enemies.

HP isn't just physical health, morale is significant

In Japanese it's called something like Enemy Formation Break. Reminder that SCH literally heals by encouraging party members.

Anyone ever try a permadeath run on XIV? No healers.

2k8 as a tank? How? Was he dead 50% of the time and undergeared?

Isn't war suppose to be the lowest out of the four tanks?

When the fuck is this stated? Am I crazy?

Wait, really?
Shit I'm retarded. That makes the whole strategist thing make more sense, I was wondering what it had to do with being a healer.

Shit I need to make my SCH a military glam now

If boss goes down it seems fine to me fuck parse trannies

Adloquium is reassuring talk
Galvanized means excited into action
Sacred Soil is actually called Field Treatment Ring
Even Broil is actually Passionate Speech that then gets upgraded into Spirited Speech and Deathly Passionate Speech (not literally but by association).
Fairies and their abilities however have nothing to do with tactician motif.

I don't use these log sites, does that mean he did no damage at all while his average is at 2.8k?

Well, the encouragement is just the spirit of the healing, scholar abilities are still real healing magic, and the fairy helps with that

This sounds fucking weird, but now I like SCH more

Yes. He's doing less damage than a Ast spamming one attack spell every once in a while.

MNK, obviously.

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anyone that plays a male scholar is canon gay

It's definitely one of the most unique healers in video games, aesthetically, come hells or high water. The only case where XIV incarnation of a job is straight up more interesting than XI's.

Uhh, was aether always this weird?

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I just wish the quests were as interesting.

Have you ever heard of enrage timers dumbfuck

Don't reply to it.

Scholar is the straightest healer job in the game, comes with free cute and funny fairt. You don't actually do the GAY healing your fairy wife does all the work for you while you read the great gatsby midcombat

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MCH has the coolest sprint animation, why is it's idle and run animations so ass?


That opening section there has a nasty poison dot that stacks. Just take it easy there, the rest is way easier.


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>bunny player
Don't even need to look at numbers. Majority of the time a bunny is a shitter especially if GNB

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Because of the faggy LED lunchbox they have to carry by their hip which occupies their left hand

Keep pulling big until he learns how to heal

>tfw everytime I see Emet I feel profound sadness

>turn abyssal drain into cd
>give us a new aoe combo
I miss dark arts abyssal drain

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Go outside and smell a flower.

Time for Heavensward!

Did Alphinaud's voice change?

bitches will be on your cock wanting that partner up

entire cast did

Anyone else find all the tanks feel a bit off in ShB? Can only seem to tolerate drk

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I’m a BLM and I’d rather have an actual DPS job that actually does damage instead of your shitty dance partner

PLD never felt better, fuck off.

But it's a different healer every time, user.

they all play the same, everyone has a sheltron, everyone has a fell cleave, everyone has a sentinel
come on

Who even cares about the DNC at the end of the day. Now that fflogs is based on rDPS as a BLM all you need is skill. 0 fucks given to DNC and whoever he partners.



I hate Triple Triad. I hate Lewena. I'm going to kill everyone and then myself.

So, when we wen't to teh world of darkness, we went to the 13th, but through a voidgate, isntead of through whatever method the Exarch and company divised for the WoL and the scions afterward to go to the first, but, while there in teh 13th, there was no tiem displacement right? No one, not even Nero, make eny mention of any of that.

And on top of that, we can assume the Cloud of darkness to be the most powerful of the voidsent, the equivalent to the Lightwardens I guess, so what gives? did we left the 13th ont he brink of salvation already?

WIll the Eden raid answer any of this?

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Gonna play the trial, which classes do you fags recommend for trying out? Then I'll decide if I waste my time playing because I paid for the subscription instead of studying

>only melee jobs left for my Amaro mount
>leveling MNK
>can't seem to get the basic rotation rhythm down
I think I'm retarded bros...

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Maybe them all being a bit samey is the thing that feels off. TBN is a bit of a distaction.

