>literally the new "HOES MAD" of Smash
>makes Tracer seethe
>makes Zoomers seethe
Literally the new "HOES MAD" of Smash
Other urls found in this thread:
nice hat ken
Terry Bogart, Sol Badguy, and Ken Masters are all the same character. This is why fighting games are dying you fgc clowns
> Yea Forums spams about how King K Rool will never be in Smash because of rulefagging
He gets in
> Yea Forums spams about how Ridley will never be in Smash because of rulefagging
He gets in
> Yea Forums spams about how Bayonetta will never be in Smash because of rulefagging
She gets in
> Yea Forums spams about how Cloud & Erdrick will never be in Smash because of Rulefagging
They get in
> Yea Forums Spams about how Doomguy will be in Smash because of rulefagging
He never gets in
> Yea Forums spams about how Nakoruru will never be in Smash because of Rulefagging
Seeing a pattern here faggots?
yeah, every single time a character comes out you're still a faggot
>He never gets in
awfully presumptuous considering we still have no idea what fighter 5 is going to be
low odds for metal slug but I can dream
If the SNK character actually happens I wouldn't if it was either Terry, Nakoruru, Haohmaru, Marco or even Kyo, the reaction from smashfags is already priceless.
Lets fight
ID is B4NS6 Password is 8008
Cope, 5th fighter is Hayabusa, Kasumi or Ayane
Terry's reveal trailer should just be a sequel to the Kencineroar trailer.
you just proved my point. Get fucked Waifufag
>v acts as if tracer getting in would be the worse case scenario for the game
>turns out she is probably not in the fighter pass
I thought people would be happy with this final outcome, do zommers just not know about snk?
what are you basing this on?
Zoomers do not understand the very concept that games existed before they were born.
> Spamming buzzwords & thinking anyone cares About his opinion
So it's basically agreed that Terry and Doomguy are the final two DLC fighters.
im not one but i've heard literally everyone on twitter (the zoomers) are throwing a shitfit because they don't like SNK or don't even know what it is.
Haha what if he got turned into a girl against his will by a witch and then the witch died from Terry beating her ass so now Terry is stuck as a girl forever Haha thatd be nuts
I'd be surprised if it's anything else besides doomguy or crash by this point, I can't think of other characters that could provide a decent sendoff for the fighter pass
Tecmo developed Fire Emblem & is close with Nintendo, DOA6 was in development around the same time 3 Houses is so they obviously had discussions on Smash behind Closed doors. We just don't know who Nintendo wanted, since Tecmo wanted Kasumi but Nintendo has preferred Ayane in the past. And Hayabusa cannot be ruled out, even though he has less chances than them.
Based retard
so you're basing this off of pure speculation?
doomfags at least have some evidence via bethesda publicly stating they've spoken about smash before.
Terry is probably the only SNK character I would be okay with, maybe alongside Mai, despite the fact that I think there are a dozen characters who should be in before him.
I don't really blame people for being salty considering this is paid DLC that many people already went in on. Yeah it's just a few dollars at the end of the day but it's more about trust than money.
Please tell me Terry is actually a shoo-in. I want my bro in so bad now
Ken in casual clothes.
I want Mai. Not even a waifufag well, maybe just a little bit but I think having a fan fighter would be neat, even if she only uses them for a handful of moves.
It'd be Fio
What a fucking waste of money.
How can people be THIS mad about fucking SNK? Is it zoomers or just people who are just butthurt it wasn't who they wanted? (mostly another fucking waifufag)
>Yea Forums is already hating on Nakoruru
Why though?
Because a Yea Forums approved character isn't getting in Smash & all of the leaks favor Nakoruru despite Yea Forums's obsession with creating rules & gatekeeping about who can be in Smash
I look forward to the tears when it isn't a KoF rep at all.
It's still SNK, and that's better than any waifu shit people have been shilling over the past few months. Literally like Steve at this point
Idk about snk but as long as tracer isnt in it im fine with it. Zoomer seething on twitter is pretty funny too, its like these idiots dont know anything outside the west or before they were born.
hoes mad
hoes mad
hoes mad
hoes mad
>Yea Forums approved character
That is absolutely nobody. There is no character that is the pick for more than 10% of Yea Forums, with an extra 20% being ambivalent or apathetic at best.
Never played the games, what's he like? He kinda just looks like carbon copy of Ken both in looks and what little personality I've seen from his poses.
I have legitimate inside people who've told me he's a lock if that helps, but obviously you'll find out officially very soon.
based op making zoomers mad.
like how ken/incineroar was the perfect sendoff to the base game?
Imagine Ken but a more chad cocky delinquent kickboxing street brawler who has a "son" and just wants to have fun and fight people and speak engrish mid fight.
Can someone just spam hoes mad in image format
Pretty sure the people doing that for earlier characters are already seething now
>Fine with any SNK rep just because of the types of remixes we could get from them
Hope this turns out to be true in the end
His backstory is kind of like Jin from Tekken, he joined a fighting tournament hosted by an evil criminal mafia lord with the aim of killing the criminal mafia lord because he killed his parents. Difference between Terry and Jin is that Terry is a nice guy who doesn't turn evil and he feeds orphans and adopts the mafia lord's son.
i really dislike terry AMA
go away laser
you mean piranha plant?
Huh, cool.
He kinda sounds more closer to Cody then Ken himself then.
t. Geese
>fighting game character
Geese actually likes Terry, cause he gives him a good challenge.
> Yea Forums spams about how Shantael will never be in Smash because of rulefagging
patterns indeed.
I thought long and hard about an in-game character who dislikes Terry and came up with zilch. He's just a really nice guy.
I'd be surprised if it was either
I'd prefer a Metal Slug rep but I'm okay with Terry if he shows up
I'm okay considering I didn't buy this fucking garbage.
What are his special attacks?
I don't know why people are against Terry being in. SNK is crazy important to the history of games. Who would you rather have in, fucking Waluigi??
This. I can't imagine being dumb enough to buy a product without knowing what it is.
I'd rather metal slug
Oh wtf is this not actually ken ?
Who is this guy then ?
>Terry has been my #1 favorite fightan game character ever since I got Capcom Vs SNK 2 (Which still remains as my favorite 2D fighter to this day)
>Played the fuck out of KoF when I got a PS2 but friends always preferred Smash since I would body them at any other fighting game so I stopped playing after a while
>Terry Yum Goong has been my favorite video on the internet for almost a decade
>Jump almost two decades later and now there's a chance my favorite fighting game protag might be playable in Smash
>But now I'll have to put up with both zoomers who don't even know what SNK is and rosterfags/speculativefags latching onto him like they did with Steve/Erdrick/Banjo/Tracer/literally any character mentioned in a leak
No I'm not Okay
I don't know. Ainus are a cool and underused culture in media, and she's a cute girl with a bird. What's not to love?
Who gives a shit about hat ken?
give me Metal Slug characters
You have to remember that the Smash fanbase consists of social media junkies, manchildren, and literal children, the majority of the above playing exclusively Nintendo games because they don't want to leave their comfort zone
Fighting game characters are bottom-tier choices and we already have SFII for that tokenism
Watching Nintendies writhe as all these 3rd party characters invade smash is the best part of this season pass.
