I have considered 2016 the best ever since it came out but lately I decided to play the original again and honestly it's way more fun to me.
It's not even that I'm a boomer, I turned 18 about 5 months ago.
Why do I enjoy this so much more than anything that came after?
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been playing this lately on GZDoom and feel the same way. Its just really fun to play. I love the fast movement and how going through levels is more about avoiding enemy fire. And just the cool layouts of the levels themselves - rather complex, although still visually distinctive so you don't get lost too bad. Its just a fun game to play with more fun mechanics than most games that came after
Something to chill with
Good level design and solid gameplay, you don't need more to have fun.
Now play blood, Duke fukem and Shadow warrior.
There's a reason Doom has one of the biggest and most thriving modding communities of all time.
>Now play blood, Duke fukem and Shadow warrior.
I tried Blood and Shadow Warrior but they're too difficult for me
>fast weighty movement
>satisfying variety of weapons that have specific situations where you should be using them
>good variety of enemies that are actually unique
>more intricate maps with lots of secrets
Having played hundreds of user made levels for Doom, it's hard to enjoy other shooters.
This is genuinely autistic.
Play on easier difficulty, crouch a lot, use the correct weapon against the correct opponent, watch out for secrets...
Or simply activate autoregen or God mode I dunno lol
Don't feel bad if you have to play on the lower difficulties. Blood is especially bullshit on Well Done/Extra Crispy because Monolith used to be really terrible at designing hit-scan enemies. Blood on Lightly Broiled isn't too hard.
>Having played hundreds of user made levels for Doom, it's hard to enjoy other shooters.
It's reassuring to know that I just need a 30$ computer to play the best fps on the market and all the wads.
>Having any kind of passion towards something is autism
Fuck off, normalfaggot.
Speaking of wads, anyone got one that has alot of enemies without being pure bullshit? I just wanna blow some seargants away with my super shotty
Then play some custom wad, if you are looking for some challenge to git gud try valiant or going down, if you want some kino atmosphere play strange aeons (pistol start on every level on UV or else you are a turbo faggot) or soundless mound
If you want a shitload of enemies there's this weird map in New York that's almost a 1:1 recreation of the city. It's heavy on your cpu tho.
it's because of the level design and perfect bestiary
What's it called?
I like BTSX and that has a lot of enemies
It's autistic but funny to explore for a couple of minutes
Anyone got a wad based on The Terminator where you play as the terminator?
If you ever get to doom 2, this wad might interest you.
It combines 2016's weapons/enemy designs and updates some of the textures but without the crappy brutal doom stuff.
Works with most doom 2 wads that use the vanilla guns/monsters. I've only tested it with final doom and doom 2 so idk where the compatibility ends.
I love Doom but I find it hard to get into 2, or user made wads. I feel like the bestiary from Doom 2 just has too many bullet sponge enemies and its boring spending so much time just sitting there shooting them. I like Doom 1 because its more about going through the levels and shooting at lower HP enemies even if there's a lot of them. Every time I play something like Plutonia or a user made Wad, I feel like every room I enter I spend a boring amount of time having to kill everything
Just get a mod that gives you overpowered weapons like Guncaster
That tends to be because doom is extremely easy to create maps for/customize nearly everything, how fun it is isn't as important.
the added monsters are beefy but the SSG more than levels the playing field. and trust me killing a baron with only the standard shotgun like in doom 1 is painfully boring.
If that were the case, we'd be making Quake maps now. We make maps for doom because it's a fun as fuck game
No but speed running and spergrunners in general are autistic. Also kill yourself
For some weird reason I have no problem with blood but shadow warrior kicks my ass
In the same boat OP. It’s a shooter I don’t need a story or some forced agenda. I’d rather have a flawless final fantasy story with fleshed out characters than one ounce of story in a doom game