I quit early into SB. Did they nerf pld gauge generation during sb? I remember swimming in gauge in SB

1 2 3
4 5 6
1 5 6
4 5 6
1 2 3

yes. and its quite jarring. But in all cases but 1 its better

Yes, everyone's voices except for Aymeric were recast, because a different voice team was used.

He. Only generate 5 per AA now but Shelton got buffed by giving you block for a whole 6 seconds instead of one attack

Congratulations, you've just described literally every single job in the game.
Only retards who have never even touched BLM still spout this shit.

A real monk player right here

How far have I come
Deep have I been
Much more remains?

Seems like it's been a maze in the haze
Yet eyes still glazed to seek the answer.

Over the winding roads, what will await for me
Could it be a dream I longed for
The gleam of dawn or just the misery and grief?

Oh when the journey ends, what will I find in me?
It could be strength and faith, as strong as how far I have been walked on.

Over the winding roads, what will await for me?
It could be a dream I longed for
The gleam of dawn and the answer I seek.

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still a ways to go lads
still a ways to go

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Classic WoW, begone Shadowfurries.

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ShB is pretty amazing so far. The new town feels like people actually live in it

I do that DPS when I die and fuck up ON FUCKING UCOB.

That's not too bad. Trying to level everything at the same time is painful.

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>Leveling roulette role in need: Tank
>Role waiting list number: #9

Inv assmong layer

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my god botting in this game is probably in the worst state its ever been. there's legions of bots blatantly walking underground and running in the air in major cities in front of dozens of people.

Hey user, put on your job crystal so your class isn't blocked :^)

Show DoH/L

>tfw only have Astrologian left at 74 and 2/3
Home stretch, boys.

Attached: i tire of this charade.png (800x1000, 339K)

>2/4 tanks leveled
>all healers leveled
>ninja left
>all physical ranged at sub-70
>just hit 71 on RDM, BLM at 60
It's going to take a while

don't laugh at my CUL desynth

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Ah well that's neat if they are better. Though I didn't have much issue with any of em except maybe Minfilia

So what do I meld right now, crit and det or what

Hey faggots, I'm leveling AST at the moment and mostly enjoying it. Should I save Sleeve Draw to have Divination handy/as many stamps as possible or Minor Arcana those suckers onto people when I pop Divination? Or are both wrong?

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I wonder how much this guy makes for multiboxing 16 bots through the MSQ.

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>immediately think of my parse
how do I get the HRT out of my system before it's too late

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what job? in general almost every class functions on SS req for stability > crit>=dh > det > further ss. stats have breakpoints where maybe a det meld would be marginally better than a crit/dh meld and you can find those points by googling but it's not that big a deal.

Probably a decent amount when you convert USD to their third world country currency.

damn the dude sounds salty as fuck lmao

Not him, but is there a cap for DH? Where you'll stack too much and get diminishing returns?

MNK and NIN, I wouldnt think they needed SS since they already go fast

demon hunter?

What do I level next guys, sam from 70 to 80 or do I start gnb from 60

bros why the fuck does ast use up so much mana. Even in diurnal I run out of mana quickly if I'm not too careful. Is whm just that much better because I did not have this problem with that class or am I just retarded

What? I'm talking about Direct Hit.

No more Rachel Alucard Yda

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No iirc.

After seeing a few threads and screenshots, this game has piqued my interest. Is it too late to get into it?

not sure, i don't believe we have nearly enough stats to reach diminishing returns on anything yet
yeah it's just a rule of thumb. if your job needs ss to have certain things align better then you get your ss tier wether it be 2.38, 2.45 etc., if it doesn't like brd, mch, nin etc. then you just avoid ss as much as possible.

>most cucked healer
Nobody plays AST

Direct Hit


Losing Ewer and no way of MP management compared to SCH's Energy Drain/Aetherflow or WHM's Thin Air or Assize

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Manage Lightspeed better and use Lucid Dreaming on cooldown. It does have more MP problems than the other healers, though.