>shitty 90s outfit that aged like milk
>retarded move animations like rising tackle
>whacky engrish so funnay and randum
>aged like milk
zoom zoom
nice retort, retard. for the record, garou terry is one of my favorite visual designs ever
Marco, Eri, or Allen especially would be better choices.
Lolibird is a another retarded animu girl. Boring as fuck and literal who.
Yeah, he looks cool there, but everyone else loves his original outfit along with the iconic Fatal Fury hat, except you apparently.
One of the mishimas should have gotten in instead
Shut up soldier, you already have a hat
Anything but another FG character. It's not complicated.
Kukri, Ash Crimson. Hwa Jai, Yamazaki
An Incel, a faggot, a loser and a thug that got his ass kicked by Terry.
keep seething
>Ash hates Terry
What? When did this happen?
>Who would you rather have in, fucking Waluigi??
Unironically yes.
But I'm still ok with a KoF rep. Smash should get more actual fighting game characters. Especially if they can preserve their home series gameplay like Ryu/Ken.
Ah but more anime sword fighters or platformer characters please!
The only DLC characters who could even be construed as anime girls are Corrin (who is also male) and maybe Bayonetta (who is barely anime at all and has more realistic facial features.)
Keep crying, bitch nigga.
I thought it was in reverse, Ash doesn't mind Terry, but Terry hates Ash's ass for the events of 2003 and XI (when they talk in KoFXIII)
Such as.....?
Waluigi, Sans, Minecraft Steve anything but a boring FGC character
marco, doomguy, tetromino
what is ridley what is Krool and banjo
>we are now getting the clone of a clone
jesuschrist, it should at least been nakoruru. terry is discount ken who is just a discount ryu. what the hell was sakurai thinking. im genuinely upset.
>Waluigi, Sans, Minecraft Steve
>This is nu Yea Forums
marco/metal slug
>Waluigi, Sans, Minecraft Steve
What the fuck is wrong with you
>any one of those individually being more than 10% of Yea Forums
It was only a year ago user, your memory can't be that bad already.
I'd rather have Metal Slug/Marco but Terry would be fine if only because it would make waifutards mad
literally discount hadouken, discount hurricane kick, and discount dragon punch.
The doomfag below you is better than you. You were asked to name anyone remotely half-way decent and this was the best you could come up with?
nah we all universally agree upon doomguy and jc denton
anybody who disagrees is by definition just a blow-in and not really Yea Forums
We didn't do it Reddit
What is this meme that Terry is just a Shoto? Fuck, next your stupid ass is going to say DK is a rush down character.
Terry has had better games than the 3 combined.
doomguy, master chief, leon/jill, monster hunter, dante, crash, etc. so many options.
We have the chance to:
>rising tackle an aerial falcon kick.
>power charge a Bayonetta’s slide.
>power wave a Ryu/Ken’s hadoken.
>crack shoot/spike a Mario trying to recover with super jump punch.
>anime fighters are ok if it's boomer shit
yeah nah fuck off
>he isn't part of the We
go back to gamefaqs
>anything than a boring fgc character.
>says smash is a fighting game.
>is at EVO.
What did he mean by this? You just don’t wanna get buster wolfed and you know it. I’m gonna dunk on all of you, and rising tackle my way back to the stage, and there’s nothing that you can do to stop me.
SNK has done more for fighting games than pretty much any other company, besides maybe capcom. They deserve a character in the game
Can you not?
It's idiots not playing a goddamn game/franchise.
That, or the Ken clone memes are fucking with perception of some people.
>rising tackle Up-B
He'll be better off giving him power dunk.
>Anime Fighter
And what Anime Fighter mechanics does Fatal Fury or KOF has?
The more I think about it, the weirder it seems. I'm down for a KoF rep but... why? You could have gone back to the drawing board with Heihachi or included another Tekken rep, or someone from Soul Calibur, or hell even Mortal Kombat. What would Nintendo even get out of promoting KoF? The only way I see it happening is if they just said fuck it and let Sakurai choose a character himself.
rosterfagging has become less about what will be in and it's really just shitposting at this point now
shitposters need to end themselves
What, you wanted someone like Sol Badguy? Shit I wouldn’t mind him. Imagine the music. Let’s team up fellow fighter fan. Us Terry’s and Sol’s should stick together.
No YOU fuck off. Literally no one gives a shit about Tumblrwatch or Waifhou besides you fucking memeposting shit eating weeb trash. Terry or Nakoruru is getting in and you're going to fucking deal with it. But keep on zooming and seething on twitter little Billy, your tears will be all the more sweeter!
this post makes it look like brawlers are worse than swordfighters, Terry would be based and better than yet another fucking FE and you know it.
I think this is their latest female "poll" for kof. Would you like her in the game Yea Forums?
good post
he fundamentally is, you fucking retard. he has an upwards kick that's basically a dragon punch, a fireball but one that travels on the ground instead of in the air, and a quick punch that works as the hurricane kick. hell, now that I remember he even has that crack shoot move that's even more like a hurrican kick. I played the shit out of capcom vs snk 2, you go tell that to someone else.
Imagine not understanding what an anime fighter is.
holy fucking this
Smash has arguably done more than both combined. Every fighting game still rehash SF2 not to mention how Smash blows it out of the water in terms of sales
Threads like these make me think that Yea Forums is the most smoothbrained board on this site
Brawlers ARE as bad as swordfighters
LMAO what a fucking loser
Based and MSpilled
SNK is the true pleb filter.
he's right
Smash has not done more for video games then SNK or Capcom you absolute zoomer Jesus christ.If this isn't a bait post then Smash babies really are killing Yea Forums
a) In one of his main interviews, Sakurai talks about KoF 95 and explains how that game is part of the reason he wanted to make Smash Bros.
b) SNK and Capcom are the king of arcades and 2D fighting games, which are also part of why videogames bloomed in places like Mexico, Brazil and almost all of Latinoamerica.
c) SNK has been pretty much getting alright with crossover reps for plenty of games recently.
d) SNK had plenty of exclusive games and ports, including 2 unique games in the GBC, 2 in the GBA and SNK Heroines is console exclusive as well.
e) SNK is bringing Samurai Shodown, KOF 14 AND KOF XV to Switch.
It's gonna be her.
Guilty gear music would be incredible. Thing is Sol, at least in the first game, has a moveset close to Terry, so he would probably not be included with Terry. Still, ArkSys got a boost in publicity after DBZF, and now SNK had smash, so I'm satisfied.
Why is Terry more popular than Kyo?
Fuck you. I don't know what it is with you fags, but all three SNK wants(Terry, MS & Nak) all bring something to the table. Hell as much as I want Terry, I wouldn't mind Nak due to wanting to see if they use the Rage gauge for her.
We probably have more brawlers than swordfighters. It doesn't stick out as much as swordies tho because unlike swordies who mostly consist of FE echoes, Brawlers are almost all original fighters, despite all of their striking similarities. I mean hell, if I had a quarter for all of the characters in Ultimate that have a dropkick move, I'd be fucking rich.
Step aside, cunt.
well i'll be
i've never played an snk but i'm so hyped bros hes in!!
>Nintendo fans
They should have the KOF 3 character mechanic with 3 different SNK characters from different series in 1 fighter.
-Terry bogard
-metal slug character
-Samsho character
Long shot I know but it would be tight
I've never played any SNK outside of Metal Slug but Terry seems cool because he's such a cliche American guy and I love that trope
I'd much rather have Hayabusa but I can't be too upset here
This post is one of the least intelligent things I've ever seen.
