Jedi Fallen Order

>release in less than 3 months
>not a single video since E3
Can you smell it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's going to be a really fun bargain bin pickup

The only thing I smell is the disappointment after e3’s gameplay reveal

yeah, it looked like really fucking shitty sekiro, not like a good game ie JKO

>Story-driven game that will have numerous cameos and plot twists
>Wants it all to be spoiled by the advertising.

Why do you even care? You're probably just gonna watch your favorite streamer play it instead while you donate them your hard earned wage-cuck, burger chef money so you get the dopamine rush your pathetic life lacks from the absence of any significant relationship be romantic or platonic you filthy zoomer

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btw were are all this red light sabers wielders pop in from?

They were in rebels, it was kind of garbage

EA: Fallen Respawn. Alternatively EA: Fallen IP license

I'm glad i'm not a big star wars guy and didn't get super hyped over this like some people did pre-gameplay demo because christ was that demo rough. Who let these guys with 0 3rd person melee combat experience make this? It looks like it's trying to be nu-god of war but somehow even worse

Vader has a bunch of disgruntled low-level force users, basically failed-jedis, he keeps around to hunt down surviving jedi who survived order 66, and eventually does a night of the long knives on them before the events of A New Hope once his use for them is over.

They're literally a carry over from the EU

>black woman jedi mentor
>strong woman sith antagonist
>spinning saber, saber staff and all kinds of other stupid ass saber "innovations" to sell more toys instead of going with the stylish classic
>gameplay looked like absolute shit
just burn it

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>strong woman sith antagonist
redpill me on this

amazing. everything you said was wrong

>they're bringing back the helicopter sabers from Rebels

Ummmm, yikes!

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Star Wars as a franchise is dead to me in all forms of media
i mean disney and EA? what could possibly go wrong...

Just get EA Access Premiere.

Dangerously based.

nice buzzwords underage

>>strong woman sith antagonist
My dick is going to buy the game!

read to filth

It still has entertainment value in just how shallow and lifeless they're willing to make the franchise in pursuit of any kind of return on investment.

I'm sure I'll see plenty of footage when it releases and EA comes here to shill it. 70% of the catalog will be threads about it, all with the exact same picture

Yandere Sith Inquisitor is hunting your ass during the game.

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It is EA game. They sabotage all their games.

>generic outfit and mask
Absolute shame.

>Sith Inquisitor

Can't wait for her to fly and simultaneously cut her way into my heart.

No custom character, no buy

no ones ever really gone

Correction, it's made by Respawn and EA loves to sabotage Respawn games.

fuck off shill

Until she capture you and seduce you with her sexual torture tricks

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They need to lose the dorky helmet and mask, and set her up in robes instead of that skinsuit and I'd be on board with her as a villain.

>caring about Nu-Star Wars
Aren't you the zoomer user?

>they're all intentionally trained wrong
Inquisitors are kinda sad and pathetic.

gameplay looking worse than Star wars force unleashed.

not joke

>no dismemberment
>that ugly sheboon mentor
That's a yikes from me

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>shitting on Mace Windu sister

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>Can you smell it?

Quite pungent my dear

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Protag is Master Dindu's apprentice?

That twink is going to try to suck off a lightsaber isn't he?

>not slutty sith lord trying to seduce the mc
endless trash

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she looks like trash

Day 1 because I'm a stupid whore for Star Wars and Respawn has done some good stuff.

>generic mask
>generic looks

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Even if EA would make a modern Star Wars Racer game, they would somehow manage to fuck it up badly but they won't.

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>Delet EU
>Replace it with this
The absolute state of Disney.

>EA makes modern episode 1 racer game
>30 fps cap
>motion blur out the wazoo
>bloom threshold so low everything fucking glows
>depth of field blurring 95% of the screen because your pod is obviously the most important thing on the screen
>60 fov
>pods and maps locked behind day 1 DLC/lootboxes

I'm gonna buy it for her!

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Is this the same brack woman from Wokenstain ?

Probably. Diversity is copypasting the exact same black woman every time.

will enjoy it for 25 bucks after I get thru Greedfall, breakpoint, and death stranding

same actress afaik, yes

>no dismemberment

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I was excited for a new jedi game after years of knowing the series was dead.

Then it turned out to be soulsbornelike trash. what a fucking travesty.

Quite pungent indeed

>watch porn
>actors doing "sexy" talk
>immediately burst out into laughter because my brain registers the dumb shit they're saying

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Fuck Respawn for getting EA's money knowing what would happen

The protag can go to the dark side yes?

EA stated at E3 you couldn't go dark side

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>Asks for an original single player SW game for decades
>Announces it.
>No one bats an eyelid.

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It's EA. If you trust this game for even a fraction of a second, you're a complete moron.

Woah there grandpa, kids don't play games twice to complete both routes these days, 100% of the gameplay needs to fit in a single twitch streamer marathon of the game.

Either make a new RPG, a convincing lightsaber combat simulator, a curayzee force-based hack n slash or a first person shooter, and sales are automatically guaranteed

They decided instead to make yet another slow ass cinematic shovelware

>"it's going to have ALLL THESE FEATURES WE HAVEN'T ACTUALLY SEEN BUT WERE PROMISED BY EA, I bet you waste your money on streams - I waste mine on EA games!!"

I'm 29 and never had sex or gf and only have 2 or 3 friends who I rarely see.

How do games companies make money from single player only story focused games these days when half the audience just watches the game on YouTube or twitch and doesnt pay a cent?

Still wondering who thought it would be a good idea to put a studio known for their fps games in charge of a third person melee game

The same way they always did, american paypigs.
10 years ago those people that watch the stream would just pirate the game or not play it at all.

To be fair, the movement and melee of Titanfall 2 was REALLY well done. Of all of EAs tumors, they're the only ones I have any faith in. At least its not fucking Bioware

Yeah but 10 years ago big budget single player games didnt cost as much to make as they do now so you didnt need as many sales.

>>strong woman sith antagonist
You say this like it's a new thing.

where the hell did you get this image?

Well then it's yet another prominent studio dead. No skin off EA's teeth.

No Sith path. Fuck them.
It will probably be filled with niggers and trannies anyway.

there the most capable studio at any sort of action game a ea right now. of course they would be the ones to do it.

I don't really even mean this game specifically but big budget single player games in general. I feel like only boomers buy them but people under 30 just watch the single player story focused games on youtube or watch some twitch person play them. People under 30 only play/buy multiplayer games.

Respawn wanted to do this type of game, they actually pitched a different game and EA asked them later if they wanted to turn it into a SW game.

>cinematic shovelware
it's not

nice filename marketing biscuit

I think you underestimate the average buyer. But I'd like to see some statistics on that shit. Like how many greedy jews were going to buy the game, but decided to watch it on youtube and how many of them bought it because their favourite influencer played it.

Plz interrogate my dick sister. He will tell you everything

>not joining the empire

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