What were the stats like at the end of SB? Did DH have a cap?

to all you leveling your alt dps jobs, what the heck do you do?

duty roulettes and just wait for dungeons while doing fates?

at least with tank/healer you don't get burnt out that fast in the day because you can do dungeons consistently.

unironically trusts are great for DPS

would anyone be interested in running a hardcore run in which permadeath is enabled and if you die by ANY means that character is dead?

fates in between dungeon queues is the fastest i've leveled. 70+ ofc

Trusts, roulette, quests/fate when I need a change of pace.

Nothing in this game is threatening to you. You literally can't die until the cap unless your brain has been eated by a sea bacteria.

FATEs, play with friends or FCmates, PFinder sometimes has nice people or similar situated people.

healers and bard

dungeons if people screw up, also you can't be playing as a healer.

you can also die in some duties if you literally weren't paying attention.

absolutely not
>die because shit healer
>delete character

low maintenance rotation that does big dick damage and huge loss for dropping it
and then on top of that, because you have a skill that teleports you to any teammate on command instantly, and another command that teleports you back into ley lines instantly, for most optimal party DPS everyone else has to rotate and move around with you in mind while you sit there in your ley lines just doing your big dick damage,

I wish they buffed quests or at least gave more of them. Sidequests in this game are fun.

Roulettes and PvP. Challenge log for Fates.

that's the fun part, you gotta have a little rng and keep a bunch of potions just in case someone fucks up. literally go full survival mode and see how far you can go.

Machinist. Chad gives no fucks about playing the weakest class.

I've just reached that 100 MSQ wall after ARR and before Heavensward.

Is it as awful as I've heard?


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depends if you burst through it which is painful but removing a bandaid off quickly or let it heal naturally in which it's kind of a pain but you don't really notice it. if you take the second choice you get the opportunity to look at your wound and say whoa that's cool.

im range banned.

I did main scenario roulette for the first time in forever last night and got praetorium. I laughed like an idiot when this part came up.

I haven't logged in almost a week now. Tomorrow I'll log in again to clear eden savage in one night as usual and then proceed to not log in for a whole week.

Is this what Yoshi meant?

It's better than ARR once you get past that dumb bitch

everyone that says ''that race!'' is an elezen with superiority complex that is a piece of shit in game

Gentlemen, I have a proposal. To unleash a spell to eradicate Heterodaelyn...

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why did they control Thancred instead of Y'Shtola

I just have a deep hatred for Viera players. They're either decent or just really really passive aggressive. I've never met a Viera player I wouldn't mind hanging out with

Why doesn't the Stormsblood collection or HW collection have the full song list on Spotify ;-;

Just got through it. Its not TOO bad. Yeah it drags and I started to feel it near the end. Lots of running back and forth / fetch shit. Still interesting when the PLOT starts kicking in and it ends on a pretty great note.

Huh, I don't remember this.

>to all you leveling your alt dps jobs, what the heck do you do?
Daily leveling and alliance roulette, then do something besides leveling a dps. If you don't have anything else to do then close the game. If you're >lv71 then you might queue for Shadowbringers dungeons of your level while afking or something.

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>outing yourself as a cutscene skipper

just don't try to rush only thinking "Heavensward, come on heavensward"
it's awful but it's mostly long, don't overdo it, it's the common mistake that make people quit.
Yes you're going to go through the same primals, it will suck, but do try to enjoy the story

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If you're actually interested in the world and characters, then no, it is not. There's a bunch of quests that boil down to 'go here, talk to guy, go here, talk some more, come back to where you started and talk some more' but I never saw it as a big chore or anything.

just do roulettes, don't forget it's an mmo, MSQ roulette will consistently give you several levels until late levels, then some hunts for good mesure.
And do try to find some stuff to do, like looking up nice looking glamour for the job

how do people find that?