By his logic a Metal Slug character would just be a clone of Mega Man.
she's boring
Imagine thinking Terry wouldn't play any different from Ryu or Ken.
and how do you figure that?
Rising Tackle is more of a Flash Kick and you know it, asshole. DPs cover more range. Terry is trap based, faggot, so try again.
but MS character and mega man are both from different genres and would have vastly different mechanics with the metal slug itself, whereas ryu and terry are both from the same genre and just use punches and kicks are their main means of attacks. you have no argument.
in what way? They don't even have similar movesets.
Crash, Geno, Marco, Dante, Doomguy even.
what fucking bait.
>both characters are from fighting games so they'd play too similar
So if two characters are from 2D shooting games, then they would play too similar as well. He literally defeats his own "argument"
He's far easier to play than Kyo and his design is more distinct at a cursory glance.
Speaking or porperty.
>Rising Tackle
Same damage property, and distance as Lil Mac
>Power Knuckle
Literally Falcon's raptor boost
>Crack Shoot
Works the same as Shiek's bouncing fish instead his foot lands a meteor.
>Ground Wave
Same physics as Pika's thundershock.
2D shooting game isn't a genre retard. just because they both are 2D and happen to have a gun as their main weapon doesn't mean it's the same fucking game. Are Risk of Rain and Metal Slug in the same genre now?
You're forgetting the Max Cancel system and even plane stepping from Terry'd games. The only reason you think he'd be a clone is because you don't enough about his games.
>ridley, k rool and bajo
they were laughing stocks. Their autism got so bad Sakurai literally got them in by "popular demand". Ridely even had a size joke when he was announced
They could give them the Hero treatment, as in get all four of them, each with an alt referencing other SNK characters (or other Metal Slug characters like Nadia and Trevor) what that guy said are my exact concerns if they put either Kyo or Terry, there would be nothing too interesting about them if they also have command inputs like Ryu and Ken do.
Pretty much much bro
This is the best choice
We already have Ryu and Ken for fighting games rep
haha im jerking it right now but ironically
Terryfags are officially worse than Erdrickfags.
You know who's SNK's main shoto? PIC. FUCKING. RELATED.
Good to see Wario is a clone of Mario
I hope this is it. Any SNK character would be good though.
KOF team Esaka as 1 a pokemon trainer t hing PLEASE
This fighter pass is blessed
If that comparison doesn't work for you, then what about JRPGs? You've got Cloud, Hero, and Joker, all who use a turn based system in their source games and pick their moves from a menu. Yet here they all are in smash with different movesets. There's literally nothing keeping Terry out.
Fuck Terry and fuck Terryfags, Metal Slug characters or no SNK characters in Smash period.
1-3 and it's Terry
4-6 and it's Nakoruru
7-9 and it's Metal Slug
0 and it's Athena
you're splitting hairs, moron. rising tackle is a fucking anti air that will be used as his up b, no matter if you use the dragon punch input or you charge it in the original game. literally just read this. terrible pick for a newcomer when there's so much more interesting shit. like I already said, even nakoruru would've been way better and more interesting to have with her hawk gimmick.
Truth hurts huh
People like you deserve to be upset
Can I go out with your sister?
I feel like its too easy. Someone should come up with.something better
It's posts like these that tell you when someone doesn't even play anything other than Smash. Fatal Fury and KoF are series that uses 4 buttons to attack and few characters have command normals so out of the gate the movepool is a lot smaller than Ken and Ryu which come from a 6 button fighter.
Please be Metal Slug..
I know it's probably going to be Terry because Sakurai likes King Of Fighters but hopefully we can somehow work a miracle and let Metal Slug get in instead.
No stupid. Power Dunk would his up B, which sends him up and then down. Rising Tackle would be his up air.
Piranha Plant was the first DLC.
Though it's not exactly an amazing inclusion either.
>specials are various weapon pickups like enemy chaser
>heavy machine gun for neutral, can move while firing, runs on an ammo meter
>if the ammo runs out you're stuck with the pistol for a short period of time
>shotgun and flame shot for smash attacks
>knife for tilts
>final smash is loading up in the Metal Slug and unleashing a barrage of missiles
>stage is set on a composite battlefield with the armies fighting while the martians occasionally fly by
>POW added as an assist that drops items from his briefs
>SNK Heroines is coincidentally also getting a 4th character rep.
>Both DLC pages went up at the same time.
>Yea Forums will honestly believe this is evidence that an SNK rep is next.
We've done this song and dance like 5-6 times now and you retards never learn.
I'm gonna love every laugh when DoomGuy doesn't get in.
Each one of those games plays differently and have wildly different themes. the SNK fighting games and street fighter games are all damn near reskins of each other by the fact that they're all just character vs character with healthbar where they fight using slightly differing movesets between characters. The fact that capcom and SNK had a crossover fighting game is fucking proof of this.
Honestly, all the potential characters have their good points and bad points.
>One of SNK’s most popular characters
>Iconic moveset, but a tad generic with Ryu and Ken already in the game
>Might not have good stage selection, but good music selection
>Potential fem!Terry as an alt, spirits of the KOF cast
>Would help promote SamSho
>I get to pretend Asirpa is in a fighting game
>Potential for a unique moveset (less use of the dagger, more of the animals?)
>Okay music/stage choices
Metal Slug
>Not exactly the face of SNK any more
>Could have all four characters similar to Hero
>As they were already platformers, a moveset would be unique involving the Metal Slug or something
>Potentially good stage ideas, not many music choices
>Aside from the main characters, not a lot of notable characters to add as spirits
Ryu Hayabusa
>One of the last big NES characters not in Smash
>Could have a moveset combining his original, reboot, and DOA games
>Might be too similar to Greninja and Shiek
>Not a lot of memorable stages and music
>Tons of spirits
>Could have a unique time mechanic
>Get into accent matches with Shulk
>Spirit matches could be neat, but little stage/music options
>Somewhat lacking in personal charm
Metalslugbros, it's time to create anti-terry OC.
>SNK Heroines is coincidentally also getting a 4th character rep.
What character would that be?
Can't see much fighting here that is Ken-like to be honest.
>Each one of those games plays differently
And you lost me. See ya when Terry gets in.
SNK Heroines already got the 4th character long ago
SNK is trying to become relevant again and are giving out their characters like candy to every fighting game franchise in order to increase their popularity. They probably gave a character to Sakurai and asked for barely anything in return.
>shitposting SNK characters against each other
get cancer
SNK has been lending characters to a bunch of different companies to gain market appeal for their future games.
Rising tackle will be his up' smash
No. Snkchads should stick together.
It was for Miss X.
7/11 already showed Banjo's release is this month. They're getting ready for a reveal.
Why is Doomguy becoming a shitpost target lately? Doomfags look for evidence to support him as a viable inclusion and argue on behalf of their character against detractors, but they've generally avoided character war faggotry since they were mostly removed from the ballot. A lot of retarded secondaries seem to think he's "likely" because he's popular now but most of the people who actually made him popular are just trying to get that popularity noticed by continuing their support. I don't support Doomguy because I think he's likely, I support him because I think he'd make for a good addition. I do not support him in service of "BTFOing" anyone who supports other characters.
>Everyone thinks its terry
>Day of the smash announcement
>It's Terry getting rocked by an unknown assailant
>Ends on this screen with his smash invite gently floating down.
