>we will never get a Arkham style Batman Beyond game
We will never get a Arkham style Batman Beyond game
They'd somehow manage to make Joker the main antagonist for a fifth time
super heroes are for fags who like to fantasize that someone will fix society for them.
so just like in the show?
yeah and?
neck yourself normie /pol/shitter not everyone has great life like you and all there's left in theirs is escapism
super heroes are modern day mythological characters
hell Hercules and Superman have the exact same characteristics and go through similar challenges, except one is ancient and the other isn't
Arkham Knight is available tomorrow on PS+.
>arkham style
no thanks
fuck that, give me this instead
yes they would copy return of the joker
they technically already did that in Knight
it's just that they used blood+gas instead of a chip
Not really. The "heroes" of Greek myths were pretty hardcore assholes. They weren't aspirational or inspirational figures. They also weren't especially entertaining since it was all about instilling fear in people not to overstep or else Athena etc. would turn your ass into a spider or some shit.
The Greeks wouldn't really understand Superman. He's too humble. "Heroes" to the Greeks were boastful jerks who lorded their strength over the masses. A guy who is a physical God but is patient, benevolent, and sentimental would be a mindscrew for them.
>A guy who is a physical God but is patient, benevolent, and sentimental would be a mindscrew for them
but they were one of the first people to accept Jesus as God, and he was generally a pretty chill dude
>cyberpunk world with terry
pump this shit into my veins
and they would do it again
Christianity didn't take hold until 300AD, centuries after the age of the Greek myths.
>The "heroes" of Greek myths were pretty hardcore assholes
this is why he said "modern"
>american education
Can I borrow your projector?
Jesus was a renegade. His idea that decent poor people are more favored by God than rich assholes was a revolutionary idea at the time. The idea that being a good person trumped any other characteristic or rank was baffling.
Super heroes are fun, fictional characters that are entertaining to watch.
It doesn't have to be Arkham style. What if they focused on more of the detective aspects instead of fly to henchman lair and punch everyone that isn't you.
And so what is the next Rocksteady's game then?
Weren't Greek myths created to explain the unexplainable? Like the Cyclops was theorized to have been invented because the Greeks dug up mammoth fossils and arranged them wrong. We call it mythology today but it was a straight up religion back then. Comic book superheroes were never assumed to be real.
The reason why the writing quality nosedived after city was because Paul Dini left and wasn’t allowed to make his Intended Arkham 3. Originally he was going to make the main villains Scarecrow AND Hush, and revealed that he left similar sequel hinting like Arkham with strange containers in Hush’s hideout in city.
Shame this never happened and Hush was made into irrelevant side content in knight and scarecrow became a fucking mess
This show had some serious nightmare fuel.
This is why I can't bother to care about the Joachin Phoenix movie. Joker is as overplayed as Darkseid now.
getting caught in an explosion and falling off a bridge are probably the least painful deaths on that list
Don't forget that wasn't Talia. It was Ra's in her body after presumably killing her.
Most of Batmans villains, while being good foils to Batman himself, kinda suck
Idk, getting your Digital Soul deleted doesnt sound all that painful
They're great villains though. They just don't work in the greater comicverse because logically a chemical attack to kill an entire city by one of them would logically be shut down by Superman in a minute. Arkham Knight established that Superman exists and had to make up crap about blowing up the city if any outside interference comes to explain why he didn't just crash through a wall and drag him to the cops.
Proper Superman game when?
>But he’s to powerful to build a game around!!!
The Superman animated series Superman already nerfed him a bit to build a show around, it surely couldn’t be hard to make Superman weaker to work in a video game, but still Superman.
This never made sense to me. Making a game about Superman never really seemed like a "Punch all the bad guys really fast" type of concept. I always pictured it as "Defending the city as best as you can while fighting increasingly powerful and frequent threats."
Like I know Superman is pretty damn strong and can handle just about everything with his abilities, but can the player?
Superman himself is rarely in any danger, but the City always is, and I think its a great way of giving a Superman game some tension.
Writers who have to make Superman weaker to tell a good story shouldn't be writing Superman. People need to get it through their head that Superman is not Goku. He's not designed for a physical fight with a villain to be his primary conflict. A good Superman game should actually play out more like a morality RPG like Mass Effect.
The chad greek god vs the virgin capeshit
That was just one movie, he didn't even get any foreshadowing in the show.
there was some ps1 game
it's sort of cool and edgy that enemies in the beyond always got killed or horribly fucked up while old batman just break jaws of mooks and let kingpin criminals go so he doesn't run out of fun
They did this in the Superman Returns adaptation. Superman is effectively invincible but everything else isn't. The problem with the design is that it felt like an escort mission. But there's a good idea behind that.
I always thought a good Superman game would involve just as much activity as Clark Kent doing investigative work and making morally difficult choices when simultaneous emergencies happen. Having to triage lives and shit.
I agree. Where did this "CLARK KENT IS THE DISGUISE" meme come from? Fuck that shit, Clark Kent is more important to Kal El than Superman.
"...I *am* Clark. I need to be Clark. I'd go crazy if I had to be Superman all the time."
-Superman from The Late Mr. Kent, Season 2 Superman the Animated Series
>Where did this "CLARK KENT IS THE DISGUISE" meme come from?
The silver age. In the 50s it really was like that. But those stories were deliberately goofy and crafted kind of like a crime fighting version of Looney Tunes. Ever since the reboot in 1986 Clark has been Clark.
That was blight until he died early