Why does FFXIV upset WoW users so much? Both games can exist.

>Can move without losing damage

It's long, and some parts are boring. I'd advise to do all the other lvl 50 content (dungeons and raids) while you do them or level an alt job on the side. Or rush them but risk being burnout, your call.

Try taking it in batches, each patch pretty much has a trial in it so you can do like a patch or two a day so you don't burn out.
Also, you can skip most shit, just pay attention to when the foreign lady shows up and Shiva.

Stormsblood has the best title screen music.
Shadowbringers has the best intro music.

at least one person is falseflagging as a FFXIV player in the Classic threads, I know because I'm on the fence about playing Classic since XIV is my first real MMO

14 makes them feel threatened because it's growing while wow is shrinking

Queue for leveling, afk.
Queue for alliance raid, afk.
Queue for main scenario, afk while using add-on to fish for a praetorium queue.
Once you get a prae queue, accept and afk.
If you still have rested exp, then queue for highest dungeon you can and afk.

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>Reassembled Drill
Why is this shit so fun when its so simple?

>make a character on goblin to fuck around
>world visit to balmung in limsa
>ton of people actually running around
>hear the ambient background chatter for the first time in ages
>viera playing mario music
I really should transfer, time difference on a JP server makes it so most areas are always pretty empty.

>Is it as awful as I've heard?
Only if you have ADD
It's really just talk to some people then run a dungeon or a trial
The other expansions post stories are about the same length really, they just consolidate it somewhat so you're talking to multiple people in one quests rather than one person per quest


>No job where I can swing a big stick and get big numbers, only pretty boy Samurai

There's also not terrible filler like F'hlaminn in HW or SB.

Is Mr Happy gone to wow for good? Are we free of his shitty guides for pugs?

>swing a big stick and get big numbers
BLM staff is big and gets big numbers, DRG spear is a big stick and gets big numbers

>BLM staff is big and gets big numbers, DRG spear is a big stick and gets big numbers
I mean a REALLY big stick.

Of course not. He will be back in 5.1 for more dumb shit guides.

Couldn't handle the constant smell of semen on her breath.

PLD and WAR gets hammers in ShB if you'd like that. GUK gets a baseball bat.

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he's just following the buck like every other "variety" streamer right now. they'll all go back to their shit once they realize they don't actually want to do endgame.

because back in 2013 it was still cool to be an edgy villain
and nothing is edgier than a white haired dude with a black robe

>not terrible
Just because you masturbate to the cat girl doesn't make her good

Thancred was easier to manipulate

I know XIV players have a hard time reading but come on

Are you fucking illiterate? Or just ESL? user, you're agreeing with me.

>t. grey blm

I think that's what he was saying user

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Please respond
Fuck off

The irony on display here
"There's also not terrible filler like F'hlaminn in HW or SB." does not mean "There is filler that isn't terrible like F'hlaminn is"

You're right, I forgot two commas. But that also doesn't mean I LIKE her.

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Just be clear man, literally just adding the word "is" changes the whole meaning and trying to play the "durr hurr you no read good" makes you look like a buffoon

>Losing Ewer and no way of MP management
I will forever hate parse trannies and raid faggots for this

>black mage gets higher damage than all jobs
>samurai is the hardest selfish dps, but has lower personal dps than the rest of melees


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Has Samurai gotten CONSIDERABLY more complex in SHB? Because I played it a lot in early SB and it was legit braindead difficulty. No worries about anything at all and by far the easiest of the melee. I mean, how many times has Yoshi said Samurai was made to be simple? Five?

Got all the Mounts and Gear. Just need to finish getting the Titles. I have NIN at 53. After that I need to level BLM, MNK, PLD, and WAR and I'm done.

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no actually it's been made more simple, it's like RDM level now

protip: if you weren't using hagakure as part of your rotation in SB you weren't playing properly anyways

>protip: if you weren't using hagakure as part of your rotation in SB you weren't playing properly anyways
Thanks for the protip. I'm sure there were 1 or 2 SAMs in the entire datacenter back in SB who weren't using it for some unknown reason.