>A figure swoops down and swipes it
Just as according to PREDICTABO
I can hear it
Sounds good, as long as Terryfags get BTFO'd.
Any SNK character is fine
Oh, that's the case for pretty much every character people want,
the loud idiots is all everyone else is seeing, welcome to the club, enjoy your stay.
what if their moveset went something like this?
>jab and tilts are all handgun fire, similar to megaman
>standard special is weapon switch between the different kinds. summon the POW for second to give you the weapon
>side special is grenade
>up special is astro slug, works similarly to ROB's up special
>down special is metal slug, works similarly to wario's bike in that you can use it indefinitely, but it can be destroyed by the opponent, only the slug controls the same way it does in the games. Once it's been damaged enough, marco would just out of it and it'll explode, damaging the opponent if hit by it
I'll be making an image based around this in the future, but here's the jist of it.
Desperate for any shitflinging wherever you think you can still get it, eh Stevie?
cope, terryniggers
>metal slulg
>not many music choices
>Only one missing is Kyo himself
I love when people post anything with "bros", always out them out as nothing but shitposters.
Here's your SNK rep bro
>> Yea Forums Spams about how Doomguy will be in Smash because of rulefagging
>He never gets in
It's like you're asking to get BTFO
so he'd be a downgraded Ryu, got it.
He even sounds just like him. You and your discord buddies wanking their little willies at the prospect of shitting up the board with 'terry vs metal slug' spam, huh?
Welcome to the lions den SNKfags.
You can't imagine how hard would make me getting the entire cast of Metal Slug in Smash + the alien, all as alts.
Yeah, because I'd love to use a character with who potentially will get Little Mac-tier recovery.
Nakoruru just makes more sense for Smash.
Look, it's Ralf or Clark.
They can use weapons from Metal Slug but their star attack will be Galatica Phantom/Super Argentina Backbreaker.
a KOF and a Metal Slug rep rolled into one.
Terryfags forget that he's already in Fighting EX Layer. It's either Metal Slug or Kyo for Smash.
>how Doomguy will be in Smash because of rulefagging
u wot
This would be too good to have
>Tecmo developed Fire Emblem & is close with Nintendo, DOA6 was in development around the same time 3 Houses is so they obviously had discussions on Smash behind Closed doors
Koei was the squad who worked on FE. This argument is more favorable for Nobunyaga than Hayabusa, and I want Hayabusa.
This is what really triggers me, smashfags won't shut up about how Smash is a real fighting game and then never play any other fighting games and don't even know what a SnK is
Didn't Sakurai state multiple times he thinks fighting game characters like Terry and Heihachi are hard to work simply because they're too similar? Also doesn't he approve characters show to him by the suits and I quote "try to come up with a plan"?
>complete retread of Ryu and Ken.
There's a fucking game, FOUR GAMES where all these characters appear side by side and you can play them and TELL that they don't play anything alike.
Why the fuck do people screencap the dumbest fucking posts? You're going to make people of the future think 2019 Yea Forums was the dumbest it's ever been if these images get out and start floating around the internet.
I want Terry to fuck me
Yeah, this. You can tell from the "DURR TERRY IS JUST LIKE RYU AND KEN THEY'RE ALL TEH SAME" hurring and durring.
It's just zoomers trying to hide the fact that they didn't even know who this character was before this leak.
Pranked Terry, right?
I know nothing about SNK and their IPs but the Terrybros have been chill since the beginning, and now that they got a shot I gotta support them
>Iori, the guy whose entire life revolves around Kyo is already in MA without him
>Mai and Kula in DOA
>Terry in EX Layer
>Geese in Tekken
>Haohmaru in SC6
>Nobody even repped him in KOF14
Kyo has it rough.
>probably knows that isabelle is an example that contradicts that statement
>furry poster
Like clockwork
I just find regular fighting game characters pretty boring choices for Smash, personally.
>not geese
i know he's in tekken already but damn
Geese deserves to be everywhere.
Dont forget Nako. Haohmaru is already in SoulCal so that leaves her wide open.
I so desperately want it to be Metal Slug but everything has been pointing to her and i hate it.
Especially with the bird picture and the Milkbotatsu leak.
so you didn't read the post? Because his post is exactly about how a character that plays differently in their own fighting games might not play differently in smash.
You'll get a Terry but not the one (You) want
Isabelle doesn't originate from a fighting game.
unironically this.
I like Ultimate a lot as a game in all honesty, more than a few fighting games I am not mentioning here. But you're goddamn right that the community is fucking abyssmal.
Nako is also missing.
Ryu/Ken depending on their combos is what makes them absolutely trash. It's fine when you have 6 buttons and, on a fight stick, 5 fingers to press them. But having to do a long ass chain where every move goes of the single A button and the difference between them is not only which direction of the movement stick but also how long you press the button is absolute cancer.
Specially considering when you can just grab someone like Palutena or Inkling, deliver much longer combos with way less inputs.
these two posts right here are what kill Terryfags.
Still too similar to villager yet here we are with a non echo fighter isabelle
Would take over Steve or Sans any day of the week. Helps that you'd actually be able to design a moveset for LISA's Terry.
> Because his post is exactly about how a character that plays differently in their own fighting games might not play differently in smash.
If he wasn't in several games where Ryu and Ken appeared, he would be right.
He was in four games where those other characters appeared and he was wildly different from them. His point is retarded and based on shit he pulled from his ass.
>Oh yeah well what if Simon and Mario played the same, they're both platformer characters, checkmate atheists
>would you rather have Waluigi?
Well fuck yeah?
>Fighting EX Layer
Dead game, Terry is in Smash
isabelle isn't a character with an already made moveset. She's an NPC that sakurai can do literally anything with.
Literally nothing will kill me
No the problem with Ryu and Ken are their disadvantage. Recovering from far away requires the use of side b which is slow and exploitable, and they have no landing options against character with even mediocre juggling potential. In edition, fast multihit moves like Lucina’s Nair eat up focus. Ryu and Ken actually have high damage output and extremely effective low percent kill confirms if played properly, but these problems make it hard to perform at top level. Even so, players like Riddles get good results with Ken.
Marco Rossi, the far more unique one.
Sakurai wouldn't put in Terry on account of him being a boring basic bitch. Sakurai would rather want interesting characters like Nakoruru or Marco. He don't want boring trash like Terry in Smash.
I actually agree. At least I've heard of these guys and played their games. Sans would be fucking great
metal slug
He literally shoots guns and throws grenades, not even special guns or anything like that he literally just shoots people with conventional weaponry
Yet she ended up being too similar to villager despite all that freedom.
>Terry gets in
>This is the secret on-screen appearance if you choose Ken and him
I'd cum
Mario literally just jumps, not even super magical power jumps. He just jumps.
is that smashboards?
There's too many average human-looking characters in Smash currently. The last thing we need is more of them.
Mario is also the Face of Nintendo while Metal Slug is a D-tier game in a D-Tier company
what? no she doesn't.
>Yea Forums shits on Ken saying he's red Ryu because of having the same moveset despite looking different
>Yea Forums shits on Terry because he looks like Ken despite having a different moveset
So which is it you faggots?
SNK can still deliver
Explain Banjo then patternfag.