Reassembled Drill is nice and all but the real fun of MCH is using Heat Burst to dab on your enemies in rapid succession

most of them weren't actually which is why ikishoten exists now

hell like half of SAM players i've seen in SB were using their aoe rotation in single target for "faster midares" or "it looks cooler my sub my rules"

>tfw 250 away from capping tomes
fuck this game

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fucking hell senpai I haven't played this game in some literally 6 or 5 days and even I managed to cap phantasmagoria this week

do a hunt train or some maps bro.

>most of them weren't actually

im thinking on getting back into this game, i already have purchased the base game, but how much is it for the monthly sub?

13 burgers for the most basic sub

outside of SAM these are the most beta jobs

>tfw brainlet
How were you supposed to use it in rotation?

>leaving ff14
>after sucking YoshiP's dick on the media tour as much as he did
The ass-licker is here to stay

Did the few days ago buffs put SAM on top again? Because as far as last week it was a joke of a job. Only ahead of NIN among melees and getting absolutely dunked by MNK and DRG despite SAM bringing nothing to the table.

Nin and monk are the only chad jobs

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>ahead of nin

haha not anymore buddy.

yeah maybe by less than 100 dps difference at certain gear levels.

NIN is coming back.

Meta is back to DRG+NIN again. Well at least MNK had a good run.

Should all tanks get their tanking tools (gap-closer, short defensive CD, AoE combo, party CD) at around the same level? I don't see how getting some of those sooner or later than others helps establish job identity.

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More like drg+nin+mnk

MNK didn't seem to get nerfed though. At least I don't see it in the notes. Meaning it should still be ahead of DRG and then if the NIN buffs were really this fucking brutal then you can always have MNK + NIN.

And SAM continues to be a living joke.

hours spent wiping, again, and no clear still
Yea Forumsros.....

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Got any advice for Gunbreaker melds?

>SAM continues to be a living joke

I don’t understand why the devs are afraid of making it the highest melee dps in terms of damage when it has zero utility. That’s supposed to be the fucking trade off it’s not rocket science. Just fuck my shit up

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SS in gear/melds until you hit what you want > dh/crit > det. if your healers are shit or you want to prepare for ultimate you could do some tenacity also

Sam is literally designed to only be good when its receiving raid buffs
If you give all the cards to the sam and trick attack it will do more than monk!

Found the BLM main

Yoshi? He is. He is also the person who runs the whole show and has said in multiple occasions that sam was built with the idea of being simple from the start of design.

5.1 will buff them again. Shoha will be part of main rotation and more potency adjustments.

That’s terrible design, it’s not like MNK and DRG aren’t getting buffs as well. What a joke the devs are

I wish they would let you buy coats with floor 1 books, they become more or less worthless after you get a few drops going.

user you werent supposed to take that post seriously.

>need to spend additional rl money for both the tsukuyomi and tsuyu minion
its not fair bros

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But I was serious, they said it before

My e2s experience and still no finishing in sight.

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That’s literally what the devs said.

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I wish the loot system made possible to help others without ruining their loot.
I always oneshotc all 4 floors on tuesday and oneshots and then my static doesn't even play anymore until next week. And I sit there doing nothing

>tfw don't give a fuck about Garo
>don't have to waste my weekend spamming shitty PvP

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I'm about to drop blm and play sam.

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i think people will value the clear more than having no or one chests. plenty of PF fun to be had during the week before reset in 0-1 chest or doing some parse runs etc. for meme shit strats.

I get the reasoning behind it, they dont want a team of dudes just blasting some shitter through it and funneling them all the loot, but it fucking sucks, especially if you have a group of ten or so friends that want to play together, somebody always gets left out.

Over here playing MCH like

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But that makes no sense.