Metal Slug is the face of Run n' Gun games from a company that is confirmed to be in smash. Eat shit. Now KoF and Final Fight, those are some D-tier games...
>there are people who don't want to see Capcom vs SNK live on in the form of this crossover in Smash Bros
It'd be such a great reunion
>all this snk revival stuff happened because a chinese snk fan got rich and bought the company.
Based chinaman
Why arent you getting rich so you can buy video game companies you like Yea Forums?
>never played isabelle
>defends her
>literally just a fucking Ken echo fighter
>thinking they'll put in ken with a red hat over a female with a unique fighting style (hawk)
>ignoring that nakoruru is the most popular snk character in japan
Lmao Terrytards are delusional
where are people saying swordsman are good and should be added?
Nakoruru is the contrarian zoomer BTFO pick, because it makes no sense and is clearly just a shill that makes people mad. Terry is the Boomer pick that is all around good and makes sense getting in.
>Now KoF and Final Fight, those are some D-tier games...
If it's Ash i may very well buy this game and the DLC
>Sakurai doesn't want boring trash
Then why do we have 7 FE reps?
At this point Im 100% sure these niggers dont even play SMASH considering they dont even play like each other in that game. Ryu plays closer to motherfucking Samus than Ken in smash.
both. Nobody wants more basic brawler FG characters in fucking smash of all games.
this is the same guy that choose the worst DQ heroes over the one from V
Mortal Kombat is a literal Never Ever, it's banned in Japan which means it effectively doesn't exist for them. It's not only not famous there at all, you could probably count the numbers of japanese players that have ever played it on one hand.
She is actually the 3rd most popular behind geese and terry as of the last poll back in 2018. The top 3 hasn't really changed at all since then from what I've heard, but haohmaru is above kyo now apparently
I've played her plenty of times. Just because she can steal an item the same way villager can doesn't make them the same character.
Terry is the ultimate example of a character that will never ever be in Smash.
>no unique gameplay potential
>no unique moveset potential
>a fighting game character when Ryu and Ken are already fulfilling that niche
Anyone who thinks that Terry will be in Smash are undoubtedly delusional retards who deserves to be laughed out of cosmos itself when it's officially confirmed that Terry is NOT in Smash.
I don't think your son is old enough for Smash user
echoes are easy to make and take away nothing from the game.
Because Isabelle has different proportions than Villager, shes just Villager’s Luigi.
>sol is ken
Have you even played Guilty Gear
>We can't have more swords
>We can't have more anime
>We can't have more "cereal mascots"
>Now we can't have more brawlers
Then what the fuck do you guys want? Generic soldier from CoD? Nathan Drake? Some other realistic schut man?
Delusion the post
Well there was also this.
Who are Ike, Corrin and Robin an echo of?
Ahahahahaha imagine getting mad at Terry fucking Bogard being in smash ahahaahaha
Someone finally said it
>Generic soldier from CoD?
Not him but I want a certain soldier that kills demons
Screencapped for the inevitable BTFO.
>KoF DLC character
>not King
Even the ones tahat aren't echoes are stil boring as shit having nothing but generic sword swings. Only Robin and Corrin get a pass.
when will people realize that these happy meal toy western characters will never get into smash. time and time again people are shilling them and falling for fake leaks and time and time again they are proven wrong.
I said similar, which includes her tilts and neutral attacks, grabs, and specials. They are pretty similar and denying that just shows you are indeed a furry and nothing more because sakurai said she was gonna be an echo fighter
we want characters that are actually mechanically and visually unique for a change? Besides, each one of the things you mentioned are peddled by DIFFERENT people. Yea Forums is not one person.
This post sounds like someone who just learned what shotos are on a surface level.
Factually false, retard. Terry is no. 1
>no unique gameplay potential
Never played Terry in any game
>no unique moveset potential
>Brawler uses his body to hit
>Wow how generic!
pure delusion, waifufag. Ryu is the only Tecmo character who has a chance. And if you write claims like "Tecmo wants kasumi" then show some sources.
They want token gimmick shit that nobody will use
Agree to disagree, fur boy
Of course, its Sol Badguy from his iconic and famous game, King of Street Xrd 14, with his signature V-trigger into roman cancel into max mode instant kill secret tech.
>Mii Gunner costume talking shit
Would be even lucky enough to get that much.
Oh, so what you want is unusable gimmick fests like Olimar or Shulk?
He's not. There's no female rep yet so it's likely Nakoruru because she's the other crossover whore and Mai's tits would have to be censored.
Can you fake smash fucks please fuck off from SNK stuff?
>They won't add another Fire Emblem character in Smash Ultimate
>They already all use swords
>sakurai keeps putting FGC characters into his game
>FGC guys continue to ignore smash and continues to play their own games
whats the point?
You should see the snk discord
Yea Forums basically raided the place
Kula for Smash!
> tfw it's a SamSho character
> tfw basedurai makes him play like he does in samsho
> tfw all his moves do 30+%
> tfw he takes 20% more damage from all hits
> tfw he's an actual good glass canon unlike shittly mac
I feel the opposite. I hate the Fighter's pass and either Nakoruru or Terry or anyone from SNK honestly would liven it up.
I'm more partial to Nakoruru though, she's a fun character
To have fun with the roster
Its more about popular characters from all over video game history. Fighting ones included.
He doesn't give a shit about FGC.
I fucking wish there were doom happy meal toys
Honestly, she would be more fitting in Smash than in DOA.
At this point i just want it to be a guy so the "female fighter" leak gets btfo.
He literally created Smash because he bodied somebody new to fighting games in KOF 95
Guh huh
I'd be down for that, but they'd be shit out of luck in 4 player matches with items on so I think it's unlikely.
>Literally things he never said
Fuck off he was only talking about the old juggle faggot.
Nobody asked for Terry Shitgard, me and the rest of my fellow smashfags specifically asked for Nakoruru.
why does he force shitty items and gimmick movesets then?
i asked for neither
me too
haha yeah.... pranked terry
I want Geese
How many people here have played the new SamSho?
>people are unironically hating on the possibility of Terry fucking bogard being in smash
Get some taste you shitters, you guys don't deserve to be happy.
I love how people forget Sakurai adores KoF
He ain't gonna miss the chance to finally add Terry or Kyo into his own game, I'm willing to bet
>no unique gameplay potential
he'll have cool max mode combos
Terry is a Fatal Fury character first.
That was the point to create an accessible, casual fighting game.
>overgrown child with tits and colorful hair
Kula is the perfect doa guest character
He's both. That's what makes him a wider appeal
Yes, what about it?
Yeah, because Waluigi is a fucking Nintendo character, Banjo is the only noteworthy DLC so far. Joker and the Goku rip-off don't belong and are shit. I will be livid if some dumb fighting game character gets in. IF Waluigi doesn't get into a game, they will pay.
>Interviewer: Between Bandai and Namco, were there any other strong candidates for inclusion as a fighter?
>Sakurai: There were none. We basically thought of all the characters at the start of development. We decided on characters we knew we could make. However, there were a few in consideration, such as Heihachi from “Tekken.”
>Interviewer: Heihachi!
>Sakurai: That’s right. However, implementing Heihachi’s movement in Smash would be difficult…
>I decide if we can create a fighter based on their selection, then come up with the plan.
Get fucked.
I haven't got back into it since the recent balance patch but all this SNK talk is making me wanna get back into it.
What if it's Shingo?
nigga please, nearly everyone's grab is the same.
Hero has been a part of Nintendo longer than Waluigi. Get fucked.
>Doesn't mention Terry
You're wrong faggot
no PS4 so I haven't yet, will probably get the PC version when that comes out (or the switch version since it's a physical release not shure yet)
My god you're retarded. WHERE DOES IT SAY TERRY? He's talking about fucking Tekken you fucking retard.
You are asking to get BTFO.
retard. This is in reference to terry in smash, not terry in general. he has no unique potential IN SMASH.
She's 14 in KoF, that still is a child, maybe just a little braindead.
That was before he added Ryu, Sakurai always goes back on his word.
What if it's fucking Choi and Chang
>Doomguy will never get in.
Quite the bullshit assumption you got there, user.
what would happen in an ideal world:
>ken never gets into smash, chun-li gets in instead
>4th dlc character is ryu hayabusa making people believe the snk leak was a hoax
>5th dlc character is keeping with the true KoF gameplay tradition and it's a team consisting of Terry, Athena and Nakoruru/Ryo.
>yet another american brawler from a fighting game that could potentially be somewhat like falcon or little mac
meeeh. give me something fucking different like a pure fps rep or at least nakoruru with her summoning animals and shit.
you being bad at the game doesn't make characters with above average gameplay mechanics unusable you fucking retard.
Notice how every character Yea Forums wants either totally ruins the game or is total shit?
you know if Terry gets in does that make the heihachi dream dead? I'd rather have him desu
Its all thats left.
Every fucking Nintendofag and their whole family already bought smash so there's no point to adding characters from existing 1st party franchises who are already represented.
Ultimate's base roster launched with all the fan favorites and never evers like K.Rool and Ridley.
Belmonts covered castlevania, the last classic franchise that was still unrepresented. Banjo wasn't as requested as Ridley and K.Rool but he was still a popular choice so he was saved for DLC.
But that was only 1 DLC slot while there was still 4 more, so sakurai had a lot of wiggle room to just fuck around.
People who played P5 and DQ and hadn't already bought smash weren't going to get Smash after their inclusion anyway.
All the remaining DLC options are just memepicks and trash. Competitive smashcucks will be forced to buy the season pass no matter what, because they cant afford to run into matchups they dont know. So sakurai now can do whatever the fuck he wants and it literally doesnt matter. The only character Nintendo pushed him to include is Hero, but he probably would have included him even if he wasnt told to.
I will only accept Terry on the condition this is an alt
He does. You just don't see it because you haven't played KoF games.
>Max cancels
>plane stepping
>EX mode
way to out yourself as a pleb
Either Crash or Doomguy...
If they make the Western trailer with Donkey Kong again, given the fact Crash is of tropical setting, it's over for Doomguy.
If not, either Doomguy or someone else... I'd be surprised if the Western Rep is actually another Eastern Rep.
No he isn't, shut up. He just appeared on a Nintendo console, he isn't part of Nintendo.
I still think Dante has a solid shot, the solo dmc1 port still has my hopes up
Okay fag, no one cares about your dick aside from your drunk Dad.
Man waifufags are the biggest fags.
>No he isn't, shut up. He just appeared on a Nintendo console, he isn't part of Nintendo.
So just like Banjo
>implying terryfags aren't destined to be mii brawler hats
Is Terry even in or are you all just being a bunch of faggots like usual?
>How so? Some of his combo game can be easily translated to Smash's mechanics. His playstyle would still be different from other brawlers. Sounds unique enough for me, unless you think X character needs a gimmick to be considered as such.
He's Nintendo just like Mega Man is. Waluigi is just Mario Tennis.
Point is that if he thinks Heihachi wouldn't be unique or "would be hard to implement" then chances are same with fucking Terry. Simply because he is a literal Ryu knock off, exactly like Heihachi.
>“The biggest feature we look at in Smash Bros. is, ‘What does this character bring to Smash Bros. that other characters don’t?’ If you look at… someone from a fighting game already, and people like fighting with this character, from my point of view, it’s like ‘this guy does what this guy already does. He fills the role that this character already has. So while you may like this character and he’s interesting, that doesn’t really merge well, here.”
Do you see what I fucking mean now?
I don't expect Doomguy to happen this game. Maybe next game. It takes fucking ages for the dev team to notice any demand over here.
I don't think he's DLC in this fighter pass, but maybe fighter pass 2.
>dlc trailer for terry continues the incineroar trailer and ends with ken and terry being bros
>dlc trailer for doomguy is either a continuation of ridley or simons trailer fighting aliens/monsters
you know this is likely
Just tie it to counterhits, like actual samsho. So you do 1.3x damage when you land a counterhit and get 1.3x when you get counterhit. Sakurai might be crazy enough to add Rage too, so just make a bar that fills up faster the more percent you have, and when its full your specials do more damage for a few seconds.
An SNK character is the next DLC
Forgot to delete the sign, how embarrassing.
Everyone Is a lot better now. Nakoruru specifically gained more damage and better mixup at the cost of a bit of safety.
But how do you know it's Terry?
>then chances are same with fucking Terry. Simply because he is a literal Ryu knock off, exactly like Heihachi.
This is how I know you don't play fighting games. Now fuck off.
That's just minus8's trap mascot with tits added, user.
>The biggest feature we look at in Smash Bros. is, ‘What does this character bring to Smash Bros. that other characters don’t?
Is that why the game has multiple FE reps that are all the same?
0/10 point.
It's just speculation
who said i didnt want more ecchi
He doesn't like adding fighting game characters. End of story.
Banjo is an exception, he was part of Nintendo with that Donkey Kong racing game.
Megaman is capcom stupid. Waluigi is from Nintendo, made by Nintendo, and is on Nintendo games.
Good thing Smash isn't a fighting game :^)
I have, the last patch universally buffing walk speed was nice. Nobody feels below B-tier now, even though Galford (my main) feels a whole lot weaker.
When has a side character gotten in over a main iconic character especially when dealing with a new company.
if you're talking about the trademark leak thing that might've been a fluke and for something else SNK-related but I'm not shure
>getting angry that people want a character that isn't another generic punchy kicky brawler
how is that a bad thing? Just because Terry's character himself is cool doesn't mean it'd be cool to play him in smash, a game that has characters FAAAAAAR more varried and imaginative than the likes of a typical fighting game brawler.
Then your made up Sakurai rules don't apply. Kind of logic fucked yourself didn't you?
Better choice than some shitty anime waifu from an objectively bad game.
But Terry isn't the only iconic character at SNK. Who's to say it won't be Kyo or Iori?
I'd be excited for any SNK rep except for maybe haohmaru.
I hate fighting sword characters
Thankfully, Nakoruru and Samsho are both more popular and more culturally important than Terry, Fatal Fury and King of Fighters ever will be. Get fucked, Terryfag.
>Who's to say it won't be Kyo or Iori?
Only spics care about those two.
Metal Slug would be the best SNK choice
Terry would be bland, but iconic
Nakoruru would be shit
nobody likes fighting sword characters in smash
Or even Mai.
I can see Iori, but Kyo is kinda bland and had dropped into the background long time ago.
This would be a 1000x better game if the DLC was the following:
1. Waluigi
2. Steve from Minecraft
3. Sans from Undertale
4. Sora from Kingdom Hearts
5. Bandana Dee
This is the perfect roster for DLC and no replies can change my mind. /thread
>Unironically thinking a game that fucking nobody has heard of is "popular and more culturally important"
When can we execute the waifunigs?