I play SAM purely to spite the balancefaggots.

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What's a good number for sks? And since I can't seem to hit the cap for DH, what's a good plce to stop for there?

2.40 for max optimal
2.38 for oh shit nigga I'm lagging or the boss is a bitch

Who cares how many buttons you need to press? You have range AND mobility.

I'm a brainlet, by 2.40 you mean 2400~ right?

shb mch is like 6 buttons

I'm not complaining, I'm having the time of my life


We've been over this

So what exactly is wrong with SMN other than damage output and certain pet actions not executing but still going on CD?

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There's nothing wrong with any of the tanks. The difference between them is so small they just all feel balanced.

There are nine buttons you will be hitting often and then another 6+ that are less common. Maybe you are thinking of black mage?

I will not rest until Living Dead stops being a pile.of shit.

When's 5.1?

I don't like it because it's way too punishing. You can't do okay on the class. You do it right or you're trash. It's easy to tunnel and forget to refresh your dots as well.

Two months

October 15 or 22.

DRK has other things that balance out.

no 2.40 is your gcd. look at a tool tip and you'll see what your current gcd speed is

It also has shit damage as well, but I can live with that if they buff Living Dead.

>shit damage
All the tanks are basically around the same # in terms of damage last I checked.

Mch is simple as fuck.

It's at 2.39, guess I'm already set.

DRK is still at the bottom even if the gap isn't that big

When the gap is like a

>You have range AND mobility.
so does blm if you know how to play it properly, AND you have damage as well.

I just want the Haste back on Blood Weapon

Which one faggot. Don't respond to me if you don't know the exact date, that's not helpful at all

I'm retarded, when do I start eden

DNC. It takes a real man to shake your ass at the enemy.

Are you seriously putting BLM mobility in the same conversation as MCH/DNC/BRD? What in the fuck is happening right now

When your item level is 440

What the fuck is your problem faggot?

People think that since you can store procs for movement on BLM now that it somehow can get away with as much movement as the ranged physical classes.

How on earth do you figure SAM is harder than BLM?

hey man its 2019, why do you have to be homophobic?

>so does blm

Attached: 1334342111099.png (136x184, 51K)

Nothing more satisfying than getting your rotations perfected and pulling aggro off of tank.

So is your mom but I'm not complaining.

chads don't play at all

>since you can store procs for movement on BLM now that it somehow can get away with as much movement as the ranged physical classes
How can a working brain possibly arrive at this conclusion?

If you're pulling aggro off of a tank in current year, that means they're not hitting the enemy.

Less buttons than war and your burst are the same

>Trial Roulette
>Dying Gasp
>everyone leaves

Attached: 1562703911569.png (565x564, 497K)

>working brain
>Yea Forums armchair raiders

>wasting roulettes on a 80 job

Attached: 1538190348340.jpg (700x695, 148K)

Trial roulette gives shit EXP anyway

Why doesn't the compare prices list come up automatically when you list something

As opposed to people who raid on a chair with no arms?

>Not getting those times to gear up your 80s

You DO have multiple level 80s, right user? You’re not a casual are you?

Hit a little close to home you pedantic fuck?

Hades isn’t even hard anymore, I don’t know why people are scared of Dying Gasp. Hell, I still have more party wipes on Innocence than Hades.

it gives like 4-5m
>not doing hunt trains for tomes then crafting 450 gear

Titania is the ultimate shitter filter, had a bunny healer demand that everyone watch a video on it beforehand. This was the NORMAL version.

I can't wait until blm goes back in the shed so I can tell all the faggots who complain "just play SMN bro lol"

Could be worse, could be The Royal Menagerie

I see a yellow gem very briefly every now and then. I assume it means the tank forgot that particular mob was there and/or was afk.

Literally impossible to rip aggros off tanks. They retard proofed that too much

user I'm the person you were previously agreeing with in this conversation. Are you just blindly tossing shit towards all sides now?