>ideal world
>flooding the roster with samey FG characters and yet another swordsman that has no real mechanic to make him distinct from the rest
Your wish is my command
Smash won't be cool until Sol or someone with a Grand Viper-esque move is added in.
I swear to god, they better fucking do this. If there has to be ONE special intro for Smash, it's to remake this in 3d.
Low quality bait
>4 male characters in a row
Not happening retards. This one is gonna be Mai or Nakoruru and the next one is gonna be Tracer. Prepare your anal pain preemptively because you know it's true.
Nakofags hate this image
Sakurai actually mentions a specific move in that interview that belongs to Ryo. He's a Kyokugenryu Karate fag. Your characters are going to be Ryo with Robert, Yuri, & Takuma being the alts. Takuma will have a Mr. Karate mask as his alt and Ryo will get a pink gi as a reference to Dan from Street Fighter.
Cool, I mostly stuck to Ukyo, Wu, and Assquake. Might try some other guys now.
Hero brought far more to the table than Terry ever would. I just don't see it happening simply because he's a fighting game character that doesn't bring much new to the table. Punch/slash, kick, blast. Punch/slash, kick, blast. That's it. That's all fighting game characters do. There's a reason almost no one mains Ryu and Ken in Smash because they fucking suck.
the thing with snk is that they always did cross-overs and have a long history of pushing different characters. you could argue that mai is more famous than Terry when it comes to fatal fury characters. Athena also had her own game psycho soldier before joining kof. Nakoruru is sort of used like a mascot for a lot of media.
Go play Rivals, furfaggot, stay away from the dog.
we already have a female DLC character
This but unironically. The last two fighters are gonna be chicks.
SNK is confirmed, but Terry is not. Contrarian Yea Forumsirgins are of course backing the boring FG ryu rehash though to be different from everyone else.
Nah Mega Man is Nintendo.
alright all of this talk is getting me excited I've never played KoF before what's the best one and what's the best way to play it
Smash 4 had Lucas, Roy, Ryu, and Cloud, 4 male characters in a row. 5 if you count Mewtwo. 6 with Corrin if alt costumes don't count.
This. This so much!
Smash has only 3 fighting game characters right now and one of them is a semi-clone.
And Ryu would play completely different from the other sword characters and also has many other skills and abilities.
>Muh made up rules
When will you guys learn
You dont fucking play KoF so how could you ever think that you could compare the two with incomplete information?
Terry has so many fucking things you could put in his moveset and gimmicks, its obscene
Ken's unironically one of the most fun characters to play in this game. People don't play them because they're some of the few characters that don't benefit from just throwing out safe aerials on shield the entire match.
Name FIVE things that he can do that nobody in the Smash roster can do.
D-delete thisssss!!!
It has to be muh waifu! It has to be!
based and logicpilled
Tell me how they'll translate his moves into Smash then?
He'll 100% play similarly to Ryu and Ken and that's the hard cold fact.
Then name them and explain how they'd be different from Ken and Ryu.
Japs love the American
That don't count you fucking fuckwad. They're not gonna do 4 male characters in a row.
I want Marco.
how? it shows Nako is still on the Top 3, and theres 3 mascots. Geese is not a mascot, hes just popular.
>Nobody mains Ken in smash
Don't go to dallas or new york user. You might get a heart attack.
Does Terry have a counter or is there any sort of mechanic in KoF which could be interpreted as a counter?
Please say no
>It doesn't count because I say so!
>They'll totally make the next character a girl because of gender equality!
Fuck off back to tumblr, tranny.
Seriously, if they add snk to smash and don't make the character three fighters that can switch similar to Pokemon trainer, they dun goofd
>seething this hard
Returning characters are not newcomers. Dilate.
I think it's gonna be Athena!
Its nakoruru because of the bird picture and the Milkbotatsu leak.
Its your shitty waifu from Literally What: the game.
Enjoy, smashfags.
Chris G plays smash, leffen played marvel 3 and dbfz, justkensou played gg/sf4 and plays smash. Lots of fgc guys play the game and don’t compete too.
Not really. You faggots can fight all you want but SNK's mere presence redeems this otherwise dumpster fire Fighter's pass.
It's probably worth noting that this poll was taken at a point when SamSho had been dead for like 12 years.
It’s a little different from street fighter, but same concept. Only some normals go into specials. Almost all specials go into supers. You activate max mode to do ex’s and you can keep doing them until max is out. You can max act a mega super out of regular super.
4 button fighter with a dodge mechanic, short/super jumps.
FGC guys don't "ignore" smash. Plenty of people play Smash casually dude.
based. this kills the terryfag.
I guess sakurai doesn't play FGs either, huh?
You’re thinking Ryo.
Unbiased and blue pulled.
Quit samefagging after getting BTFO
You seem to think I want Nako more than Marco or Terry.
'95, '98UM, 02UM, XI, XIII & XIV.
I wasn't arguing for that bitch, retard. I wasn't arguing for anyone in particular, though I'd vastly prefer Marco out of all the SNK characters.
Sorry guys, CHAD SNK reps coming through. King of Cuckers, Fatal Cucky and SameShit fags BTFO
Looking forward to Terry wojaks being utilized to humiliate Terryfags once it's confirmed for a fact that Terry is not the SNK rep.
Sure is convenient how you're leaving out the dozens of characters retards like (You) said would get in but still haven't.
Cant wait for all these bitches to get BTFO by BUSTAR NACKLE
Stop upvoting yourself you fag. Its pathetic
Isn't he kind of an ass to everyone?
nobody gives a shit about nakoruru or having a female rep, its not a rule, besides we got kazooie and we are getting alt fatal cutie terry
>Simply because he is a literal Ryu knock off, exactly like Heihachi
There is so much wrong in this, how can smashfags be so retarded?
I’m pretty sure they’re going based off of the poll from last smash, and I know tons of people who wanted Terry. We got Banjo, I know people have been begging for dragon quest guy, joker is popular enough. Just wait. I’m sure we’ll get more picks from the poll.
Here's your 4th rep.
what the fuck are you even talking about?
He's clearly talking about the secret sidestep tech in SFV user
>Paying $22 for a hat
All these "people" saying that Terry won't be in because he's "generic" are crazy. Not only is he not really generic, but it's not even about that. It's about getting characters people actually like. If he seems boring they'll come up with something to make him stand out like how they did with Hero.
Then can we get Based Akatsuki Blitzkampft as an echo?
>not iori
If any kof character gets in you know sakurais gonna give him a super meter as the obligatory gimmick. Terry’s supers specifically like power geyser and buster wolf are definitely going to be part of his main moveset and not delegated to final smashes, and he might even have a gimmick like max mode too. They’d make him way more bullshit than the SF characters just because DLC. As for the final smash itd probably be star dunk or something
it's gonna be Marco with the other three protags as alts. Half of them are female, meaning we get two new female characters in one single fighter.
Have you dumb assholes stopped and considered that fucking maybe there WON'T be an SNK rep at all and you're all making fools of yourselves over a very possible misprint on the Nintendo website?
What makes SNK any more different, asshole?
They are the same fucking thing like the rest of other fighting games... Another Generic Ryu/Ken? No fucking thanks! I'd rather have interesting characters that surprisingly work in Smash.
you terryfags scream and kick about how nobody has played the games except for you but never prove how terry is some insanely unique compared to ryu.
Sakurai's gonna introduce counterhits and high crushes into smash and the smashcucks will seethe like never before
Kyo hasn't used a fireball in decades. I wanna see how a full on rekka based character would work in Smash.
If Sakurai was truly based we'd get Mode select like 98.
I never thought I would say this, but SHUT UP NIA!
It's already been said multiple times why this logic is idiocy.
>The release date
It's for the pass itself
>The file size
All DLC has the same file size listed because it's for a key to unlock the content
>The copyright
Hero and Banjo's DLC also had only their copyright info. Banjo's page was also updated slightly before DLC4's was and taken down before 4's was noticed. This was also the UK website, which has 12 different languages, all of which need to be updated separately. You are trying to say that they made the same mistake 12 times and didn't notice that they were updating the Smash page and AFTER they had updating Banjo's DLC page. Their is denial and then flat out retardation. Now never use my waifu for your shitposting again.
I know this is bait but I'd actually like Sora
These retards don't understand that... SNK wasn't even a fucking option a week ago, lmao.
Now that that copyright fuck-up happened, there's suddenly a bunch of faggots claiming they backed them from the start. Hard to believe, hypocritical bitches.
>wants western characters
>jill valentine
actually retarded
I used to like Smash because it tries to distant itself from tourneyfag games like Street Fighter and King of Fighters because it's not all about the 1v1 perfect balance neutral shit. Smash has got worse when they chased after that esports when it's just a party game with Nintendo characters.
Bringing third party was the worst thing to happen to the franchise. At best, I'd accept Sonic and Pacman. fuck the rest. Let Capcom/SNK/Konami make this own Smash game. Sony tried but it sucked ass. If Sony allstars didn't suck ass there would be some competition in the Smash party fighting game and would make actual Smash a better game.
>when revealed
- Fuck Persona
- DQ is fine but I have no investment in it and just don't like how Hero plays at all.
- Fuck Banjo
SNK has like a dozen potential candidates that I would all be happy with, and seeing as I acutally play games beyond Smash, I am completely unfazed by your lack of knowledge in this instance.
It'd just work like Marth conbos
I have yet to see successful Smash clones come out of the woodwork after Smash. The platform brawler genre has Smash at the pinnacle with Rivals of Aether being a Alpha-Centauriesque distant second.
HOES MAD worked for Erdrick because his series literally invented the modern JRPG genre and is still immensely popular in Japan to this day.
Terry Bogard is a nobody who’s always lived in the shadow of Street Fighter’s success. At this point, he’s probably in, but I’m not happy about it.
That's why I'm still hoping they make an actual good sony all-stars for the PS5 or something. Just to provide some competition. I feel like there's still plenty of innovation to be made in terms of platform fighters.
Maybe... Just maybe... Hear me out on this one because it might be mindblowing...
Maybe... The site automatically translates the Copyrights? All of them look the fucking same after all... Except for the copyrights which remain in English.
Yeah... Who's going to do all that work when you can program a script to do it for you?
It's not like there's gonna be translators actively translate the same fucking shit every time the same crap is posted...
>Attack while dodging
>Manual Charge Super Meter
>Crawl walk
>Just Defend
>TOP Attack
>Lasting this long
Your post brings up a good point. Wasnt the point of this pass to bring in non smash fans? Its doing exactly that. Zoomshit with Joker, literal manchildren for Banjo and bugmen for Hero. Now were missing the fgc with Terry or Nako. You know. The ACTUAL fgc not you smelly assholes.
Next is the dudebro audience.
i don't know who he is, THEREFORE he is a NOBODY and steve is getting in instead.
>Terry Bogard is a nobody
are you okay?
I mean I've seen plenty of people with Terry and Kyo in their wishlist and pic related is my own back when Joker was the only character revealed
You know what's funny is that EXTREMELY credible leakers like IAmShifty and Sabi never EVER brought up SNK when it came to Smash. And that's very suspicious.
I personally don't believe the Nintendo leak is real. At all. I believe it was a copypasted misprint and all this speculation was all for naught.
but why do that where there are characters that people actually like AND aren't generic or boring?
the leak literally said the reveal would piss off zoomers
for me it's sol, or, "soul",as I like to call him
The closest and, I mean it's a far stretch, was Dissida: Final Fantasy. The problem with it was it fucking released on the PSP when it should have been a PS3 game. Fucking retarded Square.
>SNK wasn't even a fucking option a week ago
It was, if you took away the western stuff then the only relevant characters people talked about were either from SNK or Resident Evil.
Suggest one and we'll talk.
After playing rivals, it became obvious that competitive smash, is and always will be an absolute joke. The difference is gigantic when its compared against a game that was designed with competitive in mind and without tilt controls. Rivals though, is always going to be seen as a smash clone by most people and it doesnt have the mass appeal or the money to break out of that stigma.
No no no no, don't come with that shit on me...
I'm a Latino, and I have played KOF here, and it IS popular, so I have every right to say whatever about the series as I please.
Still, I don't want SNK at all... SNK was the LAST thing that crossed my mind, mind you.
I don't care if you are unfazed by my knowledge, these guys are simply not suitable for the game... Simply they are the same as Ryu/Ken, just shorter ranges with their attacks (Terry's special is short range, Kyo uses short ranged attacks despite the fact he wields fire from his Kusanagi clan, Iori does have a long range attack, but that's all... The rest are close range, etc) Just waiting for that SNK leak to be a complete mistake, so you can finally shut up.
Dissidia was more of an arena fighter desu. And while that genre has some other successful titles like the Gundam Vs. games, it's also lacking in games that aren't watered down licensed anime games.
you lacking any imagination at all or simply not liking the character is not an excuse to discount Marco
>Laughing stocks
>get sticky
thats the joke cum fuck retard
>would be a fighter type that is lacking in smash, aka: gunner
>has the ability to drive a fucking tank during a match
>tons of guns
Lol, well... Maybe don't believe in these leakers?
These guys all they want is clout. Once they get something right by luck, they'll clinge to that for credibility and popularity. If they were really credible, they would have mentioned SNK right away, but no... Not a single leaker got it right, lmao.
You say this after discounting Terry for this exact reason.
Bullshit. Give me a post where people were actively wishing for SNK shit a week or two ago (Preferably two, maybe before the retarded Tracer case shit)
Ok, so far you've convinced me he could be a nice mii gunner costume. Now convince me he's likeable and not some character nobodies going to recognize because it's been a decade since the last MS game.
Terry is more iconic, so no.
>being a relevancycuck
Shifty is one of the few leakers who was right 99% of the time. He even predicted fucking piranha plant.
So expect either Ryu or Terry. Chances are this whole thing was a messup and it's actually Ryu.
I think that metal slug would be his final smash. Standard B would be black grenade. Side B would be an rng of weapons from the metal slug series (i.e heavy machine gun, enemy chaser, iron lizard.) ( Kinda like G&W's side B). Down B would be breakfast where he eats food to recover. Do it enough times and he'll get "woah big" and all his special will get a buff. Up B would be his rocket pack. And his side smash would be "secret blow" the oversize boxing glove in his packpack.
Used Neo geo battle coliseum as a reference.
So you got nothing then huh? Gotcha.